Why do I want to develop in this company. Notifications. "Why did you leave your previous job?"

Interview question: “Why should we hire you?” — plunges many into a stupor. Even if you edited the answer a thousand times to this question is rather difficult to answer. This question is asked to the applicant in order not only to get an answer to the question, but also to check the reaction of the applicant.

Let's tell you a secret: if your answer satisfies the HR or the employer, it is likely that you can be offered a more interesting position. And now let's analyze the standard answers depending on the position you want to get.

Also, before continuing reading, watch a short video on the topic.

What to answer at the interview to the question: why should we hire you?

A position related to sales implies the activity, sociability of a specialist. Therefore, to the question “Why should we take you?” you need to answer brightly, emotionally, if possible, professionally. For example: “Because I will be able to convey the necessary idea to the buyer or visitors. I will be able to sell a product or service, as well as to interest the audience to use our services in the future.”

To the question: why did you choose our company - answers at the interview adjusted depending on the position you are applying for. If a sales assistant, mention that you are sociable and can easily find a common language with people, you know how to convince and prove your case.

In fact, all that is required of you is to speak confidently, honestly. Describe all your advantages that relate to this position, indicate all strengths.

When are they asked?

The question about your need and importance for the company is usually asked at the end of the interview. Often they try to ask it at the most unexpected moment in order to test your reaction and ability to react quickly in unpredictable situations. But sometimes employers surprise with such a question at the very beginning of the conversation.

Thus, they save time: if you do not answer the way the employer likes it, the interview will be interrupted and you will not get the position. In any case, be prepared for surprises at any moment, each employer or HR has its own methods of "identifying" the ideal employees for the job.

What should not be said?

You know, it's only in books that everyone likes too bright and spectacular. This may impress the employer if you are going to take certain positions related to public speaking or management.

In all other cases, you must show that you have the skills, but at the same time you are a flexible specialist and are ready to constantly learn. Therefore, the ideal answers, regardless of your future position, would be the following phrases:

"I have certain experience that will help me do my job at the highest level."

“Because I am ready to work and improve the quality of my work every day.”

“This job suits me perfectly: I have all the necessary personal and professional qualities for excellent performance."

In no case should you list all your qualities, put on a parade of talent and try to stand out with jokes or a witty but empty answer. Also, never say that you consider the position to be yours, all the more you should not answer such a question uncertainly.

It will be even worse if you say right at the interview that the company's competitors offered you a similar position, but with a higher salary.

Candidate Evaluation

We recommend that employers pay attention to three important things:

  1. Response speed.
  2. originality of the answer.
  3. The adequacy of the answer.

The sooner the applicant answers your question, the better. This means, as in unusual situation this person will be able to respond quickly.

It is also important that the candidate responds to the position. The answer should be as non-stereotypical as possible, without boasting and with a sound assessment of the situation. The applicant must be confident in himself, as in a specialist, but not be self-confident. It is arrogant employees who undermine the already established team and do not allow the young team to unite.

Well, for applicants you need to be ready for non-standard solutions. Be calm, be sure that you are right. Remember that you are a specialist, you were called for an interview, which means that you have already interested the employer, and you have every chance of getting this position.

Not only do you choose, but you choose. But at the same time, do not forget that there are no ideal people, and you need to be tolerant. So only speak professional themes Answer as rationally and intelligently as possible.

You can think over the answer to this and similar unusual questions, you can think over all the tactics of behavior at the interview, but no one is immune from the fact that something will go wrong. Therefore, get ready, but do not forget that you are primarily a specialist and will only communicate with the employer on work issues. Less unnecessary thoughts, more professionalism, and then the question “why should we hire you” will definitely not sound during the interview, and if you are asked it, you will know what to answer.

5 boring "I want to work for you because..."

"Why do you want to work with us?" - This harmless question can be decisive in the interview. I don’t want to invent anything: the employer hopes for your honesty. But he will not be able to correctly evaluate every sincere confession, writes HeadHunter.

The next “Why do you want to work with us” at the interview is annoying and seems like a formality, but the recruiter asks this question with purpose. He doesn’t care how many months you have been looking for a job: he wants to know what attracted you in the job description. An motivated employee works better and longer in the company, and finding such a person is a joy for the employer. So try to understand what you expect from future work. This will give confidence in the interview: you will know where and why you came.
Here are five examples to help you give an honest and interesting answer.

1. “I use your product a day/week/lifetime. I like him because…”

Interest in the result of work is the best motivation. Try to find out about the activities of the company, especially if you have not heard about it before. You will understand what needs to be done and tell you what can be improved.

2. “I have heard a lot about the corporate culture in your company. I find the motivation system interesting and I like the working conditions.”

Comfortable conditions are a guarantee that you will stay at this job longer. Go to the "About" section of the website: this is the main source of information. Read the reviews, look at the pages in in social networks. Tell us about your experience at the interview. Even if you heard something only from friends working in it, it will show that you are not a random person.

3. "I like that you care about the quality of life of people and the improvement of the situation in the industry."

Many companies have an ideology. Tell us why you think it's important.

4. “I know people who work for you. I saw the Facebook accounts of employees: we have many common interests. I'm sure we'll find a common language."

Join the work team new job- not an easy task. If you feel that you will be "the one", say so at the interview.

5. "I want to develop in my direction, and I like corporate training in your company."

Be open about your career goals. If the ambition is justified, the recruiter will assess your interest.

Avoid too general or short answers. Try asking why you were invited for an interview. This will be the beginning of an interesting dialogue and will lead away from answering boring questions.

One of the most commonly asked interview questions, especially when it comes to starting positions, is one that many people are familiar with. “Why do you want to work in our company?”; What got you interested in our company? or “Why do you want to work with us?” - it has many variations. Regardless of the specific formulation, the response scheme is constructed in the same way.

So, find out what kind of response the employer expects from you.

1. You searched for information and learned a lot about the company

The first thing this question is aimed at is to check how well you prepared for the interview, and in the long run, to find out how successfully you can prove yourself in similar situations in the future, before meeting with a client or partners. You are required to have a minimum set of knowledge about the company, no more than what can be found on a search engine request or a cursory look at the company's website: information about managers, activities, strategy and products.

Read the press releases and list of awards and achievements, as well as the latest news and Wikipedia pages related to the company. In general, all the preparatory work should take you no more than an hour. After taking the necessary notes, highlight three important points that you will rely on in your answer. Try to pronounce them by building consecutive statements.

2. You are interested in this job

Regardless of what exactly you are asked about, one of the main goals of the interviewer is to determine how interested you are in working for his company. The more enthusiastic a candidate is, the more success he will be able to achieve when he takes office. If there is no interest in the work or it is invisible to your interlocutor, counter interest is unlikely to arise, no matter how well you prepare for the interview.

The lack of enthusiasm already at the stage of getting to know the employer can lead to the conclusion that the future employee will also treat the work itself with insufficient zeal. Any company strives to recruit employees who are close to its mission and vision, therefore, when answering the interviewer's question, make sure that you have shown not only knowledge of the products and the industry, but also your sincere interest in them and the willingness to make efforts to achieve a common goals.

3. Your skills and experience will be in demand at your future job

Given your relationship to the company's goals, the interviewer never forgets your own goals. You will be a desirable candidate if the path to achieving your career goals and the goals of the company are aligned, and if your professional ambitions are fully satisfied in a new job. Therefore, studying the description vacant position, mark which of these moments are close to you. For example, if your specialization is related to a certain area, which also lies in the field of activity of the company, do not forget to mention this.

Or, if the company has experienced rapid growth in recent years, and you are claiming a major leadership position, do not forget to note this fact. In addition to this, your common goals may relate to working with a particular partner, in a particular location, or within a particular type of corporate culture. Whatever the nature of this coincidence, point to it as the reason why you seek to cooperate with this particular employer and in this position.

And don't forget to be honest. If you do not find common ground, then it is probably worth admitting that you have chosen the wrong company. Remember that the interview is just as important for the company as it is for the candidate - you will get to know the employer just as much as they get to know you.

This is one of the very first questions an interviewer asks a candidate during an interview. What is the purpose of this question:

  • Determine your motivation: understand your priorities and preferences - what aspects of the work attract you and why.
  • Find out your goals and how this job fits into your career plan.
  • Make sure you are interested in this position.
  • Find out what you know about the company, industry, position.
  • Understand how you differ from other candidates for this position and why you are more suitable than others.

How to prepare an answer?

The answer to this question should consist of 2 parts. It is not enough to say why you like this company - this is only the first part of the answer. In the second main part of the answer, you should explain why you are interested in the vacancy and how your competencies meet the requirements of this position. Therefore, two questions need to be answered:

  • Why are you attracted to our company?
  • Why is our vacancy interesting?

1. Why are you attracted to our company?

Choose from the list 2-3 reasons why you want to work in this particular company. It can be:

  • Company reputation
  • Company policy and values
  • Company positioning in the market
  • Company growth/success/ratings
  • Company awards/prizes
  • Opportunities career development
  • Large-scale and interesting tasks/projects
  • Opportunities additional training professionalism of colleagues

There are several reasons that you shouldn't speak when answering this question:

  • Wage level
  • Social package (official registration and "white" salary)
  • Benefits: corporate car, honey. insurance, compensation for fuel, communications, etc.)
  • Convenient office location (close to home)

Answer examples:

“Certainly, NN's impeccable reputation is important factor. I would be happy to work for a company with such a long history in the perfume market and still holding leadership positions in this industry. In addition, from the feedback of the company's employees, I learned that initiatives are welcomed and corporate training is highly developed, and the efforts and accomplishment of the tasks set are evaluated by the results and contribution of each employee.

“I read an interview with your new CEO in NN magazine, in which he said that the company is heading for development innovative technologies. I consider myself an innovator and I would like to work in an organization that plans to become a leader in this field in the near future(further, tell about your last project in the company). In my work, the opportunities that the company presents for applying my previous experience and knowledge are important for me.”

« I heard a lot of positive things about your company from employees/clients/partners/read on the Internet. I know that the company has an impeccable reputation, is in the top 5 companies in the 2017 “X” rating, and also receives awards for the most innovative projects in the X direction. I know that youopen to change, develop and grow in the market. As far as I know, the company has a strong corporate culture and a team of professionals in their field. I like that a lot of attention is paid to training and development of the team, as well as the transparency of the employee evaluation system.”

« Your center is one of the largest laboratory and diagnostic centers in Russia. Operation for more than 15 years on the market indicates a stable position in the chosen area. At the same time, your company does not stand still, expanding its services, developing new technologies, as well as implementing projects in world-class research activities. I believe that working in your company will be the best step for me in development professional activity, and will also be useful with my extensive experience in the service technical support and IT project management.

2. Why are you interested in our vacancy?

As a rule, candidates take into account only the general criteria for evaluating a company, and lose sight of the criterion for meeting the qualification requirements for the position they are applying for. Be sure to include evidence in the second part of your answer as to why you are a good fit for this company.

Answer examples:

“I believe that my qualifications in the field of IT technologies meet the requirements described in the vacancy. In addition, this position is interesting to me, as I have extensive experience in the development of modern software applications ( Below is an example of your work on latest project). At Company X, I acquired the ability to think creatively and learned how to find new effective ways problem solution. I know that your company values ​​employee initiatives and encourages the use of unusual approaches to completing tasks. So that's one of the main reasons why I chose your company."

“Your position is interesting to me, it includes a wide range of interesting tasks. Also, from what I was able to learn from open sources, the company has plans to develop new strategic projects, a huge focus on employee development and, in my opinion, a rich and positive atmosphere. Your vacancy indicates a mandatory requirement for the candidate: work experience in a company with a developed branch pharmacy network. My last job was Company X, a network of pharmacies located in 25 regions. I also have an ITIL certificate and extensive experience in project management for the implementation and development of IT services in the company.”

“I was interested in your vacancy, as my goal is to get the position of a manager in big bank. The vacancy is interesting for the tasks that are worth it. It combines the main functions that I performed as a manager in the company "X": ( list the responsibilities from the job description ): sales management and people management. Job requirements are fully consistent with my competencies and experience. Over 10 years of work in the bank, I gained significant experience in building a successful team, mastered management skills, incl. setting SMART goals, developing motivational schemes, providing effective and constructive developmental feedback. I also have sales skills: I know how to identify needs, build productive relationships with clients, I know how to work with objections and resolve conflicts.
I was also responsible for working with VIP clients and supporting transactions at all stages. Thus, during the reorganization of the bank, I fulfilled the plan to transfer corporate clients by 120%, VIP clients by 115%, and also carried out the best (out of 28 branches) migration of private depositors to the Head Office, while fulfilling the plan by 130%.
Therefore, your tasks in this position completely coincide with my past experience, and I would be glad to pass the competition and continue to build my career in your bank.”

Now combine the two answers into one and get the finished answer to the question: Why do you want to work in our company?

Answer examples:

« Of course, I plan to work in a large leading company with a good reputation. I am interested in working in your company with a developed corporate culture, in which there is a positive atmosphere, where everyone works as a team and for a common result. I am also looking for a job where the level of position and responsibilities will match my experience and knowledge. Your vacancy attracted me precisely with its tasks and functions. I held a similar position at Company X and was responsible for managing a department of 16 people, organizing KDP outsourcing and outstaffing projects, developing LNA with their subsequent implementation, developing step-by-step procedures for personnel operations, conducting internal and external audits of personnel documents. As far as I understand from the job description, the requirements that you place on a candidate for this position are consistent with my previous experience. That's why I chose your company."

N! B!
At the end of the interview, you may be asked another question on this topic. It may sound like this: “If you are offered a job by two companies at once, offering the same salary conditions, including social. package, how will you decide?

This trap. What is it and how to prepare the correct answer?

  • First, it is a test of your previous answer to the question "Why do you want to work for our company?" When answering, your task is to repeat the same criteria in terms of importance that you voiced earlier.
  • Secondly, it is a test of how you can solve problems and make a rational decision, how you have analytical and research skills.

The interviewer voiced the problem: the candidate was offered an offer by two companies with the same initial data. It is necessary to explain how you will solve this problem and on the basis of what to make a decision. Of the two alternative options, you must choose one company and justify your choice. A rational decision goes through the following stages: the formulation of certain criteria for decision-making, a detailed study of the necessary objective analysis information, comparison and final selection of alternatives.

Duplicating your previous answer would be a losing move for you in terms of skill assessment. But, even if you repeated your answer again, for example,
"I will make a choice according to the following criteria: corporate policy and opportunities for applying the accumulated experience and career growth", then let's predict what the interviewer's next questions might be. It will suggest another situation: "Good. Let's assume that both corporate policy and opportunities for development attract you in both companies. In this case, how will you make a decision about choosing a company? After a few clarifying questions, the interviewee most often runs out of prepared criteria and there is either a long pause or a repetition of the same criteria, but in other words.

How to act in such a situation?

Tell us what methods of finding and developing alternative effective solutions you usually use to make a choice in favor of a particular solution. Decision making is the process of forming a sequence of actions based on the transformation of initial information in a situation of uncertainty. You just need to detail what people actually do when they make decisions: break down decisions into independent criteria, determine the relative weight for each criterion, evaluate alternatives for each given criterion, draw comparative analysis ratings of all alternatives for all criteria, choose the alternatives with the best score.

Answer examples:

“Many decisions in life I make on the basis of an intuitive method. But this decision is quite serious, and relying only on intuition would be a mistake on my part. First, I will do a detailed analysis of the situation, which I think is the first step in making a decision. Here everything is “sorted out”, new criteria for evaluation arise. And if at this stage the choice of a solution "reaches a dead end", then you can "turn on" your intuition. I believe that if a person has the ability to use not only his consciousness (i.e., the ability to think analytically), but also his subconscious (intuition), then most likely this should be used in combination to solve problems and make decisions.

« I have three main criteria by which I choose the companies in which I want to work. These are: the company's reputation in the market, career opportunities, training and participation in interesting projects. If, according to these criteria, I cannot make a decision in the direction of one or another company, then in this case, I will conduct a more detailed study of both companies, expand the number of criteria used for selection and conduct a SWOT analysis for the entire set of criteria, for example: I will add employee reviews /customers/partners.

« To make the right decision, I think you need to do the following. First, collect as much information as possible on each company. As you know, almost any solution can be improved if you conduct research and reduce the level of uncertainty. For example, if I'm unsure about a company's employee policy, I'll check reviews and try to get in touch with one of the current employees in the company. If I need to evaluate the company's methods of working with clients, then I will try to request feedback on working with the company from one of the clients. Then I can make an informed decision on the matter. Secondly, I will consider and carefully analyze all possible criteria, weighing them. Thirdly, if necessary, I use various techniques/methods to help in decision making. This may be the preparation of a so-called worksheet for choosing the most profitable solution. Then I can make an informed decision on the matter.”

Useful resources on this topic:

  • How to avoid falling into the recruiter trap in your first interview

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Job search and career development coach. The only trainer-interviewer in Russia who prepares for all types of interviews. Resume writing expert. Author of the books: "I'm afraid of interviews!", "To strike on the spot #Resume", "To strike on the spot #Cover letter".

Job seekers consider the question one of the most uncomfortable and tricky in an interview: Why do you want to work in our company? Many of them think at such a moment: you found my resume, you yourself invited me, is it really not enough that I filled out your application form, came to you for an interview and now I’m sitting in front of you, demonstrating my interest with all my might? Why do you need to think of something else? Let them tell me what good things I personally will get if I agree to work in this company.

Really, just be honest with yourself. And everything will immediately become clear. If you find it difficult to answer this question, then this indicates that you have zero interest in working in this particular company, or even negative. Hiring managers are not asking this question as a mere formality. Thanks to the answer to it, you can get a lot of information about you and make up your personal characteristics. And not only based on the content of the answer, but also on how quickly you answer, in what manner - reluctantly, annoyed, at a loss or easily, joyfully and with a burning look. Try to think logically. Put yourself in the place of the person who is interviewing you and see yourself through their eyes. This person needs to know your motivation. Now it is important to clarify three main points:

1) how qualified you are for the position you are applying for; 2) whether you will work well for the good of the company; 3) how much you are aware in advance and loyal to the company in which you are going to work.

The company is looking for a new employee, not just for the sake of staffing (although such options also happen, but they are extremely rare). The company is looking for a specialist to perform the necessary work and wants to make a valuable acquisition.

Now answer yourself honestly to the questions: why did you get up at 7 in the morning, drive through half the city and spend your personal time on an interview that already causes negative emotions in you? Was it your conscious choice? Does the job in question and the company in which you want to get a job seem really interesting and promising to you? Maybe you are here and now simply because you ran out of money, there is nothing to pay for an apartment and you need at least some work?

Believe me, this is not the best motivation in the eyes of the employer if you apply for at least some interesting position. This may mean that you are just desperately looking for a job out of... desperation. At the same time, you don’t give a damn where and with whom to work, as long as the salary is paid. If you find yourself in this situation, it means that somewhere in your past you made a number of mistakes. How did it happen that you lost your previous job? Well, let it not be your fault (they laid off, the company fell apart, the relationship with the boss did not work out), but why are you now grabbing all the offers in a row, just to catch on somewhere? This may mean that you are short-sighted and irresponsible about your career. Perhaps you are just temporarily looking for a "safe haven" where you can wait out the storm, because now you just desperately need money and the social status of a worker. So now you want to get any job that guarantees stability, and right after that, you will start looking for the best place. It would be naive to assume that your potential employer dreams of hiring such an employee.

You can rightly be indignant that all of the above is not your case. But your difficulty is to answer the question - Why do you want to work in our company? - can be interpreted in this way.

There are only two options:

1) You really admire this company and dream of this position. Then it won't amount to you special work talk for a long time, with enthusiasm and with a burning look, about why you made such a choice. You don't need to do anything special. You know your goals and desires. You can speak about them clearly and clearly.

2) You are not enthusiastic about this company and the position is so-so, but you really want to get paid again. Then it is difficult for you to formulate your thoughts. You are trying to "guess" the correct answer. You fail to show genuine interest.

Should you deceive yourself? Time flies fast, you have one life. If you understand that your option is number 2), turn around and leave. Look for a place where you really want to work, because you find it interesting, wonderful and promising.

If your situation is so serious and hopeless that you urgently need any job, and for this you are ready to make any deals with your own attitude, then ... carefully prepare for the interview. Your confident and positive attitude will help hide your true motives. Read career forums and articles, choose the wording that suits you. An experienced recruiter is hard to beat, but at the very least, you will demonstrate interview readiness, knowledge of interview etiquette, and the ability to give compliments.

Examples of standard answers to the question - Why do you want to work in our company?

I always wanted to work in a large and reputable company in the business world.
I am sure that this is where I will be able to realize my potential. I am satisfied with the working conditions and are attracted by career prospects.
I am attracted by stability, the name of a well-known company, compliance with the Labor Code, development prospects.
The proposals of your company coincide with my expectations, which means that our cooperation promises to be mutually beneficial.
Your company is a revolutionary in the market. It is interesting for me to work in this area and contribute to your (hopefully I can say ours soon) company to become a market leader.


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