Presentation of who I will grow up to be. My profession is my future. Project tasks

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Municipal educational institution

"Middle School of General education2 p. Dergachi village

Project on:


I've done the work

student 4 "A" class

Cherkez Valery

Project Manager

primary school teacher

Kozel Vera Vladimirovna

2015-2016 academic year


"Profession is a kind labor activity, classes that require special theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

There are countless wonderful professions in the world.

And every profession has glory and honor.

Today you are a schoolboy, and tomorrow you are a worker,

Artist, scientist, sailor or architect.

There is something for everyone,

Who from childhood is taken seriously for work.

Some time will pass and before each of us there will be a question about further vocational training. But in order to work for someone, you must first learn this profession. There are many in the world different professions and all of them are important and honorable. It is very important that each person chooses a business to his liking. Happy is the person who does what he loves, who has chosen the right profession for himself. They say about such a person that he is in his place or that he has golden hands.

Choosing your path, you need to be guided, first of all, by your aspirations, what you are drawn to, what you would like to do and benefit yourself and society. The second rule when choosing a profession is to take into account one's capabilities, temperament, character and state of health.

There are many professions in the world, but I have one that I really like. This is the profession of a scientist. But I understand that not everyone can be a scientist, this profession requires intelligence, patience and knowledge.

Asking myself the questions “Is this a good profession?”, “Is it suitable for me?”, I decided to conduct a study to learn more about this profession, to answer my questions.

Project passport

The purpose of my project:

  1. Learn to make a choice
  2. Learn to analyze the profession,
  3. Analyze your personal qualities
  4. Make a conclusion about your suitability for this profession,
  5. Know how to get this profession and how to develop in it.

Project tasks:

1. Make a choice of profession or professional field.

2. Analyze the chosen profession.

3. Study your personal qualities and the requirements of the chosen profession

4. Confirm what's already done professional choice correct.

5. Find out how and where you can get this profession.

Project Features:

The work expands the knowledge about the profession "scientist", which may be chosen by me in the future, helps to understand what is necessary in order to be successful in it.

Basic question:"What would I like to become?"

Problem questions:"Is this a good profession?"

"Is she right for me?"

Who is a scientist?

Scientist - is not just a representative of the scientific world, a specialist in any field, but an expert in his field, who has made a real contribution to the scientific industry and received well-deserved recognition. A scientist must have a scientific degree (doctor or candidate of science), obtained by excessive mental labor to defend a relevant dissertation. In addition to high intellectual abilities, you also need to have good patience, because the process of scientific activity is rarely dynamic (unless you are going to experience your own experimental developments). In any case, a true scientist gets moral pleasure from his painstaking work.

The history of the profession.

The rapid development of progress begins in the 19th century. The first research equipment appears. The profession "scientist" is also highlighted. These are people who have a higher level of knowledge than ordinary specialists in the same industry. Their discoveries are recognized by the community and considered useful. The 20th century is rightfully considered the era of technological progress and prosperity.

Scientists receive new data that have become available through the use of high-precision equipment. Discoveries appear one after another. modern age- an era of prosperity. scientists play essential role and are the key to the survival of man as a species.

Great Scientists

Russia has always been famous for its inventors and scientists. Now I will tell a little about some of the great scientists of our country.

It is impossible not to recall the outstanding scientist, our compatriot - Lev Davidovich Landau.

This man did a lot for the development of domestic and world science. He is the founder of a scientific school, an academician of the Academy of Sciences (since 1946), and also a Hero of Socialist Labor. His scientific work is known in the field of magnetism, atomic and thermonuclear physics, quantum electromechanics, astrophysics, and he also had to work and describe 1 superfluidity and superconductivity of various elements. Together with the physicist E. M. Lifshitz, he publishes the book Theoretical Course in Physics. This scientist is a laureate of the USSR State Prize (in 1946, 1949, 1953), as well as a Nobel laureate in 1962.

Alexander Stepanovich Popov - Russian physicist and electrical engineer, professor, inventor, State Councilor (1901), Honorary Electrical Engineer (1899).

Born March 4, 1859 (March 16, 1859) in the Urals in the village of Turinskiye Rudniki, Verkhotursky district, Perm province. (1877) Alexander successfully passed the entrance exams to the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of St. Petersburg University. In 1882 he defended his dissertation on the topic "on the principles of magneto- and dynamo-electric DC machines." In 1890 he received an invitation to teach physics at the Technical School of the Naval Department in Krontadt Fair. In 1899 he was awarded the title of Honorary Engineer-El since 1901 Popov is a professor of physics at the Electrotechnical Institute of Emperor Alexander III. Popov was also an Honorary Electrical Engineer (1899) and an honorary member of the Russian Technical Society (1901). In 1901, Popov was awarded the civil (state) rank of the v class state councilor.

A modern person should know the names of the great Russian inventors and the subject of their inventions.

Below is just a small part of them:

1) P.N. Yablochkov and A.N. Lodygin - the world's first electric light bulb
2) A.S. Popov - radio
3) V.K. Zavorykin (the world's first electron microscope, television and television broadcasting)
4) A.F. Mozhaisky - the inventor of the world's first aircraft
5) I.I. Sikorsky - a great aircraft designer, created the world's first helicopter, the world's first bomber
6) A.M. Ponyatov - the world's first video recorder
7) S.P. Korolev - the world's first ballistic missile, spaceship, Earth's first satellite

8) S. V. Kovalevskaya (the world's first female professor)
9) S.M. Prokudin-Gorsky - the world's first color photograph

10) F.A. Pirotsky - the world's first electric tram
11) F.A. Blinov - the world's first caterpillar tractor
12) V.A. Starevich - volume-animated film
13) E.M. Artamonov - invented the world's first bicycle with pedals, a steering wheel, a turning wheel
14) V.P. Mutilin - the world's first mounted construction harvester
15) A. R. Vlasenko - the world's first grain harvester
16) V.P. Demikhov - the first in the world to perform a lung transplant and the first to create a model of an artificial heart

17) D.I. Mendeleev - discovered the periodic law of chemical elements, the creator of the table of the same name

18) K.E. Tsiolkovsky - the founder of astronautics

Who is suitable for this profession?

This profession is suitable for people who are attentive, neat and prone to routine sedentary work. They always strive to complete what they started. The scientist is always on the lookout. After all, finding a topic for research is quite difficult. Also, these specialists have an almost phenomenal memory and an analytical mindset.

Oratory is another necessary quality of a scientist, because most of them work as teachers in universities. It is important to be able to convey the full depth of your thoughts to the audience.


While working on the research topic, I learned that not everyone can become a scientist. To do this, you need care and accuracy.

I met many great people such as:

P.N. Yablochkov and A.N. Lodygin - the world's first electric light bulb
A.S. Popov - radio
VC. Zavorykin (the world's first electron microscope, television and television broadcasting)
A.F. Mozhaisky - the inventor of the world's first aircraft
And this is not all the scientists I named in my story.

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What profession to choose? Inclinations Interests Abilities Addictions Inclinations Knowledge and skills?

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The problem the project aims to solve is how to choose the right profession for a graduate of a general education school. The purpose of the project: to help the graduate of the school in professional self-determination. Expected results: increasing the readiness of a school graduate for professional self-determination. Object of study: professional career graduate. Subject of study: the process of choosing a profession by a school graduate.

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Research hypothesis: the process of choosing a profession by a school graduate will be successful if you use various forms and methods of work: training sessions, tests, excursions, consultations. In accordance with the purpose, object, subject and hypothesis, we set ourselves the following tasks: to analyze the literature on this issue; identify interests, aptitudes and abilities; Familiarize yourself with the requirements and features of the chosen profession.

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"There is hardly any higher pleasure than the pleasure of creating." N.V. Gogol

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Map of interests. Interest is a purposeful attitude of a person to any object of his need. Interest is essential in human life: it moves us to learn new things, overcome any barriers, unravel complex problems, and much more.

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Inclinations. An inclination is an active conscious attitude towards something. Inclinations are manifested in any occupation aimed at acquiring knowledge or creating something.

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Ability card. Abilities are individual personality traits that can ensure success in professional activities. Inclinations are the physiological basis of abilities.

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Why did I decide to become a designer? After diagnosing interests, inclinations and abilities, we can say that interest is manifested in art, a propensity for such a type of profession as “a person is an artistic image” and reveals a person’s abilities. Considering that since early childhood I have been fond of drawing and my inclinations are confirmed by various tests, surveys and questionnaires, I decided to choose the profession of Designer. In this profession, I can realize all my creative ideas.

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How to become a designer? ? Average (full) general education Primary professional education Art College Work OSU (Orenburg) Moscow State University (Moscow) Magnitogorsk University (Magnitogorsk) Creative activity Printing Designer Clothing Phyto Interior Designer Landscape Food Designer Web Designer

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Necessary psychological qualities: Patience. The presence of imaginative thinking. Sociability. An original, unconventional look at situations, objects. Diligence. Ability to listen and hear the client's request. The ability to see the finished product. perseverance. Creativity.

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Designer is a broad definition that characterizes a person who designs various things. Design means creation, and being a designer means being creative personality in the chosen field of art.

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Where to go to study? Orenburg Pedagogical College Orenburg Art College Moscow Art and Humanities College Samara State Vocational Pedagogical College Samara state college service technologies and design Orenburg State University St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University Magnitogorsk Institute Moscow State University of Design and Technology

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My path to becoming a designer. Akbulak Secondary School No. 1 House of Children's Creativity 1998-1999 Art School 1999-2007 Children's Design Center 2008-2010 My plans: Orenburg State University

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Professions related to the field of management - professions related to implementation computer technology - construction professions-Professions in the field of health -Professions in the field of information and communication -Professions related to banking -Professions in the field of production -Professions related to tourism services.

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PROFESSIONS THAT WILL BE IN DEMAND IN 6-7 YEARS Engineering specialties (the demand for engineering personnel capable of managing production and servicing more advanced equipment will increase) 2. Computer software developers (the demand for professional programmers will increase, since the problem of data storage will become even more urgent) 3. Marketing and sales (demand for sales and marketing specialists will increase, the “salesperson” profession will become very popular) 4. Professions related to service 5. Ecologist (demand for this profession will begin to increase, as conservation environment) 6. Medical specialties(nurse, doctor) 7. Working professions: locksmith, electric and gas welder, electrician, turner, etc.

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You have developed diligence, endurance, patience. There is a tendency to systematize, streamline, organize people and things around them. You can become a great administrator, but it is not recommended to link your professional activity with the field of management. You have creativity, intuition, able to see beauty. You have a natural wit. Templates, rules, instructions are boring for you. Lack of perseverance prevents you from getting things done. You have developed kindness. You are an excellent communicator, like no one else you know how to listen to your interlocutor, you are able to empathize, sympathize, emotionally respond to someone else's pain. Interpersonal conflict is unacceptable for you, and the professional field of management is not recommended. You can make an excellent psychologist. You are characterized by leadership, the ability to concentrate on the main goal, energy, confidence, setting to win, win, success. You are categorical in your statements, ambitious, striving to achieve a high status, position in society. The field of management is recommended to you.

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Definition of professional inclinations (method L. Yovashi) Propensity to work with people. Professions related to management, education, service (household, medical, reference and information). People who are successful in the professions of this group are distinguished by the ability to find a common language with different people, to understand their condition, to know and understand their features A penchant for scientific, research work Propensity for practical activity. The range of these professions is very wide: installation, repair, adjustment, maintenance of electronic and mechanical equipment, construction, material processing, transport management, product manufacturing.

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A penchant for aesthetic activities. Professions of a creative nature associated with visual, musical, literary, artistic, acting and stage activities Propensity for extreme activities. Professions related to sports, expeditionary work. Security and operational-search activities, military service. All of them have special requirements for physical fitness and health. Propensity for planned economic activity. Professions related to calculations and planning, office work, text analysis and their transformation, schematic representation of objects. These professions require concentration and accuracy.

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MAN - HUMAN subject of labor - people. - professions related to training and education - professions related to production management, management of people, teams - professions related to household, trade service-Professions related to information services -Professions related to information and artistic services for people and management of art groups -Professions related to medical care Doctor, teacher, psychologist, hairdresser, tour guide, manager, head of an artistic group

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MAN - TECHNOLOGY subject of labor - technical objects (machines, mechanisms), materials, types of energy - professions for mining, soil treatment, rocks- professions for the repair, adjustment, maintenance of technological machines, installations, Vehicle-Professions in the production and processing of metal, mechanical assembly, installation of machines, devices - professions for the installation, repair of buildings, structures, structures - professions for the repair, adjustment, maintenance of electrical equipment, instruments, apparatus computers, telecommunications specialist, driver, locksmith, turner

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MAN - A SIGN SYSTEM subject of labor - conventional signs, numbers, codes, natural or artificial languages ​​- professions related to paperwork, office work, text analysis or their transformation, recoding - professions in which the subject of labor is numbers, quantitative ratios - professions, associated with the processing of information in the form of a system of conventional signs, schematic images of objects. translator, draftsman, engineer, topographer, secretary-typist, programmer, proofreader, librarian, translator accountant, economist, telephone operator, radio operator, cashier, layout designer

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MAN - ARTISTIC IMAGE subject of labor -artistic image, ways of its construction. - professions related to fine arts - professions related to musical activity- professions associated with literary and artistic activities - professions associated with acting and stage activities artist, painter, musician, designer, stone carver, literary worker, jeweler, actor, florist, decorator

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MAN - NATURE subject of labor - plant organisms, animal organisms, microorganisms. professions related to agriculture, food industry, medicine and scientific research (biology, geography)

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FEDOROV Svyatoslav Nikolaevich (1927 - 2000), Russian ophthalmologist. Born into a military family. In 1943, after graduating from school, he entered the Yerevan Preparatory Artillery School, but did not finish his studies. In 1952 he graduated from the Medical Institute in Rostov-on-Don. After graduating from the institute, he worked for a year as an ophthalmologist at the district hospital in the village of Veshenskaya. In 1957 he became the head of the clinical department of the Cheboksary branch of the State Institute of Ophthalmic Diseases. In 1960 he created an artificial lens and for the first time in the country performed a unique operation to implant it into a human eye. In 1967 he was transferred to Moscow and headed the Department of Eye Diseases. In 1973, for the first time in the world, he developed the technology of surgery for the treatment of glaucoma at different stages. Founder and since 1986 director of the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Technical Complex "Eye Microsurgery". In 1996 he headed the Chamber for Science, Health, Education and Culture. June 2, 2000 Svyatoslav Fedorov died in a crash. Author 480 scientific works, 7 monographs, 238 copyright certificates, 130 foreign patents and more than 180 inventions. He was awarded the titles "Honored Inventor of the USSR", "Hero of Socialist Labor" (1987), etc. In 1986 for Scientific research in the field of ophthalmology and eye microsurgery, he was awarded the highest award of the Russian Academy of Sciences - the Lomonosov Gold Medal, and was a laureate of a number of international scientific awards.

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PUGACHEVA Alla Borisovna (b. 1949), Russian pop singer, People's Artist of the USSR (1991), member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. She graduated from the conductor-choir department of the Moscow Musical College. Ippolitova-Ivanova and the directing department of GITIS. Lunacharsky (now RATI) (1981). As a schoolgirl, she sang the song “Robot, become a man” on the radio. In 1972-73 she performed in an orchestra conducted by O. Lundstrem. In 1974-75 she worked in the ensemble "Merry Fellows". In 1975 she won the Grand Prix of the Golden Orpheus festival (Bulgaria) with the song Arlekino, after which the singer became truly popular. The singer prepared bright emotionally rich concert programs: "Monologues of the singer", "I came and I say", "Christmas meetings". She created a number of songs to the words of famous poets (Akhmatova, Mandelstam). The year 1988 was marked by the creation of the Song Theatre, an old dream of Pugacheva, who became the artistic director of the theater studio. Pugacheva has traveled all over the world with her solo programs. In 1992 she received the Ovation award in the Best Singer of the Year nomination, in 1994 in the Living Legend nomination, in 1995 in the Best Director nomination. In 1999 she was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. Until recently, Pugacheva continues active creative activity. She is a regular participant in prestigious concerts and television shows. The singer regularly releases new CDs, the latest of which is the album “Live in peace, country!” (2003). In December 2003, she was awarded the Golden Gramophone award by Russian Radio.

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RODNINA Irina Konstantinovna (b. September 12, 1949, Moscow), Russian athlete and coach (figure skating), Honored Master of Sports (1969). Olympic champion (1972, 1976, 1980), world (1969-78), European (1969-78, 1980), USSR (1970-71, 1973-75, 1977) in pair skating (in 1968-72 with A. N. Ulanov, in 1973-80 with A. G. Zaitsev). Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. As a child, Irina was often sick; to temper her, her parents enrolled the girl in the CSKA figure skating school. Soon coach Stanislav Zhuk began to work with the skater, who was able to appreciate her character and talent. At the age of 19, Irina made her debut together with A. Ulanov at the European Championships in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, and, unexpectedly for everyone, they became champions. Irina won all competitions, including three Olympics (Sapporo, 1972; Innsbruck, 1976; Lake Placid, 1980) and 10 world championships (1969-1978). For sports success, Irina was awarded the Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (1972) and Lenin (1976). Rodnina is the author of the book "Non-Smooth Ice" (1978). From 1990-1999 she lived in the USA, worked as a trainer in Lake Arrowhead. In 1995, Rodnina's pupils - the Czech couple Radka Kovarzhikova and Rene Novotny - became world champions. After this success, Irina was awarded a personal letter from the president, and soon acquired the status of an honorary citizen of the Czech Republic. In 1999 she returned to Moscow, where she headed the figure skating center.

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PUTIN Vladimir Vladimirovich Russian statesman, former president of the Russian Federation. Patriotic War, mother survived the blockade of Leningrad. In 1975 he graduated from the law faculty of the Leningrad state university(LSU). Master of Sports in Sambo (1973) and Master of Sports in Judo (1975). After graduating from Leningrad State University, he was sent to work in state security agencies. In 1976-1990 he served in the First Main Directorate ( foreign intelligence) KGB of the USSR, worked for a long time in Germany, in Dresden at the location of the Western Group of Forces of the GDR. In 1990, having retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel, he returned to Leningrad, where he worked as Vice-Rector of the Leningrad University for International Relations. In 1990 he became an adviser to the chairman of the Leningrad City Council A. A. Sobchak. In 1996 he moved to Moscow, where he received a post in the presidential administration of the Russian Federation. In July 1998 he was appointed director Federal Service RF security. After the voluntary early resignation in December 1999, the first president of Russia, BN Yeltsin, took over as acting president of the Russian Federation. In March 2000, he won the presidential election. In March 2004 he was elected for a second term. Now he is the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

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Presentation on theme: "What to be?" can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Various. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 31 slide(s).

Presentation slides" alt="(!LANG:What to be?" title="Who to be?">!}

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Identify your abilities and interests, find the most optimal combination of them in your future profession; -Learn to plan your future career; - learn to adequately assess their abilities and capabilities.

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Factors influencing the choice of profession by high school students

opportunities, abilities

parents' opinion fashion and prestige future salary

demand for the profession

interests, inclinations

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Career Selection Formula

"Must" labor market needs

"I can" human capabilities (physiological and psychological), educational resources personalities

"I want" desires, interests, inclinations of the individual


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Professions related to the field of management - professions related to the introduction of computer technology - construction professions - professions in the field of health care - professions in the field of information and communication - professions related to banking - professions in the production sector - professions related to tourism services.

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PROFESSIONS THAT WILL BE IN DEMAND IN 6-7 YEARS Engineering specialties (the demand for engineering personnel capable of managing production and servicing more advanced equipment will increase) 2. Computer software developers (the demand for professional programmers will increase, since the problem of data storage will become even more urgent) 3. Marketing and sales (the demand for sales and marketing specialists will increase, the “salesperson” profession will become very popular) 4. Professions related to the service 5. Ecologist (the demand for this profession will begin to increase, as environmental problems will take an increasing place ) 6. Medical specialties (nurse, doctor) 7. Working professions: locksmith, electric and gas welder, electrician, turner, etc.

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You have developed diligence, endurance, patience. There is a tendency to systematize, streamline, organize people and things around them. You can become an excellent administrator, but it is not recommended to associate your professional activity with the field of management.

You have creativity, intuition, able to see beauty. You have a natural wit. Templates, rules, instructions are boring for you. Lack of perseverance prevents you from getting things done.

You have developed kindness. You are an excellent communicator, like no one else you know how to listen to your interlocutor, you are able to empathize, sympathize, emotionally respond to someone else's pain. Interpersonal conflict is unacceptable for you, and the professional field of management is not recommended. You can make an excellent psychologist.

You are characterized by leadership, the ability to concentrate on the main goal, energy, confidence, setting to win, win, success. You are categorical in your statements, ambitious, striving to achieve a high status, position in society. The field of management is recommended to you.

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Typology of professions (according to E.A. Klimov)

Man - man Man - technique Man - sign

Man is art

Man is nature

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FEDOROV Svyatoslav Nikolaevich (1927 - 2000), Russian ophthalmologist. Born into a military family. In 1943, after graduating from school, he entered the Yerevan Preparatory Artillery School, but did not finish his studies. In 1952 he graduated from the Medical Institute in Rostov-on-Don. After graduating from the institute, he worked for a year as an ophthalmologist at the district hospital in the village of Veshenskaya. In 1957 he became the head of the clinical department of the Cheboksary branch of the State Institute of Ophthalmic Diseases. In 1960 he created an artificial lens and for the first time in the country performed a unique operation to implant it into a human eye. In 1967 he was transferred to Moscow and headed the Department of Eye Diseases. In 1973, for the first time in the world, he developed the technology of surgery for the treatment of glaucoma at different stages. Founder and since 1986 director of the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Technical Complex "Eye Microsurgery". In 1996 he headed the Chamber for Science, Health, Education and Culture. June 2, 2000 Svyatoslav Fedorov died in a crash. Author of 480 scientific papers, 7 monographs, 238 copyright certificates, 130 foreign patents and more than 180 inventions. He was awarded the titles "Honored Inventor of the USSR", "Hero of Socialist Labor" (1987), etc. premiums.

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PUGACHEVA Alla Borisovna (b. 1949), Russian pop singer, People's Artist of the USSR (1991), member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. She graduated from the conductor-choir department of the Moscow Musical College. Ippolitova-Ivanova and the directing department of GITIS. Lunacharsky (now RATI) (1981). As a schoolgirl, she sang the song “Robot, become a man” on the radio. In 1972-73 she performed in an orchestra conducted by O. Lundstrem. In 1974-75 she worked in the ensemble "Merry Fellows". In 1975 she won the Grand Prix of the Golden Orpheus festival (Bulgaria) with the song Arlekino, after which the singer became truly popular. The singer prepared bright emotionally rich concert programs: "The Singer's Monologues", "I Came and I Say", "Christmas Meetings". She created a number of songs to the words of famous poets (Akhmatova, Mandelstam). The year 1988 was marked by the creation of the Song Theatre, an old dream of Pugacheva, who became the artistic director of the theater studio. Pugacheva has traveled all over the world with her solo programs. In 1992 she received the Ovation award in the Best Singer of the Year nomination, in 1994 in the Living Legend nomination, in 1995 in the Best Director nomination. In 1999 she was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree. Until recently, Pugacheva continues active creative activity. She is a regular participant in prestigious concerts and television shows. The singer regularly releases new CDs, the latest of which is the album “Live in peace, country!” (2003). In December 2003, she was awarded the Golden Gramophone award by Russian Radio.

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RODNINA Irina Konstantinovna (b. September 12, 1949, Moscow), Russian athlete and coach (figure skating), Honored Master of Sports (1969). Olympic champion (1972, 1976, 1980), world (1969-78), European (1969-78, 1980), USSR (1970-71, 1973-75, 1977) in pair skating (in 1968-72 with A. N. Ulanov, in 1973-80 with A. G. Zaitsev). Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. As a child, Irina was often sick; to temper her, her parents enrolled the girl in the CSKA figure skating school. Soon coach Stanislav Zhuk began to work with the skater, who was able to appreciate her character and talent. At the age of 19, Irina made her debut together with A. Ulanov at the European Championships in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, and, unexpectedly for everyone, they became champions. Irina won all competitions, including three Olympics (Sapporo, 1972; Innsbruck, 1976; Lake Placid, 1980) and 10 world championships (1969-1978). For sports success, Irina was awarded the Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (1972) and Lenin (1976). Rodnina is the author of the book "Non-Smooth Ice" (1978). From 1990-1999 she lived in the USA, worked as a trainer in Lake Arrowhead. In 1995, Rodnina's pupils - the Czech couple Radka Kovarzhikova and Rene Novotny - became world champions. After this success, Irina was awarded a personal letter from the president, and soon acquired the status of an honorary citizen of the Czech Republic. In 1999 she returned to Moscow, where she headed the figure skating center.

Slide 28

PUTIN Vladimir Vladimirovich Russian statesman, former president of the Russian Federation. Born into a working class family, his father was a participant in the Great Patriotic War, his mother survived the siege of Leningrad. In 1975 he graduated from the law faculty of the Leningrad State University (LGU). Master of Sports in Sambo (1973) and Master of Sports in Judo (1975). After graduating from Leningrad State University, he was sent to work in state security agencies. In 1976-1990 he served in the First Main Directorate (foreign intelligence) of the KGB of the USSR, worked for a long time in Germany, in Dresden at the location of the Western Group of Forces of the GDR. In 1990, having retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel, he returned to Leningrad, where he worked as Vice-Rector of the Leningrad University for International Relations. In 1990 he became an adviser to the chairman of the Leningrad City Council A. A. Sobchak. In 1996 he moved to Moscow, where he received a post in the presidential administration of the Russian Federation. In July 1998 he was appointed director of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. After the voluntary early resignation in December 1999, the first president of Russia, BN Yeltsin, took over as acting president of the Russian Federation. In March 2000, he won the presidential election. In March 2004 he was elected for a second term. Now he is the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

  • Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  • No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.

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