Indicators of the effectiveness of organizational culture. Chapter II. Effective corporate culture as a factor in the company's success. specific situation

The most important task of modeling and forecasting measures to increase staff motivation is to determine their patterns, establish the direction of their development.

By now, a very definite idea has been formed about the essence of the concept of "efficiency" and about the methods of measuring this indicator in economic science. It is known that in general terms, the efficiency (E) of any system can be represented by an indicator characterizing the ratio of the result (P) obtained by this system to the costs in the form of resources that caused this result (E), i.e. is calculated using a very simple formula:

  • 1) the quality of goods and services, increasing their competitiveness;
  • 2) mastering the production of new goods;
  • 3) deepening of specialization and cooperation of production with taking into account the territorial advantages of the company;
  • 4) overcoming inefficiencies by increasing managerial skills and using effective motivations to stimulate the growth of labor productivity within the company;
  • 5) the development of new technologies to minimize costs for the release of a given volume of production.

Thus, efficiency takes into account not only the result of the activity (predicted, planned, achieved), determines the ratio of the result and the costs that determine this result, but also considers the conditions under which it is achieved. Efficiency, in its essence, is a comparative assessment of the result of an activity, reflecting not only its ability to ensure economic growth but also the ability to stimulate progressive structural and qualitative changes.

Let's calculate the main technical and economic indicators for the above measures.

As mentioned above, for the formation of the corporate culture of the company "Natalie-Tours" it is necessary to improve the qualifications of employees, carry out certification, and stimulate labor.

Activity 1. Conducting certification and assessment of travel agency employees.

table 2

Technical and economic indicators of the effectiveness of certification activities

Indicator name

After the implementation of activities


Abs. meas., +/-

Rel. meas.,%

Revenue (excluding VAT)

Cost price

Number of employees

Wage fund

Return on assets (p.1 / p.3)

thousand rubles / person

  • 1. Using a number of literary sources, it can be assumed that the volume of proceeds from the sale of services may increase in the range from 3 to 10%. Therefore, in this case, an increase of 5.0% is laid. Revenue for 2011, taking into account the implementation of measures for the assessment and certification of personnel, will be:
  • 54987.44 + 2749.4 = 57736.4 thousand rubles.

planned variable costs = 0.2 * 57736.4 = 11547.28 thousand rubles;

the costs of the event are 2.74 thousand rubles.

Thus, the planned cost after the implementation of the measure will be: 37328.36 + 11547.28 + 2.74 = 48878.38 thousand rubles.

It should be noted that the certification and assessment of personnel in the travel agency "Natalie-Tours" will not entail changes in the cost of the main production assets as well as the number of employees.

  • 57736.4 * 20.5 / 100% = 11835.96 thousand rubles.

Thus, the wage fund will amount to 11835.96 thousand rubles.

Changes in other indicators are calculated using the formulas in Table 3.

The calculations show that due to an increase in revenue by 5.0% and an increase in prime cost by 4.54%, there was an increase in following indicators: balance sheet profit - by 5.99%, production profitability - by 0.27%, sales profitability - by 0.2%.

In addition, the increase in revenue influenced the growth of labor productivity by 4.76% and capital productivity by 4.77%.

The wage fund will increase by 4.72% and, accordingly, the average wages - by 4.71%.

Thus, the presence of a positive trend in these values ​​shows that the implementation of measures for the certification and assessment of personnel in travel company Natalie Tours will be cost effective.

Activity 2. Program for training and advanced training of personnel.

Methodology for calculating technical and economic indicators

  • 1. In this case, the growth is 5.5%. The proceeds for 2011, taking into account the implementation of measures for the training of personnel, will be:
  • 54,987.44 + 3024.3 = 58,011.7 thousand rubles.

Table 3

Technical and economic indicators of the effectiveness of personnel training measures

Indicator name

Before events 2013


Abs. meas., +/-

Rel. meas.,%

Revenue (excluding VAT)

Cost price

The cost of fixed assets

Number of employees

Wage fund

Balance sheet profit (page 1 - page 2)

Production profitability (p.6 / p.2) х100%

Return on sales (p.6 / p.1) х100%

Labor productivity (p. 1 / c. 4)

Return on assets (p.1 / p.3)

Average wages (p.5 / p.4)

thousand rubles / person

2. The structure of the cost before the event: the total cost in 2013 amounted to 46660.45 thousand rubles, including fixed costs 37328.36 thousand rubles. and variable costs 9332.09 thousand rubles.

We will calculate the cost after the implementation of the event. Fixed costs will remain the same - 37328.36 thousand rubles, and variable costs must be calculated as follows:

variable costs per 1 ruble of revenue = 9332.09 / 46660.45 = 0.2 rubles;

planned variable costs = 0.2 * 58011.7 = 11602.34 thousand rubles;

Thus, the planned cost after the implementation of the measure will be:

37328.36 + 11602.34 + 8.12 = 48938.82 thousand rubles.

It should be taken into account that the implementation of the training and professional development program for personnel in the Riviera company will not entail changes in the cost of fixed assets, as well as in the number of employees.

It is also necessary to take into account that due to the increase in revenue, the size of the wages fund will increase. Let's make the necessary calculations:

  • 11277 / 54987,44 * 100 % = 20,5 %
  • 58,011.7 * 20.5 / 100% = 11892.4 thousand rubles.

Thus, the wage fund will amount to 11,892.4 thousand rubles.

Changes in other indicators are calculated using the formulas in Table 4.

The calculations show that due to an increase in revenue by 5.5% and an increase in cost of sales by 4.66%, the following indicators increased: balance sheet profit - by 8.22%, profitability of production - by 0.69%, profitability of sales by 0.5 %.

In addition, the increase in revenue influenced the growth of labor productivity by 5.21% and capital productivity by 5.22%.

The wages fund will increase by 5.17%, respectively, the average salary will also increase by 5.17%.

Thus, the presence of positive dynamics of these values ​​shows that the implementation of a comprehensive program for training and advanced training of personnel in the travel company "Riviera" LLC will be cost effective.

Measure 3. Creation of a system of motivation and incentives for personnel.

Table 4

Technical and economic indicators of the effectiveness of measures to create a personnel motivation system

Indicator name

Before events 2013

After the implementation of activities in 2011


Abs. meas., +/-

Rel. meas.,%

Revenue (excluding VAT)

Cost price

The cost of fixed assets

Number of employees

Wage fund

Balance sheet profit (page 1 - page 2)

Production profitability (p.6 / p.2) х100%

Return on sales (p.6 / p.1) х100%

Labor productivity (p. 1 / c. 4)

Return on assets (p.1 / p.3)

Average wages (p.5 / p.4)

thousand rubles / person

Methodology for calculating technical and economic indicators

  • 1. In this case, the growth is 6%. The proceeds for 2011, taking into account the implementation of measures to create a system of motivation and incentives for personnel, will be:
  • 54987.44 + 3299.25 = 58286.69 thousand rubles.
  • 2. Cost structure before the event: total cost in 2013 amounted to 46660.45 thousand rubles, including fixed costs 37328.36 thousand rubles. and variable costs 9332.09 thousand rubles.

We will calculate the cost after the implementation of the event. Fixed costs will remain the same - 37328.36 thousand rubles, and variable costs must be calculated as follows:

variable costs per 1 ruble of revenue = 9332.09 / 46660.45 = 0.2 rubles;

planned variable costs = 0.2 * 58286.69 = 11657.34 thousand rubles;

Thus, the planned cost after the implementation of the measure will be: 37328.36 + 11657.34 + 11.36 = 48997.06 thousand rubles.

It should be noted that the implementation of a comprehensive program to create a personnel motivation system in the travel agency "Natalie-Tours" will not entail changes in the cost of fixed assets, as well as the number of employees.

It is also necessary to take into account that due to the increase in revenue, the size of the wages fund will increase. Let's make the necessary calculations:

  • 11277 / 54987,44 * 100 % = 20,5 %
  • 58286.69 * 20.5 / 100% = 11948.8 thousand rubles.

Thus, the wage fund will amount to 11,948.8 thousand rubles.

Changes in other indicators are calculated using the formulas in Table 5.

The calculations show that due to an increase in revenue by 6% and an increase in production costs by 4.77%, the following indicators increased: balance sheet profit - by 10.36%, profitability of production - by 1.11%, profitability of sales by 0.8%.

In addition, the increase in revenue influenced the growth of labor productivity by 5.66% and capital productivity by 5.63%. The wage fund will increase by 5.62%, respectively, the average wages - also by 5.62%.

Thus, the presence of a positive trend in these values ​​shows that the implementation of the methods of remuneration of labor, social benefits and social events for the staff of the company "Natalie-Tours" will be cost-effective.

Summing up the grand total economic efficiency project of measures to improve corporate culture in the company "Natalie-Tours", we will determine the main technical and economic performance indicators travel agency after the implementation of the proposed activities.

Table 5

Technical and economic indicators of the effectiveness of the project for the implementation of the strategy for the formation of corporate culture in the company "Natalie-Tours"

Indicator name

Before events 2013

Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

After the implementation of activities in 2011


Abs. meas., +/-

Rel. meas.,%

Revenue (excluding VAT)

Cost price

The cost of fixed assets

Number of employees

Wage fund

Balance sheet profit (page 1 - page 2)

Production profitability (p.6 / p.2) х100%

Return on sales (p.6 / p.1) х100%

Labor productivity (p. 1 / c. 4)

rub / person

Return on assets (p.1 / p.3)


Average wages (p.5 / p.4)

thousand rubles / person

As a result of the implementation of the project of measures aimed at implementing the strategy for the formation of corporate culture by stimulating the labor of personnel, certification and advanced training, employees, the travel company "Natalie-Tours", the travel agency's revenue will increase by 14.16%, and the cost will increase by 12.77% , which, in turn, will lead to an increase in book profit by 21.2%. The capital productivity will increase by 14.19%.

Accordingly, a fairly significant increase in the balance sheet profit, but at the same time an increase in cost, will lead to an increase in the profitability of production by 2.07%, as well as the profitability of sales by 1.5%.

Labor productivity will increase quite significantly - by 14.16%, which confirms the effectiveness of the proposed activities in the travel agency.

The wage fund will increase by 14.07%, which will entail an increase wages by 14.06%, due to an increase in revenue.

Thus, we can conclude that the proposed project of measures for the implementation of the strategy for the formation of corporate culture, consisting of advanced training of employees, as well as incentives for personnel, the company "Natalie-Tours" is economically justified.

The proposed measures for the formation of the corporate culture of the company "Natalie-Tours" are of a complex nature, which will allow the most efficient use of the available financial and human resources and form a rational approach to personnel management of the travel agency.

The greatest economic effect from the implementation of the proposed measures gives the development of a system of motivation and incentives for the work of employees of the travel company "Natalie-Tours".

A good organization strives to maximize the potential of its employees, creating all the conditions for the fullest possible return of employees at work and for the intensive development of their potential.

In order for people to want to give all their strength and knowledge for the benefit of their native enterprise, a special inner atmosphere, a general idea of ​​the company, is necessary.

And this idea is embodied in the corporate culture. It can neither be implemented nor borrowed, it must be formed by raising, motivating and stimulating employees.

The concept of organizational culture, its main elements, principles, methods of formation and maintenance. Development of measures to improve organizational culture at Irkutskenergosbyt LLC. Formation of a personnel reserve, composition and structure of personnel.

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(Evaluation of the effectiveness of the organizational culture of entrepreneurship)

The emergence of a market economy in Russia, the entry of domestic entrepreneurs into international markets have significantly increased the requirements for the level of enterprise management, for the use of modern management technologies. The search for new methods and applied management tools that ensure effective entrepreneurial activity in the process of deep transformation and modernization of Russian society on the way out of the economic crisis determine the practical significance and prospects of organizational culture.

Any Russian enterprise striving to keep pace with the times cannot but have as one of the benchmarks the formation of an effective organizational culture that unites all employees around a single goal, contributing to the flexible behavior of the organization in a changing external environment.

Organizational culture has the most direct impact on the final results of organizations and, thereby, largely determines the effectiveness of their functioning. At the same time, the more effectively the organizational culture is used, the more effectively the production process is carried out with the appropriate resource provision. One of the most important economic problems in the management of an entrepreneurial organization is the correct substantiation of indicators for the effective use of the potential of organizational culture in order to have a positive impact on the final production and economic results.

The questions of what kind of culture can be called effective and whether there are any signs of effective cultures at all have been of interest to specialists for a long time. The researchers of this phenomenon approach the construction of an effective organizational culture with different criteria, using different techniques to assess the impact of certain characteristics of the enterprise's performance. At the same time, the predominant is a qualitative assessment of organizational culture, which is largely descriptive and cannot fully correspond to the diverse practice and dynamic requirements of business management.

Among researchers, controversy continues: is a quantitative approach to assessing culture possible at all and will it have legal force, or will some of the qualitative approaches be the only way to characterize culture? None of the known methods for assessing organizational culture does not allow us to identify the extent to which certain of its characteristics affect the effectiveness of the organization.

The solution to the problem, in our opinion, can be the concept of situational scoring. Its essence is to assign a certain point to the effectiveness of using each individual characteristic of organizational culture. The assessment is proposed to be made according to the traditional five-point system.

After evaluating each of the selected characteristics and assigning a certain point to it, we sum them up using the following formula:

I = I 1 + I 2 + I 3 + I 4 + I 5 + ... + I n , (1)

where I is the characteristic of organizational culture;

n is the number of characteristics to be considered.

5 - outstanding results,

4 - very good

3 - average achievements,

2 - on the verge of necessary,

1 - very poor results.

Three approaches have been developed to analyze and measure organizational culture in practice:

the researcher is "immersed" in culture and acts as a deeply involved observer in trying to become an “aborigine” of the organization;

the researcher uses the language samples of the documents, reporting, prevailing in the organization of stories and conversations, seeking to identify the elements of culture;

researcher uses questionnaires, conducts interviews to assess specific cultural manifestations.

The main issue around which there is controversy is this: when the assessment of culture is carried out using questionnaires or interviews, is this not a factual description only external characteristics organizations, are deep core values ​​taken into account?

Culture is based on fundamental values ​​and assumptions that organizations are often not even aware of, so proponents of the qualitative approach argue that the characteristics of culture can only be identified and described through a deep qualitative understanding of the artifacts, myths and legends that exist in the organization. The best solution to this problem is "immersion" in the culture of the organization..

It should be argued, however, that by not using questionnaires and interviews in defining culture, the breadth of research is sacrificed. If "immersion" in culture is necessary for its study, then it turns out to be impossible to cognize many organizational cultures. In addition, this method requires a long period of time to "immerse" in the culture of the organization. Consequently, in order to study and fully evaluate all the characteristics of the organizational culture, it is necessary, if possible, to use the first, second, and third approaches to the analysis and measurement of these characteristics. When using this methodology for assessing organizational culture, we propose the third approach as a basic one, without neglecting the other two.

Since the organizational culture reflects the collective basic ideas, when conducting a rating assessment, it is necessary to create an expert group of employees of the studied enterprise, who will assess the characteristics of the organizational culture.

Organizational culture influence coefficient(K vl) on the efficiency of the company is determined by the formula:

K vl = I / 5 n, (2)

When diagnosing and assessing organizational culture, the possibility of introducing any new significant factor in its effective formation is not excluded. Since during the research it is impossible to pay attention to absolutely all aspects, from all the diversity characteristics organizational culture it is suggested to take into account the six most significant:

1) strategic accents that contain plans and directions of action, commitments to carry out certain actions to achieve the set goals;

2) selection, evaluation of personnel and their promotion;

3) management style, which characterizes the attitude towards employees and determines the working conditions;

4) structure or internal composition of the organization, reflecting the ramification of the organization, the hierarchical subordination of units and the distribution of power between them;

5) success criteria and incentive systems that show what is being rewarded and how honored;

6) processes in the organization(including the effectiveness of the organization's information system, communication between employees and departments, decision-making system, management rules and procedures, etc.).

This approach seems to be sufficient to adequately represent the culture that the organization possesses.

The coefficient of the influence of organizational culture on the efficiency of the enterprise in this case is calculated by the following formula:

K vl = I / 30, (3)

Since, in general terms, the efficiency (E) of any system can be represented by an indicator characterizing the ratio of the result (P) obtained by this system to the costs in the form of production resources that caused this result (3), the influence of organizational culture on efficiency can be expressed as follows way:

E = K vl R / 3 (4)

Thus, if in the organization all the indicators of organizational culture selected for analysis were evaluated by five points, then the coefficient of influence of this culture is 1. This will mean that the organization has created such a culture that best contributes to the prosperity and growth of the effectiveness of this organization. If the coefficient is minimal (K vl = 0.2), this means:

employees do not understand the strategic goals and objectives of this company or do not understand the actions necessary to achieve the set goals;

the personnel recruitment and assessment system is far from perfect, there are no professionals in the team;

the management style and working conditions leave much to be desired, which causes dissatisfaction among the majority of employees of the organization;

work within the established structure does not provide support for the fulfillment of production tasks, the delegated authority is ambiguous, there is no correspondence between the power provided and the assigned responsibility;

the criteria for assessing success in the organization are not well thought out, the systems of incentives, honors, reward rituals designed to reinforce the values ​​and culture of the organization are completely absent, and if they do exist, it is not entirely clear to employees what exactly is rewarded and honored;

processes in the organization proceed spontaneously, conflicts are frequent, both between departments and between individual employees, the information system is ineffective, there is no feedback between employees and management, often rash decisions are made, there is no control over their implementation, management is carried out "from the office", managers are not visible and not available to their employees

In general, we can say that a person receives “internal” remuneration from work, feeling the significance of his work, feeling a sense of belonging to a certain team, satisfaction from communication and friendly relations with colleagues, while “external remuneration” is a salary, promotion, symbols of service and prestige.

At the same time, it is very important for a manager to be able to recognize the needs of employees, otherwise the result may be ineffective leadership and even the emergence of a negative conflict situation.

The main criterion for the effectiveness of the organization's culture is the extent to which the cultured organizational culture supports the business development strategies implemented by the management, to what extent it helps to achieve the company's goals. In this regard, it is obvious that the responsibility for the state of the organizational culture should be borne by managers at all levels and, first of all, by top management.

If we “shift” this responsibility to performers who do not have the levers of real power, then there is a threat to move to a purely formal performance of work that will not be able to give the desired result.

To assess the effectiveness of management of organizational culture, you can widely use the same methods as for the study of organizational culture: surveys, questionnaires, the study of oral folklore, documents, established management practices. External experts or consultants can be invited to carry out this work.

The main development opportunities for many organizations lie precisely in the field of cultural policy. And victory will be achieved by those leaders who can make the organizational culture work to support and successful implementation short and long term goals of the company.

Organizational culture is inextricably linked to the concept of organizational climate. Organizational climate - This is a relatively stable state of the organization's environment, which is expressed in the emotions, moods and experiences of the organization's members and affects their work behavior.

Thus, the organizational climate is determined by the nature of people, organizational ties and connections between the head and the subordinate. These connections are determined by interactions between goals and objectives, formal and informal organizational structures, leadership style, management process, and people's behavior.

Many organizations periodically study the organizational climate in order to control the "temperature" in the organization. It is an assessment of how people's expectations about how things should work in an organization correspond to the real state of affairs. Climate assessment can be very useful for identifying reasons for low employee motivation, such as dissatisfaction with pay, growth opportunities, communication, unclear organizational goals, etc.

An organizational climate assessment shows the alignment of individual and group values ​​and the culture of the organization. If employees accept and support the values ​​of the culture in the company, then the climate is "healthy". If not, then the climate is “bad” and motivation, commitment and performance can be expected to be low. If, for example, there is a cultural belief that every employee should know how their work is assessed, and the appraisal process does not provide such information, then the climate and motivation are likely to suffer.

Characteristic features of a "healthy" organizational climate:

  • employees see organizational goals as their own;
  • leadership style is adequate for work situations;
  • there is mutual trust, attention and support at all levels of the organization;
  • attention to work organization and quality working life;
  • a high degree of readiness of employees to successfully complete complex, promising and important tasks with high standards of performance;
  • fair system of rewards, recognition of merit and achievements;
  • opportunities for personal growth, career and advancement;
  • fairness and honesty in relations between management and personnel;
  • open communication channels and involving people in solving organizational problems and making decisions;
  • commitment of employees to their organization and a sense of their own need and importance for the organization.

The organizational climate can be changed and managed over relatively short periods of time. Culture is a much more stable education that has a longer life cycle, with deeper roots and more closely related to the organization's management system. Yet an unhealthy organizational culture demands the most serious senior management attention, more than an unhealthy climate.

In addition to managing organizational processes and work execution, management is responsible for creating an organizational climate in which people are motivated to work willingly and effectively.

A "healthy" organizational climate is not a guarantee effective work organizations. But the organization is unlikely to achieve high efficiency if the climate does not create conditions for cooperation and encourage people to work with desire and with full dedication.

Managers in their work can, firstly, act strictly within the framework of the culture. Under these conditions, its progressiveness will ensure success, but backwardness will lead to a drop in work efficiency, because the necessary changes will be ignored or blocked. Secondly, go ahead, ignoring the prevailing culture. Even if these actions are carried out in the right direction, they will cause resistance from staff and are unlikely to be particularly successful. Third, to make decisions partly within the framework of culture, but, if necessary, contrary to it. Here it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of the changes being made and culture, and, if possible, not "go too far". Fourth, to take steps, if necessary, that are completely incompatible with the culture. In this case, it is required to transform the culture itself, which is not always possible, given the obstacles and difficulties along the way.

In this direction, the following options are possible: changing the content of culture without changing its external forms; changing external forms without changing the content of culture; simultaneous changes to both.

The management of organizational culture is carried out by means of such measures as control of its state by managers; promotion and training of personnel in the necessary skills; selection of personnel appropriate to this culture, and getting rid of those who do not fit into it; wide use of symbols, ceremonies, rituals, change social roles members of the organization and incentive system.

Unsuccessful actions in this direction include: substitution of real processes of change advertising campaign; superficial "cosmetic" transformations, when, but in essence, everything remains the same, especially in top management; attempts to change an entire culture in one sitting; actions for the sake of actions themselves, not leading to a certain result.

Systemic culture change entails a change in people's behavior and can bring the organization to a new qualitative level.

The ratio of the culture of work and the culture of recreation is of fundamental importance here, since these are mutually complementary concepts: well-organized work allows you to shift the reserves of time to activities that are of a cultural nature, and the higher the general culture of workers, the higher the productivity of labor. The opposite is also true: a low general culture of workers contributes to a decrease in labor productivity and labor culture in general. Unfortunately, it is precisely this development of events that we can observe today in Russian Federation... Due to the capitalist "rationalization" of culture, the majority of the population of our country was cut off from culture in the broad sense of the word: more than 40,000 drama theaters, choral and choreographic collectives disappeared, tens of thousands of municipal and factory houses of culture were closed, the houses of pioneers were redesigned, and funding of culture from the budget is below 1% (in European countries on average - 5%). At the same time, budget financing covers no more than 10% of the real needs of the cultural sector.

The low everyday culture of Russians negatively affects the culture of work. According to a study by VTsIOM, at least half of the employees domestic enterprises has a degraded labor consciousness. Of the 60 million people of the working-age population, about one third (20 million people) abuse alcohol, according to official statistics, 328 thousand people are drug addicts who are registered in medical institutions, 978,000 mentally ill, 1 million prisoners. In the country from 1998 to 2005, the sale of beer increased from 408.2 to 892.1 million decaliters, wines - from 51.5 to 85 million decaliters, vodka and alcoholic beverages are consumed by Russians annually at the level of 210-220 million decaliters.

Poor working conditions and ecology, as well as an inappropriate lifestyle lead to a decrease in the quality of "human" material: more than 1,200,000 people with disabilities are officially registered in Russia, the frequency of industrial accidents with fatalities is 2-2.5 times higher than in the United States and countries of the European Union. According to expert data, in our country for reasons related to production, more than 180 thousand people die annually (in the USA - about 25,000 people). Loss of working time from industrial accidents in 2006 amounted to 2.3 million man-days.

  • Kostikov V. Prejudice and superstition squeeze true faith // Arguments and Facts. 2008. No. 31, p. 6.

Corporate culture is a set of beliefs, attitudes, norms of behavior and values ​​common to all employees of a given organization. It determines the way people act and greatly influences the course of the work they do. At present, corporate culture is a recognized tool for increasing business efficiency and forming a company's strategy [18].

Leadership corporate spirit, mutual understanding and support both horizontally (between employees) and vertically (between managers and subordinates) are the key to successful achievement of strategic goals. For effective management the company needs an objective assessment of corporate culture, a comprehensive analysis of the organization of business processes and the effectiveness of interaction between employees. Thus, a diagnosis of corporate culture is required from the point of view of business efficiency. Diagnostics can be used to solve current business problems, for example, to increase staff loyalty, reduce staff churn, as well as to solve strategic problems - increasing market share, increasing business profitability.

Diagnostics of corporate culture is also necessary to predict the company's potential during restructuring.

(creation of new departments, mergers, acquisitions, arrival of new owners, implementation of systems management accounting) .

Subject this study are various approaches and methods of diagnosing the corporate culture of the company. First of all, it should be noted that the methods of researching corporate culture can be grouped into three groups:

1. Holistic - the researcher is deeply immersed in the culture of the organization and acts as a participatory observer;

2. Metaphorical - the researcher uses samples of the language of documents, reporting, everyday stories and conversations.

3. Quantitative - The researcher evaluates a variety of perspectives, each of which must be given consideration when assessing the attributes of an organization's culture.

Our research is devoted to quantitative methods for diagnosing corporate culture, as the most suitable for determining the relationship between culture and business performance, as well as allowing you to compare the corporate cultures of different organizations. In this case, the main problem is to determine the set of attributes or factors of the corporate culture that are subject to assessment.

The first studies in the field of diagnostics of corporate culture appeared in the United States in the 1980s. In 1980 G. Hofstede

[12] published the results of a large-scale study on the differences in organizational behavior of company employees in different national cultures. Hofstede identified five main dimensions that determined the differences in the corporate cultures of companies in different countries:

1. distancing from power;

2. the desire to avoid uncertainty;

3. individualism / collectivism;

4. masculinity / femininity;

5. focus on short-term or long-term.

Hofstede pointed out that culture within organizations is of a different nature than national culture... According to Hofstede, national culture comes from consistency in values, and corporate culture comes from consistency in practice. Hofstede's work laid the foundation for the study of corporate culture within organizations.

In 1983, Diehl and Kennedy identified dimensions of corporate culture based on feedback rate and risk.

1. Low risk and fast feedback. High activity level with relatively low risk. Driving force is the quality of the work. This type of culture is usually possessed by companies retail, real estate, software development, fast food restaurants.

2.. High risk and quick feedback is a culture of individualists, quick deals and profit. Typical for the advertising business, players in the currency markets and valuable papers, consultants, entertainment business.

3. Low risk and slow feedback - process culture, calm, comfortable, risk-free work. This type of culture is possessed by large banks and Insurance companies, administrative divisions large companies, pharmaceuticals, public services.

4. High risk and slow feedback - future orientation, investment culture. The driving force is a long wait for the result. Employees try to work carefully, insuring their investments as much as possible. Investment banks and construction companies usually have this type of culture. aviation and space production, production of capital equipment.

In 1992, the American scientist Shane introduced three levels of manifestation and, accordingly, the study of corporate culture:

1. Artifacts - easily noticeable manifestations of the life of an organization in the form appearance employees, speech space, movement, symbolism, traditional events and rituals. Artifacts are believed to be external manifestations of deeper levels of culture.

2. Declared values ​​are the statements and actions of members of the organization that, in their opinion, reflect shared values ​​and beliefs. Declared values ​​are usually the result of managers' work - as part of strategy development. The rest of the employees develop their own attitudes towards these values. In the event of a change in strategy, the declared values ​​can be replaced with new ones, and in case of success and consolidation, move to the next level of basic ideas.

3. Core beliefs are the unconscious basis of the culture of the organization that determines the behavior of employees. For employees, these concepts are obvious and self-evident.

Quantitative methods for assessing corporate culture have been developed by a number of famous American and European scientists based on empirical studies of the activities of international corporations.

One of the most famous is the OCAI technique of Kim Cameron and Robert Quinn [2]. When conducting a study, it is assumed that each structural unit of an organization carries elements of culture that are typical for the organization as a whole. The methodology assumes that there are four models of corporate culture and 6 basic attributes, to varying degrees inherent in different models. The following attributes are used: the principles of relationships, the general style of leadership, personnel management, the connecting essence of the organization, strategic goals, criteria for success. In the course of the study, two profiles are formed: "as is" and "as should be" and the necessary changes are determined to eliminate inconsistencies.

In 1991, American scientists O'Reilly, Chatman and Condwell showed that the following 7 dimensions can be used in the dianosis of the culture of organizations:

1. innovativeness and willingness to take risks, i.e. the degree of risk reward, experimentation, innovation approval;

2. attention to detail - how much the organization expects its employees to be accurate in performing tasks, scrupulousness and attention to detail;

3. result orientation - the extent to which management is focused on the final result, rather than on the methods and processes used to achieve it;

4. focus on people - the level of value of personnel and respect for employees, the degree of encouragement of talents;

5. orientation towards team or individual work;

6. aggressiveness - the level of internal competition as opposed to friendliness;

7.stability - the pursuit of conservation current situation as opposed to the desire for innovation. 1, 2 and 7 projections reflect the attitude to work. 3,4,5,6 - relationships within the team and the norms of personal actions. The developed methodology is called OCP; corporate culture is assessed by examining the agreement of the organization's employees with 54 statements characterizing individual and organizational values.

Other use cases quantitative method is the Cook and Lafferty OCI methodology originally developed to articulate behavioral norms, values ​​and beliefs shared by members of an organization. The methodology focuses on the study of management styles and diagnoses an organization in terms of compliance with one of the 12 organizational styles. As a result, the company belongs to one of three types of corporate culture:

1. Constructive - people strive to interact with each other and look for ways to reach a compromise on all issues;

2. Passive-protective - people believe that they must act carefully, without compromising safety;

3. Aggressively defensive - people are actively fighting, defending their status and security.

Another well-known example of a technique for diagnosing corporate culture is the technique of van de Post and Koning, developed in High school Stellenbosch Business in 1997. Post and Koning study 114 parameters that characterize the culture of an organization, reducing them to 14 generalizing factors. In contrast to the previous methods, the factors include parameters that reflect the relationship of the organization with the society - the purposefulness of the organization, clarity of goals, customer orientation. However, the other 11 factors relate to the leadership style and internal values ​​of the organization.

The next step in the diagnosis of corporate culture was the calculation of indices of corporate culture efficiency, that is, an integral quantitative assessment of the level of all studied parameters from the point of view of their overall impact on business efficiency. At the same time, business efficiency is understood both from the point of view of internal, its manifestations, such as the degree of staff satisfaction, staff turnover, labor productivity, and from the point of view of external results - an increase in market share, an increase in profitability, an increase in the quality of goods and services, the development of new types products.

Based on the methods described above, a number of corporate culture indices have been developed, the most famous are the Norms Diagnostic Index and Culture Gap Survey. These tools measured the values ​​of the organization's members, from the way they set goals, avoidance of conflicts, self-defense, propensity to innovate, and the degree of risk taking.

In my opinion, the disadvantage of all these methods is excessive concentration on individual values, internal relationships of employees and leadership style to the detriment of the study of interaction in the outside world - mission, customer orientation and image of the organization.

The most balanced approach to calculating the corporate culture efficiency index was proposed in 1993 by Daniel Denison - professor organizational development at the International Institute for Management Development in Lausanne. Denison collaborated with William Neal to conduct an empirical study of the relationship between corporate culture traits and organizational performance.

As a result, 4 main projections of corporate culture were identified that affect business efficiency, for each of which several indices are calculated:

1 projection - adaptability, within this projection the indices are calculated:

Creation of changes (innovativeness, adaptability);

Customer orientation;

Organizational learning.

2 projection - mission, within the framework of this projection, indices are calculated:

Strategic direction;


3 projection - sequence (consistency), indices are calculated:

Coordination and integration;


Key values.

4 projection - involvement (involvement); indices are calculated:


Ability Development Index;

Command orientation index.

The calculation of indices is carried out on the basis of processing employee questionnaires, where several statements are formulated for each index, which are evaluated on a five-point scale. According to the results of calculating the indices, the corporate culture is presented in the form of a circle, the horizontal line divides the organizational parameters into internal and external focus. Engagement and consistency characterizes internal processes in the organization, and adaptability and mission are external. The vertical cut of the circle draws the line between a flexible organization and a stable one. Engagement and adaptability determines organizational flexibility and propensity to change, while alignment (consistency) and mission determines the organization's ability to be stable and manageable. Denison's model assumes that mission and alignment are more influential in financial indicators such as return on assets and return on investment, profitability of sales, while consistency and engagement have more impact on quality, employee satisfaction, customer loyalty.

Engagement and adaptability have an impact on product development and innovation. The indices of these parameters in the range from 3 to 4 points mean a high level of innovative activity in production and service, creativity, quick response to the changing desires and needs of customers and their own employees.

Adaptability and mission affect revenues, sales growth and market share. With the value of the corresponding indices from 3 to 4 points, the organization is likely to see an increase in sales and an increase in market share. Thus, the study of corporate culture according to the Denison model helps the company to form a decision-making system, set the direction of activity, manage employee behavior, influence the effectiveness and productivity of personnel.

Concluding the review of foreign methods for diagnosing the effectiveness of corporate culture, I would like to note that relatively recently, methods have appeared that make it possible to simultaneously cover three levels of organizational culture (individual, intra-organizational and inter-organizational.

"Multilevel profile of organizational culture". This method defines five parameters of corporate culture, affecting three levels: the individual level determines the dedication to the organization, attitude towards life-long employment, participation in decision-making, intra-organizational level - the system human resources, the mission of the organization, organizational structure, interorganizational level - environmental factors.

The most famous Russian methods for diagnosing corporate culture are the methods of M.N. Pavlova, V.N. Voronin, I. D. Ladanova. ...

The method of M. N. Pavlova is based on the approaches of G. Hofstede. The main features of corporate culture are:

- “individualism-collectivism” - the degree of integration of individuals into groups is assessed;

- "power distance" - characterizes the level of democratization (authoritarianization) of the management style;

- "tendency to avoid uncertainty" - the leader's busyness with private issues, focus on avoiding risk and responsibility.

- "musculinization-feminization" - reflects the motivational orientation of staff to achieve a goal (male role) or the process of completing a task (female role).

This technique allows you to build a profile of organizational culture, but is not associated with the calculation of quantitative indices.

A comprehensive attempt to assess the entire set of parameters of corporate culture with the calculation of the composite index was made by V.N. Voronin with the help of the DIAORG questionnaire developed by him. This method is aimed at studying the satisfaction with the work of the organization's employees, the leading motives and needs of the individuals involved in labor activity... V.N. Voronin divided the value and motivational components of the organization into blocks that reflect the most significant aspects of the organization's life: management style, established work standards, attitude to activities, attitude to the organization, motivation system (external and internal), selection system, decision-making system, balance of power and responsibility, clarity of distribution of functions, structure business communications, the level of group development of units. In the course of the study, two blocks of motivation factors were identified: motivating (stability of the organization's position, a positive image of an employee of the organization, a high level of remuneration, an attractive system of benefits for employees, the ability to acquire new knowledge, cohesive and Friendly team, the existence of an opportunity for fast career interesting work) and demotivating: (high intensity of work, a high degree of responsibility for the results of work, strict requirements for discipline, lack of job security, lack of free time, lack of authority to perform functions. any employee has a system of needs that affects his behavior in the organization, and, on the other hand, the presence of organizational conditions that need to be optimized to increase their motivating influences.It should be noted that the choice of factors of corporate culture and the structure of the questionnaire is adapted for commercial banks.

Another example of a quantitative approach to the diagnosis of corporate culture in Russian theory and practice is the method of I. D. Ladanov.

The research is conducted by responding to 29 questions, which represent a series of statements grouped into 4 sections: work, communication, management, motivation and morality. For example, the first section includes statements:

“At our enterprise, newly hired workers are given the opportunity to master a specialty” or “We have equipped jobs”. The second section, in particular, includes statements: “we have clear instructions and rules of conduct for all categories of workers” or “we cultivate various forms and methods of communication ( business contacts, meetings, information printouts, etc.).

Each statement is evaluated on a 10-point scale. The corporate culture index is assessed by the total score. The maximum value of the index is 290. The indicators indicate the following levels of corporate culture: 290-261 - very high. 260 - 175 - high, 174 - 115 medium, 115 - with a tendency to degradation.

The advantage of this technique is the ability to quantitatively compare the corporate culture of different organizations or one organization at different time intervals. However, in my opinion, the question of the mutual significance of each statement specifically for the company's business efficiency remains unexplored, since the model has no weights, all factors are recognized as equal and the general index of corporate culture is obtained by simply summing the scores for each of the 29 statements.

As part of our study [5], an attempt was made to clarify and shorten the list of corporate culture parameters that really affect business efficiency. Russian companies, as well as to find out the mutual significance (weight) of each parameter for the compilation of a consolidated index of corporate culture efficiency.

At the same time, it was also necessary to clarify the question of whether the choice of factors for the effectiveness of corporate culture depends on the scope of the company, the age of the company and the size of the company.

At the first stage of the study, a contextual analysis of materials from the business press and the Internet (more than 100 articles) was carried out to identify a set of factors that experts, specialists, owners and managers of firms associate with the concept of the effectiveness of corporate culture. According to the results this stage 41 parameters of corporate culture were identified, which, according to the author of the articles, affects the efficiency of the company's business. By grouping factors similar in meaning, it was possible to identify 20 factors of corporate culture that affect business efficiency. In this list, there were value-orientation factors such as mission, company image, factors that determine relationships in the team, such as leadership style, work atmosphere, organization and coordination of actions), as well as factors material incentives(social package, reward system), factors intrinsic motivation(the possibility of self-realization, the possibility of learning) and other groups of factors. The analysis of the frequency of mentioning the parameters in the articles made it possible to construct the factors in descending order of importance for business efficiency. The largest number of mentions as a factor of business efficiency was received by the parameter - the mission and image of the organization, then the atmosphere in the team, the third place was taken by the organization and consistency of employees' actions.

At the second stage of the research, a list of the first 8 parameters of corporate culture in the list was included in the questionnaire survey, in which 90 owners and managers of Russian companies in various fields of activity took part. The 8 parameters include:

1. Awareness of the mission by employees and the presence of a positive image of the organization

2. The atmosphere in the team

3. Organization, coordination of actions of employees

4. Availability of corporate traditions and joint leisure

5. The degree and variety of forms of employee motivation

6. Management style of the company

7. Attitude towards the professional level and control over the actions of employees

8. Availability of a social package.

The survey participants were asked to rank 8 parameters in descending order of their influence on the company's business efficiency, as well as to supplement the list of parameters with new factors that were not taken into account by the survey organizers. In addition, the participants were asked to answer the question: “Why do they consider the first three factors the most important? »At the end of the questionnaire, respondents were asked to answer demographic questions about the type of business, the life span of the company, the size of the business, and the status and age of the respondent within the company.

The mass survey was preceded by ten in-depth interviews in order to find out to what extent the respondents understand and interpret 8 parameters of the survey in the same way. In-depth interviews showed that 9 out of 10 respondents correctly and equally understand the meaning of each of the 8 parameters of the questionnaire.

The survey was equally attended by representatives of manufacturing companies, trading companies and service companies. Most of the companies have been in the market for over four years and are small and small business, i.e. had an annual turnover of up to 10 million dollars per year. About half of the respondents were owners or top managers of their companies and belonged to the age group from 25 to 35 years old.

The processing of the results of ranking the factors of corporate culture was carried out as follows: the factor that received the first priority in the questionnaire received 8 points, the second - 7 points, etc. up to 8 factors, which received one point. The points were summed up for all questionnaires. Thus, the maximum possible number of points for one factor is 720. The survey participants gave the largest number of points to the factor "control of the professional level and actions of employees", which received a total of 591 points, 2nd place - organization, coordination of actions of employees (490 points), 3rd place - leadership style (474 ​​points), 4th place - team atmosphere (431 points), 5th place - employee motivation

(384 points), 6th place - awareness of the organization's mission (357 points), 7th place - the presence of a social package (310 points), the presence of corporate traditions and shared leisure (195 points).

The study also clarified the question of the extent to which differences in the status, age and type of activity of companies and respondents affect the priorities in choosing factors for the effectiveness of corporate culture.

Using statistical methods of categorical analysis, hypotheses about the dependence of the ranking results on various demographic characteristics of the questionnaires were tested. According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that the priorities in choosing critical factors corporate culture that affects the efficiency of a company's business does not depend on the type of business, size and age of the company. The only demographic parameter that influenced the choice of survey participants was their age. Younger respondents gave more preference to factors: the atmosphere in the team and traditions and leisure.

D. Denison's methodology for diagnosing the effectiveness of corporate culture lacks such important factors for Russian experts and managers as the atmosphere in the team, the presence of employee motivation, the presence of a social package, the existence of traditions and corporate leisure. At the same time, the Russian survey participants did not pay much attention to the company's mission, long-term goals and direction of activity, vision of the organization's future, business planning, which occupy an essential place in D. Denison's questionnaire. In addition, among the factors obtained as a result of our research, there are no direct references to the company's innovativeness, flexibility to change, risk appetite, customer focus. Thus, we can say that these factors of influence on business efficiency are not sufficiently understood in the Russian business community.

If we compare the results of the study with Ladanov's method, then we can say that most of the factors of corporate culture, by which the aggregate efficiency index is calculated, coincide for both methods. In Ladanov's methodology, only two factors of corporate culture are missing, which turned out to be significant in our study: traditions and leisure and the presence of a social package, which occupy the last places in the rating of importance. Little attention is paid in Ladanov's methodology to the company's mission, at the same time, there are working conditions and arrangement of workplaces that were not taken into account in our research. The models differ significantly in the choice of the significance of various factors to determine the aggregate efficiency index. Ladanov's technique involves several more weight factors of management and motivation, in relation to the conditions of work and communication.

According to the results of our research, we can propose the following general index for calculating the effectiveness of the corporate culture of IEKK = 591/720 * level of care and control of professionalism of employees + 490/720 * level of organization and coordination of actions of employees + 474/720 * effectiveness of leadership style + 431/720 * atmosphere in the team + 384/720 * level of motivation of employees + 357/720 * level of awareness of the organization's mission + 310/720 * availability of a social package + 195/720 * presence of corporate traditions and joint leisure. The calculation of the level of each of the eight factors can be carried out on the basis of a questionnaire that includes several statements for each factor. Based on the use and adjustment of the previously proposed questionnaires, we can offer the following approximate list of statements for compiling a questionnaire for calculating the corporate culture performance index:

1. The level of care and control of the professionalism of employees:

The organization continually invests in the development of the skills of its employees;

The human potential of this organization is constantly growing;

Problems rarely arise in my organization because we have the necessary skills for the job.

2. Coordination and consistency of actions of employees:

People in different organizational units share a common perspective;

Working with someone from another department is easier than working with someone from another company;

We rarely have trouble reaching agreement on key issues.

3. The effectiveness of the leadership style:

Most of the employees in this organization are actively involved in the work;

Decisions in this organization are made at the level where the best information is available;

Leadership style is consistent with the objectives of the organization.

4. Team atmosphere:

We maintain good relationships with each other;

Conflict situations in our country are resolved taking into account all the realities of the situation;

Our organization is dominated by cooperation and mutual respect between employees.

5. Level of motivation of employees:

The salary system does not give rise to complaints from employees;

We have organized a professional (thoughtful) assessment of employees' performance;

Our organization has a reasonable system of promotion to new positions.

6. Awareness of the mission of the organization:

Our organization has a clear mission that gives meaning and direction to our work;

The strategic direction of our organization is clear to me;

There is complete agreement on the goals of this organization between employees and managers.

7. Availability of a social package:

In our organization, leave and sick leave are fully paid;

Employees can enjoy free meals, corporate health insurance, free travel;

We have the opportunity to visit free of charge sports hall and other similar institutions.

8. Existence of corporate traditions and leisure:

I know the history of my company foundation;

We have a tradition of celebrating joint holidays;

We host cultural and sports events and competitions.

A survey participant can rate each statement on a 5-point scale of agreement. The results are summarized taking into account the significance index of each of the eight factors.

The task of further research may be to check the adequacy of the proposed index by examining the correlation between its value and the business performance of companies. Business performance should be measured in terms of both externalities, financial results and market share, and at the internal level: labor productivity, lack of staff turnover, employee satisfaction and involvement. The unit of research should be business structures.


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