Profession: young doctor. Why did I become a doctor? Why I wanted to become a doctor

Essay on the topic "Why do I want to become a surgeon?"

To date, the most attractive profession for me is a surgeon. Unfortunately, no one in my family works in the field of medicine. But I have always liked all kinds of educational programs in which doctors of various fields talk about certain diseases, about the methods of their treatment. In addition, for many months I have been studying various medical textbooks and manuals that can be found on the Internet. I really like reading these books, they contain a lot of interesting and useful things that I did not even know about before.
For many centuries, the profession of a doctor has been one of the most difficult and noble ones. Every day, people in white coats save a huge number of lives. I would like to connect my life with a profession that would benefit people, help them and would be in demand in any economic situation. Therefore, my choice fell on the surgical field. Of course, this profession implies great diligence, knowledge and even talent. The surgeon's hands are a tool that can both save a person and destroy him. This is a very big responsibility. Therefore, it is necessary to study for this profession with all diligence. Fine motor skills of the hands should also be well developed. To do this, I am already starting to do simple exercises, for example, rolling a coin over my fingers. This exercise trains the fingers well and soothes them.
Perhaps for many, the profession of "surgeon" seems to be something terrible and bloody, like from horror films. But for me it is a wonderful profession that will help make the world a better place and save a large number of people. I do not consider the operation process as “cutting a living person”. I believe that these are the same necessary procedures, without which human life can be threatened, like vaccinations or a course of therapeutic massage. Without these procedures, as well as without surgery, a person will feel bad, and something will certainly hurt him. The profession of a surgeon is aimed at curing and eliminating from the life of any person who needs it, pain and suffering, and even make his life much better! That is why I am inclined to choose this profession after graduating from school and associate with it my whole life. After all, saving people's lives is an incredible responsibility, but also a great joy!

Niko Khinkiladze

In grades 10-11, we increasingly thought about the question of who to be, what profession to choose, so that it would bring pleasure and decent earnings? It seems ridiculous and naive to us now children's wishes today to become an astronaut or a firefighter, and tomorrow to announce to everyone that you will be a driver or a dentist. And now the time has come for self-determination ...

Why is this question so important? Observing my family and friends, I came to the conclusion that not everyone works the way they would like, and where they would like to. In the conversation, it turns out that he went to study where his parents advised, or did not want to part with a friend - a classmate - they decided to study together at the institute. As a result: boredom, irritation, going to work is like going to hard labor, but I would like to go to a holiday!

It seems to me that when choosing a profession, you need to take into account your desires and interests: what can I do? Draw, sculpt, tinker with technique, with a tool, and so on. And these are their interests and desires to correlate with their capabilities. After all, some professions require large mental costs, others - physical, still others - both together. There is one more point: many have limited ideas about the profession they want to acquire. Often, a fan of computer games wants to be a programmer, although not every computer user can become one. It is better for irritable, nervous people not to go to the teacher, and they are unlikely to become good doctors.

There is one more condition that must be taken into account when choosing a profession: the material capabilities of the family. I know a girl who wanted to become a translator from Japanese in order to introduce readers to the works of modern Japanese literature. But the family could not teach and support her in the capital. She was given good advice: study to be a teacher - a philologist or librarian somewhere nearby, then work and pay for her second education herself. Thus, the goal would be achieved, although much more time would have been spent. But she wanted everything at once. The result is sad: she is not really engaged in anything, she is offended by the whole world.

So, having calculated everything, you plunge into the world of professions. And it turns out to be so huge and diverse! I settled on a creative profession and, moreover, one of the most ancient - the profession of a journalist.

Yes, the first journalists were orators and heralds in ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt. The first newspapers were written in papyri. Now everything has changed, everything is different, but the profession is still interesting! The results of the journalist's work have become the main source of information about the world around and the events taking place in all parts of the world.

Why is she so tempting? If you want to be at the center of political, economic, sports, cultural events - become a journalist! Strenuous intellectual work and a mobile lifestyle are what attracts me to the profession of a journalist. Look for facts that will be of interest to everyone, not just you, and transmit it quickly, quickly, competently in a newspaper, magazine article or report, on television or on radio. Have your own opinion on everything! Talking about the fact, sympathize, resent, rejoice! Search for the truth! Telling why some people like what is happening, others do not. Look for the pros and cons. Only an objective author can be a journalist. A talented journalist can make any topic interesting if he finds something unusual in it!

What else do I like about this profession? A journalist is always in the thick of things, always with people. He is interested in both famous people and ordinary people. He must be a psychologist in order to tune a person to "his own wave", to make him talk and get interesting material.

In search of facts, a journalist has to travel a lot, sacrifice weekends and holidays for the sake of what he loves. And if the family? It's good when a loved one, knowing the pros and cons of your profession, shares them, sympathizes, and helps.

A soldier who does not dream of being a general is bad. So any journalist dreams of becoming famous. But fame comes only to the talented and hardworking. Yes, you have to work very hard to hurry to your programs, your articles are waiting. Respect, appreciation, maybe love must be earned with hard work.

Do not forget that the profession of a journalist is one of the most dangerous. And there are many examples to support this. I read somewhere that two journalists die every day in the world, and almost a hundred per year. This happens in all parts of the world: Asia, Africa, America, Europe. Now journalists are dying in Ukraine. Why? They are always where passions are heated, where military operations are being conducted. Sometimes, in pursuit of sensational events, exclusive information, they commit rash acts. It happens that correspondents are kidnapped, and then the whole journalistic brotherhood stands up for them. Of course, soldiers die more often in war, but journalists in hot spots are completely unprotected, their weapons are a notebook, pen, camera, microphone.

What else would you like to say? That the profession should also feed. The salary of an aspiring journalist is low, but it all depends on talent and ability to work. There is no limit to self-improvement, so in the future you can become an editor-in-chief, write an author's column in a newspaper or an author's program on television, write movie scripts, participate in competitions, and also open your own magazine, newspaper, television or radio channel.

Thus, becoming a journalist is not easy. First of all, you need to learn. To be fluent in Russian, know foreign languages, literature, history, psychology and other sciences. Master journalistic wisdom, strive for self-development and self-study. And then it will be possible to say that professional life has taken place!

Niko Khinkiladze, student of TNU, Simferopol

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Pacific State Medical University

Department of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics

"Why did I choose the profession of a doctor"

Completed student of group LECH 117

Nikitenko V.A.

Checked Head of the Department of Physics and Mathematics

Voloshin V.N.

Vladivostok 2016

"Why did I choose the profession of a doctor?"

The profession of a doctor is very important for humanity. After all, health is above all. Every person wants to be healthy and the doctor should help him in this. The doctor must not only correctly prescribe the medicine, but also correctly tell the patient about his illness and, in some cases, comfort him. It is very important not to lose deep respect for the sick, to be able to listen, understand, help, and this is sometimes very difficult.

There is also such a thing as medical secrecy. People go to a doctor when they feel bad, hard, hurt, they come to him as to a shepherd with their grief and misfortune. And he, like a priest in confession, must listen, understand, help and keep the secret of others. The profession of a doctor is a heroic deed, it needs self-sacrifice, purity of soul and purity of thoughts. This work is a big and responsible business. A doctor has no right to make even a small mistake, since it is expensive. Therefore, it is so important to learn the skill, to master all the complexities of medical science while still at the university. I was fascinated by this profession since childhood. I am ready with a clear conscience and clean hands to take on this responsible business. It will be very pleasant for me to treat people, to help them.

Rarely, but still there are accidents when it is impossible to restore the patient's health. Many families of the victims blame doctors for the death of their relatives. But we must remember: a doctor is not God! Not everything is in his hands, no matter how educated he is, there are situations when you need to make one single right decision instantly, to take risks. Practice acquired over the years is of great importance in the work of a doctor. This is what I want. Communicate, study, sometimes make mistakes (during study, but not work), and then correct. Go forward and forward.


There are many reputable doctors, luminaries of medical science, excellent masters of their craft, who have left and are retaining worldwide fame. You can name such famous names as Pavlov, Amosov, Mechnikov, Sechenov ... But the greatest authority for me was Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, who saved the lives of thousands of patients, made grandiose discoveries - ether anesthesia and a plaster cast for fractures. Pirogov was a real child prodigy. When he was fourteen years old, he became a student at Moscow University, and at twenty-two - a professor in Germany. A brilliant surgeon, a wonderful diagnosis, he saved the life of young Dmitry Mendeleev by recognizing and curing a heart disease, which was rare by that time. And how many more patients did he return to health ?! His name is steeped in legend.

If a person has found his calling, work becomes a joy for him. I recall the words of the famous oriental physician Avicenna, who said: “There are no hopeless patients. There are only hopeless doctors. " I would like to believe that the world has changed for the better since those ancient times when Avicenna lived, and progressively developing medicine can become that saving ray of light that will warm human souls with the warmth of hope for good and happiness.

All doctors are united by one thing - love for the patient, empathy for his health. Nowadays, because of the ecology, doctors are burdened with a heavy burden of the disease of society. I believe that regardless of the salary, I will help the sick, because their lives depend on it. It is they, the people in white coats, who instill hope and faith in the recovery of the sick. Without faith, the patient will not get back on his feet.

Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath, which affirms the true appearance of a true doctor - a humanist who is ready to help those in need at any time of the day. It is no secret that today among doctors there are many unscrupulous workers who measure their skills only by the size of the patients' financial condition. I believe that our state should carefully approach this problem. It is worth raising the salaries of doctors and other public sector employees, and then many talented specialists will return to work from private clinics to simple ones, which means that everyone, and especially a child, will be able to receive free and high-quality medical care at their place of residence and completely free of charge.

Being a doctor is very interesting and educational, because you want to know how a person “works”, how he is arranged. New topics of conversation appear, people are very pleased to communicate with you. When I was in practice, although people saw that you were a student, they looked at me with respect, even when I was washing the floors.


Since childhood, I wanted to connect my life with the medical profession. I am pleased to take care of my family when they are sick, to feel responsible for their health and life. I believe that the profession of a doctor is highly valued in our country, and in the whole world as a whole. Only a strong-willed and kind-hearted person can connect his life with the medical profession. After all, sometimes it is very difficult to come to work and be happy if you have big problems at home. I understand this, and I am ready for this, because it is important for patients to see that their doctor is in a good mood. Patients are not to blame for anything, so you need to be able to come to work and be happy about it. I choose the profession of a doctor, and I am ready to give my life to it. I am sure I will love my job.

"Why did I choose the profession of a doctor?" 1

The choice of the profession of a doctor. How not to be mistaken for life?

Choosing a future profession is not easy and very important. Especially if this is the choice of the profession of a doctor. You cannot enter this path just like that or at the behest of your parents.

Hard study at the university and residency, medical practice and close communication with sick people cannot be pulled out without a real desire for this. Before making such a choice, it is necessary to understand the essence of the medical profession.

A doctor and a teacher are ancient and complex professions, far from everyone can take place in them. Treating people is not just a mechanical process of diagnosing and prescribing drugs. First of all, it is empathy, the desire to understand and help a person recover. Only then will constant communication with patients be enjoyable.

Who can become a doctor? The very profession of a doctor, a description of which is easy to find on the Internet or to get to know more closely by observing the everyday life of a doctor, can become understandable. But how do you know for sure whether you match this activity in terms of your inner qualities? This can be done using the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Choosing a medical profession: who is able to treat people?

There are not so many people who are truly capable of empathy and empathy. Approximately 5%. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan defines them as the owners of the visual vector.

In the life of such people, emotionality plays a major role. They have it very clearly expressed and requires constant implementation. A high emotional amplitude can accelerate from sadness and tears to joy and happiness many times during one day. In general, people are emotional, capable of frequent changes of emotions - only spectators.

Someone builds houses, someone plays football, someone writes books or makes furniture. Spectators are born for emotions. Not for yourself, but for others. It cannot be called a full realization of emotionality, getting delight from some spectacles, contemplation of beautiful pictures or, even more often, rolling hysterics.

The starting point in the development of the visual vector is the fear of death. This is the emotion with which the viewer is born. This fear, of course, is for oneself beloved. And development is about learning to transfer fear from yourself to others. And with the development of this skill, such a child often wants to become a doctor.

Why do I want to become a doctor? How desire arises

Reading a fairy tale or watching a film in which the main character has to endure hardships and hardships, the visual child takes this very close to his heart and begins to worry about him. He feels sorry for the hero, begins to cry. According to Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, this is how empathy arises and fear leaves, transforming into a new feeling - compassion.

If such a person has not received sufficient development in childhood, emotionality finds itself in negative states. This can cause various phobias, tantrums, panic attacks and other problems.

The full implementation of the visual vector is the establishment of emotional connections with people who need help. Such interaction evokes empathy in a person with a developed sensibility. It brings a state of balance and enjoyment. For those who are capable of this, the choice of the profession of a doctor is just what is needed for a happy life.

We often associate our life with work that does not allow us to reach our full potential. This leaves a feeling of lack. Likewise, people who are "anointed by God" to heal people may be very far from this activity. Although in childhood they told their parents: “I want to become a pediatrician” or “I want to become a dentist”. And the specifics are not at all important here. Not understanding yourself, not understanding others, it is very difficult to make the right choice.

Unfortunately, there are many doctors among doctors who are far from empathy and empathy. A real doctor can heal with a word, his compassion, the love with which he treats the patient. But for many, the profession of a doctor comes down to mechanical actions. And this is not their fault, they are simply not in their place.

Understanding yourself is the key to making the right decision

Sometimes an unconscious search or life circumstances push people with a visual vector to realization. They can start volunteering, strive to help people in need.

In adolescence and adolescence, we often receive clues from the unconscious. The desire to connect my life with the treatment of people and the question “why do I want to become a doctor?” Should not be ignored. After all, this youthful choice of the profession of a doctor can be the beginning of the right path.

Looking through the list of medical professions provided by the university, you often do not know what to choose. For example, I like the profession of a pediatrician. Or is it an adult therapist? To be affirmed in your decision, you need to understand yourself well, understand your true desires. Such an opportunity is provided by training in System-Vector Psychology. Any questions about the choice of the profession of a doctor, like any other profession, disappear when you are precisely aware of your desires and unconscious properties.


A trivial question that I have never thought about. Why did I become a doctor? But so, without invention. No loud phrases. My father is a doctor. I remember he did not come home for days. I called the hospital at night. Sometimes I went to the hospital at night. When someone he knew was sick, dad immediately became the most important. They immediately contacted him. And he examined, tapped, felt, was silent and uttered. I heard my father talking on the phone. It was entirely some kind of terminological gibberish: appendectomy, sternocleidomastoid muscle, lymphogranulomatosis, mitral commissurotomy, Brown-Sekkar syndrome, syringomyelia, and the like. Some kind of cascade of inhuman speech. Shamanic spells. I was proud of my dad.

But on the other hand, his comrades and doctors came. They talked to him about their affairs:

“The work is hard. There is no rest. I don't even have time to read my own medical journals. There is no need to talk about other books. Nobody thinks about it, nobody takes it into account. They pay little. For a hell of a job. We still need to earn money somewhere else. Earn money on duty. Then you can't come to your senses for three days! Patients complain. It is imperative to "react" to every complaint. They proceed from the principle: "the patient is always right ..."

There were many such conversations. And they all ended with one thing: "God forbid our children will follow our path."

Those who murmured and grumbled, it turned out, were not lying. But for most of these mourners, children still became doctors.

And then I worked as an electrician in a hospital and already saw the work of doctors myself.

The dislocation of the leg was corrected, and from the loop that was thrown from the patient's leg to the surgeon's neck (there is also such a method), a groove remained on the neck. Later, during forensic medicine classes, I saw such furrows on those who hanged themselves. Only for the hanged - in the front, and for the surgeon - in the back.

I saw patients recovering from surgery. And sick people dying after surgery. Doctors who did not leave them for days. Doctors and nurses lied to the patients, said in fake, cheerful voices that soon they would be discharged and even it would be possible to go to the resort.

And sometimes I saw relatives shouting at the doctors, at the sisters: “Murderers! Stabbed to death! Soulless! "

I saw good too. A real gratitude. I saw the farewell to the sick: smiles, flowers.

My father's comrades were right - hard work. But I decided to become a doctor. Why? Do not know. This is a strange question.

But do I want my children to be doctors? I think about it - I think about my job today ...

I remember those who died after my operations. I remember them all. I remember what I did to them and what else could have been done if something could have been done. I remember what I didn't do.

I think about the risk, sometimes unjustified, but the person still remained alive. And sometimes there was almost no risk, but failure, grief.

Thinking about my first operations. I think about the first operations of the old surgeons, the operations on which I have already helped - I studied.

I remember joy and sorrow. Only grief, resentment for some reason are remembered better. And there are much more joys and successes in work.

I remember some grudges against the sick. I think about how we ourselves get sick. How we behave. We're even worse. We understand everything. So what? Do we make the correct conclusions? No. I think ... I remember ... I think ... If my children also want to become doctors, oh, it will be difficult for them! But I - "per"!


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