How to sell LED lamp fixtures by phone. Mini LED lamp production as a business. - One sentence - "Why"

Considering how prices for energy consumption are growing in the modern world, it is not surprising that our compatriots today consume much less electricity than they did five years ago. The cost of a kilowatt of electricity is growing, and therefore LED navigator lamps or any other model are in great demand. Thanks to them, the owners of apartments and houses are able to significantly save on utility bills. This fact makes it very profitable to sell such energy efficient lighting products.

What are the advantages of LED lamps

The benefits of their use become noticeable literally after the first month of their use. Their main advantages include the following.

  • Long service life. The warranty for these lighting devices is sometimes several years, which once again emphasizes their durability. They rarely burn out or fail, and you can forget about replacing bulbs for many years.
  • Low energy consumption. Traditionally, to light a large room, you have required at least one 100 watt incandescent light bulb. A modern LED lamp only needs 15 watts to do the same thing.

What are the business prospects of selling LED lamps

Gradually, such lamps are replacing traditional bulbs in our apartments, in street lamps and in industrial buildings of enterprises. There are different models that can be matched to kitchen shades and hotel chandeliers.

The demand for LED lamps is constantly growing every year, the only thing that holds back consumers somewhat is the higher price compared to conventional lamps. But if you sell such products in large quantities, then the income will be invariably high.

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This article is about very low quality LED fixtures - who makes such LED fixtures, how and why. Analysis of market problems. All the photos in the article illustrate how not to make LED lamps.

WITHToday we will talk about unusual LED lamps. Our guest is Alexander Polishchuk. The person is quite inconspicuous in the lighting market, but no less interesting because of this. Our first interview with him about LED lamps took place back in 2009, in the framework of the Internet magazine "Shop Light". To say that it touched some manufacturers is like saying nothing. The process of highly cultured intellectual mutual exchange of opinions, filled to the brim with mutual respect of the interlocutors for each other, lasted for several weeks. They demanded refutations, the comments of experts were printed into the article itself ... In a word, the echo of the published article was circulating on the network for a long time. How much has changed in the market since then? Read about this in an interview with Alexander Gennadievich to the magazine Lumen & ExpertUnion.

- Hello, Alexander! Speaking of LED luminaires ... what has changed in the LED market over these three years?

- Hello. Of course, a lot has changed. Remember the ending of that interview? When there was no one on this market, and I said that Russian manufacturers of LED lamps have only one way out - to try at least something, but do it, do not stop. Apparently, everyone heard me, because the unimaginable began to happen: now sellers of shoes, dealers in electricity meters, water flow sensors and who knows what else have moved into manufacturers of LED lamps. In a word, inadequate and deranged people poured here. Take, for example, Armstrong-type LED lamps - now only the lazy ones do not produce them, and they, like in the Wild West, began to kill the market.

Our people are not yet accustomed to market relations, to the formation of prices, to goods, and so on. Complete madness began to occur. We thought they would kill the market in a year and a half.

- What do you mean by the word "kill"? Maybe they just wanted to make some quick money?

“Possibly, but I'm not sure they did it. Something, of course, earned, but did not have time to skim the cream. A simple example that I ran into myself. I arrived at the Moscow "Gormost". And they say to me: we already have LED lamps. And, although we arrived on a completely different issue, we still agreed to the excursion. We come to the reception, we see these "LED lamps". Naturally, we find out: this is one of the well-known dumping manufacturers, with blue-green LEDs, with a “crushed ice” diffuser - in a word, one manufacturer from the Moscow region. Two-thirds or half of the LEDs are no longer lit, some have degraded. We ask them "... and how do you?". The people spit. A curtain. What is it? Complete discrediting of the LED lighting market. People used to grimace at the words "Chinese LED lamps." And now we managed to surpass even China - we not only came up with bullshit, but also launched it into mass production. And so everywhere: in office lighting, in street ...

- I propose to talk separately about LED street lamps.

- I agree, I will give you one more example. State Duma of the Russian Federation. I go into the dressing room, they have LED lamps hanging. They are made as follows: LED lamps for direct replacement of T8 are inserted into standard Armstrongs. Cyanotic-cyanotic.

Then we were given a tour of the floors where exactly the same specimens hang. Mother dear! Full multicolor, somewhere beaten out pixels. I ask: "How long do they hang?" Answer: "Six months." Okay, huh? Who needs LED lamps that cannot work for half a year !? And all this is served with an energy-saving sauce.

... thin fiberglass boards with multi-chip LEDs, overclocked to the limit. Q: Why does the LED light turn blue after half a year? Because he just can't help but turn blue!

When we were just starting out, along with other pioneers in this industry, everyone was focused on some kind of economic impact. LED lamps were expensive, we then considered the economic component in order to somehow justify the whole thing. Now the situation is as follows. If we talk about T8 luminaires, their park in Russia, according to my data, is equal to 9 billion lamps. And in Russia now there are only three large manufacturers of fluorescent lamps. In total, they produce about 150 million lamps a year. As for the alternative, there are wonderful T5 bulbs. Take a classic fluorescent light fixture, cheap, with T8 bulbs. Its real efficiency is about 40 lm / W on average. And the T5 already has 60-80. A good, absolutely adequate alternative. What's more, high quality light, high quality lamp, long service life. It is worth, of course, more expensive, but not sky-high.

And the following situation turns out. If the owner is engaged in this, and not the developer (who needs to supply something, hand over the object and forget), then he has two options: T5 and LEDs. And the LED luminaire, which is economically feasible even in comparison with the T5, is still very expensive. So, we tested a number of fairly well-known Russian manufacturers, disassembled their lamps and understood why bullshit: a steel plate painted with shagreen powder, thin fiberglass boards with multi-chip LEDs, overclocked to the limit, are riveted to it with humps. Q: Why does the LED light turn blue after half a year? Because he just can't help but turn blue!

- Well, can you give a real example from life?

- Here's a recent example for you: the Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill, where they urgently hang LED lamps instead, attention, new ones that have just been installed. Previous LED fixtures were out of order in one business day. And there are plenty of such precedents. In the office of some of our competitors, all of their fixtures turned blue over the course of the year.

- Their own?

- Yes, their own. As they themselves admitted, they are just too lazy to change. And this is everywhere. All are slowly blown away. And they all started differently: some with Nichia, some with MX-6, some with something else. Then, dumping, many fell on brands that do not exist in nature, incomprehensible Chinese production with dubious filling. Even one well-known company that buys Chinese LEDs by weight and passes them off as their own is now resting - people refuse it because it is very expensive. That is, they find LEDs somewhere at a bargain price! Complete madness is going on.

Their turnovers fell enormously. The dumping is unrealistic - they are trying to sell off the leftovers, as they have invested huge sums. And now a similar LED lamp can be bought for one and a half thousand rubles. But this is no longer a lamp at all. It loses not only economic, but also any reasonable expediency, because if you take such a product, then you pursue certain goals - good light, brightness, economy, and not separately, but all together. Plus, you can also get additional options - no glare on the monitor, minimal ripple, and much more. It costs some money.

Another important point is the components of the luminaire. You can make a steel lamp and paint it in whatever you want without using the case as a heat sink, and at the same time use high-quality aluminum boards.

- Are you talking about a specific LED luminaire?

- This is how I do it. I use the same boards as in street LED lights. The same high quality composite material. My board works in the open air, and it does not need a heat sink, I put it on aluminum, and the lamp turns out to be eternal. I can upgrade it in any way I want - I can even make a spotlight out of this lamp. Because the temperature of the LED is 35 ° C at an ambient temperature of 25 ° C.

I can increase the current to any limit. I have statistics. Since 2008, out of the whole mass of LED lamps I made, and I made a lot of them, I had only one refusal. These were Osram LEDs and the failure was related to soldering. Thus, I can safely give a guarantee for over five years. And I made LED lamps in both steel and aluminum cases of different thicknesses. At the very beginning, I took Osram, then switched to Cree. At one time I used MX-6 LEDs, knowing full well what was in them. And the chip was consuming the rated current. I used another LED for swinging. My boards are made in such a way that I can mount any LEDs there, depending on where this LED lamp goes.

And doing all sorts of bullshit is more expensive for yourself, reputation is more important. Now there is another interesting trend on the market - some people are starting to diversify this business. Some merge with others, because it is simply impossible to sell such an amount of bullshit separately. And once again I emphasize, all this disgrace began to happen due to the fact that all and sundry entered the market. And there were no specialists in the country, and there are no specialists. And even Saransk, with two graduations of lighting specialists a year, cannot influence the situation. I have information from a person who was at the origins of LED lighting technology since the late 80s. According to him, the current situation on the lighting market threatens the national security of the country, because what is now being massively installed everywhere is really harmful. And now they are connecting Rospotrebnadzor to introduce at least temporary protective measures before the adoption of technical regulations. So that every LED luminaire is subject to mandatory certification.

Moreover, I emphasize, it is LED lamps, not LEDs. And in a complex way, and not in terms of individual parameters such as electromagnetic compatibility. And then it comes to the ridiculous: some take a window profile (!), Blurt out an LED there, put the cheapest Chinese or Israeli glass, get a colossal overall brightness and sell it. And they do not even evaluate it in terms of discomfort. Anyway, in our country, few people know about this indicator. I have an employee, a lighting engineer by education, for six months he studied to calculate this indicator. This is not taught. Although all this is spelled out in SNiPs and in the new GOST. And how to count it - no one understands.

An LED luminaire, in which the overall brightness is a thousand times higher than the permitted one, is naturally a source of increased danger. And the correct LED lamp must be done wisely, the indicators of discomfort must be counted, and even better it must be measured, which no one else does except one Moscow laboratory. I understand that no one needs this nafig, but when I work with clients, I want to leave only positive emotions, no matter how much this LED lamp is sold for.

Plus to everything, when they slip you an LED lamp, whose spectrum is worse than that of the "lumok" - well, what can we talk about here? And the flicker? What about the ripple coefficient? At this point, everyone is chasing DC Power Factor Correction. The point is this. There are now a lot of LED luminaires with a ripple factor of 50–70% of the luminous flux. They are insanely cheap. But they have a good cos ph - 0.998. Almost Seoul Semiconductors with their famous Acriche, where the ripple depth is 57% and which is impossible to get rid of.

- Good. Are there any positive changes?

- Unfortunately, the market is still in the stage of uncivilized growth. Naturally, this situation will change someday. In the meantime, here's another example. The situation with the Armstrongs is quite clear. All "cool" Western brands like Stockmann use T5 lamps and don't even consider Russian LED lamps.

So, we calculated that an LED lamp could compete with T5 lamps and be cost-effective at the same time, it should cost about 3.5 thousand rubles. This is with the calculation of the minimum dealer margin. When an LED lamp costs 2–2.5 thousand, it is better not to mess with it and hang T5 lamps calmly.

- Is it realistic to get an adequate LED lamp for 3–3.5 thousand?

- Yes, but this is the minimum. And I'm talking about the price not even for the end user, but rather for the dealer. In reality, the lamp should be a little more expensive. But it will pay off. According to my predictions made on the basis of the Interlight-2011 exhibition, the Armstrong market will die, because there will be a normal alternative to T8 lamps - a conventional LED replacement lamp in raster lamps.

- In what sense will "die"?

- In terms of replacing existing lamps with Armstrongs. With the advent of adequate LED lamps, it would no longer be needed. Of course, this has not happened yet, but I have already seen these lamps in action. They are not made in Russia. Maximum - re-stick the labels. The Chinese make them. I've seen the right Philips lamps made by Italians. But they are very expensive and everything is done according to feng shui: an optical system, a case, a competent heat sink, normal LEDs. The lamp turns out to be expensive and it is difficult for it to compete with a ready-made LED lamp.

- And what can you say about the technology of LED lamps, when many low-power chips are mounted in one housing the length of a lamp, and the whole thing is filled with a layer of phosphor?

An expensive technology that has a huge drawback: very large power losses and a decrease in efficiency. Even one Russian company tried to follow this path. They wanted to make lamps by putting a phosphor on glass. The efficiency was zero. Then Osram made light bulbs, and Cree is also working in this direction. But if you look at their effectiveness, this technology can only fight against incandescent lamps.

- And what about the remote phosphor technology?

- Yes, MELZ tried to do it at one time. On this technology, I had R&D with them, however, in 2007. In the end, nothing happened. They bring me a light bulb, and it glows, but does not shine. They pump current into the blue chips, but to no avail - the losses are huge.

- Yes, but not just the lens in the form in which we present it, namely the lens cover. And this is not a banal matte diffuser, in which there are crazy losses along with "mixing", but a whole system. And we worked with them for a very long time, went through more than 20 options ... But now I'm not in a hurry with this market. Knowing the trends, I can wait for LED lamps to be hung everywhere instead of "lumok", which will turn blue and degrade. Then it will be possible to make normal bulbs.

- OK, it's clear from Armstrong LED lamps. What is happening with LED street lighting now?

- And with the street even greater chaos. Everyone has forgotten that there are GOSTs. Fans of aggressive marketing were the first to forget about this, and, as it seems to me, intentionally. In general, it is not so easy to answer this question. For example, there was a tender in Dmitrov. Everyone who could "hanged themselves" there. Even Philips LED lights were hanging there. Who won there and how is a separate topic. The worst thing is that people do not understand at all what a luminous intensity curve is. People do not understand the design features of LED lamps, and, in principle, lamps.

And I'm not talking about customers now, but about manufacturers! Take, for example, the notorious "shovels". These so-called LED lamps were installed, and then the snow began to fall. A couple of days - and the masts bent down. The LED lamp itself weighs about 20 kg, and there is also ice on top, which doubles the weight of the lighting device.

In a word, so far everything is very bad.

- Clear. Regarding the form factor and the "shovels": what do you think of LEDs, the so-called "fried eggs", with one large lens?

- A very standard solution. And also this is a separate topic. Basically, it is a matrix. If we translate the conversation to LEDs, three areas, three world trends, and very interesting ones, are now actively developing. First. Classics of the genre. One square millimeter of a chip, which is now mastered by everyone, on which fantastic characteristics are now being achieved, which is already reaching its physical level of technology saturation.

It is impossible to achieve high efficiency on large chips. To do this is real only for small ones

The second is what Nichia has been promoting all the time, and what a wonderful Russian company, having bought the reactors of the day before yesterday, is now trying to produce. This is a multi-chip technology, or a matrix based on small chips. The whole point is that it is impossible to achieve high efficiency on large chips, and this can be done only on small ones. However, this technology has colossal drawbacks, and everyone knows about it, incl. and the authors of the idea, who honestly write about it: “multichips” based on packaging technology (and it doesn't matter if it's chip-on-board or something else) have a very small resource. If a phosphor degrades in a single-chip LED, then in a multichip, the chip itself degrades, which is much worse.

And the third trend, which Osram can still be considered the founder of (remember Platinum Dragon?) Is the technology of, so to speak, huge chips. It also turned out to be problem-free - the larger the chip area, the more dislocations in it and the lower the efficiency. Those. you pump a lot of current, but you get little lumen / watt efficiency. The first revolution here was made by an American company, which showed 100 lm / W on 10 mm 2 chips 2 years ago. It was a song! Then the American LEDEngine tried to show something in this direction, however, they specialize in packaging. A very interesting specimen, but terribly expensive.

It's all quiet now. Osram also stopped moving in this direction, turning all its forces on a normal, waste product. Actually, like Cree. We made the greatest emphasis on 1-mm 2 chips, on cases, on mass production, on new technologies for applying a phosphor and thereby reducing costs.

And then something happened that no one expected. Out of nowhere, Cree is announcing 9mm 2 chips, 160lm / W. This is already a technological revolution. Now let's get back to matrices. These are chips (no matter what size), stuck in large numbers within the frame of the LED and covered with a single layer of phosphor. They are squeezed out of 10, 30, 60 watts ... it doesn't matter.

The problem is that it is simply unrealistic to provide a normal resource for such an LED lamp. After all, when we calculate the thermal resistance, the formula includes the contact area of ​​the chip with the heat sink. And we get a lot of heat accumulation. I know only one person in Russia who has learned to work with such LEDs, but everything there is tied to liquid (!) Cooling. Everything else is from the evil one. Please run the antifreeze in a circle and you will have the perfect LED light. Whatever other radiator you take, whatever you do, it will not work normally.

So, for example, honest guys from Cree, having made such a matrix, honestly declare a resource of 30 thousand hours for an LED lamp or lamp and do not bother. This once again confirms that it is impossible to remove heat normally. Plus, take into account the huge current density coupled with this impossibility to remove heat.

The situation is completely different with the large chips discussed above. A large crystal can be installed in a package, in fact, the size of this crystal. Or just Chip-on-board. And you get the colossal reliability of the LED luminaire. First, there are huge current densities. And to get 160 lm / W, you will be very far from the maximum densities; there is a huge place for a contact system; you can use gold wire of completely different sections; you get direct voltage drops that are unattainable with normal technologies ... In my opinion, there are great prospects here. The technology has just started and it has tremendous potential. But here, too, there are problems: growing structures, obtaining contact systems, and much more ... On a 100 mm 2 substrate, you should get a mono-chip with a current density of 1000 A / mm 2.

Honest guys from Cree, having made such a matrix, honestly declare a resource of 30 thousand hours and do not bother. This once again confirms that it is impossible to remove heat normally.

And then cut it and turn it into large chips of different sizes for different tasks. These are very interesting technologies that drastically reduce costs, the cost of a lumen. Those. matrices, multichips and millimeter chips began to lose dramatically to this technology. Again, why? In addition to efficiency and heat dissipation problems, there is another chip. Here you take an LED, a matrix. The first is small, the second, of course, is much larger. They are the same in terms of current. But it is possible to collect the luminous flux from the matrix and form the desired CWC only through reflection. And tricks with small lenses do not work here. The physical size of the lens is proportional to the square of the area of ​​the illuminated body. Those. for a square millimeter of a chip, a 10-degree lens, which conventionally collects 100% of the luminous flux, has a height of 50 mm and a diameter of 40 mm. Now let's take a matrix with a diameter of 15 mm. We will need a lens 225 times larger.

And here we return to the topic of our conversation. The LED allows you to do whatever you want with you, opening up an immense scope for creativity. What is needed is a professional, creative approach, which we simply do not have on the market today. Therefore, to the question "What do we have on the market of street LED lamps?" the answer is in one word - "Nothing." Absolutely nothing.

- One sentence - "Why"?

- And because no one knows how to develop LED lamps, everything is copied from the Chinese and from each other.

- Alexander, summarizing our conversation, can you briefly describe the current state of affairs in the Russian market of LED lamps?

- Over the past three years, many companies have appeared. Beginning to do something, and, as a rule, badly. Corruption as it was and remained, even intensified, it became impossible to sell, all tenders were paid for. For a whole year, we participated in the tender for Domodedovo, so we did not hang a single LED lamp. Because the winners are companies that do not really represent anything of themselves. And the customer is constantly cutting them down. Because he understands - this is complete bullshit. In general, this is politics. And everything here depends on our government. If the right decisions are made, then the market will settle down.

And one more point - accession to the WTO. China may flood. Although some forces are now lobbying for an increase in protective duties for them. If the right, good and expensive China comes to us, then we will compete, the market will receive an impetus for development.

And we can kill the market ourselves. To discredit him so that as soon as it touches national security - nafig everything will be banned. Or they will be transferred to state corporations. That is, there will be competition officially, but everyone will be instructed to buy, for example, only those or those. What, in fact, we almost came to.

Philip Kuznetsov and Maxim Lebedev are entrepreneurs from Novosibirsk. Together we built a retail network for a large cellular operator in Siberia. For six years in sales and management, we have gained significant experience and left for free floating - to create our own business from scratch. We chose the energy saving and LED lighting market. In Russia, this topic in 2012 was new, interesting, and most importantly - male.

AdvantShop learned from businessmen what mistakes in trade are better not to repeat and how the online store Twilight OFF doubled the company's annual turnover in six months.

Retail start

In August 2012, Maxim proposed to Philip the idea of ​​selling energy-saving LED products. Philip at that time did not know anything about LEDs, he began to study. Within a few months, the guys flew to China to see suppliers. The Chinese turned out to be cunning, it seems that everyone has one product, but the prices are different.

“We ask suppliers from China:“ What is the difference between your product, why is your product more expensive? ” All have one answer, and in broken Russian: "Quality"

The guys had to work hard to find a reliable supplier partner. We attended exhibitions, traveled to more than a hundred factories, but despite all the difficulties, we found the right company.

“Each buyer with us can examine the product, turn it on, check everything and get detailed advice from a specialist on the spot. This is how we win the love of our customers! "

The stage of stuffing cones

So, everything started spinning and away we go!

The first bump. In May 2013, we designed a beautiful showroom for wholesalers. It was not a passable place, but it was suitable for cold calls and for an exhibition store. But there was no experience in wholesale trade. For this reason, they very quickly organized a move to their native element - to a place with a good flow of retail buyers.

Second bump. By the end of the same year, a second retail store was opened but quickly closed. We wanted to be closer to our clients and chose a place in a remote residential area. It turned out that mainly grandmothers and grandfathers live there, for whom "LED bulbs are not up to the mark."

Third bump. In 2014, enterprising Novosibirsk people decided to scale up their business. Three more stores were opened under the franchisee system - in Novokuznetsk, Biysk and Chelyabinsk. Everything seems to be going great, but ... These points of sale existed for no more than a year.

The guys showed their partners their profitability in 1C, shared their best practices, ignited with their enthusiasm. But in the process they missed one important point - people by and large expected from them a ready-made scheme of work, which at that time the guys did not have. The partners hoped that they would open a store and without making any efforts money rivers would flow into their hands. This does not happen, any business needs to be developed and put maximum effort and time into it. Then the return will not be long in coming.

Online store comes into play

Entrepreneurs ordered their website at the start of their business. The developers of the web studio Unico Design advised to pay attention to the AdvantShop engine. He immediately liked his functionality and simplicity. However, at that time it was necessary to actively establish retail sales and the "Sumrak" people used the online store for more than a year exclusively as a showcase, and so that the question: "Do you have a website?" - answer "yes" and give the interlocutor a business card.

But everything changed when, in June 2014, the first order miraculously arrived from the site: a resident of Omsk issued the purchase of an energy meter. This fact became the first call for the guys to pay attention to the site. We slowly began to look for options for promotion, monitor various companies and services.

In the fall, we found a company that agreed to promote pages for key queries with payment upon the appearance of these pages in the TOP of Yandex and Google. According to entrepreneurs, business is what you could agree to - with customers, with suppliers, with landlords, etc. Sometimes it is not money that decides, but the ability to negotiate decides.

“About a month has passed, and we are not yet in the top, and we cannot tell them:“ Why are you not doing anything for the fact that we don’t pay you anything? ”. But after 1.5 months by December, the first "keys" began to appear in the first lines. In less than a month, we bought goods in the online store in the amount of 140,000 rubles. "

Four keys to the success of the TwilightOFF online store

1. Maintain competent pricing : work at the recommended prices of suppliers, monitor prices on the Russian market, do not dump. In an online store, prices are cheaper than in retail.

2. Consistently improve the site : simplify the interface for users, work to increase conversion, write unique texts, promote the site in search engines.

3. To please buyers with high quality service and expertise.

4. Enjoy the benefits of AdvantShop:

“Convenient and well-thought-out admin panel, many basic functions and filters:“ People buy with this product ”,“ Similar products ”. And most importantly, this online store lends itself easily to any modifications! Everything that we need, we can easily and quickly implement. The more we refine the site, the more we increase its conversion "

What the TwilightOFF online store managed to achieve in 1 year of operation

  • After six months of active SEO promotion, the turnover of the online store first doubled, and after another six months, the annual turnover of the entire company doubled
  • We increased the assortment of goods to 6,000 items, but over time it is possible to make it 10 times larger (for comparison: there are about 1,000 items in a retail store).
  • In December 2014 - 17 orders, and in December 2015 - 119 orders. And this figure is growing every month.
  • The online store also increases the flow of retail customers. Some people don't check out online, but go straight to the store.

We made free delivery around the city to be closer to our customers and increase the number of purchases. Even a light bulb for 50 rubles can be ordered with free shipping. Buyers are very happy about this. At the same time, we did not drop the average check, but, on the contrary, increased it.
For SEO-promotion and improvements on the site, a budget of 40 thousand rubles on average is budgeted per month.

Plans for the future

“The online store, in my opinion, is the most effective and necessary tool for promoting and earning a small trading business. At the same time, it is not necessary to have the goods in your own warehouse. It is enough to know what kind of products the supplier has in stock and sell it. "

The goal of the guys is to become the first online store in the segment of energy-saving products in Russia. For them, it is important that the client is technically literate - so that he understands what he is buying and why this item has such a price. The Twilight FF team tries to describe its product in such a way that a person makes a purchase and increases his expertise.

The company's motto: "We make people's lives brighter, more interesting and richer!"

“So you probably think, what kind of name is“ TwilightOFF ”? Believe it or not, I dreamed about it. Even at the moment of the first thoughts about this business. I saw both the name and the butterfly on our logo. Woke up at night, made a presentation, sent it to Max. The next day it was already clear that this was fate "

The increased interest of investors in the lighting industry over the past couple of years is associated with the federal law "On energy saving and energy efficiency and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" signed by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on November 23, 2009.

According to this law, from January 1, 2011, incandescent lamps with a power of more than 100 W are not allowed for sale, from January 1, 2012 - with a power of 75 W, and from January 1, 2014 incandescent lamps with a power of 25 W or more will be prohibited. The implementation of the state program for the introduction of energy-saving equipment allows us to predict a rapid growth in demand for energy-saving lamps in the next few years.

Energy-saving light sources traditionally include compact fluorescent lamps, light-emitting diode (light emitting diode) and OLED (organic light-emitting diode). Compact fluorescent lamps are not the last word in science. They appeared in the late 1980s and then significantly exceeded the old lamps in luminous efficacy and in terms of service life.

LED bulbs are relatively new to general lighting. But for a long time, there were no white LEDs on the market, because no semiconductor material has yet been invented that can directly create white light.

Modern scientists have found the optimal solution to this problem - mixing complementary colors, creating the effect of white. The production and sale of LED lamps are considered promising areas for business.

Experts are convinced that it makes no sense to build a full-cycle enterprise for the production of compact fluorescent lamps in our country. In the presence of cheap Chinese components and the absence in Russia of specialists of the required profile, equipment and experience in production, fluorescent lamps of domestic manufacturers are likely to be more expensive than Chinese ones with comparatively the same quality. Note also that our state, unfortunately, is not in a hurry to support the domestic lamp industry. In China and in the EU countries, there are unified state programs to help their producers.

Therefore, despite the fact that there is practically no competition among domestic manufacturers of compact fluorescent lamps, the bulk of the products come from China and are not always of high quality, nevertheless, marketers still rely on LED lamps.

The latter are more environmentally friendly, since they do not contain mercury, and have a longer service life (from 12 years and more with a 5-year warranty against 1-2 years of fluorescent lamps). They also outperform LED lamps in other indicators, in particular, in terms of energy consumption.

It is quite possible that in the near future there will be research data on the beneficial effect of such lamps on human vision. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that LEDs are still quite expensive and do not differ in high power. But, according to experts, achieving optimal parameters is only a matter of time. Already, the cost of LED lamps is much lower than what it was a couple of years ago.

Unlike compact fluorescent lamps, the production of LEDs in our country has already been established. The largest players in this market are TELZ, Svetlana-Optoelktronika plant, OptoGan CJSC and others. In 2010, experts noted a significant increase in the output of LED products by Russian enterprises. At least 10 domestic companies planned to master the production of LED lamps last year. Five more companies were in the pilot phase of LED lamp production.

However, despite this, the domestic LED industry still lags far behind other countries in this area. And this despite the fact that most of the materials for LED lamps can be produced and manufactured in Russia (metals, substrates, semiconductor materials, phosphors, high-purity gases). So, given that China does not produce the most powerful LEDs, there are good prospects for the domestic industry to enter the domestic and foreign markets with their own products.

Just a couple of years ago, the share of LEDs in the energy-saving lamp segment was less than 10%. By 2015, experts predict a narrowing of this gap: LEDs should, in their opinion, occupy about 30% of the market for environmentally friendly light sources, and fluorescent ones - about 40%. In a few years, LED bulbs should overtake obsolete fluorescent bulbs in popularity. In 2011, the volume of the global LED market is estimated at $ 9 billion. At the same time, the segment of general lighting demonstrates the greatest growth.

If earlier LEDs were used exclusively in radio engineering as indicators and backlighting, nowadays household and industrial LED lamps are produced. Depending on the means at your disposal, you can choose both the complete production of lamps, which includes all stages from the manufacture of constituent elements to the packaging of finished products, as well as the assembly production of compact LED lamps.

The latter production option does not require the purchase of expensive equipment. From consumables you will need boards, microcircuits, LEDs and soldering irons. Several dozen workers are engaged in assembling lamps from all these components at assembly tables.

For the production of LED lamps, an area of ​​3500 sq. m. The premises set aside for assembly shops must be well ventilated.

In addition, a stand is needed to check the quality of products, a showroom and storage facilities. This production option, which includes only the stages of assembly of finished components and packaging of lamps, on the one hand, does not require huge investments.

If at the first stage you plan to assemble only LED lamps from ready-made components manufactured by subcontractors, the amount of required investments will be from 5 million rubles. The internal rate of return (IRR) will be about 130% per annum.

The expected payback period of the project will be from 1 to 2 years. However, this production of LED lamps has one big drawback - the cost of labor in our country is incomparably higher than that in China. Therefore, even taking into account the difference in the cost of delivery of products in Russia and from abroad, you are unlikely to be able to compete in price with Chinese manufacturers, unless the quality of your products is at a sufficiently high level.

The presence of our own patented technologies for the production of LED lamps, the novelty and relevance of products for the country, established contacts with subcontractors, direct importers and suppliers of components are the main prerequisites for the successful implementation of the project.

Organization of production of LED lamps

The organization of a full-fledged production of LED lamps requires incomparably large funds. In addition to the costs of premises for a workshop (you can buy or rent it by concluding a standard lease agreement), you will have to spend money on the purchase of equipment.

The creation of a full-cycle production of LED products includes several stages: chip processing, assembly, packaging, assembly of finished products.

You will need installations for stamping the legs and domes of flasks, installations for stretching glass products, a chipping machine that cuts and mandrels the ends of tubes, gas ovens and a blower conveyor. You can, of course, significantly save money by purchasing equipment of proper quality, but used.

Another significant expense item is the search for qualified personnel. Its quantity will depend on the scale of production. For example, the production of several tens of thousands of bulbs will require 1.5-2 times more personnel every day than a production that produces a thousand bulbs a day.

In addition to production workers, you will also need an accountant for maintaining documentation, employees of the purchasing and sales department, marketing specialists, and administrative personnel.

The total investment will amount to 100 million rubles or more. The minimum initial costs for launching a full-scale production of energy-saving lamps will be 15-20 million rubles, and the approximate payback period will be from a year or more.

Experts are confident that high-tech production will succeed in the near future. In the segment of the production of energy-saving lamps, the prospects for this are very optimistic. So in connection with the positive dynamics of the Russian production of LEDs and a sharp increase in imports, the structure of demand for LED products has also changed.

For example, in the period from 2009 to 2010, the share of high-brightness lamps in the total volume of imports of LED lamps to Russia increased. However, despite such high demand, options for replacing a 100 W incandescent lamp are only in the segment of obsolete compact fluorescent lamps. And the production of LED lamps for replacing incandescent lamps of such brightness does not exist not only in Russia, but also abroad.

The latest advancement in the global LED industry is the industrial design for replacing a 90-watt lamp. A commercially available option for LED consumers is an incandescent equivalent of just 75W. Of course, scientific research requires large investments that small businesses cannot afford. Nevertheless, if you are planning to further expand your own production and enter the international market, you should think about the possibility of conducting scientific research and issuing patents for them.

See also: Video about the production of LED lamps

Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

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Production of LED lamps: business feasibility + classification of lamps + registration of entrepreneurial activity + production technology + equipment + selection of premises and hiring of personnel + purchase of raw materials for production + calculation of the volume of capital investments and profitability of the business.

Organizing a profitable and competitive business in Russia is not an easy task, especially since many profitable business niches are already overflowing with entrepreneurs.

But in fact, today there are several more promising areas to which many aspiring entrepreneurs have not yet had time to pay attention. And one of these business ideas is the production of LED lamps, the popularity of which is growing every year.

This type of business, of course, requires significant investment, but in the ranking of promising areas for doing business, such production takes a leading position.

Why exactly lamps, and how to start your own production? We will talk about all this in this article.

The Relevance of the LED Lighting Business

LED lamps and luminaires are lighting devices that allow us to obtain lighting from LEDs.

Renowned for their economy and environmental friendliness, such devices have been popular for many years, and experts believe that the demand for LED lighting will continue to grow.

By the way, this is also facilitated by government decrees that are aimed at energy saving and increasing energy efficiency by refusing to use standard incandescent lamps (

Thanks to the technology of their production, such lamps can be used in industrial areas, and in street lighting, and for the arrangement of residential buildings.

The only drawback of the production of LED lamps is the need to invest an impressive start-up capital to start a business. But on the other hand, due to the high demand, such a business pays off in 2-3 years and has a profitability of up to 100%.

The reasons for such a high demand among the population are obvious, and all thanks to the large number of advantages of LED lamps:

  • Safety of lighting fixtures due to the non-use of mercury for the production of lamps.
  • Energy savings reaching 80-90%.
  • Long service life.
  • No heating due to low heat transfer.

Even with a cursory analysis of all types of lighting lamps, it is easy to understand why LED lamps have a much better chance of success than other types of lighting devices.

Having analyzed such a large number of positive characteristics, we can safely say that the production of LED lamps is.

What kind of LED luminaires can you produce?

Given the large number of areas in which LED lights can be used, you will need to immediately decide on the type of fixture you want to produce before starting production.

Of course, no one forbids the production of several types of lamps at once, but it should be understood that the wider the assortment, the more start-up capital is required.

Therefore, it is much more rational to start with the production of one type, and then increase the scale of the business.

So, you can produce the following options for LED luminaires:

  1. For industrial premises.
  2. For street lighting:
    • illumination of building facades,
    • pool lighting,
    • Street lights,
    • illuminated advertising.
  3. For interior solutions in homes:
    • ceiling,
    • wall-mounted,
    • furniture.

Today, a large number of models of lighting fixtures have already been created that are in demand, but it cannot be said that there are any mandatory design standards according to which lighting products need to be created.

Therefore, if you want to enter the market not only with the necessary, but also a very competitive business, you can develop your own unique LED lamp model, which will become the "face" of your production.

Often, to create unusual products in this area, aspiring entrepreneurs resort to consulting engineers who can help with the development of a unique product.

The main thing is, before you go for help, decide what kind of LED luminaire you plan to start.

LED lamps, production: 2 main ways of organizing a business and a detailed description of the technological process

There are many different ways to start an LED lighting business. There are two main ways of organizing such a business, each of which has its own weighty advantages and disadvantages.

Method 1. Production of lamps "from scratch".

The full production cycle of LED lamps assumes that your company will not only be engaged in the production of lighting devices, but will also independently produce (grow) crystals to create lamps.

This option leads to the fact that you will be able to produce high quality products, since the full cycle of the lamp creation will take place in front of your eyes.

But growing crystals and creating a product "from scratch" is not only a long-term, but also a very high-tech process, which a person who does not have specialized education cannot cope with.

In addition, there are not many opportunities in Russia for organizing this kind of production.

This method is more suitable for those who want to produce exactly LED lamps that will be sold to companies that assemble the luminaires themselves.

Method 2. Production of lamps from already supplied materials.

If you want to produce exactly LED lamps, then this option is the most rational. Firstly, you do not need scientists who will set up a complex technological process, and secondly, purchasing finished raw materials is faster and easier.

If in addition to this we purchase a productive line of equipment that can minimize manual labor, then production will be able to pay off faster.

It turns out that the second option is more suitable for organizing the production of LED lamps in Russia, but due to the purchase of materials it will be more expensive, although less complicated at the same time.

Therefore, as an example, let us consider the last method of production, in which you buy all the necessary raw materials and complete it into a ready-made lamp for further sale.

The manufacturing technology of an LED luminaire is schematically as follows:

The above diagram is generalized, since regardless of the type of LED lighting device, a large number of technological processes will remain unchanged.

In more detail, the technology for the production of such lamps consists of the following stages:

1. The first stage in the assembly of an LED lamp is the installation of crystals using heat-conducting glue. It is carried out using a specialized line of equipment, to which the crystals are fed in the form of plates on adhesive tape.
2. After the crystal is attached, the machine checks the quality of the elements and cuts the tape in the right place. After the adhesive has hardened, it is important to check if the crystals are properly and securely attached to the tape.
3. Due to the use of sapphire substrates, further operations with the future luminaire are impossible until the elements are coated with a phosphor - a composition that will further provide the characteristic white light of the lamp.
4. Further, the "embedded" crystal must be attached to the board along with the power supply elements. This is done using a blowtorch.
5. Now the boards can be mounted directly into the luminaire, after which they must be checked to make sure they are working properly.

To visualize all this, pay attention to the schematic representation of the LED:

How to legalize the production of LED lamps, and what documents will be required for this?

Before starting your own entrepreneurial activity, it is not enough to draw up only a business plan for the future enterprise. This very enterprise still needs to be legalized, that is, registered. Otherwise, all actions taken will be illegal.

There are 2 ways to legalize your business - (individual) or LLC (legal entity).

In order to start production, registration of an individual entrepreneur may be enough for you, but only if you are planning a small enterprise. If you dream of developing a large-scale business, then you will need to register as a limited liability company.

To do this is somewhat more difficult than in the situation of registration of an individual entrepreneur. But in order to open a really competitive business in this area, it is necessary.

Registration of an LLC begins with the collection of the necessary documentation and its submission to the authorized body - the Tax Service.

In order to submit documents, prepare the following list:

  • Application form R11001.
  • The founder's decision to establish an LLC - if there is only one founder. Minutes of the meeting of participants - if there are several founders.
  • LLC Charter.
  • Application for the transition to a simplified taxation system - it is most suitable for conducting such activities.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty (amounts to 4 thousand rubles.)

By the way, you will also need to pay for the legal registration of an LLC a certain amount, which is not limited only by the cost of the state duty of 4 thousand rubles. You will also have to spend on the formation of the authorized capital, creating a seal, paying for notary services and opening a bank account.

You will also need to select the code of your activity according to OKVED. In this case, select the code number 27.4.

After passing state registration, you will also need to contact the fire and sanitary services in order to obtain all the necessary permits for your premises.

In addition, you will need to obtain a quality certificate for the manufactured products. To do this, you will need to visit the standardization and certification department.

Equipment and components for the production of LED lamps

To start any production, in addition to knowledge of technological processes, it is also necessary to purchase equipment and components to.

In the production of lighting devices, 2 options for manufacturing products are often used - automated and manual:

  • The first option will be optimal if you decide to employ the minimum number of employees and recoup the business as soon as possible.
  • The second option involves hiring more employees, but reducing equipment costs. This option is best suited for organizing small production facilities.

Since we are analyzing the organization of a more modern and large enterprise, then, accordingly, we will need automated equipment.

The automated line will make it possible to produce from 1 to 10 thousand lamps per shift, although 5 thousand units of production is already a good option for a start.

So, the following mandatory equipment is required to complete the workshop for the production of LED lamps:

EquipmentCost, rub.)Cost, rub.)
Semiconductor assembly machine1 400 000
Soldering iron1 000
Stand for testing the quality of LEDs and lamps5 000

In addition to the equipment for the production of the lamps themselves, you also need to think about where you will get the housings for the lamps. They can be bought ready-made, which will allow you to quickly create products, or you can make them yourself.

You may need to create your own bodies especially when you decide to produce lamps of unusual shape. However, such equipment for the manufacture of hulls is very expensive, and it will not be easy to organize an entire workshop for the production of hulls on your own.

Moreover, you will need a lot of devices:

  • punching machine,
  • apparatus for drawing glass products,
  • special machine,
  • gas oven.

Therefore, of course, the best solution would be to order ready-made housings, which will reduce the cost of purchasing equipment and allow the company to pay back faster.

It is important to order enclosures in bulk - this way you can save a little.

As for the components for the manufacture of lighting devices, it is not difficult to find manufacturers of cases in Russia, but it is still better to look for components for lamps abroad.

You will need the following resources:

Aluminum boards
Matrix drivers
LED Drivers

When choosing suppliers for the procurement of components, pay special attention to Japanese and Chinese manufacturers of products, such as:

  • Chimei.
  • Cree Epistar.
  • Bridgelux.

Choosing a room for the production of lighting fixtures: what to look for?

To organize production facilities for the manufacture of lighting fixtures of this type, you will need a large enough room where you can zone the space by allocating several workshops.

Thus, in order to launch such a business, you need to find and rent premises with an area of ​​at least 3 thousand square meters. m.

In it, you will highlight the workshops:

  • For the production of lamps.
  • For the assembly of finished luminaires.
  • For packaging products.

Also, do not forget about storage rooms, staff rooms.

But renting a large area is not all. Since we are talking about the manufacture of very fragile and standardized products, it will be necessary to overhaul the premises, because most often such a large area can be found on the territory of old factories, where there are absolutely no conditions for organizing such a business.

As a result, the premises for the production of LED lamps should:

  • Have a good ventilation system, especially in the workshop where the lamps will be produced.
  • Comply with all sanitary and hygienic standards.
  • Maintain sterile conditions.

The requirements of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service and standardization and certification bodies for this kind of enterprises are very extensive. Do not forget about this when preparing the premises for launch.

What kind of staff will be required and what is the best way to market the finished product?

Since we are considering a type of production organization in which the line is almost completely automated, a large staff is not required to start a business.

You will need to hire about 10-12 employees who will be able to monitor equipment and perform other actions.

Your state must have the following personnel:

  • Workshop workers - 6 people.
  • Service engineer and chief technologist - 1 person.
  • Movers - 2 people.
  • Raw material procurement manager - 1 person.
  • Accountant - 1 person.
  • Marketer - 1 person.

At the same time, the wages of your employees should not be less than 25 thousand rubles. per month, since all the actions they perform are very important, and the work of any of them should not be underestimated.

It is especially important to hire an accountant and marketer at the stage of development. The first will keep all the documentation and will be able to help with the organization of the business, which is especially needed when it comes to a long-term payback business. The second will be responsible for finding and establishing sales channels, which is very important for a newly opened enterprise.

To sell products, your company will rationally cooperate not only with retail and wholesale stores, but also with industrial enterprises that also really need lighting equipment.

It is imperative to develop your own website where you present your devices, as well as advertisements.

Manufacture of LED lamps and lamps.

What are the stages of the technological process?

When will the production of LED luminaires pay off: capital investment and future profits

As we said at the very beginning, this production does not belong to those types of entrepreneurial activities that do not require large investments. On the contrary, due to the high cost of equipment and the need to rent and equip a large room, such a business requires significant financial costs.

Let's analyze exactly how much you need to invest to start a business:

Expenditure itemSum
Total:RUB 4,919,000
1. Registration of entrepreneurial activityPayment of the authorized capital.10 thousand rubles
State duty for registration of LLC.4 thousand rubles.
Payment for notary services for certification of documents.2 thousand rubles.
Making a seal.1 thousand rubles.
Opening a bank account.2 thousand rubles.
2. Purchase of equipment1.5 million rubles
3. Purchase of components500 thousand rubles
4. Rent of premises (taking into account the payment of rent for several months in advance)1 million rubles
5. Repair and preparation of premises for production1 million rubles
6. Payment of salaries to staff300 thousand rubles.
7. Other expenses (advertising, packaging, etc.)600 thousand rubles

Ultimately, it will take a fairly large amount of start-up investment to make LED luminaires. Production needs an investment of at least 5 million rubles.

The amount is really very impressive, and often for such capital investments you will have to take out a loan, since it will hardly be possible to overpower it right away. In addition, the state does not foresee any assistance programs for the organization of such production facilities.

But due to the fact that this business idea is really in great demand among the population, it can be calculated that with the production of 1 thousand lamps per shift, it will be possible to fully recoup the enterprise in about 2 years, because the average revenue per month can be from 350 thousand . rub.

At the same time, the expected profitability of the business is 100%.

As a result, we can safely say that the production of LED lamps is indeed a very profitable business, which after 2-3 years of work can not only pay off, but also bring a good profit to its owner.

Such a business is in demand, it is in demand among the population, which means it will be successful for more than a dozen years. And the fact that this niche in Russia has not yet been filled with competitors makes this business idea many times more promising.

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