Business plan for the wholesale of sawn timber. We ram, saw, cut - the nuances of opening your own sawmill. Renting a forest is profitable

  • Product description
  • Production plan
  • Financial plan
  • Preparation of documents
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Business plan for organizing a sawmill with a production volume of 330 cubic meters of finished products per month

Step-by-step plan for organizing the activities of the sawmill

The main feature of this business is its attachment to sources of raw materials. Therefore, your assessment of the prospects for the development of the future sawmill should begin with studying the proposals of potential suppliers of timber. Only after that it is possible to expand the areas of marketing research and start analyzing the situation on the market of wooden boards and beams, meeting with representatives of the target audience, etc.

The next stages of organizing the activities of the future sawmill include:

  • preparation of a business plan and analysis of your capabilities;
  • registration and execution of the necessary documents;
  • search for a production site;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • staff formation;
  • conclusion of contracts with suppliers and other contractors;
  • solution of administrative issues.

While solving the above problems, do not forget that many potential buyers of wooden products are reluctant to change their suppliers, therefore, check very carefully how the market will react to the appearance of a new participant.

How much money does it take to open a sawmill

According to our calculations, the opening of a sawmill on a leased site will require investments from 1.75 million rubles. The main investments are the purchase of equipment, woodworking machines:

  • Circular sawing machine "Moloma-1200" - 450 thousand rubles.
  • Band-sawing machine "Altai-900A-prof" with internal combustion engine "Honda" 20 hp - 205 thousand rubles.
  • Single-saw edge-cutting machine Altai-007A with engine "Honda" 13 hp - 102 thousand rubles.
  • Disc gang saw "Taiga SMD-1" - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Slab-rib machine - 110 thousand rubles.
  • Planing machine KORVET-106 - 30 thousand rubles.
  • Sharpening and adjustable machine - 70 thousand rubles.
  • Auxiliary equipment and tools - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Premises rental deposit - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials and supplies - 250 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 100 thousand rubles.

Product description

Our organization plans to manufacture and market the following range of products:

  • Timber - from 5000 rubles \ m3
  • Edged board - from 5000 rubles \ m3
  • Not edged board - from 3500 rubles \ m3

The enterprise will work five days a day in one eight-hour shift. The approximate production volume is 330 cubic meters of finished products per month. This corresponds to 15 m3 of edged board per shift (8 hours). The main distribution channels for boards and beams:

  • Frequent individuals
  • Construction companies
  • Wholesale resellers
  • Construction Markets

Raw materials (round timber) are planned to be purchased from local logging enterprises at a price of 1.5-2.5 thousand rubles per cubic meter. meter.

Production plan

To organize a sawmill, it is planned to rent a hangar with an area of ​​500 sq. meters, warehouse - 300 sq. meters and a plot of land - 500 sq. meters. The total leasable area will be 1,300 sq. meters, with a monthly rent of 150 thousand rubles. The enterprise will be located at a distance of 40 km from a large city with a population of over one million. The considerable distance allows you to get cheaper rental rates and the availability of raw materials. At the same time, the potential customer base is close enough to facilitate the marketing of the finished product.

The production facility will meet all the requirements for organizing production: sufficient space, availability of water supply and electricity (with a capacity of over 400 kW), convenient access roads.

For the operation of machines (circular saw, band saw, etc.), you will need to employ 3 operators and 5 assistants. Labor remuneration of working personnel - piece-rate, 200 rubles / m3 of finished product. In addition, ancillary workers (2 people), loaders (4 people), a sales manager (1 person), a shop manager (1 person) will be hired. It is planned to outsource the services of an accountant.

Which taxation system to choose

An LLC (limited liability company) will be registered as the legal form of the enterprise. The number of founders is 2 people. The taxation system is simplified, 15% of the company's profits.

Financial plan

Let's move on to calculating the main indicators of the economic efficiency of a sawmill with a production volume of 330 cubic meters. meters of finished products per month.

Fixed monthly expenses

  • Premises rental - 150 thousand rubles. (454 rubles / m3)
  • Utility bills (electricity, water supply) - 60 thousand rubles. (181 rubles / m3)
  • Advertising - 30 thousand rubles. (90 rubles \ m3)
  • Salary (shop manager, loaders, manager, handymen) + insurance deductions - 160 thousand rubles. (484 rubles / m3)
  • Outsourcing (accounting) - 10 thousand rubles. (30 rubles / m3)
  • Depreciation - 25 thousand rubles. (75 rubles / m3)
  • Other expenses - 50 thousand rubles. (151 rubles / m3)

Variable costs (depending on the volume of production)

  • Raw materials (round timber, pine) with delivery - 2000 rubles / m3
  • Labor remuneration (operators) - 200 rubles / m3

Hence, the production cost of 1 m3 is 3665 rubles / m3.

How much can you earn on the sale of finished products

The average selling price of edged boards and beams is 5,000 rubles / m3. Profit from the sale of 1 m3 = 5000 - 3665 = 1335 rubles. Less taxes (simplified taxation system, 15% of profit), the net profit will be 1135 rubles. Accordingly, the sale of 330 m3 of finished products per month will make it possible to receive a profit equal to 374,550 rubles. The profitability of the sawmill, according to the calculations of the business plan, is 31%. Taking into account the period for the promotion of the business, the payback of the initial investment will come in 12 - 15 months of work.

Preparation of documents

Experienced businessmen working in this sector of the economy recommend registering an LLC (99% of serious construction companies will never sign contracts with an individual entrepreneur).

In addition to papers confirming the fact of registration and payment of taxes, you must have:

  • permits of the fire inspectorate, labor protection authorities and Rospotrebnazor;
  • documents confirming the quality of products;
  • contracts with suppliers and buyers;
  • personnel contracts;
  • magazines on labor protection.

In the application for registration of an LLC, reports and many other documents, it is necessary to indicate the codes of your activity (according to the all-Russian classifier). For the operation of the sawmill, these are OKVED 16.10 (production of wooden lumber and structures) and OKVED 46.73 (trade in wooden boards, beams, etc.).

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* Calculations use average data for Russia

The production of lumber has always been a fairly profitable direction of its own business, because the demand for such materials never decreases significantly, and high-quality products almost always find their consumers. The consumers are factories for the production of furniture, construction firms, manufacturing enterprises of various directions, because wood in many cases is an irreplaceable material. There are many forests in the Asian part of Russia, the price of timber is relatively low (when compared with many other countries), there should be no problems with raw materials, hence the good prospects for such an undertaking. However, you need to understand that competition in this area can be serious, and not every entrepreneur has enough funds and resources to create a successful enterprise from scratch, whose products will be consistently bought. This will take a lot of effort, not to mention money.

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So, to start your work, you need to contact the local tax office in order to register as a business entity. Next, you will have to obtain permits from all managing organizations to conduct their activities, this applies primarily to the production facility, since people will be involved there. In general, the requirements here are standard - that is, you need to contact Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Emergency Situations (their local branches). If you plan to harvest timber yourself, that is, you have at your disposal a piece of forest, and for this you need to participate in state auctions. There may be serious difficulties, but all organizational activities in this area are considered in more detail in the article on timber trade. Here, the organization of production is considered in more detail, because not every entrepreneur leases a forest plot, much more often raw materials procured by third-party companies are bought for the enterprise.

So, when the organizational issues are resolved, you can start looking for a room. In general, it is ideal to find a place here somewhere in the suburbs, because the rental price there is much lower, while the proximity of the city allows for the effective sale of its products. If an entrepreneur owns a plot outside the city, then it makes sense to use it. But it is still better to initially have not only a place, but also an infrastructure, because work will require several buildings, not only for industrial purposes. In general, the area of ​​the territory may even occupy several hectares, however, for small businesses, just a few ares may be sufficient. In general, a site is selected depending on the business plan and available capacities. Today you can open a small business that produces a limited range of products, but only those products that are in demand in the region. In general, it should be noted that it makes sense to open such a business in those regions where timber suppliers offer a really high-quality product, which will not have problems in production, which will make it possible to produce good goods. Thus, renting such a large plot can be a very serious item of monthly expenses, it is very difficult to name even an approximate cost, because everything depends not only on the location, but also on the condition of the premises and, for example, access roads. So, you can even rent a very large complex of several hectares for a relatively small amount of 100 thousand rubles, but almost certainly then you will have to invest several million only in repairing and laying the road. In other cases, the lease will be very expensive, where the conclusion is - it is better to own your own plot or think about buying it.

The next point in organizing a business is the acquisition of the necessary equipment. Here, as always, there is an opportunity to save some money if you buy used units, but this option rarely leads to the fact that the production process goes without interruptions and complications. You also need to understand that today there are a huge number of equipment suppliers, and European or American cars will cost the most. But often the best solution is to turn to Russian manufacturers, because they can offer products at a relatively good price, which at the same time does not increase due to customs operations and transportation. However, when completing a workshop, a huge number of factors must be taken into account. First of all, the optimal indicator of the productivity of the sawmill is calculated, as well as the nature of the process - machines or a production line. Today, a rare plant is engaged in the equipment of isolated machine tools, most often it is in-line production with an established scheme for the movement of material flows. Also, the gater technology is almost no longer used; it was replaced by a band saw. If the machine has the ability to perform the function of a conveyor of finished products within the workshop, this greatly simplifies the work process. Already first you need to calculate the amount invested, the possible actual profitability of production and the timing of repayment of loan obligations, if such an entrepreneur plans to take. The cost of the equipment is about 500 thousand rubles for the equipment of a small enterprise - from 150 thousand rubles a simple band sawmill costs, from 100 thousand - a conveyor, from 50 thousand - an edge-trimming machine, and for the rest of the funds, small equipment is bought: a sharpening machine (20 thousand), an adjustable machine tool (10 thousand), hook (10 thousand) as well as other small devices, mostly auxiliary. However, depending on the planned assortment, other devices may also be required, such as: a horizontal disk sawmill (200 thousand rubles), a rotary sawmill (200 thousand rubles), a hydraulic tree breaker (100 thousand rubles), a cylindering machine (100 thousand rubles). Here, it is worth considering the raw material base, because if there is no good wood in the region, then it is pointless to produce some types of products (its quality will be too low); as well as the species and working diameters of the sawlogs that the machine is capable of processing, the rigidity of its requirements for sub-sorting. In addition, one should not forget about how much the products of final processing are in demand on the market, having also calculated the production cost. The greatest demand is for beams and edged and unedged boards. There is almost always demand for these products; more complex products can fluctuate greatly. Moreover, due to the fact that only the most developed enterprises survive today, an entrepreneur needs to consider the possibility of equipping his workshop for the production of products, taking into account the requirements of the European standard. Then it will be possible to achieve a good coefficient of yield of useful material (more than 60-70% of the volume of raw materials for any type). Having all these calculations, it is already possible to accurately determine the area of ​​the woodworking workshop, because the productivity of the enterprise directly depends on it. As for the internal equipment, then you need to have a reliable electrical network, water supply and other communications. The operating temperature of the machines is important for the organization of the production process, because sometimes it is necessary to install additional cooling devices. The next important point is the cost and the average frequency of saw replacement. They are consumables, and a large number of saws need to be replaced all the time. The cost of one is from 1 thousand rubles, but there can be more than 10 of them in the machine, so it makes sense to calculate the labor intensity of the service. The company must have an experienced sharpener and saw blade, whose qualifications allow you to deal with specialized equipment. In general, you need to understand that different suppliers of saws and other consumables promise different maintainability of spare parts and their cost, therefore, if high-quality consumables are supplied, a good saw blade is able to make the same saw serve for a very long time (several months). Otherwise, you will have to constantly buy new ones. And, of course, in this way, the total labor intensity and the cost of servicing the machine itself are reduced. It is also worth noting that the equipment of even a medium-sized enterprise costs several million, not to mention large factories that are designed to produce huge volumes of products.

The next moment in business organization is the search for specialists to work in the enterprise. Here, if you do not plan to rent your own forest area, it will be enough to hire personnel who will be involved in the maintenance of the machines. The number of people is determined by what kind of work schedule will be at the enterprise, how many units are installed and what performance targets are set. Also, depending on what kind of equipment is purchased, a different number of people may be required, because there are devices that work fully in automatic mode, and there are those that require constant maintenance, that is, the operator is at the workplace at one machine. But you also need to hire people employed in the administrative sphere, and if some processes are not outsourced - such as accounting or, for example, in the case of not forming their own security service - then the staff of the enterprise can be very large. In large enterprises, the number of employees can be more than a hundred, and sometimes even several hundred. The entrepreneur himself (or co-founders) can take a leadership position. You also need service personnel, that is, those people who are not directly involved in the production process (this does not include sawing, because this person is also constantly involved in the production process). For example, an enterprise can deliver its own products or, conversely, bring raw materials for production, that is, have its own vehicle fleet, and then it is necessary to hire not only drivers, but also those specialists who monitor the condition of the cars. If we take the average wage equal to 30 thousand rubles, then with a staff of 20 people (10 people or more are people employed directly in production), it turns out that only the salary will amount to 600 thousand rubles of expenses per month, not to mention other social contributions ( even up to 20% of this amount). Of course, this only applies to large enterprises, but in any case, you will have to work with a considerable number of people, and the calculation of wages is a very important point. This calculation is still for a small business.

Now let's calculate the amount of starting capital:

Registration of a legal entity - from 20 thousand rubles.

Rent - from 100 thousand rubles.

Equipment - 940 thousand.

The salary is 600 thousand rubles.

Purchase of raw materials - 500 thousand rubles.

Total: 2 million 160 thousand rubles. Monthly expenses: 700 thousand rubles. Considering the opening of a sawmill, which does not have its own source of raw materials, it must be said that it is also necessary to find a supplier of wood, and in some regions this may be difficult (therefore it was said that it is advisable to open a similar enterprise in the area where there is a large number of such suppliers, that is, where a large area is covered with forests). Now, as for the cost of raw materials, it can change depending on the type of wood, for example, there is wood that costs less than 1 thousand rubles per cubic meter, and there is one that costs more than 5 thousand for the same volume. But on average, the cost of one cubic meter is two and a half thousand rubles. A certain percentage may be transport costs (depending on the volume of the batch), if the supplier does not expect the possibility of delivery on his own. Thus, more than half of the cost of production will be precisely the cost of raw materials, all other costs are the maintenance of their own production, that is, payment of wages and electricity costs. The larger the volume of production, the less this percentage, hence the consequence that the profitability of production increases with an increase in scale. As a result, timber and edged board made in accordance with GOST are sold at a price of 6-7 thousand rubles per cubic meter, unedged board is much cheaper (from 4 thousand), but this is quite natural, because the cost of its production is much lower. With an average cost of one cubic meter of products of 5 thousand rubles and selling 200 cubic meters per month, the income will be 1 million, operating profit - 300 thousand rubles, net profit under the simplified taxation system - 255 thousand rubles.

Such a business cannot be called easy, it requires a considerable amount of investment, and if you do not have your own site, it often turns out to be unprofitable. The payback period of the project in any case will be very long, because many enterprises even spend their first year of work on building relationships with suppliers and consumers, and take their place in the market. But in case of successful development, you can count on very good profits later, and if you constantly develop and offer your customers a quality product, if you introduce new positions into production based on market demands, you can also push competitors out. In general, this business is suitable for entrepreneurs with large funds, because it can hardly be classified as small, and sometimes even medium.

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Business fundamentals

The best option with limited capital is the wholesale trade in sawn timber (timber). Nevertheless, the costs of starting a business, in comparison with the opening of production, are much less here and there is no need to risk much. In some cases, you can do without start-up capital at all, if you do not take into account the costs of registering an LLC and opening a current account. The scheme of work looks classic: 1. you find a client who needs lumber 2. take a 100% advance payment 3. from the money received, you pay for the order from the manufacturer 4. leave the margin for yourself. But there are also some nuances here.

The most popular lumber: edged board (spruce / pine of the first and second grade), timber, lining and slab. The cost of the board depends on the type of wood and the scope of delivery. These are the main indicators. But the price depends on several factors. So, the timber can be planed and non-planed, solid, profiled solid and glued. Solid timber is considered the most expensive, and glued timber is the cheapest.

In the case of edged boards, the type of wood plays an important role. Different breeds have different characteristics in terms of moisture resistance, strength, resistance to drying, and so on. The most common species are conifers (pine, spruce, larch). Very cheap lumber is obtained from pine and spruce. The most valuable are oak, cedar and larch boards.

The best clients are industrial production and construction companies. Construction companies often take boards, beams, slabs for the construction of wooden houses, baths and summer cottages. There are many furniture and pallet manufacturers among the clients. Small industries buy edged boards for the manufacture of windows, floors, stairs, pallets.

How much can you earn

The minimum prices for edged boards of the first grade start from 5,000 rubles. per cubic meter. At the same time, if you search the Internet carefully, you can be convinced that the price for the same product (for example, 1 grade edged board) may differ significantly. In places rich in forests, prices will be lower due to high competition. But in the metropolitan region and closer to the south, they ask for 6,000 rubles per cubic meter of boards of the first grade. and more. The difference of 20 - 30% is the same income of the wholesaler. From 100 cubic meters it turns out about 100,000 rubles.

A separate issue is the delivery of lumber. Often, in order to make good money, you have to look for suppliers thousands of kilometers away. And this is where logistics plays a big role.

The best option is delivery by wagons. The gondola car includes up to 70 cubic meters of birch timber. The transportation service costs from 100 rubles. from a cube (depending on the delivery distance). For prices, contact the rolling stock company.

Transportation by heavy vehicles becomes relevant for small volumes and short-distance transportation, when delivery times are being decided. But there is one problem: the board, especially when wet, is quite heavy. So, 1 cubic meter raw pine weighs at least 0.75 tons. Therefore, a standard truck will hold no more than 27 cubic meters, although the truck will intervene up to 80 cubic meters. Exit: carry only a dry board.

Organizational moments

It is better to look for suppliers in regions rich in forests. For example, in the Kirov region. There are a lot of manufacturers there, and the price level is much lower. “Be sure to study GOSTs and standards,” absolutely all industry professionals say. This will avoid many unpleasant situations with customers. A classic example: a client ordered a board of the first grade, and received a second or third (a product with completely different indicators of board quality). As a result, the client is not satisfied, demands a price reduction or even a refund. And these are losses and, above all, for the supplier. If you buy a board from an unknown manufacturer, you should personally be present at the shipment of the first batch of goods. In this case, you will personally see that you are being loaded into a truck.

“There is almost no money in sawing. It is most profitable to transport dried edged and raw unedged boards, ”say the members of the professional forum In general, it is best to start a business with sales. This is a more correct and reliable way to start. If you have found a client, then it will not take long to calculate the logistics and the approximate profit.

You can study the market for demand in different ways, even without having the status of a registered businessman. You can advertise on Avito by adding your margin to the average market wholesale price. If there are calls, then you simply write down the client's contacts and in the same way start looking for a supplier with the most acceptable prices and terms of cooperation. And only after a sufficient number of pre-orders have been received, planning, business registration, extensive advertising, etc. begin.

“In the long term, it is good to have a storage base and a small office at the warehouse at hand,” say market participants. This greatly expands business opportunities. It will be possible to sell lumber by self-pickup, invite clients to the office to conclude contracts. The client can immediately inspect the samples, and also make sure that you are not a one-day company, but have your own stocks of products.

"Myths of a reseller of lumber"

1. Goods only after one hundred percent prepayment. Nobody you get lucky lumber on hold. Sawmills are small-scale industries, and they will not risk shipping goods on credit, they will not look for transport for you. Therefore, you find the car yourself, come to the board, pay for the loading and leave. Everyone is happy.
2. Price - quality. You shouldn't try to buy a first grade board very cheaply. Understand that a high-quality board of the 1st grade cannot cost less than 5,000 rubles. per cubic meter. If you are offered by phone to buy a quality board for a song, then this is another reason to doubt the honesty of the manufacturer. No one will work at a loss. It's just that you can get not the first grade, but the board from the first to the third grade. Yes, anything you want can be shipped, even ordinary firewood.
3. Terms of production. As a rule, they are always underestimated. Do not think that if the manufacturer promises to make 35 cubes of boards or beams for you in a week, then this is exactly what will happen. According to the passport, a conventional belt frame has a capacity of 5 cubic meters of sawn timber per shift. In reality, workers make no more than 4 cubes. And this is not yet 1 grade, but from 1 to 3 grades. In fact, in a week, if you work seven days a week (which is unlikely in our villages), you will be made no more than 28 cubes.
4. Roads. When sending transport to a remote village, be prepared for the fact that it can literally get stuck there. Roads in villages exist only as guides, and no one will put asphalt for you there.
5. Documents. Almost all owners of sawmills are ordinary individual entrepreneurs and almost all of them work on the simplified tax system. So you don't even have to try to look for a manufacturer that works with VAT. Many of them don't even do their accounting. The only paper they will write out for you will be a receipt for the removal of lumber.

The construction season is coming and hundreds of firms and firms that want to make money on it begin to revive on the timber market.
Okay, if they already have experience (often very sad) of reselling lumber, but every spring hundreds of people who are completely unprepared and do not understand the realities of this market rush into this business. I myself, when that, stuck in the same way. I was lucky, I got a foothold in it, but dozens of them went bankrupt before my eyes.
So this is what I want to tell those who poked themselves in here for the first time: If you naively think that you will post an advertisement on the Internet that you are buying a board with home delivery and at the same time pay only after a couple of weeks (when you resell it), then you are naively mistaken. No one you her today will not be lucky just like that! All those involved in the production of lumber, already broken, killed! Without money, no one will send you anything !. Further, if you think that by sending out to all the e-mails that you found on the Internet, the sellers of the board, a message that you buy a lot and constantly, you will immediately find someone who will send you several thousand cubic meters a month, you are doubly mistaken. ! All serious enterprises that are able to cut several thousand cubes per month have long been engaged and work for a certain buyer, according to their own scheme, which has been worked out for years. You can't fit in there! (After a month of searching and correspondence, you yourself will understand this)
What is left for you at the end, and you yourself will come to this - these are hundreds of small saw-frames scattered across the territory of our vast Russia. Again, trying to seduce them by the fact that you want to buy a trial batch with a deferred payment, and they say then you will work on a prepaid basis (while thinking that you are the smartest, they say there is a trailer, there is a car, I will hap in this way, and what, Russia big, from each frame a little bit I'll catch it, it's easy for them, but I can do a lot), then you know, nothing will come of it. Now the market is oversaturated with buyers, and the boards are getting smaller. And no one, no where, no need to lead. The buyer will come himself, pay for everything, load it himself and take it away himself. Neither you are so different!
Again, you will come across this, believing that by giving directly to the sawmill an advance payment, you hope that now, for sure, your lumber, then you are generally bitterly mistaken! Why does the framer ask for an advance payment? He will tell you that he needs money for round timber, fuel, etc. More ... In fact, they are lying! It is one thing, if you give an advance payment to a local outbid, then he will actually start buying a ready-made board from them with it, it is quite another thing when you plow it directly onto the frame. They need money in order to close their "tails", but in the field it has long been established that both round timber and fuel are given to sawmills with payment after the sale of the board. Here, too, not fools work and they understand that the sawmill operator will receive money only after selling his goods and only then pay them off. Like this1 Ie Having financed a small frame, in the end you will get that your money has paid taxes of the previous period, or some kind of penalties, maybe electricity for the last month, but not a board! And you will be sawing the same way as always - "How to get it" Get it - you will get your board, you will not get it - You will wait a long time for it or "firewood" will be shipped to your address. Moreover, you will take this firewood yourself, having arrived on this frame, realizing that there is nothing else to take from it.
You can believe this note, you may not believe it, your business, but I have been in the forestry business for a very long time, within a radius of 1000 km. I know each frame, I know how they breathe and how they work. Itself, more than once, through their fault (I gave them an advance payment, but did not receive the board), I got into nasty stories. But it's easier for me, I'm here, I'm a local and I can shake them every day without spending on travel expenses, but think!

In this article:

Wood, as a building material, will never lose its popularity. And in the light of today's trends, when all over the world they are fighting for the naturalness and environmental friendliness of their own environment - and even more so.

Lumber is in demand in many areas - from the production of wooden houses and building elements (doors, windows, floor coverings) to the manufacture of furniture, accessories and tableware. Therefore, the timber harvesting business is very promising.

The right organization is the foundation of a successful business

Despite the high profitability indicators, according to statistics, about 70% of the opened sawmills are closed before they have worked for a year. The main reason- bureaucratic delays (registration of permits, coordination with firefighters, local administrations, forestry, compliance with the requirements of environmental supervision) and ill-conceived business policy.

It often happens like this: copying someone's successful project, an entrepreneur draws up a permit for felling "where it is easier" or there are appropriate connections, buys equipment and starts harvesting. And then it turns out that the delivery of timber from this area "eats up" most of the profit.

That is why, at the planning stage, it is important not only to find a suitable forest area, but also to assess the number of competitors, their pricing policy, and the structure of consumer demand:

  • the presence of wood processing enterprises;
  • demanded raw materials (raw board, round timber, timber);
  • types of wood.

It is also necessary think over the delivery of raw materials from the plot(if the sawmill is not located directly on the site), removal of finished products for further sale, etc. Our forests are not full of roads, so it is quite possible that you will have to pave the way to the site on your own.

Particular attention should be paid to the peculiarities of the wood processing and harvesting process. The most popular varieties for today: pine (mainly northern species), oak, ash, larch.

But, for example, oak wood is very hard and requires special sharpening for saws; larch - impregnated with viscous resins that quickly disable equipment; pine - in summer it is unsuitable for processing, since the wood quickly turns blue.

Legal aspects of opening a sawmill

If the sale of finished products is planned to the population or the production of wood is used for the own needs of the main enterprise, it makes sense to register it as an individual entrepreneur (less taxes). But keep in mind that OKVED 20.1 "Sawmilling and planing of wood" does not fall under UTII.

Tax options:

  • USN-patent(it is necessary to clarify with the tax office whether patents are issued for wood processing in this region);
  • STS 6% from the total amount of profit or 15% of the difference between income and confirmed costs.

In the first case, you can do the accounting yourself, in the second, it is better to hire an accountant or an outsourcing company, since not all costs arising from business activities can be included in expenses.

But if the main buyer is woodworking factories and large enterprises, you cannot do without registration of a legal entity (preferably LLC).

OKVEDs that will be needed during registration:

  • 02.01.1 Logging;
  • 02.02.2 Provision of services in the field of logging;
  • 20.1 Sawmilling and planing of wood;
  • 51.53.1 Wholesale of timber.

Logging and sawing is no longer a licensed activity ( in 2008, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 595 of 08.14.02 was officially canceled).

Logging: buy raw materials or mine yourself?

Before looking for a room and placing equipment, you need to decide on the technological chain of the production process. If you do not plan to get involved with independent logging, it is enough to look for a site suitable for installing a sawmill, with a convenient transport interchange for the delivery of imported raw materials. If production is based on our own logging, it is necessary to arrange a lease of a forest plot for felling in the forestry department.

According to the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, a forest cannot be sold into private ownership, therefore, we can only talk about leasing a forest plot. That is, even if you bought a plot with green spaces, cutting them down is impossible without an appropriate document - in any case, you must issue a permit. The procedure for obtaining this document and its price vary by region.

The first thing to do- find out in the local forestry what plots are leased and whether deforestation is allowed in this region. A ban on the extraction of forest can be imposed if the plants are listed in the Red Book, forest planting has a certain recreational, agricultural or road significance.

Deforestation and obtaining permits for its implementation is regulated in each region by a special decree "On the procedure for issuing permits for cutting trees and shrubs." Cost calculation- also set individually according to a certain formula, which must be specified in this document.

After information "intelligence", you need to arm yourself with patience and plunge into the world of bureaucratic delays:

1. Auction for cutting

1. It is necessary to find out the time of the next auction for the provision of plots for felling, which is carried out by the management bodies in agreement with the forestry. Study the conditions (usually, this is the set rental price plus compensation payments for landscaping). Submit an application, pay an entrance ticket and participate in the tender.

2. Application for the production of felling

If no auctions are foreseen in the near future, you can write an application to the local administration to issue a permit for felling (indicating the cadastral number of the site or the conditional number made by land surveying; area; type of trees growing on it, purposes of felling and other parameters upon request ).

3. Additional list of documents

Additionally, you may need the following documents:

  • a document on the ownership of this site (in the case of a lease - a permit for felling from the owner);
  • coordination with the forestry / forestry department;
  • plant inspection report;
  • site plan and other documentation on request.

4. Necessary conditions for issuing a permit

The issuance of a permit is possible only on condition of reimbursement of expenses for the implementation of compensatory landscaping, the cost of which should be transferred to the local budget immediately after a positive decision of the administration.

As a matter of fact, it is possible to bypass the moment of obtaining permits and approvals, if we consider the opening of only a sawmill, having agreed on the supply of timber. But, as you yourself understand, the reliability of the channel for such a supply is very doubtful (what if tomorrow the workpiece will be closed or suspended for repairs, the raw materials will be bought by competitors or the supplier will sharply raise the price?).

In addition, the difference in cost is significant (the purchase of sawlogs - from 1800 rubles / m 3, the cost of material for self-harvesting - from 200 m 3 / cubic meter), therefore, despite the huge number of bureaucratic obstacles, most large sawmills work only if they have their own sites logging. But for running a small business, you can also consider the option of purchased raw materials.

Requirements for the room for opening the sawmill

Ideally, the sawmill should be located directly on the site or in the immediate vicinity of it - this way you can significantly save on shipping costs. A large-scale production facility is not required for this business. It is possible to equip a small room for receiving orders, meeting with customers and technical needs, measuring about 20 m 2.

The best option for opening a sawmill is a plot of at least 30 acres, which has:

  1. A canopy to protect the equipment from adverse weather conditions (in closed rooms it is recommended to use only sawmills with a special system for collecting industrial waste). Based on the dimensions of the band sawmill (8 * 2 * 2.4 m), the square of the canopy should be at least 10 * 20 m, and the height - 5 m (if the crane is planned to work). One of the walls along the length of the equipment should be made solid - it is more convenient to collect sawdust this way.
  2. Access roads (and, preferably, not only for special vehicles).
  3. The ability to connect to the mains (which is the biggest problem for installing a sawmill right on the site).
  4. The warehouse for the placement of raw materials (must contain 50% of the monthly need for procurement) and be equipped according to the requirements of SNiP21-05-2003 "Warehouses of forest materials".
  5. Closed warehouse for storing finished products.

Many private entrepreneurs make the mistake of starting work on their own plot of land (for example, a summer cottage or on the territory of a private house). The sawmill belongs to industrial equipment, therefore, for its operation, it is necessary to alienate the land to the fund for industrial work.

Purchase of equipment for a sawmill

After completing all the necessary documents and the availability of premises / site for production, you can start buying directly the sawmill itself. There are several types of machines for sawing felled logs, and it is recommended to choose them based on the volume of planned production:

1. Circular mini-saws

Consideration of such equipment for industrial purposes is possible only with a small volume of production (for example, for your own small enterprise). These installations are compact, consume a minimum of energy, but the attachments require frequent replacement, and the performance is poor.

2. Band sawmill

The band sawmill is considered the optimal piece of equipment for small and medium-sized businesses.

On average, it processes 5-10 m 3 per shift (depending on the manufacturer).

Main advantages:

  • minimum amount of waste (about 20%);
  • low power consumption (on average, 50 W);
  • reasonable price (about $ 3.5 thousand).

The main disadvantage- the need to frequently change the saw band, on average, every 3 hours.

3. Frame sawmill

Frame sawmill- a machine with high productivity, capable of ensuring uninterrupted operation of an enterprise with large production volumes. But it will require mandatory installation on the foundation and a large amount of energy. Another disadvantage is the high percentage of waste.

Features of the procurement of the raw material base

Logs / logs of various types of wood (the so-called "round timber") are the raw materials for sawmill operation.

Get it like this:

1. Felling of wood

There are two ways to fell trees: uprooting or rootless felling. The most common is the second. This type of harvesting is carried out using portable chain saws or felling machines. Trunks are cut down at ground level, at the root or leaving stumps (the permitted way of felling is negotiated with the forestry).

The forest is uprooted with the help of bulldozers, but this method is used only if the land with felling is intended for agricultural land, road construction or housing.

2. Technological process of logging

The main requirement for a feller is the felling of the tree in a given direction:

  • according to the technological scheme developed for this cutting area (all trees fall in the same direction);
  • in the direction, which is calculated individually in difficult cases.

Such calculations are necessary, since it is rather difficult to predict the direction of a tree's natural fall - the influence of natural factors is great (direction and strength of the wind, inclination of the trunk, shape of the crown, etc.). Incorrect technology or inexperience of the feller can lead to industrial injuries, damage to equipment, destruction of other plantations and forest undergrowth (which is punishable by serious fines).

After the felled trees are cleaned of branches and twigs (waste must be removed and disposed of). The workpieces are sawn into logs (standard length: 5.5 - 6.5 m for conifers and 4 - 4.5 m for deciduous), sorted by diameter, species, quality, tied, laid on timber trucks or special trailers with fences and transported to the sawmill shop.

Description of the technological process of the sawmill

The principle of operation of the sawmill itself is quite simple:

1. Fixing the log

The log is securely fixed with special clamps and stops. The maximum diameter of the workpiece is indicated in the specifications of the equipment, usually it is 80-110 cm. The standard length of the sawing table (and, accordingly, the log) is about 7 m, but there is a possibility of extension on request. If the logs are not large, you can install two blanks at the same time.

2. Control of the tension force of the saw

The tension force of the saw is controlled by a pressure gauge, set manually or automatically on the control panel of the sawmill.

3. Setting the cutting parameters

The parameters of the cut (length, width, thickness of the board) are set according to the size of the scale bar. The top layer of the bark is removed. A horizontal saw cuts the log into planks, moving strictly horizontally using special rollers;

4. Turning the log

When the cut reaches the middle of the log, the equipment stops. The log is turned over manually or with the help of an electromechanical lift, bark upwards.

5. Again the stage of fixing the log

The workpiece is fixed again, the cutting process is completed depending on the lumber produced.

At the exit, you can get the following products:

  • unedged board;
  • edged board;
  • timber and other lumber.

For the manufacture of edged boards, one of the cutting options is to fix unedged blanks on the table to remove the bark on each side.

A high-quality timber is cut only from the core part. To obtain segment beams, the heartwood is cut crosswise. In the production of half-timber - along the longitudinal axis.

During the operation of the sawmill, a large amount of wood waste arises, which can be used for the needs of the enterprise (for example, for heating the premises) or as raw materials for the additional production of fuel capsules.

Logging and lumber obtained from them must comply with the following GOSTs:

  • GOST 8486-86 “Softwood lumber. Technical conditions "
  • GOST 2695-83 “Sawn hardwood. Technical conditions "
  • GOST 24454-80 “Softwood lumber. Dimensions "
  • GOST 18288-87 “Sawmill production. Terms and Definitions"
  • GOST 6782.2-75 “Sawn products from deciduous wood. Shrinkage value "
  • GOST 7319-80 “Sawn timber and hardwood harvesting. Atmospheric drying and storage "
  • GOST 26002-83 "Northern sorting softwood lumber"

Sawmill opening business plan

Consider the economic rationale for opening a small production of unedged boards with the main equipment - a band sawmill. For example, the indicators of the PT-03U Krona woodworking machine were used.

1. Initial data:

Organizational form of doing business - individual entrepreneur on the simplified tax system (6%);

The number of employees is 2 people. Piecework payment, depending on the output, at the rate of 250 rubles / m 3 (sawyer) and 100 rubles / m 3 (assistant to the sawer);

Working shift duration - 8 h / day;

The number of shifts per month is 22.

2. Capital investment

It is planned to purchase a band sawmill in the minimum configuration:

  • PT-03U Krona - 170,000 rubles;
  • sharpening device - 23,500 rubles;
  • band saws - 10 pieces * 720 rubles = 7200 rubles;
  • adjustable device - 15,000 rubles.

Total 215,700 rubles.

To accommodate the equipment, it is planned to lease a plot of 30 acres with premises for a warehouse for raw materials and finished products. Arrangement of a utility room and a canopy for a sawmill will cost 55,000 rubles.

Total capital investments - 270,700 rubles.

3. Raw materials and material costs

Purchased round timber billets will be used as input raw materials. The cost of raw materials is 2100 rubles / m 3.

The cost of electricity is 5 rubles / kW.

4. Productivity and profit

Productivity per shift - 7 m 3 (output of edged material - 60%), Productivity per month - 7 m 3 * 22 shifts - 154 m 3.

The sales value of the finished board - 5,760 rubles / m 3

Planned profit per month - 154 m 3 * 5,760 rubles / m 3 = 887,040 rubles.

5. Salary and social security contributions

Payroll - 154 m 3 * 350 rubles = 53 900 rubles / month;

Payroll taxes (37.5%) - 20,212.50 rubles / month.

6. Planning of monthly expenses and the cost price of 1 m 3 of production

Land lease - 30,000 rubles / month;

Loader rental - 9,500 rubles / month;

The cost of raw materials at the entrance: 258 m 3 * 2 100 rubles / m 3 = 541 800 rubles / month;

Electricity consumption - 8 h * 12 kW / h * 5 rubles * 22 work / shift = 10 560 rubles / month;

Transportation costs - 20,500 rubles;

Income tax (STS) - 887,040 rubles * 6% = 53,222.40 rubles / month;

Salary costs - 53,900 rubles + 20,212.50 rubles = 74,112.50 rubles / month.

Unforeseen costs - 30,000 rubles / month

Total: 769 649.90 rubles / month

The cost price of 1 m 3 of unedged board: 769 649.90 rubles: 154 m 3 / month = 4998.02 rubles.

7. Profit and payback

Net profit: 887,040 rubles - 769,649.90 rubles = 117,390.10 rubles / month.

Payback on capital investments - 2.3 months (270,700 rubles: 117,390.10 rubles)


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