The sausage business is profitable or not. We are opening a business - a mini sausage shop. Sausage business: looking for a sausage manufacturer

Sausages are deservedly in demand among the population and opening a specialized store for their sale may well become a profitable option for investing your capital.

Market analysis and competition

The right start of any business is, first of all, an analysis of the market for goods or services in the area in which you want to work. There are a great many grocery stores that have in their assortment not only sausages and other groups of goods:

  • supermarkets and hypermarkets;
  • specialized sausage shops;
  • branded kiosks and stalls;
  • grocery stores in the "near home" format.

It is necessary to carefully study the assortment of these stores, their advantages and disadvantages, prices for sausage products, learn about the promotions and discounts on goods provided. In addition, it is useful to get information about how profitable these stores are, how long they have been open, how many people visit them and why they are profitable or not. You can also survey the residents of the area where you are going to open your store for taste and price preferences, thanks to this, you can focus on the most popular products.

Thus, having determined the feasibility of opening, along the way, you can find the negative qualities of your future competitors and focus on the absence of these shortcomings already in the new store.

Registration, documentation and business organization

To be able to open a store, you need to do the following:

  1. Register with the tax authorities as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  2. When registering as an LLC, get an individual tax number, register with the Tax Inspectorate.
  3. Register with a pension fund.
  4. Register with health and social insurance funds.
  5. Purchase a cash register and register it, indicating in the tax address of the future store (you must have documents confirming the ownership of the premises or a lease agreement), and obtain a book of accounting transactions.
  6. Obtain documents from the SES and State Fire Inspection for the compliance of the premises and its equipment with the requirements for grocery stores (these permits are obtained after the arrangement of commercial equipment, the selection of workers and the complete preparation of the store for commissioning).

Assortment and suppliers

Suppliers of products for your outlet can be:

  • meat processing plants and sausage shops;
  • official trade representatives of manufacturers;
  • wholesale companies specializing in the supply of food products.

When opening a sausage store and looking for suppliers, first of all, you should pay attention to meat processing plants and workshops that produce quality products at affordable prices, and it is better to buy goods from them directly or from official representatives - this will significantly reduce the input cost of your products and, of course, make it cheaper after the corresponding store mark-up. In addition, such firms often provide services for the return or replacement of goods, if it falls out of date - that is, they take away the unnecessary and bring either a similar one or another at a reasonable price. Of course, it is agreed in advance in what quantity of the total volume of ordered products you can return or exchange products. The only drawbacks of such a delivery option may be a certain amount of "minimum order" or fixed days of delivery of goods, although, after working for a while, it is quite possible to adjust to the conditions of the supplier.

For the first time, until you learn the preferences of your customers, you can use the services of sales representatives offering a wide range of sausages from different manufacturers. You will be able to order the minimum volume of goods, so that if there is no demand for this or that type of sausage, you will not suffer large losses.

The assortment of goods in your store can be represented by both sausages and whole-muscle products from pork and beef (ham, ham, roll, shank, etc.). Having only a superficial understanding of the demand and demand for a particular group of sausages, you can make the first purchase of the product in the following ratio (based on the average consumption rates in the Russian Federation):

  • boiled sausages - 16%;
  • sausages - 10%;
  • sausages - 10%;
  • semi-smoked sausages - 12%;
  • boiled smoked sausages - 12%;
  • uncooked smoked and dry-cured sausages - 7%;
  • liverwurst sausages and pates - 2%;
  • boiled and smoked beef products - 10%;
  • boiled, smoked-boiled, smoked-baked and uncooked smoked pork products - 20%.

In addition, if possible, it is necessary to include minced meat semi-finished products in the assortment of the goods sold.

An important fact is that even well-selling sausage stores often offer their customers other so-called related products, which the consumer may well purchase, thereby increasing your profits:

  • bread and bakery products;
  • cheeses, dairy products;
  • sauces, ketchups;
  • alcoholic beverages, etc.

After a month of work, you will be able to determine exactly which products are more in demand and which ones are not at all in demand, and you can already order and accept goods taking into account these data.

Location and premises

When choosing a location, they are guided by the principles and rules of opening any grocery store. It is advisable to rent or purchase a premise in a crowded, busy place where large flows of people pass, it can be:

  1. Close to public transport stops.
  2. Near a densely populated residential area.
  3. Close to organizations and institutions.

To avoid competition, do not locate a store:

  1. Close to supermarkets and large grocery stores.
  2. Close to markets.
  3. Near grocery stores located in residential areas.

Also, when choosing a room, you must be guided by the following requirements:

  • it is obligatory to divide the retail space of the store, warehouse for receiving and storing goods, utility and technical premises;
  • the store must have two separate entrances - one for customers and the second service one for staff;
  • premises for storing goods should not be walk-through and be located near sanitary facilities;
  • there must be technical means to maintain the required temperature in the room (air conditioners for the warm season and heating for the cold season);
  • the normal functioning of all communications (water, plumbing, sewerage, light) must be ensured.


To open a sausage shop, you will need the following equipment:

  1. Medium-temperature refrigerated display cases designed for storing food at temperatures from 0 to 8 degrees. They can differ in design, in the way of installation (floor and tabletop), in type (open and closed), in size (economy, standard and luxury), in the way of cooling (static and dynamic), be additional lighting or without it.
  2. Low-temperature refrigerating chambers (if there are frozen semi-finished products in the store's assortment).
  3. Refrigerating chambers for storing sausages. As this storage room, you can use a regular household refrigerator.
  4. Tables.
  5. Cutting boards.
  6. Knives.
  7. Slicer.
  8. Showcases for related products (bread, sauces, alcohol).
  9. Scales.
  10. Cash register.


A lot depends on the staff in the store, especially in the one that has just opened, so you should be very serious about finding employees.

At a minimum, you will need two sellers, if necessary, the state can still maintain a loader, a cleaner, an accountant, a director.

When selecting candidates for the position of a seller, it should be borne in mind that the candidate must meet the following requirements:

  • have experience in a sausage shop or department;
  • know the basic principles of the cash register;
  • it is imperative to have a sanitary book, otherwise the SES employees, if it is revealed that it is not there, may fine you;
  • be polite, neat, friendly. During the first time of work, it is especially important to have a good attitude towards customers in order to create a positive reputation for the store.


To successfully start a sausage store, you will need to carry out several advertising moves aimed at attracting customers:

  1. Bright design of the sign, preferably with lighting in the dark.
  2. Short and catchy name of the store.
  3. Colorful design of the store front, it is possible to use photos of products that will be sold in your store.
  4. Carrying out various promotions and product tastings.
  5. Issuing flyers in places of large gatherings of people in your area.
  6. Use shopper packages with your store's name logo.

The financial component of the business

Competent investment of funds will allow you to recoup your investment in a short time and make a profit.

Opening and maintaining costs

To open a sausage store, the following capital investments will be required (an option is being considered with the lease of a retail space and an average revenue of 30 thousand rubles):

The total amount will be 347 thousand rubles.

Monthly costs will be:

  1. Purchase of goods - 72 thousand rubles.
  2. Salary - 65 thousand rubles.
  3. Premises rental - 15 thousand rubles.
  4. Energy carriers - 5 thousand rubles.
  5. Payment of taxes - 15 thousand rubles.
  6. Other expenses for the maintenance of the store - 5 thousand rubles.

The total amount of expenses will be 825 thousand rubles

Amount of future income

Business income is determined by the following main indicators:

  • profit from product sales;
  • the level of profitability;
  • payback period.

Profit from the sale of sausages is determined by the difference between the proceeds from the sale and all the costs of the store for the month:

Pr = (30,000 rubles x 30 days) - 825,000 rubles = 75,000 rubles.

The level of profitability of production is determined by the quotient of dividing profit by the cost of production:

Ur = 75000/825000 x 100% = 9.1%

Payback period

The payback period is determined by dividing the capital investment by the profit from the sale:

From approx = 347000/75000 = 4.6 months.

So, the investment in opening a sausage shop will pay off in less than 5 months. Maintaining a positive reputation of the new store, ordering and supplying goods taking into account the demands and preferences of consumers, holding various promotions and tastings and a polite attitude of the staff will undoubtedly attract even more customers and increase your profit margin.

After Russia introduced protective sanctions against the EU, high-quality sausages have almost completely disappeared from store shelves. The expected import substitution did not happen - stores were filled with low-quality products from domestic manufacturers, who decided to reduce the cost of production as much as possible by adding vegetable fats and fillers to sausages. There is an acute shortage of quality meat products on the market. That is why now is the time to open your own mini sausage production shop and take your place in the sun.

Market analysis

The first step is to study the market situation. There may already be a sausage maker in your area. Find out what kind of products he produces, what is his price range, how the production is organized. Visit several large stores, find out the prices for sausage products, think about where you can take finished products.

Sausage workshop is a profitable and affordable business


For a small workshop, you need a fairly spacious room that is not combined with a residential building. You should not look for a place in the city center - the outskirts or even a building in a nearby village will be fine for you.

In the building you will need to place:

  1. Refrigeration units for storing incoming raw materials.
  2. Special cooling chambers for minced meat and finished products.
  3. Separate room for meat processing.
  4. A separate room for defrosting raw materials.
  5. A separate room for the production of sausages.
  6. Separate storage room for spices.
  7. Shop for heat treatment of products.
  8. Utility room for storing materials and tools.
  9. Separate room for equipment washing.
  10. Premises for household purposes.

Your premises should be spacious enough - usually a mini-workshop takes about 200 m2. Some premises can be combined with each other, but when planning it is better to consult with the local sanitary and epidemiological station, so that in the future you do not have to redo the workshop.

Before opening, you will need to draw up a technical task, indicating in it the volumes of processed products, the range (approximate), make a list of the equipment used and describe the technological process. Then the terms of reference are coordinated with the SES and the local veterinary service, and only after that you can proceed to further actions.

What documents are required

First of all, you need to go to the local tax office and register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. You will also be given the appropriate codes by which you can work. You are interested in:

  1. OKVED 15.13, allowing the release of meat products.
  2. OKVED 15.13.1, which allows the production of products from meat, offal and blood.
  3. OKVED 15.13.9, permitting heat treatment of meat.

Never skimp on raw materials - they must be fresh and have quality certificates

At the same time, registration is taking place at the pension fund, sanitary and epidemiological station and veterinary supervision. At the end, the premises are examined by fire inspectors.

You will also need to obtain certain certifications. So, according to the legislation, all meat products must receive a quality certificate. There are two options here:

  1. If you are going to work on an industrial scale, then you will need to go through the GOST certification system. Such certification is usually issued in factories that produce a large number of products.
  2. If you plan to work in your city or region, then you can certify sausages by application and declaration. You simply write a statement in which you indicate that you are going to produce quality sausage that is guaranteed to meet all the requirements.

Where to get raw materials

If you are going to produce high-quality sausage, then your raw materials must be of high quality. You need to establish contacts with local farmers who sell meat in bulk in whole carcasses. That is why a sausage production workshop in the village is more preferable than in the city - you can buy the freshest meat right at your side.

Read also: Alcohol production: technology, equipment

You need to find quality, certified raw materials that meet all regulations. What kind of meat do you need? Any: pork, beef, chicken, lamb, horse meat, etc.

For quality sausages, meat from young animals with a low fat content is usually chosen. If necessary, it is better to then separately add fat or lard according to the recipe.

Note: depending on the type of sausages, you will need thawed, steamed or chilled meat. Delivery and storage must be properly organized so that you always have the raw materials you need.

To create low-calorie and dietary products, milk, starch, flour, melange, cereals, soy can be added to the minced meat. Additionally, various seasonings are added to the meat: nitrite salt, ascorbic acid, spices, spices, sugar, phosphates.

The workshop should be divided into several separate rooms

How is the manufacturing process

The cooking process consists of several stages:

  1. Dismemberment of the mascara. The whole carcass is divided into parts according to the instructions. The beef carcass is cut into eight parts, the pork carcass - into five.
  2. Boning. At this stage, workers cut the meat from the bones using special knives. The final yield of meat and its quality depend on the quality of the deboners' work.
  3. Zhilovka. At this stage, various veins, cartilage and small bones are removed from the meat. After trimming, the meat is sorted according to its quality and fat content.
  4. Shredding. Minced meat is made from meat on special machines for further processing. Then the minced meat ripens (it is salted with nitrite salt and placed in the refrigerator). Ripening of meat is necessary to preserve its color, aroma and stickiness.
  5. Re-grinding. After the meat is ripe, grind it again and knead it in a cutter. Also, when re-grinding, various spices and additives are added to the minced meat.
  6. Syringe. The ready-to-use minced meat, which turned into a uniform emulsion upon stirring, is injected into a casing of various types and diameters.
  7. Bandaging. To ensure the strength of the sausage, it is tied with a special twine or a mesh is put on top.
  8. Smoking. If smoked sausages are made, then they are sent to special chambers in which they are smoked for several hours at low temperatures.
  9. Heat treatment. Boiled sausages are steamed or boiled in water with a temperature of up to 70 degrees. When the temperature inside reaches 70 degrees, the sausages are removed, dried and sent for storage.

This is how the process of preparing most types of smoked and boiled sausages goes. Dried products are cooked in a special chamber - they dry for about 30-40 days at constant humidity, which avoids hardening and swelling.

List of required equipment

Let's consider what equipment for the production of sausages you will need to purchase. We make a calculation for a small shop that produces cooked and smoked products, as the most popular in our time.

Don't skimp on equipment - it will pay off quickly

You need to purchase:

  1. Defroster / defroster - 2,600,000 rubles.
  2. Grinder-type grinder for grinding large pieces of meat - 800,000.
  3. Minced meat dosing and twisting machine - 800,000.
  4. Special conveyor for boning and trimming operations - 650,000.
  5. Ice generator - 300,000 rubles.
  6. Cutter (grinding minced meat and turning it into an emulsion) - 800,000.
  7. Chopper for chopping frozen blocks - 500,000.
  8. Vacuum filler for filling - 500,000.
  9. Vacuum apparatus for packaging finished products - 300,000.
  10. Sausage heat treatment chamber - 2,500,000.
  11. Sausage smoking chamber - 2,500,000.
  12. Sausage drying chamber - 2,500,000.

Sausage production: we issue an individual entrepreneur and a work permit + premises for a factory + necessary equipment + raw materials for sausage production + sausage preparation technology + who to hire + where to sell the goods + how to calculate the cost price and profitability of production.

Sausage production Is a real way to build your business and not depend on anyone. It will take a considerable amount of money to invest in the business, but, as practice shows, the mini-plant pays off in 6-12 months.

A business plan with detailed calculations will help to implement this idea, an example of which you will see below.

Sausage production: preparation of documentation ...

To organize the production of sausage, it is necessary to draw up and certify a number of documents.

First of all, visit the Tax Office at the place of opening the company. You can choose 2 options for registering a business - an individual entrepreneur (IE) or a legal entity (LLC). For small sausage production, the legal form of an individual entrepreneur is quite suitable for you.

For you will need:

  1. Write an application in the form №Р21001. In it, indicate the OK-VED activity code - 10.13.2 "Production of sausages".
  2. Draw up a statement on the choice of a simplified taxation regime.
  3. Pay the state duty in the amount of 800 rubles, and submit the receipt to the tax inspector.
  4. Provide a copy of all pages of the passport and the TIN code.

In 5 days you will become an individual entrepreneur and receive a certificate of business registration.

Contact the following local authorities with a request to open production:

  • Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.
  • Rostest or Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Fire inspection.
  • Veterinary service.

The fire department and SES check the premises and equipment, their conclusion on the suitability of the sausage production is issued free of charge.

But the cost of Rostest's services will depend on what assortment of sausages you offer to your consumers. Each type of product has its own line in accordance with GOST, keep this in mind when preparing the production technology.

Your plant must be checked for compliance with the TC Technical Regulations No. 021/2011. The enterprise must comply with ISO 22000 HACCP standards. The technological and logical process must be approved by all higher authorities, and never be violated. When checking and identifying violations, you will be fined, and may even close production.

Your costs for preparation of documents will be about 100,000 rubles. Almost all of this amount will be spent on obtaining an opinion from Rostest.

Search for a production facility

Even if you plan to open a sausage shop, modest in size and production, the premises should still be large.

Nobody will allow you to open a sausage production near residential buildings, so look for premises for rent outside the city.

Which production departments your workshop will be divided into:

  1. A room for working with meat, cutting it.
  2. Room for defrosting meat.
  3. Manufacturing facility.
  4. A separate room for refrigerators, in which only incoming raw materials will be stored.
  5. The hall where the products will be heat-treated.
  6. Refrigerator for storing finished products.
  7. A storage box for salt and other spices, including food additives.
  8. Tool storage room.
  9. Equipment washing.
  10. A utility room where household chemicals and other cleaning products will be stored.
  11. A room where there will be a staff locker room and a place for employees to dine.
  12. Administrative room where the manager, technologist, accountant, etc. will work.

Most of the space is allocated for the production line, as well as the installation of the refrigeration system. All other rooms can be minimal, the main thing is that everything fits, and you have free access to all the ingredients for the production of sausage.

At least you will have to rent a hall with an area of ​​200 m2. Depending on the region, location and condition of the repair, the price for such a workshop will vary within 150,000 rubles.

Look for a room that will already be renovated, and, preferably, meet the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station. It is better not to wait for an inspection from local authorities (Fire Inspection, SES), but to consult yourself on what standards a sausage plant should meet.

Be sure to install ventilation, a fire system, make sure that there are no rodents and other living creatures in the room. Before checking, prepare all documentation for equipment, contracts with suppliers of raw materials, indicate the range of products.

Do not forget about the terms of reference. What it is? This is a detailed description of the volume of processed raw materials, the range of products, a list of equipment, a description of the recipe and the technological process itself.

The technologist together with the manager is engaged in the preparation of such a document. The terms of reference must be approved by the SES, as well as the local veterinary service, because in your work you use animal meat.

It will be important for Rospotrebnadzor to make sure the quality of the raw materials, as well as the finished sausage. If everything is done according to the requirements of GOST, then you will be given a quality certificate.

Sausage production equipment: list

To start a sausage production from scratch, you will need to fully equip the shop and.

The price of a sausage production line depends on its capacity, so first, think about what volume of products you are ready to sell on the Russian market.

In order for the production to pay off in the shortest possible time and start making a profit, it is necessary to produce up to 150-200 kilograms of various types of sausages per shift. Based on this figure, choose the necessary equipment for yourself in terms of power and price.

The complete equipment for the production of sausage consists of the following elements:

  • Meat grinder;
  • Meat mixer;
  • Vacuum cutter with a mechanized stirrer and unloading;
  • Vacuum syringe;
  • Clipper;
  • Thermal smoke chamber with food frame;
  • Low-temperature refrigerating chamber;
  • Work surface (boning and island table with shelves for products);
  • Salting vat;
  • Technological trolley (salting vat and rickshaw);
  • Meat and milk box.

As a rule, the equipment is installed for a fee. In addition, if necessary, the equipment supplier can provide training for the personnel who will work behind the line.

A line with a capacity of 200 kilograms of sausage per shift will cost 2 million rubles. To service such equipment, you will need to hire 6 workers.

Do not forget also that you need to purchase a uniform for staff (dressing gown, hat, gloves), equip a dressing room for them, a place for lunch breaks, and also make an office for the technologist and manager. These additional costs "pull" at least 100,000 rubles.

Purchase of raw materials for the production of sausages

It is possible to produce tasty and high-quality sausage only from natural ingredients. Spend more than one day looking for a good supplier - this will be the key to your success.

Your partner is obliged to submit documents for raw materials each time a new batch of meat is delivered, namely, a quality certificate and passed veterinary control.

Today in the country there has been an increase in cases of infection of cattle and pigs with various infections that can be transmitted to humans. By contacting an unscrupulous supplier, you can feed your consumers not a tasty sausage, but a portion of diseases.

What is sausage made from in Russia? Of course, first of all, the composition includes meat (beef, pork, chicken, lamb, etc.)

Minced meat is divided into three types according to temperature indicators:

  • chilled;
  • thawed;
  • pair.

In the modern world, additives are indispensable for production. Animal fats are often added to sausages, which give a certain taste to the finished product. It can be milk or melange, cereals, flour, soy, starch.

Spices and spices give the sausage aroma and exquisite taste, but adding salt, sugar, pepper can only be strictly according to the recipe. This should be monitored by a technologist.

Let's see what we need to buy for cooking, for example, "boiled" sausages:

№. Raw materialsWeightFinal price (rub.)
Total: 141 670 rubles
1. Veined pork400 Kg55 000
2. Veined beef400 Kg77 500
3. Melange30 Kg4 800
4. Sugar10 Kg260
5. Salt10 Kg110
6. Powdered milk10 Kg1 500
7. Ground allspice1 kg800
8. Nutmeg1 kg850
9. Sodium nitrite1 kg450
10. Casing and twine for forming products100 meters400

Depending on the range of products, you can buy other ingredients as needed, replace beef and pork with poultry. In this matter, each plant has its own individual approach.

Detailed technology for the production of sausages

There are about a dozen types of sausages, which differ not only in taste, but also in the technological process of production:

Sausage technology and recipe often change, something is removed from the composition, and something, on the contrary, is added. We suggest you consider how cooked-smoked sausage is prepared.

Cooked-smoked sausage production technology:

DefrostingRaw materials that were stored in the freezer are defrosted to +18 degrees Celsius.
ButcheringThe meat is cut into pieces and cut off from the bone, cartilage, tendons, and blood vessels are removed.
ShreddingThe meat is passed through a meat grinder, and then spices are added to it - salt, pepper, sugar and other additives.

The prepared minced meat should be nourished and "matured" in a refrigerator at a temperature of 2-4 degrees above Celsius for two days.

Re-grinding If the technology requires repeated grinding, then the minced meat is again passed through a meat grinder, adding water, bacon, ice to it.
Form fillingWe fill the special casing with minced meat using a syringe, and the clip will help to form the sausage.
The final stage The sausage is tied tightly, but if you have used an artificial casing, this is not necessary.

The finished product is hung on slats, but only so that the sausage does not touch each other. It should stand for 6 to 48 hours at a temperature of + 2-4 degrees.

Heat treatment Heat treatment is cooking, smoking, roasting. Which process is used depends on the type of sausage and its recipe.

For example, one of the options for heat treatment of cooked-smoked sausage is roasting at 80-110 degrees, after which it is boiled at 80 degrees, the final stage is smoking at 45 degrees throughout the day.

ControlThe technologist must test the finished product. If everything is all right, then the game goes to the final stage.
PackageAt the end, the sausage is packed in boxes or plastic bags that will not allow air to pass through. They need to indicate the date of manufacture, product storage standards, shelf life, composition, GOST, batch number, etc.

Recruiting employees for "sausage" production

Sausage production should take place under the strict guidance of not only an individual entrepreneur, but also a whole staff of employees.

№. PositionQuantitySalary for 1 month (rub.)
TOTAL: 301,000 rubles / month
1. Manager1 40 000
2. Sales manager1 30 000
3. Accountant1 20 000
4. Technologist1 20 000
5. Master1 20 000
6. Working lines6 90 000
7. Movers3 30 000
8. Driver2 16 000
9. Cleaning woman1 5 000
10. Security guard2 16 000
11. Butcher2 14 000

At the first stages of sausage production, while you are only looking for sales markets, the plant can work only in one shift - 8-10 hours 5 days a week. If you plan to increase your working hours, you will need to hire new employees.

Be sure to demand from every person who will have access to the sausage, a medical book. You cannot hire an employee without passing a medical examination. Any inspection would punish the proceedings for such negligence with a huge fine.

Where to look for sausage points of sale?

How to make consumers know about your sausage production? Here advertising is not the main sales tool.

Of course, you will need to order the development of a logo and label, as well as print a batch of posters for retail outlets. The costs of print advertising are small - from 10,000 rubles. If you wish, you can order a TV commercial or rent a billboard, but these are additional expenses - from 30,000 rubles. At the initial stage, they are not necessary.

In fact, people in stores always pay attention to new sausages, especially if they are affordable. Consumers will buy your product and, assuming quality production, word of a new sausage shop that makes great sausage will spread quickly.

Much also depends on the sellers. It is from them that buyers ask for advice when choosing meat products. Offer the supplier a bonus or discount when the product has a high sales rate.

The sales points can be found either by the manager himself, or by the person responsible for this. Markets, shops, supermarkets are at your disposal.

Each point is important at the first stages, so negotiate and make discounts. You must interest the store owner to become your regular partner.

Sausage production as a business idea.

How to open a sausage shop at home?
Sausage production business plan.

How to calculate the profitability of a sausage business?

We have come to the final stage of our business plan - this is the calculation of all costs for sausages, and most importantly - to the question of when it will pay off.

№. Expenditure itemAmount (rub.)
TOTAL: 2 882 000 rubles
1. Documentation for opening a sausage shop100 000
2. Purchase of equipment2 100 000
3. Purchase of raw materials141 670
4. Rent150 000
5. Communal expenses80 000
6. Wage301 000
7. Advertising10 000

To calculate what the cost of sausage will be, we will take as a basis for calculations only the costs of purchasing raw materials that will be needed to prepare 1 ton of boiled water. You will also need to take into account the costs of paying for utilities, for 1 week of the workshop, and renting a hall for the same period.

  1. We will spend about 20,000 rubles for a communal apartment.
  2. We will pay 40,000 rubles for the lease.
  3. You will have to spend 141 670 rubles for raw materials.
  4. The total cost of production of 1 kilogram of cooked sausage is 201.67 rubles. You can sell a meat product on the market twice as expensive.
  5. For a month of work, a medium-sized sausage shop will be able to produce 4 tons of sausage. With the full sale of the goods, you can earn more than 1.5 million rubles.
  6. From this amount, we deduct a part for the payment of earnings to employees, advertising, the purchase of ingredients, and we transfer a part to the country's budget (taxes).
  7. With proper business planning, the business will fully pay for itself in 10-12 months of work.

Sausage production has always been considered a profitable and successful business. If you are able to organize the work of the plant, produce a quality product, then you will not only recoup all the costs, but also build new factories, and most importantly, you will have tasty food for the Russians.

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The sausage department is the most delicious and necessary in the store, it is always in demand but also very difficult. The shelf life of sausages is short, therefore they belong to perishable goods. It is important in the sale of such products a well-designed showcase and Reasonable prices for sausages, the most optimal wrap up is 12-15%, it costs take into account that there will be trimming, since the sausage will wind up if you do not trim, and this is found in many stores, the products will not have a presentation and trade will be weak, you will rather lose more than gain. Trimming should be done on all cut products before lunch in the first hour rush Usually in grocery stores it is rush hour at lunchtime and in the evening when people return from work. Taking a lot of sausages is also fraught with its not small, so I advise you to take the quantity that will immediately be loaded into the showcase. Do not let the products lie at the bottom in the spare storages of the refrigerator. If the showcase is made in one row, that is, one piece of each type, trade will also be weak.
Choose a refrigerator for sausages wisely, it is desirable that it be deep with a spare cabinet on the bottom or with slats on top (refrigerated display cases), it describes how this can be done.
I will give an example of a showcase with 100% sales Sheet 2
Cut sausages: Leave at least 300g when boiled. Half smoked, although by
p 37, you must cut the products at the request of the buyer, with the exception of goods with a fixed weight and sold by the piece. Therefore, if you have a piece of 400g, and you are asked to cut off 200g, cut off from a new loaf, because the remainder may end up and will not be bought. but to cut off a piece of 200gr, you will have a stub and most likely it will fall into the category of trimmings, it will be a loss.Teach sellers not to cut such pieces, let them offer buyers to buy an already cut piece, even if it does not have the weight that the buyer asks plus minus 100g large does not play a role and the buyer willingly agrees if he sees that the product is fresh, if the cut sausage has lain from morning to evening and gets windy a little, make a thin cut right before selling and let the buyer smell it, thereby proving its freshness. At the end of the working day, weigh of the scraps gathered for the day, write down, this will be your natural loss () they can be transferred to the product "Animal feed" will freeze b and sell at a low price, so you can cover part of the natural loss. Do not accumulate mountains of such scraps, since then you will have to throw them out and the natural loss will be 100% instead of the possible 70-60%.
-Wash the refrigerator every morning.
-Before loading fresh goods, empty the display case completely, wipe and load fresh goods first, and adjust the leftovers from above.
- Wipe well the packaging of sausages, on semi-smoked sausage, very often there is a white bloom (salt appears) by wiping it with a clean cloth dipped in sunflower oil, you will get rid of this problem and create an appetizing presentation.
- Rinse cutting boards and knives used for work during the day in vinegar solution. (A solution of 4 liters of water + 1 tsp of acetic acid) Soak the cheesecloth (gauze) used during the day in whiteness overnight, and periodically renew it, it should always be clean ...
- Keep the assortment depending on customer demand.
Good luck in your endeavors!

The Trade keeps its secrets in this Box.

It happened in my life, I became a trader, I won't say that I dreamed about it since childhood, but by the will of fate I devoted half my life to trade. I worked as a simple salesman, senior salesman, manager. Passed, in Russian, fire and water and copper pipes ...

Started working with I was selling and I was good at it, more than once I was told that I was a born salesman. Supermarkets replaced counter shops. I had to quickly rebuild, learn to work on a computer and master the 1C program. I got used to it quickly, after a year on five could tell Over time, I drew conclusions, they have their pros and cons, as well as counter shops. everyone is free to decide where to do With the advent of a new round in trade, out of curiosity, people rushed to visit them, but many quickly realized the disadvantages of such stores, preferring the usual counter. Having been in such stores more than once, we This spoils the mood for some, while others indifferently kick the boxes, there is little pleasant from such a situation., on the shelves of large stores. There are many ways to combat this phenomenon, it is necessary that managers are willing to fight this. The advantages are that there is a large assortment and a person himself can look and touch the goods, leaving the choice for himself. And now many may have a question about what about the counter? Do they really go down in history as an echo of the past? I think that These stores do not have their own customer, who likes to communicate with a nice saleswoman, rely on her opinion. I will honestly say that they are also to my liking. But bureaucracy in our country, in my opinion, cannot be eradicated. Therefore, if you think about it, carefully weigh the pros and cons. It is even more difficult with the recruiting, . Your mood, the amount remaining in your wallet and the benefits of your purchases depend on them.

Time passed and trade has stepped even further, the Internet appeared and many moved there. There is also a lot of controversy on this topic. Whether this is real, on this issue, the opinions of people are divided. Some categorically declare no, others yes. Bona fide stores and companies are more difficult to track. Looking at the cover of the site and the email address. Many people have a question Where to start your small business? What can you trade here? There are a lot of opportunities, the main thing is to separate flies from cutlets and in front. Before, I would advise at least reading articles on similar topics to visit forums to learn about the experience of others. Break the ground and do not rush to invest your hard-earned money.Check the site with which you are going to work by spending

Sausage business. How to open a sausage store. Features of trade in sausages.

Sausage can rightfully be called one of the most popular products, almost no festive table is complete without sliced ​​sausage and several salads with the addition of this product, and of course what kind of sandwich can be without sausage. Quite a high demand for sausages is an opportunity to organize your own profitable sausage business.


How to open a sausage store.

The first thing to start with in this business is to find a manufacturer of sausages. In other words, you need to look for a meat processing plant that produces good, high-quality products at affordable prices. Here you need to understand one point, large meat processing plants, as a rule, already have their own distribution networks, and the purchase of products from them in small wholesale is carried out through sales representatives, as a result, the purchase for you will be clearly overpriced. It makes no sense to buy a product at such a price, you will have to set a minimum margin so that the price of the product is no more than that of competitors, otherwise the buyer will buy sausage not in your store, but in a nearby one.

Therefore, you need to look for a manufacturer of sausages that does not sell its products in retail outlets in your city or village. Alternatively, this is cooperation with a small manufacturer directly without intermediaries, with the possibility of small wholesale purchases.

The next step will be to search for premises for rent for a sausage store. The premises should be located in a busy walk-through area and comply with sanitary standards - this is, first of all, the presence of a sink with running water and a sewerage system, without which it will be very problematic to obtain a permit for trade in the SES.

This is followed by registration of an individual entrepreneur, obtaining permission from the SES and the veterinary service. To obtain permits, you may have to negotiate, in this matter each entrepreneur decides for himself to pay or not pay. Also, an important point is the fire inspection, issues with this service should be resolved either by the owner of the premises or the tenant, this issue should be discussed immediately before signing a lease with the owner of the premises.

Equipment for the sale of sausages.

To open a sausage business, you will need equipment:

Refrigerated display cases - for direct display of sausage products for sale while maintaining the optimum temperature in the display cases + 6 ° С. The best option would be to install 2 showcases, one showcase for boiled and dry-cured sausages, the other for boiled sausages, sausages, sausages and cheese. It is not advisable to install more than 2 showcases for a newly opened store, firstly, this is an additional consumption of electricity, for which you need to pay at prices much higher than for the population. For the same reason, it is not advisable to immediately install freezers with dumplings and other freezing, these chambers consume a sufficient amount of electricity and will empty your pocket every month. Secondly, you should not buy a lot of sausages either, because sausage is a perishable product, so two showcases will be more than enough.

Refrigerator for storing sausages, you can use a regular household refrigerator.

Table cabinet for scales.

Scales - it is better to purchase two scales at once, one for work, the other spare in case of breakdown.

Two knives, one for cutting sausages, the other for cheese (there is a special knife for cheese).

Two cutting boards, one on which sausages are cut, on the other cheese.

Cabinets and shelves for piece goods, in addition to sausages, you can also sell various products - ketchups, sauces, canned food, etc.

This is a basic list of essential equipment for a sausage shop.

Sausage business. Features of trade in sausages.

The first thing you need to run a sausage shop is to compose an assortment of sausages and organize the supply of goods. The assortment should not be too small, but not too large, it is better to buy a little for a start, in the first days of trading it will be clear which products are in demand more and which less. We buy the most popular positions in large volumes, we reduce the rest of the slow ones or even exclude them from the assortment.

Here is an approximate list of the main types of sausages that should be on display:

  • Cooked sausages (such as doctor's, dairy, children's).
  • Smoked-boiled (cervelates, salami).
  • Sausages.
  • Sausages with cheese.
  • Sausages with bacon.
  • Sausages.
  • Hunting sausages.
  • Raw-dried sausages.
  • Boiled pork.
  • Boiled-smoked balyk.
  • Raw smoked balyk.
  • Bacon.

Also, the assortment can be diversified:

  • Smoked pork ribs.
  • Cooked smoked cheek.
  • Selts.
  • Cooked smoked pork neck.
  • Etc.

As practice shows, together with sausages, you can quite successfully sell cheese, 3 types of cheese will be quite enough for a start, the most popular are "Russian" and "Gollandsky".

But the sausage trade has its drawbacks, the main drawbacks are the rather short shelf life of sausages and their shrinkage - weight loss in the process of moisture loss. The shortest shelf life for boiled sausages, small sausages, sausages is about 1 week. Slightly more in smoked-boiled sausages and the largest in raw-dried sausages (more than 1 month).

To increase the shelf life, some manufacturers pack sausages in vacuum packages, on the one hand, the sale period of the goods increases, but on the other hand, such sausages have a less attractive presentation. In this case, you can proceed in the following way, remove the vacuum package from the sausage, which should be laid out on the display case, and leave the rest of the sausage in the package in the refrigerator. As they are sold from the showcase, the sausages from the refrigerator are unpacked and laid out in the showcase. In such a simple way, you can increase the sale of sausages and reduce the shrinkage of the product.

It should also be remembered that the product, laid out in the display case, loses its presentation faster than the one that is stored in the refrigerator. Therefore, it is necessary to lay out the goods in the showcase in such a way that it is sold in 1 - 2 days.

In order for sausages to have a marketable appearance as long as possible, direct sunlight should be avoided on the showcase, this must be taken into account when installing the showcase in the store.

If a backlight lamp with a cold light spectrum is installed in the display case, change it to a lamp with a warm light spectrum. It has been noticed that sausages look much better in the warm glow spectrum.

An important role in the sausage business is played by the correct display of the goods in the window, the daily earnings of the store depend on how the goods are correctly laid out by the seller, so you need to hire a seller with experience in a sausage store.

It is safe to say that 50% of the revenue depends on the seller, on his ability to please the most fastidious customers. It depends on the attitude towards customers whether they will become your regular customers and will increase your revenue or go to competitors.

If the buyer is satisfied with the quality of service, he will come to your store and can recommend your store to neighbors, in this case the so-called word of mouth works - free and most effective advertising.

The sausage business is considered profit.

The profit of a sausage store directly depends on the turnover, the faster the imported product is sold, the less it loses its presentation and weight from shrinkage, and accordingly the profit will be very good. If you make mistakes such as the purchase of a too large batch of goods that did not manage to be realized in due time, as a result, damage to the goods and losses. An incompetent boorish seller can significantly reduce the store's profit.

The mark-up for sausages varies from 30% to 100%, the smallest mark-up goes for boiled sausages, the maximum for dry-cured ones. In any case, the margin depends on many factors (competition, purchase prices, turnover) and must be selected on an individual basis. I also recommend reading the article on how to open a sausage shop.

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