Mini-bakery as a business from personal experience. How to Start a Bakery from Scratch - Guide and Business Plan Bakeries are a pleasure for all customers

Facility type: Bakery-confectionery

Location: Metro "Maryino"

Capacity: 54 seats

Total investments: 25 million rubles

ARB: Yuri, how long have you been in business? Why did you choose the bakery-confectionery format?

Yu: My wife and I have been in business for over 30 years. Mostly investment and production. For example, it was we who made the first real pasta in the Moscow region according to the Italian recipe. But before that there was nothing restaurant, but it was thought and dreamed for a long time. Our office is located in Maryino, hence the location. Constantly faced with the problem - there was nowhere in this area to meet, discuss business, drink coffee, dine while working conversations. In addition to McDonald's, there are no cafes in Maryino. You understand, this is not an option. And the format - it became interesting to do something of high quality and to close the demand of a large sleeping area for fresh bread and a place where you traditionally return sincerely to chat for delicious food. At first they wanted to open a coffee shop, then they thought - is the coffee shop just so interesting for the residents of the sleeping area? And we decided to supplement the idea with a bakery, so that they would come for fresh bread, delicious pastries and atmosphere.

ARB: "Lark" - where does this name come from?

Yu.: The name was born from bread. Earlier in Russia on the day of the vernal equinox, in March, they baked "larks" - buns made of wheat flour. It was believed that larks arrive from warm countries on this day and bring spring with them. So they named the bakery after the rolls, not because we open from 08:30 in the morning (laughs). Although we also serve breakfasts. So the name "Lark" is very multifaceted, it is a story, and a cute bird on the logo, and the format of the institution as well. Many come and say: "Yes, we remember, the lark is bread, the grandmothers baked before." We also use old recipes, for example, we bake pumpkin or buckwheat bread from porridge. By the way, we really bake from flour, and not from American mixtures, to which you simply add water and put it in the oven. Unfortunately, 95% of bread is made from mixtures in Moscow. Making bread out of flour is a whole epic. Like finding a good baker, people just don't want to bother. We studied all these points in depth even before the opening.

Yu.: It's a miracle that I discovered something at all (laughs). When I came to Anatoly (Anatoly Odintsov, head of the ARB - ed.) To study for the course, he immediately told us that his task was to dissuade us from doing this. Because you need to come to this business prepared both morally and with stable economic support. It seems to me that it is very risky to open any point of public catering on credit. The course on bakery was the second, at first Irina and I (Yuri's wife - editor's note) listened to about managing a restaurant, and by the end of it I realized that it would definitely not be a restaurant. Although then we nevertheless added a restaurant theme here. Perhaps it was my dream. But I still could not make up my mind. There are a lot of different nuances. From the very beginning, we were faced with the task of creating a compact and versatile institution, where the same people will come throughout the day. The project was immediately developed for a residential area. And if in the center you can open a large institution with a well-known brand or name, they will go there and go to the name from any part of the city. But to ensure that residents of neighboring districts go to the sleeping area? This is not easy, so from the very beginning we were guided by the fact that locals would come in regularly. They wanted to catch on with the idea and quality.
Breakfast turned out to be a very interesting moment. All establishments in the area open at noon and close at midnight. This makes it more convenient to count shifts and allocate resources. We open at 08:30 in the morning, and many discouraged us. Few believed that breakfast would be relevant in a sleeping area. However, it turned out that in the morning more people come to us than at lunchtime! In addition, the sleeping area is always full of pupils, students, mothers with children. Here they meet in the morning, drink coffee, and after a while, having familiarized themselves with the institution, they order not porridge for breakfast, but a steak or something else from the main menu. It was a revelation for us.

ARB: How long did it take you to turn the idea into an establishment?

Yu.: A year has passed before we could start construction. The construction and finishing itself lasted six months. We prepared thoroughly, thought a lot, wondered if we could handle it, we could pull it or not. Long puzzled over the concept. It's pretty new. Many will say, but what about "Paul", "Paul Bakery"? But these establishments were designed for the center! We spent a lot of time to transform the idea into a sleeping area. Then they faced bureaucratic issues - ventilation, water supply, increase in power, tk. this room was not originally a restaurant. We ran a separate cable from the substation. Instead of panoramic facades, there were small windows on top. Everyone advised to pull the ventilation to the 17th floor, which is very expensive. Approximately such questions interfered, so we doubted until the last - we open, no, we do not open, we open (laughs) ...

ARB: What were the main problems you faced and how did you solve them?

Yu: All my life I have been lucky with people, this is a very great power. Anatoly supported me. There were people who suggested how to solve problems with the facades, others told how to get out of the ventilation problem. We got the confidence that everything will work out. The construction took six months. Quickly enough, because everything was already planned, and at the beginning of 2017 we were already open. When the project was being prepared, I insisted on a toilet for the disabled. These are far from everywhere, restaurateurs often save on them, but we also placed a changing table there and, indeed, they constantly come to the "Skylark" with children.
Perhaps the biggest challenge and at the same time our pride is the ventilation and air purification system. According to the regulations, the pipe must be brought to the roof of the building, but we have a 17-storey building, and we began to look for an alternative. As a result, they found a military production in the suburbs. The company is closed, and is engaged in the manufacture of special anti-terrorist boxes to protect against poisonous gases, for example, sarin. According to our order, they manufactured a three-row cleaning system - carbon, ion filters, electric filtration. We brought the pipe directly to the visor. As a result, not a single complaint about the smell from tenants, plus the supervisory services also have no complaints, since everything was done according to the norms. This is our Russian production, there are analogues abroad, but they are much more expensive and not so high quality. The investment is expensive, but well worth it. By the way, it is cheaper to service it - about 100 thousand rubles a year, while you need to clean the pipe from fat twice a year and taking into account the number of storeys it would cost us 300 thousand rubles. The service is also handled by a Russian company. By the way, there is a life hack - you can put cheaper filters, but change them more often. It turns out more economical and safer. Periodically we take measurements - "Rostest", SanPiN, we have all the certificates, no problems arise. I also like the fact that, despite the powerful cleaning, in the bakery itself there is always a little smell of fresh bread - this is right, a light aroma should be a must.
The next difficult task for us was the recruitment of personnel, and especially the chief baker. Now we have no staff turnover at all, but be prepared that it is very difficult to start and it is better to select team leaders even before the opening. There was no decoration in the institution, builders were working, but we already needed a chef-baker. The problem was that people with a name and experience who worked in other large establishments did not want to go to an unknown cafe in a residential area. Another point is that we received a huge number of responses from those who have worked for only six months, and have already seen themselves in a managerial position. This did not suit us. We received up to 800 profiles a day! We looked through everything and did not find the right person. And then a miracle happened, a happy coincidence. After several unsuccessful trials, the same baker finally came to us. He studied in France for five years, then returned to Moscow, knocked around here, because no one here bakes bread from flour, everyone works on mixtures, and this simply killed him. And when he came to us, he asked several times: "Is it true that we will bake from flour?" For two months I could not remember how to make a loaf of bread out of flour, all my notebooks, I re-studied the notes, I recalled the French experience ... We shoveled a ton of flour to get at least something, but it was really worth it - his eyes were burning and it was clear that this is our man - the repairs are still underway, the smoke is a yoke, and in the corner there is already a curtain and he is trying something, baking ... Look for such people, it is difficult, but they are!

ARB: What equipment was installed, how many seats in the hall, what is the staff work schedule?

Yu.: We have two full kitchens. One is a full cycle open bakery with a hearth oven, dough sheeter and kneaders. The room is small, but it turned out to fit everything that was needed, and according to all the norms of SanPiN. The second kitchen is a hot and cold workshop, refrigerators, a small dressing room, and toilets. Both kitchens are fully equipped so as not to use semi-finished products. We do not buy anything, we even make our own sauces here. For butchering carcasses and fish, we need a separate workshop, we do not have one, so our suppliers calibrate everything we need. We also buy flour sifted. We didn’t put a special sink for eggs either, since we didn’t have such needs anymore. It is cheaper to buy already washed eggs. Of course, if you have a large manufacturing bakery or a chain of 20 restaurants, then that makes sense. There is no office, and it is not needed, the manager's place is the hall. In addition, the company's office is nearby. In terms of technical equipment, everything else is electronics. The power is 140 kW, we increased it, the house has its own panel room, a separate cable was installed from the substation. In general, I advise at least 100 kW for a bakery, because a lot of electricity is required. In total, the entire communal apartment comes out on average 120 thousand rubles, in summer a little less. We do not need a security guard, we put the institution on the alarm button - cafes are not the most tempting places for raiders, and most payments are made by bank transfer - from 50 to 80 percent of the daily proceeds are paid by cards. The room is small, 80 square meters - a hall for 54 seats with the ability to increase the landing, and 80 square meters - a kitchen. This area employs 17 people. There are always three people in the hall - a manager or a manager plus two waiters, or three waiters. Cooks in a shift go out in twos, sometimes a third to strengthen, and bakers always work together too. Plus a cleaning lady and dishwasher. We open at 08:30, staff arrive at eight. The schedule is a bit sliding - one arrives at eight, a second one hour later, respectively, the second leaves an hour later, and so on. This is not only due to savings. Our space is small, and if there were more people, the staff would have to be artificially occupied with something. So are the cooks, one comes to breakfast, the second a little later. The first baker arrives at 07:00 in the morning, because kneading the dough, baking bread is a long process. We work until 22:30, the last employee leaves at 23:00.

ARB: How much did you invest in the project in total? What is the average revenue in the establishment, what is ordered most often, what are the peak hours?
In more than 30 years that my wife and I have been in business, we have not had a more complex project. Investment companies, factories, production facilities are nothing compared to a bakery (laughs). The Lark is our favorite brainchild. A total of 25 million rubles were invested. When the payback was calculated in theory, it turned out to be 3 years, but I think the real figure is five years. For five months of work, we reached an average of 200 checks per day. In terms of revenue, this is 100-150 thousand rubles daily, but this is far from the limit. The stock is quite large. The monthly turnover is about 2 million rubles. Breakfasts account for 20 or even 40 percent of daily revenue. More than half of payments are made by bank transfer, respectively, we pay 1.3 percent for this. We have a simplified system.

ARB: How long does it take to work out one dish?

Yu: At least a week, and on average one month. This is ideal, because a lot of experiments need to be done - either they did not meet the price, then the ingredient was not found anymore, then the taste did not like it. It was very difficult for us, it would seem, the most commonplace dish - pancakes. The usual homemade recipe will not work, in a cafe no one will wait an hour for you to knead and serve them. We experimented a lot with the simplest dishes. Our pancakes are buckwheat, and oatmeal is served with raisins and apples. It is important to bring the desired recipe to automaticity. There must be a technological map, painted by the second. This also takes a long time. Because knowledge is one thing and technology is another. Each dish must be formed so that it reaches the visitor in 10-20 minutes, no more. Because of this, we have removed business lunches. There was a lot of trouble with them: someone was constantly lacking, the write-off was large, the profit was insignificant. Since we positioned ourselves from the very beginning as author's cuisine at a reasonable price in a residential area, instead of business lunches, we give a 20 percent discount on all meals at lunch. And the people went! All these nuances need to be felt and experimented with.
The menu is another story. Be sure to walk around your competitors before building a concept. It will take several months before you understand people and what they like. No need to repeat or overlap, search for your niche. I initially demanded restaurant quality from every dish, even though we are a cafe. Accordingly, they started with something simple. Now we have a beer theme in our menu, for example, wings or ribs, but they did not appear immediately. We were the first to introduce pastries, breads and breakfasts. And they paid attention to interesting dishes, for example, Pozhanskaya cutlet or goulash. The dish is seasonal, wintery, but the dough for the bun that covers the plate is made here. We added such dishes from the main course to the ready-made assortment of the bakery.
We supplement the main menu with so-called seasonal lists. Only in our country these are not entirely seasonal dishes, because they change every three months, and in our country it is once a month. We are constantly doing something new and thanks to this we learn how visitors react. Then we enter something into the main menu, and from there, on the contrary, we remove it altogether. Over time, we have become bolder and can already afford more interesting dishes, because we know what our customers love, we see the interest of our guests. So we got mussels in real blue cheese sauce, a roll with cuttlefish ink, and not tinted with activated carbon. Yes, it is really expensive, but we can afford it, because we are sure that visitors will like such dishes, they are ready to order them. And people appreciate quality, post posts on Instagram, this is how new visitors come to us, and this is a strong engine. But Kamchatka crab or mashed potatoes with caviar will be too much, although many visitors are ready to come to our gala dinner. In any case, the choice is now very large, and even from simple products you can make a beautiful, tasty, original and inexpensive dish. It is important to understand that they do not go to the cafe for the food that they can cook at home. This means that much attention must also be paid to the presentation. There are incredibly many little things. I love cooking all my life, but cooking at home and having a restaurant are two completely different things. We have a really strong chef, but not every chef who knows how to cook feels the attachment of people to the concept. It takes a lot of time. I have great support, my wife always helps, but for the first six months I was here all the time. Only recently I began to go somewhere.

ARB: Have there been difficult situations with visitors, conflicts during this time? Did the regulatory authorities come with inspections?

ARB: Your advice or recipe: how to make a high-quality and successful establishment?

Opening a mini-bakery without experience in this area is a bold decision. This business attracts with profitability and stability at all times, but to start a business, you need to solve a lot of issues. In this case, it is best to learn from experience, not your own, but someone else's. We will tell you how we opened the Sdobushka mini-bakery, what issues we encountered, how we solved them and created a successful business. This information will help you make a decision and better understand how to start a bakery business.

How the Sdobushka bakery opened in the apartment

It was decided to open a new bakery in a two-room apartment on the ground floor. This required a little alteration of it: organize a separate entrance, arrange it, change the layout. Since it was supposed to make a bakery shop, a place for the placement of production and commercial equipment was immediately planned.

The required minimum, selected by a professional technologist, was selected as equipment. Basic set:

  • Convection oven PK-10 with a capacity of 50 loaves of bread up to 600 g with a baking time of 40 minutes;
  • Proofing cabinet ШР-41;
  • Dough mixer МТМ-65М;
  • For confectionery products, the following are additionally installed:
  • Mixer for biscuit and shortcrust pastry V-30V;
  • Planetary mixer for filling V-5.

One of the most important conditions of the task for the technologists was to place the bakery in a small area, therefore the optimal balance of compactness and productivity was selected. As a result, the convection oven is installed on the proofing cabinet, which, in addition to saving space, ensures ease of use. Thus, a small two-room apartment easily accommodates a bakery shop, the assortment of which includes both classic bread and a variety of sweet pastries.

How profitable is a mini bakery?

One of the main advantages of the grain business is its stability. People eat bread in any economic situation, and in times of crisis they start to consume it even more, thus compensating for the inability to buy expensive products.

Equipment for a mini-bakery requires relatively little investment, which quickly pays off. This is easy to see if we compare the cost of raw materials and the cost of finished products. So a 100-gram pie with cabbage costs 4 rubles 54 kopecks, and the price in stores is at least 20, a French baguette costs 4 rubles, and is sold for 30, a loaf 600 gr. Requires raw materials for 7.5 rubles, and is put up for sale for at least 35. (For calculations, average purchase prices are taken: 19.5 rubles for flour, 58 rubles for margarine and 36 for cabbage).

What to look for:

A mini-bakery is a fairly new business format, but practice has already shown the nuances of such an enterprise:

  • Production + point of sale is the most profitable solution because it reduces transport costs and looks more attractive to customers.
  • It is better to choose more expensive types of bread as an assortment. Standard "bricks" can be bought everywhere, and the price for them is fixed. People are happy to pay more by purchasing whole grain bread, baked goods with seeds, original (for example, national) baked goods, because this is a simple and healthy way to diversify the daily diet.
  • The optimal location of such a bakery is sleeping areas, or near markets, shopping centers and large bus stops. People do not buy bread in the city center, but do it closer to home or on their way home from work.
  • Having promoted one store, you can safely open a network, delighting residents of other districts with delicious fresh bread near your home.

How not to burn out by making a mistake in the equipment?

Modern manufacturers offer many options for each bakery node. At the same time, they are important not only individually - it is necessary to understand how it will work in combination. Therefore, the best option is to equip the bakery with the help of an experienced technologist who understands theoretical issues and sees in practice how the process proceeds with different equipment.

Of the many options, it is better to choose equipment that has different settings, and in addition can be supplemented at low cost and reoriented to a wider range over time.


The easiest way to determine the demand for certain bakery products is to analyze the business of competitors. See which types of bread are the fastest to sell, find those types that are not represented at all in the city or are baked, but few. In this case, you can start with relatively standard options, and then gradually expand the range.


As you can see, opening a mini-bakery is not difficult, although it involves solving many issues. Careful step-by-step work is bound to lead to success. In order not to be mistaken in the main resource of the bakery - equipment - it is important to choose a reliable supplier.

The Khleb Oborudovanie company is engaged not only in the supply of equipment, but also in solving complex problems of equipping mini-bakeries, providing comprehensive support to the new business. When the professionals get down to business, you can be sure that the technical part will not be a hassle, so you can focus on the rest of the issues. Make an application on the Bread Equipment website or call the company, and the managers will present options for ready-made projects with a calculated cost and help you decide what is right for your business!

A mini-bakery is a small-scale enterprise specializing in the production and subsequent sale of baked goods. Quite often, bakeries are a private enterprise, both independent and an integral part of a business, for example, a hypermarket. In some cities there are even whole chains of bakeries that sell their own product even from mobile points. True, as practice shows, startups and newcomers to entrepreneurship themselves are attracted to financial gain, forgetting that this "game" is one of the toughest.

What is this business plan for?

It is trite, but the saying: "Measure 7 times, cut 1" is just perfect here. This principle also applies to bakeries.

What do you think, if the thought of opening a bakery is in your head, what will be more important to you: a tidy sum of money, the cheapest rent for a room, or a professional team always ready to complete tasks? I would like to upset you - the answer will be: "all at once." In our case, we have to talk about a concept that is quite common in modern business - a business plan.

A perfect business plan is not only the key to investing, but also the key to the successful development of your entire enterprise.

In general, a business plan should be understood as a document that takes into account all aspects of advantages and problems, possible ways to solve them. Moreover, in addition to the verbal picture, numerical indicators that are sufficient in volume are meant, characterizing the costs and benefits of a particular process, procedure, investment.

A business plan is a kind of look into the future today. That is why drawing up a plan is a categorically important process that lays the foundation for a "bright future". In addition, writing it is the first step, the first step in starting any project that is designed to be successful.

Market analysis, competitiveness assessment

It is worth noting that a business plan implies taking into account most of the features associated with a business at the moment and in the future. Considering that a bakery is a very interesting and exciting project, it should be borne in mind that competition in the business plan for the production of bread and bakery products is indispensable.

Naturally, competition makes business participants grow and develop, leads to the creation of new interesting products, and reduces the cost of the product. Therefore, it plays into the hands of both the manufacturer and the consumer.

There is still no active growth in the number of mini-bakeries at the moment. Yes, from time to time there appear somewhere another family impromptu, but to a greater extent they are designed for luck or are built on the personal interest of the owners. Metaphorically speaking, pseudo-French bakeries are growing by leaps and bounds. Most of them are not able to hold out on the open market for several months.

Despite this, the market for high-quality and successful bakeries-cafes still tends to grow. If we take statistics into account, France has one bakery per 5000 inhabitants. Of course, there is no need to talk about such demand in the domestic market at the moment.

How to open a bakery from scratch (choosing a registration form, what documents are needed to open a mini-bakery)

Before starting a mini-bakery from scratch, you need to go through some bureaucratic procedures.

It is well known that for the implementation of activities, an official company registration... In this case, there are two options for the development of events: either. If an entrepreneur is not a stupid person, and his thoughts are focused on obtaining his own benefit, then he will register his activity as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, there will be less hassle with paperwork, and the registration process will be easier and cheaper.

An LLC must be registered if you plan to conduct a joint business. This option is more reliable and justified.

Provision of services to the population:.

Marketing options for baked goods

Sales organization will require:

  • conclusion of a supply agreement with several points of sale with the possibility of the fastest delivery;
  • registration of contracts with wholesalers. This will limit you from the need to organize a sales market, and also bring economic benefits (there will be no need to maintain a vehicle, driver and car mechanic);
  • exit trade. In this case, you will need mobile retail outlets (vans). This option is the most troublesome, since for its implementation, in addition to buying a van, you need to obtain a special trade permit.

Mini bakery promotion

To promote a business, you need to invest a certain amount of money in promotion. In this case, one cannot fail to note the merit in this case. advertising activities.

Although the initial promotion will cost a pretty penny, thanks to a well-thought-out business plan for a mini-bakery with calculations, all costs can be distributed evenly, which will reduce the financial burden and start making profits as quickly as possible.

Is it profitable to open a bakery (how much does it cost, what are the profitability and return on investment)?

You cannot ignore the most important component of any business plan - its financial part.

So how much does it cost to start a bakery from scratch?

Expenditure part will include the following items:

  • registration of an enterprise and purchase of the necessary equipment - 600,000–1,200,000 rubles;
  • funds required to repair the premises - 80,000-100,000 rubles;
  • furniture costs - 50,000 rubles;
  • rent for premises - 850,000-900,000 rubles per year;
  • payment for energy resources and utility bills - 150,000-200,000 per month;
  • staff salary - 1,500,000 rubles per year.

A mini-bakery produces from 0.5 to 1 ton of bakery products per day.

Profitability mini-bakery depends on the amount of baked bread and the price of it in different regions of the country. On average, the profitability of a bakery is 25-50%.

Payback period- 2-3 years.

Summing up, we can say that the correct development of a business plan for opening a bakery, taking into account a well-thought-out sales system and focus on the interests of the client, will allow you to quickly recoup your investment. In this case, the key to the success of a businessman will be the thoughtfulness of his actions based on strict adherence to the business plan, taking into account timely adjustments.

Bakery and confectionery products are always in demand, these products are regularly bought by all segments of the population. If you draw up a competent business plan and organize the business correctly, a bakery, even in a mini-format, can become a highly profitable business.

Mini bakery at home

A bakery from scratch can be opened in several formats:

  • full cycle workshop;
  • specially equipped part of the kitchen.

The choice should depend on the expected production technology, scale and desired assortment. A mini-bakery at home can work in full (includes all stages of bread production) or incomplete cycle (when products are baked from frozen semi-finished products). If the first option is chosen, then a minimum of 80-90 m² of area will be required. Bakeries of this format, as a rule, produce branded confectionery products, form a wide range of bakery products with a capacity of 120-150 kg / hour. Owners get the opportunity to control the production process, independently form an assortment.

If you open a bakery operating in an incomplete cycle format, you can easily create a wide range of products, they are characterized by zero waste, clean production. Even 35-40 m² will be enough for work. The capacity of such a small enterprise will be enough to produce 0.2-5.0 tons of bread per day. The advantage of such an organization of work is that there is no need to purchase raw materials for making dough. It is simple and convenient to use the equipment; no additional complex technical devices are required. The influence of the human factor is also significantly reduced, the amount of finished products is much easier to control.

Advice: there is no pronounced difference in taste between semi-finished baked goods and fresh dough, because the baked goods are usually prepared from natural ingredients, without flavor enhancers.

Mini-bakeries opened at home from scratch have many advantages:

  • do not require huge capital investments;
  • they can even be opened in the home kitchen;
  • allow you to work without dependence on intermediaries, which allows you to form favorable prices for clients and achieve high business profitability;
  • conclude direct contracts with suppliers of certain raw materials;
  • the owner gets more opportunities to attract potential buyers (promotions, organize demonstrations of the baking process for advertising purposes);
  • you can freely vary the assortment depending on the interests of the buyer and resources.

The owners, referring to their experience, emphasize that in order to ensure a high profitability of the business, it is important to choose the right location of the outlet in advance (the traffic of people should be high). Even if there is no start-up capital, you can organize, for example, do dropshipping, writing custom texts, making gifts, decorative soap, confectionery (cakes, cupcakes) to order.

How to open a mini bakery from scratch?

Before opening mini-bakeries from scratch at home, it is important to resolve the issue of selling finished products and the prospects for countering competitors (and there will always be at least 2 of them - mass producers, for example, bakeries and retailers). It is also important to choose the right or LLC. The best option for choosing a taxation system is UTII, the alternative is STS 6% or 15%.

You will also need a quality certificate and a permit for production activities, a conclusion on the compliance of the premises and equipment with fire safety requirements, and a permit from the environmental inspection. It will also be necessary to submit samples of baked goods for analysis to the laboratory. It is important to remember that every mini-bakery worker is required to have a medical record. will be held no more than once every 3 years. The inspection plan can be found on the website of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation or on the website of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor.

An important issue is the formation of the assortment. It should be varied and interested in buyers. To maintain their interest, it is necessary to focus not only on quality, price, but also on the formation of new tastes, fillings, baked goods. The mass product of ordinary stores will never be able to compete on equal terms with the quality branded products of mini-bakeries.

Advice: According to bakers, you can create new flavors using natural bakery mixes. For example, a culinary additive made from rye flour and thermally processed malt gives baked goods a dark color, special taste and aroma. Also, the mixtures extend the shelf life, improve the quality of products and allow you to optimize the production technology (dry sourdough helps the bread rise not in 3, but in 1 hour). In addition, their consumption is very small.

How to open a personal mini-bakery? The algorithm of actions looks like this: registration of a mini-bakery, search and preparation of premises, selection and purchase of equipment, search for personnel, registration of permits, purchase of raw materials, start of work. For that, you will also need permits and careful preparation of all stages. One of the most important aspects is the choice of a place with good traffic, a comfortable position of the room.

What advantages should the owners of mini-bakeries operate in the competition:

  1. Product quality and freshness.
  2. Range.
  3. Better price.
  4. Quality of service.
  5. Design of the point of sale (you can do it yourself without big financial costs).

To open a profitable business, you should pay special attention to some common mistakes:

  • lack of a clear strategy for business development, inconsistency in actions;
  • insufficient funding;
  • the sales market is not prepared at the start-up stage;
  • lack of competitive offers for the buyer.

What equipment do you need for a bakery?

It is possible to open a successful full-cycle bakery only if you have high-quality equipment: pastry tables, trolleys, flour sifter, kneading machine, dough divider, molding machine for croissants and baguettes, proofing cabinet and oven (hearth, rotary), pallets, stainless steel trays steel, culinary tools (knives, brushes, scrapers, special dishes). Also, you will additionally need various units, for example, a lift with a bowl tipper, a seaming machine.

Fewer equipment is sufficient for part-cycle bakeries. The main thing is that there is a proofing cabinet for defrosting semi-finished products, an oven, a refrigerator for storing blanks.

Mini-bakery equipment - ready-made kits

Before starting a bakery, it is important to choose quality mini bakery equipment from scratch. It is not necessary to buy it by the piece, there are ready-made kits for sale. Average price - 2800000-5666768 rubles. Turnkey mini-bakeries are produced on the basis of a gas, electric or diesel oven. They include the following equipment:

  • oven (rotary gas, electric or diesel);
  • proofing cabinet;
  • rack trolley;
  • sifter for bulk products;
  • kneading machine;
  • movable bowl;
  • additional (baking sheet, cassette of bread forms) and auxiliary - production table with a table top, table, floor scales, tray trolley, bread tray.

An indicative table of utility costs for bakeries operating on the basis of ready-made sets of equipment:

The costs directly depend on the equipment configuration and its capacity.

How much does it cost to open a bakery?

On average, to open a full-cycle mini-bakery from scratch, you will need 1,500,000 rubles. with a production volume of 45,000 kg per month. To increase sales, you may need assistants (main workers - 4, specialists - 2, office workers - 2, auxiliary workers - 4), which makes the costs high. It is also important to be guided by the prices of equipment, the average price:

  • oven (900 thousand rubles);
  • dough mixing machine (380 thousand rubles);
  • proofing cabinet (60 thousand rubles);
  • dough sheeter (30 thousand rubles);
  • baking cart (15-19 thousand rubles);
  • dough cutting table (60 thousand rubles);
  • flour sifter (14-15 thousand rubles).

Electricity costs are on average 75 thousand rubles. (18,000 kW) per month. Also, monthly expenses include renting premises - in the region of 10-15 thousand rubles and the purchase of raw materials (with a volume of 1500 kg of products, about 500 thousand rubles will be needed). It is important to take into account the cost of auxiliary materials (packaging film, labels) - about 40 thousand. The net profit under such a project will be about 125 thousand rubles. and it will pay off on average in 12 months. The higher the permeability of the outlet, the more profit will be.

If you open a bakery in your home kitchen, the costs, of course, will be lower, the purchases of raw materials are made in lower volumes, but the productivity will also decrease, and the payback period will increase.

The bakery business is considered one of the most highly profitable. Experts say that with any forecast of market development, its profitability cannot fall below 25%. The largest segment of this market is occupied by mass products (bread, bagels, rusks, confectionery), in second place are non-traditional offers (lavash), followed by dietary baked goods and 5% of the market belongs to elite products. It is in the latter segment that a mini-bakery can make itself known best of all by offering a customer a unique product and reasonably form a high mark-up. On average, investments can be recouped over a period from several months to 1.5-2 years, depending on the scale of production and its resources. Home bakeries, in which a minimum of capital is invested, will pay off a little longer.

Bakery as a business - reviews

Its own bakery has been operating for the seventh year. And, despite the difficulties, I am satisfied. During the work, it was necessary to transfer production 3 times and change the location of the outlet. Most of the items in the assortment are baked pastry pies with different fillings, puff pastry products. I can easily sell about 2500 units through several dozen stores.

Several years ago, I managed to open a mini-bakery at home, but it did not work out. Disappointed and was already counting the losses. But on the advice of a friend, he closed for a while, together with the specialists he drew up a business plan, corrected the mistakes and restarted production. For a year now I have been working for myself and I consider opening a mini-bakery to be a profitable business (if you approach it correctly and form a sales market in advance).

Its own mini-bakery at home has been operating for the second year, but the problem of sales remains urgent. It seems that she thought over and calculated everything, but this moment is still not fully resolved. Probably, it was worth giving it more attention at the start and working according to a business plan, and not blindly. But I am still happy with the earnings, there are many regular customers who even come to the house.


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