Jam production technology. The basics of creating a profitable jam production business

Various jams or preserves are tasty, healthy and enjoyable products that are in demand among many people. People usually do not have the opportunity and time to prepare these delicacies on their own, so they prefer to purchase ready-made products sold at the market or in supermarkets.

Therefore, activities related to the production of products are a promising and interesting area in entrepreneurship.

The specifics of this area of ​​business activity include:

  • you have to deal with food products, so you definitely need to purchase the best equipment, prepare premises in accordance with the requirements of the SES, and also hire only specialists with open medical records;
  • It’s best to start with a small production to make sure the business is in demand;
  • production will be constantly subject to inspections from the SES and fire inspection;
  • to increase profits from work, it is recommended to focus not only on the city where the production organization is located, but also on nearby regions;
  • It is important to find proven and optimal ones, since the taste and quality of the created products depend on the raw materials used.

Reasons for opening and running a business

A business based on the production of various jams or preserves has many positive parameters, due to which it is in high demand among beginning and experienced entrepreneurs.

It is based on several reasons:

  • a high markup on the finished product allows you to receive high profits from your activities;
  • good demand guarantees constant sales;
  • These products, if properly created, have a long shelf life, so the return of expired products will be minimal;
  • if you carry out production correctly and offer customers really high-quality preserves and preserves, then demand will constantly increase, so this area of ​​​​work is considered promising;
  • If you first focus on creating a mini-production, then the initial investment in opening it will be low, so such work is available even to beginning entrepreneurs with a limited budget. How to open a mini-bakery from scratch - find out

Important! Each individual entrepreneur has the right to receive a subsidy from the state to open a business, and also receives certain payments when registering employees from the labor exchange, which significantly reduces the financial burden on him.

Types of jams, preserves and preserves

Varieties of jams and jams.

Jam is classified according to different criteria:

  • according to the specifics of production: sterilized (packaged in a hermetically sealed way) or unsterilized;
  • by class: extra, higher or first;
  • according to the raw materials used: from fresh or frozen fruits, and sulfated raw materials are also considered in demand;
  • by the amount of sugar used;
  • according to the fruits used, so the jam can be apple, pear, fruit, sea buckthorn or some other.

Important! Jam is a fruit and berry product, for the production of which fruits are boiled in sugar syrup, and a gelling agent, spices or organic acids can be added to them.

Jam can be:

  • sterilized or unsterilized;
  • made from cherries, raspberries, apples or other fruits and berries;
  • created from fresh or frozen fruits;
  • with or without various spices, additives and citric acid.

Jam is created by boiling various fruit, berry or other types of purees. It is divided depending on the ingredients used.

Some manufacturers use sugar, while others do not use it to produce a dietary product. Jam can be sterilized or unsterilized, and homemade unsterilized jam is also classified as a separate type.

Step-by-step process of starting a business

The creation of such a business, based on the production of marmalade, jam and preserves, is carried out in several successive stages.

Important! Before starting work, it is recommended to create a competent and detailed business plan containing the main nuances of future activities, and with its help it is possible to receive a subsidy from the state for starting a business.

The procedure for starting a business is divided into stages:

  • registration, for which the optimal organizational form () and tax regime are selected. Which tax system to choose for an LLC - find out
  • searching for a production facility that has all the necessary utilities connected to it, and its area must be sufficient for the location of production equipment and the allocation of a separate space for storing finished products;
  • quality equipment for production is purchased;
  • for the production of food products, it is necessary to obtain permission to operate from the SES, fire inspection and Rospotrebnadzor;
  • there are optimal suppliers who offer truly high-quality products, represented by various fruits, berries and fruits, and it is necessary that the sellers have quality certificates and other documents for raw materials, and it is also advisable to independently check the quality with special devices for determining nitrates and other additives;
  • creating recipes for the production of various jams, jams or preserves;
  • contacts are being established with large trading organizations, to which manufactured goods will be supplied in wholesale quantities, and advertising may be directed not at intermediaries, but at direct buyers, so they will independently search for these products on store shelves.

Thus, if you correctly follow the competent stages of starting a business, there will be no difficulties in organizing a high-quality manufacturing enterprise.

The business plan for jam production is discussed in this video:

Technologies for the production of jam, marmalade and marmalade

If you plan to produce these three types of products from the very beginning, then it is important to have a good understanding of the features of their creation.

The difference between jam is that special fruits are used to create it, which provide a jelly structure, and special natural ingredients can also be added for this.

Jam does not contain large berries, so only purees are used, and jam consists of whole berries and fruits or large parts of them, which are boiled in syrup.

Important! The production of each variety has its own characteristics, and different equipment is also used for this.

Production is carried out using different technologies:

  1. Jam. It is created using whole or cut fruits or berries. They are boiled in sugar syrup until a jelly-like mass is obtained. First, the fruits are pitted, then blanched and boiled in a weak sugar solution. The finished product is poured into a glass container, after which it is sterilized for 15 minutes.
  2. Jam. This product is ungelled, and it is created by boiling fruits and berries in sugar syrup. Berries and fruits are sorted, washed, pitted and boiled in strong sugar syrup. After soaking in syrup, the resulting solution is poured into the boiler and cooked over low heat.
  3. Jam. Fruits and vegetables are prepared in the standard way, after which they are boiled and pureed. Next they are boiled with sugar, water and various additives.

Thus, the production of each product has its own characteristics, so before starting work you should study the nuances of the processes.

What equipment will be needed?

Specifics of purchasing equipment

To carry out this process, the following equipment is certainly used:

  • cutting surfaces for preparing raw materials;
  • containers for washing ingredients;
  • hobs for direct cooking of preserves, marmalade and marmalade;
  • container sterilizers;
  • special installation for fast and high-quality bottling of products;
  • automatic machine for gluing labels on containers;
  • capper;
  • scales for determining the mass of products and finished products;
  • different containers and additional elements that will be needed during the work process.

The cost of equipment can vary significantly depending on whether an entire line is purchased or all units are purchased separately. On average, the cost of all elements is 350 thousand rubles if a mini-production is created.

Business plan: approximate opening costs

To open an enterprise you will need 965 thousand rubles:

  • rent of premises per month – 35,000;
  • purchase of equipment for the production process – 350,000;
  • finishing and preparation of premises – 50,000;
  • purchase of raw materials for work - 300,000;
  • employees – 140,000;
  • advertising and promotion of products in stores – 45,000;
  • taxes, utility bills and other expenses - 45,000.

In the process of calculating approximate costs and income, one should take into account the demand for products, the possibility of cooperation with large retail chains, competition in the region and nearby cities, as well as the purchasing power of the population.

What is the approximate income from the activity

Sales of jam are considered quite significant, since these products are in demand on the market. If you set average prices and offer tasty and high-quality products, then demand will be high.

When distributing goods to various retail grocery stores, you have the opportunity to earn from 1.2 million rubles. per month, and the net profit will be equal to 235 thousand rubles, which is considered a good result of activity.

You can achieve payback within one year, but this period is influenced by many factors, which include good advertising, distribution of products to many retail outlets, the taste of the jam, as well as other factors that directly affect customers.

If the jam is really tasty and inexpensive, then it will be in demand in any market.

Target audience and rules of competent marketing

The main consumers of the goods are private buyers, however, it is necessary to sell the jam and jam produced in wholesale quantities to intermediaries, which are retail stores. Also, a manufacturing company can cooperate with large wholesale companies operating throughout Russia.

There are two ways to attract customers:

  • influence on intermediaries, for which retail trade organizations are offered convenient and favorable conditions for cooperation;
  • advertising in the media, which will attract the attention of direct consumers to the product, so they will look for preserves and jam on store shelves, which will lead to the fact that trading companies will independently strive to purchase these goods.

Important! If you have significant funds at the initial stage of opening, you can use the two above methods.

You can find out how a jam production workshop works in this video:

In order for this activity to generate good income at the first stage of work, it is recommended to take into account the advice of experienced entrepreneurs:

  • a lot of attention is paid to the quality of products, on which the saleability of goods depends, since if they are tasteless or of low quality, they will not be in demand among buyers;
  • before starting work, production premises are prepared so that there are no future problems with the SES and other inspection bodies;
  • It is initially recommended to do this to ensure the feasibility and profitability of the activity;
  • Suppliers are selected especially carefully, since their raw materials must be of high quality, environmentally friendly and safe for use.

Thus, opening a business based on the production of jam, preserves or marmalade is considered quite promising and interesting. If it is managed correctly, high profits are guaranteed. However, to achieve high results, certain nuances of the work must be taken into account.

Sweet preparations from berries and fruits have always been popular among consumers. Fruit sweets have long been famous for the peculiarity that they are prepared with their own hands. However, in the age of high technology, you can purchase a finished product. Depending on the quality, it will be completely reminiscent of homemade preparations. Thus, production of preserves and marmalade will serve as a wonderful .

Technology production of preserves and marmalade does not require special skills and includes the following steps:

  1. Containers for future desserts undergo sterilization;
  2. The fruits are thoroughly washed, peeled and ground with sugar or boiled with sweet syrup;
  3. Varky or the pureed product is placed in a cleaned vessel, followed by packaging and packing.

Cooking recipes Varkogo You can use your own raw materials or ready-made ones. The main thing is that they meet the standards of Rospotrebnadzor.

Business idea for the production of jam and jam has a high probability of payback. The following calculations show this:

  • Investments: 3.5 millionrubles;
  • Profitability: 360 thousand rubles per month;
  • Payback calculation: 24 months;
  • Staff: 8 – 10 people per shift.

Healthy eating is gradually becoming not a fashionable trend, but an important need. The preference for natural homemade products is quite capable of bringing the production of jams and preserves to the level of popular and.

Who will provide the demand?

There are many similar industries today, and the economic crisis is seriously pressing with high utility tariffs. However, even in conditions of a large supply and an expensive product, there are still consumers who are ready to purchase canned sweets. Here is a sample list of them:

  • city ​​dwellers;
  • large and small confectionery shops;
  • manufacturers of bakery products;
  • restaurateurs, cafe owners who prepare desserts in their kitchen;
  • private kindergartens and other children's institutions that provide meals;
  • grocery supermarkets;
  • stores specializing in the sale of eco-products.

Who is the “sweet” business suitable for?

There is no point in thinking about large production complexes right away. It is advisable to open small workshops or home production. This form helps you gradually improve your skills as a businessman and establish contacts with suppliers and consumers.

Jam production as a business is suitable for:

  • Cooks - lovers of delicious and unusual recipes. Despite the saturation of the market, consumers love to try something new and unusual. Orange jam with lavender, candied ginger, elderflower jam - such unusual and delicious dessert options will decorate any table. Even the price won't scare you.
  • For housewives who love to collect grandmother's recipes and improve them, adding a special charm to ancient traditions. Of course, you will have to work a lot, and your home kitchen will turn into a small workshop.
  • For summer residents who have a serious surplus of garden and berry crops on their plot. Home production will allow you to turn a loss into income. Even after selling the products to loved ones or turning them into gifts (and saving on purchases), it already makes sense to think about starting work. If you like the business, a kind of network of buyers will arise, which will expand itself.
  • Rural residents for whom the area allows them to grow a sufficient amount of raw materials or purchase them cheaply from their neighbors. Such products will be low cost and will easily withstand competition in the market.
  • Enterprising people who know cooks and gardeners. The work can be done by hired workers, but in this case, in order to be profitable, the production of jam or preserves must be carried out in at least a small workshop.


Not difficult. The tax authorities will take 3 days to complete the registration, equal to 800 rubles.

It is more difficult regarding the recognition of product quality. When distributing desserts among friends, you can rely on your reputation as a scrupulous housewife, but reaching any outside consumer will require official quality guarantees. For products to be competitive, certification is required.

The quality of desserts must be assessed according to GOSTs R 53118-2008 and 32099-2013 (jam and marmalade, respectively) by Rospotrebnadzor. To do this, the entire production technology must be documented and agreed upon, an operational conclusion, a conclusion on the final product and a manufacturer’s declaration must be obtained. The validity period of this package of papers is 3-5 years, then you will have to go through the whole process again.

Material base

For home production, a spacious kitchen with an area of ​​20 square meters is suitable. m. In this regard, houses in rural areas, where the premises are usually large, benefit.

The workshop will occupy an area of ​​200 sq. m., since it requires much more technical devices. You can rent a room in a basement or warehouse. The main condition is the presence of communications and the absence of harmful substances.

How to equip production

Preserves and jams should be selected carefully as it significantly affects the quality of the final product. Need to purchase:

  • intermediate bunkers;
  • refrigeration and freezing units;
  • lines for preliminary preparation of raw materials and production;
  • washing baths, sterilizers, washers, rinsers;
  • machines for filling, seaming, labeling;
  • scales, containers and other additional equipment.

The room must be equipped with a powerful ventilation system.

How to start production with minimal costs

To launch a workshop with a daily production output of 1200 kg, it is necessary to spend an average of about 1.6-1.7 million rubles just for the initial launch. At the same time, you must be prepared to spend another 250-300 thousand rubles monthly on rent, government fees, purchase of raw materials, payment of utilities and wages; and this is subject to successful purchases of raw materials from the manufacturer with delivery at his expense.

home kitchen

If such tools are not yet available, it is easier to start production at home. There is no need to pay rent, but a cutting table and a gas stove are available. Utility bills for citizens are cheaper than for individual entrepreneurs.

The production of homemade jam or marmalade will require the purchase of containers, equipment for sterilization, capping, and, if necessary, a bath for washing raw materials. The only expensive purchase may be a large refrigerator with a freezer - 15,000 rubles.

Raw materials

You can also save significantly on raw materials. A picnic in the forest with the whole family will help you stock up on the necessary berries and herbs. Nuts, apples, cones and young shoots of pine, rose hips, elderberries, dogwoods, blackberries, strawberries, lingonberries, blueberries - all these are forest trophies. But the cost of ready-made delicacies is high.

This is quite beneficial, since many people love natural fruit sweets, but not everyone has the opportunity and time to cook them. The right approach to organization, a sober assessment of the market and original solutions will help you become a worthy competitor in the market for the production and sale of jam.

General characteristics of the business, pros and cons

Preserves and jams made from fruits and berries are popular products. They are purchased not only by residents of cities who do not have the conditions for preparing this product, but also by large producers of bakery products, semi-finished products, and cakes.

There are many types of jam on the modern market, which are produced by numerous manufacturers. But priority is given to healthy and natural products made from environmentally friendly raw materials. These are the products that are lacking in the finished product market.

The advantages of this type of business include the following:

  • demand for products;
  • no problems with the supply of raw materials;
  • the ability to start with a small-scale production;
  • quick payback.

The negative aspects of this type of business include the price of raw materials. If it is purchased from suppliers for making jam, then the cost of berries and fruits is unstable and depends on the season. Buying a lot of raw materials during the season, when they are inexpensive, and freezing them for use in the winter is a bad idea: the final product from frozen raw materials does not have the same characteristics as preserves and jams from fresh ones.

Another disadvantage of this type of business is the difficulty of entering a large sales market. If the production is small, then large chains are unlikely to want to cooperate with its representatives at this stage.

Required Investments

If you plan a production facility with average productivity, which will produce about 1500 kg of jam per shift, then the minimum costs will be about 1.5 million rubles.

The indicated amount includes the cost of rent or repair work in the production facility, the purchase of necessary equipment, raw materials and consumables (containers, lids, labels, decorative material), and payment for electricity. The stated price also includes staff salaries.

GOST standards for jam production

When producing jam, it is mandatory to follow the relevant documents (GOSTs).

The name of the document that describes the general technical conditions for making jam is GOST R 53118-2008 “Jam. General technical conditions".

For making jam there is a standard GOST 32099-2013 “Jam. General technical conditions".

Today, almost anyone who is at least a little familiar with cooking can create a business for making jam, marmalade, confiture, jam. It can be organized in various directions: from industrial production to the production of exclusive jam, jam, jam, and other similar products. But this will always be a seasonal business, which demonstrates maximum profitability (up to 26%) in the winter.


For the production of jam, marmalade and similar products, there is no fundamental difference in what form of ownership to register. However, if you are planning industrial production of jam and jam, it is worth registering the business as a legal entity. An individual entrepreneur is suitable for the production of exclusive products.

You also need to know that the production of jam and marmalade must meet certain standards:

  • GOST R 53118-2008 “Jam. General technical conditions"
  • GOST 32099-2013 “Jam. General technical conditions"

You can develop your own technical production conditions, but this document must be agreed upon with the sanitary and epidemiological station. In addition, to work you will need a hygienic certificate for the final product, as well as a sanitary certificate for the equipment, which certifies that it can be used to produce food products.

Remember that all employees involved in production must have health certificates.


When forming an assortment of jam and marmalade, you need to understand that buyers are willing to pay for original recipes, beautiful presentation and natural ingredients. This means that your business must have its own unique recipes for making jam and marmalade, which are rarely found on store shelves and differ from traditional products. But at the same time, their production technology must be preserved so that the product can be stored for a long time.

The only difficulty is that the recipes you come up with for preserves, marmalade or marmalade will not always be appreciated by customers. Therefore, this business is associated with constant experiments. Although traditional jam should also be present in the assortment, there is still a certain demand for it. True, it is advisable to offer it with some unique feature. For example, make strawberry jam with mint. If such a product is beautifully designed and packaged, you can safely set a markup above average.

Raw materials

The biggest challenge businesses face is raw materials. Finding frozen berries and fruits is not a problem - there are a lot of offers on the market from a huge number of suppliers. In this sense, you can even save on refrigeration equipment where raw materials will be stored. The difficulty lies in the fact that a product made from frozen raw materials is noticeably inferior in taste to one prepared from fresh products. The exception is citrus fruits and kiwi, which can be stored for a long time in a cool place. In addition, for the preparation of such a product, exceptional whole, unspoiled, undamaged fruits are used.

These conditions are strongly tied to purchase prices, which vary from season to season. Therefore, most products are prepared exclusively in season, when fresh raw materials are available.

Please note that the business will require purchasing large quantities of sugar. For proper storage of products, its content must be at least 65%. At the same time, for production you will need only premium sugar.

Production technology

The jam production technology involves rubbing peeled berries or fruits with sugar. Alternatively, the raw material can be boiled in sugar syrup, after which it is poured into packages.

Main stages of production:

  • washing and cleaning berries and fruits;
  • processing of raw materials (grinding, cooking with sugar);
  • packaging sterilization;
  • packaging of finished products;
  • package.

The technology for making jam is slightly different from making preserves. For its production, pectin syrup and sugar syrup are prepared separately, fruits are peeled and cut. Then the prepared raw materials are poured with sugar syrup, boiled, and when the product is almost ready, pectin syrup is added. After this, the finished product goes through similar stages of packaging and packing.

By the way, today exclusively glass containers are used for packaging these products. A little less often - doy-pack bags or thermoplastic polymer packaging.


What equipment to use to prepare the product depends on what niche you decide to occupy. For example, a business making exclusive jam will require a minimum of equipment, since this process cannot be fully automated. The use of machines is permissible only at the stage of cutting, packaging and capping. True, production will require auxiliary equipment.

In general, the business will require the purchase of the following production inventory and equipment:

  • washing bath;
  • sand sifter;
  • scales;
  • cutting table;
  • ultraviolet water sterilizer;
  • production plant;
  • container for finished products;
  • device for rinsing containers;
  • container sterilizer;
  • installation of filling and capping of finished jam;
  • labeling plant;
  • trays, containers.

You will also need a refrigerator to store finished products. If the production process involves the use of frozen raw materials, then the freezer.

Sales channels

If you have organized industrial production, then the main sales channel with which your business will work is supermarkets and hypermarkets. True, it is not so easy to work with them, since they require stable supplies of a specific assortment in a specific volume. Given that the business is clearly seasonal, it is not easy to withstand these conditions. Therefore, entrepreneurs often limit themselves to the local market, selling products through local grocery stores. But even there, businesses will face strong competition.

Therefore, many entrepreneurs prefer to produce small batches of exclusive goods and sell them through eco-shops and handmade goods stores. Many entrepreneurs create their own website and sell goods through it, offering not just a hand-prepared product, but also various individual presentations. Then it is worth establishing cooperation with event agencies and companies operating in a similar service sector.

Industry exhibitions provide good returns, where potential clients have the opportunity to taste products.

Investment and ROI

It is difficult to say exactly how much it will cost to start such production. Much depends on the chosen niche and scale of activity. Experts say that when organizing a production facility designed to produce more than a thousand kilograms of jam in an eight-hour shift, at least 3.5 million rubles are needed. These funds will go towards:

  • renting premises, renovating them, bringing them into compliance with all standards for premises where food products are produced (with an area of ​​at least 70 sq. m. for industrial production);
  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase of raw materials;
  • purchase of transport for the delivery of raw materials and finished products (including a light-duty cargo vehicle with an insulated van);
  • development of a unique product packaging design;
  • formation of a wage fund for two months for eight personnel per shift.

As practice shows, such production will pay off in an average of two years.


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