How to sell a pen at an interview? Step by step guide and example. How to sell a pen at an interview - the best techniques and an example of dialogue Basic rules for selling

Today it is incredibly difficult to find a job, there is a crisis, the general economic situation in the country, massive layoffs, closure of enterprises and businesses. However, scrolling through the advertisement, a person notices an excellent vacancy: “Sales Manager.” And everything seems to be great: work in a comfortable office, excellent salary, even career growth.

But, having come to the job, a person understands that getting all this is not so easy, because the most hardened bosses do a standard test: selling a pen to an employer. To pass this test correctly, you need to prepare for it in advance, otherwise all your dreams will be shattered because of some pen.

What is the essence of this test?

If you think that your bosses are simply testing you to see if you are capable of selling in principle, then most likely you are wrong. Selling goods is not such a difficult matter, you are simply given a template and using it you call a number of clients, somewhere they agreed to your offer, somewhere they refused.

“Pen test” is a test of how you will behave in a non-standard situation, whether you can put pressure on the client so that he himself wants to buy this thing. Clients are different. That's the essence of the test.

What can't you do?

And now you are standing in front of the big boss in a large company. He offers a seemingly simple idea: “There’s a pen on the table, sell it to me.” What to do in this situation, where to start?

First of all, do not refuse under any circumstances. As soon as you say that you won’t be able to sell it, that’s it, ruin, you won’t see any great work. Say at least something - it will increase your chances.

Also try to avoid platitudes. Most likely, you are not the first candidate for this position. All these tricks like: “this pen is made of high-strength plastic, you can write with it for months, it’s imported quality” - it’s all very boring, monotonous and dull, and when the manager is bored, he may not hire you.

But still: how to sell a pen at an interview? Are there any options? Of course there are, we’ll take a look at them now.

Option 1 – sell the intrigue!

A very excellent method used by many sellers. “Buy a product and receive an incredible gift,” here a person already has a sense of curiosity, and he wants to know what kind of gift is being offered.

But selling a pen as an add-on to a gift is not our method. You can go another way.

Say the following: “you know, I graduated from a psychologist’s course and I perfectly see 2 of your bad traits, which absolutely prevent you from working, because of them you are often lazy, do not complete things, which has a negative impact on business.”

And you simply come up with 2 psychological traits of a person (absent-mindedness, depression, forgetfulness, in general, everything that comes to mind), but you say one “for free”, and for the second you offer to buy a pen.

This method plays perfectly on a person’s curiosity. Unfortunately, this is a rather arrogant method, and if you are not ready for this, then it is better not to use it, otherwise you will falter and “lose the client.”

Option 2: factor of surprise

Here's another example of how to sell a pen at an interview. This is where the leader's confidence is destroyed. When you come to an interview, you are incredibly worried, but the boss is also a little afraid, after all, he hires the employee.

And this same boss creates the most relaxed environment for himself: he has 20 pens on his desk, he gives you one and says: “Son, sell me a pen.” That is, he understands that he has 19 pens, all of which write, and essentially offers you to sell an unnecessary product.

And at the moment when he hands you a pen, you meaningfully take yours out of your inner pocket and start selling it (it is important that the pen is more expensive and looks respectable). All! The boss is a little shocked, he is completely at a loss, he will even appreciate your ingenuity.

Here's the secret: sell your pen, it will make your audit much easier.

Option 3: non-standard approach

Are you familiar with the science of graphology? She studies handwriting; handwriting can say a lot about a person.

The moment will work perfectly here if there is not a boss, but a meeting, that is, where there are several people.

Include a little humor (this always helps in interviews), say that I got this pen from a hereditary Buddhist shaman, and according to legend, it brings incredible luck in life.

And so the main boss wrote his name with your pen, and you sell the treasured item for a modest fee.

This only seems funny from the outside, but it is very difficult to do this, you must be mentally prepared, and management must understand that you are a brave person who can get out of the most difficult situation, which is why such non-standard situations often help you pass an interview successfully.


Selling a pen is a fairly standard test that can be passed (as you have seen) in different ways. The only thing that should not be allowed is fear. Many people fail interviews simply because they are afraid, so you should prepare at home before the interview. Go to the mirror, practice with other people and try to approach the interview as responsibly as possible.

If you are asked to sell a pen or some other item at an interview, such as a laptop, notepad, apple, phone, don’t panic, it’s not as difficult as you think. It is important for the applicant to understand your professionalism as a sales manager, and what could be better than a role-playing game “Buyer - Seller”.

Why are they asked to sell a pen during an interview?

Role-playing game "Sell me a pen", reveals not only your knowledge of sales techniques, but also your innate abilities, such as:

  • Eloquence.
  • Ability to persuade.
  • Stress resistance.
  • Intelligence.
  • Contact.
  • Persistence.

In order for the role-playing game to be successful, you must find answers to just a few questions; this is the technology for passing the test. Once you master it, you will be able to sell anything to anyone at any interview.

Role-playing game technique

Answer yourself this question:

The thing that you are asked to sell, what might a person need it for? More precisely, in what situations will he be forced to use this thing? For example, a pen is needed to: record data, make notes, quickly diagram a process, sign documents, etc. A laptop is needed for organization, planning, calculations and solving other complex problems.

If you have to sell a pen to a person who is involved in sales and communication with clients, then a pen is probably on the list of his required attributes for work. Signing an agreement with a client, highlighting important things in the price list, drawing a diagram of the entrance to the office and much more is used daily by every manager. Let's skip it and get to the main thing.

How to sell a pen at an interview? Example of a dialogue with a client

Understanding what a pen is for, you formulate working questions:

“How often do you have to communicate with clients?”

"Yes, quite often"

“Do you use commercial offers and catalogs for your products in printed form?”

“We often send commercial proposals to our clients by e-mail, but sometimes we print them out”

“You will probably agree with me that it is better to explain the subtleties to clients on paper, where you can circle the desired number, emphasize important points, record the client’s wishes, and add a comment.”


“Do you use a pencil or pen for this?”

“Sometimes a pen, sometimes a pencil.”

“Great, have you ever had a situation when both you and the client need a pen at the same time, or even worse, both of you don’t have a pen, or in the midst of negotiations it stops writing? Not to mention the pencil lead, which simply wears off or breaks.”

“Well, of course it happened”

“Oh, do you provide documents for clients to sign?”

"Yes, definitely"

“I understand how important it is for a client to sign at the right time. Imagine that at that moment you didn’t have a pen with you, or something happened to it. It’s much easier to take a couple of pens to negotiations. If you had a set of quality pens, none of these unpleasant situations would happen again. What do you say?

“Yeah, it’s a good idea to have a couple of spare pens with you.”

“Tell me, how important is it for you that a meeting with a client goes flawlessly?”

“Well, of course it’s important.”

“Then why give an unfortunate coincidence a chance? I offer you 3 reliable new pens that are ready for any negotiations for only $5. Five bucks and in a couple of seconds you are ready for any negotiations. Agreed? » Smile and handshake!

In this example of a role-playing game, the questions are based on the seller’s assumptions about where and why the client might use a pen in his work. In what situations might he regret that he doesn’t have a pen with him, and what the consequences might be. Visualization of situations involves the client in your game. He involuntarily listens and understands that you are right and refusing obviously profitable things is simply stupid.

Also, the dialogue with the client is built on the principle of achieving several agreements: Has it happened?, You wouldn’t want to?, You will probably agree with me, etc. You will, of course, hear agreement on these questions. This is a technique of several “Yes”, so it’s easier to get the next “Yes” to the most important question about the purchase.

How to sell a hairbrush to a bald man at an interview?

If, instead of a pen, the task is to sell a comb or shampoo to a bald person, you follow the same scheme. Look for answers to the question: “Why does a bald man need shampoo?”. He may not buy shampoo for himself; not all family members may be without hair. Bald people wash their hair too - it's nice. He can buy a comb to massage his head, he can comb his wig, or he can give a comb to someone. After all, he may collect combs. You do a little brainstorming and then get 3-4 questions that will help you sell the item you need.

Don’t try to stupidly push a thing at an interview using an empty presentation. A presentation can only bear fruit at a certain stage of sales, but not at the beginning. You will tell a thousand facts and arguments in favor of a pen or comb, how wonderful and irreplaceable it is, but in response you will hear: “Thank you, but I don’t need it!” The game is complicated because the thing you need to sell is not needed by the client at this moment. You should use questions to lead to the fact that the client still needs the item and needs it today.

I will not describe daring American schemes for selling a pen, such as: picking up a pen and asking for an autograph, or picking up a laptop and leaving the office in anticipation of a ransom back for money, etc., since most often you will have to demonstrate your and not manipulations with it.


As you already understand, selling a pen at an interview is not so difficult. Using question formation, you can adapt to any situation and emerge victorious.

Have you had similar tasks during an interview? Share your experience in the comments!

We've all had to go through job interviews; for many applicants this is a very exciting process. At the same time, the employer does not always strive to create simple conditions during the interview, especially when it comes to interviews for sales vacancies.
After all, the seller must have stress resistance and the ability to easily get out of any situation. One of the questions that often baffles many candidates is the request to sell a pen during an interview. I had to observe a situation where an experienced salesman, who had been selling expensive cars to VIP clients for many years, got lost and fell into a stupor when selling a pen. So, let's figure it out: how to sell a pen at an interview?

Why do they ask to sell a pen during an interview?

In order to successfully sell a pen at an interview, you first need to understand the employer's motives. They can vary greatly depending on what vacancy you are applying for. Therefore, my advice to you is to always research the employer and the type of job before the interview. Even applicants with good experience do not do this, but preparation is also one of the stages of sales technique.

Typically for candidates with no sales experience, this test is made to evaluate the candidate's tenacity and desire to sell. If a person refuses to sell or gives up after the first objection, then he will behave the same way with the client. You can always tell from a candidate when he is trying, and when the sale itself is a burden to him. Naturally, if you take candidates without experience in sales, then it is better not to take people who do not have perseverance and a desire to sell. If you are not prepared for refusals, objections and difficulties, then working in sales is clearly not for you. Working as a seller you need to be able to.

If you have sales experience and come to a vacancy where sales experience is required, then the employer wants to see you in action, and he will first of all evaluate your knowledge of the stages of sales and your ability to overcome a stressful situation. If a candidate is applying for a position that requires sales experience, but does not know or does not use the stages of sales, then you are unlikely to be hired.

It’s also worth taking a closer look at who is conducting the interview. If this is the case, then most likely she has a checklist for assessing the candidate. And she is tasked with assessing the candidate’s specific parameters, for example, the same sales stages or perseverance at...

If your immediate supervisor is conducting the interview, then in this case it is important not just to show, but also to be liked as a salesperson. Here you need to put in maximum effort and flexibility.

How to sell a pen at an interview

So, you heard a request to sell you a pen, what should you do? Here are some rules that must be followed to successfully sell a pen:

  1. Do not hurry. If you feel that you are overly anxious or need to think, asking for a minute to prepare is normal practice.
  2. Carefully study the product being sold.
  3. Stick to sales milestones. This is a win-win option, any employer will appreciate it, and even if you can’t sell, they will most likely hire you anyway.
  4. Pay special attention. 90% of sales success depends on this; when identifying needs, it is imperative. I recommend asking the following questions: How often do you write? What is important to you in a pen? Do you ever run out of ink? What pen is the client using now? And what does he like about it and what could be improved? Do you have a spare pen?
  5. Do not lie. There is no need to attribute miracle properties to a pen for 2 rubles. And you also don’t need to say that a Parker pen costs 10 rubles.
  6. Use, be sure to maintain eye contact, let the client hold the product in his hands. I also advise you to find out: . Not only will these tools help you build trust with the client, but you will also earn respect when being evaluated by a professional.
  7. If the client agrees to the purchase, be sure to offer something else: spare paste, diary, notepad, stapler, paper, etc. This small move will set you apart from other candidates.

The scheme for selling a pen at an interview is approximately as follows:

Good afternoon, my name is …………, how can I contact you?

Let's call you by name, I see you are a business person, and I have a unique offer individually for you. But first let me ask you a couple of questions?

  • How often do you have to take notes?
  • Under what conditions do you write?
  • What kind of pens do you like?
  • Do you always have a pen with you or only at work?
  • Do you have many employees in your department?

IMPORTANT: you need to ask as many questions as necessary in order to understand on the basis of what benefits to carry out.


The presentation needs to be built on the basis of identified needs, and if the need is identified, then presenting the product is not difficult. If you find out that the client writes often, then offer him a pen as a spare. If the client writes so rarely that he does not have a pen, then tell him that you just need an inexpensive pen just in case. If a recruiter is conducting the interview, offer him to buy a pen to give to candidates or colleagues or subordinates to fill out the questionnaire.

Work with objections

Working in sales requires a person many special skills, increasing its competitiveness. These are activity, ingenuity, ability to persuade, charm, talent for communication.

It is quite difficult to check the presence of all these qualities during an interview, and for this purpose, special techniques. Offering to sell a pen is one such test that allows quickly and effectively test a candidate's abilities.

The essence of the test, implemented in the form of a business game, is that the candidate is asked to convince his interlocutor to buy a pen (gel or ballpoint - it doesn’t matter).

The candidate must create in the interlocutor a need to purchase a writing instrument at this particular moment. The test is designed for checks candidate skills such as:

  • business qualities, including acumen, activity, ability to see the advantages of a product;
  • the ability to convince the buyer of the need for the product offered.

The test is often used when hiring sales representatives, sales managers and even. The pen can be replaced with an eraser, a notepad, or any object of the employer’s choosing, but the principle of the test remains the same.

The rules for evaluating its results are also standard. You need to be prepared for this test and perceive it as an interesting business game that helps you better understand your own business qualities.

Basic rules of sale

In order to successfully pass the test, you do not always need to know all marketing technologies, but on a practical level it is necessary to apply the basic skills of a successful seller and know the rules of selling. There are several of them, they offer a certain sequence of actions that should lead the seller to success.

  • Stage 1. Product research. You can only sell something that has value. In addition, the seller must be ready to answer all the buyer's questions.
  • Stage 2. Client research. Different types of buyers require different selling techniques.
  • Stage 3. Presentation. The product must be presented to the client.
  • Stage 4. Selling and handling objections.

You can’t omit any of the sales stages; each of them needs to be given every possible attention. At the same time, the dialogue must be dynamic, the initial stages of the assessment must be carried out very quickly, otherwise the buyer may lose interest in the conversation.

Establishing contact with the “client” and identifying needs

This stage can be combined with product research. You need to start not even with studying the product, but with studying the task. This will help you understand what exactly a particular interlocutor wants to see from the test. Expectations can be twofold:

  • the interviewer is subjective, he wants to be personally convinced to buy the pen;
  • the interviewer is objective, he wants to be shown the candidate's existing sales skills.

In the second case, it is easier to work; you immediately need to find out from the employer in what situation it is proposed to sell the pen - sales by telephone, to a wholesale or retail buyer, an innovative product or a consumable.

The interlocutor is drawn into a dialogue, from which it becomes clear what exactly he wants to get from the test. After formalizing the goal, you can begin to ask what exactly the interlocutor expects from the pen. You can ask about:

  • preferred ink type;
  • shade, whether the potential client writes in black, blue for regular notes, or whether the job requires pens with green or red ink for notes, markings, or proofreading;
  • how often the pen is used, for regular notes or sometimes for signing documents;
  • how important are the ergonomic functions of the pen, does the hand get tired, do you need pleasant tactile sensations from rough plastic or, let’s say, ordinary plastic, how strong should be the degree of pressure on the body of the pen so that the ink falls on the paper evenly and quickly;
  • Is there a bias towards certain manufacturers?
  • Is the smell of ink important?
  • whether you need to write with a pen on wall calendars or on any documents that are in a vertical position;
  • is a cap required and why, is it necessary to carry the pen in your pocket, and is there a risk that the coloring matter will leak.

All these questions will not only help to draw a conclusion about the client’s preferences and wishes, but also convince the employer the fact that the applicant really understands the consumer characteristics of the product.

At the same time, we must try to emphasize that at the stage of obtaining information about the characteristics of the product and the preferences of the buyer the sales process itself has not yet begun. This will allow the interviewer to focus on the quality of preparation for subsequent sales. It is better to emphasize the moment of switching to presentations and sales with some bright effect, for example, a demonstrative tightening of the tie knot.


The presentation of the product to the buyer should be comprehensive. It's not the pen that's sold, it's convenience, opportunity, and prospects that are sold. They are expressed in one object, the possession of which will create new values. All this must be brought to the attention of the client in a bright and expressive form.

At the same time, it is necessary to compare your product with similar ones, emphasize its most important key characteristics, and focus on the values ​​that the client will receive with the pen. If we are talking about wholesale sales, it is necessary to discuss delivery conditions and a guarantee of long-term prices. If there is only one pen for sale, then you need to find out exactly how it differs from its competitors at that moment.

You need to be prepared for the fact that the buyer will begin to object. In a situation with a pen, the main objection will be the presence of a similar item and the lack of need for a new one.

In the movie The Wolf of Wall Street, from which this test is taken, the candidate was able to prove to the interviewer that his pen was outdated and sell him a more modern version.

Today, a pen that works for six months is no longer surprising. Here you can appeal to fashion, for example, now effective managers prefer to have a pen for each tie, to efficiency, it is better to have a pen for positive and negative resolutions. There can be many such arguments.

The main idea in dealing with objections should be that the candidate does not deny the buyer his right to his own opinion, but he is ready to expand the range of his possibilities.

As part of working with objections, you can talk about promotions, discounts, discount cards, and offer any bonuses that may spark the client’s interest.

Completing the deal

Completion of the transaction is necessary fix. After understanding that the proposal is understood and accepted, it is necessary to sharply repeat all the arguments to which the buyer expressed his consent, and immediately after that proceed to the written formalization of the agreement.

If it works out, then the purchased pen will be purchased by the buyer can write a review about the quality of the seller’s work. This will serve as an additional advantage for making a job decision. It is not always worth moving immediately to the next stage of sales or to cross-selling, for example, selling a cap for a pen or pencils; the buyer does not always need them, but you can offer to conclude a preliminary agreement for future deliveries. The cross-selling option can be implemented when the employer expects it.

If the buyer refused the deal, it must be emphasized that the refusal is accepted in relation to a specific product. At the same time, clarify that the identified need was not satisfied, and obtain agreement to offer other products that could serve as a substitute. Refusal should be accepted as a potential opportunity to move on to a new stage of sales.

Such completion of the transaction will make it clear to the interviewer that the candidate is effective, focused on the result, not the process, and knows how to achieve the company’s goals in the maximum number of ways. Any signature on an agreement of intent to buy something will be no less effective in completing the transaction than an outright sale.

Method based on sales model

Working with a test task it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the employing company, it works with retail or wholesale customers. In the dialogue, it is necessary to focus on this point, regardless of the fact that the test was originally designed specifically for a specialist in retail sales.

The specifics of wholesale sales suggest the ability to immediately talk not about one pen, but about a package offer for the supply of office supplies for a year or more. It will definitely be appreciated.

When choosing a strategy for selling to a retail buyer, the candidate's main goal should be mutual understanding with his interlocutor and attention to his needs and objectives.

Determining a person’s values ​​during an interview - on video.

Non-standard moves with dialogue examples

The techniques offered at such interviews do not always work. Many applicants, having watched a well-known video, begin work with the internship offered there. They take the pen from the interlocutor and then ask them to write something down. It is assumed that they have formed a need. The buyer, in this case the interviewer, automatically rejects arguments that he has heard many times before. He probably has several packs of pens in his desk.

Therefore there arises the need to find a non-standard move. Its main idea should be to create unexpected value for the buyer. You can replace the pen with its essence as a means of recording information.

  • You don't need a pen, you need a means to capture information.
  • Are you sure?
  • Let me take dictation of your thoughts, and as payment you will buy a pen from me. You will receive two values ​​instead of one - your detailed and clearly recorded thoughts and a subject for recording them in the future.

You can use the offered success visualization technique. Many motivational publications offer to imagine the successful implementation of a transaction, and, most likely, the seller’s interlocutor has also read these books.

  • Have you read Robin Sharma? You probably know his techniques for success. You are buying a magic pen. I charged her with successful sales while I visualized our deal.
  • And what will I get from a “charged” pen?
  • It contains the energy of successful sales, which will be transferred to transactions signed with this pen.
  • I'll take it!

You can come up with a lot of such constructions by first drawing up a psychological portrait of your interlocutor.

How the applicant's response is assessed

The employer or interviewer will consider quality of the applicant's response, based on obvious criteria. If the applicant refused to take this test or completed it formally, he will not be able to be a good “salesman.”

If he began to carry it out, then the process itself, the decisions made during his decision, the methods used and verbal clichés will help draw conclusions about the potential sales manager.

Active participation in the test, even without receiving final approval, allows you to draw conclusions about the candidate. Will be assessed many characteristics, among which:

  1. Sales orientation. Instant inclusion in the game indicates that the candidate does not perceive sales as something that does not correspond to his opinion about the profession, and is ready to actively work and accept new work technologies.
  2. Personal qualities. In addition to stress resistance, the employer evaluates the future employee’s creativity, ability to establish contact with potential clients, correctness of speech, and communication skills.
  3. Knowledge of the practical side of work. Sales stages are strictly regulated; they are created based on the practice of hundreds of thousands of people. Knowledge of these stages and their application in practice helps to draw a conclusion about the candidate’s professional training, knowledge of the theory and the ability to apply it in practical situations.
  4. It will also be important for the employer to assess the reliability of the information presented in the resume.. If a prospective employee indicated that he has undergone numerous trainings, ignorance of the obvious stages of sales will be grounds for doubt. Strict adherence to sales rules will not contribute to getting the desired job, but at least it will make it clear that the employee knows how to learn, acquire skills and put them into practice.
  5. Sales success. Not every employer will agree to buy a pen, but sometimes a candidate should make every effort to at least bring a smile with his diligence.

For an employer, the test results will not always be the only indicator for making a decision on granting a job to a candidate, but they will take up at least 50% of the logical basis for his decision.

If you can't sell

And in this case there is no need to be upset. As practice shows, it is possible to sell a pen only from 15-20% successful candidates, others are hired based on overall assessment of their business skills and resume information.

Very few companies have clear interview instructions that state that if a candidate doesn’t sell, they need to be eliminated. After the rejection, each potential sales manager will have a few minutes during which he can quickly develop some other strategy to interest the buyer. For example, instead of a pen, try selling him a notepad or an eraser.

Features for Pencil and Phone

Sometimes during an interview they ask you to sell not a pen, but a pencil, or in the most difficult cases, a telephone. In this situation, it is necessary to understand what exactly made the interviewer deviate from the general scheme and why he chose that particular product, whether it depends on the company’s sales area or other reasons.

Most often, a pencil is preferred by those employers who are focused on the candidate’s abilities and capabilities, and a telephone is offered for sale by those who need quick performance indicators. Having received this information, you can build own model of communication with the buyer.

By following these tips, you can sell a pen or get a job. But we should never forget that effective teamwork is higher on a candidate’s list of priorities than the success of a specific deal.

The best techniques and examples are in this video.

The question of how to sell a pen at an interview is one of the classic tricks when applying for a job. For more than 50 years of existence, it has baffled many job seekers. Why is it asked? How to answer it correctly? What does the employer expect from you? Read the answers below.

Why do they sell pens during interviews?

How to sell a pen correctly at an interview - practice shows that only 20% of applicants are able to answer this question.

The correct answer to this is demonstrated by:

  1. The ability to sell anything, anywhere;
  2. Applicant's ability to work with clients;
  3. Ability to deftly get out of extreme situations;
  4. Basic psychology skills;
  5. Clear expression of thoughts;
  6. Communication skills of the candidate for the position;
  7. Attention to detail;
  8. Creative thinking;
  9. Ability to think abstractly;
  10. Self-control.

See why it's on the list of TOP 10 HR tricks? If you could even sell a pen at your workplace, then what can we say about the company’s real product! But what should you do if you are asked to sell a pen during an interview? The first thing is not to shy away, and the second thing is to use one of the examples described below.

5 ways to sell a pen

Jordan Belfort, the main character of the film “The Wolf of Wall Street,” knew how to sell a pen during an interview; an example of behavior in such a situation is described in one of the episodes. Then his friend took the pen from him and suggested that he write his name on the paper. It turned out that Jordan did not have a pen to do this and he was simply forced to buy it from a friend. This method perfectly demonstrated the work pattern of a successful seller: to make any product necessary for the buyer.

It’s only a pity that recently a lot of candidates have started using it, and therefore we offer 5 new ways to sell a pen at an interview, the dialogue with the HR manager will then go like clockwork:

  1. More than 50% of applicants offer to sell a pen because it writes well, is of high quality, is convenient to write with, etc. Our young man also began a dialogue when he was hired, when the employer handed him his pen, donated by the chairman of the board, and offered sell. Having twirled the handle in his hands and not at all convincing the boss of the need to buy it, the applicant waved his hand, saying “Well, don’t!” - and began to leave. “Wait,” came the answer, “you forgot to give me the pen!” “Then you will have to buy it from me!” - this gave a job to a person who managed to motivate one of the most successful people in the company.
  2. The second applicant was observant. “Why do you need this pen?” - he asked. “To hold it in my hand when I talk on the phone,” was the answer. “Was there a case where ink was pumped at an inconvenient moment?” “Of course there were, and a lot, especially when you urgently need to write down your phone number!” “What do you do in this case?” “I’m calling my secretary.” - the employer smiled. “Then you will need my pen!” - said the guy. “Its refill has the unique ability to not run out for six months and write on any type of paper, and due to the fact that it has a pressurized ink supply, it can even work in any position, so you can write with it even on the wall". This was another example of a successful interview.

Now you know five different ways to sell a pen at an interview, the video will help you consolidate the result and clearly see examples of how else you can cope with this task.

Why will you succeed?

In addition to using the above methods, you can independently come up with your own unique way of selling pens and more. Why not, along with this writing object, offer you their own pencil, copier, computer, a guarantee for all this and, in addition, a special pencil case for the pen itself with a 70% discount?

And lastly, remember the 7 main rules that will help you successfully pass such an interview:

  1. Stay confident;
  2. Look around;
  3. Put yourself in the buyer's shoes;
  4. Come up with original sales methods;
  5. Offer benefits;
  6. Ask leading questions;
  7. Don't despair if you refuse

And, most importantly, remember: everyone needs a pen, and therefore selling it is very easy.

Selling a pen excerpt from the film “The Wolf of Wall Street”

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