Presentation for preschoolers illustrations depicting winter. School Powerpoint Presentations. Who suffers the most from the vagaries of winter?

Galina Knutova
Lesson-presentation “Winter”

Lesson-presentation on the topic: « Winter»

Target: expand children’s understanding of the characteristic signs of winter; fix the names and sequence of the winter months; learn to find winter signs on your own; be able to analyze, compare, draw conclusions; develop imagination; cultivate a love for nature.

Equipment: multimedia installation.

Progress of the lesson:

How are the pictures different?

What time of year is it now?

Name the signs of winter.

Name the winter months.

Talk about the life of animals in winter.

What do animals eat in winter?

What do birds eat in winter?

Do you need to feed birds in winter?

What holiday do we celebrate in winter?

Now let's rest.

How is this holiday celebrated? - Tell me.

Musical pause.

Winter fun for children.

Solve riddles.

The picture is a mystery.

- Didactic game: "Add a word"

Bottom line classes.

Publications on the topic:

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She has arrived! The forest has put on fluffy white fur coats. The water in rivers and lakes froze and turned into ice. But now you can skate. If the snow is wet, you can make a snow woman and play snowballs, and if it’s dry, then take a whirlwind ride down the mountain on a sled.

In winter, nature sleeps, covered with a white blanket of snow and ice; winter birds are found on bare tree branches; animals leave footprints in the snow; sometimes there are blizzards and frosts; the days are short and the nights are long and cold.

(Some pictures in which the pen cursor appears can be downloaded in large size. To do this, click on the picture to open a large picture for downloading)

Presentation for children: winter season


December - Student, because cold and cold become long-term companions of the weather. Look how much snow has fallen! The snow is white, fluffy and still sticky, you can make snowballs. The frost is about to come, it will become even colder. But the streets are cheerfully lit up with elegant lights. Quite a festive mood, New Year is coming!

(S. Marshak)

In December, in December
All trees are in silver.

Our river, like in a fairy tale,
It was frosty overnight.
Updated skates, sleds,
I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.

The tree cried at first
From home warmth.
In the morning I stopped crying,
She breathed and came to life.

Its needles tremble a little,
The lights lit up on the branches.
Like a ladder, like a Christmas tree
The lights shoot up.

Firecrackers sparkle with gold.
I lit a star with silver
Reached the top
The bravest light.

A year has passed like yesterday.
Above Moscow at this hour
The clock of the Kremlin tower is striking
Fireworks - twelve times.

What are we doing in December

December is a snowy month. Every day it snows. And there is so much you can do in the yard. You can make a snow woman, you can build a fortress out of snow, or you can fill the ice with water and go ice skating. Only from time to time in December there may be a thaw and the snow becomes wet and sticky, but there are also severe frosts. And, most importantly, the New Year is getting closer!

What do we celebrate in December

9th December- In many countries, this day marks the holiday of children's television and radio broadcasting. Maybe this is our little celebration of our children's section about the seasons.


January - Prosinets, because January days are filled with sun. It was frosty. Now you won’t be able to stay on the street for long, look how red your nose is! But the winter sun shines brightly in the clear blue sky, but one gets the feeling that this makes it even frostier.

(S. Marshak)

Open the calendar -
January begins.

In January, in January
There is a lot of snow in the yard.

Snow - on the roof, on the porch.
The sun is in the blue sky.
The stoves are heated in our house.
Smoke rises into the sky in a column.

What do we do in January

Hello New Year! Festive mood! Christmas tree, Santa Claus with Snow Maiden and gifts! And also bitter cold. In January, the frosts are especially severe and you can’t walk for a long time, but your cheeks turn red when you go down the hill. And you can also play snowballs. True, the colder it gets, the less sticky the snow is, but then you can ski.

What do we celebrate in January

1st of January- With the ringing of the chimes, the New Year begins. You can look under the tree to find long-awaited gifts.

Jan. 7- Nativity. The Orthodox world celebrates the bright holiday of the Birth of Christ.

13th of January- According to the old calendar, this is the day of the new year, and according to the established modern tradition, on this day they say goodbye to the old new year.


February - Bokogray, because the still weak sun begins to warm up my cheeks. The sun lingers longer and longer in the sky. Can you feel it?! A barely noticeable warmth comes from the bright rays of the February sun. And then the sound of a drop was heard - these were the icicles watering, heated by the rays of the warming sun. A little more and the Maslenitsa holiday will come. And then spring will come!

(S. Marshak)

The winds blow in February
The pipes howl loudly.
Like a snake rushes along the ground
Light drifting snow.

Rising, they rush into the distance
Aircraft flights.
It celebrates February
The birth of the army.

What are we doing in February

Cheerful icicles shimmer in the bright sunlight. So, spring is coming! In the meantime, it’s still cold and there are frosts. On February 23, don’t forget to congratulate your dads on Men’s Day. And at the very end of the month comes Maslenitsa. Mothers bake pancakes, and we all eat them with pleasure.

What do we celebrate in February

Last week of February- Maslenitsa holiday. All week they bake pancakes, organize folk festivals and say goodbye to winter.

Tasks-games for children about winter

Picture season winter. Collect a clock picture from the four seasons. The remaining parts of the dial can be found on other children's pages about

What did winter bring with it?

Snow on the fields, Ice on the rivers. The wind is blowing. When does this happen?

brought a lot of snow

Yes, winter brought a lot of snow clouds and covered everything with snow.

Why do we need snow in winter?

snow saturates the earth with water, purifies the air, and gives it a rest. A person on such land will be able to grow a good harvest,

What color is the snowflake?

- What can you say about the size of snowflakes?

How have trees and shrubs changed?

stand bare, without leaves

they shed their leaves so that the branches do not break due to the snow in winter.

Who suffers the most from the vagaries of winter?

The worst thing for animals and birds is not the cold, because animals' fur becomes warmer in winter, and birds grow down under their feathers. The worst thing for them is hunger.

The fur-bearing animal lives in a hollow, loves to sit there in the warmth, although the hollow is not a heating pad at all. He spends the winter there.

Where does the squirrel live? (in the hollow).

What animal is this? (wild).

What kind of coat does a squirrel have? (red, fluffy, warm)

What does a squirrel eat? (cones, nuts, mushrooms). The squirrel's winter fur is tall, soft and fluffy, while its summer fur is coarser, sparse, and short. The squirrel sheds 2 times a year, with the exception of the tail, which sheds once a year.

What kind of forest animal is this?

He stood up like a pillar under a pine tree.

And stands among the grass,

Are your ears bigger than your head?

It’s hard for the bunny in winter, he’s hungry. He doesn’t have a hole, he sleeps in the snow under a bush or under a Christmas tree. . He sleeps lightly, dozes half asleep with his eyes open, closing them only for a minute. The hare is scared. He listens all the time to see if there is a wolf or fox nearby. But the bunny is saved by the fur. She is white as snow. He hides under the Christmas tree in the snow - you can’t even see him. In winter it feeds on shoots and bark of various trees and shrubs.

Red-haired cheat

hid under the tree.

The cunning one is waiting for the hare.

What is her name?

Where does the fox live? (in the hole)

Who are the fox's babies? (fox cubs).

What kind of fur does a fox have? (warm, fluffy, red) Does not change color Does not prepare a home Does not make supplies

Day and night he prowls the forest,

Day and night he searches for prey,

He walks and wanders silently,

The ears are gray and erect.

What color is a wolf's fur? (grey). In the summer? (also gray)

Why doesn't the wolf change color in winter? (he doesn’t have to hide from anyone)

What is the name of a wolf's home? (den). Doesn't build housing. Doesn't stock up for the winter.

Presentation provides information to a wide range of people in a variety of ways and methods. The purpose of each work is the transfer and assimilation of the information proposed in it. And for this today they use various methods: from a blackboard with chalk to an expensive projector with a panel.

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Slide captions:


Plan. 1. Let's talk about winter. 2. Let's play. 3.We will answer questions.

December January February Winter months

Not prickly, light blue hung in the bushes.... And her

It flies in a white flock and sparkles as it flies. It melts like a cool star in the palm of your hand and in your mouth. Snowfall

Icicle It grows upside down, It grows not in summer, but in winter. The sun will bake her, she will cry and die...

Blizzard Who blows and gets angry in winter, Blows, howls and spins, Makes a white bed? This is snowy......

Frost, snowfall, icicles, blizzards are winter natural phenomena.

bullfinch sparrow tit dove crow swallow starling Game “Wintering birds.”

The starling and swallow are not wintering birds; they fly to warmer regions.

Game “Guess whose footprints?” Bird tracks Human tracks Beast tracks

Game “Name the winter clothes.” coat hat scarf dress felt boots mittens pants fur coat

What do you see in the picture? This is a winter forest. There is frost on the trees. Sky is blue. Ground is covered with snow. The snow is white, fluffy, glistening in the sun. The weather is clear and frosty.

What did we do? We played. They answered questions. We talked about winter natural phenomena. They described the painting “Winter Forest.”

Well done!!!

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