Report man hours in program 1s. The number of hours worked by the payroll employees per zup. HH - number of man-hours worked; ЧN - the number of hours worked by each specific employee

In this section, we will consider what is commonly understood by the term person-day. It is a unit of measurement of working time that corresponds to the working day of one person, regardless of the number of hours worked. It should be noted that this figure is less accurate than man-hours. In man-days they measure:

  • days actually worked by the employee;
  • turnout time;
  • days when the employee did not show up for work;
  • downtime, including a whole day or more;

Also taken into account:

  • those days on which the employee received the orders of his enterprise for working out in another organization;
  • days when, due to forced downtime at the main workplace, an employee was involved in other activities of the enterprise.

Calculation of man-days Many people are interested in calculating the total number of man-days.

How to calculate man-hours


Person days are used to determine such indicators as:

  • days worked;
  • attendance;
  • no-show;
  • all-day downtime.
  • days of being on business trips;

An all-day downtime is a period when an employee showed up for work, but could not start performing it for reasons beyond his control. For example, there were no materials, equipment was faulty, there were no spare parts.

Or, if the employee was warned by the administration in advance about the situation and therefore did not show up for work.

Rules for calculating man-hours

The results obtained make it possible to optimize labor and increase the efficiency of employees. The criterion is calculated using simple formulas.


Formula for calculating man-hours for the Department of Statistics, counting the number of man-hours is mandatory. This is indicated by legislation No. P-4 "Information on the number and wages workers ".

To know how man-hours are correctly counted as statistics, you need to know a simple formula. There is no definite information on how to calculate the number of man-hours for statistics.
It only says that the calculation should be done the same: HH \u003d H1 + H2 + ... + CHN. Let's analyze the data: HH - man-hours; ЧN - time spent by a person at work.

How to correctly calculate man-hours and man-days

Depending on the established working time per week, the calculation of the working time norm for certain calendar periods (month, quarter, year) is carried out in accordance with the Procedure approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 13.08.2009 No. 588n. According to the Procedure, the norm of working time is calculated according to the estimated schedule of a five-day working week with two days off on Saturday and Sunday, based on the duration of daily work (shift):

  • at 40 hour working week - 8 ocloc'k;
  • if the working week is less than 40 hours - the number of hours obtained by dividing the established working week by five days.

The duration of a working day or shift immediately preceding a non-working holiday shall be reduced by one hour.

Production calendar for 2018: setting in 1c programs


What is the purpose of calculating the indicators of the fund of working hours? The coefficients characterizing the working time fund are the basis for calculating the average working day, effective time management, the optimal number of shifts and hours per employee.

  1. Working day utilization rate

Ki.r.d \u003d the actual duration of the working day on average / the average length of the day. It is counted in hours. It includes all man-hours worked, including downtime and overtime.

The second indicator reflects the actual working out in man-days. The numerical value of the ratio serves as one of the charting tools, staffing table and definitions of shift.

The number of man-hours worked for the 1st quarter of 2018

Starting from version 3.1.4, the ability to create regional production calendars, filled in according to the template included in the program, filled in in accordance with regional legislation, has been added (Fig. 1). Now the program provides for filling in all regional calendars of the Russian Federation for 2016 and 2017.

In the future, it is planned to fill them in for 2018 as well. You can create them yourself if necessary. A list of all production calendars is stored in the Production calendars directory (section Setup - Production calendars).
Figure: 1 By default, the production calendar included in the delivery of the program with the name Russian Federation - this is the national calendar, holidays and transfers of days off in which are filled in (updated) automatically in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (Fig. 2).

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Answer questions by referencing regulations, at the same time you will not only be able to help a colleague, but also receive a reward. posted on February 5, 2018 Good afternoon! ZUP 8 Where can I view the data in the program to calculate the number of man-hours worked per year for the organization? For statistics report comments: 2 207 Expert answer dear Colleagues! On this question there is no expert answer yet. Are you a labor protection specialist? Or are you well versed in labor protection issues? Then you can become an expert on this project.

Man hours in Q1 2018 where to find in 1s

Home / Working hours / Calculating man-hours To improve the work process and obtain financial benefits, you need to calculate how many man-hours were spent. This factor is for accounting, as well as the department of statistics of the organization to determine the duration of stay natural person at work.

For information Also, the calculation of man-hours is allowed to be used to determine the productivity and efficiency of the company per unit of time. This coefficient is often used by accountants and employees of the statistics department.

The concept of the term Man-hour is the amount of labor time that is proportional to the hour a person works. Additional Information It is often possible to make this coefficient qualitative assessment work, which ultimately helps to compile how many people are required to complete the assigned task within the required time frame.
To receive you need to general indicator turnouts, it is necessary to summarize the days worked and all-day downtime. Finally, absenteeism in such a count includes:

  • all types of vacations (annual and educational);
  • periods of illness, drawn up by sick leave;
  • failure to appear in connection with the performance of state and public duties, days of donating blood and other cases permitted by law to be absent from work;
  • absence from the workplace in agreement with the management without pay, for example, vacation at their own expense;
  • truancy, i.e. absence from the workplace without good reason.

Calculation of man-days: formula To determine this indicator, the following formula is used: NP \u003d ((Ch1 + Ch2 + ...
Person days are used to determine such indicators as:

  • days worked;
  • attendance;
  • no-show;
  • all-day downtime.

The days worked in this case include:

  • days of actual stay at work (fulfillment of their duties at the main workplace);
  • days of being on business trips;
  • days when, due to forced downtime, the employee is involved in other activities of the enterprise.

An all-day downtime is a period when an employee showed up for work, but could not start performing it for reasons beyond his control. For example, there were no materials, equipment was faulty, there were no spare parts. Or, if the employee was warned by the administration in advance about the situation and therefore did not show up for work.
How to calculate man-hours per year? To obtain this indicator, it is necessary to add up all the hours worked by the employee on working days in the company and outside it. That is, the calculation includes the time spent on work trips, overtime work, as well as work in a combined position in the same company. In the calculation does not take into account:

  • the period of illness of the employee, prescribed in the sick leave;
  • vacation time for nursing mothers;
  • time when the employee did not work for reasons that do not depend on him;
  • time annual leave worker;
  • hours of reduction of the working day;
  • the time when the employee improved his qualifications with a break from the work process;
  • the time of employee participation in strikes;
  • other reasons for the absence of an employee at the workplace.

The total amount consists of all man-hours for each employee.

Heads of organizations are required to indicate data on man-hours worked in the form of static observation No. P-4 "Information on the number and wages of employees", approved by order of Rosstat No. 498 dated 26.10.2015. He also approved the rules for filling it out.

Formula for P-4, man-hours, calculation:

HH \u003d Ch1 + Ch2 + ... + ChN,


HH - number of man-hours worked;
ЧN - the number of hours worked by each specific employee.

Add up all the time worked by an employee on working days in the organization, as well as outside it. Work in, work in (at the same enterprise) are taken into account.

Therefore, if the enterprise has employees who work full and part time, separate calculations are made for them, using. The formula in this case will look like this:

HH \u003d KR * RV,


HH - man-hours;
KR is the number of employees;
RV - time actually spent on work.

Calculation of man-hours

A man-hour is a unit of work time that corresponds to one hour of work by one person. It is convenient for the employer to plan work time employees, determine the right number of workers to complete the work, and set deadlines for completing tasks.

H \u003d K * T,


H is the indicator itself, man-hour;
K is the total number of employees of the enterprise;
T is a unit of time, hours.

But there are periods that should not be taken into account when calculating. It:

  • the employee's illness period, according to;
  • time;
  • the period is not taken into account;
  • the time by which the working day of workers of certain categories was reduced in accordance with the instructions of the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • the time given to a recently given birth employee to feed the baby;
  • other reasons.


Let's take an example for a small firm. Let's imagine that it employs 10 workers. The total hours worked by them per day is 80 man-hours:

10 people * 8 hours

The resulting number must be multiplied by the number of working days in a month:

80 people / hours * 21 days \u003d 1680 man-hours.

Now let's calculate this indicator for each employee.

With a five-day work week and an eight-hour work day, the calculation will be as follows:

21 days * 8 hours \u003d 168 man-hours


With man-hours sorted out. In this section, we will consider what is commonly understood by the term person-day. It is a unit of measurement of working time that corresponds to the working day of one person, regardless of the number of hours worked by him. It should be noted that this figure is less accurate than man-hours.

In man-days they measure:

  • days actually worked by the employee;
  • turnout time;
  • days when the employee did not show up for work;
  • downtime, including a whole day or more;

Also taken into account:

  • days of being on business trips;
  • those days on which the employee received the orders of his enterprise for working out in another organization;
  • days when, due to the main workplace, the employee was involved in other activities of the enterprise.

Calculation of man-days

Many people are interested in calculating the total number of person-days.

Calculation of man-days, formula:

Kchdn \u003d ∑Khchas / Prab,


Кчдн is the total number of man-days worked;
∑Khchas - the total number of man-hours for the reporting month;
Prab - the length of the working day.

  • first, we calculate the total number of person-days;
  • further, we determine the average number of part-time employees in full.

The formula will be as follows:

C / S number is incomplete. \u003d Kchdn / Krdn,


C / S number is incomplete. - the average number of part-time employees for the reporting month;
Кчдн - total number of worked man-days;
Крн - the number of calendar working days in the reporting month.

Calculation of man-hours per year

How to calculate man-hours per year? To obtain this indicator, it is necessary to add up all the hours worked by the employee on working days in the company and outside it. That is, the calculation includes the time spent on work trips, overtime work, as well as work in a combined position in the same company.

In the calculation does not take into account:

  • the period of illness of the employee, prescribed in the sick leave;
  • vacation time for nursing mothers;
  • time when the employee did not work for reasons that do not depend on him;
  • the time of the worker's annual leave;
  • hours of reduction of the working day;
  • the time when the employee improved his qualifications with a break from the work process;
  • the time of employee participation in strikes;
  • other reasons for the absence of an employee at the workplace.

The total amount consists of all man-hours for each employee. If you need to calculate man-hours for a year, the formula will be calculated as follows.

CHG \u003d ChG1 + ChG2 + ... + ChGN,


ЧЧГ - the number of man-hours worked for the reporting year;
ChGN - the number of hours worked by the n-th employee in the reporting year.

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The calculation of the man-hours indicator is a formula that is required to calculate the indicators required to complete the mandatory statistical reporting. We will figure out how to correctly calculate the indicator, what formula to use for calculation. We will also define the key features in the implementation of calculations.

What kind of indicator is this

Man-hour is a generally accepted unit of accounting for work hours. This indicator refers to one full hour worked by one specific employee. The unit of account is essential in business planning. It is very convenient for the head of the company, for example, to determine the duration of work shifts or days, to plan the number of staff and the number of personnel required to perform work.

Note that labor legislation obliges all employers, without exception, to keep records of the actual time of work for each hired specialist separately. Moreover, this obligation is valid not only within the framework of labor relations in terms of employees working on labor contracts... When interacting under civil contracts, the parties are obliged to independently determine the procedure for recording labor hours.

In addition to internal planning and analysis, such data are required to complete statistical reports. However, none of the reporting forms contain precise instructions on the formula or calculation procedure, only a general descriptive part. Let's figure out how to calculate man-hours (calculation: formula for P-4, T-57 and other statistical reports).

How to count

So, how to calculate man-hours, the formula:

Hh \u003d K × T,

  • K is the number of employees in the company;
  • T is the labor time in the billing period, calculated in hours, for each employee.

This formula is convenient for a company with a standard eight-hour workday. However, this calculation has several disadvantages. For example, if an employee is sick, he went to another vacation or arranged days without content. After all, such periods cannot be included in the calculation. Consequently, the formula can only be used with respect to mercenaries who have fully worked the estimated month.

Consider the following periods in the calculation:

  1. Opening hours after the fact.
  2. Hours of work spent on business trips.
  3. Overtime, overtime, night and holiday work hours.
  4. Combining work (in the same organization).

Exclude the following periods from the calculation:

  1. Days of illness of an employee on a certificate of incapacity for work.
  2. Downtime, whatever the reason.
  3. All types of vacations (labor, educational, additional, unpaid).
  4. Reduced labor time, which is set for selected categories employees (in more detail "Shortened working day: 4 examples of calculations").
  5. Breaks for feeding the baby.
  6. Professional development periods.
  7. Participation in strikes.
  8. Off-the-job training.
  9. Other reasons why the employee was absent from the place and did not fulfill his direct duties.

Calculation example for December 2018

VESNA LLC employs 10 people. The company has an 8-hour working day.

There are 21 working days in December 2018.

Company employees worked out December in full.

(20 working days × 8 hours × 10 people) + (1 working day × 7 hours × 10 people) \u003d 1600 + 70 \u003d 1670 man-hours of production in December 2018.

Non-standard conditions

The calculation algorithm given above is not suitable for an enterprise in which workers work in shifts, provided that the duration of the shift is set on an individual basis. In this case, it will be more convenient to use a different formula for calculating man-hours:

Hh \u003d Ch1 + Ch2 + Ch3 ... + Chn,

  • Chn is the actual hours worked per month, calculated for a specific employee separately.

In simple words, for counting, the number of hours that all workers worked, but separately, is calculated. And then the results are summed up. Note that all calculations must be carried out on the basis of time sheets data.

Annual indicators

In order to determine the man-hours per year, the calculation (formula) will be similar. Only when calculating the amount of CC worked is calculated not per month, but for the whole year. The periods included and not taken into account are determined in a similar manner.

To correctly determine the statistical indicator, you will have to calculate how many hours each worker worked at the enterprise. And then the resulting figures are summed up. Formula:

MSH \u003d MS1 + MS2 + MS3 + ... + MSn,

  • MSn is the total number of hours worked by a particular employee.

How to Count Person-Days

If Hh is an extremely accurate estimate, then the term person-day defines rather approximate values. So, a person-day is considered to be a unit of measurement of working time, which is equal to one working day, regardless of the number of hours. That is, for one specialist a man-day can be equal to 8 hours, and for another - 12 hours. But they both worked one man-day.

Such an indicator is used to calculate:

  • days spent on business trips;
  • attendance of employees;
  • downtime (if it is a whole day or more);
  • absenteeism (the employee did not show up for work);
  • other indicators.

Calculation of man-days, formula:

Hd \u003d Sum Hh / PSM,

  • amount of Hh - the total number of worked Hh in the billing period, for example, a month;
  • PSM - the duration of the working day, which is established at the enterprise.

If the calculation period has been fully worked out, then the resulting value of man-days will coincide with the number of working days in the period. Note that if within the framework of one organization the duration of working days differs, for example, between shop employees and office specialists, then the values \u200b\u200bshould be calculated separately for each category of hired specialists.

It is a unit of work time that corresponds to one hour of work by one person. The term "man-hour" is used for:

  • planning working hours for a particular job;
  • determining the number of workers required to complete a particular process;
  • filling out the form statistical observation P-4.

The calculation of man-hours is carried out by employees of the personnel department, who know how to calculate the number of man-hours worked for the P-4 form. The calculation takes into account only the actual labor time. It does not include vacation time, sick leave, other paid or unpaid time during which work was not performed.

Man-hours calculation: formula

HH \u003d HH1 + HH2 + ... + HHn,

  • HH - the total amount of time worked;
  • HH1 - how much the first employee worked;
  • HCH2 - how much the second worked;
  • HHn - how many worked the n-th.

Formula for calculating man-hours per year

Sometimes it is necessary to determine the indicators for the year. In this case, a similar formula is used, with the difference that HH1, HH2 and HHn in it denote how much each employee worked per year. It is usually used to fill in statistical reports. For example, to calculate man-hours for 9 months of 2018 (when submitting quarterly statistical reports) or to calculate the number of man-hours worked since the beginning of the year for P-4.

The calculation of man-hours includes overtime, time spent on business trips, and also takes into account work on weekends or holidays.

Not to be considered when calculating man-hours:

  • the period of illness of the employee according to the sick leave;
  • time when the employee did not work for reasons that do not depend on him;
  • time of annual leave;
  • hours of reduction of the working day;
  • the time when the employee improved his qualifications on-the-job;
  • the time of employee participation in strikes;
  • other reasons for absence from the workplace.

Example of calculating man-hours

Let's say that 10 people work in a budgetary organization. Eight of them worked a full month with an 8-hour day. There are 22 working days in a month. Hence, each of these employees worked:

22 x 8 \u003d 176 h.

One person only worked 88 hours because he was on vacation for 11 days:

(22 - 11) × 8 \u003d 88 h.

And another person worked 180 hours since 4 hours:

(22 × 8) + 4 \u003d 180 h.

Thus, the total result for all employees will be:

176 × 8 + 88 + 180 \u003d 1676 man-hours.

What is a man-day

This is a unit of measurement of working time corresponding to one working day of a person, regardless of the amount of time worked.

Man-days are used to calculate indicators such as:

  • days worked;
  • attendance;
  • no-show;
  • all-day downtime.

The days worked in this case include:

  • days of actual stay at work (fulfillment of their duties at the main workplace);
  • days of being on business trips;
  • days when, due to forced downtime, the employee is involved in other activities of the enterprise.

A full-day downtime is a period when an employee showed up for work, but could not start performing it for reasons beyond his control. For example, there were no materials, equipment was faulty, and there were no spare parts. Or if the employee was warned by the administration in advance about the situation and therefore did not show up for work.

In order to get the total turnout indicator, it is necessary to add up the days worked and the whole day's downtime.

Finally, no-shows in such a calculation include:

  • all types of vacations (annual and educational);
  • periods of illness, drawn up by sick leave;
  • failure to appear in connection with the performance of state and public duties, blood donation days and other cases of absence from work permitted by law;
  • absence from the workplace in agreement with the management without pay, for example, vacation at their own expense;
  • , i.e. absence from the workplace without good reason.

Formula for calculating man-days

The calculation is pretty simple. To determine this indicator, the following formula is applied:

BH \u003d ((Ch1 + Ch2 + ... + Chn) × KDM) / 8,

  • BH is the required value;
  • Ch1, Ch2, Chn - how long each employee worked;
  • CDM - quantity calendar days in a month.

And to obtain financial benefits, you need to calculate how many man-hours were spent. This coefficient is intended for accounting, as well as the department of statistics of the organization to determine the duration of an individual's stay in the workplace.


Also, the calculation of man-hours is allowed to be used to determine the productivity and efficiency of the company per unit of time. This coefficient is often used by accountants and employees of the statistics department.

Term concept

Man-hour - This is the amount of labor time, which is proportional to the hour a person works.

Additional Information

Often it is possible to make a qualitative assessment of the work with this coefficient, which, as a result, helps to compile how many people are required to complete the assigned task within the required time frame.

Man-hours is a cost metric that is often needed when scheduling long jobs against a heavy schedule. All labor costs must be recorded by timing.


Indicator only shows labor time... It does not include lunch during a working day, but also other free time from work. This ratio is an estimate that shows how quickly a task will be completed, not a system by which people are calculated. The function of calculating man-hours is analysis, planning.

Correctly assessing the efficiency and distribution of power in an enterprise is a very important and at the same time difficult task. Due to the calculated ratios, you can significantly increase the productivity and profitability of the company. All higher members of the company must use these criteria. The results obtained make it possible to optimize labor and increase the efficiency of employees. The criterion is calculated using simple formulas.

Formula for calculating man-hours

To the statistics department, counting the number of man-hours is mandatory. This is indicated in accordance with the legislation No. P-4 "Information on the number and wages of employees." To know how man-hours are correctly counted as statistics, you need to know a simple formula.

HH \u003d H 1 + H 2 +… + H N.

Let's analyze the data: HH - man-hours;

H N - the time spent by a person at work.

How to calculate man-hours for statistics?

The total number of man-hours is the product of the number of people by the time that will be put off for work. Roughly, the calculation is done as follows. 40 working hours form: 1 person can work 40 hours, 2 already 20, 4 10 and so on. This time must be included.

Additional Information

When statistics are available on production, this will allow you to analyze how much time workers will be able to cope with a particular task. Also calculate the approximate amount of financial costs that need to be invested to complete the task, the price equivalent or the number of people who need to be involved in the task in order to complete it on time.

When calculating the man-hours ratio for statistics, there are data that are not taken into account:

  • time spent by people on all vacations;
  • the process of changing qualifications, during which job separation occurs;
  • temporary disability of a person;
  • plain;
  • time of breaks for mothers to eat with a child;
  • the time of reducing the working hours of some employees, which is agreed in conjunction with the law of the Russian Federation.
  • hours spent on strikes.

These time criteria and others, where workers are released from work, regardless of whether or not wages are retained.

Calculation for statistics for the quarter

Here, too, everything is simple. The calculation of man-hours for statistics for a quarter is carried out in the same way as for other parameters. The general wording is as follows: the number of employees must be multiplied with the working time per day and the totality of days.

This formulation can be shown with an example. 10 employees work for 8 hours, and in a full 4 weeks, 20 working days came out. It turns out that 10 * 8 * 2 \u003d 1600 man-hours. And now we will give the same example to calculate the quarterly coefficient: 10 * 8 * 60 \u003d 4800 h.h.

How to calculate the number of man-hours for statistics per year?

To calculate the man-hours indicator for 12 months, you need to add up all the time that was worked out during the working days. It should take into account such indicators as overtime, business trips, and work in several positions in the same enterprise.

Things not to consider when calculating:

  • sick leave;
  • absence from work for a good reason;
  • maternity leave;
  • legal leave;
  • reduced working time;
  • with advanced training;
  • during the period of strikes;
  • other reasons why the employee cannot stay at the workplace.

As a result, the sum of the indicator includes the working hours of all workers. If it is necessary to calculate the amount for a working year, the formula is drawn up very simply, like this: ChCG \u003d ChG1 + ChG2 +… + ChGN. Of them:

ЧЧГ - a set of time for a year;

ChGN is the aggregate of the time worked by the employee for the year.

Per month

The calculation of man-hours for a month is carried out in a similar way as for a year, but a little simpler, since you need to count a little less. The formula for calculating the coefficient for the month is as follows: Kchdn \u003d ∑Khchas / Prab, of which:

Кчдн - a set of working hours of employees;

∑Khchas - total of working hours 4 weeks;

Prab - the length of the working day.

It is not uncommon for the statistics department to compile a list of the calculation of the hours of employees who did not work all day. Here the formula changes slightly and becomes proportional to the output:

  • first, you need to count the totality of person-days;
  • then we calculate the average number of employees who work part-time, while the recount should be full.

As a result, the formula for calculating man-hours looks like: С / С the number is incomplete. \u003d Kchdn / Krdn, of which

C / S number is incomplete. - the average number of employees who do not work full time per month;

Кчдн - set of mining;

Krdn - the number of days in a month.

Calculation of man-hours with a shift schedule

If the company does not have full-time specialists, then slightly different calculations must be made. The calculation of man-hours with a shift schedule can be carried out according to the following example: the company employs a director, an assistant secretary, two accountants, 3 sales agents, 4 employees who work at the enterprise for 3, 5 hours a day. When considering this case, you can use the standard calculations: 7 * 144 \u003d 1008.

For other employees, the calculation is carried out as follows: 4 * (4 * 18) \u003d 288. When one sales agent leaves the company, the calculation is done as follows: 1 * (8 * 5) \u003d 40.

Nuances of calculation

When calculating the number of hours worked by employees, there are often small issues that need to be considered:

  1. If employees are on vacation, away for work, due to illness, or do not work all day, then this greatly complicates the calculation. In this case, it is necessary to use the accounting of actually worked hours, and not the entire working day.
  2. Sometimes workers do not stay for the whole working day. In such cases, the coefficient is calculated individually for each person, and as a result, all the numbers are summed up.
  3. For a real calculation, you need to keep a timesheet in which the labor time will be written. It contains information about the working hours of each worker. When arriving at work, the employee indicates the time of arrival, and when he leaves, the time of departure. This is necessary to record the actual hours worked.
  4. The totality of man-hours is made up of the output of all workers in the enterprise.
  5. In order for the number to be calculated clearly, it is necessary to take away lunchtime, recovery technical equipment, as well as delivery of necessary items to the enterprise.


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