Tattoo Peacock designation. The value of peacock tattoo. Pen video tattoos

At all times, peacocks were associated with incredible beauty, wealth, majesture, nobility, and even royality. This is a very sunny symbol that quite often acts as an personification of the sun itself. And among other things, the peacock tattoo is a symbol of love, immortality, fame, diversity, long-life. These birds are almost always associated with the brightness of life, the desire for complete self-realization, with infinite fun.

The peacock tattoo sketch looks very beautiful when it is performed in large size and in color. Apply such an image can be immediately at several parts of the body, for example, to the lower back and thigh or back and shoulder immediately.

The tail of the peacock, just like his pen, carries a deep semantic content. And moreover, the pattern, which is located on the tail of the bird, has been perceived from the ancient Greek period as a symbol of the sky, which is generously decorated with stars.

In Buddhism, a huge fan of Peacock feathers is a symbol of true compassion. The Chinese belong to Pavlin no less respectful, it is a symbol of majestity, to belong to a high position in society. The emperor could hand the peacock feather in the location, it was considered very honorable.

Christians also treated this wonderful bird with great reverence. The peacock's tail is very similar to the nimble, and the pattern on the tail is very similar to the eye. And the eye in Christianity was the personification of the chamber of the Church. In a very large number of cultures, the tattoo value of Peacock was associated with power.

Today, the peacock tattoo is often used as a symbol of natural beauty, paint brightness, diversity of the whole world, revealing secret human capabilities. A little less often, but still meets the negative characteristic of this symbol. Peacock is sometimes associated with proud animals, vain, seeking only to external beauty. But it is worth noting that negative characteristics arose much later. There was no such meaning in an ancient understanding of such values.

A tattoo depicting peacock is ideal for an extraordinary, fun man who has a tendency to take risk. Peacock tattoo will be by the way if you strive to build your life in such a way that the laws of beauty and grace reigned in it.

Tattoo video Pavlin

And remember: Whatever the sketch of the peacock tattoos - the main thing is that it is unique! And below are photos of tattoos with a picture of peacock from different masters.

Peacock - proud, royal bird, her bright plumage causes admiration, attracts enthusiastic eyes from ancient times. Such a wonderful creation simply could not not be interested in tattoo culture admirers. Explain the value of the tattoo peacock and the symbolism of the image.

What did Peacock seen ancient?

To understand what the tattoo peacock means the myths of different peoples in which the image of this bird appears.

In almost all eastern cultures, she symbolized sunlight and warmth. Especially read Peacock in Hindu mythology. His feathers, the drawing of which resembles a plurality of eyes, was associated with the stars, so Peacock, as a symbol and the sun and stars at the same time, was considered the ruler of the twilight. He went on top of some Hindu gods, for example, Kama and Saraswati.

In Persia, the throne on which she was recresented by Shah, called Pavlinim. Two birds stood on both sides of the world tresh, which meant the duality of human nature. By the way, this image eventually moved into Christian art. Ancient Iranian sources mention believer, according to which beautiful birds killed snakes to use their poison to create an amazing drawing on feathers.

Medieval Bestiaries in Christian Europe, as well as in the Islamic world, called Peacock Stock, attributed to him cosmological significance. In European art, for example, in the songs of Minnezingers, this bird challenged both as a symbol of wisdom, and as an allegorical image of a coming, vain person, whose main sin is pride.

It is believed that Peacock became a Phoenix prototype, so it is also associate with immortality and revival.

What does the tattoo with Pavlin say?

The image of the royal bird is basically choosing a fine sex representative. Often, the tattoo value of Peacock girl is considered as a desire for beauty in the broad sense of the word. It is not only about its external manifestation, but also about the beauty of the soul, the fullness of the personality.

Since Peacock symbolizes rebirth, its image indicates that a person begins a new life from a clean leaf. He no regret leaves behind his past, spreads the wings and flies into the future. Also, the tattoo can become a talisman, which is a long and happy life.

Bright bird plumage symbolizes love for bright life, full of impressions, pleasures and fun. Such tattoos often make people seeking fame and recognition. Here, more negative image value can also join. vanity and pride. However, only positive interpretations are usually taken into account, especially if you consider that there are much more.

Peacock is associated with majesticity and royality, and in the Chinese tradition it is endowed with a gift of mercy and nobility. The tattoo with the image of this bird may mean that, despite the acquired power, a person enjoys it only for the benefit of his environment, does not abuse it, leads wisely and fairly.

Love is another value of Pavlin's image. His image indicates a romantic, gentle and vaporic nature, a man in need of sincere feelings, all-consuming love.

Often limited to the image of the peacock pen, the value of the tattoo in this case remains the same.

How to determine the style and place for the tattoo?

Small works with this bird are quite rare. Pavlin tattoo on the neck or, for example, anklet is usually dealt with a schematic character, it is quite difficult to portray in such a small scale.

In order to transmit the beauty of the plumage to the fullest, still need a lot of space. Therefore, most often you can see the tattoo peacock on the stomach, back, leg or hand. In most cases, work covers several parts of the body at once, for example, from the back turns on the shoulder, with the ribs on the thigh. It looks all this is really bright and impressive.

This drawing uses the greatest popularity in Indian motives. North America's indigenous tribes considered the pen with a symbol of rebirth, immortality and protection of higher forces. Not all the Indians could afford the decoration in the form of feathers. They were worn only by the respected members of the tribe - spiritual leaders and warriors. Later, the tradition appeared to decorate the body with drawings in the form of feathers.

In this way, it was immediately clear that you had a decent and respected person to whom the gods were patronized. Feathers are an integral attribute of Tattoo Catcher of Dreams. Often, eagle feathers were used, personifying freedom, pride and courage.

The ratio of the pen got into Russia and in ancient Greece. One of the mythological characters that residents of these countries were worshiped in Western Interpretation (Phoenix Bird). She was depicted with a lined flame and associated with the sun. Tattoo feather The poultry was in Slavic culture a strong guard, which protects against damage and the evil eye, and also protects a person from misfortunes. In addition, the pen symbolized eternal life, revival and a new beginning. This is based on the legend, according to which Phoenix lives a few centuries, then burns itself and is reborn from his own ash.

Another popular Option is Pavlin's Tattoo. Thanks to its beauty and bright color, Pavlin was considered paradise birds. In the mythology of different countries, they were satellites of the gods. For example, the Hindus Peacock was considered the Bird of the Goddess of Wisdom Sarasvati.

Pavlini Pen Tattoo is referring to the category of female tattoos. This is due to the fact that it is not a symbol of strength or courage. The main designation of the feather tattoo in this case is beauty, sophistication, greatness.

Peacocks in many countries were court birds. In China, Peacines lived at the courtyard of the emperor and the ruler gave a peacock feather as a sign of respect for a person. In Rome Pavlini feathers, who were a symbol of femininity and ease, wore an empress and her daughters.

Pavlinje Feather Tattoo is considered a symbol of magnitude, royality, uniqueness and rarity. Nowadays, such a tattoo is sometimes perceived as a sign of self-love and overestimated self-esteem.

The plot is also the plot, where the pen turns into flying birds. Tattoo Feather with birds can be performed in different versions and carry different semantic loads. It depends on the general mood of the drawing, the species of birds and the color solution. For example, the value of the Tattoo Feather with birds, which is made in the dark colors, and the birds are crows, has a negative shade, may designate pessimism, fragility and a flow of life.

If the birds in the same image are swallows, then Tattoo acquires a different meaning - dawn, awakening, the beginning of a new stage in life.

In addition, the pen, like a bird, is always associated with flight, freedom. This is one of the most common tattoo values \u200b\u200bof a feather with birds. Such tattoos are also greater popular with the beautiful half of humanity.

Another popular option is a feather tattoo with the inscription. It may be aphorism, a quote with deep meaning or simply important words for a person. Properly chosen inscription does not just make a tattoo of individual and personalized, but also gives it the properties of the talisman.

But half the pen has several opposite values. Fir tattoo steam room, the value is positive. Such a tattoo says that a person met his love and is part of a whole, half of his beloved. If half of the pen is made without a pair, it can be interpreted as a mental wound, pain, deep experiences.

Tattoo Feather Infinity speaks of continuity of life, its cyclicity and divine principle.

The current value of feathers, as a full image partially lost its historical meaning. Today, people having a penny on their body invest in the image following the following concepts:

  • ease, feeling of flight, desire for unrealized dreams;
  • freedom, both physical and internal, mental;
  • beauty and graceiness.

0 When the image of Peacock pops up in our brain, we cannot but think about popular in the 90s group " Arrows"And their songs" Handsome ". But Peacock is not just a pretty bird.
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In India, Peacock became a symbol of royal power, divinity and nobility, and is present in the folklore of this region. Peacock Throne was once a welcome location created in 1600 For the ruler of Persia, Shah Jakhan, a man who built a stunningly beautiful monument to Taj Mahal.

Peacocks are also an integral part of many world religions. In Christianity, white peacock is considered a secret symbol of the Church and Jesus Christ, and the artists of the Middle Ages and Renaissance will include this sign as the quintessence of the religious nature of their works. In Buddhism, Peacock is a totem of openness and honesty. Peacock is not afraid to show the world, his true "I", even if it makes it vulnerable. Hindus see Peacock as a goddess avatar Lakshmi, and a sign of prosperity and good luck. Peacock is also a passionate lover. The males brightly painted plumage, which they readily shown in slow dances and beautiful rituals to attract their females.

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So, will continue the value of Tatu Pavlin?

These birds are also the symbols of wisdom and knowledge. The peculiarity of the color of the tail feathers was noticed in ancient Greece, and was called "all-seeing eye". The bird became a totem for the goddess, hera, Queen of the Olympians. Unfortunately, Gera was known as jealous and a vengeful lady, who tried to destroy everyone who she thought was more beautiful than she herself. It is not surprising that Peacock was fixed as a symbol for egoists!

In the era of the Middle Ages, Alchemists used peacock feathers like the ingredient for their powders. Peacock and his feathers were symbols Renewal and healing. The bird was considered as the equivalent of the ascending Phoenix. This faith is associated with the fact that peacocks are not known to influence the abundant amount of toxins that they consume. In fact, today you can meet many works of art, in which Peacock is depicted by a fading serpent. This idea may have influenced the first Christians who came to an unexpected conclusion that Peacocks could protect the devil and his demons ( after all, snakes - symbols of evil and sin).

You will probably be surprised by learning that Peacocks were once a culinary product for treatment, which was intended exclusively for the royal family. A stretched peacock on a dish was a way once again show his wealth for kings and members of royal families. This concept is associated with the image of the bird as the personification of luxury and prosperity. This idea inspired the NBC American television network to use the logo " Peacock"(Peacock)." We are proud like Peacock! " He became a slogan for this network, and, by rumors, the image of Peacock was focused on the use of new technology that appeared at the time, color TV. Paving drawing, as a logo, is also used by the Pakistani television corporation.

Tattoo Paving value

Peacocks are not just pretty little birds. They embody:
  • Glory
  • Vanity and beauty
  • Spirituality
  • Update and spiritual awakening
  • Immortality
  • Sophistication
  • Cleanliness (white peacock)

Variations Tattoo Peacock

The beauty of the peacock tattoo does not depend solely on the color of its plumage. Tribal tattoos, which are focused on intricate patterns, also represent the elegance of the birds themselves. Pavlin tattoos are different styles, including:

Tattoo White Peacock

White peacock is a very rare "instance", and therefore it is revered as a religious symbol. White tattoo peacocks are quintessence for many of the basic concepts of Christianity, including spiritual renewal, cleanliness and humility. It is believed that this is the symbol of Jesus Christ, as such. Tattoo " White Pavlin"Introduces your deep rooted, sacred Christian beliefs, and generates a feeling of updating and enlightenment.

Tatu Feather Pavley

Pavlin's plumage personifies something more than just narcissism and vanity. Undoubtedly, in general, peacock is perceived as a creature with excess ego, but in general, his feathers for a thousand years have been a symbol of healing and updating. Pavlin's feather is the emblem of treatment, and is also considered a sign of immortality due to the fact that the common herbal toxins are not affected on this bird, which it regularly uses. In the Greek culture of feathers represent knowledge, and for the Hindus, this is a symbol of kindness and compassion. Pay attention to a fairly detailed article on the topic.

Tattoo on the body is a rather serious step, going to which a person should understand that it is for life. Correctly choose a tattoo you can help the master, and you can do it yourself.

Nakolov on the body of Peacock, you will look bright and extraordinary. But what does such a squash mean?

In each culture, peacock is associated in different ways. Indian culture perceives Peacock as a sign of respect, he may even take a place in the temple. In Persia, this bird symbolizes power.

Peacock many are associated with a proud and beautiful bird. When he is on the body as a tattoo, he pours thinking about the extraordinary beauty and strength of nature.

If you decide to make a tattoo peacock, then you must have at least the following qualities that can be laid in the value of the picture:

  • Indifference personality;
  • The ability to make rapid acts;
  • Think non-standard;
  • Tattoo Peacock will undoubtedly catch the views and at least you must have a beautiful, slender body.

In addition, Peacock is a symbol of love, fame, long-life. Its value in the world of tattoos means the brightness of life, complete self-realization, limitless fun.

In girls

Almost always turning to the master who makes a tattoo, the girl mostly wants to get a beautiful drawing on the body. If she stops his choice on Pavlin, then it can talk about its ease, tenderness, duch of equilibrium. Such a value. The tattoo itself on the body of a woman can be located from the chest, and the tail of the peacock can be on the buttocks. It is really beautiful.

In society, looking at a woman with such a tattoo, comes to mind the thought of her grace and sophistication. In addition, the tattoo peacock can be kicking on the female back and take the entire surface. Having such a tattoo can also talk about the eccentricity of the woman. Meaning - Eccentricity.

In men

If Peacock Podkolol is a man, then it can symbolize a long life. It is more associated with immortality. He can also act as a symbol of love without sins, purity of love.

In addition, a man who has been akin to his tattoo peacock in his character sees the royalness, superiority in the spiritual understanding of the world. You can even say on such a squint that a man took place in the life that he achieved everything that he was planned.

Most often such a tattoo with extraordinary personality, because thanks to the fact that the pallium is very bright, the majestic it attracts the attention of a large number of people. Most often, the macap of Peacock men make on the forearm.

In prison

Almost always in places are not so distant, do not bother the bird completely, basically the focus is on the tattoo of Pen Pavlin. The tattoo itself in this case will talk about its owner, as a strong, courageous man. To a greater extent, on such a tattoo, you are judged about the elite belonging.

For the most part, such a tattoo with men of Gypsy nationality. It is impossible to say that this tattoo in places is not so distant will indicate a person as a local authority. But the fact that the opinion of such a person will be listed is for sure. This value is this tattoo.


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