Peacock feather tattoo meaning. A feather tattoo is the meaning of a girl with a word, birds, a peacock on her leg, arm, wrist, stomach, neck, back, collarbone, on her side. Bird and feather tattoo locations

Peacock tattoo on shoulder blade

The peacock is a bird of wealth, power and prosperity. In tattoo traditions, the peacock is assigned the role of a blue plate of luck. A capricious image can affect the owner in two ways. If he is not a man with a capital letter, instead of financial success, he will be captured by false self-esteem. The original appearance of the bird gives a wide field for the imagination of the author of the sketch.

Peacock tattoo meaning

The peacock came to the culture of tattoo from the Eastern pantheon of images. It combines the majestic and the philistine. The bright bird is recognized as a symbol of wealth, royal power and social recognition. Moreover, additional meanings speak of superficiality, pride and stupidity.

Positive interpretations of the symbol:

  • success in the financial sector;
  • striving to make a dream come true;
  • sophistication and elegance;
  • bright colors of life;
  • royal power;
  • tact;
  • wisdom in making decisions.

The sign is capricious and requires spiritual confidence from the owner. The carrier must have a moral orientation, know his goals. For such an owner, the peacock turns into a blue bird of good luck. A person makes non-standard decisions, gets the opportunity to take a broad look at things. His inner right direction in decision making.

The peacock does not tolerate stupidity, laziness and superficiality. He patronizes business people and creative people. By applying the bird to the body, the future owner can count on Fortune's patronage in matters of the heart.

The value of tattoos for girls and men

On the body of girls you can often see a peacock whose meaning is "good luck and success in the search for love." The peacock tattoo attracts favorable conditions on the personal front. The bird will not allow romantic and addicted natures to get lost in the wilds of experiences.


The meaning of a peacock tattoo for girls:

  • intuition;
  • happiness in relationships;
  • search for a creative path;
  • extraordinary thinking;
  • bright emotions;
  • life in abundance and joy;
  • passion for travel;
  • sparkling humor.

In men, the image is transformed into finance, strength. The peacock helps to develop harmony, intuition and a sharp mind in the owner's character.

Popular male meanings:

  • belonging to high society;
  • dignity;
  • majesty;
  • protection from the evil eye;
  • unlocked potential;
  • creativity;
  • business acumen;
  • grace, beauty;
  • winning strategy.

In addition to the generally accepted meanings, the drawing has many individual interpretations. Tattoo masters consider the most correct option, the one that is born in the mind and attitude of the client. Since the peacock is responsible for developing intuition, this approach will be the most correct one possible.

Variants, styles, compositions

Among the photos of works with the image of a peacock, there are many peacock tail tattoos. The colorful feather carries the meaning of a protective amulet. This judgment is related to the spot resembling. The peacock feather shape has a unique recognizable design, which allows you to delve into creative experiments with the construction of a sketch.

Styles are suitable for the image of a peacock:

  • realism;
  • new cheekbones;
  • old school;
  • graphic arts;
  • watercolor;
  • geometry;
  • neo-traditional;
  • black and white technique;
  • linework.

Artistic styles can help unleash the beauty potential of a bird's plumage. Most often in the photo we see a peacock in a standing or sitting position. These are the traditional types of poses. In addition, the peacock can be positioned with a raised front part of the body with a majestically fluffed halo of feathers.

In some works, the masters do not depict the whole bird. Her body is turned half sideways. A segment is captured from the base of the tail to the head. Feather halo forms a complete composition. As a result, the drawing takes up less space, visually filling the spacious space.

Your sketch will be included in the collection of original works if you use your imagination. Peacock patronizes creativity and vivid imagination. Find your line, shape and direction. To understand what is best for you, concentrate on the individual meaning of the symbol. The more interpretations resonate in your mind, the easier it will be for the master to work on the sketch.

The color palette is the most important aspect when working with the image of a peacock. You do not have to limit yourself to the natural coloring of the bird's feather. In the understanding of the eastern peoples, the peacock is an almost mythical creature of paradise. Delve into the gamut that is closer to you in spirit. Use bright colors and smooth transitions.

Much will depend on the technique chosen. Even in black and white, the work can be bright and complete. You just have to choose a master who is fluent in one direction or another.

Where to get a peacock tattoo?

The peacock is a large bird. To fully reveal the potential of the image, you need to select a spacious area of \u200b\u200bskin for it. It is best to stuff it on the chest or back. Girls prefer to allocate a side zone for it with a transition to the thigh. In some cases, it only occupies the thigh.

A beautiful and large bird can form a whole sleeve. Having placed a bushy tail and a graceful neck on the body, you can use only the shoulder to the elbow joint. The peacock feather looks beautiful on a woman's back between the shoulder blades. The oval top and elongated bottom create a soft transition between the wide and narrow back. This will give a slim figure, create an attractive image.

A feather sultan can be the line of the shoulder, lower back or thigh. The pliability of the pen is suitable for shaping curved lines and creating a favorable visual perspective. The peacock's head, framed by feathers, is used to fill the area above the chest in girls. This creates a subtle, sexy look with a captivating touch of attraction.

Video - peacock tattoo, photo gallery

Among modern youth, the feather tattoo is gaining more and more popularity not only due to its external beauty, but also to the richness of the internal meaning that is embedded in it.

It can be a drawing of a bird, or a separate part of the plumage, additional symbols can be added there and placed on different parts of the body, and in each case there will be an individual designation. Before choosing a sketch of a feather tattoo, study each of them.

Since time immemorial, the feather has symbolized the strength and skill of the warriors of that generation, who earned recognition for their actions on the battlefield. It was also often used by shamans for their rituals.

Bird feathers symbolized immortality, protection from evil spirits, and helped to communicate with the dead and higher powers. Also, everyone knows their use in dream catchers, since they have been directly associated with getting rid of negative thoughts and dreams.

In some nations, the feather tattoo had the meaning of power and was used instead of an attribute of power. The combination with Indian motives looks very nice. It was among this people that such tattoos for guys gained great popularity.

In Christianity, some priests preferred feather rings. This was a sign of mercy and faith.

The ancient Greeks preferred the peacock (or other bird) feather tattoo because of the personification of attractiveness and belonging to the upper strata of the population.

Feathers are directly related to the air because of their lightness, so in many cultures they signified sublimity, tenderness, inspiration, love of freedom and purity.

The meaning of the bird feather tattoo

What does a feather tattoo mean for girls and guys may depend on its external data.

  1. Eagle feather symbolizes physical strength and masculinity, as well as the wisdom and fearlessness characteristic of this bird. The Indian warriors very much hoped that through the drawing they would acquire these features.
  2. Owl Feather Tattoo on the collarbone and other parts of the body are often applied by fans of magical influence, who believe in its protection from evil spirits. It can also mean intelligence or self-preservation instinct.
  3. Crane feather the girl associates with immortality.
  4. Ostrich Feather Tattoo is a sign of justice. For a long time in Egypt, the worship of the goddess of justice and order, Maat, was popular, in whose image the ostrich plumage was always present.
  5. The phoenix feather symbolizes the ability of this bird - rebirth. It is especially beautiful to perform it in "fiery" colors on the back, hand or side. You can also find a version of the design - a tattoo on the leg.
  6. The feather of the Firebird is a sign of attractiveness and mystery. In most cases, this is a woman's choice.
  7. What does simple feather tattoo - faith, spirituality and a certain talent.
  8. A swallow tattoo behind the ear or elsewhere was used as a talisman and a symbol of hope.

Bird and feather tattoo locations

A feather tattoo can be applied to any part of the body. The most popular were the legs and back, especially along the spine. For men, massive sketches made in a single color are suitable.

For them, feather tattoos are preferred on the wrist in the direction of the elbow, which means determination and courage. Many believe that this drawing saves from injury and disease.

Combination of symbols

The meaning of the peacock feather tattoo changes if you add a new element there. For example, in combination with a skull, a contrast of two worlds is obtained - the existing and the otherworldly. This feather tattoo with birds is often chosen by creative personalities.

Color palette

The peacock feather tattoo is most often applied in black, but lately, many girls prefer colored sketches. This also influences interpretation.


If you want to fill a pen, you can play with the sketch with the following elements and add the required value:

  • the cut peacock feather symbolizes the mental suffering associated with defeat or loss;
  • falling personifies deep longing;
  • the meaning of a tattoo of a feather with a broken rod is a symbol of shattered expectations or separation from a partner;
  • feather and birds tattoo, directed upwards - love of freedom and determination.

Peacock tattoo: meaning

Such a tattoo of a feather on a leg or other part of the body is often applied by women, since this bird has a beautiful color that you want to pay attention to. It has the following meaning:

  • luck;
  • nobility;
  • kindness;
  • greatness;
  • a lot of impressions.

Some cultures saw Satan's eye in a tattoo - in a colored circle, although the Greeks associated it with the sun and stars. Other peoples loved this tattooed image on the arm or belly as a symbol of vigilance, foresight and spiritual purity.

The peacock tattoo has many meanings, as well as locations: on the side, on the shoulder, on the neck, on the auricle, and in all versions it looked original and impressive (you can find photos of sketches and inscriptions below). A feather tattoo has many meanings, and almost every one of them is aimed at a positive direction.

Feather tattoo: photo in different places

The peacock feather tattoo, the meaning of which is described in the article, is very popular. This is due not only to the magnificent play of color on the peacock plumage. The peacock feather is a deep symbol that is meaningful to a large number of people.


In Russia, peacocks are associated primarily with wealth and ostentatious luxury. Everyone has heard the expression "spread his tail like a peacock." This is due to the fact that only wealthy people kept peacocks. Perhaps that is why, relatively recently, there was a fashion to keep peacock feathers at home, which, like flowers, were placed in vases.

In England, on the contrary, there was a belief that there should be no peacock feathers at home. It was believed that the presence of a feather could either bring disaster to the owner of the pulp, or cause his daughters to never marry. This was explained by the fact that the image of the eye on the pen was associated with the evil eye, that is, with bad luck.

But in Asia, the peacock is considered a lucky creature. They appreciate him for the fact that he warns of the approach of a thunderstorm or predatory animals, changing his behavior.


The peacock feather tattoo, the photo of which you can find in the article, is performed in any style:

  • old school . These feathers will look very bright and stylish. After all, old school involves the use of sufficiently saturated shades, which will perfectly match the theme of your tattoo;
  • new school... The peacock feather, made in the style of new school, is an unusual solution that allows you to fully realize your creative idea and express the idea of \u200b\u200ba tattoo. The artist can add various interesting details to the pen, for example, images of eyes, which will be in harmony with the "eye" on the pen. The tattoo looks very extravagant, on which the eye is depicted in a realistic manner, and the feather itself is made with stylization elements;
  • engraving style. Such a solution will look fresh and original. Restrained, but rich in details, minimalist tattoos can be supplemented with color spots that are on the peacock plumage;
  • dot-work. Traditionally, dot work involves the use of only black. However, when creating a peacock feather tattoo, sketches can be more varied. Having chosen the right shades, an experienced master will be able to achieve impressive effects.

Advice! The peacock feather is a tricky tattoo. Only an experienced master will be able to convey subtle color overflows and play of shades. Therefore, you should not try to save money, because otherwise the result may well disappoint you!

Where to get a peacock feather tattoo?

It is very important to decide where exactly your tattoo will be placed. The decision depends on two factors: on the characteristics of the sketch and your pain sensitivity. If you plan to apply a feather to the body in the style of realism, the artist will need enough space in order to convey all the details of the image. Such a tattoo cannot be small, which means that it will need to be done on the back, on the thigh or on the arm. By the way, a peacock feather can be a great idea for a sleeve: the work will turn out to be very bright and eye-catching. If the tattoo is done in a primitive manner and the sketch involves a small amount of detail, the drawing may be small and suitable for

Tattoos not only decorate the body, but also have a special meaning and significance, emphasize the strengths of a person's character and help in achieving their goals. Tattoo designates a bright and charismatic leader who knows how to show himself and knows the value of life. Both men and women make such a symbol for themselves. It is believed that the peacock feather can bring success in personal life and attract kind people.

Feather symbol

A tattoo with feather elements looks light and airy. It is a universal symbol that will look equally beautiful on both the wrist and the back. The meaning of the peacock feather tattoo also has a deep meaning - it is a combination of spirituality, rebirth and moral growth.

The lightness of the symbol denotes obstacles, difficulties and the ability to bypass any barriers on the way to the goal. Colored pigments are used to convey all the beauty of the motif, although there are also works that are monochromatic.

Such a sign is chosen by creative individuals who are confident in themselves and their strengths. A peacock feather tattoo emphasizes the strength of their spirit and adds endurance and patience.

Significance and beauty

In addition to a positive meaning, such a symbol on the body can also have a negative connotation. Often peacocks are associated with boasting, the bearer of the feather can be a rather proud and self-confident person who simply does not perceive others and their criticism.

Arrogance can be expressed through the chosen dimensions. Often you can find a peacock feather tattoo on almost the entire back. The influence of the symbol does not change from this, but such a tattoo looks strange. Masters advise to choose more modest options that can be combined with other motives.

An eye on a peacock feather tattoo means openness and a desire to look at the world and see everything. A person is not afraid of difficulties and is ready for possible obstacles on his way. It is also a spiritual element found in various religions around the world.

Magic in the simple

In Indian mythology, the meaning of a peacock feather tattoo lies in its protective properties. This is a talisman for a person. It was believed that the bird can fight evil spirits and protect humans from negative influences. In Christianity, bird feathers were considered a sacred emblem, which personified the purity and modesty of the soul.

It was also a vivid symbol of immortality and rebirth of the spirit. You can find elements of the peacock feather in other cultures, but their meaning is similar. It is always purity and revival, high moral principles and pride, which distinguishes the owner of body painting from others.

In combination with inner harmony and tranquility, a beautiful duet is obtained that can qualitatively change the life of its owner. used in the art of tattooing, as well as in other techniques, which enables a person to be reborn.

Effects on pregnancy

The peacock feather tattoo for a girl is of great importance. In China and the countries of the East, it is believed that if a bird looks at a girl who wants to get pregnant, then she will soon be in hope.

Even those women who have problems with conception can give birth to a child, having on themselves such an amulet in the form of a peacock feather. Tattoos of the whole bird are also popular, but their image requires a lot of space on the body, so not every woman decides to take such a serious step. In most cases, feathers and other elements are chosen.

In addition to influencing pregnancy, the symbol also has a positive effect on personal life, allowing you to find a worthy partner and ally. Also, the peacock feather promises a calm and happy life together for a young couple, provided that they also have these symbols on their bodies.

Fashion industry

Until recently, the peacock was a symbol of creative people and those who create beautiful fashionable things. Almost every tailor wore this emblem. Now the peacock feather tattoo on the arm is considered a beautiful attribute of the modern image, and in the 18th century in the countries of the East only a person belonging to the elite could wear such an emblem.

The symbol carries a lot of positives, since bird feathers were considered a luxury for a long time. Only rich people could boast of having lush and bright feathers in their homes. This is an expression of the desire for luxury and fame, superiority over the world around and other people.

Masters advise performing the motive in combination with other elements. Peacock feathers are often painted in dream catchers, combining two opposing traditions and complementing their meaning. A person who has a tattoo with peacock feathers on himself puts in it the meaning in which he wants to believe. And a tattoo will activate positive energy and direct it in the right direction.

The tattoo is suitable not only for extraordinary thinking individuals who want to stand out from the crowd, but also for self-confident calm people who want to bring a little brightness and color to life.

Sketches of a peacock feather tattoo should not be interrupted from ready-made pictures. Since each person is a person, a new drawing needs to be created. Shades, combination of pigments and parameters are also selected depending on the wishes of the client.

Professionals advise you to first choose one of several sketches and try to select a section on the body for it. You can walk around with a temporary tattoo for a while to see how it will look.

If there are doubts between the color and the monochromatic version, then it is better to give preference to the first one, since in this case the beauty of the pen will be fully revealed and well drawn. A monochromatic motif is suitable in case of addition to the main plot, but as a separate tattoo it will not look good.

At all times, peacocks have been associated with incredible beauty, wealth, majesty, nobility and even royalty. This is a very sunny symbol, which quite often acts as the personification of the Sun itself. And among other things, the peacock tattoo is a symbol of love, immortality, fame, diversity, longevity. These birds are almost always associated with the brightness of life, the desire for complete self-realization, with boundless fun.

The peacock tattoo sketch looks very beautiful when it is done in large size and in color. You can apply such an image to several parts of the body at once, for example, on the lower back and hip or on the back and shoulder at once.

The peacock's tail, just like its feather, has a deep semantic content. Moreover, the pattern that is located on the tail of the bird has been perceived by people since the ancient Greek period as a symbol of the sky, which is generously decorated with stars.

In Buddhism, a huge fan of peacock feathers is a symbol of true compassion. The Chinese treat the peacock no less respectfully; for them it is a symbol of majesty, belonging to a high position in society. The emperor could give a peacock feather as a sign of favor, this was considered very honorable.

Christians also treated this wonderful bird with great respect. The peacock's tail is very similar to a halo, and the pattern on the tail is very similar to the eye. And the eye in Christianity was the personification of the all-seeing eye of the church. In a very large number of cultures, the meaning of the peacock tattoo has been associated with power.

Today, a peacock tattoo is often used as a symbol of natural beauty, brightness of colors, the diversity of the whole world, and the disclosure of secret human capabilities. A little less often, but still there is a negative characteristic of this symbol. The peacock is sometimes associated with a proud animal, vain, striving only for external beauty. But it is worth noting that negative characteristics arose much later. In the ancient understanding, there were no such meanings.

A tattoo depicting a peacock is ideal for an extraordinary, cheerful person who has a tendency to take risks. A peacock tattoo will come in handy if you strive to build your life in such a way that the laws of beauty and grace reign in it.

Peacock tattoo video

And remember: whatever the sketch of a peacock tattoo, the main thing is that it is unique! And below are photos of peacock tattoos from different masters.


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