All that is not always done for the better. All is done, all for the better? Analogues of the saying "Nothing is done, all for the better"

"No matter what is done, everything for the better" is such a hymn denial and rationalization. It came up with those who did not find moral forces in order to cope with the challenge of the human situation. Perfect consolation in case of events outside control or justification for an erroneous choice?

Probably, I want to believe in harmony and the highest meaning of what is happening, inaccessible to us logic and wisdom outside of consciousness. But it is difficult to rely on what you can not manage. There are things that happen to different degrees of patterns, but something is a consequence of choice, including unconscious. Let's say, to be in the zone with an increased probability of this or that event is also a choice. And any choice leads to certain consequences - "good" or "bad".

I am afraid that there is no something predefined:scenario, fate, guarantees. It is not easy to recognize responsibility for what happened is not so, in our fault. This is a difficult moment. But he in itself is a challenge of maturity and a point of growth. How to accept the fact that it turned out to be a consequence of choice?

The main goal of gestalt therapy is to repair the EGO function. That is, return, or fill the ability to make a choice, to respond for it and at the same time be the satisfied flow of my own life. For to spend the rest of his days in regret of the previous ones is somehow irrational from the point of view of evolution. If we turn to the religions of the world, they will find that one of the common, and the most important, ideas will be an idea of \u200b\u200bhumility. Complete - to be with the world. Do what you need and be it will. Something depends on us, and something is not.

For the starting point, it is worth accepting the fact that no one knows how life flowed, be it decided at that moment. It will all stay in the fantasy zone. In reality, only the consequences that need to somehow cope with something next. That's all.

The consequences can be different.Joyful - giving triumph feeling, victory over circumstances, especially luckyness. Or sad - leading to feelings of guilt, powerlessness, deep regret. It is impossible to bypass unpleasant feelings. It is possible, with varying success, to suppress them, displace, somehow try to get rid of it, but you can meet with them and live. In the first case, these are the high costs of mental energy, time loss and stagnation. In another, the learning of the lesson, even be bitter, and access to a new level. Making the so-called mistake, you get a wonderful bonus - kinda, vaccinating nonsense!And in the light of this experience, much becomes clear.

In fact, make sure the choice is not so easy.Completely arrange priorities, navigate what has not yet happened (to predict the future), feel what will be important later ... is not easy. I would say - on the verge of possible. "Going around the stars," hear the finest voice of intuition, trust her, read true signs, it does not always work, and when you are in stress.

Important solutions are always associated with excitement, and in stressful state, we usually fall into regression and "tupim". It is stupid to regret and edge yourself for choosing something that seemed important at that time. At that moment you were a man to whom this choice seemed to be the best possible. Then it would be easy to argue that it would be necessary ...

Bad if you choose not at all.More precisely, the choice still is - it is passively reacting or transferring responsibility to someone or something. But this, I repeat, is rarely recognized as a choice. Everything that is not explained is endowed with artificial sense, Fatalism is formed. Vesunchik in some situations - and the victim of circumstances in others.

In general, harsh realism is not popular. Magic paradigm where Mile. But life - it is not for weak.Published.

Tatyana Martynenko

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we will change the world together! © Econet.

Nothing is done, everything for the better - a person is not given to know the reasons and consequences of the words, actions, events. Therefore, hope for good luck, the luck is more good for health and well-being than the expectation of all sorts of troubles and misfortunes. "Even in those cases when we got into unpleasant positions, he did not lose a good mood and tried to convince me that" Everything for the better in this best of the worlds "(in. K. Arsenyev." In the Ussuri Territory ")

Nothing is done, all for the better - paraphrase of the transference of the German philosopher and mathematician G. V. Leibnitsa (June 21, 1646-14, 1716) (Entry to the Treatise "The Odice's Experts on God's goodness, human freedom and root cause of evil", 1710).

The expression has become famous and turned into a winged "Everything for the better in this best of the worlds" thanks to Voltera, who ridicked him in his story "Candid" (1758)

"Panglos taught metaphysical-equate cosmologonigology. He wonderfully argued that there was no investigation for no reason and that in this best of the possible worlds of the castle of the ruler Baron is the most beautiful castle, and Mrs. Baroness is the best possible Baroness.
-The show, he said, - that everything should be; Since everything is created according to the goal, then everything is necessary and created for the best purpose. Here, notice, the noses are created for points, because we wear glasses. Legs,
Obviously, appointed to shove them, here we are writing them. The stones were created in order to take them and build castles from them ... "

Analogues of the saying "Nothing is done, all for the better"

  • Everything is swearing, flour will
  • No thinness without good
  • I did not catch a crucian - you catch a pike.
  • Century, eyelids!
  • Every dog \u200b\u200bhas his day

Application of phraseologism in literature

    "Soon the Mitya ceased to break himself with all sorts of nonsense and once again made the conclusion that became familiar: that is done - all for the better!"(Andrei Zhitkov" Department ")
    "And then it will come out under the bright sun, on the eyes of tens of thousands of people and another person, whose glance can be dangerous of all or the blinder - depending on which passion will take the top - everyday or literary. That neither is done - all for the better. In the end, and he was tired of his semi-indirect championship "(Yu. M. Nagibin" One on one ")
    "However, how to know, it may very much that the word" misfortune "is not quite appropriate here, because they claim: "All that is done - all for the better"; However, it should be recognized that the situation in which a young man got, looks anxious "(Alexander Zhitinsky" Staircase ")
    "We have fun: anywhere in a single track, and in fresh, untouched snow runs our whites, as on the book. "Nothing is done, all for the better!" - We were having fun of each other and fled in a circle "(M. M. Privine" Ratious Belyak ")
    "Fit glasses on the nose, he read leisurely, thoughtfully and still did not understand why the hero from the numerous misadvents it follows that "All for the better in this best of the worlds" (N. Vladimov "General and his Army")
    "Martynov's poetry has fifted the illusion of a reasonable device of the world and the hope that all for the better in this best of worlds"(David Samoilov" Prose of the Poet ")

Good day Dear readers! Today I want to start a post with another good news, namely, the blog was added to the Mail.Ru catalog, free of charge, within 10 days! It was very nice. Thank you! And now closer to the topic.

For our life, we often hear that all that is done all goes to good! Especially when something bad or unpleasant happens. I recently thought about this issue. I repeat it myself all the time, but I decided to figure out what's what (just like Sherlock Holmes).

So, I noticed that life varies dynamically. Those. Something good happened, then something bad or unpleasant will happen. Nothing is eternal, any condition is temporary! It is like a crisis in the economy. After I am an inner and realized that this phenomenon represents, then immediately made an analogy with life.

Unfortunately, what I understood, I can not fully convey to words, but after each lifting it happens, and at the same time, the higher the rise, the lower and the drop in the fall. Oh yeah, these phenomena are inevitable, after one will definitely happen another (i.e., after the recession - the fall and vice versa. There should always be a balance, golden mean).

But something I moved away from the topic. I began to notice different changes. But everything has an explanation, and this point must also be. I think the bad thing happens so that we can feel the taste of happiness and joy. If everything is good all the time, then we will cease to appreciate this state. As we can say what salt is, if you do not try the taste of sugar, etc.

I also have the theory that we all need to be able to experience the most different feelings, for example: anger, joy, happiness, etc. All because if a person strives for something alone, he is "one" and gets! For example, there are people who are trying to constantly feel a feeling of happiness, joy, or rather, try to imitate him. To tell the truth, they seem to me are a bit strange, it is especially manifested in communication.

I found one interesting moment in the film "Ten Commandments"(pro Moses). He said so (I don't remember exactly, but the same is the same): "The same as we are all, people. Sometimes he can be in anger, sometimes in joy, sadness. He is experiencing the same feelings ... "Something like this. You can watch the movie yourself. These words were alarmed for the idea that - the creature, which was given to use the most various feelings, he must use them, and at the same time, is always obliged to know the measure! (Tip: Mode must always know in everything ). We continue to reason further ...

There are such moments that if this misfortune had not happened, there would be no happiness. For example: a young girl knocked down a businessman (it's bad), but he took her to the hospital, and then they loved each other (this is good). The most important thing, in my opinion, is to understand why or what happened, or another event. Must be repeated, saying that everything is an explanation.

Also, we often get "on the head" from life, but sometimes it hurts that I don't want to live! This is because they deserve, or in order to woke up and changed. A pair, we ourselves do not notice how to turn into a zombie, sorry for the expression, in Zadrotov! Isn't it?! I think so, we go to the autopilot. It seems to us that we are all seeing, feeling and understands, but it's all the illusion, in fact, we are on autopilot! And various life-shakes lead us for the better way.

It does not know the borders, all sorts of proverbs, sayings, parables, aphorisms exist for all occasions, and, most surprising, on all situations in the instructive phrases, and the conclusions are the same. From the generation to generation, the same words are repeated to generation, but sometimes it is pronounced cleanly formally, without awareness of a deep meaning in which the spiritual law is concluded, and ignorance will not save it from liability. For example, it happens with the expression: "All that is done is done for the better."

Spiritual law

The laws of natural sciences (physical, chemical, biological, etc.) no one denies, and, knowing them at least on the household level, people are guided and submitted to them in their lives. No one will jump from an airplane without a parachute to touch the bare electric pipes (Ohm's law), dive into the water without knowing how to swim the laws of spiritual are also open a long time ago and set forth, for example, in the Bible or other religious exercises, and, of course, they reflected In the oral creativity of peoples. Spiritual Law: "Everything that is done is done for the better" - this is not a banal sedative phrase, without calling for the better, but a chance to understand and accept the happening for further spiritual growth.

Understand and take

"All that is done is done for the better" - hears from all sides by any small occasion. But as soon as it comes to serious tragedies, the human mind refuses to take death as science, it is definitely looking for the guilty (he or they, of course, there is always), without understanding the main thing: it is involved in everything that happened to one. Everything for the better is not the slogan of optimists who are not afraid of anything, but the law confirming the right of a person to choose from. The choice is made every second: go - not to go, do - not to do, think - not to think, silent - speak. Taking action, a person chooses (albeit unconsciously) and the responsibility that will suffer for this, so that the expressions "fate ordered" or "God punished" - in fact, the sedative and exclusive phrases for unbelievers. No one punishes anyone for violation of spiritual laws - only everyone himself. It's hard because it becomes excited. But how it is useless to shout in the sky and justify that I forgot the parachute, because I did not sleep, it is also useless to climb your hands about the failed fate and seek the guilty of this.

Everything will be fine

Why is everything that is done - is done for the better? What is being done by law is understandable, but who said that it was for the better? Probably because it is an axiom. She is accepted by heart, and it is almost impossible to prove it with a closed shower. Once at the dawn of civilization were given to a person of knowledge about all the laws, but he preferred to cultivate natural sciences, because they opened the way to profit and power. But not paying attention to the spiritual commandments - it means signing a death sentence, which you can see the history of the last centuries: the sophisticated and grand opening - the ruthless people in relation to each other, the louder shout about the world - that bloody war than the war than war More medications - the more diseases. But the universe is still good to good, and therefore everything that is done - it is done for the better, even if no person will remain in the universe and there will be no one.

The principle of "all for the better" works.

At least I have not yet had a single situation so that it does not work.

Everything that you take is not allowed that it does not happen as I would like that you even crawl yourself - all this goes and is replaced by something much more correct and good for you. And then, of course, you can again lose it. And again comes something better.

For example, an upset breaking of relationships later turned out to be really right and useful - the relationship came much better. The rupture of the following was also beneficial - if there were no painful separation once again, it would not be a much better story later.

Or a big duty that was formed by a crossing like unfavorable circumstances, and had to give him, "due to him, new projects were built faster and not only gave a debt, but life became much easier and more pleasant further, suddenly new opportunities appeared. It was not before.

And after all at the moment when something is happening, you do not know why it is better for you that or another situation - the good that you are late for the train, the sale of what you really wanted did not enter the university, or got into an accident.

The path is often very long. It is forgotten what led to what a chain was, and where it all began. Or awareness is not enough to understand and evaluate the entire scope of what happened, all this chain of events from and to.

I, for example, so - a few years after the events ended, all the worst thing that was, I now consider the main blessing for me. It was how it moved me most in an unexpected, but very good direction. I like where I eventually came.

The causes of "bad", unpleasant events can be the mass, the same esoteric - spoiled something karma, the universe wants to go through a new lesson, the old lesson passed, you wanted too much, clinging or was afraid, or just descended This is exactly what is this destruction and change.

But the fact remains a fact. The most correct, effective is to perceive any situation "all for the better" and with humor.

If, of course, you are adequate, make conclusions, you take responsibility, work, improve your life, develop and move forward.

And not just roll in the pit, saying "all for the better" - so it can do not work.

At the same time, inside the situation is not easy. It is often very painful when you are inside this tornger, you feel here and now emotions about the loss, misunderstanding, for what so with you, because I was still good. It is necessary to simply experience this moment and actively in all directions to continue to act, look for solutions and comprehend what is happening. It is possible that you want to say from above, what lessons you did not learn, or you need to change something in the root in your life.

I began consciously apply "all for the better" as the principle of processing situations, and not just as a popular score with.

This is the fifth rule - "The ability to thank everything: both for good and bad".

I will give it here entirely:

"Thanks for the good, we enhance it, and thanks to because we consider it bad, we transform it into a positive.

All not positive events are low-frequency, but thanks - high-frequency vibration.

Thus, thanks for the bad, we do not interact with the negative and do not allow him to settle in our lives. And if we learn to thank for the events that we do not like, then over time we can realize that through bad always comes good.

When we are not ready to accept a positive (categorical or emotionally dependent on what we set), we are allowed to be cleaned through trouble. And this is not masochism at all, but the understanding of the fact that we are granted a chance to realize what we did not understand before. After all, God does not have a "bad" and "good", God has everything useful, it is important that it would be in its place and performed its function.

Seraphim Sarovsky spoke that very well a man of the usual, unconscious before death a couple of years to cheat, for the soul is cleaned through what the claims, bindings, condemnation of the surrounding people are removed, and thus people get into higher-frequency vibrations. Also, we are given trouble, pointing to where you need to change your attitude. And after the changes to become more successful, rich and happy. "

All his rules - about conscious, positive, grateful or just even (without distortion), i.e. The most effective perception of reality.

Alexander often suggests that in some situations, good can come to us only through bad.

"Depending on what level you are, you will be given:

- either false information (so that you commit a faithful act);
- either the information to which you are willing (and you will definitely need to act!);
- Either the information you need, but if you do not use it, then you will come good through bad. "

But another advice from Alexander Palienko:

Join the ethnic - this is the best environment for conscious lifestyle changes for the better! I am in the feet for the 5th year, without breaks - because it works so well. The nearest elevation starts from February 1, 2020 (newcomers can be enrolled before February 5). Join the company of active interesting Russian-speaking people from all over the world.

"If you want to be rich and successful, and getting good not through bad - wash more energy to humor at the moment when the situation does not give you pleasure. Judge on this.

Because if we begin to condemn what yesterday was used in our lives and, it was normal for us, we laughing today: "yesterday" becomes poor-quality and ineffective for us. However, it was from us because of the compliance of our energy.

When we come to some sad trees, and we don't like everything in it, we need to start thinking creatively about how we would like to see her. This "creative" will save us, so that we did not take other people's problems on ourselves and did not work out this village. For example, they did not restore the road in it.

Condemnation is a rejection. Condeming - we finance the changes, it means that in our life there will be "this village, and her broken roads", while in the very village everything will be fine. "

And from Alexander:

« Happiness is a condition in which you are, regardless of what happens.. This is the emitter that generates events.

If you start depending on the events, you don't just be happy.

A happy person is the one who is happy no matter what is happening, and then on the likeness, relevant events begin to occur.

Here, there was a lot about the transition to a new dimension. We measured everything in length, width, height. And now it goes to the fore and how much love in this.

It is necessary to understand that the most dangerous is now information. Because even if we are talking about love, but at the time of the speaking of love, we do not have love, we pushing people in an even greater condition.

And this means when we read literature in which you need to be very good and qualitatively in order to be happy, which describes the most accurate events that can lead us to happiness, but there is no domestic state of a person who has given this information then this information, it always requires fullness, takes our vital energy in order to be implemented, and the future is always implemented on emotions, and therefore, what is done - our emotions are intensified - it does not matter what, and then through bad begins to come good.

In the Equisians, it is written that "knowledge is plunged into despondency," and not written why. The reason is only one - knowledge should always be less than love. Or love should always be more than knowledge.

When love is more, then love harmonizes knowledge, and leads us to the fortune of happiness. When we have a lot of knowledge, we do not have love, we cannot harmonize the structure of these knowledge, we become arrogant, and say "we know more than you", and how to be in these situations. Or we fall into despondency, because we can not even imagine how we can make this world happy.

So, on any information you always need a stock of love to structure and harmonize it.

If we do not have a lot of love, we have more knowledge, then they enjoy our lives, and do not correctly enter the life to be implemented here in physics.

And it turns out that when we read empty books even about very good things, they lead to the fact that in our life they begin troubles, problems.

In the Bible it is written "Speak from excess feelings", because feelings, emotions form our future.

If you talk and write as correctly, but there is no inner feeling, the state you experience, then these words will create only trouble, problems, difficulties from other people who will read it because they will begin to attract what It happened. They have no emotional state to make it in their lives, and it needs energy. Energy is taken from where? Health, with business, with family relationships. "

The benefits of complex situations for us

Different unexpected and unwanted situations give us a lot:

- Capacity is growing - the ability to lose more and more to get, i.e. move to the next level. And this means that in the future we get a chance to larger changes in life. It is perfectly.

- Sports spirit, effective attitude to life. Stimulate thinking, to realize, change, learn to quickly switch. It's like a simulator, the disease will begin without it, the muscles are atrophy, the power will leave. Will never be in life everything is perfect. But good news - starting with some level of pumping spiritual and material, the problems will turn into just interesting tasks, fear will turn into curiosity, excitement.

- You can declare rights to great power. . Spirit, force is basic concepts in Staloking (Castaneda, etc.)

- We throw us into large changes, make it possible to get them a jerk, very quickly, if before that we were afraid of or did not find time on them. But to relax and take everything is one of the most difficult moments.

Esoteric and psychology

I believe in Esoteric, and in psychology and try to combine. Practice to take the situation as it is, and take all for the best works in both interpretations.


Gratitude, calm, acceptance, positive, humor increase the frequency of vibrations. High-grade aligns everything - what is happening, the future, karma, forms new good events. Staying on a low-frequency wave, you encourage the attraction of new bad events.

Sometimes good can not come to you except through bad.

What is happening "bad" (and it can only be so in your current perception ") - it is usually always compensation - For the past or future. For what was not the right, not correct in your past action or perception, or for your not readiness to perceive current information, for not readiness to change, growth, for the lack of your energy to build the right, correct for you now the future.

At the Universe, God has no duality - there is no black and white, bad and good, everything is equivalent, rightly. All benefit to you in this current situation.

Treat everything as to the game is the right state. Patient as a character, from level to level.

The universe insists that you have passed some situation, learned a lesson, changed their perception of the situation and behavior. If you do not go now - come across again with the same.

Remove categoricality, be flexible in the pleasure of situations, do not react unnecessary emotionally. And then there will be no diseases that could be caused by these psychosomatic reasons. Alexander Palenko often says that The chapter of all problems is worth a hurry. The desire for everything to be as I want right now, as quickly as possible. From the rush, there is a categorical and other emotional and energy breaks.


The acceptance of a difficult situation, as it is, allows you to truthfully look at the situation in which you are. Perhaps somewhere you should work on important resources - work, economics, image, family.

When we are in the inner dissonance - we are trying to give one behind the other, then often we get into some accidents, unpleasant situations, because Inside, everything is aimed at solving this dissonance, and such a "buysotion" happens.

If you decide situations, based on the internal locus of control - based on the most of what you can do right now to solve the situation, so that you become better, then such an attitude and successful solution more and more rectifies Locus. And fixing the locus, finding such a way to solve problems, which is accompanied by preserving and improving self-esteem, gratitude and respect for people and situations - all this affects all subsequent situations very favorable, and even forms good situations.

Your energy, all your promises, your communication becomes less hungry, seeking to blame. And then you automatically become more pleasant to everyone around and yourself too - people intuitively perceive you better than stronger, assessed above. Self-esteem is growing.

You focus more on the fact that "so we will assume that everything is for the better, but what exactly should I do?" Instead, "all this is terrible, I do not want to blame for this, who is to blame?".

Humor and ease of attitude towards situations makes us charming, gratitude, division of borders, internal locus make our significance higher in the eyes of other people.

My yesterday's story

Not for the first time I notice that when I'm trying to tell about something in a blog, then some kind of tin, which was not previously arrived. As if the universe says "you write about it so easily, well, if you are a mock in such a nose situation, can you follow the wonderful positive rules about which you write." But by the way makes it very slightly slightly, but compared to ordinary life it is noticeable.

Therefore, I do not like to write about something in the key "I learned, I am doing so, do everything as I think", but sometimes, of course, it accesses, and then as if they immediately give a situation to check.

Yesterday I wrote a draft of this post and went with a child in Saigon to receive new passport passports. And there early in the morning in a crowded and safe on the sight of the park, where they were engaged in sports around her grandfather and grandfather, it was very unpleasant for my favorite electronic reader Kindl.

In general, the universe is such a popcorn - Yeah, ready to apply the principle, well, apply) and I have never crawled anything in life. And what should I do if you can't do anything? I sit, thinking about everything for the better, and myself in the first half hour the situation on emotions, I can not accept and accept. It is angry that everything could be smooth and successfully in this trip, and not. What is usually all good - for what and why such from a series of outgoing event, I kind of particular rules did not violate?

Then, I, of course, introduced that if I was asked - that you are ready to lose now, if you need something one of the fact that in your hands - your phone, baby, bag with documents and everything, a backpack with other documents or Kindl ?) Of course, Kindl is the smallest evil. If he stole a bag, I would not have been able to calmly go and pick up passports, a long history would start with their recovery. Then, just I remembered how Alexander Palenko said "Through the bad comes good." I remembered how I have recently lost your favorite expensive sports sweater, but I took that, it means, a hint that I need to buy something new, and indeed, I love much more, and I am very glad to replace this replacement, although I had to investigately invest. Gradually released.

I'm talking about that - not the first time I come to the conclusion that very neat need to be self-confidence. When you think that a lesson passed that the smartest, ready for everything, and teach others how to live is very thin ice. And this is not only about blogging.

I'll write all this now, and something else will arrive)

But I, as a researcher, describe the principles that I am most interesting, and may be interested in others.

Plus so that neither happens

It all started, with the fact that the familiar sent me a small therapeutic fairy tale (the author is listed at the end), and I decided to write my thoughts on this topic.

« Matthew principle.

She remembered the anecdote, who recently told his girlfriend.

New Russian came to the store to pass the New Year's garland.

- Does not work? - asks his seller.

- Why? It even works, "the one answers.

- What's the point then?

The buyer sighed and replied:

- Do not please.

So it was: everything seems to be good, but nothing pleased. And a strange thing, but with each month the problem only accumulated.

At first broke through the pipe in the bathroom, and it flooded the neighbors from below. Then scratched the wing of her jeep. Then puppy girlfriend, while they drank tea in the kitchen, spoiled her new Italian shoes. Well, when the picture suddenly fell among the nights and I did not give it a little bit, then she realized that somewhere clearly okat.

When she told about this colleagues in the morning, the marketer of the world just shrugged:

- The principle of Matthew, dear.

- In terms of? - she did not understand.

- Well, in the Bible it is written: "... who has, it will be given and will increase, and who does not have, that is taking away and what he has."

- Who will take away?

- Well, who? "How small, answered the light and raised her eyes to the sky."

- And what to do?

Light sighed:

- Plus.

- What? - she did not understand.

- Everything! - answered she. - And good, and bad.

She would have forgotten about this strange principle, but in a couple of minutes the guard said that the second wing was scratched. And then she decided that it was worth trying this Svetkin law ... Therefore, when at lunch, the director criticized her new project, she calmly replied:

"It's fortunately," and left the cabinet.

I dropped.

Then I decided to make myself pleasant - I went into my favorite cafe. After 10 minutes the secretary called: "Let's back. The chief decided that someone from the competitors became interested in your project, so he urgently put it in development. "

By the end of the week, she answered all small problems: "Passed", "plus", "Fortunately." And squeezed with hearts, they took the larger: "Well, well, and it's in the piggy bank", "all for the better."

And that strange, but some incomprehensible way this principle of Matthew worked. Because somewhere passed, but at the same time some new opportunities were opened. And where she did not expect at all.

And when Misha suddenly decided from her ... She was not even surprised.

- What do you do not care what I'm going now? - he asked indignantly.

"Do not care," she replied - but you are for civil marriage, not ready for children and do not even want to acquaint me with friends. I then have a question to myself: "Why do I need you, if I am for a relationship, I want children and usually the soul of the company?" Therefore, your care, Misha, fortunately. "

He went nuts from such words and even stopped collecting things, but she had already become helped him, pulling the second suitcase ...

Light was right: the principle of Matthew worked, and now no one cut off the pieces from what she had. On the contrary, where there was little, from somewhere he was reel. If problems appeared, then as a lesson or reminder: do not do others bad - it will definitely return. But still there was more good. Most more. Just whoever notices what already has, it will be given and will increase. "

Veronica Kirilyuk

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