How to write a testimonial from a place of work example. How to correctly draw up a description of an employee from the place of work, what to take into account (examples for example). How to write a testimonial from the place of work

Today, when applying for a job, you have to participate in a competition. Fighting for a prestigious position is an indicator of the quality of the chosen position.

Places with a huge turnover, where they are accepted without unnecessary questions, should in themselves raise suspicion. Why is half of the workforce dismissed from there at once?

What can serve as a strong argument in favor of your candidacy? Education, work experience and personal affection are the three pillars on which the success of the event rests.

These qualities are not enough to withstand the competition. Many employers look at the employee from a different angle: education today does not guarantee skills and knowledge.

Corruption has reached this area as well. Experience is different for each enterprise.

It remains to evoke personal sympathy. But the professional person making the decision on the appointment of personnel will not be guided by personal sympathy.

Many bosses are of the opinion: "Let at least be a maniac, if only he knew how to sell our goods."

There remains one small but weighty document: a letter with a description from the last place of work.

A small document, which is not required everywhere today, will become a weighty argument in favor of your candidacy.

An employee cannot forge a document, because it is enough to dial the number and call the previous place of work.

A couple of minutes of personal conversation with your boss will help determine if the document is genuine. Counterfeiting is an instant rejection.

It would be great to have a unified registration system for all organizations and able-bodied people, like a social network, where each employee would have a characteristic according to their abilities.

But the bosses would also be in no hurry to write about the slightest miscalculation, since employees could write a response, which would affect the number of people who want to work in the organization.

An honest and open site of characteristics for workers and managers.

For now, we can confine ourselves to writing. Remember one golden rule: when leaving your job, ask your boss to write a testimonial for you.

Just do not do this if you have had conflicts, because you do not need negative feedback about your ability to work and communication skills.

Sample document preparation:

Such a characteristic is suitable for any organization, it contains complete data about the employee.

You may notice the repetition of the phrase: "Does not smoke, and does not drink." It's too much. Service details are also optional.

A few words about drawing up a characteristic - criteria:

  • The document does not have a single form, it is drawn up on the basis of the data that the employer wishes to voice.
  • It is important to indicate in the document what is not reflected in the official documents. These are the personal qualities of the employee, his labor exploits.
  • You can enter information about merit, the ability to cope with difficult situations.
  • Not to be overrated, the "brilliant performance" seems questionable.
  • There is no need to introduce negative features into the characteristics, since each person has his own shortcomings, and the goal is to show the strengths of the employee, to help the person.
  • If, for the sake of honesty, you want to mention the negative aspects, do it in a benevolent manner: call the bore a pedant, the bully - an energetic and enterprising person.
  • Indicate the basic data: name, experience in your company, date. A seal is a mandatory moment, without it your document is a Filkin's certificate.

Here's another example of a characteristic:

How to write for a trainee

Trainees are another niche. Youngsters taking their first steps towards the cause of their whole life.

For them, the first characteristic is an important sheet that will open the doors for them to the future or make them doubt the correctness of their choice.

Important! Dear employers, if you have a lot of complaints about the quality of work and the behavior of an intern, tell him personally.

Pupils come to an internship precisely to hear criticism.

Do not be afraid to express all claims, but in a gentle way, so that overly sensitive individuals do not change their minds to go in the chosen direction.

Observe how the person treats criticism, how he follows instructions, corrects mistakes. Try to make the characteristic rainbow, do not forget to describe all the advantages.

Write down the little things, this information will be useful to you when writing characteristics.

Create a notebook where each employee will have their own sheet. Write there everything that you notice about a person. This will give you the most accurate document.

Example of trainee characteristics:

Examples of good characteristics

Let's try to write a good description for an employee.

Step-by-step instructions for managers:

  1. Organization name, full details.
  2. Name of the document: characteristic.
  3. Employee data.
  4. Start with how long the employee has worked.
  5. Describe how you handled the job.
  6. Note that there were no complaints.
  7. Describe how you interacted with others.
  8. Add a personal opinion about the character: after all, the document was created in order to describe the character of a person, on which other qualities depend.
  9. Write about your achievements.
  10. Complete the document with signature and seal.

What words of praise to use to more accurately express your approval of the employee's performance:

  • Skillful hands.
  • Without bad habbits.
  • Conscientious.
  • Fair.
  • Communicative.
  • Reliable.
  • Enterprising.
  • With a creative streak.
  • Resistant to stress.
  • Hardy.
  • He has a great sense of humor, good-natured.
  • Polite.
  • Hardworking.

Sample of good performance:

Such a characteristic will help an employee in the future, when hiring, will be an excellent help in a resume.

It is also proof that the boss approves and appreciates his qualities, which is important to a person, pleasant on a personal level. We all need approval.

Even hiding behind a wall of professional relations, everyone is first of all a person, and then a salesman, lawyer or manager.

Useful video

Irina Sherbul


# Business documentation

An important disadvantage of the characteristics from the place of work

Some employers consider the document a formality and use general, vague wording when filling it out. Therefore, it is important to arrange the form so that the answers describe the qualities of the employee in as much detail as possible.

Navigating the article

  • Sample characteristics from the place of work
  • Characteristics for an employee: how to correctly draw up
  • Example of characteristics per employee
  • Production characteristic
  • Positive characteristics from the place of work
  • Characteristics from the previous place of work
  • Service characteristics from the place of work
  • Negative characteristics from the place of work
  • Specification at the place of requirement: when needed, requirements
  • Typical characteristic
  • Who signs and compiles a testimonial from the place of work
  • Request for a characteristic

Today, the job description differs in requirements, content and design from its Soviet predecessor. This document, having survived the chaotic 90s, has again found its relevance. Therefore, employees of HR departments, heads of departments and heads of companies should know how to write a description correctly.

Sample characteristics from the place of work

The finished characteristic from the place of work should be used as a sample in the personnel department of each enterprise. If necessary, looking at a sample (example of writing), it will not be difficult to quickly and accurately create such a document. Let's consider a typical version for 2020.

An example of writing a characteristic from the place of work:

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Some enterprises use a ready-made characteristic template. This form is easy to print and fill out quickly. The form of characteristics from the place of work is as follows:

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Characteristics for an employee: how to correctly draw up

Characteristics of an employee (employee) is a short in form and capacious in content, objective and reliable feedback about a person who works or worked at the enterprise. It should be informative and devoid of emotion.

The author of the characteristic clearly describes the professional qualities of the employee, his level of qualifications in the specialty and position he occupies (or occupied). The personal qualities of the employee are indicated solely from the standpoint of corporate interests.

You should not write the history of the employee's life. It is only required to note his labor activity in this enterprise, achievements, skills, knowledge, personal qualities obtained and shown only in this work.

Other stages of the biography outside this institution are indicated by the employee himself in his resume or autobiography.

The standard specification consists of three parts:

  1. General: surname, name, patronymic; Date of Birth; full details of the company; the period of work at this enterprise (from the date of employment to the present day or to the date of dismissal).
  2. Work experience (at this enterprise): transfers to another position; promotion or demotion; advanced training (courses, trainings, etc. - indicating the name, place, period of study).
  3. Personal assessment: professional qualities; relationships with colleagues, subordinates and management.

Political and religious views, hobbies, details of personal life, living conditions, health status of the employee are not indicated in the job description.

Example of characteristics per employee

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How to write a characteristic correctly

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts do not regulate the preparation of this document. To date, there are no clearly established requirements for it. There are only generally accepted recommendations for the design and content of the so-called recommendation letter.

The job description should be written in a formal business or a neutral third-person storytelling style in the present or past tense.

Colloquial jargon is unacceptable, artistic elements and lyrical digressions are inappropriate. You do not need to use abbreviations (especially highly specialized terms). Pronouns should be avoided. The text should be small in volume, capacious in content and accessible and understandable in the form of presentation.

Production characteristic

Production characteristic is a document that is drawn up and issued by the company where the employee works (or worked) only at his request. Such a formal assessment by the company's management may be required to undergo a medical commission or social examination.

This characteristic makes it possible to determine the professional suitability of an employee in terms of his state of health, as well as the degree of disability and the group of disability. Such a document is created for the ITU (medical and social expertise) or VTEK (medical and labor expert commission). Therefore, if there is a nurse (paramedic, doctor) in the staff of the enterprise, this type of characteristic, in addition to the chief (manager), is signed by a medical officer.

The document is written, as a rule, on standard forms. It is allowed to fill in a standard form of characteristics, but in this case, a record of the degree of disability (disability) of the employee is required.

This document is printed in two copies: one is issued to the employee, and the second is stored in the archive of the enterprise.

In addition to the standard marks, the structure of the production characteristic must have special data. The Medical Commission, which asks for the performance characteristics, is interested in the following information:

  • nature of work - manual or mechanized (machine);
  • working conditions: schedule, mode, duration of work shift and break, duration of annual leave;
  • paragraph on business trips: if the employment contract provides for the direction of the employee on business trips, then their frequency, average duration is indicated;
  • in the presence of difficult working conditions in the workplace with an obvious risk to the health and life of the employee, this important aspect should be definitely mentioned;
  • assessment of the employee's labor efficiency.

On the basis of the production characteristics with the content of these nuances, it is concluded whether the employee can perform the labor duties assigned to him for his health.

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Positive characteristics from the place of work

If an employee quit under the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation "of his own free will" and this desire really came from him, and not from his management, who showed physical or psychological pressure, threats, then, as a rule, the characteristic is excellent.

An employee who performed his duties impeccably and promptly, complied with the norms of discipline, corporate ethics and completely satisfied the former employer, but quit for health reasons, family reasons, in connection with a change of residence, will receive a good description from the former place of work.

In this case, the main role is played by the human factor: did the employee manage to maintain good relations with the team and management after dismissal. This is an important indicator for a new employer, which will become an additional plus in the struggle for a vacancy.

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Characteristics from the previous place of work

The characteristic from the previous (former) place of work is written according to the standard scheme for filling out the form established at the enterprise. The only caveat is that the text should be written in the past tense. This document is drawn up by the head of the previous place of work and issued to the employee for employment at a new place of work.

An example of a characteristic from the last place of work:


Service characteristics from the place of work

Service characteristic is an official document that is an objective assessment of the official, scientific, creative activity of an employee, indicating his business, personal, moral and psychological qualities.

In addition to personal data, such a manager's review of his subordinate contains an assessment of the level of his professional training:

  • competence in accordance with the position held: work experience in this position, knowledge of their rights and performance of duties, professional knowledge and skills, self-education;
  • efficiency: the quality of the work result, the timeliness and accuracy of tasks, the ability to organize working hours, adapt to changes and navigate difficult situations related to work;
  • business qualities (in the case of a characteristic for a manager): the ability to plan, organize, distribute the work of subordinates, convey to everyone his tasks and responsibilities, monitor the work they have done, resolve corporate conflicts and analyze the overall performance of his department (branch);
  • psychological qualities: level of culture, mastery of corporate ethics, relationships with colleagues and communication with clients, self-criticism.

Such specific information about an employee may be of interest to the top management of the company when deciding on the transfer of an employee, promotion or demotion, awarding an award or imposing a penalty.

Negative characteristics from the place of work

Objectivity is the main requirement for a document. The boss must indicate not only the employee's merits, but also his shortcomings, including conflicts that actually occurred at the workplace, reprimands, penalties for damage caused, and fines.

It is important that these "minuses" correspond to reality, and not be an act of revenge.

A bad performance from a previous job will not give a positive result, especially in finding the desired job with better working conditions. This negative document can only confirm the charge against the employee in court.

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Specification at the place of requirement: when needed, requirements

The information specified in the characteristics from the last job is of interest, first of all, to the new employer - when looking for a main job, part-time job, when transferring to a new job (and under a different leadership). In such cases, "service reviews" are divided into external and internal.

An internal characteristic from the place of work is necessary for the transfer of an employee, promotion in position, awarding a rank, for rewarding or imposing a disciplinary sanction. An internal characteristic for an employee is used only within the boundaries of his place of work and is stored in a personal file.

An external characteristic from the place of work is drawn up either at the request of the employee himself upon dismissal (for further employment), or sent upon request - to law enforcement agencies, to the prosecutor's office, to the court (when hearing civil, administrative and criminal cases) or to a new employer.

This document is filed to the case of deprivation of parental rights, and it is also necessarily contained in a full package of certificates for registration of guardianship, guardianship, adoption. It is mandatory to provide a characteristic for the employee upon request to the military registration and enlistment office - in case of an employee's call for urgent military service.

Only a positive characteristic from the place of work will allow you to obtain a visa at the consulate of the country where the employee wants to go on a business trip or for personal purpose.

Often, a job description upon dismissal is needed by the employee himself for potential employers who pay attention not only to the diploma of education and work experience, but also to the opinion of the candidate of his former manager. It is important for the boss to know what exactly the employee can do, how he fulfills the instructions of the management, solves problems, communicates with the team, clients, etc.

Only such an official review gives an expanded view of the candidate, together with the resume, and causes more confidence in the employer.

Typical characteristic

Typical characteristics are similar in structure and requirements to the standard samples of this document. The main difference is a more detailed assessment of one or more items.

For example, some employers indicate in the column “physiological characteristics” the presence of contraindications for health reasons to perform certain work duties or assignment of a disability group. Often, in accordance with the place where the typical characteristics are required, such a review of the employee also contains an assessment of his living conditions, family relations - for example, the presence of a disabled child or bedridden parents requiring care.

Sometimes in a request for a characterization, they require an indication of the presence (absence) of an employee's criminal record, bad habits.

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Who signs and compiles a testimonial from the place of work

Correct and competent writing of characteristics from the place of work is the responsibility of the personnel department employees. But the Russian reality is such that often due to the employment of the head of the personnel department and his subordinates, the writing of this document is entrusted to the employee himself. If there is time and desire, the employee's immediate superior can draw up a description.

The personnel department only needs to issue a form for filling. Moreover, each organization may have its own formats and letterhead for characterization from the place of work. But in any case, this document in the design must comply with the following structure:

  • a4 sheet format;
  • details of the organization: full official name, legal address, phone number, main state registration number (OGRN or OGRNIP - individual entrepreneur);
  • the date of issue, the signature of the person who drew up the document (the head of the department where the employee worked, the head of the organization or the inspector of the personnel department) and the seal of the company - without these details, the paper will not be a document, will have no legal force.

A recommendation characteristic is an extremely positive review of a person who presents an employee to a potential employer in the best light from a professional point of view. Therefore, the main emphasis should be placed in the content on professional achievements and personal dignity of the employee.

The main requirements for such an assessment are objectivity and credibility. It is necessary to concisely, informatively and reasonably present a professional as an ideal and best candidate for a vacancy.

It is advisable that the document is drawn up and signed by a leader with authority in this field of activity. Only then can we talk about trust in the content of the letter of recommendation and a high probability for the employee to receive a position, award, grant, etc.

It is imperative that at the end of the characteristics-recommendation, it is necessary to indicate the full details of the author, his contact numbers, email address, address of the place of work, so that the new employer can easily check the information contained in the document in person.

If a person at the previous place of work left only positive memories of himself and managed to maintain good relations with management and former colleagues, you should take this opportunity and ask for a letter of recommendation. A positive characteristic will increase the chances of quick employment in a prestigious place and a promising position.

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This type of production characteristic refers to internal documents. The assessment of the professional activity, business and personal qualities of an employee is described only from the positive side.

In this document, it is important to note the employee's labor merits, professional achievements and qualities, thanks to which he was able to become a successful and effective employee.

The award characteristic is not only a way of rewarding an employee by management, but also a means of motivating other employees to achieve that employee's level.

Example of characteristics per employee for awarding a certificate of honor

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Request for a characteristic

A request for the characteristics of an employee from the place of work is submitted either by authorized bodies (according to the established model), or by a potential employer.

The second case is complicated by the fact that the new manager, in accordance with the law, can submit a request for a characterization of an employee from his previous place of work only with his written consent. Otherwise, without the official consent of the employee, the actions of the potential employer will be illegal and regarded as a prohibited invasion of privacy and violation of personal data protection.

In order to double-check the accuracy of the information provided by the applicant in the resume or application form, the employer must take written permission from the candidate to verify the information. At the same time, it is advisable for the new employer to first explain to the employee the purpose of this request, the specific information of interest, the method of obtaining a response.

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A characteristic is an important document in which personal information about an employee is indicated, with a description of his personal and professional qualities. A document is drawn up depending on the requirements and authorities where it will be submitted. Previously, according to the compiled information, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the competence and personal qualities of a person, about his characterological characteristics.

There are various situations where people need to participate in legal proceedings. In these cases, it is required to provide a testimonial from the last place of work. Much determines the type of process - criminal or civil. Each has its own nuances of describing an employee with an emphasis on certain qualities.

The civil litigation will consider the performance of work duties, promising career advancement, stability of employment. When adopting, it is advisable for the plaintiff or the defendant to provide a document that describes the positive qualities and financial security.

The structure of the characteristics to the court is represented by the following sections:

  • date and place of compilation;
  • Full name, position, date of birth;
  • herds of work from the last place of work;
  • marital status and family composition;
  • education, courses, skills;
  • details and company name;
  • description of the type of activity that the employee is engaged in;
  • military service;
  • achievements, encouragements, awards.

The characteristic is certified by the head or head of the personnel department. Important wording is the ability to pay and the level of wages, the level of professionalism, business potential, relationships with colleagues and responsibility.

To whom it May concern

Depending on the types and purposes of drawing up, a document of external and internal type is distinguished. The external one is drawn up at the place of demand - to the bank, the military registration and enlistment office, state bodies and structures, to the police, etc. When drawing up, they are guided by generally accepted rules for drawing up business documents. The personality, labor achievements, stress resistance, conflict, behavior in a team, attitude towards colleagues, competence are described.

The general description should create an image of the person and help form the right opinion.



FULL NAME works in (company name) from 01.02.2018 to the present day as a consultant manager.

He has a good reputation in the team, relations with colleagues are friendly, open, always responsive. Clients appreciate him for his high culture of communication and professional approach to work.

He copes with the assigned tasks and problems creatively, quickly and efficiently. Has excellent communication. When challenging goals are set, he always copes with them and provides useful advice.

He works to improve his qualifications and professional level, is engaged in self-development and training. He always comes to the aid of others, for which he is appreciated in the team.

Independent in work, performs various complex types of tasks from the management.

To be provided at the place of request.

Date __________ Signature ____________

Production worker

This type of document characterizes the employee's abilities and skills. Often given to a new job so that the employer has the opportunity to find out about the applicant for the position.

Drawn up and signed by the head of the company. It is imperative to indicate reprimands, warnings, penalties that were the result of serious violations.

Requirements and structure of production characteristics:

  • serial number of the document and date of preparation;
  • chronology of employment and formation in the workplace;
  • the presence of incentives, violations, penalties;
  • the signature of the head and the seal of the company.

The characteristic should objectively describe a person in terms of his qualifications and attitude to work.


Inventory accounting specialist V.P. Ivanchenko has been working in the company for two years. She has a number of positive professional qualities: responsible, conscientious about duties, complies with and adheres to corporate instructions and legislative standards. Prepares reports on time, maintains documentation correctly.

Participates in the corporate life of the team, has a good reputation, is appreciated in the team for an open attitude and hard work.



Petrova Nina Vasilievna, works in the shopping center "Gorod" located at the address: Moscow, Entuziastov highway, 12, building 2.

Nina Vasilievna started working as a sales consultant, but having shown responsibility and customer focus, she was transferred to the status of a sales manager.

For all the time of work, Nina Vasilyevna has shown herself as a responsible, executive and disciplined employee, striving to improve her level of knowledge and high-quality performance of the assigned work.

Nina Vasilievna attaches great importance to labor protection and the implementation of safety measures, complies with the internal rules in force in the company, and the daily routine.

For all the time of work, Nina Vasilievna showed herself as a conscientious worker, quickly performing her duties, and able to cope with a large volume of work in a short time. Communicates politely and tactfully with all colleagues and clients of the company. Hardworking, honest, punctual, knows how to work in a team. Does not create conflict situations in the team, tries to solve the conflict situations that have arisen in the team from the outside. Works very responsibly with documentation.

During my work, I have never received any reprimands or penalties for any violations.

Manager of the sales department Semenova I.R.

Sample per employee - driver

Reasons for drawing up

Issued in 2 cases:

  • at the personal request of the employee;
  • in response to requests of external and internal type.

External characteristics - compiled at the request of the driver himself or other users: bank, court, law firm. Internal is provided on the demand of acts issued by the company's management bodies. In case of transfer to another department or position.

Text structure

Composed in free form without a standard form. An exception is requests to government agencies when a specific form is issued.

It is conventionally divided into 5 parts:

  1. Title.
  2. Personal data.
  3. Labor activity.
  4. The main part is personal qualities.
  5. Conclusion.


samara, st. Builders, 2A


Born in 1980, secondary specialized education.

In 2001 he graduated from the Samara College with a degree in auto mechanic.

In 2010 he was hired by LLC "Garant" as a driver.

There were no accidents or violations during these years. Responsibly fulfills the assigned tasks. Always cares about the technical condition of the vehicle. On repeated requests he served as a mechanic.

Polite and considerate towards others. Colleagues respect and appreciate him. I did not violate labor discipline.

In 2017, he was awarded a diploma and monetary awards for honest work and conscientious attitude.

The characteristic is issued for presentation at the place of demand.

Director _______

Signature _______ transcript

Chief accountant and accountant-cashier

The characteristic must indicate: whether the employee complies with legislative regulations, how he keeps records of each section, how he calculates wages and taxes, whether he adheres to cash discipline, whether he conducts payment and settlement transactions of various types, prepares and submits reports, owns software, maintains audit.

In addition, it is important to indicate such qualities as: perseverance, attentiveness, accuracy, responsibility, patience, accuracy.

Lawyer or legal adviser

Large enterprises have a legal department that deals with drafting contracts, checking the compliance of documents with legislation, and court cases. A specialist should not only be competent in his activities, but also have a good command of the skills of a professional.

It is important to indicate in the document: what kind of court cases the employee was involved in, the level of preparedness in solving legal and legal issues, duties and verification of various contractual acts.

It is necessary to indicate personal qualities that are important for conflict-free work in a team.


Limited Liability Company "Garant"

samara, st. Builders, 2A


Given to full-time lawyer Vladislav Nikolaevich Makarenko, born in 1980. Education - higher legal.

In 2007 he was hired as a lawyer.

Responsibilities include:

  • drafting and analyzing contracts;
  • preparation of internal documents;
  • representing the interests of the organization;
  • participation in legal proceedings.

Does not violate labor discipline. Respected by colleagues, responsive, sociable.

The characteristic is given for presentation at the place of demand.

Director ___________ (full name)

Teacher (teacher)

This type of document can be written by a school director or head teacher. It is compiled mainly when passing recertification, for rewarding, participating in competitions, employment or on personal request.

In addition to the standard sections, the teacher's characteristics indicate: how many graduations he had, what methodological topic he studies, what program is used in the teaching system, possession of new technologies in the educational process, work with students and parents.

To confirm the professional level, you can indicate the achievements of students at various Olympiads.



on Makarenko Vladislav Nikolaevich physics teacher

the highest qualification category

Samara secondary school number 1

Makarenko V.N. has been working in this institution since 2010. During this period, he showed himself as a proactive and responsible employee.

Makarenko V.N. perfectly uses new methodological and technological approaches in the learning process. He successfully uses them in practice, which significantly increases the level of academic performance and student interest.

It is characterized as a competent, qualified teacher who knows the features and problems of learning in this subject. The personal orientation of education allows you to motivate children and assimilate knowledge well.

She pays special attention to extracurricular activities in order to increase the communication activity of students. For this, it organizes events, competitions, and developmental tournaments.

The classroom leadership focuses on class cohesion, taking into account the individual characteristics of each student. Creates various situations so that children can react and reason correctly in such cases in real life. Parents appreciate his work with students.

She actively participates in methodological conferences, training camps, seminars, improves her qualifications during the course.

The characteristic is given for presentation in __________

Director ______ (full name)


Doctor (medical worker)

In the case of writing a reference certificate for a medical institution employee, it becomes difficult to describe all the responsibilities and focus on a specific aspect. For such a compilation, it is important to indicate the moral, qualification, scientific, business qualities.

This is a rather serious document, which should fully describe not only personal characteristics, but also the comprehensive responsibility of this area.

A mandatory point is to highlight the response in force majeure situations that relate to the safety of the patient's health and life.

Cleaning lady

OJSC "Eurostar"

Characteristic for Yakovleva Elena Viktorovna

During his work in this organization from 01.20.18 to 01.12.19 as a cleaner, Yakovleva E.V. has established itself as a responsible employee, a professional in her field. She is characterized by: high efficiency, sociability, conflict-free. I would especially like to emphasize that Yakovleva E.V. gets along well with people. Elena Viktorovna always accurately performs her work, monitors labor discipline. Yakovleva is respected among colleagues. She does not smoke, does not drink alcoholic beverages. There are no complaints or comments about her work.

Issued by:

Head of AHO (Antonova M.P.)



In the company LLC "Atmosphere"employee Komarov Alexander Fedorovich works since 2012 a janitor.

While working Komarov, Alexander Fedorovich proved himself to be an honest, responsible, hardworking, executive person.

Komarov Alexander Fedorovich, due to his position, he has to do a lot of physical activity, with which he copes very well. Colleagues emphasize that Komarov Alexander Fedorovich he is also a very good conversationalist, he is open and friendly when communicating.

One of the main qualities Komarov Alexander Fedorovich Is hard work. If necessary, he is ready to stay and work after hours. He tries in every possible way to be useful to the company.

Bad habits Komarov Alexander Fedorovich does not have, which is very important for the person who holds this position.

The characteristic is issued for transmission to the place of demand.

Issued by:

(Andreev A.N.)

Laboratory assistant


Mikhailov A.V. has been working as a senior laboratory assistant since December 2011. He performs his duties at a high level, is proactive, and is clearly guided by instructions.

Mikhailov knows, complies with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents for laboratory research, analyzes and tests. Alexander Vladimirovich independently works on all the equipment available in the laboratory, including the new one.

Alexander Vladimirovich monitors the implementation of other research techniques, analyzes, tests to determine the characteristics, composition, properties of materials in accordance with existing standards and specifications. Mikhailov personally examines the results of research, analyzes and tests of technological samples and samples, prepares reports on their basis, submits conclusions for consideration to the laboratory management.

Mikhailov takes into account the work performed by the laboratory by type, volume and time, and also timely informs the heads of departments and officials of the company about the results of research, analyzes and tests. With knowledge of the matter, Mikhailov directs auxiliary and preparatory operations for carrying out particularly complex laboratory work, and, if necessary, performs them personally. He does it efficiently and in the exact time allotted for this.

Mikhailov coordinates the activities of technicians who are part of the working group dealing with new research methods, analyzes and tests. Alexander Vladimirovich maintains installations, instruments, instruments and other laboratory equipment in good condition.

In accordance with the established requirements, Mikhailov maintains the technical documentation of the laboratory, regularly makes proposals aimed at improving the laboratory's work. Mikhailov conscientiously and responsibly fulfills other duties of a senior laboratory assistant. He constantly improves his professional skills, knows, applies best practices in the field of research, analysis and testing of materials in his daily work.

Mikhailov diligently does his job. He is efficient, uses his working time rationally, is neat, tidy, physically healthy.

In the event of sudden changes in the production environment, Mikhailov acts energetically and confidently. He often submits motivated, well-considered proposals to the laboratory management. Mikhailov fulfills decisions, instructions and instructions from the laboratory management with high quality, on time and on time.

He is fluent in methods of communication and processing of business, scientific and technical information, including documented information.

Mikhailov maintains good relations with all colleagues. He is an example of business ethics and decency. He did not commit any unseemly and unworthy deeds. Mikhailov takes criticism calmly, eliminates shortcomings as quickly as possible.


  • Mikhailov A.V. corresponds to his position.
  • Alexander Vladimirovich needs to be encouraged. He needs to express gratitude for the conscientious performance of the work entrusted to him and the achievement of high results in it.


Compiled at the request of the employee. Most of the cases are new employment, loan processing. As with all standard types of documents, it must be composed of mandatory sections.

In the main part, attention should be paid to the performance of official duties. It is important to indicate on which site or workshop it works, knowledge of cooking technology and technological maps, knowledge of various work techniques.

The chef must not only perform the preparation of dishes, but also lead and cooperate with the team for a well-coordinated work.


Limited Liability Company "Garant"

samara, st. Builders, 2A


Adopted to the position of chef on 21.03.2010.

Raises the level of professional knowledge by taking courses and master classes.

In the team, he shows leadership qualities, for which he is respected. Sociable, good at unforeseen situations, excellent contact with clients.

Does not violate safety measures.

The characteristic is given for presentation in _______

Director _______ (full name)


Kindergarten teacher

Employees of preschool educational institutions undergo recertification to improve the category and level of competence. In this case, the characteristics are made by the parents with confirmation from the head of the preschool institution. If the certificate is provided during the transfer, new employment, then it is written on behalf of the director.

The characteristics indicate: the teacher's ability to work with children of different ages, the organization of groups, the observance of order, the use of pedagogical methods in work, in new approaches, the solution of conflict situations between children.

The teacher must observe the sanitary and personal hygiene of the child, skills in finding a "common language" with the problem category of pupils.


The organization of the educational process is based on pedagogical requirements and programs. The main focus in the work is the development of independence, the personality of the child, the disclosure of potential and creative abilities.

The teacher's interest in innovative approaches and developments is manifested in the high achievements of the pupils. The group constantly takes an active part in regional competitions.

Completed refresher courses. Awarded with a diploma from the Office of Preschool Educational Institutions.

Purposefulness, the presence of one's own opinion, respect for colleagues, and prudence stand out among the personal qualities.



Vetrova Margarita started her work in the newspaper "Pravda" as a freelance journalist in the news section in October 2011. In December 2011, by order of the editor-in-chief, she was hired as an assistant editor-in-chief of the news section. Margarita is currently working in this position.

While working in our newspaper, Margarita demonstrated her best qualities as a journalist and assistant editor-in-chief. She has an analytical mindset, is able to work quickly, quickly switches from task to task, knows how to “see” and reveal topics of interest to the reader, has a broad outlook, and knows how to write in the desired style.

As an assistant to the editor-in-chief, Margarita performed the following functions:

  • followed the work of other correspondents;
  • carried out stylistic and literary editing of materials;
  • filled news columns, searched for interesting topics;
  • selected illustrations;
  • collected, coordinated comments with experts.

Margarita performed her job duties simply flawlessly, therefore, as her direct supervisor, I can recommend her for work in such a position.

Editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Pravda" (Nefedov P.V.)

number, signature

Security guard

LLC "Vera"

moscow, st. Krasnoselskaya, 4


On Dmitriev Pavel Nikolaevich

Dmitriev P.N. worked in the company from 04/12/18 to 12/15/19 as a security guard.

During this time Dmitriev P.N. proved to be a conscientious employee. He is executive, responsibly treats entrusted affairs, clearly fulfills official duties. Dmitriev P.N. possesses high professional and moral qualities, does not smoke, does not abuse alcoholic beverages.

He is attentive, communicates well with the team, always tries to help his colleagues. Dmitriev is a very kind person. He has a rational approach to work and is respected in the team. I have never received any complaints from the management.

Chief of security Sergeev M.A.

To the police in a criminal case

Compiled for the following reasons:

  • to study a person who is being prosecuted as a suspect, accomplice or witness;
  • when applying for a job in law enforcement agencies;
  • in case of problems with the law of minors who work and the police are interested in them in order to study the personality.

There is no universal form, but an example structure should contain:

  • date;
  • Name, education, qualifications and work experience;
  • information about who draws up the document;
  • the specifics of work;
  • a description of the employee's personality, indicating all the positive and negative aspects, the occurrence of conflicts in the team, the attitude towards colleagues;
  • marital status.

It is important to write a description in the first person, preferably a leader. This will form an initially good opinion of the person.

Head of HR department


Svetlova Galina Ermolovna, born in 1987, has been working as the head of the personnel department of Meteor LLC since August 2012. The duties of Galina Ermolovna include a personnel report, preparation of personnel documentation, organization of interviews, conducting trainings, master classes for employees.

Galina Ermolovna has established herself as a responsible and attentive to details specialist, capable of managing a team of 6-8 people, keeping personnel records of a team of 200 people. He has an excellent knowledge of labor legislation and successfully applies it in practice. The audit carried out by the state authorities showed that the firm respects the labor rights of its employees. All papers are processed without errors and on time.

Galina Ermolovna knows how to take into account the interests of employees and quickly resolves conflict situations. During the leadership of the personnel department of Galina Yermolovna, none of her employees applied to the labor inspection, since all disputable situations and conflicts were resolved within the firm.

Galina Ermolovna is fluent in the method of effective personnel selection. She selects employees with the necessary qualifications and experience. Galina Yermolovna participated in all interviews conducted in the firm. She also personally organizes testing with potential employees.

Galina Ermolovna is constantly improving her professional skills. Over the 5 years spent in the company, she completed 3 advanced training courses in the field of HR, and also attended 5 thematic seminars.

For all the years of work, Galina Ermolovna has shown herself as a benevolent, calm, self-confident person. She knows how to find an approach to each employee, creates a relaxed and friendly atmosphere in the team.


The demand for such a document forms the basic rules and requirements for its preparation. It is necessary to consistently indicate the main components of the sections so as not to write everything chaotically.

The logical sequence and chronology make it possible, in general terms, to compose an image of a person and to preliminarily understand his specifics of activity.

Form - form (sample for filling)

Ready-made templates for filling out characteristics

Depending on the place of provision, it is necessary to focus on those features and qualities that will be considered first. For the correct characterization, it is better to use this generally accepted form.

Characteristics of a legal advisor

Below you will find similar profiles, compiled especially for you by a legal advisor who works in the HR department.

We characterize the leaders: chiefs and directors, managers and managers, executives of all forms of ownership.

Typical documents are also provided to the bodies of the state automobile inspection. See further.

If a person deserves a negative characterization, then the award has found its “hero” in the form of a negative characterization and feedback about his work and personal qualities of both the employee and the person. How to compose - see below.

After working in the organization for 6 months, the employee has the right to receive an official document from the administration, which defines him as an employee. Such a document is called a characteristic. It is required to study the qualities of a person by employers, they evaluate a potential employee and accept or not subsequently join the company.

Important: the information that is given in the characteristics of the hired worker is checked. Inconsistency is excluded.

It is important to find out what it is used for. The content depends on it. The characteristic is presented to the traffic police in order to return the driver's license. Often needed to get a bank loan. In such circumstances, the document will talk not only about the personal qualities of an employee of the enterprise.

When a person requires a characterization in order to change the place of his current work, then in addition to the qualities of character (sociability, responsibility, diligence in each case), they list the employee's achievements at the enterprise (stages of the formation of a professional career, attitude to work).

The characteristic is:

  • internal... Created to promote or demote a subordinate in a position within the same enterprise. When transferring an employee to another department, financial reward.
  • External... This type of document is done by a third-party company with the aim of inviting an employee to a position.

The document is issued to an employee upon his dismissal or at the request of government agencies.

Requirements for design and content

Before completing, discuss this with the employee and require written consent from him that information about him will be passed on to others.

The legislation does not regulate forms and forms. The text of the document is written in the form that is established in the local acts of the enterprise. But more often it is issued on the letterhead of the organization. When it is requested by representatives of government agencies, it contains a link to them.

It is not allowed that the document discloses the topic of the employee's nationality, his living conditions, religious views and other things that are not related to professional qualities.

  • personal qualities and psychological profile;
  • employee qualifications;
  • data on incentives for achievements, awards.

It is compiled by an employee of the personnel department in writing, contains the date, details of the enterprise, an indication of the official, who issued and compiled. Written by the head of the department or the HR manager. In addition to the signature of the authorized person, the seal of the organization is affixed.

The document is registered in the journal according to the rules of business practice.

The employee's education is not indicated in the document. When an employee is a suitable candidate for a new job, it is allowed to recommend to employers from another firm those positions where he is fully revealed.

Approximate design template for characteristics from the previous place of work:

Features of writing characteristics upon dismissal

It is important to know how to correctly write a description for an employee when he is fired. When a person is employed for a new job, he will need one from the previous employer.

Pay attention to the business qualities of the employee, the position held, and the level of professional development. When a person is hardworking, tell us about his ability to make contact with people, improve the work process, and more.

According to the law, a person who worked at the enterprise and was dismissed has the right to request a characterization for himself within the next three years. But more often than not, employees do not require such documents (the reasons for this are different).

Feature for court

It is possible that the court may request the necessary information about the person from the enterprise. When a person is brought to administrative or criminal liability, it will significantly affect the outcome of the case. Consult a professional lawyer.

Each organization must have a letterhead for preparing business documents. When requested from the court, the full name of the enterprise, contact numbers and postal address are indicated. Under the address part, the word "characteristic" must be written in large letters and after that the data of the employee for whom the document is being created is indicated.

After that, information about citizenship is compiled, how long he worked in the company, position. An important nuance is an indication of all achievements on the career ladder, personal rewards for work (cash bonuses or certificates). The attitude towards the fulfillment of the assigned duties is indicated.

The main part is the assessment of labor qualities as an employee, relationships with colleagues and the time spent on social work. The presence of a direct indication of what is issued at the request of the court is mandatory.

The compiled description is signed by the head of the enterprise or the director of the company. The document is certified by the HR manager.

An example of a characteristic for a court:

When conducting a trial where an employee is involved, the body requests a testimonial from the last workplace. When a person recently received a new job, it will be necessary to submit to the court a written testimony from each enterprise where he worked. Compiled independently of each other.

Feature for the police

When a document is created for the police, attention is paid to the character of the person, this plays an important role. It is drawn up on the letterhead of the organization, where the phone numbers, address of the company are indicated.

In the middle of the sheet is the word "characteristic". On a new page, all personal information about the employee who got into the police or interacts with it is indicated. The date of entry into the current staff headquarters is indicated. The position held is taken into account.

Most often, such papers are drawn up for those employees who have withdrawn their driver's license or have committed an administrative offense of another kind. In the document, you need to "defend" the employee and indicate his dignity and performance of important tasks that are related to the police case (when a person's rights were taken away, mention his professional driving skills, which went to the good of the company).

Attention is focused on diligence and reliability. Signed by the management and certified by the official seal of the company.

Compilation of negative

When a leader is dissatisfied with the work of a subordinate, he draws up an "unflattering" description of his activities. But in this moment there is also a downside - a poor assessment of the work will affect the subsequent reputation of the enterprise. The organization will be badly thought of, since it takes unscrupulous workers for cooperation. It is necessary to receive material punishment. Or the law enforcement agencies asked for such a compilation.

It is done according to the standard model. The main part is necessary for the disclosure of all negative qualities. List any personal or professional deficiencies. When, after the expiration of the term, the subordinate did not violate, the penalty is canceled automatically.

An interesting video about the features of compiling a characteristic in Germany:

Hello! In this article, we will talk about the employee profile.

Today you will learn:

  1. When a characteristic is needed;
  2. What characteristics are there;
  3. What design rules apply to the characteristics.

What is an employee characteristic

A characteristic is a document that contains an assessment of the qualities of an employee (both personal and professional), and may also contain information about a person's social activities.

The compilation of the characteristics is carried out either at the request of the employee, or at the request of any external organizations.

The requirements for this document are not regulated at the legislative level, there are only general rules for drawing up, specified in GOST R 6.30-2003.

What is the characteristic for

In many respects, its content depends on where the characteristic is intended. If it is provided at the request of a banking organization or the police, an assessment of the employee's moral qualities will be sufficient.

If it is drawn up in order to be provided at a new place of work, then such qualities of a person should also be revealed that indicate that he is an excellent highly qualified specialist.

What are the characteristics

All characteristics are generally divided into 2 large groups: external and internal. Internal ones are usually only used by the company in which they were issued. They are made up if you are transferred from one department to another, promoted, and so on.

External type characteristics are more common. They are provided to third-party organizations, banking institutions, law enforcement agencies, and so on.

Regardless of what type the characteristic belongs to, it must be certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the issuing organization.

Who prepares and signs the characteristics

The preparation of the characteristics is carried out by the immediate manager of the employee. If the organization is small and the leader is a single person, then he is also involved in resolving issues with characteristics.

The person who created the characteristic will sign the document; if the organization has an employee of the HR department, he also signs the document.

How to write a characteristic correctly

First of all, let's figure out which components should be contained in a typical characteristic.

So this:

  1. Name. In our case, this is a "characteristic".
  2. Surname and initials of the employee. Must be written in full.
  3. The position held by the employee. Also unabridged.
  4. The age of the employee. In principle, an optional item.
  5. When the employee started and when he finished work in the specified position.
  6. Achievements in the profession, awards (if any).
  7. Information about whether the employee went through, whether he received additional. education.
  8. Information about penalties (if any).
  9. Information about the service skills of the employee, his skills.
  10. Information about personal qualities (most often about mobility and stress resistance, the level of conflict).

A characteristic from the place of work is either written by hand or typed on a computer. Usually they are printed on A4 paper.

The points that we talked about earlier should be fully reflected in the document, and you need to complete the writing of the employee's characteristics by indicating where and for what purpose it will be provided.

Also, do not forget to include the date and year when the characteristic was drawn up, and then do not forget to put the seal of the organization.

The characteristic does not have an expiration date, it can be provided at the place of demand at any time. But if suddenly it is lost, it can be re-composed at any time.

In the process of considering a case in the judicial authorities in which an employee of your organization is involved, you may need to characterize him from the place of work.

Note that a characteristic of this type is one of the most difficult types. There are situations when the characterization will determine what decision the court will make in relation to a person. In this regard, this characteristic is often made not by an employee of the personnel service, but by the manager himself.

The characteristic for the court is drawn up on the company letterhead. Be sure to indicate the marital status of a person, indicate the number of children and the age of each. Also indicate information about education, military service.

The characteristic should also include data that characterize the personal qualities of a person. Moreover, you need to reflect both positive and negative. This is an important section, according to which participants in the process judge your employee.

In addition, the description must contain a record that it was drawn up for presentation to the judicial authorities. The signature on it is put by the head and the employee of the personnel department.

Ultimately, the characteristic is recorded in the outbound journal and assigned a number.

Production characteristic

It characterizes the skills, abilities and abilities of a person. Often, on its basis, it is decided whether to hire an applicant or not.

This characteristic is usually given by the head of the company in which the person worked. At the same time, if the employee has reprimands or penalties, they should also be reflected.

There are a number of requirements for writing this characteristic:

  • When drawing up, be sure to indicate the date and serial number of the characteristics;
  • In chronological order, reflect the stages of professional development of the employee;
  • Reflect the existence of penalties and awards to the employee;
  • Complete the document with your signature or the signature of your manager and affix the company seal.

You should also not ignore the negative characteristics of the employee. Unfortunately, in some cases such documents have to be drawn up.

In any case, even a negative characterization must be objective. Whatever the employee may be, you do not need to express your emotions in relation to him in the description.

As for the spelling structure, it will be the same as for the usual characteristic. Only each point is viewed from the negative side.

In practice, such a description is rarely given to an employee, even if he has committed an offense. It is clear that if you write such a description of a former employee, it is unlikely that someone will hire him.

Therefore, for the most part, employers simply try to part with a problem employee, but not have a negative impact on his future life.

Example.I., a specialist in material assets accounting, has been working in our company for two years. Despite a number of positive qualities, it is generally characterized as an employee with low professional potential. Periodically violates the terms of execution of orders, deadlines for submitting reports. I. was repeatedly disciplined and reprimanded several times. He conflicts with colleagues, refuses to help new employees. He categorically refuses to participate in the public life of the company.

Characteristics for awarding a certificate of honor

This document can be compiled for both internal use and external use. In the second case, such characteristics must be provided by those employees who in the future plan to receive the title of "Veteran of Labor" and so on.

Such a characteristic reflects information that shows a person in the best light, reflects the best qualities of an honorary employee. The fact that the person fully corresponds to the position held is necessarily emphasized.

Also, if the characteristic is not used within the company, then you can consult with the employee himself on how best to compose it. There is no violation of this.

Qualification characteristic

This is a kind of standard for the qualifications of a specialist. This document formulates all the basic requirements that apply to the qualifications of workers. This document is mainly used for government agencies and organizations.

This characteristic contains:

  • Description of the meaning of the profession;
  • Working conditions;
  • Psychological and physiological nuances of the profession;
  • Requirements for the training of a specialist.

These characteristics are currently used in professional selection, as well as when applying for work in government structures, in particular in the field of education, culture and health care.

What is better not to do when preparing characteristics

Although the scope for creativity when writing a characteristic is wide, you still need to adhere to some simple writing rules:

  1. Do not use too emotionally charged expressions, and even more offensive expressions. Whether you are happy with an employee or not, follow business etiquette.
  2. Information in the description must be true and reliable... It is unacceptable to reflect data on the political and religious beliefs of a person, as well as nationality.
  3. Control your literacy... If you find an error, rewrite the text again. It is important to remember that if the rules mentioned above are ignored, the employee will be able to appeal the document at any time.


Today we told you how to write a description of an employee. The text of the characteristic can be either positive or negative. But in any case, the document should be as objective and unbiased as possible.


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