Firebird tattoo meaning for girls. Firebird tattoo meaning. Firebird tattoo (feather of the firebird) for bright girls: the best sketches and tips. The myth of the magic bird

The Firebird is the Russian analogue of the phoenix, which, as you know, is reborn from the ashes. Therefore, the main meaning of such a drawing is revival and renewal. The Firebird is considered the personification of eternity.

In ancient Russia, people compared a wonderful bird with fire and the sun. For them, this creature was the personification of luck and happiness and was a talisman. In ancient Rome, the bird was depicted on coins, and it symbolized the eternity of the Roman Empire. Early Christians depicted the firebird on tombstones as a sign of the incorruptibility of the human soul.

The meaning of the firebird tattoo

The most extensive meaning of a tattoo with this creature is rebirth and eternity. It is believed that such a symbol is able to extend a person's life and contribute to his revival in the next life.

Also, people who choose such a sign try to live in harmony with the laws of the universe. And these laws say that life is cyclical, everything is always repeated in one form or another. Also, such a tattoo symbolizes a rich life experience and wisdom.

Another meaning of such a drawing is a strong and sturdy spirit and a willingness to move forward, despite the obstacles on the way. Some people stuff the firebird as a talisman, like ancestors, believing that it brings good luck and prosperity.

How to choose a firebird tattoo

The magic bird tattoo can be worn by both men and girls. Stuff it on different parts of the body. The image can be symbolic only by outlining the silhouette of a bird. Some people fill in a realistic drawing that conveys all the flashes of fire on the wings and tail of the bird. Realistic tattoos are stuffed in large sizes, most often on the back.

It is not difficult to choose such a tattoo, because the bird is actually distinguished by beauty and majesty, but its carrier must correspond to the character. Those who do not believe in amulets, the rebirth of the soul and eternity should not choose such a drawing, because it can tell a lot to knowledgeable people.

The tattoo can be colored, colorful, bright, or it can be done in monochrome. Everyone chooses a piece of jewelry on their own. By the way, if you still want a talisman, but do not want a large tattoo, you can make a small symbolic image in a place inaccessible to prying eyes.

Today we propose to find out the meaning of the firebird tattoo. She is one of the most popular characters in Russian fairy tales. The feathers of this amazing bird can glow and at the same time amaze people with their brilliance. In size, it can be compared to a peacock.
This unusual bird lives in a golden cage in the Garden of Eden of Iria. Every night she leaves her dwelling, takes off and illuminates everything around, like a thousand lights. The firebird in a fairy tale is a real prey for the princes. However, catching a beautiful bird is not so easy. Only the younger prince manages to get the fairytale heroine.

The singing of this amazing bird is able to heal the sick, as well as restore sight to the blind. She is often compared with such a well-known character in Western culture as the Phoenix, who is able to rise from the ashes. One of the prototypes of the firebird is the peacock. The favorite delicacy of the fairytale heroine is golden apples, which give youth, beauty and immortality. When the bird begins to sing, pearls fall from its beak.
Every year she dies in the fall and is reborn only in the spring. A cage with golden apples will help you catch the firebird. You cannot take it with your bare hands, as you can burn yourself with its plumage.

What does the firebird tattoo mean?

A tattoo depicting a fabulous bird, above all, means immortality and rebirth. Such a wearable pattern symbolizes the cyclicality and infinity of life. Such an image personifies the renewal of life after the completion of a new cycle.

In ancient times, the firebird was often compared to the symbols of fire and sun. In ancient Russian traditions, it is perceived as a very strong amulet. Such an image will certainly protect its owner from the evil eye, troubles and evil forces. Ancient Slavic beliefs say that this amulet was bestowed by the sun itself.

Some people believe that a body drawing with a fabulous firebird can prolong the life of its owner.

This tattoo will look great on any part of the body. Much will depend on the desired image size.

Meaning for men

A beautiful body pattern in the form of a firebird can also be seen on the male body. Such an image for the stronger sex will mean:

  • fortitude
  • understanding the cyclical nature of life
  • longevity
  • protective amulet

A tattoo depicting a firebird will tell about the strong-willed character of its owner. A man probably understands the cyclical nature of life and dreams of longevity.

Also, representatives of the stronger sex often choose such a tattoo as a protective amulet and believe that it will help them become happier.
Sometimes men choose a body drawing with a fabulous bird solely because of the originality of the image.

Value for women

Tattoos are always a very important decision. Therefore, the choice of drawing must be approached very responsibly. And precisely in order to help you with this, we are creating this theme.

Here you can find out more about the meaning of the bird fire tattoo in different situations.... This will help you understand if this is your drawing, as well as put the correct and deep meaning in it.

A little about the history of tattoo

If you decide on a tattoo, then you just need to know a little background. Therefore, here are a few words about her. In general, tattoos are a very ancient art, which was already developed by the Egyptians, Greeks and then the Romans.

As for the Russian peoples, there are very few long-standing historical references to tattoos, in fact, they are virtually nonexistent. They began to talk about full-fledged tattoos only at the beginning of the twentieth century and, as a rule, they could be seen on sailors.

Today, tattooing is a part of the life of modern society, and you will not surprise anyone with a tattoo festival or convention. A special role is played by the meaning that is embedded in the drawing.

Male sex

The Firebird, as a meaning, marks rebirth. Renewal, rebirth or a simple "rise from the ashes" - that is what this beautiful and so unreal bird means.

It is often drawn by those people who have undergone dramatic changes in their lives. Often such changes have become the cause of a complete revolution in a person's worldview, or his principles.... This is with the relatives of the name change.


The Firebird itself is a versatile tattoo. The meaning is ambiguous. It suits absolutely everyone and has the same meanings for both guys and girls. But it's worth mentioning here that these meanings can be very multifaceted. In addition, as already mentioned, the firebird is a symbol of fire and sun. It is also considered a talisman that keeps a person from evil spirits or troubles and gives light in life.

Sometimes such a tattoo is positioned as an image of a phoenix bird. And this meaning is very often used in the context of cosmic infinity and the cyclical nature of life. Also, in the context of the fact that birds are heavenly inhabitants, their presence in the form of a tattoo is often perceived as a symbol of life extension.

It is because of this versatility of this tattoo that it is just perfect for both a woman and a man. In addition, the firebird can be applied to any part of the body and it will look good everywhere if the master takes a responsible approach to completing his task.

Prison tattoos

In general, "on the zone" of the tattoo, the heat of the bird retains all the same values. But it is important to mention that very often such images are shameful. Although quite often there are exceptions, such as the eagle tattoo, which very clearly expresses the authority of a person.

Also, most often people make themselves a bird fever tattoo after their term. This is often the very expression of fundamental changes in life and very categorical decisions to change their usual style. This is the meaning of this tattoo.

The Firebird tattoo has a lot of meanings and a wide symbolic interpretation. First of all, the meaning of the Firebird tattoo includes the category of immortality and rebirth. Very often, in this sense, it is also called the Phoenix bird. In the meaning of the Firebird tattoo there is a sense of the cosmic symbol of the cyclical and infinite life. It symbolizes the renewal of life after the completion of the next cycle.

In ancient times, it was also associated with the symbol of fire and sun. The Firebird is perceived in the Old Russian tradition as a powerful amulet. Such an image will protect its owner from the evil eye, from evil forces and from troubles. According to ancient Slavic beliefs, this amulet, bestowed by the sun.

In many cultures, birds are considered inhabitants of the heavenly realms, as they have to spend a lot of time in the sky. They are messengers of divine powers.

It is believed that a tattoo in the form of a firebird can prolong a person's life. Therefore, both a man and a woman can inflict such an image on themselves. The tattoo can be applied to any part of the body, depending on the size of the picture. It will look great on the shoulder, back and even on the feet.

The bird symbolizing the sun has been known since ancient Egypt. Egyptian priests worshiped the sun and sacrificed to it regularly. In ancient Egypt, the word phoenix, an analogue of the ancient Russian heat of a bird, coincided in meaning with the Greek word palm. This tree was also called the sun tree.

According to legend, the phoenix bird, the analogue of which is the Russian Firebird, lives for at least five hundred years. Before dying, she builds a nest of fragrant herbs, in which she sets herself on fire. Then this amazing bird rose from the ashes in three days.

In general, the meaning of a tattoo is reduced to a deep understanding by its owner of the laws of the universe. The person who wears such an image realizes that everything in the world moves in a spiral, the events of life are repeated, adjusted for scale and time.

If you feel that you are able to realize that at the appointed time you will be able to give way to a new life, then this is your tattoo. It is suitable for a person who is wise in life experience.

The Romans also depicted the image of a fiery bird on their coins. For them, it symbolized the immortality of the Roman Empire. There is also an image of the eternal bird among the early Christians. She was depicted on gravestones, denoting the eternal life of the soul.

In the Jewish mythological tradition, the phoenix bird received its immortality from the Creator after it refused to eat the forbidden fruit from the Garden of Eden. Often, ancient people depicted a fiery bird in the form of an eagle flying up from the emperor's funeral pyre.

Such a tattoo also denotes the firmness of the human spirit, which overcomes all life's difficulties. In the alchemical tradition, this symbol was also used, symbolizing fire.

The Russian prototype of the phoenix, the firebird, is also considered by right to be a symbol of good luck and happiness, which a person has been chasing all his life. In order to see this fabulous bird, you need to make a lot of effort and effort. This meaning of the tattoo is reflected in the famous fairy tale "Blue Bird" by Mitterlinck. It is the pursuit of this mythological creature that fills the whole human life with meaning.

As such, the firebird tattoo has no gender, it is applied to the body by both men and women, this can be seen from photos from catalogs. This tattoo does not have a specific place where you can get a tattoo, where not, it can decorate male and female figures:

  • back;
  • shoulders;
  • legs;
  • hips;
  • sides of the waist;

There is an opinion that the applied image prolongs the life of a person. is that the image of the firebird can be made by a person regardless of age. The older generation understands perfectly well that something needs to be changed and updated.

What does the firebird image mean

"Fire bird", as mentioned above, can be applied anywhere, but sometimes the picture is symbolic, and sometimes, a good master will make a realistic masterpiece. The execution of such a tattoo is a rather painstaking process that has many details and they are drawn down to the smallest detail.

As a rule, such drawings and various small inscriptions are made by the master in colorful, colorful and very rich colors. The symbolic work of the firebird is done in black and white.

The significance of the firebird in different cultures

The Firebird is the Russian-language prototype of the Phoenix, which symbolizes rebirth. The ancient Slavs associated this bird with the sun, but in general for them it was a kind of talisman, since it was believed that it carries happiness and luck. In ancient Rome, the firebird was painted on coins, which spoke of the eternal life of the empire.

As mentioned earlier, the main symbol of the Firebird is immortality and rebirth. This is the concept that can be used to characterize this original picture.

If we compare the firebird with the Phoenix, which spiritualizes fire, light and sun, then it can be supplemented with eternity and infinity.

In some peoples, such a bird is a cyclical symbol, which means that after a person has a new birth or rebirth to life.

It is this aspect that speaks of a large number of beautiful sketches. The holy bird among the Egyptian people, the Slavs and other peoples who believe that reincarnation exists.

And if you touch the Slavic faith a little deeper, a tattoo of a feather of a beautiful bird will be a talisman that protects the owner:

  • from witchcraft;
  • from a simple evil eye;
  • from evil spirits.

It’s not just that, where we are talking about the firebird, its feather is a talisman that helps in the battle against evil and protects the main character, i.e. boyfriend or girlfriend, from all the troubles.

The firebird tattoo is not just a bright and beautiful body decoration, but also a strong amulet. In old Russian traditions, the image denotes the Sun and Fire. In order for a symbol to have a powerful positive energy, you need to know where and how to properly tattoo. Who is the firebird tattoo suitable for, what is the deep meaning in this drawing?

The myth of the magic bird

The Firebird is a fairytale character that comes from Russian folk tales. The peacock became the prototype of the image: this is evidenced by the characteristic long feathers and the corresponding size of the body. According to legend, the bird lived in a golden cage and ate exclusively rejuvenating golden apples. They gave her youth and beauty. When a beautiful creature began to sing, pearls fell out of its beak. Only the younger prince managed to get the bird. It was believed that it was impossible to grab it with bare hands, since the feathers burned with fire.

In mythology, the firebird was the personification of the sun, flame, light. She had the amazing ability to die every fall and come to life again next spring. For this they began to compare her with the Phoenix bird, the image of which has been known since the Middle Ages. According to the myth, Phoenix prepared himself a bed of fragrant herbs and set himself on fire. After 3 days, he appeared updated, but already with the accumulated past experience and knowledge. The Slavic Firebird was reborn every 500 years. This symbolized infinity, immortality and cyclicality.

The feather of the firebird was considered a powerful talisman that protected from witchcraft, damage, the evil eye. No wonder that epic heroes used it in the battle against enemies. The dropped feather was brought into the house and placed in a dark room. For several days it illuminated everything around, and then turned into gold. The firebird could be caught using a golden cage and rejuvenating apples as bait.

Who is the tattoo for?

What the firebird tattoo means can be judged by the Slavic epic. This is immortality, renewal, rebirth. The owner of such a drawing strives for wisdom and understanding of the meaning of life. He knows that everything in the world is cyclical, that a black stripe will certainly be followed by a white one. Trouble does not frighten such a person, because he treats life in a philosophical way.

The meaning of the bird tattoo has something in common with similar images, because all birds are considered divine messengers. There is an opinion that the souls of deceased people take over these creatures. The Firebird tattoo also symbolizes the immortality of the soul, fatefulness and, to some extent, fatality. This tattoo is suitable for people who want to start life from scratch. Past experience will help them avoid mistakes in the future, give wisdom and the ability to move forward.

The firebird feather tattoo is suitable for both women and the stronger sex of any age. This is an amulet that will bring good luck in your endeavors, fill life with new colors and protect you from negative influences. A feather tattoo will protect from the evil eye, witchcraft, especially if the drawing is located on the wrist, on the arm or on the leg.

A firebird tattoo on the side, on the thigh or on the back of a girl will become a beautiful wearable adornment, emphasizing grace, femininity and elegance (see photo in the gallery). A bright image will certainly attract the attention of the opposite sex and arouse admiration among others. The firebird tattoo is often found in men with a strong-willed character and a desire for longevity.

Execution technique

Birds tattoo is one of the favorite body jewelry for girls. Light airy images favorably emphasize youth and beauty, especially in combination with flowers and butterflies. A color sketch in watercolor style is a great option for such an image. A firebird tattoo is best done in peach and yellow shades (see photo below). For an effective composition, you can add red and gold - then the sketch will fully correspond to the book illustration. The firebird tattoo on the shoulder blade and shoulder will become a talisman and decoration for the fair sex.

The image of a feather of a firebird is a charm that has magical powers. In order to fulfill its main function, a small tattoo is applied to the wrist, neck or ankle. It is desirable to hide the image from prying eyes. Classic style or minimalism will suit fans of monochrome drawings. Extravagant personalities can consider geometry drawings, where the firebird is depicted schematically.

Selection of photos

Firebird tattoo is a universal symbol suitable for men and women. Transforms its meaning depending on the carrier. Its interpretation is influenced not only by gender, but also by the age of the wearer. Made in the colors of fire, can be complemented by shades of blue and green.

What does the image of bird fire mean?

For men, the feverbird tattoo symbolizes resilience and the desire for change. This is a fire sign that suits ardent and passionate natures. Fire is a strong impulsive element. The future owner must be 100% sure that the sign is in line with its essence. In men and boys, the firebird transforms into a phoenix.

The common firebird tattoo changes meaning for girls depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe body. On or on the chest, it takes on the meaning of spiritual expression. A form with spread wings on the back is a rebirth to life, a talisman against negativity.

In different cultures, the firebird tattoo has a different meaning for women over 30 years old. Positioning on the hip means passion, ardent nature. The covered shoulder is a direct call for good luck, happiness and family well-being.

Fire symbolism is suitable for Aries and. In them, she awakens positive qualities, strengthening the direction towards self-development. Leos should be careful when choosing their phoenix look. Applied to the chest area, it will increase the craving for narcissism and pride. Placed on the shoulder, on the contrary, will emphasize creativity.

In Cancer and Scorpio, the image of a flaming bird increases receptivity to subtle energies. With the sign, the mystical potential of the carrier will be strengthened. For Virgo, Taurus and Aquarius, symbolism will help increase well-being. It will become a magnet for financial luck, the rest will depend on the perseverance of the owner.

Capricorns, Gemini, Pisces, Libra and Virgo are not very susceptible to the influence of the image. Owners will be able to increase the potential of the area in which they invest their efforts.

Real symbolism

In the cultures of the peoples of Europe, the phoenix is \u200b\u200ba symbol of rebirth. It is borrowed from southeastern folklore. In tattoo slang, the firebird is an impetus to change life for the better.

Additional values:

  • cleansing the spirit;
  • the cycle of rebirth;
  • master of life;
  • steadfastness;
  • strong will;
  • victory over circumstances.

Wings raised up mean ascent, the conversion of the energy of fire into spiritual force. The wings spread out to the sides are a barrier to any negative interference. Applied to the phoenix, it sends a message to unleash potential. In this area, the sign supports the desire of a person to travel.

The image of a flaming bird is intended for individuals who have no doubts about their life purpose. This is a sign of the strong in spirit. Insecure people with unstable life values \u200b\u200bwill fall under the influence of the fire element. Instead of a positive value, negative qualities will be reinforced.

Where and to whom to get the feverbird tattoo?

The location of the image of a fiery bird obeys laws. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe back and shoulder, the face of the phoenix is \u200b\u200bapplied by both men and women. The heat bird in color looks good on the shoulder with a transition to the chest.

For a guy, a phoenix tattoo looks good on the forearm. The fire bird is applied to the wide part of the lower leg. The firebird knocked out on the guy's shoulder will highlight the biceps, form a clear contour of the hand. The symbol located on the hand will charge you with energy and push you to take action.

For girls, the recommended area on the belly of the tattoo will emphasize the line of the press and act as a talisman. Women are encouraged to get a feverbird tattoo on their thighs. She will enhance the passion of nature, emphasize the ardent nature of the carrier.

Understanding what the heat tattoo means, girls enhance the desired area of \u200b\u200bcharacter. Drawing on the hips or abdomen, they concentrate the feminine energy. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe chest and shoulder blades, they increase the clarity of consciousness, the passion of the heart. Along the spine, enhance motivation and career ambition. They do not multiply creativity.

The choice of colors depends on the aesthetic preferences of the owner. Experienced craftsmen recommend that you agree on the palette before sketching. In addition to the sacred meaning, a tattoo should carry aesthetic beauty. The combination of shades depends on the skin tone, the degree of its transparency and density.

Representatives of the stronger sex are advised to give preference to warm colors. Shades of flame will go into a beneficial tandem with deep black lines. The delicate skin of girls is suitable for thinning with blue, lilac and ultramarine blotches. The abundance of black and hard lines should be avoided. It is worth giving preference to the watercolor and superrealism technique.

Phoenix tattoo video

Today we propose to find out the meaning of the firebird tattoo. She is one of the most popular characters in Russian fairy tales. The feathers of this amazing bird can glow and at the same time amaze people with their brilliance. In size, it can be compared to a peacock.
This unusual bird lives in a golden cage in the Garden of Eden of Iria. Every night she leaves her dwelling, takes off and illuminates everything around, like a thousand lights. The firebird in a fairy tale is a real prey for the princes. However, catching a beautiful bird is not so easy. Only the younger prince manages to get the fairytale heroine.

The singing of this amazing bird is able to heal the sick, as well as restore sight to the blind. She is often compared with such a well-known character in Western culture as the Phoenix, who is able to rise from the ashes. One of the prototypes of the firebird is the peacock. The favorite delicacy of the fairytale heroine is golden apples, which give youth, beauty and immortality. When the bird begins to sing, pearls fall from its beak.
Every year she dies in the fall and is reborn only in the spring. A cage with golden apples will help you catch the firebird. You cannot take it with your bare hands, as you can burn yourself with its plumage.

What does the firebird tattoo mean?

A tattoo depicting a fabulous bird, above all, means immortality and rebirth. Such a wearable pattern symbolizes the cyclicality and infinity of life. Such an image personifies the renewal of life after the completion of a new cycle.

In ancient times, the firebird was commonly compared to the symbols of fire and sun. In ancient Russian traditions, it is perceived as a very strong amulet. Such an image will certainly protect its owner from the evil eye, troubles and evil forces. Ancient Slavic beliefs say that this amulet was bestowed by the sun itself.

Some people believe that a body drawing with a fabulous firebird can prolong the life of its owner.

This tattoo will look great on any part of the body. Much will depend on the desired image size.

Meaning for men

A beautiful body pattern in the form of a firebird can also be seen on the male body. Such an image for the stronger sex will mean:

  • fortitude
  • understanding the cyclical nature of life
  • longevity
  • protective amulet

A tattoo depicting a firebird will tell about the strong-willed character of its owner. A man probably understands the cyclical nature of life and dreams of longevity.

Also, representatives of the stronger sex often choose such a tattoo as a protective amulet and believe that it will help them become happier.
Sometimes men choose a body drawing with a fabulous bird solely because of the originality of the image.

Value for women

More often, a beautiful firebird tattoo can be seen on a woman's body. Such a wearable pattern would mean:

  • strong, strong-willed character
  • longevity
  • cyclicality, infinity of life
  • amulet

A tattoo in the form of a firebird on a female body can tell about the strong-willed character of its owner. A woman with such a pattern on her body dreams of living long happy years of life.

She also understands and accepts the cyclical nature of being. Sometimes women choose a tattoo with a fairy-tale character solely because of the beauty of the drawing.

What drawing for a tattoo to choose?

In the top of the most popular are tattoos by. The colorful designs look great on the back and sides.

The firebird tattoo is not just a bright and beautiful body decoration, but also a strong amulet. In old Russian traditions, the image denotes the Sun and Fire. In order for a symbol to have a powerful positive energy, you need to know where and how to properly tattoo. Who is the firebird tattoo suitable for, what is the deep meaning in this drawing?

The myth of the magic bird

The Firebird is a fairytale character that comes from Russian folk tales. The peacock became the prototype of the image: this is evidenced by the characteristic long feathers and the corresponding size of the body. According to legend, the bird lived in a golden cage and ate exclusively rejuvenating golden apples. They gave her youth and beauty. When a beautiful creature began to sing, pearls fell out of its beak. Only the younger prince managed to get the bird. It was believed that it was impossible to grab it with bare hands, since the feathers burned with fire.

In mythology, the firebird was the personification of the sun, flame, light. She had the amazing ability to die every fall and come to life again next spring. For this they began to compare her with the Phoenix bird, the image of which has been known since the Middle Ages. According to the myth, Phoenix prepared himself a bed of fragrant herbs and set himself on fire. After 3 days, he appeared updated, but already with the accumulated past experience and knowledge. The Slavic Firebird was reborn every 500 years. This symbolized infinity, immortality and cyclicality.

The feather of the firebird was considered a powerful talisman that protected from witchcraft, damage, the evil eye. No wonder that epic heroes used it in the battle against enemies. The dropped feather was brought into the house and placed in a dark room. For several days it illuminated everything around, and then turned into gold. The firebird could be caught using a golden cage and rejuvenating apples as bait.

Who is the tattoo for?

What the firebird tattoo means can be judged by the Slavic epic. This is immortality, renewal, rebirth. The owner of such a drawing strives for wisdom and understanding of the meaning of life. He knows that everything in the world is cyclical, that a black stripe will certainly be followed by a white one. Trouble does not frighten such a person, because he treats life in a philosophical way.

The meaning of the bird tattoo has something in common with similar images, because all birds are considered divine messengers. There is an opinion that the souls of deceased people take over these creatures. The Firebird tattoo also symbolizes the immortality of the soul, fatefulness and, to some extent, fatality. This tattoo is suitable for people who want to start life from scratch. Past experience will help them avoid mistakes in the future, give wisdom and the ability to move forward.

The firebird feather tattoo is suitable for both women and the stronger sex of any age. This is an amulet that will bring good luck in your endeavors, fill life with new colors and protect you from negative influences. A feather tattoo will protect from the evil eye, witchcraft, especially if the drawing is located on the wrist, on the arm or on the leg.

A firebird tattoo on the side, on the thigh or on the back of a girl will become a beautiful wearable adornment, emphasizing grace, femininity and elegance (see photo in the gallery). A bright image will certainly attract the attention of the opposite sex and arouse admiration among others. The firebird tattoo is often found in men with a strong-willed character and a desire for longevity.

Execution technique

Birds tattoo is one of the favorite body jewelry for girls. Light airy images favorably emphasize youth and beauty, especially in combination with flowers and butterflies. A color sketch in watercolor style is a great option for such an image. A firebird tattoo is best done in peach and yellow shades (see photo below). For an effective composition, you can add red and gold - then the sketch will fully correspond to the book illustration. The firebird tattoo on the shoulder blade and shoulder will become a talisman and decoration for the fair sex.

The image of a feather of a firebird is a charm that has magical powers. In order to fulfill its main function, a small tattoo is applied to the wrist, neck or ankle. It is desirable to hide the image from prying eyes. Classic style or minimalism will suit fans of monochrome drawings. Extravagant individuals may consider geometry drawings, where the firebird is depicted schematically.

Selection of photos

Selection of sketches


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