My future profession is pharmacist essay. "Profession pharmacist" essay. Me and my future profession - pharmacist

Writing-reasoning on the topic: “My future profession is a pharmacist” All of us at a certain stage of our life ask ourselves an important question: what kind of occupation, type of activity should be preferred and then dedicated to it all our lives? After all, this choice is not easy, it is necessary to prepare mentally and responsibly approach the resolution of this difficult issue. In my opinion, each person should choose the path along which he will go independently. Seniors can give good advice, however, it should not turn into an order or instruction, otherwise a person may incorrectly self-determine in life. So, my position in life regarding my future profession. I quite often asked myself: what path to choose for further professional activity? After consulting with older people, I realized: you need to choose the kind of occupation that you like. I looked at the list of professions and realized that medicine attracts me like a magnet. But which profession to choose, because there are so many of them? Sorting them, I stumbled upon the profession of "pharmacist".

This word, of course, was familiar to me, but, having decided to study in more detail the duties of a pharmacist, I decided to find a book that would describe all kinds of professions. I found such a reference book in the city library. Having opened it on the page where, according to the table of contents, there should be a description of the profession “pharmacist”, I delved into reading. As soon as I read the first paragraph, I realized that this is exactly the profession that suits me. A person chooses his life path only once. Each has its own history of choice. She is unique and unrepeatable. I set myself a goal in life. The goal that I strive to achieve. I want to help all people without exception. Pharmacist is a profession that meets all my requirements and expectations.

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Pharmacist profession

Everyone knows the expression: "You heal one thing, you cripple the other." To prevent this from happening, medical universities train professionals who need to know which drug and how it works. A pharmacist is a specialist in the manufacture, research and sale of drugs. These workers can be found in the pharmacy right behind the counter. The chief pharmacist is called a pharmacist. In other words, he is a connoisseur of tablets, powders and potions. And this is the second person we turn to when our health is bad.

Different episodes from the history of this profession can be traced by the symbolism, which is different for each country, although there are generally accepted signs. The first drugs were invented long before they learned to write, and therefore no records of them have survived. But references to the healers of the ancient period of various civilizations have survived in large numbers. These respected people themselves prepared medicines from the means known to them. The first scientific research in the field of pharmaceuticals was carried out by the Greeks in the 4th century BC. e. Their work was continued by the learned men of the mighty Rome. But the division between doctors and pharmacists took place only in the 13th century in Europe. On the territory of the Russian Empire, these specialists were simply called pharmacists. ...

Medicines are complex chemicals and do not always give the desired result. It often happens the other way around: uncontrolled use of medications can significantly worsen the state of health. This would almost always have happened if it were not for pharmacists, who advise and control what they put in the hands of the client, and also prudently draw up instructions for those who like to buy pills without the advice of a doctor.

There are several types of organizations where you can find people performing such functions. In addition to pharmacies and medicine warehouses, there are also organizations that collect and process material for the manufacture of medicines, research institutes and laboratories. With persistent work and raising his level, a pharmacist can eventually become a pharmacist who leads a team of specialists in this field. A pharmacist must know chemistry, botany (as for medicinal plants), be attentive and responsible, have an excellent memory and knowledge of mathematics.

Of course, there is always a danger of making mistakes and hurting the client. In case of poor quality control of the dispensed drugs, counterfeit drugs can be put on sale, which pose a danger to the human body. In addition, the pharmacist has to deal with drugs that can cause allergies even in a healthy person. But on the other hand, the salary compared to other professions is quite good, the work is warm and clean, although you are in contact with people with colds who have come for medicines.

Those wishing to graduate from a university with a degree in Pharmacy need to be ready to donate 5 or 5 and a half years of their lives to their studies. After graduating from a university or academy, you should do an internship in one of the organizations with employees of the same profile who have a lot to learn from.

Pharmacist is a very responsible profession. But, I think this is my future calling.

I didn't even think before. That I will choose this particular profession. After leaving school, I immediately entered the pedagogical college, studied for three years, but realized that this was all not mine, for example, most have vocations. After graduating from the Yakutsk medical school, my mother has been working as a medical assistant for almost thirty years, and that's why I think my vocation is to become a medical worker.

But which direction to choose? I could not decide and got a job as a nurse in a local pharmacy, while working, I always watched how pharmacists work, I was fully interested in this profession, watched the visitors with what hope they came to buy medicines, our pharmacists always gave recommendations, good advice.

Health is the most important value of humanity, and medicines and drugs are an integral part of our health. In the modern world, in which there are a lot of different diseases, each disease has its own symptoms, "characters", its own named drugs. Effective treatment destroys the disease, thus a person begins to enjoy life, study, work, create ...

And I came to the conclusion that pharmaceuticals is one of the most important areas of the healthcare sector, which means that the profession of a pharmacist is relevant.

My vocation is the vocation of a future physician-pharmacist, to treat diseases with medicines, to bring people the joy of a healthy life, to help sick people not only with medicines, but also with recommendations and advice.

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The history of pharmacology is rooted in the distant past. Even before writing, people learned to use herbs to relieve pain and inflammation. For the first time, the study and description of the action of herbs was taken up in Ancient Greece in the 4th century BC. Then the case developed rapidly. Various potions and potions have appeared. Each of them was intended to combat various manifestations of diseases. But in those days, pharmacology did not stand out as a separate branch of knowledge and was considered medicine. The first separation took place in 1231 in Sicily. Thus, pharmacies appeared, which separated from hospitals, became separate structures, and the prices for drugs were set by the state, and not by doctors. Since the 16th century, these institutions have not only produced medicines, but also conducted research on the healing properties of various components. In the 18th century, tendencies for the emergence of the production of medicines first appeared. Since then, pharmacology has been developing rapidly in Europe, new drugs have been discovered. This led to the eradication of a mass of deadly infections, which, fortunately, are not familiar to the inhabitants of modern metropolises. In Russia, however, pharmacology developed somewhat more slowly. The first pharmacy appeared in Russia only in 1547, by order of Ivan the Terrible. Then pharmacology begins its rapid development. Since centuries, as a result of the development of chemistry, new methods of producing medicines have appeared. Pharmacy is developing to this day. Medicine is constantly demanding new means to combat serious diseases, which mutate and constantly add problems to modern society. Modern pharmacology is a high-tech science that is in constant search of the most effective methods of treatment.

A pharmacist is a specialist with a secondary pharmaceutical education, and a pharmacist with a higher pharmaceutical education. But this is the case only in Russia, and in Europe, a pharmacist is a specialist with a higher education, and a pharmacist is his assistant with a secondary pharmaceutical education. The educational process in the specialty "Pharmacy" is very diverse and interesting, and is focused on the professional activity of a pharmacist: the sale of medicines and goods of the pharmacy assortment, the manufacture of dosage forms and the conduct of mandatory types of intra-pharmacy control; ...

Dispenses medicines and medical products Consults on taking medicines produces medicines according to prescriptions accepts and distributes goods to places Provides conditions for storing medicines prepares invoices and reporting documents Draws up showcases Places price tags Conducts health education, information work

Pharmacy organization of various forms of ownership, manufacturing or dispensing only finished medicinal products In a research institute In a laboratory engaged in the development of medicinal products at an enterprise that manufactures medicinal products (pharmaceutical plants) In an institution that collects and processes medicines plants (procurement divisions and pharmaceutical factories) In the pharmacy warehouse in the control and analytical laboratory

Most people now think that a profession is good when it makes money. Without a doubt, a person who has enough money worries little, because he can solve almost all life's problems, he can travel a lot, enjoy a better life. But in my opinion, making enough money at work is okay, but if you can't find satisfaction, joy, excitement, pleasure, which is no less important than a good salary and a high leadership position, money is nothing, it will not make you happier. Each one is the smith of his own happiness. When I chose my profession and thought well "what do I want?" realized, I want to help people, benefit people and take care of them. Therefore, I chose PHARMACY.

Pharmacist Day! True, it is celebrated only in Ukraine (the third Saturday of September), and in Belarus (October 15). However, Russian experts are not discouraged and congratulate themselves, and also receive congratulations from many information sites and portals.

They don't write loud phrases about us in the newspapers, The air is silent, the cinema is asleep, A novel about pharmacists, where are you? Where are you? Where is the verse that flew from the inspired lips? The surgeon's clever hands are praised, The teacher's heart is beauty, And what about the modest everyday life of a pharmacist The work, as if, is true, is simple. What to write about ?! About the accuracy of the recipes? What to chant? White dressing gowns? How to protect artists, poets, In the profession to penetrate into the depths. In the temple of purity, pills, ointments, the kingdom, Enter the muse with a brush and a feather, A beautiful woman giving medicine, She is worthy to become on the canvas. There is warmth in the eyes - even the pain of loss, A smile - even a scar in the soul of loss, And the heart is purer than a white robe, And there is no price to her holy hands. Do not expect praise, no high words, Let the glory pass us by, For the pharmacist the highest award, When the patient says "thank you".

Me and my future profession is a pharmacist.

Dosovoy A.

Profession - pharmacist

  • What are they being taught?

  • This specialist is called a pharmacist or pharmacist. Professions are not at all identical - in the West, a pharmacist is called an assistant pharmacist, a laboratory assistant. And the pharmacist there is a specialist with a higher education. In Russia, the opposite is true. Here, it is the pharmacist who is a specialist of the highest category, a graduate of the university, and pharmacists are trained by secondary specialized educational institutions (pharmaceutical schools and colleges).

    Pharmacology is the oldest of the sciences, the first systematized information about medicines was "published" in the Ebers papyrus in the 16th – 17th centuries BC. in Ancient Egypt, that is, about 3700 years ago. In 372-287 BC. the doctor Theophrastus from Greece describes more than 300 medicinal plants, and in the 1st century A.D. Dioscorides is the first Materia medica (a synonym for the science of medicines until the 19th century, which has survived to this day in this sense for the name of homeopathic medicinal reference books). In addition, this discipline is one of the most difficult - it was, is and will be. The arsenal of drugs used is constantly increasing, which creates certain problems for learning.

    Modern pharmacology is at the intersection of many sciences - pharmaceutical, chemical, biological, medical. Like all these disciplines, it serves the leading method of prevention and treatment of diseases - pharmacotherapy, and is developing extremely dynamically. This is due to the fact that at present fundamentally new pharmacological groups of drugs have appeared, new biotechnological methods for obtaining drugs and new technologies for dosage forms are being introduced. In the last five years alone, the nomenclature of drugs registered in the Russian Federation has more than doubled.

    Of great difficulty are constantly changing ideas about the mechanisms of action of drugs (pharmacodynamics), their registered indications and contraindications for use, side effects, dosage forms, dosage regimens and other aspects of drug circulation. This is due to the fact that the progress of pharmacology, supported by the colossal financial support of pharmaceutical companies seeking to find competitive advantages for their products, leads to a constant change in information about medicines.

  • Therefore, unlike many academic disciplines, pharmacology cannot be learned "once and for all." It has to be taught and taught - using reference books, on the Internet ...

  • This is understandable, because before giving advice, a pharmacist-pharmacist must himself become an expert on drugs, their possible side effects, contraindications, be able to correctly and competently choose a replacement, a dose. The volume of knowledge in clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy, medical ethics and psychology should be appropriate, the pharmacist's horizons in the field of drugs are much broader than that of any doctor.

    And this is actively used by visitors to pharmacies. As you know, some of them come to the pharmacist's window without any prescription, but with health complaints. Statistics show that young people and middle-aged people turn to doctors only in the most extreme cases, and more often they go to the pharmacy for advice. Of course, a pharmacist-pharmacist has no right to diagnose or write prescriptions, but he is obliged to give competent advice.

  • But in any case, participation, understanding and attention to the visitor are the key concepts in this profession. A good pharmacist is gradually developing his own client base, which is the "quality mark" of his work.

What are the prospects?

  • What are the prospects?

  • The growth of pharmacy chains has caused a sharp shortage of professional staff. The fact is that there are not so many universities in the country that produce pharmacists-pharmacists, and there is a real hunt for specialists in this field. Pharmacies in the capital are actively recruiting them even from other regions of the country, there are many offers on Internet sites and in newspapers. In short, pharmacists have no problems finding employment.

    The salary for beginners in Moscow is $ 500-600. However, if we take into account all the allowances, overtime, seniority, night shifts, qualifications - a lot comes up. There are cases when an ordinary specialist receives a salary at the "director's level". Of course, he has to work hard for this. Irregular working hours is one of the features of a pharmacist's work.

    Earnings at the "director's level" can be obtained in another way. To become, for example, the deputy director of a large pharmacy just two years after graduation in this business is quite feasible. Some companies are introducing an internal system of categories for their employees: every five years, employees take exams and raise their status and salaries. The purpose of such a scheme is to retain qualified specialists, because they are the main success factor in the pharmaceutical business.

Who is the chieftain?

  • The first person we meet at the pharmacy is the first person. This is the name of a specialist (pharmacist, pharmacist) who is engaged in serving visitors to the pharmacy - consultation and sales.

  • What is the main thing in the work of a chieftain?

  • How does his job differ from that of a salesperson in other commercial institutions? First of all, the fact that an unprepared person cannot deal with the release of such a specific product. The sale of pharmaceuticals requires in-depth knowledge of both the assortment of the pharmacy, and (and this is the main thing!) And how to properly satisfy one or another need of the buyer in a very difficult area of \u200b\u200bhis health ... Consulting requires high professionalism of a specialist.

    A pharmacist or pharmacist (that is, people with special medical education) know everything about the interaction of various drugs with each other and with food, about the necessary storage conditions. Such a specialist will tell you which drugs can be taken at the same time or in what sequence it should be done, and will give advice on certain foods and drinks that can enhance or weaken the effect of the drug. The fact is that a whole system of education of pharmacy personnel is working to ensure that we receive exactly the drugs we are looking for in the pharmacy. Each of the pharmacy employees must undergo refresher courses at least once every five years, constantly study new drugs, keep abreast of developments in the pharmaceutical market, and navigate substitute drugs.

What else does a pharmacy visitor expect from a first-class visitor?

    Politeness, benevolence and patience. We bring our problems, worries, pain to the pharmacy and we really want to be understood. Therefore, the pharmacist or pharmacist must have very good communication skills. the ability to communicate with a wide variety of people, often sick and irritated, is one of the most important components of his work. At his workplace, he often has to be both an adviser, a doctor, and a psychologist. For this, the first-timers receive additional knowledge of the psychology of sales ...

    Building trust is the primary task of the front desk worker. That is why not only education is important, but also love for one's work. And a great mood. And constant self-improvement. Mainly women work as pioneers. And they, as a rule, also bear responsibility for their family, children, home. According to observations and statistics, the overwhelming majority of pharmacy workers are people of great responsibility, who chose their specialty not by chance, but, as they say, at the call of their hearts ...

  • In this profession there is much more Purpose than Work.

The profession is a pharmacist and the work of a pharmacist.

    The working shift of the pharmacist usually lasts 10-12 hours, but it also happens for a whole day. From this it is immediately clear that the loads here are very large, not only physical, but also mental, working in such conditions you need to have not only a huge store of knowledge, but also a good sense of humor and great endurance. According to the latest estimates, there are about twenty five thousand pharmacies and more than fifty thousand pharmacy kiosks operating in Russia. The volume of advertising of drugs on television, in newspapers, the Internet occupies one of the leading places, consumers are offered more and more pills, ointments, potions, powders.

    A large number of pharmacies, of course, include Moscow and St. Petersburg, where not a small part of the population lives. Of course, the business is profitable, but the competition between pharmacy chains is also serious. The fact that there is a huge shortage of professional staff adds fuel to the fire. Academies, institutes and colleges that produce pharmacists-pharmacists in Russia can be counted on one hand, and naturally the specialists in this field are in great demand.

Pharmacist and pharmacist - what's the difference?

    In European countries, it is accepted that a "pharmacist" is an assistant to a pharmacist, a laboratory assistant in pharmaceutical production, and a pharmacist is a specialist with a higher education, as well as a master's degree. In Russia, as you might guess, the opposite is true: a pharmacist is a specialist of the highest category, these are graduates of academies and universities, and a pharmacist has a secondary specialized education (pharmaceutical schools and colleges). In the recent past, workers with a secondary pharmaceutical education could sell medicines and prepare them according to a doctor's prescription; in our time, everything has changed dramatically, the development of pharmacy chains and a shortage of personnel have led to a mixture of positions and responsibilities. In modern pharmacies, employees are engaged in the dispensing of finished medicines, and the difference between a pharmacist and a pharmacist is only in the level of knowledge and experience. It even happens that a specialist with a secondary specialized education, having worked for several years in a pharmacy, becomes its director. Now a new Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of July 25, 2011 N 808Н "On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories by medical and pharmaceutical workers" has been issued, which states that a pharmacist who has worked for at least 5 years in a pharmacy has the full right to the position of head of a pharmacy.

Pharmacist profession - advantages and disadvantages.

  • What are the benefits? - Good career growth. - Active work. - High demand in the labor market. - Good salary

  • What are the disadvantages? - Clients are not always "adequate" - Irregular working hours, night shifts. - Strong psychological and physical stress


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