V.Resputin "Lessons of the French" presentation to the lesson on literature (Grade 6) on the topic. Presentation on the topic "" The lessons of the French "V.G. Rasputin" download a presentation on the topic of French lessons

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Rasputinvalenin Grigorievich (r. 1937), prozaika. On March 15 in the Seleouss-Udaikkutska region in the peasant family. After school, he entered the Historical and Philology Faculty of the University of Irkutsk. The student years became a freelance correspondent of the youth newspaper. After graduating from the University in 1959, Rasputin worked for several years in Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk newspapers, often visited construction. Krasnoyarskaya HPP and highway abakan-timber. Essays and stories about what he saw later entered His collections "Kostovoy new cities" and "Edge near the sky". Writing the artistic prose began in 1961, mostly stories: "I forgot to ask Leshki-" (1961) and other fame brought The story "Money for Mary" (1967), indicating the interest of the writer to the issues of morality and morality. In 1970, there is a "deadline", which has become a classic "village prose", who told about the last days of the same age of the century, Anna, crosses his memories, summarizing his righteous life. Merit of Rasputin became an artistic discovery, following A.I. Solzhenitsyn, type of hero of the righteous. In 1965, Rasputin showed several new stories to come to Chita to a meeting of young writers Siberia V. Stalikhin, who became the "godfather" of a beginner prose.

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The writer said that his childhood and his creativity is unthinkable without the influence of Siberia, Taiga, and, especially, the hangars: "I believe that in my writer, she played not a last role; Once in an integral moment I came down to the hangar and Obomlomel - and from the beauty in me, as well as from the conscious and material feeling of the Motherland who came from her. "

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"My childhood accounted for war and the hungry postwar years," the writer recalls. - It was not easy, but it, as I now understand, was happy. Barely learned to walk, we walked to the river and threw fishing rods; I have not yet fixed, stretched in a taiga, started immediately behind the village, collected berries and mushrooms, from the smallest years they sat down in a boat and they traveled on themselves for yourself ... "The birthplace of the writer, Atalanka, - a small village on the shores of the famous Angara River. Now she is transferred to the shore of the brotherly sea and turned into a working settlement.

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Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin entered our literature at once, almost without running and as a true master of the word. It is difficult to imagine Russian literature today without his age and stories. His works have gained well-deserved popularity in our country and abroad.

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Rasputin himself notes that "a man's writer makes his childhood, the ability at an early age see and feel all that gives him the right to take the pen. Education, books, life experience raise and strengthen this gift in the future, but he should be born in childhood. "

Slide 7.

The autobiographic language of the story of the "Lessons of the French" story "Lessons of French" is a product of avtobiographic. Not knowing how the writer's childhood passed than it was filled, it is impossible deeply, with a complete understanding to read his works. After the end of the beginning school in his native village, Rasputin wanted to continue his studies. But the school in which the fifth and subsequent classes were only in the district center of Ust-Ust, and this is fifty kilometers from the house. We must move there to live one, without parents, without a family. It was a very serious change in life. In addition, as Vasputin will write, "before that none of our village in the area has not studied. I was the first. " I.Ladzunov. Portrait of V.G. Rasputin.

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Autobiography - Sequential presentation by the speaking or writing basic stages of his life. "There I had nothing to invent, said Rasputin. - All this happened to me. Behind the prototype did not have to go. I needed to return to people that good, which in his time they did for me. "

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The most popular of the early story of the writer "Lessons of French" Autobiographies. An eleven-year-old boy comes to learn to the district center, where there is an eight-year school. He first cut off from the family, from his native village. Not surprising his turbulent longing and traction home. However, a small hero understands that the hopes are assigned not only to their relatives, but the whole village: after all, he, by unanimous opinion, fellow villagers, "the nature itself is called by a scientist." This opinion of countrymen is confirmed in a new school, in a new circle of communication. But the time was heavy - post-war and half-beetled. The boy begins to play for money, one only to be able to buy a daily jar of milk "from Malokrovia". And the French teacher goes to a risky step: they secretly, at home, plays with a student, just from an easily explained human compassion: "The boy is extremely exhausted, and he refuses to take." Later on this story was put a movie.

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The lessons of kindness "... It seems to me that a person's profession can be found in his face. According to some very tired, strict, almost deprived of hope, I often guess teachers. I guess and thought that the teacher drags his work, which is very difficult for him to preserve a living interest in children, mental softness and warmth. The story, the heroines of which Lidia Mikhailovna became the same, I dedicated to another teacher - Anastasia Prokopyevna Kopylova. When I found out her, she had already worked at school for many years, but neither then nor later I did not see in her eyes of that cruel expression for which it had already had time to come. The story "Lessons of French" was first published in 1973 in our Irkutsk Komsomol newspaper "Soviet youth" in the room dedicated to Alexander Vampilov's memory. Anastasia Prokopyevna is his mother. Looking into the face of this amazing woman, not older, kind and wise, I remembered more than once my teacher and knew that the children were good and with the other. "

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WORDAL WORK: HALF - (RAM.) Cargo machine with a lifting capacity of 1.5 tons. District Center. The city or village is the center of the administrative district within the region. Bonds. State loan. (State winning loan).

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What is the name of the story? - About whose face is the narration? Why? - What time writes the author? -How lived in the village? -When and how did the hero begin with an independent life? -What test expected him?

Slide 14.

Why did the hero of the story start playing "Chiku"? - How do Vadik and the narrator belong to this game? -Why Vadik and Pthaha beat him? -And words transmitting its condition at that moment.

Slide 15.

How does the hero behave the day after the fight? -How teacher finds out what happened to the hero? -What feelings are experiencing a hero? -What qualities of the hero appear in this episode?

Slide 16.

What was the boy Lidia Mikhailovna? -What applies the author in the description of the teacher? -How is the intonation of the teacher and the mood of the boy during the conversation after the lessons? Why Lidia Mikhailovna forced the hero to engage in addition? -What feelings are experiencing a hero in the apartment of the teacher? - What character traits show the hero?

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Why Lidia Mikhailovna decided to play in the "frozen" with his student?

Slide 18.

What ended the game? How does Lidia Mikhailovna behave in a conversation with the director? Why did not explain his act to the director?

Slide 19.

Lydia Mikhailovna opened a new world to the boy, showed a "other life" (in the house of the teacher, the boy even the air seemed to be impregnated with "easy and unfamiliar smells of a different life"), where people can trust each other, maintain and help, divide the mountain, relieve loneliness. The boy learned the "red apples", which never dreamed of ever. Now he learned that he was not alone, that there is in the world of kindness, responsiveness, love. This is true spiritual values. -What role is played by the afterword?

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Theme and idea of \u200b\u200bthe story. The topic of the work is life in the post-war years. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of the "Lessons of French": selfless and disinterested kindness - eternal human value. The end of the story says that even after parting the connection between people is not broken, does not disappear: "Among the winter, after the January holidays, I came to school by mail the parcel ... it lay pasta and three red apples ... before I saw them only In the picture, but I guessed that it was them. "

Slide 21.

Conclusion In this lesson, you met the work of Valentina Grigorievich Rasputin - read the story of "French Lessons". You learned: about the difficulties of the writer's post-war childhood; about kindness that changed the fate of the boy; On the peculiarities of the autobiographical story.

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Thank you for the lesson.

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V. G. Rasputin "Lessons of French".
Literature lesson in grade 6

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Fill out the table
Dates Facts biography
Born in the village of Ust-Ust Ust-Urkutsk region
He graduated from Irkutsk University, Historical and Philology Faculty
Tale "Last Dead"
For the first time published the story "Lessons of French

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Rasputin Valentin Grigorievich (r. 1937), Proseca. Born on March 15 in the village of Ust-Ust-Ust, Irkutsk region in the peasant family. After school, he entered the Historical and Philology Faculty of the University of Irkutsk. The student years became a freelance correspondent of the youth newspaper. After graduating from the University in 1959, Rasputin worked for several years in Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk newspapers, often visited construction. Krasnoyarskaya HPP and highway abakan-timber. Essays and stories about what he saw later entered his collections "firebird new cities" and "Edge near the sky". Writing artistic prose began in 1961, mostly stories. In 1970, there is a story "last term", which has become a classic "Rustic Prose", Annea Anna, who told about the last days of the recovery of the age of the age of the age of the century, summarizing his righteous life.

Slide 4.

Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin entered our literature at once, almost without running and as a true master of the word. It is difficult to imagine Russian literature today without his age and stories. His works have gained well-deserved popularity in our country and abroad.

Slide 5.

Rasputin himself notes that "a man's writer makes his childhood, the ability at an early age see and feel all that gives him the right to take the pen. Education, books, life experience raise and strengthen this gift in the future, but he should be born in childhood. "

Slide 6.

The autobiographic character of the story "Lessons of French"
The story of "Lessons of French" - the work of the autobiographical. Not knowing how the writer's childhood passed than it was filled, it is impossible deeply, with a complete understanding to read his works. After the end of the elementary school in his native village, Rasputin wanted to continue his studies. But the school in which the fifth and subsequent classes were only in the district center of Ust-Ust, and this is fifty kilometers from the house. We must move there to live one, without parents, without a family. It was a very serious change in life. In addition, as Vasputin will write, "before that none of our village in the area has not studied. I was the first. "
I.Ladzunov. Portrait of V.G. Rasputin.

Slide 7.

Autobiography - a consistent presentation by the speaking or writing basic stages of his life. "There I had nothing to invent anything," Rasputin said. - All this happened to me. Behind the prototype did not have to go. I needed to return to people that good, which in his time they did for me. "

Slide 8.

Slide 9.

The most popular of the early story of the writer "Lessons of French" Autobiographies. An eleven-year-old boy comes to learn to the district center, where there is an eight-year school. He first cut off from the family, from his native village. Not surprising his turbulent longing and traction home. However, a small hero understands that the hopes are assigned not only to their relatives, but the whole village: after all, he, by unanimous opinion, fellow villagers, "the nature itself is called by a scientist." This opinion of countrymen is confirmed in a new school, in a new circle of communication. But the time was heavy - post-war and half-beetled. The boy begins to play for money, one only to be able to buy a daily jar of milk "from Malokrovia". And the French teacher goes to a risky step: they secretly, at home, plays with a student, just from an easily explained human compassion: "The boy is extremely exhausted, and he refuses to take." Later on this story was put a movie.

Slide 10.

Kindness lessons
"... it seems to me that a person's profession can be found in his face. According to some very tired, strict, almost deprived of hope, I often guess teachers. I guess and thought that the teacher drags his work, which is very difficult for him to preserve a living interest in children, mental softness and warmth. The story, the heroines of which Lidia Mikhailovna became the same, I dedicated to another teacher - Anastasia Prokopyevna Kopylova. When I found out her, she had already worked at school for many years, but neither then nor later I did not see in her eyes of that cruel expression for which it had already had time to come. The story "Lessons of French" was first published in 1973 in our Irkutsk Komsomol newspaper "Soviet youth" in the room dedicated to Alexander Vampilov's memory. Anastasia Prokopyevna is his mother. Looking into the face of this amazing woman, not older, kind and wise, I remembered more than once my teacher and knew that the children were good and with the other. "

Slide 11.

Onespoon - (talk.) Cargo machine with a lifting capacity of 1.5 tons. District Center. City or village - center of the administrative district within the region. Bonds. Public loan ticket. (State winning loan).

Slide 12.

What is the name of the story? - About whose face is the narration? Why? - What time writes the author? -How lived in the village? -When and how did the hero begin with an independent life? -What test expected him?

Slide 13.

Why did the hero of the story start playing "Chiku"? - How do Vadik and the narrator belong to this game? -Why Vadik and Pthaha beat him? -And words transmitting its condition at that moment.

Slide 14.

How does the hero behave the day after the fight? -How teacher finds out what happened to the hero? -What feelings are experiencing a hero? -What qualities of the hero appear in this episode?

Slide 15.

What was the boy Lidia Mikhailovna? -What applies the author in the description of the teacher? -How is the intonation of the teacher and the mood of the boy during the conversation after the lessons? Why Lidia Mikhailovna forced the hero to engage in addition? -What feelings are experiencing a hero in the apartment of the teacher? - What character traits show the hero?

"Durry lessons"

According to the story V.G. Rasputina "French Lessons »

  • Than a man smarter and kinder
  • he no longer notices goodness in people.
  • L.N. Tolstoy
  • I believe, I will come.
  • Power of adhesion and malice
  • Will overcome the spirit of good.
  • B.Pasternak

  • To observe the example of the story, what value in life has a kindness;
  • Reveal spiritual values, moral laws for which the characters of the story live;
  • Learn the basic principles of kindness that Highlight VG Rasputin .

"French lessons" - 1973.

Autobiographical story about the difficulties of post-war times.

"Lydia Mikhailovna, as in the story, has always caused me and surprise, and reverence ...

She seemed to me an elevated, almost unearthly creature. It was in our teacher that internal independence, which protects against the pen.

A completely still young, recent student, she did not think about the fact that he brings us up on his example, but the actions that for her themselves were intelligent, became the most important lessons for us. The lessons of kindness. "

  • 1. Independent life
  • 2. game in "Chiku" for money
  • 3. Fighting
  • 4. Beaten again
  • 5. French classes
  • 6. Playing in "Farmers"
  • 7. Lydia Mikhailovna left
  • 1. "But I barely stayed alone, immediately spilled longing"
  • 2. "I did not allow himself too much to get involved in the game and hang around on the gland to the evening, I needed only a ruble, every time on the ruble."
  • 3. "It was not that day and could not be in all white light of a man's unhappy me."
  • etc

  • Is your idea of \u200b\u200bLydia Mikhailovna with the perception of the artist?
  • What kind of teacher you saw ?

  • "The mind can suggest what to avoid, and only the heart says what should be done."

J. Juber.

  • Stubbornness
  • Decency
  • Ensure
  • Suitless
  • Mercy
  • Honesty
  • Love for children
  • Good luck
  • Thirst for justice
  • Kindness

Lydia Mikhailovna:


  • Decency
  • Suitless
  • Mercy
  • Honesty
  • Love for children
  • Good luck
  • Kindness
  • Stubbornness
  • Decency
  • Ensure
  • Honesty
  • Thirst for justice

  • understanding;
  • love;
  • support friend friend in different

life situations;

  • trust to each other.

  • Academic hour (in secondary educational institutions) dedicated to a separate subject.
  • Academic work asked for a schoolboy to the house.
  • Something is instructive, then what can be concluded for the future.
  • Teaching school learning items to individuals.
  • Work specified for execution for a certain period (settee.)

  • True good from the one who creates it, has a smaller memory than from the one who takes it.
  • That's it and good, so as not to look for a direct return (I helped you, and you please help me), but be disinterested and confident in your quiet miraculous strength.
  • Having left a person, good returns to him after many years at all on the other side, the more it went around people and the wider there was a circle of his actions.

"Among the winter, after the January vacation, I came to school by mail parcel ... They lay pasta and three red apples in it ... I used to see them only in the picture, but I guessed that they were."

  • The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story: selfless and disinterested kindness - eternal human value

  • What is the meaning, in your opinion, has a kindness in life?
  • Did Rasputin managed on the example of history from his childhood to show that there are truly good people, and what is the laws of kindness in life?
  • What principles of kindness allocated VG Rasputin?

Thank you for attention!

  • Prepared Kukushkina O.S.
  • literary Teacher MOU Bolshablechishchenskaya School named after V.N. Kashtankina

V. G. Rasputin

"French lessons".

Literature lesson

in grade 6.

Rasputin Valentin Grigorievich ( R. 1937), Proser. Born on March 15 in sele Ust-Ust. Irkutsk region at peasant family. After school, he entered the Historical and Philology Faculty of the University of Irkutsk. The student years became a freelance correspondent of the youth newspaper. After graduating from the University in 1959, Rasputin worked for several years in Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk newspapers, often visited construction. Krasnoyarskaya HPP and highway abakan-timber. Essays and stories about what he saw later entered His collections "firebread new cities" and "Edge near the sky". To write artistic prose in 1961, mostly stories: "I forgot to ask Leshki-" (1961) and other fame brought The story "Money for Mary" (1967), indicating the interest of the writer to the issues of morality and morality. In 1970, there is a story "last term", which has become a classic "village prose", who told about the last days of the age of the age of the eyelid, Anna, crosses his memories, summing up its righteous life. Merit of Rasputin became an artistic discovery, following A.I. Solzhenitsyn, type of hero of the righteous. In 1965, Rasputin showed several new stories to come to Chita to a meeting of young writers Siberia V. Stalikhin, who became the "godfather" of a beginner prose.

"My childhood accounted for war and the hungry postwar years," the writer recalls. - It was not easy, but it, as I now understand, was happy. Barely learned to walk, we walked to the river and threw fishing rods; I have not yet fixed, stretched in a taiga, started immediately behind the village, collected berries and mushrooms, from the smallest years they sat down in a boat and they traveled on themselves for yourself ... "The birthplace of the writer, Atalanka, - a small village on the shores of the famous Angara River. Now she is transferred to the shore of the brotherly sea and turned into a working settlement.

Rasputin himself notes that "a man's writer makes his childhood, the ability at an early age see and feel all that gives him the right to take the pen. Education, books, life experience raise and strengthen this gift in the future, but he should be born in childhood. "

The autobiographic character of the story "Lessons of French"

The story of "French lessons" - work autobiographical. Not knowing how the writer's childhood passed than it was filled, it is impossible deeply, with a complete understanding to read his works. After the end of the beginning school in his native village, Rasputin wanted to continue his studies. But the school in which the fifth and subsequent classes were only in the district center of Ust-Ust, and this is fifty kilometers from the house. We must move there to live one, without parents, without a family. It was a very serious change in life. In addition, as Vasputin will write, "before that none of our village in the area has not studied. I was the first. "

I.Ladzunov. Portrait

V.G. Rasputin.

Autobiography the consistent presentation by the speaking or writing the main stages of his life.

"There I had nothing

dream up, - speaking Rasputin. - All this happened to me.

Behind the prototype did not have to go. I needed to return to people that good, which in his time they did for me. "

Kindness lessons

"... it seems to me that a person's profession can be found in his face. According to some very tired, strict, almost deprived of hope, I often guess teachers. I guess and thought that the teacher drags his work, which is very difficult for him to preserve a living interest in children, mental softness and warmth. The story, the heroines of which Lidia Mikhailovna became the same, I dedicated to another teacher - Anastasia Prokopyevna Kopylova. When I found out her, she had already worked at school for many years, but neither then nor later I did not see in her eyes of that cruel expression for which it had already had time to come.

The story "Lessons of French" was first published in 1973 in our Irkutsk Komsomol newspaper "Soviet youth" in the room dedicated to Alexander Vampilov's memory. Anastasia Prokopyevna is his mother. Looking into the face of this amazing woman, not older, kind and wise, I remembered more than once my teacher and knew that the children were good and with the other » .


  • Half-timer(Review) Cargo machine with a lifting capacity of 1.5 tons.
  • District Center. City or village - center of the administrative district within the region.
  • Bonds. Public loan ticket. (State winning
  • loan).

-What is the name of the story?

- About whose face is the narration? Why?

-How lived in the village?

-When and how did the hero begin with an independent life?

-What test expected him?

Why did the hero of the story start playing "Chiku"?

How do Vadik and the narrator belong to this game?

Why did Vadik and Pthaha beat him?

Find words that pass its condition at that moment.

How does the hero behave the day after the fight?

How does the teacher find out what happened to the hero?

What feelings is experiencing a hero?

What qualities of the hero appear in this episode?

- What a boy appeared

Lidia Mikhailovna?

-How is the intonation of the teacher and the mood of the boy during the conversation after the lessons?

  • Why Lidia Mikhailovna forced the hero to engage in addition?

-What feelings are experiencing a hero in the apartment of the teacher?

- What character traits show the hero?

Why Lidia Mikhailovna decided to play

in "Zammyashki" with their student?

- What ended the game? How does Lidia Mikhailovna behave in

conversation with the director? Why did not explain his act to the director?

Lydia Mikhailovna opened a new world to the boy, showed a "other life" (in the house of the teacher, the boy even the air seemed to be impregnated with "easy and unfamiliar smells of a different life"), where people can trust each other, maintain and help, divide the mountain, relieve loneliness. The boy learned the "red apples", which never dreamed of ever. Now he learned that he was not alone, that there is in the world of kindness, responsiveness, love. This is true spiritual values.

-What role is played by the afterword?

Theme and idea of \u200b\u200bthe story.

  • Theme of the work - life in the postwar years.
  • The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of the "Lessons of French":

selfless and disinterested kindness - eternal human value .

  • The end of the story suggests that even after parting, the connection between people is not broken, does not disappear: "Among the winter, after the January vacation, I came to school by mail parcel ... They lay pasta and three red apples in it ... I used to see them only in the picture, but I guessed that they were."


  • In this lesson you got acquainted with creativity Valentina Grigorievich Rasputin - read the story "French lessons".
  • You learned:
  • about the difficulties of post-war childhood writer;
  • about kindness that changed the fate of the boy;
  • on the peculiarities of the autobiographical story.

Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin (1937 - 2015)

  • It is the successor of the traditions of Russian classical prose from the point of view of moral problems. Madness and funeral existence opposes wisdom, careful attitude towards peace, to man, to nature.
  • The main words in his work - conscience and memory.

Effect of place

The writer said that his childhood and his creativity is unthinkable without the influence of Siberia, Taiga, and, especially, the hangars: "I believe that in my writer, she played not a last role; Once in an integral moment I came out to the hangar and Obomlel - and from the beauty entered in me, as well as from the conscious and material feeling of the Motherland who came from her.

Story "Lessons of French"

I wrote this story in the hope that the lessons who followed me at one time will fall into the soul as a small and adult reader.

History of creation

"The story, whose heroines was Lidia Mikhailovna, I dedicated to another teacher - Anastasia Prokopyevna Kopylova. When I recognized her, she had already worked at school for many years, but neither then nor later I did not see in her eyes of that hard expression for which it had already been time to come. The story was first published in 1973 in our Irkutsk Komsomol newspaper "Soviet youth" in the room dedicated to Alexander Vampilov's memory. Anastasia Prokopyevna is his mother. Looking in the face of this amazing woman who is accidenting, good and wise, I remembered more than once my teacher and knew that the children were good and with the other. "

History of creation

The story of "Lessons of French" - the work of the autobiographical. Not knowing how the writer's childhood passed than it was filled, it is impossible deeply, with a complete understanding to read his works. After the end of the beginning school in his native village, Rasputin wanted to continue his studies. But the school in which the fifth and subsequent classes were only in the district center of Ust-Ust, and this is fifty kilometers from the house. We must move there to live one, without parents, without a family. It was a very serious change in life. In addition, as he writes, V.G. Rasputin, "before that none of our village in the area has studied. I was the first. "

  • "Lydia Mikhailovna, as in the story, has always caused me and surprise, and reverence ...
  • She seemed to me an elevated, almost unearthly creature. It was in our teacher that internal independence, which protects against the pen.
  • A completely still young, recent student, she did not think about the fact that he brings us up on his example, but the actions that for her themselves were intelligent, became the most important lessons for us. The lessons of kindness. "

History of creation

  • Autobiography is a consistent presentation by the speaking or writing major stages of his life.
  • "There I had nothing to invent anything," Rasputin said. All this happened to me. Behind the prototype did not have to go. I needed to return to people that good, which in his time they did for me. "


  • Onespoon - (talk.) Cargo machine with a lifting capacity of 1.5 tons.
  • District Center. City or village - center of the administrative district within the region.
  • Bonds. Public loan ticket. (State winning loan).


  • What is the name of the story?
  • Whose person is the story? Why?
  • What time is the author writes about?
  • How did you live in the village?
  • When and how did the hero begin with an independent life?
  • What trials expected it?


  • Why did the hero of the story start playing "Chiku"?
  • How do Vadik and the narrator belong to this game?
  • Why did Vadik and Pthaha beat him?
  • Find words that pass its condition at that moment.


  • How does the hero behave the day after the fight?
  • How does the teacher find out what happened to the hero?
  • What feelings is experiencing a hero?
  • What qualities of the hero appear in this episode?


  • What was the boy Lidia Mikhailovna?
  • What applies the author in the description of the teacher?
  • How is the intonation of the teacher and the mood of the boy change during the conversation after the lessons?
  • Why Lidia Mikhailovna forced the hero to engage in addition?
  • What feelings are experiencing a hero in the apartment of the teacher?
  • What features of character takes the hero?

Lydia Mikhailovna

She sat in front of me neat all, smart and beautiful, beautiful and in his clothes, and in his young pore, which I was vaguely felt, I came up the smell of spirits from her ....; In addition, she was a teacher not arithmetic about some, not history, but a mysterious French language, from which something special, fabulous, beyond anyone, like, for example, to me.

"She was sitting in front of me neat, all smart and beautiful, beautiful and clothes ..."

  • What can we judge the portrait of the heroine?
  • Why did Rasputin put this portrait?
  • What would happen if the portrait characteristic did not exist?

Reference ...

  • What features did Lidia Mikhailovna possess? Bring quotes from text.
  • What would you choose: Have money, but not have friends or have friends, but there is little money? Why?
  • Would you like to help the hero, how did Lydia Mikhailovna help him?

The main character

To see, of course, it was for: in front of her hooked on the party, a skinny dyed boy with a broken face, untidyless without mother and lonely, in an old stuffed jacket on a sagging shoulders, which was in the chest, but from which his hands got out of her way; In the sedentary gallifes and fired in chirks of marking light-green pants with traces of yesterday's fights.


  • Why Lidia Mikhailovna decided to play in the "frozen" with his student?
  • What ended the game? How does Lidia Mikhailovna behave in a conversation with the director? Why did not explain his act to the director?

Characteristics of the main characters


Lydia Mikhailovna

  • moral durability;
  • thirst for knowledge;
  • self-esteem.
  • "Teacher of Mysterious French";
  • smart and beautiful;
  • "A special fabulous creature ...";
  • "A man is extraordinary, not like everyone else."
  • self-esteem;
  • kindness;
  • courage;
  • mercy;
  • sensitivity;
  • generosity;
  • responsiveness.


  • Surprisingly, Lydia Mikhailovna, it turns out, did not remember that it looks like, as in the story, sent me a parcel with pasta .... But, by reflection, I realized that there was nothing amazing here in essence: True good It creates it, has a smaller memory than from the part of who takes it ...
  • Good disinterestedly, and this is his miraculous force.


Lydia Mikhailovna opened a new world to the boy, showed a "other life" (in the house of the teacher, the boy even the air seemed to be impregnated with "easy and unfamiliar smells of a different life"), where people can trust each other, maintain and help, divide the mountain, relieve loneliness. The boy learned the "red apples", which never dreamed of ever. Now he learned that he was not alone, that there is in the world of kindness, responsiveness, love. This is true spiritual values.

  • What role does the afterword play?

The concept of "lesson"

  • Work specified for a certain period. She asked himself a lesson.
  • Academic work, tasks that are given a student for preparing for the next lesson. Prepare a lesson. Learn lessons.
  • Training occupation for any subject, as well as the time allotted for him. Literature lesson.
  • That which you can draw conclusions, extract anything instructive for the future. Life lesson.
  • . Study. Teaching, instruction. Onegin, remember that hour when in the garden, in the alley, the fate of us brought, and so humbly a lesson I listened.

Theme and idea of \u200b\u200bthe story

  • The topic of the work is life in the post-war years.
  • The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of the "Lessons of French": selfless and disinterested kindness - eternal human value.
  • The end of the story says that even after parting the connection between people is not broken, does not disappear: "Among the winter, after the January holidays, I came to school by mail the parcel ... it lay pasta and three red apples ... before I saw them only In the picture, but I guessed that it was them. "

Meaning of the name

  • The word "lesson" in the title of the story has two meanings. First, this is a training hour dedicated to a separate subject, secondly, it is something instructive, from which you can conclude for the future. Determining for understanding the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story becomes exactly the meaning of this word. The lessons of kindness and heartiness, taught by Lydia Mikhailovna, the boy remembered on his whole life. Literary critic Semenova calls the Action of Lydia Mikhailovna "Higher Pedagogy", "the one that pierces the heart forever and shines the pure, innocent light of a natural example, ... in front of which you are ashamed of all your adult deviations from yourself."
  • The moral meaning of the story is in the challenges of eternal values \u200b\u200b- kindness and humans.


In the story of the "Lessons of French" V.G. Rasputin narrates about the courage of the boy who preserved the purity of the soul, the inviolability of his moral laws, bestingly and bravely, as a soldier, his duties and his bruises. The boy attracts clarity, integrity, the impregnation of the soul, and after all, he is much harder to live, much harder to resist than the teacher. The hero is one in someone else's side, he is constantly hungry, but still never bends himself before Vadik, nor in front of Ptah, who beaten him into the blood, nor in front of Lydia Mikhailovna, who wants him good. The boy combines light cheerful, characteristic of childhood carelessness, love for the game, faith into the kindness of people and the nonsense serious reflections on the troubles brought by the war.

Create synkweins

  • Kindness
  • Mental, sincere
  • Sends, instructs, teaches.
  • Good attitude towards people is the meaning of life.


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