What professions are common in the city? Rural professions. Write the names of cultivated plants

Irina Stepanyuk
Lesson on cognitive development for children of the middle group “Professions of the city and the village” “Professions of the city and the village”

Municipal preschool educational institution of a combined type, kindergarten Romashka.

Lesson on cognitive development for middle group children.

« Professions of the city and village»

Educator: Stepanyuk I. V.

Target: give basic ideas about the characteristics of labor in city and in rural areas.


Educational: continue to introduce various professions;

expand and enrich ideas about labor actions and tools;

enrich active vocabulary children; show the importance of each professions;

Developmental: develop memory, attention, curiosity, speech children.

Educational: cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of different specialties.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about peace professions and remember what exist professions. And who knows what it is profession?

Children: answers

Educator: Profession is work to which a person devotes his entire life. It should bring joy to a person and benefit the people around him.

Now close your eyes and count to 5 (slide 2). Where are we?

Children: V city.

Educator: V city there are a lot of people living there. Every person has their own profession. I suggest going on an excursion to see what kind of professions in the city(slide 3).

I have a pencil

Multi-colored gouache,

Watercolor, palette, brush

And a thick sheet of paper,

And also a tripod easel,

Because I... (Artist)

Children: artist.

Educator: Right. The artist paints different paintings: portraits of people (slide 3, click, still lifes (slide 3, click, landscapes (slide 3, click). There are cartoonists (they make drawings for cartoons, illustrators (make drawings for fairy tales, stories, poems). This is such an interesting, important, beautiful work from the artist.

Let's see the next one profession, which only happens in city(slide 4)

He works while he plays

(Eat such a profession) .

He's been on stage for a long time.

Ta profession …

Children: actor. We don't know (slide 4, 2 clicks)

Educator: Actors have a very interesting job, but it’s difficult. They play different roles every time. They need to remember a lot of words. Actors work in the theater on stage and also act in films.

Guess the next one profession: (slide 5)

In this clean, bright room,

Always with a feeling of joy

The old walks and the little walks,

So I'll go there too.

If I'm too overgrown,

I will sit down in the chair boldly,

I need a haircut

The master will do it skillfully.

Silently I look in the mirror:

Scissors fly quickly

I'm watching the master

How he changes his hairstyle.

With a neat head

(The master tried very hard)

I'm returning home.

What was this master's name?

Children: hairdresser

Educator: A hairdresser has a lot of work every day. Hairdresser cuts hair children, women, men (slide 5, click). He does beautiful hairstyles for women (slide 5, click, curls, dyes hair. The hairdresser spends the whole day on his feet, so by the evening they are very tired. The work of a hairdresser is very interesting.

Guys, do you know who a photographer is?

Children: the one who takes photographs.

Educator: (slide 6) this profession also found only in city. Nowadays everyone has a camera, but professionally Photography is done by a photographer. He has special equipment professional camera(slide 6, click).

Guess the next one riddle: (slide 7)

In a bright red car

We are rushing forward.

The work is hard and dangerous

It awaits us, the brave ones.

Howl of a piercing siren

Can stun

We will be both water and foam

We are putting out the fire.

And people in trouble

We can help

After all, we will fight fire

Boldly day and night!

Children: firefighter. (slide 7, click)

Educator: Firefighters have a very hard, important, responsible job. At any time of the day they go and put out fires. Firefighters must be brave, courageous, strong and courageous.

Guys, it exists profession architect. Who do you think this is?

Children: we don’t know.

Educator: (slide 8)

An architect builds a house

The house is multi-storey. (slide 8, click)

Builds a house with a pencil

On a piece of paper.

I need to draw everything (slide 8, click)

Calculate, check,

Stairs and doors.

May it stand for many years

So that there is light in the apartment,

Baths, washbasins

For big and small.

An architect makes drawings of a house on paper. Draws all parts of the house, writes down all dimensions so that builders can build a house using these drawings.

Now stand on your feet, repeat the movements after me and listen carefully to the poem. This poem also talks about professions, which are found in city.

Janitor sweeps the yard

The janitor removes the rubbish.

(bends forward, imitating sweeping)

Our guard is on duty

Looks boldly into the darkness.

(turn right - left, placing your palm to your eyes).

And the shoemaker will sew boots for anyone’s feet

(vest - sit down, stand up, placing your legs alternately on your heels).

He will nail horseshoes to his boots

And dance without stopping.

Our pilots are pilots

We got ready for the flight.

(body tilts to the right - left while pronouncing the sounds vzh - zh - zh,

straight arms to the sides)

Look around you more cheerfully:

A pediatrician is a friend to the children

(breathing exercises : calm inhalation through the nose)

Educator: Guys, have you ever been to the village?

Children: answers children

Educator: I suggest you go on an excursion to the village and see who works there. Close your eyes and count to five (slide 9). After the word "five" teacher speaks: open your eyes and sit down on the chairs.

Educator: here we are in the village. Not as many people live in the village as in city and the village is much smaller in size than city. Houses in the village are usually one-story; there are, of course, two- and three-story ones, but there are not many of them. There are also such buildings in the village (slide 10). Guys, what do you think is shown here?

Children: we don’t know. (farm, barn)

Educator: This is a farm. Who do you think lives there?

Children: cows, calves, piglets, we don’t know.

Educator: cows live here (slide 11). And milkmaids work on the farm. They milk the cows 3 times a day (slide 12) Previously, milkmaids milked with their hands, but now they use special machines.

Guys, not only cows, but also pigs can live on a farm in the village (slide 13). Such a farm is called a pig farm. The pigs are looked after by cattlemen. They remove manure and feed pigs

(slide 14) This is a poultry farm. Birds live here. On poultry farms raise chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys (slide 15), quails, and they may also even breed ostriches(slide 16). And the poultry workers look after and feed the birds (slide 17).

Guys, do you know who the shepherd is?

Children: we don’t know.

Educator: (slide 18) a shepherd is the person who tends the flock. He can herd cows, sheep, goats. Shepherds spend the whole day in the field, in any weather (in the rain, on a bright sunny day) from early morning until late evening. Shepherds move their flock from one field to another. A shepherd's work is very hard, but very important. Not every person can work as a shepherd. The shepherd must be hardy, strong, and responsible, because he is entrusted with a huge herd of animals that must be constantly monitored.

Who do you think a farmer is?

Children: We don’t know who works on the farm.

Educator: (slide 19) A farmer is a person who is engaged in agriculture, i.e. raises livestock, grows grain, various herbs to feed animals, or sell it.

Look how huge the fields are in the villages (slide 20) (slide 21). The fields are first sown with grass (slide 22, or grain. When the grass grows, they are mowed, harvested, (slide 23) that is, they are taken away from the fields on tractors or cars. When the grain ripens, (slide 24) it is removed by men on special tractors. What do you think, who harvests grain and on what tractors?

Children: Combiner (we don't know).

Educator: (slide 25) The grain is removed by a combine operator on a combine harvester. The work of a combine operator is very hard. He works from early morning until late at night, because the fields are huge, (slide 26) You need to have time to harvest the grain before the rains come. Even lunch for the combine operators is brought to the field. They have lunch and continue working.

There are still many different people working in the village professions, but those professions, which we just saw, there are only in the village, such there are no professions in the city.

What do you think? There are professions in both the city and the village?

Children: called professions.

Educator: (shows slides - children call professions) This (slide 27) doctor, cook; (slide 28) teacher, educator; (slide 29) salesman, (slide 30) driver, (slide 31) postman, (slide 32) seamstress, (slide 33) electrician.

Educator: Where have we been today?

Children: V city, in the village …

Educator: which profession What did you like most about our excursion? .

Which one profession did you find it the most difficult? (several individual answers)

Poem by Gianni Rodari

A resident of a large city or metropolis can easily solve his financial problems. It is very easy for him to get a job. Even if the wages are not too high, neither hunger nor frost threatens him. But in small settlements the problem of employment still remains relevant. Not many people manage to earn their bread and butter. The province's infrastructure is very poorly developed, and production in many areas is still in decline.

A city dweller, when opening his own business, usually hopes to improve his status and realize himself. A resident of a rural area, first of all, strives to provide himself and his family with material goods, and self-employment is very often the only way for him to solve his financial problems.

There is more than enough advice on how and ideas for starting your own production. But there are not so many lucky ones who managed to implement these ideas. Many novice businessmen repeat the same mistake at the beginning of their activities. They think that the main factor in a successful business is an original idea. As practice shows, this idea is not correct.

No business idea will work if a person is unable to accurately assess his skills, capabilities and priorities.

Probably everyone in their life has met people obsessed with another idea. Yesterday he raised quails, today he grows potatoes, and tomorrow, most likely, he will get rabbits. Considerable amounts of money are invested in each business. However, not a single business plan works. It seems that a person is fatally haunted by failure after failure. What's the catch?

There is no secret here. It’s just that a person incorrectly assesses his capabilities and his abilities. In addition, his rosy plans are far from the real needs of the people around him. You can spend millions and not earn a penny. You can start from scratch and provide yourself with a completely decent existence. There are a great many examples of this. Each region has its own experts, craftsmen, masters of their craft, and the demand for their products and services is quite high. It should be understood that the time of easy money and easy decisions has long passed. Only a qualified specialist can achieve success in business.

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Does a villager have a chance?

There is an opinion that opening your own business in the city is much easier. This is wrong. And the point is not even that a village resident has much more resources at his disposal. The fact is that a village resident has been involved in economic activities since childhood. Even in the most unfavorable times for private enterprise, village residents survived by producing their own products and selling their surplus.

As a rule, a village resident who has set himself the task of organizing his own business is already prepared. He has a good idea of ​​the main points in organizing the production of a product and understands what problems he will have to solve. He knows how and where sales of products can be organized. There is no way you can sell him “the technology for producing ten centners of potatoes from one hundred square meters,” and he is quite capable of starting his own business from scratch.

If there is anything that can confuse him at the first stage of organizing production, it is cheap slogans and the lack of necessary education. Cheap slogans most often require excessive originality from a person. For example, a person is asked to breed ostriches, giraffes, peacocks, quails, and pheasants. It is possible to breed them, but it is not a fact that the products produced will be in demand. The lack of necessary education can be a serious obstacle, because in villages and villages there are a number of in-demand professions that allow you to organize a business without any investment. It is enough just to have high qualifications.

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What professions are always in price?

Let's start with the last one. It's no secret that people live in any village. And all these people need qualified specialist help. At all times, professions such as rural doctor, rural teacher, veterinarian, accountant were at a high price. And the consultations of these specialists were generously paid. If there is no start-up capital, then it makes sense to master one of the professions listed above.

Medical service. This profession will always be in demand. There is no need to invest a lot of money if a person needs to apply a compress, give an injection or provide first aid. But the service provided by public medical institutions is not always at a high level. Very often, village residents are deprived of the opportunity to contact not only a specialist, but even a paramedic.

Typically, a type of business such as home health care is simply not considered. This is justified by the fact that there is nothing to take from pensioners, who sometimes make up the overwhelming majority of the village population. One should not lose sight of the fact that most of these retirees have children who will be happy to pay for all the care for their elderly parents.

If you have a plot of land, and any village resident usually has one, then you can simultaneously start growing medicinal plants. And if you also have a car, you can offer your services to residents of neighboring villages. This will make the business more profitable. The most important thing is to always stay in touch and quickly respond to people’s requests for help.

Veterinary services. This is another type of business that can be created from scratch. It is enough to have the necessary education. There are animals in almost every village yard, and every owner tries to take care of their pets. Moreover, keeping some animals, such as cattle, without veterinary control is simply prohibited. If you provide the population with truly high-quality and inexpensive services, then creating a client base for yourself will not be very difficult.

Another popular, although somewhat exotic, profession that you can master is an insemination technician. If there are a lot of people in the village and in the surrounding settlements who are engaged in livestock farming, then success is guaranteed. The fact is that keeping any cow is not cheap. In order to recoup maintenance costs, the owner strives to obtain purebred viable offspring. However, not every village has a purebred breeding bull.

The best breeding bulls are kept on farms that specifically engage in breeding. Typically, livestock farms purchase material for insemination from these farms and inseminate cows artificially. In this way, the purity of the breed is controlled, and the cows do not have unwanted contacts and do not get sick. It’s not just large farms that need the services of an insemination technician. Private owners are well aware of the benefits of artificial insemination and willingly resort to the services of these specialists.

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A builder and an accountant can also earn money

Repair and construction services. This is another type of activity that will always be in demand. The condition of both the housing stock and outbuildings in many villages and hamlets cannot be called good. Many houses, fences, and utility rooms require repairs. In addition, many villages and villages are actively developing and construction is proceeding at a rapid pace. If the village is large enough, then it is possible, and even desirable, to choose a narrow specialization.

This can include interior decoration, laying stoves, installing heating systems, and digging wells. People strive for everyday amenities, and even if the overwhelming majority of village residents are of retirement age, their adult children try to help them arrange their lives and provide them with maximum comfort.

Accounting. It is possible to build a business based on such a profession only if the village is large and there are people in it who are successfully engaged in entrepreneurial activities. Almost everyone in the village does it. You can sell potatoes on the market from your garden completely freely. This activity is not subject to any tax. But if production volumes are large enough and local farmers have hectares rather than hundreds of acres of land, then such activities have to be formalized legally. It is expensive and economically unprofitable for a farmer to hire his own accountant. The services of a private accountant will be very useful in this case.

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What kind of production will be profitable?

These are just a few directions that can be chosen only when there is no start-up capital and the business has to be started from scratch. However, intelligence, professionalism, and skill can more than replace start-up capital and bring very tangible profits in the future.

Usually, a village resident has some kind of material resources. If there is a plot of land, a summer kitchen, an outbuilding or a barn, then a village resident has much more opportunities to start his own business. Just don’t imitate pensioners, grow everything on your plot and run to the market with a bunch of radishes. You can't build a business this way. The competition is too high, the labor costs are high, and the returns are minimal.

A very small area and weak material resources will not allow for large-scale production. What to do? In this case, narrow specialization will help. At the same time, it is very important to specialize in those areas that are poorly developed in the region.

In areas with harsh climates, specialists in plant acclimatization will be in great demand. Selection and creation of new varieties and hybrids also deserve attention. Of course, this requires a lot of time. It is best to focus on producing a few local varieties and gradually introduce new ones. Breeders and gardeners often achieve excellent results on their small plots of land, and they have many clients.

Press conference "Professions of our city"

Target: To attract students' attention to choosing a profession.

Tasks:1. Introduce the most common professions in our city.

2. Expand students’ knowledge about professions and educational institutions in the city.

3. Develop skills and abilities to express your thoughts, argue them,

make a report.

4. Cultivate interest in choosing a future profession.

Decor: stands telling about professions (miner, medical worker, culinary specialist, mechanic),


Dear Guys! I invite you to take part in the press conference "The professions of our cities". A press conference is a communication between representatives of a certain organization and the press. I entrust the role of the press to you. You will meet representatives of several professions, they will tell you about the most important professions in our city, and you will be able to ask them all the questions that interest you.

Choosing a profession is one of the most important issues in the life of every person, because the whole way of life will depend on what he will do, where he will work, and “you can’t catch a fish out of the pond without labor,” as the wise proverb says. Work occupies a large place in a person’s life. It’s not for nothing that people have come up with so many different proverbs and sayings about work. I suggest recalling some of them. I have written the beginning of the proverb, you will remember the ending.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

Where they work, it is dense, but in a lazy house it is empty.

Live without anything, just smoke the sky.

Work until you sweat, and eat when you want.

Done hastily, done for fun.

Time for business, time for fun.

Judge a person by his deeds.

Labor is very important for a person, and you can work everywhere: in factories and factories, in markets and stores, in hospitals and schools, in cultural centers and libraries, in parks, on the streets, in the seas and oceans, even in space. There are a huge number of different professions in the world. I suggest you remember some of them.

A game“Name your profession.” Students name professions starting with a specific letter of the alphabet. For example, “B” is a librarian, banker, driller, accountant, bartender, boxer, bathhouse attendant, bulldozer operator, biologist, wrestler.

You named many different professions and we need them all; we cannot do without them.

Think about the huge number of different professions from which you need to choose one, one that will always bring you satisfaction, a desire to work and achieve success. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you need to be interested in professions and try to learn more about them.

And now our guests (children of the same class) will tell us about the most important professions in our city.

So, I give the floor to the first participant in our press conference.

First speaker.

I'll tell you about a wonderful profession chef-culinary-pastry chef.

In a huge book called “Cooking”, there are hundreds of thousands of recipes for dishes, each of which has its own story. For example, already in the 8th century BC there were culinary schools in Rome. Cooking was considered fashionable and honorable. At first, culinary tastes in Europe were dictated by Italy, then Spain and finally France. In the 16th and 17th centuries, a “gastronomic revolution” took place, as many new products were imported from America: beans, corn, sunflowers, tomatoes and the most important product, potatoes.

The emergence of culinary art in Rus' is associated with pagan holidays. Many traditions have survived to this day, welcoming spring and the sun with pancakes drizzled with butter.

The profession of a cook in Rus' appeared in the 10th century. It was in this century that many fish and mushroom dishes, porridges and gruels, steamed and baked vegetables, and some herbal dishes arose. The passion of Russian people for sour dough resulted in the appearance of many flour products (pancakes, pies, saiki)

And real Russian jelly - oatmeal, wheat, rye! Russian cooks were especially successful at various appetizers using cucumbers, cabbage, mushrooms, and pickled apples. They were also famous for preparing famous stews: cabbage soup, borscht, fish soup, okroshka. Anyone who decides to take up the culinary arts has a wide field of activity.

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Currently, more and more people, and especially young people, are trying to leave the village for the city. In the villages, “oh, there are not enough jobs,” many believe. But today we will try to refute this idea. So, below we will present to your attention who you can work in the village and in the countryside - a list of professions.

But it’s true, if all the people move to live in the city, then who will engage in farming, beekeeping or treating domestic animals?

Rural professions list

1. Agronomist. Comprehensively developed in the field of agronomy, a broad specialist in agriculture. The specification of labor is that it gives life to new varieties of garden, vegetable and field crops.

Where he works: farms, agricultural complexes.

List of qualities that a person in this profession should have:

  • Physical development;
  • Grouping skills and quick decision making;
  • Excellent memory and developed imaginative thinking.

The big advantage of this job is that you will spend almost all of your work time outdoors.

An agronomist can earn up to $900 a month.

2. Beekeeper. Representatives of this profession must breed and study bees. But to do this you need to be able to feel them and interact with them.

It is necessary to have special tools and regularly master new beekeeping technologies. But that’s not all, this person must be competent in types of honey, understand colors and methods of processing wax raw materials.

Where he works: own apiaries, farming.

List of qualities useful for a beekeeper:

  • Courage and fear of being bitten;
  • Patience and activity;
  • And most importantly, bees do not like the smells of perfume, alcohol and tobacco, so you will need to give up bad habits;

A beekeeper on a farm can earn up to $300 a month.

3. Game guide. A very interesting job, however, of all agricultural jobs, it is the lowest paid.

Where you can find a job as a game warden: reserves, nature reserves, hunting farms, hunting authorities, the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the World Wildlife Fund.

Qualities useful for a game warden:

  • Ability to work flexible hours and irregular working hours;
  • Physical endurance;
  • Honesty;
  • Integrity;

4. Veterinarian. A job that is based on love for animals. Your income can range from $300 to $1,500, it all depends on your place of work.

Where can a veterinarian work: veterinary clinics, laboratories, veterinary stations.

Qualities useful for a veterinarian:

  • Courage;
  • Endurance;
  • physical development;
  • moral strength.

Profession machine operator in agriculture

Agricultural machine operator. This profession has long been considered the most in demand in the village. The work is hard, in the spring - plowing the land, cultivating and sowing the land with seeds; in summer – mowing, threshing; in the fall - to plow; in winter - repair equipment. As you can see, there is enough work. But, of course, such work is paid accordingly. Responsibilities that a machine operator must perform:

  • Sowing;
  • Watering;
  • Harvesting;
  • Plowing the field.

He must do all this on a machine-tractor unit.

Hazardous professions in agriculture

Of course, as in any field of work, agriculture has a list of jobs that are harmful to human health:

  • Work related to disinfectants, pesticides and pesticides;
  • Maintenance of sires and boars;
  • Working with animal corpses;
  • Profession of tractor driver;

So, we can summarize briefly. We see that in agriculture there is quite enough work for young people. At the same time, the cost of such labor is estimated very well. Don’t be afraid to stay in the village, because it’s so wonderful to have a job where you can merge with nature and get an excellent salary for it!

1. What are the reasons for the external differences between people of different races?

With the conditions in which they live.

2. Write where these peoples raise livestock.

3. Emphasize where it is more convenient to plow the fields.

  • In a wooded area
  • In the mountains
  • In a treeless area
  • On the plain

4. Highlight where the most fertile soils are.

  • In the forest area
  • In the steppe zone

5. Connect the activities of ancient tribes and their way of life.

6. Write what professions are common

  • in the city: craftsmen, carpenters, lawyers
  • in the village: tractor drivers, milkmaids, cattle breeders.

7. Write the names of cultivated plants.

8. Connect with lines and write what animals are bred where

9. Using the political map, determine which country is the largest in the world.

Russia (Russian Federation)

10. Write down the names of the three states with which Russia borders.

Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Belarus

11. What can you tell about your country?

  • A country: Russia
  • Flag colors: White blue red
  • Capital: Moscow
  • Public holidays: January 1, January 7, February 23, March 8, May 1, May 9, June 12, November 4.
  • Famous building: Moscow Kremlin, Winter Palace, Peter and Paul Fortress, St. Basil's Cathedral
  • Famous people: Yuri Gagarin, Alexander Pushkin, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Ivan Aivazovsky.

What else is the country famous for?

Our country is rich in natural resources: forests, arable lands, seas, rivers. Many minerals are mined on its territory: oil, natural gas, coal, and various metals. Russian scientists (Korolev, Tsiolkovsky), writers (Dostoevsky, Bulgakov), artists (Levitan, Chagall), composers (Rimsky-Korsakov, Glinka), theater and ballet artists and other talented people are also famous throughout the world.

12. In front of you is a map of the area where grain and flax are sown and potatoes are planted. Place new objects on it. Label them with the first letters of their names. After each new building, the city grows: circle its territory.

Iron ore was found near Andreevka: build a mining plant. Draw roads. There are more people. Build Houses, Schools, Shops and a Hospital for them. The plant is located so that it is convenient to bring in ore and take away its products. Build houses again and everything necessary for people to live. Build a port for exporting goods for sale (water transport is the cheapest). Continue yourself.


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