Summary: Reactive motion in nature and technology. Application of jet propulsion in technology Post on the topic of jet propulsion in physics

Reactive motion in nature and technology


Reactive motion is a movement that occurs when any part of the body is separated from the body at a certain speed.

Reactive force arises without any interaction with external bodies.

The use of jet propulsion in nature

Many of us in our lives met with jellyfish while swimming in the sea. In any case, there are quite enough of them in the Black Sea. But few people thought that jellyfish use jet propulsion for movement. In addition, this is how dragonfly larvae and some species of marine plankton move. And often the efficiency of marine invertebrates using jet propulsion is much higher than that of technological inventions.

Jet propulsion is used by many molluscs - octopuses, squid, cuttlefish. For example, a scallop clam moves forward due to the reactive force of a stream of water ejected from a shell when its valves are sharply compressed.



Cuttlefish, like most cephalopods, moves in water in the following way. It draws water into the gill cavity through the lateral slit and a special funnel in front of the body, and then vigorously throws out a stream of water through the funnel. The cuttlefish directs the funnel tube to the side or back and rapidly squeezing water out of it, can move in different directions.

Salpa is a sea animal with a transparent body, when it moves, it receives water through the front opening, and water enters a wide cavity, inside which the gills are stretched diagonally. As soon as the animal takes a long sip of water, the hole closes. Then the longitudinal and transverse muscles of the salpa contract, the whole body contracts, and water is pushed out through the posterior opening. The reaction of the flowing jet pushes the salpa forward.

Of greatest interest is the squid jet engine. The squid is the largest invertebrate inhabitant of the ocean depths. Squids have reached the highest perfection in jet navigation. In them, even the body with its external forms copies the rocket (or, better to say, the rocket copies the squid, since it has an indisputable priority in this matter). When moving slowly, the squid uses a large diamond-shaped fin that bends periodically. He uses a jet engine for a quick throw. Muscle tissue - the mantle surrounds the body of the mollusk from all sides, the volume of its cavity is almost half the volume of the body of the squid. The animal sucks water into the mantle cavity, and then abruptly throws out a stream of water through a narrow nozzle and at high speed moves backwards in jerks. In this case, all ten tentacles of the squid gather in a knot above the head, and it acquires a streamlined shape. The nozzle is equipped with a special valve, and the muscles can turn it, changing the direction of movement. The squid engine is very economical, it is capable of speeds up to 60 - 70 km / h. (Some researchers believe that even up to 150 km / h!) No wonder the squid is called a “live torpedo”. Bending the tentacles folded in a bundle to the right, left, up or down, the squid turns in one direction or the other. Since such a rudder is very large in comparison with the animal itself, its slight movement is enough for the squid, even at full speed, to easily dodge a collision with an obstacle. A sharp turn of the steering wheel - and the swimmer rushes in the opposite direction. So he bent the end of the funnel back and now slides head first. He bent it to the right - and a jet push threw it to the left. But when you need to swim fast, the funnel always sticks out right between the tentacles, and the squid rushes forward with its tail, as a crayfish would run - a runner endowed with the agility of a horse.

If there is no need to rush, squid and cuttlefish swim undulating with fins - miniature waves run along them from front to back, and the animal glides gracefully, occasionally pushing itself also with a stream of water thrown out from under the mantle. Then the individual shocks that the mollusk receives at the time of the eruption of water jets are clearly visible. Some cephalopods can reach speeds of up to fifty-five kilometers per hour. It seems that no one has made direct measurements, but this can be judged by the speed and range of flying squid. And such, it turns out, there are talents in the relatives of octopuses! The best mollusk pilot is the stenoteutis squid. English sailors call it - flying squid ("flying squid"). It is a small herring-sized animal. He pursues fish with such impetuosity that he often jumps out of the water, sweeping like an arrow over its surface. He resorts to this trick and saving his life from predators - tuna and mackerel. Having developed the maximum jet thrust in the water, the pilot squid takes off into the air and flies over the waves for more than fifty meters. The apogee of a live rocket flight lies so high above the water that flying squids often land on the decks of ocean-going ships. Four to five meters is not a record height to which squid rise into the sky. Sometimes they fly even higher.

The English shellfish researcher Dr. Rees described in a scientific article a squid (only 16 centimeters long), which, having flown a fair distance through the air, fell on the yacht's bridge, which was almost seven meters above the water.

It happens that many flying squids fall on the ship in a sparkling cascade. The ancient writer Trebius Niger once told a sad story about a ship that even sank under the weight of flying squids that fell on its deck. Squids can take off without acceleration.

Octopuses can fly too. French naturalist Jean Verany saw an ordinary octopus speed up in an aquarium and suddenly jumped out of the water backwards. After describing an arc five meters long in the air, he flopped back into the aquarium. Gathering speed to jump, the octopus moved not only due to jet thrust, but also rowed with tentacles.
Baggy octopuses swim, of course, worse than squids, but at critical moments they can show a record class for the best sprinters. The staff at the California Aquarium tried to photograph an octopus attacking a crab. The octopus rushed to the prey so quickly that there was always grease on the film, even when shooting at the highest speeds. So the throw lasted hundredths of a second! Usually octopuses swim relatively slowly. Joseph Seinle, who studied the migration of octopuses, calculated that an octopus, half a meter in size, floats on the sea at an average speed of about fifteen kilometers per hour. Each stream of water thrown out of the funnel pushes it forward (or rather, backward, since the octopus swims backwards) two to two and a half meters.

Jet propulsion can also be found in the plant world. For example, ripe fruits of "mad cucumber" at the slightest touch bounce off the stalk, and a sticky liquid with seeds is thrown out of the hole with force. At the same time, the cucumber itself flies in the opposite direction up to 12 m.

Knowing the law of conservation of momentum, you can change your own speed of movement in open space. If you are in a boat and have several heavy stones, then throwing stones in a certain direction will move in the opposite direction. The same will happen in outer space, but there they use jet engines for this.

Everyone knows that a shot from a gun is accompanied by a recoil. If the weight of the bullet were equal to the weight of the gun, they would fly at the same speed. Recoil occurs because the rejected mass of gases creates a reactive force, thanks to which movement can be ensured both in air and in airless space. And the greater the mass and velocity of the outflowing gases, the greater the recoil force our shoulder feels, the stronger the reaction of the gun, the greater the reactive force.

The use of jet propulsion in technology

For many centuries, humanity has dreamed of space travel. Science fiction writers have offered a variety of means to achieve this goal. In the 17th century, the story of the French writer Cyrano de Bergerac about the flight to the moon appeared. The hero of this story reached the moon in an iron cart, over which he constantly tossed a strong magnet. Pulling towards him, the wagon rose higher and higher above the Earth until it reached the moon. And Baron Munchausen said that he climbed to the moon on a bean stalk.

At the end of the first millennium AD, China invented jet propulsion, which propelled rockets - bamboo tubes filled with gunpowder, they were also used as fun. One of the first projects of cars was also with a jet engine and this project belonged to Newton.

The author of the world's first project of a jet aircraft designed for human flight was the Russian revolutionary N.I. Kibalchich. He was executed on April 3, 1881 for participating in the assassination attempt on Emperor Alexander II. He developed his project in prison after the death sentence. Kibalchich wrote: “While in prison, a few days before my death, I am writing this project. I believe in the feasibility of my idea, and this belief supports me in my terrible situation ... I will calmly face death, knowing that my idea will not perish with me. "

The idea of ​​using rockets for space flights was proposed at the beginning of this century by the Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. In 1903, an article by the teacher of the Kaluga gymnasium K.E. Tsiolkovsky "Exploration of world spaces by jet devices". This work contained the most important mathematical equation for astronautics, now known as the "Tsiolkovsky formula", which described the motion of a body of variable mass. Subsequently, he developed a scheme for a liquid-fuel rocket engine, proposed a multistage rocket design, and expressed the idea of ​​the possibility of creating entire space cities in near-earth orbit. He showed that the only device capable of overcoming the force of gravity is a rocket, i.e. apparatus with a jet engine using fuel and an oxidizer located on the apparatus itself.

A jet engine is an engine that converts the chemical energy of a fuel into the kinetic energy of a gas jet, while the engine gains speed in the opposite direction.

The idea of ​​K.E. Tsiolkovsky was implemented by Soviet scientists under the guidance of Academician Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. The first ever artificial Earth satellite using a rocket was launched in the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957.

The principle of jet propulsion finds wide practical application in aviation and astronautics. In outer space, there is no medium with which the body could interact and thereby change the direction and modulus of its velocity, therefore, for space flights, only jet aircraft, i.e., rockets, can be used.

Rocket device

The motion of the rocket is based on the law of conservation of momentum. If at some point in time any body is thrown away from the rocket, then it will acquire the same impulse, but directed in the opposite direction

In any rocket, regardless of its design, there is always a shell and fuel with an oxidizer. The rocket shell includes a payload (in this case, a spacecraft), an instrument compartment, and an engine (combustion chamber, pumps, etc.).

The bulk of the rocket is fuel with an oxidizer (an oxidizer is needed to maintain fuel combustion, since there is no oxygen in space).

Fuel and oxidizer are pumped into the combustion chamber. Fuel, burning, turns into gas of high temperature and high pressure. Due to the large pressure difference in the combustion chamber and in outer space, gases from the combustion chamber are rushed outward in a powerful jet through a specially shaped bell, called a nozzle. The purpose of the nozzle is to increase the speed of the jet.

Before the launch of the rocket, its impulse is zero. As a result of the interaction of the gas in the combustion chamber and all other parts of the rocket, the gas escaping through the nozzle receives a certain impulse. Then the rocket is a closed system, and its total impulse should be equal to zero even after launch. Therefore, the shell of the rocket, which is completely in it, receives an impulse equal in magnitude to the impulse of the gas, but opposite in direction.

The most massive part of the rocket, designed to launch and accelerate the entire rocket, is called the first stage. When the first massive stage of a multistage rocket runs out of fuel during acceleration, it is separated. Further acceleration is continued by the second, less massive stage, and to the speed previously achieved with the help of the first stage, it adds some more speed, and then separates. The third stage continues to increase the speed to the required value and delivers the payload to orbit.

The first person to fly in outer space was a citizen of the Soviet Union, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. April 12, 1961 He circled the globe aboard the Vostok satellite

Soviet rockets were the first to reach the Moon, circled the Moon and photographed its invisible side from Earth, the first to reach the planet Venus and deliver scientific instruments to its surface. In 1986, two Soviet spacecraft "Vega-1" and "Vega-2" examined Halley's comet at close range, approaching the Sun once every 76 years.

The best case, to demand correction ... ”R. Feynman Even a brief review of the history of the development of technology shows a striking fact of the avalanche-like development of modern science and technology on the scale of the history of all mankind. If the transition of a person from stone tools to metal took about 2 million years; improvement of a wheel from a solid wood wheel to a wheel with a hub, ...

Which is lost in the depths of centuries, was, is and will always be the focus of national science and culture: and will always be open in the cultural and scientific movement to the whole World. "*" Moscow in the history of science and technology "- this is the name of the research project (leader S. Ilizarov), carried out by the Vavilov Institute of the History of Natural Science and Technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the support of ...

The results of his many years of work in various fields of physical optics. It laid the foundations for a new direction in optics, which the scientist called micro-optics. Vavilov paid great attention to questions of the philosophy of natural science and the history of science. He is credited with developing, publishing and promoting the scientific heritage of M.V. Lomonosov, V.V. Petrov and L. Euler. The scientist headed the Commission on History ...

Reactive motion in nature and technology


Jet propulsion- the movement that occurs when some part of the body separates from the body at a certain speed.

Reactive force arises without any interaction with external bodies.

The use of jet propulsion in nature

Many of us in our lives met with jellyfish while swimming in the sea. In any case, there are quite enough of them in the Black Sea. But few people thought that jellyfish use jet propulsion for movement. In addition, this is how dragonfly larvae and some species of marine plankton move. And often the efficiency of marine invertebrates using jet propulsion is much higher than that of technological inventions.

Jet propulsion is used by many molluscs - octopuses, squid, cuttlefish. For example, a scallop clam moves forward due to the reactive force of a stream of water ejected from a shell when its valves are sharply compressed.



Cuttlefish, like most cephalopods, moves in water in the following way. It draws water into the gill cavity through the lateral slit and a special funnel in front of the body, and then vigorously throws out a stream of water through the funnel. The cuttlefish directs the funnel tube to the side or back and rapidly squeezing water out of it, can move in different directions.

Salpa is a sea animal with a transparent body, when it moves, it receives water through the front opening, and water enters a wide cavity, inside which the gills are stretched diagonally. As soon as the animal takes a long sip of water, the hole closes. Then the longitudinal and transverse muscles of the salpa contract, the whole body contracts, and water is pushed out through the posterior opening. The reaction of the flowing jet pushes the salpa forward.

Of greatest interest is the squid jet engine. The squid is the largest invertebrate inhabitant of the ocean depths. Squids have reached the highest perfection in jet navigation. In them, even the body with its external forms copies the rocket (or, better to say, the rocket copies the squid, since it has an indisputable priority in this matter). When moving slowly, the squid uses a large diamond-shaped fin that bends periodically. He uses a jet engine for a quick throw. Muscle tissue - the mantle surrounds the body of the mollusk from all sides, the volume of its cavity is almost half the volume of the body of the squid. The animal sucks water into the mantle cavity, and then abruptly throws out a stream of water through a narrow nozzle and at high speed moves backwards in jerks. In this case, all ten tentacles of the squid gather in a knot above the head, and it acquires a streamlined shape. The nozzle is equipped with a special valve, and the muscles can turn it, changing the direction of movement. The squid engine is very economical, it is capable of speeds up to 60 - 70 km / h. (Some researchers believe that even up to 150 km / h!) No wonder the squid is called a “live torpedo”. Bending the tentacles folded in a bundle to the right, left, up or down, the squid turns in one direction or the other. Since such a rudder is very large in comparison with the animal itself, its slight movement is enough for the squid, even at full speed, to easily dodge a collision with an obstacle. A sharp turn of the steering wheel - and the swimmer rushes in the opposite direction. So he bent the end of the funnel back and now slides head first. He bent it to the right - and a jet push threw it to the left. But when you need to swim fast, the funnel always sticks out right between the tentacles, and the squid rushes forward with its tail, as a crayfish would run - a runner endowed with the agility of a horse.

If there is no need to rush, squid and cuttlefish swim undulating with fins - miniature waves run along them from front to back, and the animal glides gracefully, occasionally pushing itself also with a stream of water thrown out from under the mantle. Then the individual shocks that the mollusk receives at the time of the eruption of water jets are clearly visible. Some cephalopods can reach speeds of up to fifty-five kilometers per hour. It seems that no one has made direct measurements, but this can be judged by the speed and range of flying squid. And such, it turns out, there are talents in the relatives of octopuses! The best mollusk pilot is the stenoteutis squid. English sailors call it - flying squid ("flying squid"). It is a small herring-sized animal. He pursues fish with such impetuosity that he often jumps out of the water, sweeping like an arrow over its surface. He resorts to this trick and saving his life from predators - tuna and mackerel. Having developed the maximum jet thrust in the water, the pilot squid takes off into the air and flies over the waves for more than fifty meters. The apogee of a live rocket flight lies so high above the water that flying squids often land on the decks of ocean-going ships. Four to five meters is not a record height to which squid rise into the sky. Sometimes they fly even higher.

The English shellfish researcher Dr. Rees described in a scientific article a squid (only 16 centimeters long), which, having flown a fair distance through the air, fell on the yacht's bridge, which was almost seven meters above the water.

It happens that many flying squids fall on the ship in a sparkling cascade. The ancient writer Trebius Niger once told a sad story about a ship that even sank under the weight of flying squids that fell on its deck. Squids can take off without acceleration.

Octopuses can fly too. French naturalist Jean Verany saw an ordinary octopus speed up in an aquarium and suddenly jumped out of the water backwards. After describing an arc five meters long in the air, he flopped back into the aquarium. Gathering speed to jump, the octopus moved not only due to jet thrust, but also rowed with tentacles.
Baggy octopuses swim, of course, worse than squids, but at critical moments they can show a record class for the best sprinters. The staff at the California Aquarium tried to photograph an octopus attacking a crab. The octopus rushed to the prey so quickly that there was always grease on the film, even when shooting at the highest speeds. So the throw lasted hundredths of a second! Usually octopuses swim relatively slowly. Joseph Seinle, who studied the migration of octopuses, calculated that an octopus, half a meter in size, floats on the sea at an average speed of about fifteen kilometers per hour. Each stream of water thrown out of the funnel pushes it forward (or rather, backward, since the octopus swims backwards) two to two and a half meters.

Jet propulsion can also be found in the plant world. For example, ripe fruits of "mad cucumber" at the slightest touch bounce off the stalk, and a sticky liquid with seeds is thrown out of the hole with force. At the same time, the cucumber itself flies in the opposite direction up to 12 m.

Knowing the law of conservation of momentum, you can change your own speed of movement in open space. If you are in a boat and have several heavy stones, then throwing stones in a certain direction will move in the opposite direction. The same will happen in outer space, but there they use jet engines for this.

Everyone knows that a shot from a gun is accompanied by a recoil. If the weight of the bullet were equal to the weight of the gun, they would fly at the same speed. Recoil occurs because the rejected mass of gases creates a reactive force, thanks to which movement can be ensured both in air and in airless space. And the greater the mass and velocity of the outflowing gases, the greater the recoil force our shoulder feels, the stronger the reaction of the gun, the greater the reactive force.

The use of jet propulsion in technology

For many centuries, humanity has dreamed of space travel. Science fiction writers have offered a variety of means to achieve this goal. In the 17th century, the story of the French writer Cyrano de Bergerac about the flight to the moon appeared. The hero of this story reached the moon in an iron cart, over which he constantly tossed a strong magnet. Pulling towards him, the wagon rose higher and higher above the Earth until it reached the moon. And Baron Munchausen said that he climbed to the moon on a bean stalk.

At the end of the first millennium AD, China invented jet propulsion, which propelled rockets - bamboo tubes filled with gunpowder, they were also used as fun. One of the first projects of cars was also with a jet engine and this project belonged to Newton.

The author of the world's first project of a jet aircraft designed for human flight was the Russian revolutionary N.I. Kibalchich. He was executed on April 3, 1881 for participating in the assassination attempt on Emperor Alexander II. He developed his project in prison after the death sentence. Kibalchich wrote: “While in prison, a few days before my death, I am writing this project. I believe in the feasibility of my idea, and this belief supports me in my terrible situation ... I will calmly face death, knowing that my idea will not perish with me. "

The idea of ​​using rockets for space flights was proposed at the beginning of this century by the Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. In 1903, an article by the teacher of the Kaluga gymnasium K.E. Tsiolkovsky "Exploration of world spaces by jet devices". This work contained the most important mathematical equation for astronautics, now known as the "Tsiolkovsky formula", which described the motion of a body of variable mass. Subsequently, he developed a scheme for a liquid-fuel rocket engine, proposed a multistage rocket design, and expressed the idea of ​​the possibility of creating entire space cities in near-earth orbit. He showed that the only device capable of overcoming the force of gravity is a rocket, i.e. apparatus with a jet engine using fuel and an oxidizer located on the apparatus itself.

Jet engine Is an engine that converts the chemical energy of the fuel into the kinetic energy of a gas jet, while the engine acquires speed in the opposite direction.

The idea of ​​K.E. Tsiolkovsky was implemented by Soviet scientists under the guidance of Academician Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. The first ever artificial Earth satellite using a rocket was launched in the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957.

The principle of jet propulsion finds wide practical application in aviation and astronautics. In outer space, there is no medium with which the body could interact and thereby change the direction and modulus of its velocity, therefore, for space flights, only jet aircraft, i.e., rockets, can be used.

Rocket device

The motion of the rocket is based on the law of conservation of momentum. If at some point in time any body is thrown away from the rocket, then it will acquire the same impulse, but directed in the opposite direction

In any rocket, regardless of its design, there is always a shell and fuel with an oxidizer. The rocket shell includes a payload (in this case, a spacecraft), an instrument compartment, and an engine (combustion chamber, pumps, etc.).

The bulk of the rocket is fuel with an oxidizer (an oxidizer is needed to maintain fuel combustion, since there is no oxygen in space).

Fuel and oxidizer are pumped into the combustion chamber. Fuel, burning, turns into gas of high temperature and high pressure. Due to the large pressure difference in the combustion chamber and in outer space, gases from the combustion chamber are rushed outward in a powerful jet through a specially shaped bell, called a nozzle. The purpose of the nozzle is to increase the speed of the jet.

Before the launch of the rocket, its impulse is zero. As a result of the interaction of the gas in the combustion chamber and all other parts of the rocket, the gas escaping through the nozzle receives a certain impulse. Then the rocket is a closed system, and its total impulse should be equal to zero even after launch. Therefore, the shell of the rocket, which is completely in it, receives an impulse equal in magnitude to the impulse of the gas, but opposite in direction.

The most massive part of the rocket, designed to launch and accelerate the entire rocket, is called the first stage. When the first massive stage of a multistage rocket runs out of fuel during acceleration, it is separated. Further acceleration is continued by the second, less massive stage, and to the speed previously achieved with the help of the first stage, it adds some more speed, and then separates. The third stage continues to increase the speed to the required value and delivers the payload to orbit.

The first person to fly in outer space was a citizen of the Soviet Union, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. April 12, 1961 He circled the globe aboard the Vostok satellite

Soviet rockets were the first to reach the Moon, circled the Moon and photographed its invisible side from Earth, the first to reach the planet Venus and deliver scientific instruments to its surface. In 1986, two Soviet spacecraft "Vega-1" and "Vega-2" examined Halley's comet at close range, approaching the Sun once every 76 years.

Reactive motion in nature and technology


Jet propulsion- the movement that occurs when some part of the body separates from the body at a certain speed.

Reactive force arises without any interaction with external bodies.

The use of jet propulsion in nature

Many of us in our lives met with jellyfish while swimming in the sea. In any case, there are quite enough of them in the Black Sea. But few people thought that jellyfish use jet propulsion for movement. In addition, this is how dragonfly larvae and some species of marine plankton move. And often the efficiency of marine invertebrates using jet propulsion is much higher than that of technological inventions.

Jet propulsion is used by many molluscs - octopuses, squid, cuttlefish. For example, a scallop clam moves forward due to the reactive force of a stream of water ejected from a shell when its valves are sharply compressed.



Cuttlefish, like most cephalopods, moves in water in the following way. It draws water into the gill cavity through the lateral slit and a special funnel in front of the body, and then vigorously throws out a stream of water through the funnel. The cuttlefish directs the funnel tube to the side or back and rapidly squeezing water out of it, can move in different directions.

Salpa is a sea animal with a transparent body, when it moves, it receives water through the front opening, and water enters a wide cavity, inside which the gills are stretched diagonally. As soon as the animal takes a long sip of water, the hole closes. Then the longitudinal and transverse muscles of the salpa contract, the whole body contracts, and water is pushed out through the posterior opening. The reaction of the flowing jet pushes the salpa forward.

Of greatest interest is the squid jet engine. The squid is the largest invertebrate inhabitant of the ocean depths. Squids have reached the highest perfection in jet navigation. In them, even the body with its external forms copies the rocket (or, better to say, the rocket copies the squid, since it has an indisputable priority in this matter). When moving slowly, the squid uses a large diamond-shaped fin that bends periodically. He uses a jet engine for a quick throw. Muscle tissue - the mantle surrounds the body of the mollusk from all sides, the volume of its cavity is almost half the volume of the body of the squid. The animal sucks water into the mantle cavity, and then abruptly throws out a stream of water through a narrow nozzle and at high speed moves backward in jerks. In this case, all ten tentacles of the squid gather in a knot above the head, and it acquires a streamlined shape. The nozzle is equipped with a special valve, and the muscles can turn it, changing the direction of movement. The squid engine is very economical, it is capable of speeds up to 60 - 70 km / h. (Some researchers believe that even up to 150 km / h!) No wonder the squid is called a “live torpedo”. Bending the tentacles folded in a bundle to the right, left, up or down, the squid turns in one direction or the other. Since such a rudder is very large in comparison with the animal itself, its slight movement is enough for the squid, even at full speed, to easily dodge a collision with an obstacle. A sharp turn of the steering wheel - and the swimmer rushes in the opposite direction. So he bent the end of the funnel back and now slides head first. He bent it to the right - and a jet push threw it to the left. But when you need to swim fast, the funnel always sticks out right between the tentacles, and the squid rushes forward with its tail, as a crayfish would run - a runner endowed with the agility of a horse.

If there is no need to rush, squid and cuttlefish swim undulating with fins - miniature waves run along them from front to back, and the animal glides gracefully, occasionally pushing itself also with a stream of water thrown out from under the mantle. Then the individual shocks that the mollusk receives at the time of the eruption of water jets are clearly visible. Some cephalopods can reach speeds of up to fifty-five kilometers per hour. It seems that no one has made direct measurements, but this can be judged by the speed and range of flying squid. And such, it turns out, there are talents in the relatives of the octopus! The best mollusk pilot is the stenoteutis squid. English sailors call it - flying squid ("flying squid"). It is a small herring-sized animal. He pursues fish with such swiftness that he often jumps out of the water, sweeping like an arrow over its surface. He resorts to this trick and saving his life from predators - tuna and mackerel. Having developed the maximum jet thrust in the water, the pilot squid takes off into the air and flies over the waves for more than fifty meters. The apogee of a live rocket's flight lies so high above the water that flying squids often land on the decks of ocean-going ships. Four to five meters is not a record height to which squid rise into the sky. Sometimes they fly even higher.

The English shellfish researcher Dr. Rees described in a scientific article a squid (only 16 centimeters long), which, having flown a fair distance through the air, fell on the yacht's bridge, which was almost seven meters above the water.

It happens that many flying squids fall on the ship in a sparkling cascade. The ancient writer Trebius Niger once told a sad story about a ship that even sank under the weight of flying squids that fell on its deck. Squids can take off without acceleration.

Octopuses can fly too. French naturalist Jean Verany saw an ordinary octopus speed up in an aquarium and suddenly jumped out of the water backwards. After describing an arc five meters long in the air, he flopped back into the aquarium. Gathering speed to jump, the octopus moved not only due to jet thrust, but also rowed with tentacles.
Baggy octopuses swim, of course, worse than squids, but at critical moments they can show a record class for the best sprinters. The staff at the California Aquarium tried to photograph an octopus attacking a crab. The octopus rushed to the prey so quickly that there was always grease on the film, even when shooting at the highest speeds. So the throw lasted hundredths of a second! Usually octopuses swim relatively slowly. Joseph Seinle, who studied the migration of octopuses, calculated that an octopus, half a meter in size, floats on the sea at an average speed of about fifteen kilometers per hour. Each stream of water thrown out of the funnel pushes it forward (or rather, backward, since the octopus swims backwards) two to two and a half meters.

Jet propulsion can also be found in the plant world. For example, ripe fruits of "mad cucumber" at the slightest touch bounce off the stalk, and a sticky liquid with seeds is thrown out of the hole with force. At the same time, the cucumber itself flies in the opposite direction up to 12 m.

Knowing the law of conservation of momentum, you can change your own speed of movement in open space. If you are in a boat and have several heavy stones, then throwing stones in a certain direction will move in the opposite direction. The same will happen in outer space, but there they use jet engines for this.

Everyone knows that a shot from a gun is accompanied by a recoil. If the weight of the bullet were equal to the weight of the gun, they would fly at the same speed. Recoil occurs because the rejected mass of gases creates a reactive force, thanks to which movement can be ensured both in air and in airless space. And the greater the mass and velocity of the outflowing gases, the greater the recoil force our shoulder feels, the stronger the reaction of the gun, the greater the reactive force.

The use of jet propulsion in technology

For many centuries, humanity has dreamed of space travel. Science fiction writers have offered a variety of means to achieve this goal. In the 17th century, the story of the French writer Cyrano de Bergerac about the flight to the moon appeared. The hero of this story reached the moon in an iron cart, over which he constantly tossed a strong magnet. Pulling towards him, the wagon rose higher and higher above the Earth until it reached the moon. And Baron Munchausen said that he climbed to the moon on a bean stalk.

At the end of the first millennium AD, China invented jet propulsion, which propelled rockets - bamboo tubes filled with gunpowder, they were also used as fun. One of the first projects of cars was also with a jet engine and this project belonged to Newton.

The author of the world's first project of a jet aircraft designed for human flight was the Russian revolutionary N.I. Kibalchich. He was executed on April 3, 1881 for participating in the assassination attempt on Emperor Alexander II. He developed his project in prison after the death sentence. Kibalchich wrote: “While in prison, a few days before my death, I am writing this project. I believe in the feasibility of my idea, and this belief supports me in my terrible situation ... I will calmly face death, knowing that my idea will not perish with me. "

The idea of ​​using rockets for space flights was proposed at the beginning of this century by the Russian scientist Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. In 1903, an article by the teacher of the Kaluga gymnasium K.E. Tsiolkovsky "Exploration of world spaces by jet devices". This work contained the most important mathematical equation for astronautics, now known as the "Tsiolkovsky formula", which described the motion of a body of variable mass. Subsequently, he developed a scheme for a liquid-fuel rocket engine, proposed a multistage rocket design, and expressed the idea of ​​the possibility of creating entire space cities in near-earth orbit. He showed that the only device capable of overcoming the force of gravity is a rocket, i.e. apparatus with a jet engine using fuel and an oxidizer located on the apparatus itself.

Jet engine Is an engine that converts the chemical energy of the fuel into the kinetic energy of a gas jet, while the engine acquires speed in the opposite direction.

The idea of ​​K.E. Tsiolkovsky was implemented by Soviet scientists under the guidance of Academician Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. The first ever artificial Earth satellite using a rocket was launched in the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957.

The principle of jet propulsion finds wide practical application in aviation and astronautics. In outer space, there is no medium with which the body could interact and thereby change the direction and modulus of its velocity, therefore, for space flights, only jet aircraft, i.e., rockets, can be used.

Rocket device

The motion of the rocket is based on the law of conservation of momentum. If at some point in time any body is thrown away from the rocket, then it will acquire the same impulse, but directed in the opposite direction

In any rocket, regardless of its design, there is always a shell and fuel with an oxidizer. The rocket shell includes a payload (in this case, a spacecraft), an instrument compartment, and an engine (combustion chamber, pumps, etc.).

The bulk of the rocket is fuel with an oxidizer (an oxidizer is needed to maintain fuel combustion, since there is no oxygen in space).

Fuel and oxidizer are pumped into the combustion chamber. Fuel, burning, turns into gas of high temperature and high pressure. Due to the large pressure difference in the combustion chamber and in outer space, gases from the combustion chamber rush outward in a powerful jet through a specially shaped bell, called a nozzle. The purpose of the nozzle is to increase the speed of the jet.

Before the launch of the rocket, its impulse is zero. As a result of the interaction of the gas in the combustion chamber and all other parts of the rocket, the gas escaping through the nozzle receives a certain impulse. Then the rocket is a closed system, and its total impulse should be equal to zero even after launch. Therefore, the shell of the rocket, which is completely in it, receives an impulse equal in magnitude to the impulse of the gas, but opposite in direction.

The most massive part of the rocket, designed to launch and accelerate the entire rocket, is called the first stage. When the first massive stage of a multistage rocket runs out of fuel during acceleration, it is separated. Further acceleration is continued by the second, less massive stage, and to the speed previously achieved with the help of the first stage, it adds some more speed, and then separates. The third stage continues to increase the speed to the required value and delivers the payload to orbit.

The first person to fly in outer space was a citizen of the Soviet Union, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. April 12, 1961 He circled the globe aboard the Vostok satellite

Soviet rockets were the first to reach the Moon, circled the Moon and photographed its invisible side from Earth, the first to reach the planet Venus and deliver scientific instruments to its surface. In 1986, two Soviet spacecraft "Vega-1" and "Vega-2" examined Halley's comet at close range, approaching the Sun once every 76 years.

Systems. Technique physical exercise. Target result movement does not depend on ... nature Healing forces nature have a significant impact ... by a combination of inertial forces, reactive and concentrated muscle contractions ...

For most people, the term "jet propulsion" is presented in the form of modern progress in science and technology, especially in the field of physics. Many people associate jet propulsion in technology with spaceships, satellites and jet aircraft. It turns out that the phenomenon of jet propulsion existed much earlier than the person himself, and independently of him. People only managed to understand, use and develop what is subject to the laws of nature and the universe.

What is jet propulsion?

In English, the word "jet" sounds like "jet". It means the movement of a body, which is formed in the process of separating a part from it at a certain speed. A force appears that moves the body in the opposite direction from the direction of movement, separating a part from it. Every time the matter is pulled out of the object, and the object moves in the opposite direction, a jet motion is observed. In order to lift objects into the air, engineers must design a powerful rocket launcher. By releasing jets of flame, the rocket's engines lift it into Earth's orbit. Sometimes rockets launch satellites and space probes.

As for airliners and military aircraft, their principle of operation is somewhat reminiscent of a rocket taking off: the physical body reacts to the ejected powerful jet of gas, as a result of which it moves in the opposite direction. This is the basic principle of jet aircraft.

Newton's laws in jet propulsion

Engineers base their developments on the principles of the universe, first described in detail in the works of the outstanding British scientist Isaac Newton, who lived at the end of the 17th century. Newton's laws describe the mechanisms of gravity and tell us what happens when things move. They are especially clear in explaining the movement of bodies in space.

Newton's second law determines that the force of a moving object depends on how much matter it contains, in other words, its mass and changes in the speed of movement (acceleration). This means that in order to create a powerful rocket, it is necessary that it constantly releases a large amount of high-speed energy. Newton's third law says that for every action there will be an equal in strength, but the opposite reaction - opposition. Jet engines in nature and technology obey these laws. In the case of a rocket, the force of action is matter that is ejected from the exhaust pipe. The countermeasure is to push the rocket forward. It is the force of the emissions from it that pushes the rocket. In space, where a rocket has practically no weight, even a small push from the rocket engines can make a large ship fly forward quickly.

Technique using jet propulsion

The physics of jet propulsion is that the acceleration or deceleration of a body occurs without the influence of surrounding bodies. The process occurs due to the separation of a part of the system.

Examples of jet propulsion in technology are:

  1. the phenomenon of recoil from a shot;
  2. explosions;
  3. blows during accidents;
  4. recoil when using a powerful fire hose;
  5. a boat with a water-jet engine;
  6. jet plane and rocket.

Bodies create a closed system if they only interact with each other. Such interaction can lead to a change in the mechanical state of the bodies that form the system.

What is the action of the law of conservation of momentum?

For the first time this law was announced by the French philosopher and physicist R. Descartes. When two or more bodies interact, a closed system is formed between them. Any body in motion has its own impulse. This is the mass of the body multiplied by its speed. The total impulse of the system is equal to the vector sum of the impulses of the bodies in it. The momentum of any of the bodies inside the system changes due to their mutual influence. The total momentum of bodies in a closed system remains unchanged for various displacements and interactions of bodies. This is the law of conservation of momentum.

Examples of the operation of this law can be any collisions of bodies (billiard balls, cars, elementary particles), as well as bursting of bodies and shooting. When a weapon is fired, a recoil occurs: the projectile rushes forward, and the weapon itself is pushed back. Why is this happening? The bullet and the weapon form a closed system with each other, where the law of conservation of momentum works. When firing, the impulses of the weapon itself and the bullet change. But the total impulse of the weapon and the bullet in it before firing will be equal to the total impulse of the rolling weapon and the bullet fired after firing. If the bullet and the gun had the same mass, they would fly in opposite directions at the same speed.

The momentum conservation law has a wide practical application. It allows you to explain the jet propulsion, due to which the highest speeds are achieved.

Reactive motion in physics

The most striking example of the law of conservation of momentum is the jet propulsion carried out by a rocket. The most important part of the engine is the combustion chamber. In one of its walls there is a jet nozzle adapted to release the gas generated during fuel combustion. Under the influence of high temperature and pressure, the gas exits the engine nozzle at high speed. Before the launch of the rocket, its momentum relative to the Earth is equal to zero. At the moment of launch, the rocket also receives an impulse, which is equal to the impulse of the gas, but in the opposite direction.

An example of the physics of jet propulsion can be seen everywhere. When celebrating a birthday, a balloon may well become a rocket. How? Inflate the balloon by pinching the open hole to keep air from escaping. Now let go of it. The balloon will be driven around the room at great speed, driven by the air escaping from it.

History of jet propulsion

The history of jet engines began as early as 120 years BC, when Heron of Alexandria designed the first jet engine - eolipil. Water is poured into a metal ball, which is heated by fire. The steam that escapes from this ball rotates it. This device shows jet propulsion. The priests successfully used the Heron's engine to open and close the doors of the temple. Modification of eolipil - Segner wheel, which is effectively used in our time for irrigation of agricultural land. In the 16th century, Giovani Branca introduced the world to the first steam turbine, which worked on the principle of jet propulsion. Isaac Newton proposed one of the first designs for a steam car.

The first attempts to use jet propulsion in technology for moving on the ground date back to the 15-17 centuries. Even 1000 years ago, the Chinese had missiles that they used as military weapons. For example, in 1232, according to the chronicle, in the war with the Mongols, they used arrows equipped with missiles.

The first attempts to build a jet aircraft began in 1910. The rocket research of the past centuries was taken as a basis, which described in detail the use of powder boosters that could significantly reduce the length of the afterburner and takeoff run. The chief designer was the Romanian engineer Anri Coanda, who built an aircraft based on a piston engine. The pioneer of jet propulsion in technology can rightfully be called an engineer from England - Frank Wheatle, who proposed the first ideas for creating a jet engine and received his patent for them at the end of the 19th century.

First jet engines

For the first time, the development of a jet engine in Russia was started at the beginning of the 20th century. The theory of motion of jet vehicles and rocketry capable of developing supersonic speed was put forward by the famous Russian scientist K.E. Tsiolkovsky. The talented designer A.M. Lyulka managed to bring this idea to life. It was he who created the project of the first jet aircraft in the USSR, working with a jet turbine. The first jet aircraft were created by German engineers. Project creation and production were carried out in secret in disguised factories. Hitler, with his idea of ​​becoming a world ruler, involved the best designers in Germany to produce the most powerful weapons, including high-speed aircraft. The most successful of these was the first German jet, the Messerschmitt-262. This aircraft became the first in the world that successfully passed all the tests, took off freely and after that began to be mass-produced.

The aircraft had the following features:

  • The device had two turbojet engines.
  • A radar was located in the bow.
  • The aircraft's maximum speed reached 900 km / h.

Thanks to all these indicators and design features, the first jet aircraft "Messerschmitt-262" was a formidable weapon against other aircraft.

Prototypes of modern airliners

In the post-war period, Russian designers created jet aircraft, which later became the prototypes of modern airliners.

I-250, better known as the legendary MiG-13, is a fighter that A.I. Mikoyan worked on. The first flight took place in the spring of 1945, at that time the jet fighter showed a record speed of 820 km / h. The MiG-9 and Yak-15 jet aircraft were put into production.

In April 1945, for the first time, the jet aircraft of P.O. Sukhoi - Su-5 took off into the sky, rising and flying due to an air-jet motor-compressor and piston engine located in the rear of the structure.

After the end of the war and the surrender of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union got the German planes with jet engines JUMO-004 and BMW-003 as trophies.

First world prototypes

Not only German and Soviet designers were involved in the development, testing and production of new airliners. Engineers from the USA, Italy, Japan, Great Britain have also created many successful projects using jet propulsion in technology. The first developments with various types of engines include:

  • Non-178 is a German turbojet-powered aircraft that took off in August 1939.
  • GlosterE. 28/39 is an aircraft originally from Great Britain, with a turbojet engine, it first took to the skies in 1941.
  • He-176 - a fighter created in Germany using a rocket engine, made its first flight in July 1939.
  • BI-2 - the first Soviet aircraft, which was propelled by a rocket power plant.
  • CampiniN.1 is a jet aircraft created in Italy, which was the first attempt by Italian designers to move away from the piston analogue.
  • Yokosuka MXY7 Ohka ("Oka") with a Tsu-11 engine is a Japanese fighter-bomber, the so-called disposable aircraft with a kamikaze pilot on board.

The use of jet propulsion in technology served as a sharp impetus for the rapid creation of the following jet aircraft and the further development of military and civil aircraft construction.

  1. GlosterMeteor - a jet fighter, manufactured in Great Britain in 1943, played a significant role in the Second World War, and after its completion it served as an interceptor of German V-1 missiles.
  2. The Lockheed F-80 is a US-made jet aircraft using an AllisonJ engine. These aircraft took part in the Japanese-Korean War more than once.
  3. The B-45 Tornado is a prototype of the modern American B-52 bombers, created in 1947.
  4. The MiG-15 is a follower of the recognized MiG-9 jet fighter, which actively participated in the military conflict in Korea, was produced in December 1947.
  5. Tu-144 is the first Soviet supersonic jet passenger aircraft.

Modern jet vehicles

Every year, airliners are improving, because designers from all over the world are working to create a new generation of aircraft capable of flying at the speed of sound and at supersonic speeds. Now there are airliners capable of accommodating a large number of passengers and cargo, of enormous size and an unimaginable speed of over 3000 km / h, military aircraft equipped with modern combat gear.

But among this variety, there are several designs of record-breaking jet aircraft:

  1. The Airbus A380 is the largest aircraft capable of accommodating 853 passengers on board, which is ensured by a double-deck structure. He is also one of the most luxurious and expensive airliners of our time. The largest passenger liner in the air.
  2. Boeing 747 - for more than 35 years it was considered the most capacious double-decker airliner and could carry 524 passengers.
  3. AN-225 Mriya is a cargo aircraft that boasts a carrying capacity of 250 tons.
  4. LockheedSR-71 is a jet aircraft that reaches a speed of 3529 km / h during flight.

Aviation research does not stand still, because jet aircraft are the basis of the rapidly developing modern aviation. Several Western and Russian manned, passenger, unmanned jet-powered airliners are currently under design, and are scheduled to be released in the next few years.

Russian innovative developments of the future include the 5th generation PAK FA-T-50 fighter, the first copies of which will arrive at the troops presumably in late 2017 or early 2018 after testing a new jet engine.

Nature is an example of jet propulsion

The reactive principle of movement was originally prompted by nature itself. Its action is used by the larvae of some species of dragonflies, jellyfish, many mollusks - scallops, cuttlefish, octopuses, squids. They use a kind of "repulsion principle". Cuttlefish suck in water and throw it out so quickly that they themselves make a leap forward. Squids using this method can reach speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour. That is why this method of movement made it possible to call squid "biological rockets". Engineers have already invented an engine based on the movement of a squid. One example of the use of jet propulsion in nature and technology is a water cannon.

This is a device that provides movement using the force of water thrown out under a strong pressure. In the device, water is pumped into the chamber, and then discharged from it through the nozzle, and the vessel moves in the opposite direction of the jet ejection. The water is drawn in with a diesel or gasoline engine.

The plant world also offers examples of jet propulsion. Among them there are species that use this movement to spread seeds, such as the mad cucumber. Only outwardly, this plant is similar to the cucumbers we are used to. And the characteristic "rabid" it received because of the strange way of reproduction. Ripening, the fruits bounce off the stalks. As a result, a hole opens through which the cucumber shoots a substance containing seeds suitable for germination, applying reactivity. And the cucumber itself bounces up to twelve meters to the side opposite to the shot.

The manifestation of jet propulsion in nature and technology is subject to the same laws of the universe. Mankind is increasingly using these laws to achieve its goals not only in the atmosphere of the Earth, but also in the vastness of space, and jet propulsion is a striking example of this.

Nomination "The World Around"

In preparation for the New Years celebration, I decorated the apartment with balloons. When I inflated the balloons, one of them escaped from my hands and flew away from me at high speed in the opposite direction. I asked myself the question: what happened to the balloon? The parents explained that this is jet propulsion. Does the balloon fly just like a rocket?

Hypothesis, which I put forward in the course of research: perhaps jet propulsion occurs in nature and in everyday life.

Goals work:

  • study the physical principles of jet propulsion
  • identify where jet propulsion occurs in nature and in everyday life.

To confirm or deny my hypothesis, I set myself tasks:

  • conduct experiments illustrating jet propulsion,
  • read popular science literature about jet propulsion,
  • find relevant materials on the Internet,
  • create a presentation on this topic.


Jet propulsion was used even in the manufacture of the first powder fireworks and signal rockets in China in the X century. At the end of the 18th century, Indian troops in the fight against the British colonialists used black powder rockets. In Russia, powder rockets were adopted at the beginning of the 19th century.

During World War II, German troops used V-2 ballistic missiles, shelling British and Belgian cities. Soviet troops used Katyusha multiple rocket launchers with great success.

The progenitors of jet engines:

  • Greek mathematician and mechanic Heron of Alexandria (Appendix 2.1), creator of eolipilus (Geron ball);
  • the Hungarian scientist Janos Segner (Appendix 2.3), who created the "Segner wheel";
  • NI Kibalchich was the first to use jet propulsion for space flights;
  • Further theoretical development of rocket navigation belongs to the Russian scientist Tsiolkovsky K.E.
  • His works inspired S.P. Korolev to create aircraft for manned space flight. Thanks to his ideas, for the first time in the world, an artificial Earth satellite was launched (04.10.57) and the first manned satellite with a pilot-cosmonaut on board Yu.A. Gagarin (April 12, 1961).


Reactive motion is based on the principle of action and reaction: if one body acts on another, then exactly the same force will act on it, but directed in the opposite direction.

I have conducted an experiment that proves that every action has an equal opposition. (video clip)

A modern space rocket is a very complex and heavy aircraft, consisting of hundreds of thousands and millions of parts. It consists of working fluid(i.e., incandescent gases formed as a result of fuel combustion and emitted in the form of a jet stream) and the final "dry" the mass of the rocket remaining after the ejection of incandescent gases from the rocket (this is the shell of the rocket, that is, the life support systems of astronauts, equipment, etc.). To achieve cosmic speeds, multistage rockets are used. When a jet gas jet is ejected from the rocket, the rocket itself rushes in the opposite direction, accelerating to the 1st cosmic speed: 8 km / s.

I carried out an experiment on the interaction of bogies and proved that the greater the mass of the fuel, the greater the speed of the rocket. This means that space flights require a huge amount of fuel.


So, where does jet propulsion occur in nature? Fish swim, birds fly, animals run. Everything seems to be simple. No matter how it is. The hunt for wandering in animals is not a whim, but a harsh necessity. If you want to eat, be able to move. If you don't want to be eaten, be able to sneak away. To move quickly in space, you need to develop high speeds.

For this, for example, scallop- got a jet engine. It vigorously throws water out of the shell and flies a distance that is 10-20 times its own length! Salpa, dragonfly larvae, fishes- they all use the principle of jet propulsion to move in space. Octopus develops a speed of up to 50 km / h and this is due to jet thrust. He can even walk on land, because he has a supply of water in his bosom for this case. Squid- the largest invertebrate inhabitant of the ocean depths moves according to the principle of jet propulsion.

Examples of jet propulsion can also be found in the plant world. In southern countries (and on our Black Sea coast too) a plant grows called "squirting cucumber". One has only to lightly touch the ripe fruit, similar to a cucumber, as it bounces off the stalk, and through the hole formed from the fruit, a liquid with seeds flies out at a speed of up to 10 m / s. The cucumbers themselves fly off in the opposite direction. cucumber (otherwise it is called "ladies' pistol") more than 12 m.

In everyday life by example soul on flexible hose you can see the manifestation of jet propulsion. One has only to put water into the shower, as the handle with a spray at the end will deviate in the direction opposite to the flowing jets.

The principle of jet propulsion is the basis for the operation of sprinklers (Appendix 7.2) for irrigating plantings in orchards and vegetable gardens. The water pressure rotates the head with water nozzles.

The principle of jet propulsion helps propulsion swimmer... The more the swimmer pushes the water back, the faster he swims. (Appendix 7.3)

Engineers have already created an engine similar to that of a squid. It is called a water cannon. (Appendix 7.4)


In the course of work:

1. I found out that the principle of jet propulsion is the physical law of action and reaction

2. Experimentally confirmed the dependence of the speed of movement of a body on the mass of another body acting on it.

3. I was convinced that jet propulsion is found in technology, everyday life and nature, and even cartoons.

4. Now, knowing about jet propulsion, I can avoid many troubles, for example, jumping from a boat to the shore, firing a gun, including showers, etc.

So I can argue that hypothesis, the one put forward by me was confirmed: the principle of jet propulsion is very common in nature and in everyday life.


  • A book for reading on physics, grade 6-7, I.G. Kirillova, - M: Education, 1978. -97-99s
  • Physics - for young people for extracurricular reading grade 7. M.N. Alekseeva, -M: Education, 1980.- 113 s
  • Hello physics. L.Ya. Galperstein, -M: Children's Literature, 1967.
  • Encyclopedia of Science, A. Craig, K. Rosny, -M: Rosman, 1997.- 29 p.
  • Hello octopus. "Misha" magazine, 1995, No. 8, 12-13s
  • Legs, wings and even ... a jet engine. Magazine "Misha", 1995, No. 8, 14с
  • Wikipedia:


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