Sincerely, the company at the end of the sample letter. Respect without commas. English phrases of farewell in friendly correspondence

« Remember the last phrase”- these are the words of the famous movie hero from one Soviet television series. The remark went “to the people” and is now a common aphorism. Indeed, the last words affect the whole impression of the conversation. Therefore, when composing business or personal correspondence, you should carefully consider how to finish the letter in English and politely say goodbye to the interlocutor. The ability to tactfully and appropriately use standard cliché phrases at the end of the letter will be the subject of today's material.

A formal letter requires increased attention to the norms of politeness. With a successful business communication the end of the letter allows you to enhance the effect of the above text.

The ending in a business letter should make a favorable impression: there should not be obsession, excessive emotionality, flattery, bias, and even more rudeness and hostility. Therefore, in business correspondence, it is customary to use impersonal speech clichés. The table below shows the standard phrases that are often involved in the completion business letter in English.

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you need Additional Information please feel free to contact me.
We would appreciate your cooperation in this matter. We would appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Thanks for your extremely helpful attention to this matter. Thank you for your extremely helpful attention to this issue.
Thanks again for your attention, consideration, and time. Thank you again for your attention, your interest and your time.
We look forward to building a strong business relationship in the future. Looking forward to establishing a successful and strong cooperation in the future.
We take this opportunity of thanking you for your assistance. We take this opportunity to thank you for your assistance.
We are looking forward to your confirmation. We are waiting for your confirmation.
We look forward to hearing from you soon. We hope to receive a prompt reply.
It's always a pleasure doing business with you. It's always a pleasure to do business with you.
Assuring you of our best attention at all times. We are ready to listen to you at any time.

These expressions will help to beautifully complete the text of the message. But this is not the whole ending, because. no letter in English needs a signature. Usually this short remark expresses their respect or wishes for success. The translation of many of these phrases into Russian coincides, and even when switching to English, they are used almost interchangeably, with only very slight emotional differences.

A business letter in English may end with a signature of the following form:

  • Yoursfaithfully* - with sincere respect;
  • Respectfully yours* Sincerely;
  • Sincerelyyours-Yours sincerely;
  • With gratitude- sincerely grateful
  • With gratitude- sincerely grateful;
  • Thanks and regards- with gratitude and best wishes;
  • bestregards from Best wishes;
  • kindregards- with good wishes;
  • bestwishes- with wishes of success.

* These expressions are used only if the writer does not personally know the addressee of his letter.

Paying tribute to the accepted norms of courtesy, they put a comma and write the personal data of the signatory on a new line: first name, last name and position held. This letter ends.

So, we figured out the official messages and learned how to finish them beautifully. But one more important question remained unsolved: how can one complete a letter to a friend in English or an appeal to foreign relatives? We will discuss this in detail in the next section.

English phrases of farewell in friendly correspondence

Informal correspondence also adheres to a polite tone, but provides incomparably more opportunities for expressing emotions and emphasizing the closeness and warmth of relationships. Therefore, there are a very large number of answers to the question of how to finish a letter in English in personal correspondence.

Let's start with the fact that an informal text should also have a logical conclusion: a kind of last note or a final line. And sometimes it is at the finishing stage that a stupor occurs: you write about the latest news and events, and a beautiful end to the letter does not come to mind.

Of course, everyone has their own style of writing letters, but even in friendly correspondence there are often template phrases. Don't know how to finish your English letter? Feel free to choose and write one of the expressions below. In our material, they are also highlighted in a separate table.

Well got to go now. Well, that's probably all.
Anyway, I must go and get with my work. Anyway, it's time for me to go and do my job.
I must finish my letter because I must go to bed. I have to finish the letter because it's time for me to sleep.
Do keep in touch! Let's be in touch!
I'm sorry I must go to ... I'm sorry, but I have to go now....
I have much to work to do. I have a lot of unfinished business.
Hope to hear from you soon. Hope to hear from you soon.
Well, I must finish now. Well, it's time for me to wrap up.
Write back soon! Answer quickly!
Write soon and let me know all the news. Write back soon and let me know about all the news.
Can't wait to hear from you! I can't wait to hear from you again!
Don't forget to write! Don't forget to write!
Please, tell me more about… Please tell me more about….
Let me know what happens. Let me know what's going on with you.
Drop me a line when you're free When you're free, write me a couple of lines.
Bye for now! And now goodbye!
Have a nice day! Have a good day!

Other English topics: Writing in English from A to Z: detailed explanations, speech clichés + sample with translation

Using these clichés, you can give a beautiful and meaningful look to any letter.

It remains only to put a polite formula and your initials. There are simply a lot of signature options for an informal letter, but we have selected the best and most frequently used examples from it. So you don’t have to think long about how to sign a letter either.

If the addressee of your message is relatives or good friends, it would be appropriate to use such forms of farewell as:

  • Yours cordially- cordially yours;
  • Yours ever always yours;
  • Eternally yours- always yours;
  • Your loving brother- Your loving brother;
  • your friend Your friend;
  • Your very sincere friend- Your devoted friend;
  • bestwishes With best regards;
  • Give my regards to- Send greetings ...;
  • Allthebest Best wishes.

If you and your interlocutor are very close friends or you have a warm romantic relationship, then the following wishes will come to the rescue:

  • Affectionately- With tenderness;
  • Lots of love- I love you very much;
  • Lots of kisses Kisses;
  • Hugs- I hug;
  • With love and kisses- Love and kisses;
  • With all my love– With all love;
  • Passionately yours Passionately yours;
  • Always and forever Yours forever and ever;
  • Missingyou Missing You;
  • sendmyloveto– Send my regards…;
  • takecare Take care;
  • Tillnexttime– Until next time;
  • Seeyousoon See you soon;
  • Seeya- See you;
  • Cheers Bye ;
  • Ciao– Chao!

And after expressing our feelings, do not forget to put a comma, and sign your name on a new line.

Now we are familiar with the rules for processing all types of correspondence. But still, it is better to see a complete sample of writing once than to read a theory abstracted from practice several times. At the end of the material, we suggest you look at examples English letters different character with Russian translation.

How to finish a letter in English - samples and excerpts from correspondence

In this section you will find several examples that clearly show the design of letters on English language, as well as matching their styles and forms of politeness.

Letter of congratulation

Dear Daniel and dear Sarah,

Please accept our warmest congratulation on your silver wedding anniversary!

It seems like you joined your fates only yesterday. Yet twenty-five years have passed since that wonderful day.

With great pleasure we want to wish such an ideal couple all the best: a lot of love, much healthy, eternal youth and long and happy life together! It's a delight to be your friends!

Best wishes for your anniversary

Jonathan and Elizabeth Livingston

Dear Daniel and Sarah,

Please accept our heartiest congratulations on your silver wedding anniversary!

It seems that you connected your destinies just yesterday. It's been 25 years since that wonderful day.

With great pleasure, we want to wish such an ideal couple only the best things: a lot of love, good health, eternal youth and a long and happy life together. Being your friends is an honor and a pleasure!

With best wishes on your anniversary,

Jonathan and Elizabeth Livingston.

Letters to a friend

Hey Emily!

I'm still waiting for the book which you promised to send me at our last meeting. You don't write to me since then but obviously you have a lot on your plate right now.

Anyway, I`m going to visit you in a week and we have a chance to meet.What do you think about it? Drop me a line when you are free.

Hey Emily!

I'm still waiting for that book you promised to send me at our last meeting. Since then, you have not written to me, apparently, you are now very busy with business.

Anyway, I'm going to visit you in a week and we can meet. What do you think about that? Scribble a couple of lines when you're free.

Dear Jack,

Many thanks for your letters! Lovely to hear from you!

I must apologize for not writing earlier. I worked very much and didn't have any free time. But now I can tell you about my news.

Since yesterday I'm on vacation. My boss let me go on vacation for a month. I am very glad, now I can go to Spain, finally! I saved money for this travel for two years, and yesterday I have boughta round trip ticket to Barcelona. I'll spend two weeks in Barcelona. You cannotimagine how muchI dreamed about it! I am just in seventh heaven!

Later, when I'll return Moscow, I'll go to my parents. They live in Sankt-Petersburg. I spent my childhood in the city of Sankt-Petersburg, so I have many friends there.I will be very pleased to meet with them. After this trip to the city of my childhood, I'll return Moscow again and write you all my experiences.

Well, I must finish now. Hope to hear from you soon!

With love and kisses

Dear Jack,

Thank you very much for your letter! It's great to hear from you!

I must apologize for not writing sooner. I worked very hard and didn't have a minute of free time. But now I can tell you about my news.

I have been on vacation since yesterday. My boss allowed me to go on vacation for a whole month. I am very happy, now I can go to Spain, finally! I saved up money for this trip for two years, and yesterday I bought round-trip tickets to Barcelona. I will spend two weeks in Barcelona. You can't even imagine how much I dreamed about this! I'm just in seventh heaven!

Later, when I return to Moscow, I will go to my parents. They live in St. Petersburg. I spent my childhood in Saint Petersburg, so I have many friends there. I will be very pleased to meet them. After this trip to the city of my childhood, I will return to Moscow again and write you all my impressions.

Well, it's time for me to wrap up. Hope to hear from you again soon.

Love and kisses,

Excerpts from business letters

Please accept our sincere apologies for the recent inconvenience. Rest assured that we will take all necessary measures to ensure that this does not happen again in the future. As compensation, we have issued a 30% discount on your order.

Once again we apologize for the inconvenience caused.

All the best,

Robert Fletcher

General manager

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There was also the question of whether it is necessary to put a comma after the phrase ... that's when you are in a letter ... here, you finish the letter and write "Respectfully". And they asked me to bring, there, as it were, a theoretical justification. Here, I say right now comma is always included : "With respect - a comma - such and such." But, unfortunately, there is no theory on this matter, there is always a comma, and this is simply accepted.

Marina Koroleva in the program "We speak Russian" on the radio " Echo of Moscow» 29.06.2014


As always categorically, Marina Koroleva stated that after the expression (not the phrase!) “With respect” at the end of the letter, a comma is supposedly always put before the signature. She could not explain this “as if theoretically”, but refers to the fact that it is “simply accepted”.

If you put such a comma and "accepted", then not everyone and, I'm afraid, not those who should be taken as an example. However, I must admit that the problem is complex. The opinion of M. Koroleva is also shared by the website:

Of course, is a respected site, and we know that Ekho Moskvy journalists are friends with it. But it is still not the ultimate truth, references on this site are written by ordinary people who also make mistakes. And let me remind you that there are other people who are doing the same thing, for example, the website. He is of the opposite opinion:

In this reference, it is quite correctly noted that this comma was thoughtlessly transferred by our businessmen from the rules for writing letters in English.

As for the theoretical justification for the absence of a comma, it just exists. Imagine that you wrote in a line: " Regards, Ivan". This spelling makes the name Ivan appeal, i.e. it turns out that it's not you - Ivan, but the one you are addressing. But after all, a signature is not an appeal, and the words “with respect” are not an introductory phrase. These words are an incomplete sentence, a fragment of the implied phrase: "Ivan wrote this letter with respect to you." By the way, “Respectfully” is not the only form of completing a letter; in the same way, without a comma before the signature, the phrases “With regards”, “With love”, “With best wishes”, etc. are written.

And in order to finally dispel doubts, it is best to turn to authoritative sources. Such in this case will be the letters of undoubtedly educated people. Let me give you two examples first:

P.S. After the phrase "Sincerely" you can put a dash (because it replaces the implied words, for example, “wrote to you”) and a period. For example, Block wrote:

Punctuation Difficulties in Written Business Speech

How to place punctuation marks in the first phrase of the contract containing the designations of the contracting parties?

The correct punctuation for this sentence is: State enterprise"Communication", hereinafter referred to as the "Enterprise", represented by CEO Popovich Alexander Mikhailovich, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and a citizen Russian Federation Babkin Ivan Vasilyevich, hereinafter referred to as the "Worker", on the other hand, have entered into this agreement on the following ...

Note that in this sentence the words On the one side And on the other hand act as a circumstance and are not introductory, and therefore do not require punctuation marks.

Do I need a comma after words "Sincerely" at the end of a business letter?

After the words "Sincerely" it is customary to put a comma, despite the fact that the spelling rules do not regulate this case.
For example, correct:

Chief Accountant of LLC "Seascape"
D. O. Ivantseva

Do I need a period after the signature in a business letter?

A dot after the signature in a business letter is not put. In documents, including business letters, the signature acts as a function of the so-called props(mandatory element) that does not constitute a complete sentence.

It should be noted that in newspapers and magazines there is a tradition to put a dot after the author's signature, if the signature is located after the main text of the article.

What to put after the appeal Dear Mr. Ivanov- an exclamation point or a comma?

The first phrase of a business letter - an appeal - can end with an exclamation point or a comma. If there is a comma, the text of the letter starts with a lowercase letter. If there is an exclamation point, we write the first sentence with a capital.

What words are needed and what words do not need to be isolated?

The Punctuation Guide, published on our portal, will help you figure this out. It is based on the most FAQ visitors to the Help Desk.

The phrase "respectfully" can be a homogeneous member of a sentence or as part of a polite signature of a business letter. Where to put a comma, the context will tell.

"Respectfully" is separated by commas

From two sides

It is separated by commas if it is in the middle of the enumeration of homogeneous members of the sentence.

  • We treated our professor with love, respect, and surprise at his vast knowledge.
  • We congratulate our girl with joy, with love, with respect, with a sense of admiration for her hard work and dedication.

Before a phrase

If the listing ends at the end of the sentence or after the word there is a conjunction and.

  • He talked about his father with pride and respect.
  • The brigadier attracted with calmness, prudence, respect and readiness to help everyone.

After the phrase

In a polite signature at the end of modern business letters.

"Respectfully" is a comma needed or not? In Russian grammar, there was no rule for putting a comma after the phrase "with respect" and the signature of the author of the letter.

Now there is a tradition that after “respectfully” a comma is required, because when reading in place of a comma, a pause is called for intonationally. The comma is also placed in this case by analogy with punctuation in English.

The Russian language develops, some traditions are forgotten, and new ones appear. In this situation, the double use of a comma is allowed. Now it becomes a tradition to have a comma after the words with respect and before the name of the author of the letter. Most of the addressees consider the new tradition correct.


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