Business correspondence is not included. Correspondence (business correspondence). Starting a letter in business correspondence

. (Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 No. 299)

OKUD adopted a hierarchical classification with three steps. Each document form is assigned a unique code consisting of 8 digits. The first 2 digits indicate the class of the form, the next 2 - the subclass, then 3 digits - the serial number of the document. The last digit is the check number.

For example: 09010046 09 - form class (Unified system of documentation of the Pension Fund) 01 - subclass (Documentation on accounting and distribution of funds) 004 - serial number (Settlement sheet for insurance contributions to the Pension Fund 6 - control number

OKUD is designed to solve the following tasks:

  • registration of forms of documents;
  • streamlining information flows in the national economy;
  • reducing the number of forms used;
  • exclusion from circulation of non-standardized forms of documents;
  • ensuring accounting and systematization of unified forms of documents on the basis of their registration;
  • control over the composition of forms of documents and the elimination of duplication of information used in the field of management;
  • rational organization of control over the use of unified forms of documents.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "OKUD" is in other dictionaries:

    OKUD - All-Russian classifier management documentation earlier: All-Union classifier of management documentation Gosstandart of Russia of the Russian Federation ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    OKUD- All-Russian classifier of management documentation ... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    All-Russian classifier of management documentation (OKUD)- is an integral part unified system classification and coding of technical, economic and social information and covers unified documentation systems and forms of documents permitted for use in the national economy ... Source: OK ... Official terminology

    Objects of OKUD classification- The objects of classification in OKUD are all-Russian (intersectoral, interdepartmental) unified forms of documents approved by ministries (departments) Russian Federation developers of unified documentation systems (UDS) ...... ... Official terminology

    - (abbreviated OKUD), OK 011 93 The All-Russian Classifier of Management Documents (OKUD) is an integral part of the Unified System for Classifying and Coding Technical, Economic and Social Information and covers unified systems ... ... Wikipedia

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Kinds business correspondence and their names (letter, telegram, telex, facsimile (fax), telephone message) are determined by the methods of transferring business information, which are divided into two main types - postal communication and electronic communication.

Correspondence is distinguished by a wide variety of species: from letters and telegrams of state bodies that have a normative character to appeals from citizens and standard applications. The content of correspondence can be requests, notifications, agreements, claims, agreements, reminders, demands, clarifications, confirmations, requests, recommendations, guarantees, etc.

Correspondence must comply with the following requirements:

Letters are drawn up on special forms - letterheads and signed by the head of the organization or his deputies within the framework of the competence granted to them;

Letters must be composed competently, accurately, without gross blots, corrections;

Regardless of the content, the letter should be presented in a calm, restrained, official business language, have sufficient argumentation, accuracy, completeness and clarity of characteristics, brevity and consistency of presentation;

information exchange using correspondence should be used only when it is difficult or impossible to exchange views in another way (telephone conversations, personal meeting, etc.).

Official letter- one of the most important communication channels of an enterprise, organization, institution with the outside world. Through letters, pre-contractual negotiations are conducted, relations between enterprises are clarified, claims are stated. Letters accompany material values on the way, etc.

Despite the presence of modern forms of communication: telephone, telegraph, fax, modem communication, etc., the volume of correspondence even at a small enterprise is very large. However, the range of managerial situations that give rise to business letters is far from unlimited and lends itself to a relatively clear classification. A huge number of letters, with the same type of management situations requiring their compilation, causes an urgent need for unification business letter. Unfortunately, the analysis of modern business correspondence shows that many managerial employees lack the skills to write letters. Meanwhile, the incorrect design of the letter makes it difficult to work with it. Experts are unanimous that a business letter should take no more than a page. The authors of the collection " Simple letters believe that wasting words leads to wasting dollars. It is impossible not to take into account the fact that business documents are not material for “reading” at all, but information that should encourage certain actions.

Business correspondence, as well as oral speech, refers to verbal forms of business communication. However, written communication has a number of unconditional advantages over oral speech. In particular, the compiler has the opportunity to think, put his thoughts in order and, if necessary, correct the message. Therefore, written communications are often more carefully worded than oral ones. In addition, the recipient of the message has the opportunity to read it at any time.

To effectively conduct business correspondence, you need to know and be able to apply business correspondence rules , rules for creating, designing and organizing work with letters. At the same time, it should be remembered that a business letter, like any other document created in an organization, is an element of its image. To business communication was effective, it is necessary to know all the components (including, of course, business correspondence), the possession of which ensures communicative competence. The material carrier of business correspondence is a business letter.

Business letter - This is a document used to transmit information over a distance between two correspondents, which can be both legal and individuals. The concept of "business letter" is used for the generalized name of documents of different content, drawn up in accordance with GOST, sent by mail, fax or other means. At the same time, a document is information on a material carrier that has legal force. The specifics of a business letter and its difference from such documents as a contract or an order is that it is less strictly regulated, but, as was said, it has legal force. Therefore, letters are registered and stored in organizations as outgoing and incoming documentation.

Classification of business correspondence can be carried out according to various criteria: the purpose and content of documents, their importance and urgency, significance in solving certain problems, characteristics of the material carrier and recording method, etc. For the classification of business correspondence, it is essential to assign documents to certain systems of management documentation and categories of messages transmitted over communication networks. The list of grounds on which business correspondence can be systematized is very extensive. Let's classify business correspondence according to its main grounds.

By types business correspondence can be divided into official and personal, as well as external and internal.

  • 1. Official business correspondence:
    • external correspondence - the addressee is an external counterparty. For example, information letter, complaint, commercial request, etc.;
    • internal correspondence - the addressee is an employee of your organization. For example, an order, order, statement, memo, etc.
  • 2. Personal business correspondence:
    • external correspondence - the addressee is an external counterparty (thanks, invitation, congratulations, condolences, etc.);
    • internal correspondence - the addressee is an employee of your organization (thank you, invitation, letter of recommendation, etc.).

By ways of doing business correspondence is:

By departure form business letters can be:

  • envelopes sent in an envelope by mail or courier;
  • email sent to in electronic format by e-mail;
  • fax sent to fax.

By sign addressee (recipient) business letters are:

  • circular letters addressed to several recipients at the same time;
  • regular letters addressed to one specific recipient.
  • By composition feature business letters are divided into:
  • single-aspect deals with one issue;
  • multidimensional ones address several issues at the same time.

By structure distinguish the following business letters:

  • regulated are drawn up but to a certain established pattern. This applies not only to standard aspects of the content, but also to the paper format, the composition of the details, etc. These letters have a clear textual structure;
  • non-regulated contain the author's text and are made in free form, do not have an established pattern. These letters do not have a rigid text structure, they rarely use standard phrases.

By functional feature business letters are:

  • initiative letters - compiled at the initiative of the addresser with purpose. They are of two kinds:
    • - letters requiring a response (letter of inquiry, letter of offer, letter of complaint, letter of request, letter of appeal);
    • - letters that do not require a response (reminder letter, warning letter, notice letter, transmittal letter, confirmation letter);
  • response letters - these are official letters that are compiled as responses to letters of inquiry or letters of request. In the text of the response letter, the same language phrases and vocabulary that the author used in the initiative letter should be used, provided that the request letter was written correctly in linguistic terms. If you have to write a letter of refusal, then it is advisable to start with the rationale for the refusal: "In connection with ...". A negative answer must be justified, you cannot simply refuse a request without explanation. In case of a negative answer, it is also recommended to provide the addressee with information about who can give a positive answer to this request or request.

By thematic feature business letters are:

  • commercial letters are used in preparation for the conclusion of a commercial transaction, as well as in the fulfillment of the terms of contracts. Correspondence on matters of logistics and sales is considered to be commercial correspondence. Commercial letters include the following business letters:
    • an inquiry - an appeal by one party to the other about the desire to conclude a deal, as a rule, without specifying the conditions. The text of the letter contains the rationale for the need to provide information or materials and the actual statement of the request. Letters of inquiry, as a rule, are signed by the head of the organization or an officially authorized official. The justification may include references to legislative and other regulations and organizational and legal documents. An inquiry requires a letter-response;
    • offer letter (offer) ) - a statement of the desire to conclude a deal, indicating the specific terms of the deal. It is sent to a potential partner with an offer of goods, services, cooperation, etc. The proposal can be sent at the initiative of the author organization or in response to a letter of inquiry. If the offer letter is sent to the addressee for the first time, it contains not only the offer itself, but also information about the author organization;
    • complaint (claim letter) – claims against the party to the transaction that violated the obligations assumed under the contract, and the claim for damages. It contains a statement about the discovery of non-compliance of goods or services with the requirements stated in the contract. The purpose of a claim (reclamation) is to compensate for losses incurred as a result of violation of the terms of the contract. Claims are sent to the guilty party by registered mail(or with notification of receipt) with copies of all documents confirming the validity of the claim and having full probative force for both parties;
    • confirmation letter - this is a business letter in which the addressee confirms previously reached agreements, intentions, receipt of information, documents, etc. A typical language formula for this type of letter is: "We confirm (receipt of documents, preliminary agreement, consent to ...)". When confirming a preliminary agreement in the text of the letter, it is necessary to briefly state its essence;
  • non-commercial letters (actual business letters) - are used in solving various organizational, legal issues, economic and financial relationships. According to their goals, non-commercial letters are divided into the following:
  • thank you letter - contains an expression of gratitude for some reason. This type of letter is written in a freer form than other letters. As a rule, thanks are issued on the official letterhead of the organization, but can be issued as a postcard. Text thank you letter written in a concise, friendly-formal style with reference to the event that prompted the sender to express his gratitude to the addressee. Gratitude is certified by the personal signature of the sender and, in some cases, by the seal of the organization;
  • letter of guarantee - contains an obligation or confirmation of certain obligations. Payment for work, rent, quality and terms of performance of work or delivery dates, etc. can be guaranteed. Letters of guarantee are intended to provide the addressee with written guarantees in order to confirm certain promises, intentions or actions of the author, one way or another affecting the interests of the addressee. Letters of guarantee are purely legal in nature, they are distinguished by clarity, accuracy and unambiguity of wording. The letter of guarantee must indicate the type of operation to be performed. Such letters may begin with a statement of the essence of the guarantees provided to the addressee. For example: "I hereby guarantee...". A feature of this type of letter is the presence, along with the signature of the author (for example, the director of the organization), the signature of an official who is directly in charge of financial or other issues;
  • information mail involves informing about some events or facts that are of interest or may interest the addressee. Informational letters, as a rule, are of a typical nature. They sometimes verbatim certain provisions of legislative and other normative legal documents. An information letter is a business letter that informs the addressee of information of an official nature. As a rule, newsletters are signed by the head of the organization, and in the case of mass mailing (for example, to all customers of the company) they may not contain a manual signature at all:
  • reminder letter contains a reminder of the fulfillment of agreements, obligations and measures to be taken in case of non-fulfillment of obligations. Used in cases where the correspondent organization does not carry out actions arising from its functional duties or agreements made;
  • request letter contains a request to perform either stop some action, or induce to action, etc. The purpose of such a letter is to receive information, services, goods, initiate certain actions required by the organization-author. The letter of request contains the rationale for the request and a statement of the request, which must be preceded by the rationale. A letter of request requires a letter of response;
  • condolence letter contains sympathy for something. It aims to express empathy and support to the addressee about some other sad event or loss. When writing condolences, it is important to choose the right sincere words that can support the addressee in his grief. Condolences are drawn up in a discreet, correct style on an official letterhead or a special postcard and certified by the sender's personal signature;
  • invitation letter contains an invitation to an event. It differs from a notification letter in that it can be drawn up not on a letterhead, have a different format, color, additional design elements in the form of ornaments, drawings, etc. When inviting a large number of people, template, pre-made invitation texts are used. Letters of invitation can be sent by fax, but in especially solemn occasions, invitations should be sent by mail or courier. The invitation must contain information about the place and time of the event, as well as its name. The invitation must indicate the acceptable dress code, as well as the number of persons covered by the invitation. As a rule, the invitation is nominal, but during the mass events may be depersonalized;
  • congratulation letter contains congratulations on some occasion. Such letters, as a rule, are drawn up in a free form, they can be either small in size - one or two sentences, or quite detailed. In the latter case, the letter of congratulation sets out the main stages of life, activities of the person to whom the congratulation is addressed, his most important achievements. If the letter is addressed to an organization, it outlines its most important and significant achievements. Congratulation can be personal or mass. In the first case, the address to the addressee should be personal - by name and patronymic; in the second case, it can be general, for example: "Dear friends!". Moreover, in both cases, the sender must personally sign the congratulations (when sending mass congratulations, a facsimile is used).

Summary - This is a type of business letter, aimed at the most complete and profitable presentation of a specialist to an employer. Since resume letters are very relevant for young people graduating from universities, we will dwell on this type of letter in more detail.

Resume letter. First of all, we note that there is not and cannot be a single resume for all occasions. Each time, you should first think about what qualities will be valued on new job, and in accordance with them modify the summary. The information provided in the summary should be reliable and, if possible, complete, and it should be short (no more than one to one and a half pages). Such a letter is convenient for the first acquaintance with the person from whom it is directed. In addition, the ability to articulate and succinctly state indicates a fairly high level of the general culture of the sender.

When compiling a resume, a number of rules should be strictly observed, the implementation of which will help create an attractive image of a specialist in the labor market and interest the employer. Their content includes the following .

  • 1. Introduce yourself. Indicate the last name, first name, date of birth and the number of full years, contact addresses (including email) and telephones.
  • 2. Target. Specify the exact title of the position you want to apply for. Its wording must exactly match the way it is stated. Some write instead of a position: "I would like to get an interesting job that would correspond to my education and work experience." Such formulations cause bewilderment in the employer and do not find support. Do not list multiple positions at once. This will reduce the chances, since the company needs a specialist for a certain position.
  • 3. Education. Specify where, when and how educational institution graduated, and also (if they recently graduated from a university) what were the grades, unless, of course, there is something to “boast about”. Having a degree and title will increase your chances. It is also important to list the awards of various competitions, olympiads, conferences, including school ones, etc. It is necessary to write in detail, indicate the faculty, specialization, the topic of the diploma, indicate the numbers of diplomas, certificates and certificates that are available.
  • 4. work experience is the most important and most complete section of the resume. Only "bare" facts should be stated in detail, avoiding flattering self-assessments like "great work experience", "ability to work in a team", etc. The resume is written in such a way that the manager himself draws the necessary conclusions. For each type of work, it is necessary to briefly and accurately indicate: the period of time with an accuracy of up to a month (possibly approximately); place of work; name of the project (type of work, features); brief description project for 1-2 lines; role in the job. It is advisable to make the list as long as possible, the more experience, the more chances to get a job. It is necessary to list works (projects) and employers in reverse chronological order, i.e. latest work should be written first, penultimate - second, etc.
  • 5. Additional information. If this is required by the specifics of the future work, then it is necessary to indicate: knowledge of a foreign language; ability to work with a computer; knowledge of office equipment; driver's license; the presence of a car, etc. .
  • 6. Personal details. It should be as detailed as possible to state the facts of the production biography and at least - personal. This will show that the life of a specialist is more focused on work than on leisure.
  • 7. Tailor your resume to suit the employer. It is important that the resume of a specialist take into account future work and position. So, if, for example, the applicant applies for the position of a specialist in documenting software, do not emphasize that the applicant is a high-class programmer, even if he is.
  • 8. Attitude towards travel. If the employer is an international company or if the work involves business trips, it is recommended to indicate the relationship to business trips and moving to other cities. This will immediately dot all the "i".
  • 9. Availability of recommendations. At the end of the resume, indicate the full name, positions and contacts of persons who can recommend the applicant as a competent specialist. It is advisable to ask in advance the people you can count on to write a letter of recommendation.
  • 10. Transmittal letter. As a rule, a resume is sent as an attachment to email. However, it must not be empty. Be sure to write a few accompanying lines, in which it is necessary to indicate the reasons for the interest in working in this particular company and the applicant's opinion in a potential contribution to its development.
  • 11. Do I need to specify the desired salary level? In each case, it depends on the circumstances. But it should be borne in mind that any talk about salary before the end of the interview usually puts the employer in a pectoral position. After all, he does not yet know the possibilities of this petitioner, he has not estimated how much he is "worth" according to his scale of values, and therefore he cannot answer in advance whether he is ready to give the required salary.
  • 12. The presence of a photograph. Its presence on the resume is welcome.
  • See: Business correspondence: sample business letters,

Business correspondence is not only the exchange of commercial and business information, it is also part of a complex business etiquette, and its rules are even specially taught to clerks in courses.

One of the important components of a business letter is the creation and maintenance of a solid reputation of the company, the formation of a serious attitude towards you from partners and customers. In addition to management issues, a business letter is a corporate discipline, and from a technical point of view, a tool for improving communication between various companies holding or divisions of the same form.

Types of business correspondence

Business correspondence involves several types of documents, each of which has its own rules for registration and submission, may differ in the form of presentation and methods of presenting content. Specialists divide a business letter into: 1. letters of thanks; 2. commercial letters (covering, order, reminder, presentation, refusal, letter of guarantee, etc.); 3. requests and requirements; 4. apologies and denials; 5. congratulatory letters; 6. letters of condolence.

Even modern electronic correspondence takes into account the characteristics of each type of letter, uses ready-made templates, the style of writing and the rules of business written etiquette.

Business Correspondence Rules

From what and how it is designed, how your business letter is composed and packaged, partners and clients can get an idea of ​​the respectability and success of your business. Therefore, following the rules of business correspondence, you form your reputation in business. So, about the rules: Blank letter. A good company uses in correspondence only letterheads with company details (corner or longitudinal placement) and corporate identity elements. Form style involves the application of the logo and the use corporate fonts, and the details must contain the name of the organization and its abbreviation, legal and postal address, telephones, e-mail and website. Page layout. The letter is written on a sheet with margins (left 20, right 10 mm, top and bottom 20 mm), if there are second and subsequent sheets in the document, they are numbered in the middle from the top of the page. Style. The letter is written only in an official business style - with a brief summary of the essence of the issue, precise wording, standard phrases. Required condition: the letter covers only one issue or several related ones. Otherwise, it is better to write several letters. The structure of the text. Usually a business letter consists of three parts: 1. Appeal to the addressee ("Dear, ...!"). 2. Introduction (stating the reasons and grounds for the letter). 3. The main part (offering solutions, requests, recommendations for solving the problem). 4. Conclusion (summary with summing up). Language. Phrases should be simple, short, clear and unambiguous. Emotionality, jargon, colloquial words, dialectisms and unnecessary details are excluded (grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors too)!


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