The cliché of writing a letter in English. Using introductory phrases in English. Phrases to help end a conversation beautifully

Exercise 1

When completing the assignment, pay attention also to the need to comply with the specified volume of the letter.

You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Ann.

.... These days I think the Internet is the most reliable source of news and information. I can’t trust the information on TV. There are a lot of false reports about celebrities, foreign policy and economic problems. Do you watch news on TV? Are you interested in politics? If you need information, how do you get it? ...

Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.

Assignment 2

I have had a wonderful time! We enjoyed swimming, bathing and diving. And what about you? Where did you spend your summer holidays? I hope you will write a lot of interesting things ...

Best wishes, Jane

Write a letter to Jane.

In your letter

  • answer her questions
  • ask 3 questions about her holidays.

Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Assignment 3

You have 30 minutes to do this task. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Alice.

... I "m so impressed! Last weekend our class visited the Museum of Sherlock Homes. We learned about the famous detective and the history of his creation by Arthur Conan Doyle. We could even see Holmes" pipe and violin! I enjoyed it very much!

What was the last museum you visited? Did you enjoy it?


Write her a letter and answer the questions.

Ask three questions about the Museum of Sherlock Holmes.

Write 100- 120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Assignment 4

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Spencer who writes:

You may have certain difficulties writing to me. As you have mentioned you study British English at school, and I speak American English. At our English lessons we learned a lot, and it is not easy. What do you feel about learning English? Do you find it to be a difficult language?


Write a letter to Spencer.

In your letter

  • answer his questions
  • ask 3 questions about his lessons at school.

Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Assignment 5

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Jane who writes:

Lam going to organize a birthday party at home and invite my friends. Eve never done anything like that before. Have you ever arranged a party? What kind of food should I provide? What do you think about music and decorations? The party is in three weeks. Let me know what you think as soon as possible.

Best wishes, Jane

Write a letter to Jane.

In your letter

  • answer her questions
  • ask 3 questions about the music and food she likes.

Write 100-120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Opening phrases and insertion words exist in any language. Such phrases help start a conversation, link parts of a conversation, parts of a sentence, thoughts and ideas with each other. Introductory phrases and words in English language help to give speech an emotional and semantic coloring, make speech more expressive and rich. Such expressions can convey the speaker's attitude to the utterance.

Examples of using introductory words and phrases in English

Knowledge of introductory phrases and insertions in English will be very useful for those who are learning this language, because it will help a beginner to improve his language skills. Today we will look at the most common and common introductory phrases in English, the so-called clichés, and their use in speech.

Introductory phrases are called introductory phrases because the sentence begins with them, and they do not play any grammatical or semantic role in the sentence. Such expressions enhance the emotionality and expressiveness of the statement, but if they are discarded, the meaning of the sentence will not change in any way.

Here are some basic clichés with examples to help you diversify your English:

  • Moreover, ...- Moreover…
    Tom is absent today, moreover, he is ill. - Tom is absent today, moreover, he is ill.
  • Most of all, ...- Most…
    Most of all I like ice-cream. - Most of all I love ice cream.
  • It is important to know that ...- It is important to know that ...
    It is important to know that this question needs an urge decision. - It is important to know that this issue needs to be resolved as soon as possible.
  • It is important to remember that…- It is important to remember that ...
    It is important to remember that we have no time to be late, nobody will wait for us. - It is important to remember that we have no time to be late, because no one will be waiting for us.
  • In conclusion,…- In conclusion ... As a conclusion ...
    In conclusion I’d like to say that you’ve done a great work. In conclusion, I would like to say that you have done an excellent job.
  • After all, ...- Finally…
    I am sick and tired of this conversation, and after all, it’s late, it’s time to go home. - I'm tired of this conversation, and in the end, it's too late, it's time to go home.
  • In any case,… / Anyway,… / Either way,…- In any case ... Still ...
    In any case, we should prevent him. Anyway he must know about the problem. “In any case, we should warn him. Still, he should be aware of the problem.
  • Actually, ...- Actually ...
    Actually Tom didn’t know about the problem, so he isn’t guilty. - Actually, Tom did not know about the problem, he is not to blame.
  • Fortunately ...- Fortunately…
    Tom is late. Fortunately, we didn’t manage to begin the conference. - Tom is late. Fortunately, we haven't started the conference yet.
  • Unfortunately ...- Unfortunately…
    Unfortunately, I didn’t finish my homework. - Unfortunately, I haven't finished my homework.
  • Firstly, ...- First, first ...
    Let's begin. Firstly, I want to ask you some questions. - Let's start. First, I would like to ask you a few questions.
  • Instead of ...- Instead of…
    Instead of watching TV now, you’d wash up. - Instead of watching TV now, you would wash the dishes.
  • In the first place, ...- At the first place…
    In the first place we must finish our work for today. - In the first place, we must finish our work for today.
  • From time to time, ...- Occasionally…
    Do you often see Alex? Yes, from time to time he visits me. - Do you often see Alex? Yes, he visits me from time to time.
  • Аs a result of ...- As a result of the fact that ...
    As a result of what is done, we have a great job. - As a result of what has been done, we have done a good job.
  • Indeed, ...- In fact, in reality ...
    Indeed, I need you. “Actually, I need you. Also in the proverb A friend in need is a friend indeed. - A friend is known in need (Literally: a friend in need is really a friend).
  • In order to…- In order, in order to ...
    In order to manage everything, you should plan your day. - To do everything, you have to plan your day.
  • In other words, ...- In other words…
    She doesn’t want to finish her task, in other words, she is lazy. “She doesn’t want to finish her job, in other words, she’s lazy.

Popular introductory clichés in English speech

More English introductory clichés

Of course, in English there are a lot of expressions that do not play any grammatical role in the sentence, but lexically enrich and decorate speech:

  • It seems that…- It seems that…
    It is cloudy and windy outside. It seems to me that it will rain. - It's cloudy and windy outside. It seems to me that it will rain.
  • In short, ...- Briefly speaking…
    I am not sure he understood the problem. In short, he didn’t understand anything. “I'm not sure he understood what the problem was. In short, he didn't understand anything.
  • Besides, ...- Besides…
    I am very tired; besides, I think that I’ve caught a cold. “I’m very tired, and besides, I think I’ve caught a cold.”
  • In addition, ...- In addition, besides ...
    We have a lot of work. In addition we must finish it till Sunday. - We have a lot of work. Besides. we have to finish it by Sunday.
  • By the way, ...- By the way, by the way ...
    By the way, did you pay for the internet? - By the way, did you pay for the internet?
  • However, ...- Nevertheless, all the same ...
    I’ve finished my article; however, I have some details. - I finished my article, however, there are still some details.
  • Frankly speaking, ...- Honestly…
    Frankly speaking, I don’t believe him. - Honestly, I don't believe him.
  • In my opinion, ...- In my opinion, in my opinion ...
    In my opinion, Alex is very sincere man. - In my opinion, Alex is a very sincere person.
  • Аt first, ... / First, ...- First, first ...
    Can I take your car? At first, I must speak with my parents. - Can I take your car? I have to talk to my parents first.
  • First of all, ...- First of all…
    I want to be a doctor. But first of all, I must finish the school. - I want to be a doctor. But first of all, I have to finish school.
  • Let us / Let "s / Let me ...- Allow me, let's ...
    Let me see your documents. - Let me see your documents.
  • On the one hand, ..., on the other hand, ...- On the one hand on the other hand…
    On the one hand this question is very important, but on the other hand it can wait. - On the one hand, this question is very important, on the other hand, it can wait.
  • Also,…- Also…
    I’ve bought some dresses for my daughter; also I’ve bought a skirt for me. - I bought several dresses for my daughter, I also bought a skirt for myself.
  • Nevertheless, ...- Yet, nevertheless, despite ...
    Nevertheless, Ann is late, we’ll begin without her. - Despite the fact that Anna is late, we will start without her.
  • I would rather ...- I would prefer…
    I would rather finish this exercise. - I would prefer to finish this exercise.
  • I would like to ...- I would like to…
    I would like ice-cream with fruits. - I would like an ice cream sundae.
  • I think,… / I believe,… / I guess,… / I consider…- I think, I believe, I guess ...
    I consider that our planet needs protection. “I think our planet needs protection.
  • Maybe ...- May be…
    Tom didn’t come to our party. Maybe he is ill. “Tom didn't come to our party. Maybe he got sick.
  • Probably ...- Probably…
    Probably Kate will win the contest. - Probably Katya will win this competition.
  • It's possible that ...- It is possible that ...
    I can't connect the internet. It's possible that our computer is broken. - I cannot access the Internet, perhaps our computer is broken.

So, these were the main introductory phrases and plug-in constructions in English. Hopefully these simple clichés and phrases will help you link sentences as you speak.

The content and form of your letter will largely depend on the nature, purpose of the letter and on who it is addressed to. The most clear distinction is between business and personal correspondence. The structure of these letters is approximately the same, but clear requirements are imposed on business letters, which cannot be violated. Therefore, we will take a closer look at the rules for writing official business letters in English, which are the most difficult for the sender.

For a long time, business writing has been an essential tool in entrepreneurial and commercial activities... Today, a business letter is a means of exchanging information in the form of an official document, which may contain a proposal, confirmation, order, claim, congratulation ... and, accordingly, answers to them. Learning to write letters in English When writing official letters it should be borne in mind that business correspondence is very different from personal correspondence. There are certain and immutable canons of writing business letters, the observance of which is mandatory. Business letters must be flawless in every sense. Even the slightest disregard for the rules can make it invalid.

A business letter is distinguished by a clear structure, as well as a certain set of requisites. It is characterized by such signs as clarity, brevity, logical consistency, formality, neutrality, completeness, standardization, lack of emotional coloring. There are no colloquial, slang expressions, modal verbs, interjections, names with subjective suffixes. Officially - business language provides an objective attitude to the stated facts, deprives emotionality and subjectivity, and also reflects the logical sequence of the text. Semantic accuracy is also one of the most important conditions in writing a business letter.

In formal business correspondence, many different speech cliches are used, which serve to prevent ambiguity in the text. A set of standard cliché phrases was developed as a result of many years of practice business correspondence... They help to express thoughts more concretely and concisely. Such constructions greatly facilitate and speed up the compilation of the letter, since you do not need to spend time choosing the correct wording, appropriate to the situation. Having at your disposal a set of ready-made phrases - clichés, you can easily compose a business letter by analogy.

Structure of writing in English

So, let's proceed directly to studying the structure of a business letter and a list of standardized phrases - clichés. The entire text of a business letter is clearly divided into semantic paragraphs. The red line is not used. Usually, to write such a letter, a letterhead is used, which contains all the necessary details of the sender's company (company logo, name, postal and telegraphic address, telephone, fax, bank details).

The approximate structure of a letter might look like this:

  1. Sender's address (sender "s address);
  2. Date (date);
  3. Recipient's address (inside address);
  4. Treatment (salutation);
  5. Opening sentence;
  6. Body of the letter
  7. Conclusion (closing sentence);
  8. Final polite phrase (complimentary close);
  9. Sender's signature (signature);
  10. Application (enclosure).
An example of a business letter in English

Let's analyze each point in more detail.

1. Sender's address (sender "s address) is usually written in the upper right corner. It is possible to write the address in the upper left corner. The sequence in which the address is written is of great importance. First, you should indicate the house number with the street name, separated by a comma, the apartment number. The next line contains the city with the postal code, the next line the country.

17 Hillside Road, Apt. 12
London W13HR
5 Nelson Street, Apt. 5
Chicago 19,200

2. Date (date) indicated below, immediately after the address. Do not put a period after the address. There are several design options:

3. Recipient's address (inside address) is written in the same sequence as the sender's addresses, but lower on the left side.

4. Form of appeal (salutation) will depend on how familiar you are with the person you are referring to and of course the gender.

The following expressions apply to strangers:
(Dear) Sir, - (Dear) Sir / Sir,
(Dear) Madam, - (Dear) Lady / Madam,
Gentlemen, - Gentlemen,

To unfamiliar people:
Dear Mr. Winter, -Dear Mr / Mr Winter,
Dear Miss Winter, - Dear Madam / Miss Winter, (in relation to a single woman)
Dear Mrs. Winter, - Dear Madam / Mrs. Winter, (in relation to a married woman)

In semi-official correspondence, you can find such forms as:
Dear Colleague, - Dear Colleague,
Dear Editor, - Dear Editor,
Dear Reader, - Dear reader,

The appeal is written on the left side under the recipient's address, followed by a comma.

5. Opening sentence this is kind of an introductory sentence:
We are writing to enquire about - (We hereby ask you to inform about ... \ We are interested in information about ...).
We are interesting in… and we would like to know… - (We are interested in… and would like to know…).
We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated (date) ... - (We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated ...).

6. Body of the letter must be arranged in a logical sequence. Typically, the body text is split into several paragraphs. The first paragraph should state the purpose or reasons for your letter.

We would like to point out that ... - We would like to draw your attention to ...
I'm writing to let you know that ... -I'm writing to inform about ...
We are able to confirm to you ... - We can confirm ...
I am delighted to tell you that ... -We are delighted to announce ...
We regret to inform you that ... -Unfortunately, we have to inform you about ...

In the second paragraph, you can already indicate the details and facts corresponding to the situation under discussion. You can ask your questions or give your assessment of the issue under discussion.
I am a little unsure about ... -I am a little unsure about ...
I do not fully understand what ... -I did not fully understand ...
Could you possibly explain ... - Could you explain ...
I am afraid that ... -I am afraid that ...
We would also like to inform you ... -We would also like to inform you about ...
Regarding your question about ... -Regarding your question about ...
In answer to your question (inquiry) about ... - In response to your question about ...
I also wonder if ... -I am also interested in ...

In the third paragraph, you can write wishes, suggestions, proposed actions for cooperation in the future.
Could you possibly ... - Could you ...
I would be grateful if you could ... -I would be grateful if you ...
I would like to receive ... - I would like to receive ...
Please could you send me ... - Could you send me ...

In the fourth paragraph, you need to write a climax sentence.
I would be delighted to ... - I would be delighted ...
I would be happy to ... - I would be happy ...
I would be glad to ... - I would be glad to ...

7. Closing sentence should contain gratitude for the attention shown to you and the intention to continue the correspondence.

I look forward to ... - I'm looking forward to
hearing from you soon- when I can hear you again
meeting you next Tuesday- meeting you next Tuesday
seeing you next Thursday - meeting you on Thursday
Please acknowledge receipt- (Please acknowledge receipt)
Please do not hesitate \ feel free to contact us if you need any further information - (Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information)

8. Final polite phrase (complimentary close), as well as the appeal, depends on the person to whom you are writing the letter.

For the person you know the phrase is used: Yours sincerely,
To a stranger: Yours faithfully,

9. Sender's signature is placed below the final polite phrase. Below the signature, you must indicate your name and, if necessary, the position you hold.

10. Enclosure attached at the end of the letter. This is indicated in the main text with the notation "Enc."

In order for you to have a rough idea of ​​what a business letter should look like as a whole, we give you an example.

Sample letter in English:

17 Hillside Road, Apt. 12
London W13HR
Tel 0186 546 633
Fax 0186 56 556

Vladimir Gross
5 Nelson Street, Apt. 5
Chicago 19,200

I saw your advertisement for a Business Journalist in today’s Guardian newspaper. I am very interested in the job and I think I have many of the necessary skills.

I studied politics and modern languages ​​at Oxford University. I am master in French, German and Spanish. I had academic trips widely in Europe and South Amerika, and at the same time I worked as a business journalist for the BBC Company during the last five years.

English culture is unthinkable without the art of writing. For centuries, English ladies and gentlemen exchanged exquisite messages, written in accordance with strict etiquette - he determined what to write, when and why, in what expressions, at what time of day, and on what paper. Letters played, and still play, a crucial role in people's lives: they make people laugh, surprise, intrigue, fall in love, hurt to death, and fill them with happiness.

7 basic types of informal letters

In a personal letter, you can

1. Appeal: by first name, last name or using the words “ Sir/Madam”:

2. Introductory sentence... This is where you explain the purpose of your letter. This can be a complaint, consent or refusal to accept the invitation, a response to the letter received.

3. The main body of the letter: one or two paragraphs covering the topic.

4. Final paragraph in one or two sentences. Summarize what you have written and express your willingness to continue the correspondence. You can also thank the addressee in advance for a favor or prompt response.

5. Final wording:

6. Date and signature(not necessary).

What to look for

  • The informal letter allows you to apply expressions from different styles, both business and informal, depending on the situation. You can even use colloquial style, slang, acronyms and acronyms. Just do not overdo it with vernacular, so that your letter does not look cheeky, impolite. Some expressions in colloquial speech sound acceptable, but inappropriate in the letter, even if the letter is informal.
  • Idioms and colloquial expressions will enrich the language of your letter - you can feel free to use them.
  • Observe the structure of the letter, do not overload sentences with complex constructions, and develop your thought consistently.
  • It is customary to leave a blank line between paragraphs for visual convenience. For the same reason, it is advised to start each paragraph with a small indent at the beginning of the first line if you are writing by hand.
  • Use the time when you want to talk about your expectations (“ I am looking forward to hearing from you ...”-“ I look forward to your reply ... ”) or the purpose of your letter (“ I am writing to you on behalf of / with regard to ...”-“ I am writing to you at the request / occasion ... ”). Use or when reporting news or describing recent events.
  • Try split the main part of the letter into at least two or three paragraphs instead of trying to fit everything you want to say in one big paragraph. Information is perceived much better, being divided into logical parts.
  • You can end the letter with a question to the addressee to initiate the continuation of the correspondence. So you show that you are interested in communication and wait for his answer - and this will be the logical conclusion of the letter.

1. Letter of invitation

It happens informal, semi-formal, etc. Such a letter should contain additional information about the event (address, date and time, dress code of the event) and, if necessary, clear instructions on how to get to the venue.

Introductory phrase:

Final phrase:

We would be grateful if you could ...

We will be grateful if you can ...

Please indicate whether you would be able to attend ...

Please let me know if you can attend ...

I hope you can make it ...

Hope to see you ...

Hope you can come.

Hope you can come.

Looking forward to seeing you at ...

Looking forward to our meeting…

Please let me know if you can come.

Please advise if you can come.

2. Letter of acceptance of the invitation

It can be informal, semi-formal and business. Contains clear and unambiguous consent to attend the event.

Introductory phrase:

Final phrase:

We await the event with great anticipation.

We are looking forward to this event.

I will be looking forward to the party. See you then.

I will look forward to the party. See you.

We are really looking forward to your party.

We look forward to your appointment *.

* Stylistically, in this case, the definition of "party" is more suitable for translating the word party, and not "party", since the construction of the phrase is rather formal and it is most likely an official and semi-official reception.

3. Letter of rejection of the invitation

It can be informal, semi-formal and business. Refuses to accept the invitation.

Introductory phrase:

Final phrase:

I am sorry to miss the opportunity of greeting you in person.

I am sorry that I am missing the opportunity to congratulate you personally.

Thank you again for the invitation.

Thanks again for the invitation.

I hope we will have another opportunity to meet / celebrate ...

Hopefully we still have the opportunity to meet / celebrate.

I am really sorry I will have to miss it.

I'm really sorry I couldn't attend.

I'm sure we can get together some other time.

I'm sure we can get together another time.

4. Letter of apology

There are also business and informal. The letter should contain an apology and an explanation of why someone was inconvenienced or why obligations or promises could not be fulfilled.

Introductory phrase:

Final phrase:

Once again, my sincerest apologies for ...

Once again, I offer you my sincere apologies for ...

I hope you understand.

I hope you understand me.

I hope my apologies will be accepted ...

I hope my apology will be accepted ...

I know there is no excuse good enough for ... and I just hope you can forgive and understand me.

I know that all my apologies are not enough for ... and I just hope
that you can forgive and understand me.

5. Letter with a response to the advertising proposal

It can be business and semi-formal.

Usually contains a request for additional information or a request for clarification and completion of information received earlier.

Introductory phrase:

Final phrase:

"Yes" and "no" personal letter

These rules must be followed:

  • As informal as your letter is, always be polite.
  • From the very beginning, state the purpose of the letter.
  • Use adverbs and conjunctions to link your thoughts in a logical chain: then(then), later(later), but(but), at the same time(in the same time), finally(finally).
  • Start a new thought on a new line: text that is not divided into paragraphs is difficult to read.
  • Be restrained in expressing emotions, especially in semi-formal letters (complaint, congratulations, invitations, etc.).

And this should be avoided:

  • Do not overuse exclamation marks, even if you are writing to a friend or close family member.
  • Do not forget about the introductory and closing phrases - if the letter has a well-defined logical structure, it is easier to read and understand.
  • Do not jump from thought to thought, do not write haphazardly. Thoughts should be lined up in a logical sequence.
  • Do not use long ones with many secondary members and. The purpose of the letter, including informal one, is to convey your thoughts to the addressee the first time, and not make him re-read every sentence in order to understand the meaning of the message.

Now that you are familiar with the basic rules for writing informal letters, we offer you quite interesting example informal letter in English. Such letters have become a real flash mob of the English-speaking Internet: they are written by actors, singers, famous bloggers. Write yourself such a letter and you: this is a great way to turn to your inner self (albeit a sixteen-year-old) and take stock of a certain period of your life:

Letter to my

I know it is hard for you to believe that you could ever receive a letter from the future, but this has become a reality; though your calendar shows that it’s 1996, for me it is already 2013. It is almost dawn, and in a couple of hours I will have to get up (if I even go to bed) and go to work. But don’t worry, work is interesting, and I am fully satisfied with it. Why am I saying “don’t worry?” Well, because I am you; I am a 33-year-old Steve writing a letter to myself, when I was just 16.

16 year old myself

Dear Steve!

I know you find it hard to believe that you are holding a letter from the future in your hands, but this is reality: although your calendar is 1996, 2013 has already come for me. It's almost dawn, and in a couple of hours I have to get up (if I go to bed at all) and go to work. But don't worry, my job is interesting, and I am completely satisfied with it. Why do I say “don’t worry”? Because I am you; I'm a 33 year old Steve who is writing a letter to myself to a 16 year old.

I've got so many things to tell you, and so many details of my life, both happy and sad. But I think I would have to write a book to describe it all; so I will just focus on what is important for you in those difficult times you will have in 1996. I want to tell you so many things, so many stories from my life, both happy and sad ... But I think I would have to publish a book to describe them all, so I will focus only on what is important for you in 1996 , in not the easiest times for you.
You don’t need to be that devastated by what Sally did to you. I know it hurts, it is unfair, and nothing seems to be the same anymore, but just try not to do anything stupid only to decrease pain, because you will only hurt some nice people for no reason. Anyways, your grief will vanish without a trace in a month or so. Here is one little tip for you: on September 16, at 2pm, go to a bus station near your school. Just ask a girl standing there with Whitman's Leaves of Grass in her hands something about poetry. This simple act of curiosity will change your entire life, I promise. Don't be so overwhelmed by what Sally did. I know you are in pain, you were treated unfairly, and it seems to you that it will not be the same as before. Just try not to do something stupid just to numb the pain, because doing so will harm good people for no reason. And your grief will pass without a trace in about a month. Here's a little tip: on September 16 at 2:00 pm, go to the bus stop near the school. Ask the little girl who will be standing there with Whitman's Leaves of Grass something about poetry. This simple act of curiosity will change your whole life, I promise.
Listen to yourself, to your own wishes and beliefs. I know it sounds unoriginal, but it works. Now you feel oppressed by the expectations of your parents, relatives, friends, and society. It may be hard to step over your parents ’wishes on your account. But it is just how everything goes: it’s you or everybody else. You have only two options: either spend your entire life doing not exactly what you wanted and trying to please people around you; or you can do something for yourself, live a happier life, and make others adapt to your decisions. By the way, don’t worry: you will make the right decision. Thank you for that. Listen to yourself, your desires and beliefs. I know it sounds corny, but it will work. Now you are under pressure from the expectations of your parents, relatives, friends and society. It can be difficult for you to transcend your parents' wishes for your own sake. But this is life: either you or the others. You have only two options: either spend the rest of your life doing the wrong thing and trying to please others, or do something for yourself, live happily and leave it to others to adapt to your decisions. By the way, don't worry: you will right choice... Thank you for that.
And, in a nutshell, just a couple more tips. Don’t start smoking cigarettes. I know (believe me) you think that smoking cigarettes looks cool and rebellious, but the truth is that tobacco will turn you into a walking ruin even before you reach 30. Don’t drive so fast on May 11, 2003; learning how to walk and using help when going to bathrooms is reasonable only in childhood, but not when you are 23. Boldly accept that weird job offer in 2006 despite all your doubts; it will help you keep afloat when everyone around you will be losing their jobs two years later. Finally — just stay as positive and open-hearted as you’ve always been. In any complicated situation remember that in the end it will all be for the better. And just a couple more tips. Don't start smoking. I know (trust me) you think it looks cool and rebellious, but tobacco will turn you into a walking wreck before 30. Don't drive so fast May 11, 2003 - learning to walk and use the toilet with someone else's help is appropriate in childhood, but not when you are 23. Feel free to accept that strange job offer in 2006, rejecting all doubts; it will keep you afloat when everyone else loses their jobs two years later. Finally, just stay as positive and open as you have always been. In any difficult situation, remember that in the end everything is for the best.

Your life will be just great, believe me!

The structure of both business and personal letters in English is approximately the same, however, more clear requirements are imposed on business letters. Of course, each letter is unique and therefore some elements can be omitted. Let's consider the approximate structure according to which a typical letter is written in English.

Sender's address and date of compilation of the letter.

It is written in the upper right corner. You need to start writing the address with the apartment number, then the house. The rest of the address follows. For example:

16 Lenina street



When writing a date, you can use not only the above options, but also the following possible spellings:

  • July 15th 2016
  • 15 July 2016
  • 15/17/16

Address of the recipient. Indicated in the same sequence as the sender's address.

Introduction. As a rule, here you should thank the sender for the letter, and also possibly apologize for the lengthy response. When writing a letter in English, you can use the following phrases:

  • It's lovely to receive your letterIt's great to hear from you.
  • I must apologize it took me so long to write a responseSorry for writing for so long answer;
  • I'm so pleased to know thatNice to know that ...

The second or main part of the letter. This is the longest part, because it is in it that the author tries to answer all the questions that the sender asked him, as well as ask a few of his own. Here it is necessary to give the letter conciseness, however, to create fullness. It is sometimes appropriate to ask for advice using the following words and phrases:

  1. I would want to ask you to give me adviceI would like to ask you for advice;
  2. I'm in need of your adviceI need your advice.

Conclusion or third part. Here the author usually prescribes why he should finish the letter, and also that he is looking forward to hearing again. The following phrases are appropriate:

  • That would be great to meet this summer. Write me if you already have any plansIt would be great to meet this summer. Write to me if you have any plans for him;
  • Drop me a lineWrite as there will be an opportunity.

End of the letter. This part usually contains the name of the author, as well as the ending expressions. For example:

  • Faithfully yoursWith the highest respect (there is at the beginning you addressed the recipient using very polite constructions);
  • Yours sincerelySincerely.

If you are writing to a person you are not yet familiar with, you can use constructs like best regards(best regards).

If the recipient is a close friend with whom you are in a more than warm relationship, then you can use cordially yours, What means "Warmly yours".

This is usually followed by a comma followed by your name. If the letter is official, then you can indicate the position and organization, for example:

Ivan Sidorov,

Accountant at LLS Company, Russia

Speech cliches

In writing in English, you cannot do without other template phrases. I use clichés both when writing a business letter and when passing the GIA or USE exam, you definitely won't be mistaken. Let's take a look at the most common clichés.

The following clichés are suitable for introductory sentences:

  • Its cool to get / receive your letterIt's so nice to hear from you;
  • It is great / nice / lovely to hear from youIt's cool to get a letter from you;
  • Sorry it took me so long to write you backForgive me for writing you an answer for so long;
  • I'm pleased to hear thatI am pleased to know that ...

If you ask for advice or, on the contrary, want to give it, then the following clichés for writing a letter will not hurt you:

  • I would want to ask for adviceI want to ask you for advice;
  • Could you give me adviceCould you advise me;
  • I have a problemI have a problem;
  • I’d love to know your opinion about ...I would like to know your opinion on ...;
  • Hope to receive your advice soonHope to get some advice from you soon;
  • Could you tell me your opinion about ...Tell me what you think ..:
  • Don’t worry!Do not worry;
  • Cheer up!Chin up!
  • I suppose you’d better ...I think I can help.
  • I were you I’dIf I were in your place I would… .;

If you apologize for something or thank you, then the following phrases for writing a letter in English will undoubtedly come in handy for you:

  • I've got to beg for pardon ...I must apologize for ...;
  • I promise I’ll never do it againI promise it will never happen again;
  • It will never happen again from my sideOn my part, this will never happen again;
  • I'm having a party next week, would you like to comeI have a party planned for next week, would you like to come?

4. In the last part of the letter, you can use the following closing phrases:

  • Could you tell me more about your plans for this summer? I'd love you to visit me Tell us more about your plans for this summer? I would so much like you to visit me;
  • Thank you a lot for sharing with me….Thanks for sending me / sharing with me ...;
  • Write me as soon as possibleI look forward to hearing from you soon;
  • Send my regards to your ...Say hello…

Sample letter

Below is an example of a personal letter with which you can compose a similar letter when passing the English exam GIA or USE.

16 Sverdlova street



Dear Sam!

I'm so glad to hear from you so soon! I have to apologize it took me so long to write you back. I’ve been busy with my exams, now I’ve passed everything and finally can take a rest a bit.

I think you should visit Germany. Extreme sports make life fuller. Last summer I did mountain cycling and I did enjoyed it.

It’s great that Howard is going to stay with you for 2 weeks. What are you going to do?

I have to get back to work. Drop me a line when it's possible! Can't wait to hear from you.

Sincerely yours,

Novosibirsk, Russia,

Sverdlova street, 16


Dear Sam!

I'm glad to finally hear from you. I must apologize for not answering you for so long. I was busy with exams, but now I have already passed everything and can rest.

I think you should go to Germany. Extreme sports make our life brighter. You know, I went mountain biking last summer and it was really great.

Cool that Howard is going to stay with you for 2 weeks. What are you going to do?

I need to go to work. Write me a couple of lines as soon as possible. I can't wait for an answer from you.

Sincerely yours,



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