Contacts. Overhaul of apartment buildings in the Moscow region Fund for overhaul of apartment buildings of the Russian Federation

Since 2013, a regional program for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings has been in effect in the Moscow region, and since 2014, a corresponding payment has been added to the rent receipt. How the program is implemented, and in what cases residents are not required to pay for major repairs, read our material.

Which houses are subject to major repairs?

The overhaul program is accepted for 25 years for all houses in the Moscow region, except those recognized as emergency. Houses that were put into operation after the adoption of the program are also included in it. Accordingly, residents begin to pay fees for major repairs after changes are made to the regional program.

What does a major overhaul include?

The list of works for major repairs of apartment buildings includes:

  • repair of in-house engineering systems of electrical, heat, gas, water supply, drainage;
  • repair of the roof, basements, facade and foundation.

Amount of fees for major repairs

Since 2014, a line has appeared in the payment document for residents of an apartment building for paying fees for major repairs.

The minimum contribution for major repairs, established by the government of the Moscow region on June 27, 2016, is 8 rubles 65 kopecks per month per 1 square meter of the total area of ​​the apartment.

Who doesn't pay for major repairs?

Residents of a house recognized as unsafe are exempt from paying contributions. Also, those whose house is located on a plot that is being seized for state or municipal needs will not pay for major repairs.

A number of preferential categories of citizens are entitled to To receive compensation, you need to contact the territorial department of social protection of your municipality. In particular, citizens over 80 years of age living alone can receive the right to 100% compensation.

Priority of overhaul

The Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region is responsible for carrying out major repairs. The queue of a particular house is determined based on the year it was put into operation, the date of the last major repair, technical condition and the percentage of contributions collected. Each item is assigned a certain number of points. The place of the house in the queue for major repairs depends on the amount of points.

The procedure for accruing points is specified “On approval of the Procedure for using priority criteria for major repairs of common property in apartment buildings located in the Moscow region.”

Overhaul map

On the website of the Capital Repair Fund of the Moscow Region there is where you can find out which houses are included in the program in each municipality. When you select a municipality, the map displays the number of houses participating in the program, plans for repairs in the current year, as well as the amount they plan to spend on different types of work.

How can I find out about the timing of major repairs in my house?

Victoria Kulagina

Non-profit organization of the Komi Republic
"Regional fund for capital repairs of apartment buildings"

(Fund of the Komi Republic for the overhaul of MKD)

Details for paying contributions for major repairs

(including by court decision)

Full name: Non-profit organization of the Komi Republic “Regional fund for capital repairs of apartment buildings”

Recipient: Fund of the Komi Republic for the overhaul of MKD

INN 1101991230 KPP 110101001

Current account "boiler" 40603810400150000001

in the branch of BANK GPB (JSC) "NORTH-WEST", St. Petersburg

BIC 044030827

code 30101810200000000827


Details for reimbursement of state duty

(By the tribunal's decision)

Full name

TIN 1101991230 checkpoint 110101001

Payer: UFK for the Komi Republic (Non-profit organization of the Komi Republic “Regional fund for capital repairs of apartment buildings”, l / account 41076004400)

Calculated check 40601810740302087003 to Branch-NB of the Komi Republic, Syktyvkar

BIC 048702001

Organization location address:167000, Komi Republic. Syktyvkar, st. Pervomaiskaya, D‚70 building B.

Purpose of payment:

Reimbursement of state duty by court decision in Case No. _________ dated ______ 20 __


Main state registration number (OGRN) 1141100000018

Taxpayer identification number 1101991230

Place of state registration: Syktyvkar

Is a member of the Non-Profit Partnership -

"Association of Builders of the Komi Republic" (certificate)

Official website address: website

Founder name: Komi Republic

Special “boiler” account No. 40603810400150000001

at the Branch of Bank GPB (JSC) “North-West”,

BIC 044030827 c/s 30101810200000000827

Regional operator of the Komi Republic is a specialized non-profit organization that carries out activities aimed at ensuring the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings located on the territory of the Komi Republic, created by decision of the Government of the Komi Republic in order to ensure the organization and timely implementation of overhauls in the Komi Republic common property in apartment buildings located on the territory of the Republic (Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 58-RZ dated June 24, 2013).

The main goal of the Foundation the creation of a sustainable system of capital repairs of apartment buildings in the Komi Republic and its implementation, through the formation of a long-term regional program for the capital repairs of apartment buildings for the period necessary to carry out major repairs of common property in all buildings located on the territory of the Komi Republic.

Functions of the regional operator:

1. Accumulation and management of funds received into his accounts from the owners of apartment building premises.

2. Opening special accounts in your name and carrying out transactions on them, if the owners of the apartment building premises at the general meeting chose the Fund as the owner of this special account. The Fund does not have the right to refuse the owners of apartment buildings to open such an account.

3. Carrying out the functions of a technical customer for major repairs in an apartment building: ordering design estimates, competitive selection of contractors, ensuring control and acceptance of work.

4. Financing the costs of major repairs in the apartment building using the Fund’s savings and funds received from other sources, including government support.

5. Interaction with government authorities of the Komi Republic and local governments to ensure timely implementation of major repairs.

6. Ensuring the functioning of the regional information and analytical system of the Komi Republic for the repair of apartment buildings and a publicly accessible portal.

7. Informing the population

Tasks of the regional operator:

1. Ensure the overhaul of common property in an apartment building in the amount and within the time frames provided for by the regional program for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings


Legal status of the regional operator

Regional operator is an organizational structure created for the formation and maintenance of a specialized fund, whose assets are intended for the implementation of periodic and residential projects. Such a company operates as a legal community, and its functioning is regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Housing Code of Russia).

Regional operator of capital repairs created by an authorized representative of the authorities for the constituent entities of Russia. A state department may form several such organizations to exercise powers in a particular area of ​​the region. The structure itself does not have the ability to create its own divisions - its activities are strictly regulated by federal and local regulations.

It is important to understand that the article describes the most basic situations and does not take into account a number of technical issues. To solve your particular problem, get legal advice on housing issues by calling the hotlines:

The management of a non-profit organization is transferred to the person who was appointed as a result of selection. An applicant for management is appointed in accordance with the following requirements:

  • Is citizen of Russia.
  • Has a higher legal, economic or construction education.
  • Possesses knowledge in the field of information technology and computer handling.
  • Has at least 3 years of experience in a management position, and 5 years in construction.

Goals of education of a registrar:

  1. Organization of common property of an apartment building.
  2. Accumulation of finances at the expense of citizens for restoration and repair of residential real estate.
  3. Interaction with executive bodies in the field of restoration work.

A non-profit structure has the following capabilities in accordance with the provisions of the Land Code of the Russian Federation:

  • Form trade unions and associations with other similar structures, as well as become members of such associations.
  • Be a member of a specialized company if this is due to the need to effectively perform official duties.

Roles and responsibilities of a regional operator

The functional responsibilities of the reoperator are to create and maintain a property whose assets will be used to carry out restoration work on residential real estate.

The main functions of such a structure, regulated by the Land Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. Interaction municipality to organize the activities of the structure.
  2. The accumulation of civil contributions aimed at the restoration of real estate occurs through the investment of funds in banks and other credit organizations.
  3. Creation special accounts, if property owners have expressed such a desire by general voting.
  4. Compilation construction estimate and performing other functions of the customer.
  5. Carrying out work within the agreed period. Term approved on the basis announced at the next meeting of owners of accountable real estate.
  6. Monitoring the quality and timing of services.
  7. Posting information about your professional activities on the organization’s website.

Other functional responsibilities may be defined in the constituent documents of such a non-profit structure. The procedure for organizing its activities is determined by the laws of the Russian Federation.

If there are not enough funds when carrying out major repairs of a particular apartment building, the shortage is compensated by the finances of another property. However, this possibility may be limited by the location of the buildings. Funds can also be raised from the municipal treasury through future contributions.

The regional operator can act as an authorized body to monitor the condition of buildings. In some cases, in the person of the customer of construction services, the law allows the participation of a municipal body in the constituent entities of the Federation or individual cities (Moscow, Sevastopol, St. Petersburg).

Formation of a capital repair fund on the reoperator’s account

Regional Operator Fund is formed from contributions from property owners of an apartment building, funds from the founder of such an organization and subsidies from municipal body. The procedure for the formation of monetary capital for a separate structure is regulated by its constituent document.

Registrar when creating a fund, he can open a special account in his name, to which the funds will be transferred. This action is carried out due to the will of the owners of residential premises. The financial transactions of a non-profit organization must be transparent. The governing body of the structure publishes the necessary reports and copies of documents on its official website, and also conveys the necessary information to the interested party when applying.

In the event of a major overhaul, the operator is obliged to:

  • Notify residents of the subject property about the start of repair work.
  • Prepare the necessary design documentation.
  • Conclude appropriate agreements with contractor for the provision of construction and restoration work.
  • Carry out task execution.
  • Perform acceptance of the property.
    When forming a single fund, real estate owners are obliged to:
  • Pay obligations through monthly installments and submit receipts to the registrar's governing body.
  • Participate in organizing a meeting of owners.
  • Make decisions regarding major repairs.
  • Request necessary information about the implementation of the program.

If carried out early repairs real estate without the use of funds from the municipality and the regional operator (using money from residents' contributions), and this event was not planned as a major overhaul - the amount of finance spent will be counted as future restoration work.

Registrar – owner of a special account

Registrar cannot refuse to open a special account if it was adopted at a general meeting of owners of an apartment building. If the property owner's protocol is not submitted on time, the non-profit organization may suspend the paperwork until the violations are corrected.

A regional operator account can be opened in a bank or other financial institution accredited in Russia, whose total capital is at least 20 billion rubles. The list of such organizations is published on the official portal of the Central Bank of Russia. The choice of a credit institution to open a special account is carried out on a competitive basis.


Regional operator– a non-profit organization created to monitor the proper condition of housing facilities. The main points of the activity of such a structure:

  1. The head is appointed by the executive body of the subject of the Federation.
  2. Activities are financed by contributions from owners of accountable real estate, municipal subsidies and accumulated funds.
  3. The capital repair fund is formed on special account organizations by decision of property owners.
  4. Compensation for damage to home owners occurs in accordance with civil law.

The most popular question and answer regarding the activities of a regional operator

Question: Hello. My name is Nikolai. Why is a regional operator being created?

Answer: Hello, Nikolay. According to this, a reoperator is created to organize and carry out major and periodic repairs of residential real estate.

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13 February 2017 23:44 show
    payment for major repairs, receipts for major repairs, Article 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, programs for major repairs of common property, Article 169 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, major repairs

900 price

the issue is resolved


Answers from lawyers (8)


Issues of payment for major repairs are decided by the general meeting of owners of residential premises, including making a decision to open a special current account, if they did not want or did not have time or did not know, they automatically found themselves in a “common pot” and are obliged to comply with the law. Fees must be paid and there is no reason to challenge or cancel the court order.

If you do not agree with the calculations or the procedure for creating the fund itself of the Non-Profit Organization “Fund for Capital Repairs of Apartment Buildings of the Arkhangelsk Region”, then in accordance with Article 20 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, you can apply to the housing supervision with a statement about the legality of its establishment.

Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Article 20. State housing supervision, municipal housing control and public housing control

1. State housing supervision refers to the activities of authorized executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, aimed at preventing, identifying and suppressing violations by state authorities, local governments, as well as legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and citizens established in accordance with housing legislation, legislation on energy saving and increasing the energy efficiency of requirements for the use and safety of the housing stock, regardless of its form of ownership, including requirements for residential premises, their use and maintenance, the use and maintenance of common property of premises owners in apartment buildings, the formation of capital repair funds, the creation and activities of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs managing apartment buildings, providing services and (or) performing work on the maintenance and repair of common property in apartment buildings, providing utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings, regional operators, violations of change restrictions the amount of fees paid by citizens for utility services, requirements for the composition of standards for the consumption of utility resources (utilities), conditions and methods for establishing standards for the consumption of utility resources (utilities), as well as the validity of the size of the established standard for the consumption of utility resources (utilities), energy efficiency requirements and equipping the premises of apartment buildings and residential buildings with metering devices for energy resources used, requirements for the provision of residential premises in rented houses for social use (hereinafter referred to as mandatory requirements), through organizing and conducting inspections of these persons, taking measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation to suppress and (or ) elimination of identified violations, and the activities of the indicated executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to systematically monitor the implementation of mandatory requirements, analyze and forecast the state of implementation of mandatory requirements when government bodies, local governments, legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and citizens carry out their activities.

Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Article 154. Structure of payment for residential premises and utilities


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