School sketches for February 23 from girls. Mbou bolshemaresevskaya ssh. Presentation of participating teams

Holiday script for boys for the holiday of February 23.

The class is decorated with balloons, posters, the song "Boys" by the Ranetki group sounds.

The boys sit, the girls enter.

Congratulation verses sound.

1. We congratulate the boys

Happy twenty-third of February

Let's tell all our guys

Only kind words.

Vanya, my dear classmate,

I congratulate you

On this wonderful holiday -

Twenty third of February!

Egor, May you be lucky, my friend,

May there be joy in life

So that you find everything you are looking for

Lost longing and sadness!

Vanya, you are a mischievous boy,
restless, funny,
Kind very, positive,
Energetic and sporty!
This is how you stay
And don't change a bit
Just get older
Every day a little smarter!
Be happy and healthy
Ready for testing!

Artyom, we wish you health and happiness,
Always be active, brave and cheerful,
Smart, and generous, and smart, and kind!

Cyril, we wish you good luck,
So that there are no difficult tasks,
To have true friends
Happy life was yours!

Max, I wish you the best!
Be athletic, cheerful, energetic,
Smart, patient, kind!

Arseny, We wish to be obedient,
Every day so that it is not boring,
So that all wishes come true
All dreams came true
To become the happiest
The kindest and most beautiful!

Anton, study well and be friends with sports,
Treasure your friends and loved ones
Be smart and brave, strive for victories,
May life give you happiness and joy!

Marat, May you be lucky, my friend,
May there be joy in life
So that you find everything you are looking for
Lost longing and sadness!

Max never give up
Persevere, try hard.
Let problems
Don't worry.
And on a men's holiday,
No matter what,
smiles of friends
Your happiness will be multiplied.

Egor, do not offend and help,
And protect from failure
In a difficult hour, do not leave a friend,
And they offend - let's change!

Bogdan, Even if you have not served yet,
You are persistent, strong, not capricious
A vigilant eye and a firm hand,
Defender of the future Fatherland!

Nikita and Ilya

Dear our classmates!
Best boy friends!
Congratulations on your holiday today -
Happy February 23rd!
You are the defenders of the girls classmates-
Future knights of the country.
These are some brave guys
Needed to defend the Motherland!

Timothy - you are a reliable friend!
And help if you happen to
I will need help!
And I'm proud of you!
And I heartily congratulate
Since February 23!

Roma, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Happy Defenders Day!
I only wish you the best
Good luck in your studies and in love!

Girls give gifts to boys.

And now let's play.

Sharp arrows

Teams line up in columns. In front of each team is a bucket. Each participant in turn needs to throw two "grenades" (crumpled paper) into the bucket. Score for each hit.

Let's move on to the second edible contest. Well, what army can do without a field kitchen. The competition is called Ax porridge . The correctness of the named products and dishes is evaluated, as well as the number of participants who gave the correct answers. Each team member needs to name one ingredient of semolina porridge. (milk, semolina, water, sugar, butter)

One participant is invited from each team: the strongest, the fastest. The contest is calledFaster and stronger. The representative of the team must inflate the balloon as quickly as possible until it bursts. The team that bursts the balloon the fastest wins.

Mechanics competition.

Your task is to use a spoon to transfer water from one vessel to another. Who will do it faster and more accurately? (props: 2 spoons, 2 plates, 2 glasses).

Doctors Competition.

Look what the storm did to our bandages. Come on, doctors, put them in order. Task: twist the bandage. Who is faster and more accurate?

And now summing up and drinking tea. As always, friendship won.

Fast music is playing. Several girls take the stage.


1st girl: Girls, the holiday of February 23 is approaching! We need to congratulate our boys somehow!

2nd girl: How? Who has suggestions?

3rd girl: Can we sing a song to them and be done with it? And then again noise, din, rehearsals ...

4th girl: And I think it's better to read poetry. And decently and traditionally!

They start to interrupt to offer different options

1st girl: Shut up! I wanted some decent suggestions from you! I think our boys deserve a good concert!

Chorus: I agree! And I agree! …

5th girl: And I have already prepared the script here ...

1st girl: Well, let's get down to business then?!

Chorus: Get to work!

4 girls go on stage.

5th girl:

1st girl:

On a wonderful holiday for men
On the day of strength and glory of the country,
Health, success, love!

6th girl:

And we wish you a clear path!
May good luck always be!
Congratulations to all dads today
After all, the country is proud of you!

2nd girl:

And congratulations to the boys too.
With such a wonderful day!
They always protect us
And our concert is dedicated to them!

All the girls of the class go on stage and sing a song to the motive “We honestly want to tell you”

We honestly want to tell you
We are only looking at you today.
And we hasten to congratulate happy holiday to you,
Give all the warmth of hearts now.
Let's sing songs to you today
And endure any whims.
And under hypnosis to be captivating eyes,
That shine with kindness on us now on us.

We congratulate you today at this hour
And we want to wish you from the stage now
Health happiness to all for many, many years
And kindness to warm the whole wide world

2 hosts on stage

1st presenter: Boys! Today you will be tested.

2nd presenter: You must prove to us today that you are our strongest, most dexterous, most intelligent, most polite ...

1st presenter: In a word, the most-most! And now for you a little warm-up.

2nd presenter: Boys, are you polite with us? Let's check? I say a line, and you have to finish it with one of the polite words.

Ice block melts
From the word warm ... (Thanks)

Even the stump turns green
When he hears... (Good afternoon)

When scolded for pranks,
We say sorry... (Please)

Both France and Denmark
Saying goodbye... (Goodbye)

If it was delicious
Tell your mom you... (Thanks).

The boy is polite and developed
He says when he meets... (Hello)

1st presenter: Yes, boys, but we underestimated you!

2nd presenter: It's time for the next contest. Now we'll see who's the smartest!

1st presenter: Threads with boxes are tied around the waist so that the boxes lie on the floor. The task of each of you is to tear off the opponent’s box by stepping on the opponent’s box without the help of hands. The winner plays the next player.

2nd presenter: In the meantime, the boys are getting ready, a dance for you. Meet!

The game "the most dexterous"

1st presenter: So, the most dexterous ... And you boys need to practice!

2nd presenter: And now we need boys with trained lungs. You sit on opposite sides of a table separated by a line. On a signal, you begin to blow on the cotton wool. Whose side she falls on, he lost.

“Power competition” - “competition with balls”

1st presenter: Balls are distributed to the participants. The task is to inflate the balloon so that it bursts.

A certain time is allotted.

2nd presenter: Somehow our guests got bored. And let's play!

Game with spectators

Leading in turn.

1st presenter:

Dandelion wreaths in spring
Weave, of course, only ......

2nd host:

Bolts, screws, gears
Find it in your pocket...

1st presenter:

Skates on ice drew arrows
We played hockey all day...

2nd host:

Chatted for an hour without a break
In colorful dresses...

1st presenter:

With everyone, measure strength,
Of course, they only love...

2nd host:

Afraid of the dark, cowards,
All as one...

On the stage, several children read poetry:

1st child:

Father's hands, father's hands!
They never get bored.
They have no rest on the day off
Familiar to them is heavy and big.

2nd child:

Working hands in corns, bumpy.
Working and dazzlingly clean!
Everything is done so well and skillfully,
As the saying goes, "they argue"

3rd child:

Even though his mother never asks him,
He always brings potatoes from the market.
He forbids her to lift weights,
It's my fault, that means it hits me.

4th child:

And if he punishes, then only for the sake of appearance,
And in my heart I do not conceal a grudge.
I can talk about my father endlessly,
After all, there is no person better than a father.

1st presenter: And this dance is dedicated to our dads.


2nd presenter: Well, shall we continue our tests?

1st presenter: Then the next competition, the boys should describe the features of the girl, without naming her, and the audience should guess.

2nd presenter: And now let's see who the best hairdresser? Attention, competition: the boys must do the girl's hair.

The results of the competitions are summed up


Several girls perform ditties

We know a lot of ditties
Both good and bad
It's good to listen to
Who doesn't know any.

Ah, boys of discipline
Well, they don't admit it at all.
here on the “music” they draw,
and they sing at the “reading”!

Look here and there
geese - swans are swimming!
not along the river,
and in Roma's diary.

Zhenya is a very smart guy,
He can make everything!
Just "hello" and "thank you"
can't speak!

Ah, today is a holiday in the house,
cabbage pies -
Denis learned the lessons
Everything and even oral!

Stanislav gave us a rail,
And Vasily scolded.
It turned out frame nova,
It is the foundation for all things.

And our Bear is very cute,
Made a stool!
We did not have time to praise
Instead of a chair, a swing!

Nikita scored carnations,
He called everyone for help.
You - give, you - hold,
Well, you praise more!

We have Sasha in the class,
The girls all want to sit with him.
Only he grumbles in response,
“Move away! There is no room here.”

There are two Dimas in our class,
What can we say about them together?
That which loves to grumble
They do not want to be silent!

All boys in our class
They love to have fun.
But, of course, if necessary,
can learn!

We live very friendly
Songs are fun to sing.
Better than our good school
We won't find it anywhere in the world!

These same girls read poetry and sing a song


The winds blow in February
Howling in the pipes loudly
Snake rushes along the ground
Light snow.

Rising, rushing into the distance,
Aircraft links.
It celebrates February
Army is born!

At night the blizzard raged,
And the blizzard was chalk.
And with the dawn we are quiet
Brought a men's holiday.

Song "Katyusha"

Apple and pear trees blossomed
Mists floated over the river.
Katyusha went ashore, 2 times

Came out a song started
About the steppe gray eagle.
About the one you loved 2 times
About the one whose letters she kept.

Oh, you, song, girl's song,
you fly to bright sun light.
And a fighter on the far frontier 2 times
Say hello from Katyusha!

Let him remember his dear girl,
Let him hear her sing.
May he save his native land, 2 times
And Katyusha will save love!

Apple and pear trees blossomed
Mists floated over the river.
Katyusha went ashore, 2 times
On a high bank, on a steep one.

The hosts congratulate the boys, the girls give gifts and, at the end, have a tea party.

Have you decided to prepare a small concert for classmates on the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland? Funny scenes for congratulating boys on February 23 will be the highlight of such a performance. Both children and teachers can take part in these productions.

Our website provides materials for such school miniatures by February 23, 2020, which you can use in your speeches. Putting such miniatures will not be special work, and the applause of the audience will be guaranteed!

Funny scenes at school on February 23

The first school scene for the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland can be played by performing funny ditties about the guys.

We sing for you today
And we have one motive
Congratulations on the twenty-third
We really want to!

We will sing ditties to you
You help us.
If we lie a little,
You do not scold us.

All boys in our class
They love to stand out.
Who draws, who sings
Someone is having fun!

Petya is standing at the blackboard,
Looks at the task.
He has sadness in his heart
On the face of suffering.

Lazy in the morning Vova
comb through,
A cow came up to him
She combed her tongue.

If, Dima, then you
Will you be a deputy
Then your diary can become
Terrible compromising evidence!

In our class you sometimes
Pasha, the most freaky.
Then you jump, then you cry.
How can we be friends with you?

The school year has begun
The clock ticked.
And Fedor has a question:
"Well, when are the holidays?!"

Yura pulls girls
For pigtails with ribbons.
Would treat us better
Delicious sweets.

The bell rang again -
Radio turn on:
Artem has the whole lesson
The mouth does not close.

Kolya studies at "five",
Knows math
He will solve the problem
On any topic.

Petya, Petenka Petrov -
The guy is what you need
Because he is in our class
We are extremely happy!

We sang ditties to you,
Is it good, is it bad.
And now we ask you
For you to clap us.

What other miniatures are suitable for February 23 at school?

Next funny scene for boys on February 23, the rookie Vanya, his father, mother, sister and grandmother are participating. A song is performed to the motive of the song "How my mother saw me off."

- As my own mother saw me off,
This is where all my family came in.
- Oh, where are you, my son,
Oh where are you?
You would not go, Vanek, to the soldiers!
- In our army, there are fighters, tea,
Without you, they, granddaughter, will manage.
Little sister:
- Wouldn't you go there, dear brother,
And he went with me to kindergarten.
We will play with dolls, eat porridge,
Shoot with a pistol, listen to the nanny.

- All my friends have been serving for a long time,
Well, tell me, father, why am I worse?
- I served, and let our Vanek serve,
So, the Motherland needs such a soldier.
- He will freeze, he will get sick.
Get dressed, my granddaughter, warmly.
(He puts a scarf and hat on Vanya, hands him a string bag with stewed meat and a bunch of bagels).
Don't forget to take your first aid kit with you.
Come back to your home, you are a hero!

Then in this short production for schoolchildren on February 23 mother wipes her tears with a large handkerchief and says:
- All right, son! Once you decide, go! What is it now! And your father served, and grandfather, and great-grandfather. I have collected some goodies for you here: 3 pairs of knitted socks from the wool of our goat, 3 liters of milk from our cow, 3 kilograms of fat from our pig, 3 dozen eggs from a chicken. And from myself - a bag of seeds and a pack of envelopes. You will peel seeds and write letters to me.
“Oh, mother, I have nowhere to put these belongings! I'm leaving you. Bored at home ... Whether it's in the army: from a machine gun - boom! From a machine gun - plop! And off we go. That's where life is for a real man!

Other school scenes for boys from girls on February 23

Your viewers will also like other scenes for February 23, funny at school, dedicated to conscription. Don't forget to choose suitable props for such productions and hold a rehearsal the day before.

In the next funny scene, mother and son are talking.
“Son, an owl from Hogwarts flew in today, brought a letter that you are the chosen one!”
- What???
- Why, what, you got a summons from the military registration and enlistment office!

boy caught goldfish in the aquarium and asks:
Make it so that every day of the year is February 23rd.
It's too late, - the fish answers, - your neighbor on the desk caught me earlier.
And what did she ask for?
- So that every day was March 8.

The teacher says to the student:
- Petrov, you studied for one “five”, and now there are solid “twos”. You will be left for a second year. You won't change your mind, they will leave you again and again ... You will have to leave the dream of an institute.
- Why should I higher education? Now they are taking everyone from the institute to the army. But without a secondary education they do not take.
- How long are you going to stay at school?
- Up to 27 years. You have to be patient, Marya Ivanna, only ten years are left.

Two guys met. One suggests:
Let's go to college after school!
Let's go to the army! says another.
- Why?
- It's great there! I ran, jumped, ate and slept. Not like at the institute: either he didn’t eat, then he didn’t sleep ...

Another miniature is also played by two guys. One asks:
- Well, did you go to military school?
- No, I did not pass the competition.
- Where did you go?
- In the army - on the budget.

Funny scenes for February 23 for schoolchildren

A conscript in the office of a neurologist says:
- Fifteen years ago I asked Santa Claus to give me a New Year military uniform. And just now I received it. (Crying) This old grandfather got it all mixed up!
The psychiatrist is writing something at this time. Then he asks:
Have you had mental disorders before?
Conscript (frightened):
- No, what are you!
The psychiatrist jumps up and, leaning towards the conscript, shouts:
- What if I find it?

In the ophthalmologist's office, the doctor asks the conscript:
Do you see the top line?
- I see!
- And lower?
- I see!
- Lower?
- Not!
- Snipers! Next!
Do you see the top line?
- I see!
- And lower?
- I do not see!
- To the morflot. Next.
Do you see the top line?
No, doctor, I don't see!
- Oh, you're cunning! Go to serve in intelligence!

Doctors examine the conscript:
- What's wrong with your hand?
- They took blood from my finger.
Why is the arm in plaster?
- But I didn't!

In the military registration and enlistment office, the conscript is indignant:
– How can I serve in the army with my flat feet?! I can't even catch up with the enemy!
- Nothing, my dear, the snow on the airfield will not run away from your broom!

At the military registration and enlistment office, the head asks the conscript:
- Well, five thousand bucks or the army?
The conscript takes out a video camera from under his jacket:
Now it's my turn to ask questions. Well, white ticket or YouTube?



Children enter the hall under the march.

VED. Hello, dear parents and children! Today we are here to celebrate holiday 23 february- day armed forces, which the the whole country celebrates. it holiday all the defenders of our Fatherland, the defenders of peace, freedom and happiness! The soldiers and commanders of our army serve day and night. And today we congratulate not only your dads, brothers, grandfathers on the birthday of our army, but also our boys, future defenders of our Motherland!

CHILDREN - When ice lies on the rivers,

And the blizzard rushes into the distance,

Wonderful holiday brings us

Pensive February.

will come holiday of all soldiers,

Defenders, fighters.

Everyone will be happy to congratulate

And grandfathers and fathers.

We congratulate mom together

Dad happy army honor day,

After all, he is our protector.

Every day and every hour.

AT celebration of courage and honor

Congratulations dad

And don't let him down

I strongly promise.

We have one holiday,

This holiday - men's day.

Day of defenders, soldiers

Congratulations everyone is happy!

SONG "Good Soldiers"

CHILDREN - I will draw a ship,

Where dad is the captain.

Bravely my dad swims

From distant, distant countries.

I'll draw an airplane

Where dad is the commander.

And days and nights

Dad saves the world!

I will draw a gun

And a rider in the saddle.

I know there is no better dad

Hero on earth.

About battles and victories

Often heard from my grandfather.

In that holiday is not kidding,

I don't upset my grandfather.

Grandpa, I love you

And congratulations today!

SONG "Three Tankers"

VED. - Guys, modern soldiers should be not only dexterous and courageous, but also smart. Let's do gymnastics for the mind and solve riddles.

I take off without acceleration,

I remember the dragonfly.

Takes flight

Our Russian (helicopter).

Miracle bird, scarlet tail,

Arrived in a flock of stars.

Our people built this

interplanetary (rocket).

Boldly floats in the sky,

Overtaking birds in flight.

Man controls it

What is this? (airplane)

VED. - Well done boys! And now I give the floor to our girls.

CHILDREN - We congratulations boys

And we wish them good health!

Grow up fast

And be quick!

Put your ears on top

Girls sing ditties!


We sing for you today

And we have one motive

Congratulations on 23

We want girls!

We're lucky girls

We are very happy

After all boys in our group

Most beautiful.

From 23 we are today

Congratulations guys!

We wish them good luck

From the heart, from all the girls!

VED. – All we congratulate the boys

Let's give our dance now!

DANCE "Apple"

VED. - We congratulate our dads,

Let's play with them.

GAMES: 1. Best driver

3. Constructor

4. The fastest horse

VED. We want the birds to sing

So that spring streams ring,

For the sun to warm the earth

So that the birch turns green

So that all dreams come true

To make everyone around laugh

For children to dream

Let there be no war!

And now our guys will congratulate their dads and grandfathers and give them gifts made by themselves!

February 23 is a holiday celebrated by everyone age categories citizens. In all offices, schools and even kindergartens, congratulations are being prepared for current and future defenders of the Motherland. At the same time, scenes for February 23 (funny) are an obligatory element of the holiday. There are many options for staging them, the main thing is that the game of the participants is sincere.

Defender of the Fatherland Day - holding at school

Among the many holidays, February 23 is one of the most beloved at school. For girls, this day is an occasion to congratulate their little men, once again demonstrate their talents in singing and dancing during the celebration. Boys, on the other hand, have the opportunity to feel like real defenders and once again feel pride in their belonging to the stronger sex.

(A very short fur coat, heavy army boots and a cap are the image of a representative of the border troops. She must pull a tiny toy dog ​​on a leash).

- And finally, at the end of our parade - heavy artillery! This is our last resort against an enemy who falls to his knees at the mere sight of her. Meet!

(A girl comes out, on her chest there is a sign with the inscription “Sex bomb”. She is dressed and made up at her discretion, but the brighter and bolder, the better).

- Dear men! Join our ranks, let's protect the Motherland together! Choose the troops in which you want to serve and approach their representatives for an appointment.

Such funny scenes on February 23 will decorate any holiday and will be the best gift for men.

Mini-sketch "Agrippina"

The celebration script does not have to include long skits that require complex staging. A wonderful surprise for colleagues will be mini-skits on February 23. They consist of short dialogues and do not require much preparation.

Several soldiers are standing on the stage, putting on their uniforms. These are recruits who are tested for equipment speed. The commander, passing along the line, sees a little guy who just drowned in his overcoat. Here comes the daunting question:

- What's your name?

The soldier from fright lost the gift of speech, is silent. Commander, even more angry:

- I'm asking you what to call, your mother!

The soldier is frightened:

- Agrippina.

Military change of seasons

Scenes for February 23 for adults must be funny. For example, everyone will like it, both those who did not serve and former soldiers.

Several soldiers are on stage. In front of them stands the major, next to the captain. The Major addresses the squad:

- Comrades, autumn has already come, and the trees are still green. So, go there, tear off the green leaves and tie the yellow ones. Fulfill!

Turns around, leaves. The captain, looking displeased after:

- Completely crazy ... Tie, untie ... Company, listen to my command! Run to the warehouse, take the yellow paint and work!

Scene about the police

Scenes for February 23 for adults can also be on a police theme. After all, they are constantly guarding our peace.

On the stage is a table where the investigator and the suspect are sitting.

Investigator: Well, now we will take your fingerprints (dip the suspect's fingers in the paint). Then we press them here (puts on a sheet of paper). Now here (presses to the weapon), here (to the knife) and here (to the keys). That is great!

Suspect: So I can be free?

Investigator: Not likely.

Scene "Policemen in the forest"

On the stage there is a screen depicting a forest. Nearby are two policemen. The following dialogue sounds.

- What a silence. Only the birds sing. By the way, who is this, woodpecker?

- No, owl!

- Well, what an owl. Grouse.

- Yes, what is this black grouse?

- Well, who then?

- Well, this one, like him .. Ah, here it is! Capercaillie!

The screen leaves, behind it lies a man.

- Oh, I told you, capercaillie! We ship it.

Scene "Even men have tantrums"

Scenes for February 23 from women help once again show men how they are valued, loved, and most importantly, understood.

The husband is sitting in a chair, watching TV. The wife enters.

Husband: I urgently need a new shirt!

Wife: Why?

Husband: Look what I'm wearing!

Wife: Well, in a shirt...

Husband: Shirt? THIS is what you call a shirt? Look, my wife bought a shirt for Max from 34, that's what I understand, a shirt! And new pants, by the way! And I? I can't even get out!

Wife: But, honey, I can’t now ...

Husband: Oh, right? I knew that you didn't love me at all! Well, it's enough! I'm going to my dad!


Both at school and in the office, you can thus spend a holiday, giving a lot of positive emotions. And finally, you can give small themed souvenirs as a keepsake of this fun evening.


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