How did he change his profession? Retraining on the basis of higher education - which profession to prefer? Choosing a related profession

There is nothing wrong with changing careers at any age. But the further, the more difficult it will be to learn something new and explain to employers that experience is not the main thing, the main thing is the desire to work. Therefore, if you have been thinking about changing your specialty, you can’t put them on the back burner, because the sooner you decide, the easier it will be. Here are 10 things to do before starting a new profession.

So, before writing a letter of resignation, you need to carefully prepare and think over a few points. Optimists believe that if a person wants something, he will definitely achieve it. But after all, you need to at least know what you are striving for, and for this you need to understand yourself and understand what does not suit you, what you want.

1. Rate your dissatisfaction

If you are not going to immediately throw a statement in the face of your boss, but are simply looking for options, get yourself a “dissatisfaction journal” in which you will write down every day what you are not satisfied with. It can be a company culture that is far from your ideal, the relationship between employees and the boss, or some aspects of your work (monotonity, the need to communicate with new people, and so on).

After a while, review your notes. Maybe there are recurring moments, among which you will find a hint - what exactly does not suit you in your work, what should not be in a new place.

2. Assess your skills, interests and abilities

Write a list of your skills and abilities based on past accomplishments or simply what you do well. Think about past jobs successful projects, awards.

3. Brainstorming about a new profession

When you come best ideas: alone or in the company of people, in the morning or at night? Choose a time and place and brainstorm about a career change - your future deserves it. Talk to friends and relatives, write down all the prerequisites and desires, use all the information that is available to you.

There are also special books and articles that will help you understand yourself, for example, this one.

4. Narrow your circle

Identify a few areas for yourself that you would like to move into, and focus on them.

5. Learn as much as you can

When you don't have many areas left, learn as much as you can about each one. It is better to get to know the people of this profession and ask them about all the features, pitfalls, unpleasant moments, and so on.

It often happens that a person idealizes another specialty, having little understanding of what actually awaits him, because each area has its pros and cons. You can read specialized forums, interviews and so on.

6. Volunteer or Freelance

To understand how interesting it is for you to work in your chosen field, in your free time you can work for free or take small one-time orders. For example, if you dream of becoming an editor, try taking on a few assignments on a freelance site; If you want to work with animals, volunteer at a homeless dog and cat shelter.

7. Opportunities for education

To change a profession, it is not necessary to receive additional higher education, but if there is an opportunity to complete some courses in this area, study a few manuals, why not?

Find out if there are inexpensive courses in your chosen specialty in your city, if there are seminars and other events.

8. Upgrade your skills

Look for opportunities to acquire skills that will be useful for new profession. If you have not found suitable courses for your specialty, you can develop skills that will be useful for future work.

Some companies periodically send employees to master classes and seminars. If you work for such a firm, do not miss the chance to learn something that will help your new career at least a little.

9. Look for similar areas

It will be much easier for you to learn a new profession if it is somehow connected with the old one. So first look at the adjacent areas, and only then look at the distant ones, in which you have no experience at all.

For example, if you worked, you can start selling computer software, because you are well versed in this area.

10. Prepare for an interview

Before you go to the interview, think about your answers to the employer's question: "Why should we hire you instead of someone who is more experienced in this area?". A list of your skills and talents that are suitable for this position will come in handy here, and if you have been actively involved in improving skills (attended seminars, read special literature), the effect will be even better.

Most importantly, remember: It is never too late to change careers, no matter how many years you have worked in your field.

Some Encouraging Examples of Famous People:

Edgar Burroughs, who created the world-famous works about Tarzan, began writing after 35 years, having previously tried the professions of a military man, policeman, shopkeeper and gold digger.

Artist Yuri Larin, whose paintings are exhibited in museums in Russia, the United States and France, began his career only at 40, and before that he worked as an engineer.

History knows many such examples, so if you are sick of your job or profession in general, do not be afraid to start from scratch.

Undoubtedly, the decision to change a profession is a serious one, and changing a profession at the age of 40 or 50 should be carried out carefully, taking into account many factors.

At this moment, the most important thing is to separate the wheat from the chaff and not confuse the real need to change professions with something else. For example, with primitive fatigue from the current work, underestimation, low salary. All of the above can be solved not by such cardinal methods, but by simple rest, job change, advanced training, reorientation within the same area.

To determine if you need a change of profession, answer the following 10 yes or no questions:

  1. At your current job, you have achieved everything you could - this is the “ceiling”: there is nowhere to strive higher with your knowledge, experience, and education.
  2. Every day at work is hard labor. Even interesting tasks seem monotonous, gray and boring to you.
  3. Because of work, you often spoil your mood.
  4. This is your first serious job after graduating from a university or technical school.
  5. Your "blue" dream is to do a completely different thing.
  6. You chose education unconsciously, following the recommendations of your parents, fashion trends, at that age you had no other wishes.
  7. You do not have a sense of fulfillment in the profession, and you do not see prospects at your current place of work or in this area.
  8. Your professional activity has age limits, and soon you will approach this limit.
  9. Your profession or professional field is a huge burden, and you understand that work takes all your time, leaving not a single minute for your family, children, hobbies.
  10. For some reason, the scope of your professional activity is declining, earnings are getting harder.

If you answered 5 “YES” or less to the questions posed, think about what to change in your current work. It can be a form of activity or a place of work, you can try to work for yourself, for example.

If the answers are “YES” to questions 5 or more, you need a change of profession. It is better to look for another, real door than to try unsuccessfully to draw it on a blank wall of a dead end.

IN modern world people change their profession two or three times, and there is nothing abnormal in this. Although everyone should understand that finding a job after a change of profession can be very difficult.

How to change profession: instructions

Choosing a related profession

If you have made the final decision to leave your professional activity, to move away forever from a given professional direction, if you are 100% sure that your current job is not yours, and you can’t bear it, but you haven’t chosen a business to your liking yet, think about related areas.

Many choose new professional activity at the intersection of professions, receiving additional education to become a professional in several related areas.

A journalist can try his hand at copywriting, in the advertising business, become a sales manager or a manager for finding and attracting clients, lawyers feel good in personnel matters, procurement, and hiring staff.

Opportunities for education

To change your professional activity, it is not at all necessary to receive another higher education, you can complete courses in the profession you are interested in, study special manuals, why not? Find out if there are trainings, master classes, inexpensive courses in your chosen specialty in your city, perhaps seminars are held.

But to pay for education and decent level life during the training period, you will still have to work as you currently work. Be prepared for the fact that for some time you will have to continue to do what you know how to do, but no longer want to.

How to reflect a change of profession in a resume?

So, you changed your profession - well, that's your right. But now you need to explain to potential employers why you took such a step?

In a personal conversation, when talking tete-a-tete, this will not be difficult to do. And how to display the shift in the resume?

Describe in the most detailed way the available education, the skills you have acquired. Perhaps it is the skills you have acquired in the process labor activity, will become your main arguments in your resume about changing your profession. Be sure to indicate the specialties in which you worked, about advanced training. If you had to perform additional duties that are not related to your professional and not provided for job description, also indicate this in your resume and confirm with facts the experience gained in such activities.

IN cover letter write that you are confident in mastering new specialty, indicate that the desire to get into the declared position in the future will make you an indispensable employee for the company.

The cost of changing profession

And yet, to change the profession, retraining is needed, this is obvious. Some areas require a radical change of profession, a new education, which is not cheap.

And after completing your studies, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will be on the lowest rung of the career ladder, and you will need to “gain” experience by working day and night. So just figure out how much retraining will cost:

  • approximately what amount will be needed to cover the costs not only for education, but also for life, where to get it;
  • how much time per week will study take, will there be time for part-time work and other things;
  • calculate how much you will earn as a novice specialist, subject to successful graduation, acquiring a new profession, will this be enough for a living;
  • how long will it take to work after graduating to climb the career ladder to a level that satisfies you;
  • think over all the ways of finding a job after training in a new specialty.

Encouraging Examples of Celebrities Who Changed Their Careers

It's never too late to change careers, experts say. So, Edgard Burroughs, who composed a popular, world-famous work about Tarzan, did it after 35 years, and before that he managed to work as a military man, policeman, gold digger and even a shop owner.

The famous artist Yuri Larin, whose works of art are now exhibited in museums in the United States, Russia, France, began his creative career after 40, and before that he worked as an engineer.

There are many such examples in history, and nothing will stop you from “starting from scratch”.

There are many reasons for wanting to change jobs. Now we will present to your attention the most significant of them.

  1. Low wage . At the moment when we get a job, we hope that wages will rise as quickly as prices rise. But there are situations when the company's business is not going very well or the bosses are simply not interested in the wishes of their subordinates. In this case, you work practically for nothing and are well aware that your work is not paid properly.
  2. Absence career development . If you are a careerist by nature, but for many years your work remains unnoticed by anyone, but career ladder promote everyone, but not you, then this is a reason to change your current job.
  3. Unacceptable schedule. Each company has its own work schedule. Somewhere night shifts are established, somewhere they force workers to go out on holidays and weekends, and there are professions that provide for irregular working hours. It happens that a person was satisfied with his schedule until a certain period, but after something changed in life, it became problematic to work in this position. For example, women without children arrange night shifts, but with the advent of babies, they simply have no one to leave them at night.
  4. Unacceptable working conditions. People of some professions in the course of their work deal with dangerous and harmful conditions labor. These factors negatively affect the state of the employee and the health of the whole organism as a whole.
  5. Change of leadership. There are situations when the management changes at the enterprise and you do not find a common language with the new boss. He not only finds fault, but also tries to survive you from his familiar place.
  6. Unhealthy team atmosphere. If you develop strained relationships with colleagues, then this makes it very difficult to carry out your tasks normally. official duties. You can come out of any war as a winner, but if you do not want to fight with the team, then dismissal may be an alternative.
  7. Willingness and ability to do other activities. A person should do only what he really likes. If at some time he did work that he does not like, then at the slightest opportunity you need to change your life.

Each person has their own reasons for changing jobs, but before you take a responsible step and write a letter of resignation, you should think it over a hundred times and not do anything on emotions.

Things to consider before changing jobs

At the moment when a person has a job, it seems that there are many vacancies around with a higher salary and the best conditions labor. In reality, when a person really starts looking for a new job, he is faced with the fact that he is not suitable for some organizations as a specialist, and, perhaps, the working conditions in some companies do not suit the employee himself. And it turns out that a person quit his old job, but cannot find a new one.

And there are cases when the employee returns to the old place of work. We do not know how our lives will turn out, and we offer you to use the recommendations that may help you in the future.

  • Do not quit until you have found a new job and received confirmation that you are really hired.
    Printed publications are full of advertisements for a wide variety of vacancies, but this does not mean that you will be taken to the first company you like.
  • Do not tell others about your plans.
    There may be many envious or ill-wishers around you. With their help, rumors about your possible departure can reach the authorities, and they can make your stay at the workplace unbearable. And not the fact that you still leave.
  • Leave "beautifully".
    Even if among your colleagues there are people to whom you have long wanted to express everything that you think about them, you should not do this. The earth is round and it is not known what awaits all of us tomorrow, perhaps someday you still decide to return.
  • Don't "burn bridges".
    After you still decide to write a letter of resignation, try to finish all the work and transfer them to your successor. save a good relationship with the authorities, because they still have to give you a letter of recommendation for a new job.
  • Don't speak badly about previous place work.
    If you “poured dirt” on former colleagues or boss, this will only aggravate your precarious position in the new team. Try to correctly and tactfully answer questions related to the old place of work.

How to change jobs: the first steps

People who find themselves on the verge of change are very often lost and do not know where to start and how to act correctly. Any changes in life are accompanied by experiences, and in some cases, nervous shocks.

If you are hungry for change, but do not know where to start, we suggest using the instructions we have compiled.

  1. Decide for yourself if you like your profession . Perhaps you have a humanitarian mindset, but due to some circumstances you have to work as an accountant. In this case, most likely you just chose the wrong profession for yourself.
  2. Think about what you would like to do . If you are satisfied with your profession, but the current team is hated, just change your job. But if you are not satisfied with your specialty, then it is time to change not only the place, but also the occupation. Think about what you do best and bring you the most pleasure.
  3. Prepare the ground for future change . You can start looking at newspapers or specialized sites with job offers, call the specified phone number and arrange interviews.

If we are talking about starting your own business, then you need to draw up a business plan and find start-up capital. To read:

  1. Go to active search work . At this stage, we suggest that you start attending interviews. It can take more than one month to find a new job, so you should not talk about your plans at your current workplace.
  2. Inform management and staff of your imminent departure . When you find new job, or make the final decision to open your own business, you can tell everyone about your departure.
  3. Write a statement . By current legislation after submitting a letter of resignation, the employee must work for 14 days. He may not work out this period if he has a replacement and the boss releases the resigning without working off.

But most often you can find a situation where the management does not want to let go valuable employees and defiantly tears up all statements. In this case, you need to send a letter of resignation. by registered mail. Upon receipt, which, the responsible person will be required to sign for it and register it properly.

  1. Finish all things and hand them over to the receiver . We do not recommend spoiling relationships with anyone, so we recommend that you complete all the work you have started, put your papers in order and transfer all the affairs to the person who will perform your duties.
  2. On the last day, say goodbye to the whole team and say that it was a pleasure to work with them. (even if you don't think so).

How to change jobs at 40?

Young people think that after 30 years old age begins. But when they turn 40, they continue to feel young.

It is at the age of 40 that people realize that half their lives have been lived, and there is nothing special to remember. At this point, they begin to mope and become depressed. The crisis of 40 years is actively coming. Psychologists often help to get out of this state, who, according to the stories of clients, understand that they are unhappy, because they do unloved work.

But not all people who have exchanged their fifth decade decide on such cardinal changes like a job change. Many are satisfied with stability, a familiar team and do not let go of the fear of the unknown.

If you consider yourself to this category of people, we advise you to think about the fact that there is only one life and you should not live it not the way you want, but the way you need to.

If you have a special education, a long work history, unique experience, etc., we recommend that you try to find a job that you like.

In our country, you can often find a situation where in Soviet times due to a lack of personnel, people were hired for work in various specialties immediately after graduating from 11 classes. Today, only people with higher education can apply for such places. Nevertheless, no one kicks out those “old” workers, and they successfully fulfill their duties.

But if such a person with experience, but without education, decides to change his job, then he is unlikely to succeed, due to the lack of a diploma.

Therefore, before deciding to change your profession after 40, weigh all the pros and cons very well. If you can’t leave your old job, we advise you to find yourself a hobby with which you may be able to earn extra money.

The main thing is not to focus on unloved job and find your outlet. For example, knit things for your grandchildren, bake goodies for children, or devote yourself to loved ones.

How to change jobs for a woman

For some, changing jobs is easy enough, while for others, there are many obstacles along the way. In order to have as little trouble as possible, we advise you to use our recommendations.

  • Avoid impulsive decisions, let yourself cool down before doing anything.
  • Learn how to write a good resume.
  • Use your contacts to find future work. Often it is acquaintances who help to find a new job.
  • Go to all interviews where you are invited, and do not be discouraged if you are rejected. Thus, you get invaluable experience of communication with employers.
  • Change jobs no more than once every 2 years. Too frequent change of work speaks of your frivolity.
  • Before you get a new job, talk to the team at the job you want to get. If you completely change your profession, then experienced people will tell you about all the advantages and disadvantages of this specialty.
  • If possible, train for a few days before leaving your old position. So you will learn more about the responsibilities that will be assigned to you.
  • Consult with relatives.


Life is too short to do what you don't like. The hardest thing about changing jobs is taking the first step. Calculate all the pros and cons of the present and future work, compare the results and start acting.

If you do everything right, then your life will change beyond recognition, and you will forget about depression and bad mood.

Having a higher education is prestigious, but what if the chosen profession turned out to be unclaimed? Alas, sometimes applicants enter a university at random and then look for a coveted position for years ...

In such a situation, you will inevitably have to decide on changes. You can choose one of two:

The first option will suit the few - harnessing yourself to study for a few more years, and even at your own expense, annoying. Here's the second option...

Specialties for retraining associated with intellectual work

On the conditions of the state professional retraining we . In this publication, we will focus only on the most attractive professions that can really be obtained free of charge.

Note: the specialties mentioned below are usually included in the "List of priority professions (specialties) for vocational training, retraining, advanced training of unemployed citizens”, which are guided by employees of employment centers, however, exceptions are possible. Lists of this kind are compiled taking into account the situation on the local labor market and are not the same in different regions.

desk work

Girls with higher education - especially teachers-philologists - are often recommended in employment services to retrain for secretary. The knowledge that is given at the university is very useful for the secretary: the ability to speak correctly, and general erudition, and at least a minimum knowledge of a foreign language come in handy.

The work of the secretary gives good prospects in terms of . Having truly realized himself in this profession, an employee can become an indispensable assistant for the top officials of the company (for more details, see a separate article).

A good choice for a university graduate is retraining for accountant. Almost every company needs an accountant. Having received such a qualification, in the future it is quite possible to advance in the service - to a solid position in the organization and a good salary. However, given profession by virtue of its suitable only for people with a mathematical mindset.

Creative individuals should pay attention to professions related to computer design.

Someone will surely be interested programming. Programmers are in great demand and, importantly, they have quite decent earnings.

Professions involving employment in the field of trade and services

Acceptable for the owner of a beautiful diploma will be the following specialties:

  • (restaurant, beauty salon, hotel);
  • advertising specialist;
  • insurance agent.

The listed professions are not very prestigious, but they do not involve hard physical labor and give a chance for further growth.


Employment centers implement programs not only for retraining employees but also to support people who want to start their own business.

Profession entrepreneur, perhaps the most interesting in terms of prospects: the unemployed immediately receives the status of a boss (another thing is that not everyone succeeds in achieving commercial success).

At the end of the material - one more piece of advice. If you have a university education behind you, do not rush to dismiss all “working” employment options by default. be a worker in big company very, very good. Hydraulic manipulator operators or home repairers very often earn more than office managers.

Today, more and more people are thinking about changing their profession, in the words of Dante, "having passed their earthly path to half." Forgetting about a boring office and getting creative, turning your favorite hobby into your main job is an old dream of many of us. But the older a person gets, the more difficult it is to decide on such a serious step. We talked to our experts about how to let go of your fears and start your career with a clean slate.

Why has the issue of career change become so urgent today? “Life has become better, life has become more fun” - the relative stability that has replaced the long economic and social crises has allowed many to stop thinking about every penny they earn and pay attention to what they really want in their professional life.

“Now there is freedom of choice and, most importantly, a real labor market,” explains psychologist Elmira Davydova. - Those who entered universities 20-30 years ago, until recently, could not even think about changing their activities. A profession in Soviet times was chosen once and for all. And in the 90s, it seemed to everyone that the only way to survive was to work in a kiosk, so we chose more profitable directions. The humanities then seemed scary, because you can’t make money with their help, and simply no one went to the faculties of psychology and philology.

A successful change of profession at any age makes a person more free, creative, happy

Today the situation has changed radically. “A huge number of adults come to me seeking to bring more creativity into their professional activities. Of course, creativity does not always mean composing poems or drawing pictures, - Elmira Davydova clarifies. - This is a kind of activity, about which you can say: "I did it myself."

Thus, for the first time, many had the opportunity to realize their potential and even make successful career in a new field. And along the way, the most unexpected turns can happen.

“Currently, there is a noticeable trend towards the so-called downshifting,” confirms existential psychotherapist Natalya Tumashkova. - When people in their 40s and 50s who are fully established in their field suddenly change their field of activity: big businessmen become captains of small boats and take tourists along exotic routes, bankers go into journalism, lawyers into social work- in general, Diocletian leaves the imperial sinecure and goes to plant cabbage.

However, not everyone is able to find the strength to disrupt the usual course of affairs. Some doubt the expediency of changing their profession, others are afraid of being left without funds - but still feel unhappy at work.

“A successful change of profession at any age makes a person more free, creative, happy. When you are really doing your own thing, it is not a burden, - says Elmira Davydova. “Therefore, any trials on the way to this state are worth it.”

Stage 1 - awareness

Experts identify very specific symptoms that the old job is no longer suitable for you. Elmira Davydova lists the main ones:

  • during work you are constantly bored;
  • you do not want to read special literature;
  • it seems to you that in this area you have already achieved everything possible and there is nowhere to go further;
  • you too often catch yourself thinking that at work you are thinking about abstract things;
  • your health is deteriorating (in severe cases, neurosis and panic attacks occur);
  • you don't feel like going to work to the point where you want to cry.

Of course, these feelings can also be caused by severe fatigue. Therefore, before you quit your job and go on a free creative swim, try to experiment - go on a long vacation, creating all the conditions for yourself to have a good rest.

In addition, pay attention to relationships with colleagues and superiors - perhaps the problem is not in the profession as a whole, but in your place of work. And only if, after a rest and a change of team, your condition has not returned to normal, it is worth moving on to the next stage.

Stage 2 - deal with fears

The later the realization comes that it is time to change your life, the more difficult it is to take this step. For an established professional adulthood the transition to beginner status can be extremely painful.

“For a long time I could not decide to return to medicine 25 years after graduating from the university,” Anna, 49, shares her experience. - I imagined how experienced doctors would look at me with irony, like a girl. Of course, I was worried that I would not be hired at that age! But all these fears turned out to be in vain - the main thing is to really want and achieve your goal.

“Any change always involves some uncertainty, which gives rise to anxiety,” Natalya Tumashkova comments. - Therefore, to begin with, admit to yourself that you are afraid, and try to understand: what are you most afraid of? Only the "named" fear can be correlated with reality, to see, "is the devil so terrible."

When NOT to change careers

Whatever our dreams, it's always better to be realistic about the situation. Not every business can be mastered in adulthood, and if, after celebrating your 50th birthday, you want to become a professional theater actor or pilot, you should think twice about this decision.

“In the end, it is not necessary to make a profession out of a dream,” says Elmira Davydova. - Life is not limited to work. Fill the activity that you lead with creative content, and implement your addictions as a hobby. Often the cause of depression and depression is not work, but something else. This may be a personality or age crisis, and then you will need to consult not a career guidance specialist, but a psychotherapist.

How to deal with the fear of change?

  • remember your successful experience of change - how you started something, did something for the first time, how scary it was at first and what helped you cope with the task;
  • collect positive examples from the life of friends and acquaintances;
  • remember your relatives - a lot of changes fell to their lot, and they coped with them; look for inspiration by reading the biographies of famous and successful people(for example, the book "Sailor in the Saddle", written by Irving Stone about the life of Jack London);
  • remember that the most dangerous thing is "burnout" in the profession. Having reached this stage of aversion to own work you can never go back to it.

“The only way to cope with your fears is not to chop the branch on which you are sitting with an ax,” says Elmira Davydova. - You need to act gradually, drop by drop: go to study at courses or do what you want to do, your hobby. Gradually absorb a new environment, make acquaintances, study specialized literature.

Indeed, in the process of learning a new business, it may turn out that this is not at all what we need.

Stage 3 - decide on a new profession

For some, this part of the journey may seem the easiest - finally, there is an opportunity to realize your childhood dreams, find a use for hidden talents, turn your favorite hobby into a life's work. But for many, the question “where to go?” seems like an insurmountable obstacle. Then a career counselor can help you in your search for a new calling.

“In 60% of cases, my clients already have a specific topic or area that they are interested in. Then we have only to concretize the desire. In the remaining 40%, people learn something fundamentally new in my office,” says Elmira Davydova.

The main purpose of the career guidance methodology is to identify which profession suits this particular person. To do this, there are many different surveys and tests.

“I'm trying to understand how a person interacts with people, whether he likes to do something with his hands, to which he has inclinations,” continues Elmira Davydova. - Need to find the right object and right action with this object. Each of us has a corridor of desires and a corridor of possibilities. And in the place where they intersect, a person finds his vocation.

Before you go to a specialist, it is important to do your "homework". To do this, ask yourself a few questions: “Where and when did I feel happy, fulfilled?” Take a “tour” of childhood and youth memories: “Where did I experience the feeling that I want to experience now while working? And why did I ever refuse it?

“The next step is inventory own resources, - advises Natalya Tumashkova. “All the skills and abilities that have accumulated over the years of life can be used as keys to mastering a new business.”

It is necessary to carry out work on studying the labor market: what can you do, what can you apply your abilities and experience to? Which of your friends is ready to join or maybe invite you to work?

In addition, today there are many courses and types additional education which can be combined with the main work.

“Usually I recommend people to look for something close to the area where they are now,” notes Elmira Davydova. - We often do not notice the opportunities that lie in the field of our activity. And only when the resources in the nearest circle are exhausted, you can go to "outer space".

Think: what would you spend your time on if you no longer had to work for money?

Just for such a case, the psychologist has compiled a list of questions, by answering which you can find a new business of your life.

1. If you are bored at work, write down five reasons why you feel bored. Imagine that you are doing something exactly the opposite. Do you like it? What do you feel? Write down five qualities that should be characteristic of your work.

2. Write down on the sheet the professions that you know. Subtract: Subtract all professions you don't like. From the rest, subtract those that are not available to you by age. From the remainder, subtract those that are interesting to you, but scary to start. Consider the rest.

3. Think about what you would do if you inherited a billion euros? Schedule your life for one year (twenty important things that you would do) after receiving this money. And what would you spend your time on if you no longer had to work for money?

4. Write what your parents programmed you for (about money, education, career, people around you).

5. Who are your real teachers (name three people who, albeit harshly, albeit involuntarily, taught you something in life).

6. Remember what feats you accomplished (in which you overcame yourself and circumstances). How has it changed you?

7. Remember your risky actions (physical risk, social, financial), what did it lead to and what did these situations teach you?

8. Who are your parents and parents of parents by profession? What did they do outstanding in their work?

9. Have you ever organized something or someone to do something? How did you feel in this capacity as an organizer? Or did you prefer to be an ordinary participant?

10. Remember your dreams, which symbolically tell you about your dissatisfaction with life. Or those that show the way.

About the expertx

Elmira Davydova - psychologist, founder and head of the career guidance center "ProfGid"

Natalya Tumashkova - existential psychotherapist, coach, business coach


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