The script for the competition is the best hairdresser by profession. The profession of "hairdresser": description, pros and cons. Cheerful hairdresser says goodbye and leaves

1. The longest female hair in the world?
-5m79cm! Correct answer
2 a man has the longest beard in the world
-563cm! Correct answer
3 the longest beard a woman has
-28cm! Correct answer
4. How to lubricate the hair of the Queen of France Marie Antoinette so that the hairstyle would last for about a month
The correct answer (the hair of the Queen of France Marie Antoinette was smeared with lard so that the hairstyle would last for at least a month. It is not surprising, because the height of her hairstyle reached 91 centimeters, and sometimes it was even higher. This height was achieved mainly due to decorations, for example, feathers or ribbons, however, the length of the real hair was also very impressive.)

5. You arrived in a city where there are only two hairdressers Bill and John
Bill is well-groomed, tidy, with a beautiful hairstyle, and John has a "nest" on his head, and in general he does not look very good.
Which one of them will you go to get a haircut and why?
Correct answer (To John, because he cuts Bill)
6..the world's most expensive haircut?
-3000 dollars
-more than 5000 dollars
-more than 15000 dollars
Correct answer (The world's most expensive Guinness World Record haircut cost $ 16,000. It was made by the stylist known as the "celebrity head hairdresser", Stuart Phillips. The client was the millionaire Beverly Lateo, who, not wanting to interrupt her vacation in Italy , called Phillips from London. He flew first class, and from the airport to a specially filmed for the whole day. hairdressing salon, it was delivered by a luxury limousine.)
7 .. What professions in Russia were called stupid artists?
Correct answer: hairdressers.
8. Everyone knows that straight razor shaving is a delicate matter. The slightest wrong movement and ... At the beginning of the last century, a popular, albeit very difficult, training for hairdressers was shaving one children's toy. Which?
Correct answer: balloons (covered with foam).
9: Perm was invented by the German hairdresser Karl Nestle. Another invention of his - "artificial hair, curling up" - is also used to this day. What are we talking about?
Correct answer: These are fake eyelashes.
10. What fashion did the wife of Napoleon III introduce, in what way did a certain hairdresser help her?
Correct answer: Fashion for red hair
A set of tools for creative competition consists of a large number of newspapers, garbage bags of different colors, scotch tape, scissors, stapler, hair bands.
We offer to sing ditties, We have an assortment of them! A lot and cool, Choose in one moment! ***
Advise me, brothers
How can I find my image:
Either stay blond
Either go to the brunet!
Why I don't know myself
Made a haircut "square"!
My ears are freezing
After all, winter is already in the yard!
I with my short hair
I got a flaw:
They confuse me with a boy
Everyone shouts: "Hello, kid!"
Looked at the hairstyle from the glossy cover!
I'll go to the salon now
For the "square on a leg"!
Someone on a haute couture dress makes patches
I'm on my head
I make lining!
Sometimes I love, brothers,
Throw everyone into a slight shock!
Thinking again to cut my hair,
I have a haircut "under the pot"!
I shaved the back of my head
Got a "tattoo" on him!
I did not take into account the prerequisites
I chose the wrong fashion!
I have a head of hair
Red and shaggy!
There is a terrible demand for her
Husbands "horned"!
I cut my hair under the "hedgehog"
I'm not afraid of this haircut!
Well and well, what am I pricked,
But I look cool! ***
Its rare hairs
I will wash with a raw egg
And then I confuse sleepily
Your scruff with a face!

Scenario of the holiday "Day of the hairdresser"
It is carried out with students studying in the profession of "Hairdresser" and the specialty "Hairdressing".
The holiday is held in the assembly hall.
The hall is divided into 2 sectors: chairs are placed along parallel walls.
A flag of a certain color is placed on each chair, as belonging to the team and to express emotions.
When is Hairdresser Day?
Studying the question of what date is the Day of the hairdresser, I want to say that this profession is very, very ancient. It arose several thousand years ago, when it has not yet been established. However, we can say with confidence that hairstyles appeared somewhat earlier than human clothes and have come a long way, developing and changing along with a person.
And before answering, when is the Day of the hairdresser, let's plunge a little into the history of this wonderful craft. Thanks to ancient frescoes, even today you can admire the multi-piece hairstyles of Egyptian priestesses and pharaohs, even then people used basma and henna to dye their hair, had various analogues modern means for cutting and styling such as scissors, razors, combs, hairpieces, etc.
When is Hairdresser Day in Russia? For some reason, the Day of the hairdresser in Russia is celebrated for two days: one on September 13, and the second on the 14th. There is no exact date, but this does not prevent hairdressers from organizing a solemn celebration of their masters and happy holidays.
So today we invite you to have some fun.
Each of you noticed a flag on your chair.
They are different colors, just like our 2 teams.
So, one team is LILAC, the other is YELLOW.
We want to immediately check you for professional suitability.
The competition is called BARANKA:
For this competition, we invite 5 participants from each team.
Participants stand in a circle one after another and in a short time must braid beautiful braids. A short time is 5 minutes.
I almost forgot. To evaluate the results, we invited our masters and teachers to the jury. I present to you the jury: _________________
The maximum score of the competition is 5 points, just like in the lesson.
At the end of the competition, the winning team receives a prize.
Well, now you can start. Teams are given 5 minutes. Time has gone. Fans can wave flags, support their teams.
Competition is being held
I invite the jury to evaluate the work of our hairdressers.
(The jury takes the minutes)
A little more history B Ancient Greece the hairdressing art has received a new round of development. Who else but the Greeks knew a lot about human beauty, and they did their best to improve it. Wealthy nobles wanted the hands of a skilled barber to embellish them in a special way. At first, specially trained people were engaged in this business, over time the first beauty salons began to be created.
Interesting fact: at different times and in different countries these people were called differently - barbers, haircutters, barbers, stupid artists, kuafers, since in addition to styling their hair, they could do both shaving and manicure, and even took on the duties of doctors, subjecting their clients to various simple procedures.
I can speak a lot about the script, but I also want to ask the teams a few questions. I also suggest that the jury work a little.
Teams take turns answering questions. Each correct answer - 1 point.
We start the QUIZ (see Appendix)
The jury is invited to set their points.
Hairdressing is the art of creating hairstyles, styling, coloring and haircuts. How much does a modern hairdresser need to know in our time? Enough. But the most important thing is not only to have knowledge and information, but also to apply them in your daily creative work.
Now we'll see how you cope with our next assignment.
Everyone knows that 2016 is the year of Russian cinema, so
We called the competition "ACTOR'S IMAGE".
We invite one model and 5 members of the creative workshop.
The teams have to come up with an image for the film, translate it into reality and tell the jury and fans what happened.
For work, each team receives the same set of tools and materials. (see Attachment)
The time allotted for work is 15 minutes. Time has gone.
While the teams are busy, the fans cheer and help their teams.
Fine. Present your images.
We invite the jury to evaluate your creativity.
I invite everyone to sit down, take a breath and listen to me.
Any profession has its costs. In other words, in any business there is something to have fun with. But, if the profession is connected with communication with people, then there are many times more such funny moments. Let's take, for example, the profession of a hairdresser. You think it might be funny here. But then a client comes and asks - to make him ... an elongated ass
or-remove my furry nose and trim the fish soup
or so: - put my household in order and so that it fits to the face ... Well, see for yourself ...
Needless to say, if the client has a sense of humor, then the haircut will go with a twinkle and the household will be in perfect order. Well, if a hairdressing master is caught with a laugh, everything will go just fine. Without a hitch, the client will be trimmed, shaved and styled in the right place and with the right amount of hair. Both on the head and in other equally important places, otherwise some people have a beard that grows faster than a head, but they themselves cannot cope with it, with a beard, that is. And so it turns out that a hairdresser is a very fun profession.
We will now check the level of fun of our teams.
Again, we invite 5 participants from each team.
Each participant chooses 1 task sheet (see Appendix). Now Nastya will turn on the music for us and we will sing for all the ditties (turns on the minus ditties).
SING PIECES competition
You see what a fun profession - a hairdresser. We invite the jury to set their points.
Hairdresser's Day is not celebrated on state level, but this holiday is another reason to rejoice and congratulate people who are fluent in this craft. Without them, it would be boring and tedious to live in a world of constant stress and negatives, they seem to color our life.
If you have your own master, then you are very lucky, and if not, look for him immediately, because he will be able to change your fate and as a psychologist as well. Women and men leave beauty salons with a raised self-esteem, because they look fresh, beautiful, in a new way, this improves their mood and self-confidence.

Fun and modern hairdressers love to dance.
DANCE competition
So that the dance competition does not seem very simple to you, we invite the teams to prove themselves and show us different dance moves to the proposed music. (see Attachment)
We invite the jury to sum up the results of our wonderful competition.
I really want you all to sit down. Before the jury announces the results of our competition - 3rd year students made you
A wonderful gift. Introducing the hairstyle fashion show.
We give the floor to our very, very competent jury.
(The jury gives marks in such a way that "friendship" wins, because it's more fun)
The kindest and most positive congratulations on the Day of the hairdresser, funny and funny, must sound on this day, they will further emphasize the festive atmosphere, because it is not for nothing that people say: until you arrange a holiday for yourself, no one will arrange it.

All participants and fans were at their best today and deserved a small, but very sweet prize.
Have a good mood! Compliant and grateful clients to hairdressers, and to everyone else - talented hairdressing masters who love their profession.

Educational area: Cognition.

Form of carrying out: frontal.

Educational tasks: To foster in children respect for the work of adults, a benevolent attitude towards them.

Educational tasks: Expand children's understanding of professions. To consolidate knowledge about the profession - "Hairdresser", the tools used in the work and the importance of this profession in the life of people.

Developmental tasks: Develop visual perception, attention, memory, curiosity and fine motor skills of the hands. Educational areas: Cognition, communication, socialization, reading fiction, labor.

Software content:

Cognition: To give children knowledge about the work of a hairdresser, about his work.

Communication: To promote the development of free communication between children and adults about professions. Develop dialogical speech, speech activity. Activate the children's dictionary: with the help of words denoting profession: doctor, teacher, firefighter, educator, names of tools: scissors, comb, hair dryer; "Dummy".

Socialization: Continue to develop an interest in children's joint activities in class.

CHL: Continue to introduce children to verbal art: listen carefully to riddles and guess them; to memorize short poetic texts.

Labor: To foster respect for the work of a hairdresser; the ability to make voluminous origami out of paper on the topic: "Hairstyles".

Equipment: Illustrations depicting the professions of a doctor, teacher, seamstress, cook, hairdresser; photo of a chair in a hairdressing salon. A sample of crafts on the topic: "hairstyles".

Preliminary work: examining the painting "At the hairdresser's", illustrations about this profession; Consideration of illustrations depicting the tools necessary for the job. Reading poems and riddles about the work of a hairdresser; excursion to the hairdresser.

GCD move:

Children sit in a semicircle on the carpet in front of the teacher.

Guys, in the morning your parents brought you to kindergarten, and where did they go? (Children's answers: to work).

Do you know who your parents work? (Answers of children). Each of them has their own profession. I invite the children to stand in a circle, play a ball game "Name the profession." Children name their parents' profession and pass the ball to the next child.

Well done! As you have named many professions.

What other professions do you know? (Answers of children).

Profession - it is the work to which a person devotes his life.

Let's also play a game with you "Who's doing what?"

I show the children illustrations (or slides) depicting a doctor, teacher, salesperson, cook; and the children name the actions they do:

DOCTOR - ... heals., SEWER - sews.,

TEACHER -… teaches., COOK -… cooks.

SELLER - ... sells.,

Well done boys.

Now guess my riddle, what profession it is (showing the slide).

"Who will do the hair,

Hairdryer, brush and comb.

Lush curls of curls

Whisk the bangs with a brush

Everything in his hands is on fire

Who will change appearance? (Hairdresser).

You probably guessed that today we will talk about the profession of a hairdresser.

Tell us what you know about this profession? (children's answers).

Profession story : Hairdressers work in hairdressing salons, beauty salons, and image studios. Visitors come to the hairdresser to get beautiful haircuts, hairstyles, curl their hair, change their hair color. They are greeted very politely, greeted and offered to go and sit in a comfortable armchair (I show an illustration with the image of an armchair); cover the shoulders with a special cape. They wash the hair with shampoo, and then make a beautiful haircut, using a comb and scissors in their work. For a client - a woman, a hairdresser can make a beautiful hair styling with a hairdryer, or he can curl the hair with a curling iron or curlers and cover it with a special hair spray.

Do you think the profession of a hairdresser is important? Why? (Answers of children).

Reading a poem (child):

“Who is the hairdresser today? Let me be

I'll do your hair, for example, like mine.

Sit in front of the mirror, I'll tie the cape,

And, of course, the first thing I do is gently comb my hair.

Now let's put the bangs on the big curlers

We will braid a pigtail on the side, we will tie a tail behind.

We'll fix it all with varnish,

or hair gel,

Let's put lipstick on the lips, and powder our nose a little.

I did everything perfectly, praise me,

After all, now my girlfriend is better than she was. "

Physical minute:

« Our rest is a physical education minute,

Take your seats:

One - sat down, two - got up,

Everyone raised their hands up.

They sat down - got up, sat down - got up,

Vanka-vstanka seemed to be steel.

And then they set off at a gallop,

Like my bouncy ball. "

Game "Who needs what for work?"

On the table lie the toy tools necessary for the work of a hairdresser and other tools. Children one by one come to the table and choose only those that are needed for the hairdresser's work and explain what they are doing.

Well done, you have chosen only those tools that are needed in the work of a hairdresser.

And I want to invite you to play " Hairdressing salon ". Now you and I will each be a hairdresser.

I invite the children to go through and sit at the tables. On the trays are blanks of a person's face with drawn eyes, a nose and a mouth (see slide).

Guys! Imagine that we are hairdressers. Let's make our lovely visitors beautiful - let's make them beautiful hairstyles. Do you want to make them happy? (Yes, we do). Before you are "mannequins".

Take your scissors and cut in straight, bold lines for your hair. Hair can be cut, curled, creased, tinted.

I show children how to make beautiful hairstyles.

Children do their own hairstyles.

When the children are done, I post their work on the board and then invite them to admire their beautiful hairstyles.

Guys! Look how beautiful they all have become! You are great!

What profession did we meet today? (With the profession of a hairdresser). Is this profession necessary? (Answers of children).

"Everything professions are needed,

All professions are important! "

The lesson is over.

GCD abstract - preparatory group

Integration educational areas : "Communication", "Socialization", "Security", "Reading fiction".
To clarify and expand the knowledge of preschoolers about the profession of a hairdresser.
Educational: Continue to introduce children to the sights hometown to acquaint children with the sequence of actions in the work of a hairdresser; clarify the importance of the work of a hairdresser; expand and activate the children's vocabulary with adjectives, words-actions, answer questions with full sentences.
Developing: Develop coherent speech, enrich and activate children's vocabulary, memory, observation.
Speech: hairdresser, hair dryer, tongs, sights, comb,
Educational: Foster respect for the work of a hairdresser, a desire to visit salons.
Preliminary work: a conversation about the dangers of using electrical appliances, familiarity with a hairdryer, hair curling irons.
Demo material: Items for the game: scissors, a comb, shampoo, hair curlers, a hair dryer, a policeman's cap, photos of city attractions, illustrations of men's, women's and children's haircuts, photos of children's hairstyles, schemes - models.
Methodological techniques: Conversation, game situation, the game "The fourth extra" examining illustrations, photos and conversation on them, physical education, poems, proverb. Organizing time ... Children sit on high chairs.
The teacher draws the attention of children to a photo stand with the sights of their hometown, among which there are photos of hairdressers.
Educator: Guys, today we will go on a city tour. Let's remember what buildings and constructions are there in our city and why do the townspeople need them?
Child: This is a monument to those who built our city.
Educator: Right. This monument is called "The Founders of the City", which means to those people who started the construction of our city many years ago.
Child: I recognized this building as a pharmacy. People need it in order to buy medicines, vitamins.
Child: This is the Myasnoy Dvor store. This is where we buy groceries.
Educator: If groceries are sold here, which store is this?
Children: Grocery.
Entering a topic.
Educator: Well done, guys. And what is this building? Have you guessed? This is a hairdresser. Who works here?
Children: Hairdressers.
Educator: Who is a hairdresser? A hairdresser is a master who does hair cutting, styling and curling.
Guys, let's play a game. There are objects on my table. Name them.
The game "The fourth extra" is being played.
Child 1: Scissors, comb, shampoo, hair curlers, hair dryer, police cap.
Educator: What do you think is the superfluous subject here?
Child 2: Extra cap here.
Educator: Right. Who do you think needs these items to work?
Child 3: The hairdresser needs these items.
Educator: Let's put it all together correctly - to the hairdresser. Who needs a cap? Right. Policeman.
Educator: What do you think is in these buildings? (hairdressing salons).
What do they do in hairdressing salons?
Children: They are coming up. I do my hair. They wash their hair. Hair is dyed.
Educator: Right. Here the skillful hands of the master conjure over our hair.
The master does his hair
Hairdryer, brush and comb.
Curls magnificently curls.
Everything in his hands is on fire -
It will change its appearance.

- In fact, we get up from the hairdresser's chair with neatly cropped heads, styled hair, and a beautiful hairstyle. Think, if there were no hairdressing salons, what would happen to us?
Children: Everyone would have walked lame, with a sloppy head.
Educator: Guys, do you know that every hairdresser has a certain specialty. If a master cuts men, then he is a man's hairdresser. If he cuts women, then he, Liana (child's answer) ... a female hairdresser. If he cuts children, then he, Lera ... a children's hairdresser. (Children's answers are accompanied by showing the corresponding pictures).
- Well done. Have you visited a hairdresser. What was the master doing?
Child 1: The hairdresser used to cut my hair and then sprinkle it with cologne.
Child 2: And they did my hair for my birthday.
Child 3: My hairdresser cut my bangs.
Physical minute. Imitation of movements.
They brought the child's podstich
What a boy has grown.
Before you sit down in a chair
You need to wash your head (showing movements).
And then, and after that,
Dry with a towel (showing movements).
Take the scissors, comb-
We will cut the bangs for the child (with our fingers we imitate movements).
One, two, three - the haircut is ready,
We'll blow her into bed
And sprinkle with cologne (breathing exercise, on the exhale sshsh-shshsh long).
The boy is unrecognizable (surprise)
You can send to the kindergarten.

The game is repeated two times.
Educator: Guys, what is a hairdryer. What is it for?
Child: Mom dries her hair with a hairdryer.
Educator. Right. This is an electric hair dryer and is used by adults. Guys, can you take electrical appliances on your own, without parental supervision? Of course not. Why?
Child: Because there is a current flowing there. This is dangerous.
Educator: Well done. We have talked about this more than once that it is impossible to take electrical appliances without the permission of adults.
Now, with the help of models, we will tell you about the work of a children's hairdresser. Imagine a hairdresser doing a girl's or a boy's hair at a prom.
There are schematic models on the table.
The teacher asks the child to come to the table and take a diagram - a model.
1 child: First, the hairdresser washes his hair with shampoo (the child puts model # 1 on the board, which shows the shampoo).
2 child: Then he dries it with a towel (model no. 2, a towel is drawn).
3 child: Takes a comb and comb the hair (model # 3, a comb is drawn)
Educator: Right, guys? Let's continue then.
4 child: The master begins to cut the hair with scissors. Helps with a comb (model No. 4, scissors and a comb are drawn)
5 child: Then he dries his hair with a hairdryer (model no. 5, a hairdryer is drawn).
6 child: The hairdresser takes tongs or curlers and curls the hair (model # 6, curling tongs, curlers are drawn).
7 child: The hairdresser sprays hair with varnish so that the hairstyle will last for a long time (model # 7, a bottle with the inscription “Varnish” is drawn).
Educator. Well done boys. You remember our conversation well and you answered correctly what hairspray is for. The most important thing is to close your eyes tightly and not open them until the master says.
Educator: Hairstyle is ready (exposes model number 8).
- Look at these hairstyles (show pictures of beautiful kids hairstyles for girls and boys). What are girls' hairstyles decorated with? Flowers. Bows. Sequins. Beads. Beautiful? Sasha, what hairstyle do you like? And you Nikita? (children's statements)
- Guys, do you think it is easy to be a hairdresser? Any business needs to be learned. The work of a hairdresser is creative, it is similar to the work of an artist.
This sorceress
This artist
Not brushes, not paints,
A comb and scissors.
She has a mysterious power.
Who he touches -
He will become more beautiful.

Bottom line.
- People say: "A good hairstyle is more important than an expensive outfit." This means that the hairdresser turns us into beautiful, unrecognizable, neat people with the help of his magic hands, tools, and his skill. In order to look beautiful, you must always keep your head in order and visit the hairdresser.
I give you the Hairdresser's Kit and you can play. Thanks to all.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 160 "Cheboksary


"Acquaintance with the profession of a hairdresser"


Gunina Tatiana Ivanovna

secondary educator

group number 3

Cheboksary 2016

Content of the project

1. Project passport

2. Relevance (problem)

4. Goals and objectives of the project

8. Project implementation plan

11. References

12. Appendix


1. Insufficient amount of knowledge about the profession of "hairdresser" in children

2. The reluctance of some children to monitor their appearance, in particular, their hair

Objective of the project

To acquaint children with the profession of "hairdresser", to bring up neatness, the desire to take care of their hair.

Project objectives

1. To instill interest in the profession of "hairdresser".

2. To bring up in children the desire to take care of their appearance.

3. Pay attention of parents to the appearance, hairstyle of children.

Terms of project implementation

Medium duration - (from one month to several months)

January - April 2016

Expected results

2. Relevance (problem)

In the middle preschool age, further familiarization with the world of adults and objects created by labor is of particular importance for the full development of a child's personality. Familiarization with professions ensures the child's further entry into modern world, introduces to its values, directs to the development of cognitive and gender interests of boys and girls of secondary preschool age... In-depth study of professions contributes to the development of ideas about their significance, the value of each work. Right choice profession defines life success each person.

The theme of the developed project was chosen taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, the age characteristics of middle preschool age and the amount of information that can be assimilated by them.

3. Analysis of the environment (external and internal)

A developing environment has been created in the middle group. At the moment, the group has furniture for playing a hairdresser, tools-toys "Hairdresser", aprons, dolls.

4. Goals and objectives of the project

Project goal: Creation of conditions for the development of cognitive and creative abilities of children in the process of implementation educational project"Profession - hairdresser".

Expansion and generalization of children's ideas about professions, tools, labor actions.

Development of interest in various professions, taking into account gender education.

Project objectives:

Expand knowledge and understanding of the professions of their parents (place of work, the significance of their work, pride and respect for the work of their parents).

Ensure the child's activity in the complex process of becoming him as a person.

Develop imaginative and spatial thinking, encourage children to be creative and independent.

Arouse interest in the world around you.

Develop communication skills;

To activate attention, memory, enrichment of vocabulary, develop speech.

Help parents to organize their joint family leisure in the right way.

5. Participants and their role in project implementation

children middle group, parents of pupils, educators, narrow specialists (musical director).

6. Resources (material, informational, personnel, technical)

7. Mechanism of project implementation

Search work on the selection of illustrative material and photographs on the topic "Profession - hairdresser".

Decorating and equipping the "Hairdresser's" corner.

Making attributes for the role-playing game "In the" hairdresser's ".

8. Project implementation plan

Viewing the presentation "Profession - hairdresser".

Family cooperation:

Consultations "Acquaintance with the professions of mom and dad", "How to organize an excursion to the hairdresser."

Involving parents in participating in the project, organizing excursions, decorating an album with drawings and photographs.

Interaction with specialists:

Musical leisure "Merry hairdressers".

Physical culture entertainment "The most agile hairdresser".

Viewing the presentation "Profession - hairdresser".

Art competition "Young stylist".

Product project activities:

1. Multimedia presentation "Profession - hairdresser";

3. Role-playing game "Hairdresser";

4. Exhibition of photographs about the professions of the parents of the group;

5. Didactic games "What is superfluous", "Who will collect faster";

6. Exhibition of children's works "Young stylist";

7. Synopsis of musical leisure "Merry hairdressers";

8. Summary of physical culture entertainment "The most clever hairdresser";

9. Album on the development of speech "Profession - hairdresser".

10. Abstract of the GCD for the development of speech "Profession - hairdresser".

9. Expected results. Efficiency evaluation criteria.

Children learn about the professions of their parents, in particular about the profession of a hairdresser. They will replenish the vocabulary on the topic, and will actively use the studied vocabulary in speech.

Children will develop knowledge and ideas about the profession, tools of the hairdresser, his place of work, equipment, and the creative component of his profession.

Parents will have an active life position on the issue of early career guidance for children.

An exhibition of children's works "Young stylist" will be arranged.

An album will be compiled on the development of speech and familiarization with the environment "Profession - hairdresser".

Will be developed multimedia presentation on the development of speech "Profession - hairdresser".

A photo album presentation of working together children with teachers according to the stages of the project "Profession - hairdresser".

Musical leisure "Funny hairdressers" will be organized.

10. Prospects for further development of the project

Continue to develop children's interest in role-playing games

Involve parents in organizing a subject-developing environment at home

Continue to develop children's interest and knowledge of other important professions

To involve parents in making, together with children, attributes for role-playing games.

11. References

12. Appendix

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Kindergarten number 160"

the city of Cheboksary Chuvash Republic

Role-playing game project


(In the middle group).

Compiled by:

Educator Gunina T.I.

February 2016

Project objectives:

    Develop interest and respect for the hairdressing profession.

    Acquaintance with the rules of conduct in a hairdressing salon.

    To develop the ability, together with the teacher, to develop the plot of the game, to agree on the topic, to distribute the roles.

    Promote the establishment of role-based interaction in the game and the ability to role-based relationships. Form the right relationships in the team.

    Recognize items by characteristic features.

    To educate the ability to find an object according to its characteristic features, develop observation, resourcefulness, and cultivate endurance.

    To consolidate the knowledge of children that different "smart" machines, tools of labor help people in their work, to foster interest in the work of adults, the desire to work themselves.

The project is being implemented: informational and practical. Collective. Long-term.

The main stage is a cycle of practical games: playing various plots.

Project content:

Playing didactic games with children:

    Children's game "What will the subject tell about itself?"

    Children's game "What do you need to work?"

    Children's game "The fourth extra".

    Children's game "What is beautiful and what is not?"

    Board game: "What is the artist confused?"

    Children's game "Name the profession".

    Examining an album of professions.

    Making attributes for the game

    Drawing: Decorate the comb.

    Application: "Decorate a rim for a doll."

    Table theater: "Like a lion cub did not want to wash his hair."

    Dramatization: "Forest Hairdresser".

    Excursion with parents to the hairdresser.

    Conversation: "Rules of conduct in a hairdressing salon."

    Life Safety Conversation: "Dangerous Items in a Hair Salon".

Game-situation: "Beautiful haircut". Methodology of carrying out.

Educator: (the teacher takes a comb and runs it through her hair)

Today my hair is badly combed, I need to get a new hairstyle. - - I'll go to the hairdresser. (Suitable for a child playing in a hairdressing salon).

Marina are you a hairdresser?

Please do my hair.

I want my hair to be nicely combed, can I wash it with shampoo? (washes)

Will you paint?

Dye my hair to make it darker.

Dark hair suits me. (Paints). Now let's dry our hair.

All hair is dry.

Master, please comb my hair.

Thanks. (I'll look in the mirror)

Who else wants to do a hairdo, come here a good master works.

Olya, will your daughter do her hair?

Liza, come in to get a haircut.

Role-playing game: "New shampoos have been brought."

The teacher takes the shampoo and says that new shampoos have been brought to the hairdresser's, which make the hair soft. Children one by one approach the teacher who plays the role of a hairdresser, he "washes" their hair with new shampoos. Children bring their dolls to have their hair cut. The teacher shows how he works with scissors, with a comb, how he washes his clients' hair, and how he does his hair.

Role-playing game: "Haircut for a dog."

The teacher brings a toy dog ​​with a bow and says that the dogs also go to the hairdresser. Educator - hairdresser puts the dog on a chair and cuts it. Then he invites children with their pets. Each child tells the hairdresser what hairstyle to do. The teacher asks the owners to talk affectionately with their animals so that they are not afraid to get their hair cut.


Game actions:

    Putting on


    A haircut

    Shake off your hair

    Washing head


    Drying with a hairdryer

    Hair coloring


    Perfume cologne

    Twist your hair on curlers

    Braid the braids

    Part hair

    To dry hair

    Coffee while waiting

    View logs

Items and accessories for playing hairdressing:

Mirror, combs, shampoo, curlers, scissors, hairdryer, brush, hair dye bowl, hairdresser's apron, hairpins, elastic bands, magazines.

Lesson summary

"Profession - hairdresser"

Purpose: to familiarize children with the profession of a hairdresser.


educational: to expand the understanding of professions, tools of labor, ore operations.

developing: develop visual perception, attention, memory, thinking.

educational: to foster respect for the work of adults, curiosity.

Equipment: painting on the theme "In a hairdresser's", pictures depicting the professions of people, items for a role-playing game (scissors, hairdryer, hairbrush, varnish).

Course of the lesson

    Organizing time.

Guys, tell me, where do your parents go every day? Where do they work?

Let's remember what professions we have already talked about?

    The main part (pictures are displayed on a typesetting canvas - a teacher, a seller, a cook, a driver, a seamstress)

Didactic game "Who's doing what?"

A doctor heals, a teacher teaches, a salesman sells, a seamstress sews, a cook prepares.

Now try to solve the riddle?

Who will do the hair

Hairdryer, brush and comb

Curl curls magnificently,

Whisk the bangs with a brush

Everything in his hands is on fire

Who will change the look? (hairdresser)

Here we are today and talk about the profession of a hairdresser.

Profession story ... Hairdressers work in hairdressing and beauty salons. The client is seated in a comfortable chair, the shoulders are covered with a special cape, the hair is washed with shampoo, and then cut using a comb and scissors. For a female client, a hairdresser can do hair styling with a hairdryer and a brush, or he can curl the hair with curls and cover it with a special hair spray.

A hairdresser must have good health (after all, he has to spend the whole working day on his feet) and love for people, have a desire to bring joy, to make people more beautiful.


Where does the hairdresser work?

What does a hairdresser do?

What tools does he need to work?

What should a hairdresser have?

Finger gymnastics

Give me scissors, hairbrush
He will do your hair

Master certainly

Will give you a modern haircut.

Guessing riddles about the tools of the hairdresser.

    Two ends, two rings

In the middle of a carnation (scissors)

    In this little thing

A warm wind settled (hairdryer)

    I walk - I wander not through the forests, but through the mustache and hair

And my teeth are longer than wolves and bears (comb)

Guys, well done, you guessed everything correctly!

Look, the boy Petya has come to visit us, who will tell you how he went to the hairdresser's.

Poem "About the hairdresser"

Hair has become like a mane,

Apparently it's time to cut it ...

The barbershop is beautiful

Lots of light, mirrors ...

They pointed me to a chair,

I did not have time to say: "Oh!"
Flashed, flew

Scissors over your head.

I came there shaggy

And not a shorn ram,
And I left neat

And a handsome boy.

Uncle Sasha hairdresser

He said to me: "Do not forget our hairdresser, do not come overgrown"

The hairdresser can do everything:

If you want, he will shave his head or remove his bangs,

Or he will trim his temples - as you want, he will cut them.

He is his knows work,

Who wants a haircut

Those will help without problems.

    The result of the lesson.

What profession did we meet today?

Now I suggest you play the plot - role play"Salon".

Toolkit to the project "Profession" Hairdresser ""

The project is intended music directors and educators of middle and senior groups of preschool age for conducting an introductory or final lesson on the topic "Profession" Hairdresser "".

The project consists of 17 sheets.

For simplicity of work, on all sheets in the lower right corner, the picture "Baba Yaga" is used, which is a hyperlink to the next page, and the picture "Vasilisa the Beautiful", which is a hyperlink to the previous page.

If you move the cursor over the sheet, and somewhere will appearpalm with a chain of two links instead of a blue arrow cursor, then therehyperlink, star indicates the presence of animation,triangle is a sound file.

Necessary equipment: interactive device MIMIO , computer, screen, music center, musical instruments.

1 sheet. Project name: "Profession" Hairdresser ""

2 sheet. Listen to music. Who is Vasilisa talking to?

Click on the treble clef, listen to music. Guessing a piece of music. ("Children's Album". "Baba Yaga" by P. Tchaikovsky)

We test ourselves by clicking on the animation area to the right of the treble clef.

3 sheet. What does a hairdresser do?




    Sews clothes

    Does her hair

Click on the line with the answer.

4 sheet. What tools and devices does a hairdresser need to work with?

Click on the tool. If the answer is correct, an animation appears - a "green check mark", if the answer is incorrect - a "red cross".

5 sheet. In what order should I do my hair?

We put objects over the numbers in the right order.

Checking ourselves by clicking on the triangle on the right (animation)

6 sheet. What is the riddle about the hairdresser?

Checking ourselves by clicking on the curtains (animation)

7 sheet. Put the words in proverbs in order

8 sheet . We are mastering the profession. Attraction "Make your hair":

Boys do hairstyles for girls with medium long hair. Boys have elastic bands, various hairpins, combs.

The attraction is accompanied by music.

9 sheet. Put the puzzle

10 sheet. Guess the fairy tales

Checking ourselves by clicking on the triangles (animation)

11 sheet. Find modern women's hairstyles

If the answer is correct, an animation appears - a "green check mark", if the answer is incorrect - a "red cross".

12 sheet. Find modern men's hairstyles

We check ourselves by clicking on the picture.

If the answer is correct, an animation appears - a "green check mark", if the answer is incorrect - a "red cross".

13 sheet . Distribute haircut names

Checking ourselves by clicking on the triangle (animation)

14 sheet . Distribute haircut names

Checking ourselves by clicking on the triangle (animation)

15 sheet. Arrange the furniture in the hairdresser

16 sheet. Cartoon "Lessons of caution of Aunt Owl. Appliances"

17 sheet. Cartoon "Lessons of caution of Aunt Owl. Sharp objects "

Tatiana Gunina
The project "Acquaintance of children of the middle group with the profession of a hairdresser"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten number 160" Cheboksary


« Acquaintance with the profession of a hairdresser»


Gunina Tatiana Ivanovna

educator average

group number 3

Cheboksary 2016

1. Passport the project

2. Relevance (problem)

3. Analysis Wednesday(external and internal)

4. Goals and objectives the project

the project

6. Resources

7. Implementation mechanism the project

8. Implementation plan the project

the project

11. References

12. Appendix


Name project Acquaintance with the profession of a hairdresser

Place of implementation project MBDOU"Kindergarten number 160" Cheboksary, middle group No. 3

The problem to be solved project 1... Insufficient amount of children knowledge about the profession« hairdresser»

2. The reluctance of some children monitor your appearance, in particular, your hair

Target project To acquaint children with the profession« hairdresser» , cultivate neatness, the desire to take care of your hair.

Tasks project 1... Instill interest in profession« hairdresser» .

2. To educate children desire to monitor your appearance.

3. Pay attention of parents to the appearance, hairstyle children.

Terms of implementation the project

Average duration(from one month to several months)

January - April 2016

Expected Results - Children will learn about their parents' professions in particular about profession - hairdresser

Have children profession, tools of labor hairdresser profession.

vocational guidance for children.

2. Relevance (problem)

V average In preschool age, further familiarization with the world of adults and objects created by labor is of particular importance for the full development of a child's personality. Familiarization with professions ensures the further entry of the child into the modern world, introduces to its values, directs the development of cognitive and gender interests of boys and girls middle preschool age. In-depth study professions contributes to the development of ideas about their significance, the value of each work. Right choice profession determines the success of each person in life.

Theme developed the project selected taking into account the federal state educational standard, age characteristics middle preschool age and the amount of information that can be assimilated by them.

3. Analysis Wednesday(external and internal)

V middle group a developing Wednesday... At the moment in group there is furniture for playing hairdresser, toy tools « Hairdresser» , aprons, dolls.

4. Goals and objectives the project

Target the project: Creating conditions for the development of cognitive and creative abilities children in the process of implementing educational the project« Profession - hairdresser» Extending and generalizing views children about professions, tools of labor, labor actions. Development of interest in various professions taking into account gender education.

Tasks the project:

Expand knowledge and understanding of their parents' professions(place of work, the significance of their work, pride and respect for the work of their parents).

Ensure the child's activity in the complex process of becoming him as a person.

Develop imaginative and spatial thinking, encourage children to creativity and independence.

Arouse interest in the world around you.

Develop communication skills;

To activate attention, memory, enrichment of vocabulary, develop speech.

Help parents to organize their joint family leisure in the right way.

5. Participants and their role in implementation the project

children middle group, parents of pupils, educators, narrow specialists (music director).

6. Resources (material, informational, personnel, technical)

7. Implementation mechanism the project

Search work on the selection of illustrative material and photographs on the topic « Profession - hairdresser» .

Decoration and equipment of the corner « Salon» .

Making attributes for the role-playing game "V « hairdresser» .

View presentation « Profession - hairdresser» .

8. Implementation plan the project

View presentation « Profession - hairdresser» .

Family collaboration th:

Consultations « Acquaintance with the professions of mom and dad» , “How to organize an excursion to hairdresser» .

Involvement of parents in participation in the project, organizing excursions, decorating an album with drawings and photographs.

Interaction with specialists:

Musical leisure "Merry hairdressers» .

Physical culture entertainment "The most agile hairdresser» .

View presentation « Profession - hairdresser» .

Art competition "Young stylist".

Product project activities:

1. Multimedia presentation « Profession - hairdresser» ;

3. Role-playing game « Salon» ;

4. Exhibition of photographs about parenting group occupations;

5. Didactic games "What is superfluous", "Who will collect faster";

6. Exhibition of children's works "Young stylist";

7. Synopsis of musical leisure "Merry hairdressers» ;

8. Summary of physical entertainment "The most agile hairdresser» ;

9. Album for the development of speech « Profession - hairdresser» .

10. Synopsis of GCD for the development of speech « Profession - hairdresser» .

9. Expected results. Efficiency evaluation criteria.

Children learn about their parents' professions in particular about profession - hairdresser... They will replenish the vocabulary on the topic, and will actively use the studied vocabulary in speech.

Have children knowledge and ideas about profession, tools of labor hairdresser, his place of work, equipment, about the creative component of his profession.

Parents will have an active life position on the issue of early vocational guidance for children.

An exhibition of children's works will be organized "Young stylist".

A speech development album will be compiled and familiarization with the surrounding« Profession - hairdresser» .

A multimedia presentation on speech development will be developed « Profession - hairdresser» .

A photo album presentation of collaboration will be organized children with teachers in stages the project« Profession - hairdresser» .

Musical leisure will be organized "Merry hairdressers» .

10. Prospects for further development the project

Continue to develop interest children to role-playing games

Involve parents in the organization of subject-development home environment

Continue to develop in children interest and knowledge of other important professions

To involve parents in making, together with children, attributes for role-playing games.

Introduce the profession of a manicurist

11. References

12. Appendix

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Kindergarten number 160"

the city of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic

Project role-playing game

« Salon» .

(V middle group) .

Made up:

Educator Gunina T.I.

February 2016

Tasks the project:

1. Develop interest and respect for hairdresser profession.

2. Acquaintance with the rules of conduct in hairdresser.

3. To develop the ability, together with the teacher, to develop the plot of the game, to agree on the topic, to distribute the roles.

4. Promote the establishment of role-based interaction in the game and the ability to role-based relationships. Form the right relationships in the team.

5. Recognize objects by their characteristic featured.

6. To educate the ability to find an object by its characteristic featured, develop observation, resourcefulness, cultivate endurance.

7. Consolidate knowledge children about that different people help people in their work Smart machines, tools, to foster an interest in the work of adults, the desire to work themselves.

The project is being implemented: informational and practical. Collective. Long-term.

The main stage is a cycle of practical games: Plays various scenes.

Playing didactic games with children:

1. Children's play "What will the subject tell about itself?"

2. Children's play "What do you need to work?"

3. Children's play "The fourth extra".

4. Children's play "What is beautiful and what is not?"

5.Board game: "What did the artist confuse?"

6. Children's play "Name profession» .

7. Looking at the album about professions.

8. Making attributes for the game

9.Painting: "Decorate the comb".

10.Application: "Decorate the headband for the doll".

11.Table theater: "How the lion cub did not want to wash his hair".

12.Dramatization: "Forest salon» .

13. Excursion with parents to hairdresser.

14.Conversation: "Rules of conduct in hairdresser» .

15.Life Safety Conversation: "Dangerous items in hairdresser» .

Game-situation: "Beautiful haircut"... Methodology of carrying out.

Educator: (the teacher takes a comb and runs it through her hair)

Today my hair is badly combed, I need to get a new hairstyle. - - I'll go to hairdresser. (Suitable for a child playing hairdresser) .

Marina you hairdresser?

Please do my hair.

I want my hair to be nicely combed, can I wash it with shampoo? (washes)

Will you paint?

Dye my hair to make it darker.

Dark hair suits me. (Paints)... Now let's dry our hair.

All hair is dry.

Master, please comb my hair.

Thanks. (I'll look in the mirror)

Who else wants to do a hairdo, come here a good master works.

Olya, will your daughter do her hair?

Liza, come in to get a haircut.

Role-playing game: "They brought new shampoos".

The teacher takes the shampoo and says that in hairdresser brought new shampoos that make hair soft. Children one by one approach the teacher who plays the role hairdresser, he "Washes" im hair with new shampoos. Children bring their dolls to have their hair cut. The teacher shows how he works with scissors, with a comb, how he washes his clients' hair, and how he does his hair.

Role-playing game: "Haircut for a dog".

The teacher brings a toy dog ​​with a bow and says that the dogs also go to hairdresser... Educator - hairdresser puts the dog on a chair and cuts it. Then invites children with their pets... Every child communicates hairdresser what hairstyle you can do. The teacher asks the owners to talk affectionately with their animals so that they are not afraid to get their hair cut.

« Salon» .

Game actions:

1. Putting on

2. Brushing

3. Haircut

4. Brush off your hair

5. Shampooing

6. Towel dry

7. Drying with a hair dryer

8. Hair coloring

9. Cover with varnish

10. Perfume cologne

11. Roll your hair on curlers

12. Braid the braids

13. Part hair

14. Dry your hair

15. Coffee while waiting

16. Viewing logs

Items and accessories for playing hairdresser:

Mirror, combs, shampoo, curlers, scissors, hairdryer, brush, bowl for hair coloring, apron hairdresser, hairpins, elastic bands, magazines.

Lesson summary

« Profession - hairdresser»

Target: introducing children to the profession of a hairdresser.


educational: expand the understanding of professions, tools of labor, ore operations.

developing: develop visual perception, attention, memory, thinking.

educational: to foster respect for the work of adults, curiosity.

Equipment: picture on the subject "V hairdresser» , pictures depicting professions of people, items for a plot - role-playing game (scissors, hairdryer, comb, varnish).

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

- Guys, tell me, where do your parents go every day? Where do they work?

Let's remember which professions we have already talked about?

2. The main part (pictures are displayed on a typesetting canvas - a teacher, a seller, a cook, a driver, a seamstress)

Didactic game "Who's doing what?"

A doctor heals, a teacher teaches, a salesman sells, a seamstress sews, a cook prepares.

Now try to solve the riddle?

Who will do the hair

Hairdryer, brush and comb

Curl curls magnificently,

Whisk the bangs with a brush

Everything in his hands is on fire

Who will change the look? (hairdresser)

Here we are today and talk about hairdresser profession.

Story about profession. Hairdressers work in hairdresser and beauty salons... The client is seated in a comfortable chair, the shoulders are covered with a special cape, the hair is washed with shampoo, and then cut using a comb and scissors. To a female client hairdresser he can do hair styling with a hairdryer and a brush, or he can curl his hair into curls and cover it with a special hair spray.

Hairdresser must be in good health (after all, he has to spend the whole working day on his feet) and love for people, to have a desire to bring joy, to make people more beautiful.


Where does it work hairdresser?

What is he doing hairdresser?

What tools does he need to work?

What should be possessed hairdresser?

Finger gymnastics

Give me scissors, hairbrush

He will do your hair

Master certainly

Will give you a modern haircut.

Guessing riddles, about the tools of labor hairdresser.

1. Two ends, two rings

In the middle of the carnations (scissors)

2. In this little thing

A warm wind settled (hairdryer)

3. I walk - I wander not through the forests, but through the mustache and hair

And my teeth are longer than wolves and bears (comb)

Guys, well done, you guessed everything correctly!

Look, the boy Petya came to visit us, who will tell you how he went to hairdresser.

Poem "About hairdresser»

Hair has become like a mane,

Apparently it's time to cut it ...

V barber shop beautifully,

Lots of light, mirrors ...

They pointed me to a chair,

I didn't have time to say: "Ouch!"

Flashed, flew

Scissors over your head.

I came there shaggy

And not a shorn ram,

And I left neat

And a handsome boy.

Uncle Sasha hairdresser

He told me: "Do not forget our hairdresser don't overgrow "

The hairdresser can do everything:

If you want, he will shave his head or remove his bangs,

Or he will trim his temples - as you want, he will cut them.

He knows his job

Who wants a haircut

Those will help without problems.

4. The result of the lesson.

- From what we met a profession today?

Now I invite you to play a role-playing game « Salon» .


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