Musical miniature scene "the fox and the crow". Funny fairy tale scene "The Crow and the Fox" The scenario "The Crow and the Fox" in a playful manner with an unexpected ending: description, tips

Galina Akinshina
Scenario of the fable by I. A. Krylov "The Crow and the Fox"


fables by Ivan Andreevich Krylov

"A Crow and a fox".

Scene: Russian folk music (balalaika) sounds:

On one side of the stage - a table, a chair; on the table there is paper, a pen;

on the other side of the stage - a forest, a spruce, a ladder on two steps.

The writer I.A.Krylov enters the stage, stops.

Krylov: Human vices are always visible to us.

So often a person is both blind and stupid

And we are cruel to him ...

But I don't bore you anymore,

And I will explain it with a fable.

(Russian folk music (balalaika) sounds.

Krylov sits down at the table. He picks up a pen and begins to write.

(music sounds)

Two Letters run out onto the stage.

1st Letter: How many times have they told the world

That flattery is vile, harmful,

But everything is not for the future.

And a flatterer in my heart

Will always find a corner.

(Music for Crow sounds and Crow appears on the stage. She stops and examines herself, cleans feathers).

2nd Letter: A crow is somewhere god

Sent a piece of cheese.

(Allujah music sounds, allujah)

God solemnly enters the stage and gives the Crow cheese.

(The same music sounds again and God gradually leaves the stage).

2nd Letter: Perched on a Crow spruce,

I’m just going to have breakfast ...

(Music sounds. The crow sits down on the ladder and is going to eat cheese ....)

2nd Letter: Yes thoughtful

And I kept cheese in my mouth ...

Crow: sits lost in thought, holding cheese in its beak.

1st Letter: Bad luck Fox

I ran close by.

(Music sounds. Fox runs out onto the stage.)

1st Letter: Suddenly the cheesy spirit stopped Lisa.

(The fox stops, sniffs, nods towards the cheese).

1st Letter: The fox sees cheese

(The fox gazes intently and goggles in the direction of the cheese).

1st Letter: Cheese captivated the fox.

(The fox makes a movement to show that she is subdued.)

2nd Letter: The cheat tiptoes to the tree

(The fox begins to move in the direction of the Crow, dodges, wags its tail).

2nd Letter: He twirls his tail, does not take his eyes off the Crow.

And he speaks so sweetly, barely breathing ...

Fox:“My dear, how lovely!

What a neck, what eyes!

To tell, so the right of a fairy tale!

What feathers! What a sock!

(The fox folds its paws in prayer and obsequiously looks at the Crow).

Sing, light, do not be ashamed.

What if, sister,

With such beauty, you are a master of singing.

After all, you would have been a king-bird!

(The crow proudly roused herself, drew herself up).

1st Letter: Veshchunina's head was dizzy with praise,

From joy in the goiter the breath stole, -

2nd Letter: And Lisitsyn's friendly words

The crow croaked into the crow's throat:

Crow: Kaaa - rrr!

(The crow croaks, flaps its wings, the cheese falls. The fox grabs the cheese and runs away).

1st and 2nd Letters (together): The cheese fell out with him was a cheat like this.

(The crow runs away to catch up with the Fox).

Russian folk music sounds (balalaika, I.A.Krylov enters the stage.

Krylov: The moral of this fable is

That flattery is certainly bad!

There is always a flatterer for a simpleton,

Sly and rogue.

Final music sounds. All participants take the stage

and sing ditties.


We start singing ditties

Please don't laugh.

There are a lot of people here,

We can get confused.

Vitya is a very smart guy,

He knows how to craft everything.

Only "hello" and "thank you"

Can't speak.

If they ask not Eremu -

Life is hard for Ereme.

He envies anyone -

The poor thing is toiling.

The guys got on the tram:

Oh, how many people are here.

Take your seats guys

And then the grandmothers will take it.

Heroic Lena with laziness

She fought all day.

But, much to the chagrin,

Lena was defeated by laziness.

A thousand times he is the word "give"

Will scream like a parrot.

And in response to say "thank you" -

He answers like a fish.

We sang ditties for you

Good or bad.

And now we ask you

For you to pat us.

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In one forest (the press wrote about it)
The Crow, a poetess, became famous.
Although she was very arrogant,
But she composed odes to everyone wonderingly.
And for her thrilling lyre
She was presented with a piece of cheese.
Vorona loved "Russian cheese"
And I was looking forward to eating it for dinner.
Out of nowhere, the Fox appeared
And she bowed deeply to the poetess.
Lisa wanted to taste the cheese.
Alas, the lyre was not on friendly terms with the cheat.
-Why write some poems?
I'll get my dinner without any problem.
I just need to hurry up a little, -
So the sly Fox reasoned.
And, casting a glance at the cheese reverently,
She sang in an unctuous voice:
- Can I really see the poetess myself?
I was looking for you all over the forest.
I pray you, dear Crow,
Don't hurt my soul.
I breathe unevenly out of love for you.
Help me grow spiritually.
Scroll the lines of a new sonnet
It will illuminate me with rays of light.
Your poems caress my soul.
Day and night, I'm ready to listen to them!
But who will appreciate all your talents
After all, they need weighty guarantors ...
You, darling, in our beautiful forest
Smarter than everyone, more talented and more beautiful.
Here, Lenya Blokha, take at least for example ...
Everyone says: he is talented beyond measure ...
But is it possible to compare him with you,
With your Crow's bright head?
And even "Prose RU" with all this
You are recognized as a world poet.
And if you wrote a novel,
She instantly appeared as a FOLK writer ..
I would bathe in the rays of worldwide glory
And everyone around you shouted "BRAVO!"
Besides, you, my light, are pretty
And you look forty years younger.
And I envy you, I confess frankly.
You are prettier even than ... OBAMA ...
Here, bored, Lisa fell silent for a moment.
Caught the throat of the RAVEN
Almost like in the fable of grandfather Krylov.
It is not a sin to remember him again today.
With happiness, the crow's beak opened slightly,
And the cheese accidentally fell into the grass.
The fox-cheat immediately grabbed the cheese
And without hesitation, she eagerly swallowed it.
The crow-poetess grieves bitterly,
What, TURNED away your coveted dinner.
Morality, friends, this fable is unchanged:
Centuries have passed. The flattery is just as blatant.
And the foolishness of the fooled Crow
We all can see it quite definitely.
After all, there is no defect worse than flattery.
Flatterers flatter everyone. And flattery knows no time.
She is always covered with a fox hide.
And all flatterers are dangerous by nature.
Believe it in your eyes, not your ears,
In order not to be reputed to be Crows to death.

"Russian cheese" is a kind of cheese.
Lenya Blokh - popular author of "Prose Ru"


Kirochka, thanks!
Vikushka and I taught Krylov's fable about "The Crow and the Fox".
It is difficult to give. I remember that as a child, I also did not understand many words. And you have everything is clear and the syllable is easy.
with a smile,

Yes, I didn't expect trouble
And the proximity of life's vicissitudes.
Though I knew the Fox nature.
But she missed her cheese foolishly.
There are many such Ravens in the world
Don't judge me harshly ...
With a smile.

The daily audience of the portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

Scene-pantomime "The Crow and the Fox"

according to the fable of the same name

Leading: How many times have they told the world
That flattery is vile, harmful; but everything is not for the future,
And a flatterer will always find a corner in his heart.

Moose fanfare fragment "Paramound Pictures Presents"
Leading: God sent a piece of cheese to a crow somewhere;

Moose. fragment . V. Serdyuchka

« I walked quietly, walked, walked found a pie

I sat down, ate, went again ...

I walked quietly, walked, walked and found a pie.

I sat down, ate, went again ... "(The crow walks, climbs onto the spruce)

Leading: Perched on a Crow spruce,
I was just getting ready for breakfast,
Yes, she became thoughtful, and kept cheese in her mouth.
Unfortunately, the Fox ran close by;

(Musical fragment from Serega's repertoire "Black Boomer") The fox is running

Leading: Suddenly the cheesy spirit stopped Lisa:

Moose. fragment by Yu.Nikulin

"Wait a locomotive, don't knock the wheels

Conductor, hit the brakes! ... "The fox stops, leads with his nose

Leading: The fox sees cheese, -
Cheese captivated the fox,
The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe;
Turns his tail, does not take his eyes off the Crow
And he speaks so sweetly, barely breathing:

Moose phrase from the movie "Plasticine Crow" ("Listen, crow ..."

Fox: "My dear, how pretty!
What a neck, what eyes!
Tell, really, fairy tales!
What feathers! what a sock!
And, truly, there must be an angelic voice!
Sing, light, do not be ashamed!
What if, sister,
With such beauty and you are a craftswoman to sing,
After all, you would have had a king-bird! "

Moose. fragment from the repertoire of Potap and Nastya "We are a couple with you"

Whatever you do, but we are not a couple, not a couple,

Here is such a zapara, zapara,

Whatever you do, we are not on the way,

You and I are not a couple, I'm sorry. The crow and the fox are dancing

Leading: Veshchunina's head was dizzy with praise,
From joy in the goiter the breath stole, -
And Lisitsyn's friendly words
The crow croaked into the crow's throat:

Moose. fragment "Plasticine Crow" "And the stupid crow, as something will sing ..."

Vitas "Opera No. 1" Vorona depicts Vitas singing

Moose. fragment "Plasticine Crow" "And the cheese at that crow, of course, fell ..."

Moose. fragment S.Lazarev - Obsession "Absolute a-a-a-a, a-a wa-a" The crow is crying, the fox is running away

Leading: The cheese fell out - with it there was a cheat like this

Moose. fragment "Plasticine crow"

« The idea of ​​this fairy tale, or maybe not a fairy tale,
Not only an adult will understand, but even a toddler.
Don't stand and jump, don't sing, don't dance,
Where construction is in progress or a load is suspended.

Vladimir Shebzukhov "Fables about the fox and the crow"

Raven and his boss

Vladimir Shebzukhov

Our raven, old friend, found a piece again
Such deliciousness that - from the heart to peck!
He did not take off on the spruce (so that he could not care for fate),
He fluttered and smoothly sat down on a young oak tree ...

The reddish cheat did not have to wait long ...
Aesop's tongue at once with Krylovym heating
And singing the same song as old as the world,
I caught a sly look from above ...

“But if so, my friend, then listen to the news:
Your wife was with your boss yesterday
In the arms of Love I almost fell into the abyss! ..
Cupid gave her wings then! .. "

Here is our raven: "KAR-R-R!"
And ... even shout "FIRE!" -
All the goodies have gone
A cunning fox as a gift!

Morality (not so sad)
I could not write:

Do not croak at the boss
While there is a piece in your mouth!

All on the elections!

Vladimir Shebzukhov

"God sent a piece of cheese to a crow somewhere ..."
Aesop and La Fontaine have long been known to the world.
And grandfather Krylov was able to teach his ...
Centuries later, again, we all also sing.

Already hurrying to the crow, paying tribute to ancestors,
A cheat, if it captivates, cheese on a spruce branch ...

“Would you like the elections
Did we spend in the woods? "
“No, she would have run past! -
I thought about the fox -

She must understand
Kohl meetings have become rare! "
Like a fox, a raven,
They had their own ancestors.

“We have a democracy! -
Again the fox speaks -
She to the forest brothers
Allows you to express everything! "

Fate cannot be avoided.
The voice does not stop -
“So that the elections, I would like
Have you passed in the woods with us? "

Thought the raven “A fable is a myth!
If I won't say anything here,
The team will not forgive me! "
Croak - "Yes, I want!"

Only, regretting the cheese, a little,
The raven began to reason:
"If only he croaked" I don't want to! "
You can't see all the cheese! "

Old, old tale
Vladimir Shebzukhov

The crow was devout
Posts with the severity of the blues.

In the hour of breaking the fast, I found
Cheese again, and giving freedom to the wings
Fluttered to eat deliciously.

Having barely managed to sit down on a spruce,
When suddenly ... (The reader guessed)
Under the spruce the voice of the fox rang out:

“You think for sure;
I will ask you
So that you could open your beak ...
That I will not succeed in any way -
Neither way nor way to persuade!
Not at all ...
I have finally come to faith!
To see clearly is not far away, like yesterday,
This happened to me ...
It's time to repent! "

The crow's eyes sparkled ...
Croaked - "Amen, sister!" (?)

The plot, with a crow and cheese,
Will remain unique.
But we want this fable,
Believe in the sincerity of ... friends!

How many times have they confirmed to the world

Vladimir Shebzukhov

“I am guilty before you! -
The fox suddenly confessed
To the familiar bird above the head.
(This fable has no end)
Sitting on a bitch again
Holding cheese in its beak.

I can't sleep well
My whole tale was a lie.
You're not that good at all
I lied to you.
Feathers and pennies are not worth it.
And the neck, so-so ... "

The crow is surprised here
The cheese was trembling in its beak.
“So she lied!
My "CARRR" was in vain

Crow's eyes in the glow!
"No, no, finish talking!"

After all, how many times have they told the world
Think before you say!


According to statistics, many people on the Internet are looking for exactly cool fairy tales scenes on new way for a corporate party. Probably having fun with his friends and workmates is becoming a good tradition.

Moreover, having fun just like that is no longer accepted and drinking a lot too. But to act out a scene or a fairy tale, and even so that it is connected with work, this is the very thing to strengthen the team.

Well, we undertake to help you with this. You will always find new funny fairy tales of a scene in a new way for a corporate party on the pages of our site.

My tips for organizing a fairy tale scene:

Preparing the text for the presenter and leaflets for the actors
We think in advance who to assign what role, depending on their artistic abilities
If it is possible to make up or put on masks, do it
Minimum props, this chair is a tree
Warn speakers to speak at the facilitator's command, such as showing a hand at a specific player.
Do not forget at the end of the tale of the scene in a new way to thank all the speakers for the corporate party
See how we had fun with this scene at our corporate party


Characters and replicas:
Crow ("The crow is a very difficult bird!"),
Oak ("To be an oak is my destiny, which is very bad"),
Fox ("Kedrovka" or "Zubrovka" is power! "),
Wolf ("I only need a liter for a hangover!"),
Bear ("Life without a freebie is very hard"),

The heroes pronounce their phrases at the prompting of the Leader and depict the action.

This story is known to the world:
God threw a piece of cheese on the ground.
He was found by the whimsical Crow.


The Crow flew up onto the Oak in an instant, groaning.


A hungry bird should not hesitate.
To that misfortune, Fox ran with a bottle.
She was lucky: she got hold of alcohol ...


She sees the crow - a glorious snack!
“Come on, share! There is such a law! "
Raven's answer plunges him into anger.

The crow is a very difficult bird!

The gray wolf fell on all fours,
“Give me at least a sip of a hangover.
Only a pack of cigarettes in my pocket
And I have no more stash!
And my head aches so, hurts so much! "


As soon as he said his words,
Suddenly a huge squall arose,
It rattles, rustles, rattles everything in the forest,
Shakes Wolf and Fox with fear.
Our Wolf looked at the bitch with great longing,
Jumped up with a sore head
Here even the huge Oak did not remain silent, groaned.

To be an oak tree is my destiny, which is very bad.

The bushes parted, and under the twig
The bear comes out, our old friend.
Hungry, angry, doesn't even want to live
He would rather wet his throat,
Smoke a little and have a light snack.


“Fox, Crow, Wolf, hello brothers.
Why, friends, did they open their mouths?
I'm not empty - here are the matches,
I share with you, after all, relatives! "
The crow covers the cheese with its wings.

The crow is a very difficult bird!

The wolf hurries to hide the cigarette on the bitch.

I only need a liter for a hangover!

The fox covered the bottle with its tail.

"Kedrovka" or "Zubrovka" is power!

The bear has gone blind from such impudence!
"I'll get some vodka, I'm not myself!"
He shook the Oak with all his bearish strength:
Like, I asked you kindly at first!
There is only one thought in his brain ...

Life without freebies is very hard.

And the drunks flew from the Oak.

To be an oak tree is my destiny, which is very bad.

The fox fell, the wolf followed her immediately,
Having knocked out the insolent right eye of the Bear.
You have not seen such miracles when you were born:
The three of them lie without moving!
The crow, having flown off the bitch,
I robbed my friends a little.
Here are matches, cigarettes, here is a bottle ...
And for a snack, cheese in huge holes!
And she went away with all her good,
Leaving the others lying side by side
At the same time croaking, sorry, humming ...

The crow is a very difficult bird!


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