All mothers are young. Discourse on maternal love according to the text of Seliverstova All mothers are different: young, beautiful, gray-haired and tired, kind and strict (USE in Russian). What is motherly love

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FIPI OGE - 2015 Option 1 Part 1

Part 2

(1) Tolya did not like autumn. (2) I didn’t like it because the leaves fell and “less often the sun shone”, and most of all because it often rained in the fall and my mother did not let him go outside.

(3) But then such a morning came when all the windows were in winding water paths, and the rain hammered and hammered something into the roof ... (4) But mother did not keep Tolya at home, but even hurried. (5) And Tolya felt that now he was quite big: dad also went to work in any weather!

(6) Mom took out an umbrella and a white raincoat from the closet, which Tolya secretly put on instead of a dressing gown when she and the guys played doctors.

(7) Where are you? Tolya was surprised.

- (8) I will accompany you.

(9) Me ... see me off? (10) What are you?

(11) Mom sighed and put the cooked things back in the closet.

(12) Tolya really liked to run to school in the rain. (13) Once he turned around and suddenly saw his mother on the other side of the street. (14) There were a lot of raincoats and umbrellas on the street, but he recognized his mother right away. (15) And she, noticing that Tolya turned around, hid around the corner of an old two-story house.

(16) "Hides!" Tolya thought angrily. (17) And he ran even faster, so that his mother would not think of catching up with him.

(18) Near the school itself, he turned around again, but his mother was gone.

(19) “Back,” he thought with relief.

(20)On ceremonial line students lined up in classes. (21) A young teacher deftly brushed wet strands of hair from her face and shouted:

(22) The first "B"! (23) The first "B"!

(24) Tolya knew that the first "B" was him. (25) The teacher took the children to the fourth floor.

(26) Even at home, Tolya decided that he would never sit at a desk with a girl. (27) But the teacher, as if jokingly, asked him: (28) “You probably want to sit down with Chernova, right?” (29) And it seemed to Tolya that he really always dreamed of sitting next to Chernova.

(30) The teacher opened the magazine and started the roll call. (31) After the roll call, she said:

(32) Orlov, please cover the window.

(33) Tolya immediately jumped up and went to the window, but it was not easy for him to reach the handle. (34) He got up and suddenly froze on tiptoe: outside the window he suddenly saw his mother. (35) She stood holding a folded umbrella in her hands, ignoring the rain that was dripping from her raincoat, and slowly looked at the windows of the school: her mother probably wanted to guess what class her Tolya was in.

(36) And then he could not get angry. (37) On the contrary, he wanted to lean out into the street, wave to his mother and loudly, so as not to drown out the rain, shout: (38) “Don't worry! (39) Don't worry, mommy ... (40) Everything is fine! (41) But he could not shout, because shouting is not supposed to be in the lesson.

(According to A. Aleksin)*

*Aleksin Anatoly Georgievich (born in 1924) - writer, playwright. His works such as "My brother plays the clarinet", " Characters and performers”, “Third in the fifth row”, etc., tell mainly about the world of youth.

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why did Tolya not want his mother to accompany him to school?”

1) Tolya really liked to run to school in the rain, and his mother forbade him to do this.

2) It was raining in autumn outside, and Tolya was afraid that his mother would catch a cold and get sick.

3) Tolya did not want his mother to know that he was sitting at the same desk with the girl.

4) Tolya did not want his mother to take care of him like a little one.

Answer: __________________________________________


1) (1) Tolya did not like autumn. (2) I didn’t like it because the leaves fell and “less often the sun shone”, and most of all because it often rained in the fall and my mother did not let him go outside.

2) (15) And she, noticing that Tolya turned around, hid around the corner of an old two-story house.

3) (3) But then such a morning came when all the windows were in winding water paths, and the rain hammered and hammered something into the roof ...

4) (35) She stood holding a folded umbrella in her hands, ignoring the rain that was dripping from her raincoat, and slowly looked around the windows of the school: her mother probably wanted to guess what class her Tolya was in.

4. From sentences 26 - 33 write out the word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​explained by the meaning of the incompleteness of the action.

Answer: _____________________________________________

5. From sentences 33 - 36 write out the word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: "In the full passive participles of the past tense, NN is written."

Answer: _____________________________________________

6. Replace the colloquial word "(didn't) think" in sentence 17 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

Answer: _____________________________________________

7. Replace the phrase "in the waterways" (sentence 3), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection control

Answer: __________________________________________________

8. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 12.

Answer: ____________________________________________

9. Among sentences 12 - 17, find sentences with homogeneous members. Write the numbers of these proposals.

Answer: ____________________________________________________

Introductory word.

But the teacher, (1) as if jokingly, (2) asked him: “You, (3) probably, (4) want to sit down with Chernova, (5) yes?” And it seemed to Tolya (6) as if he had really always dreamed of sitting next to Chernova.

Answer: ______________________________________________________

11. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in the sentence 2. Write down the answer with a number.

12. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating link.

There were many raincoats and umbrellas on the street, (1) but he recognized his mother at once.

And she, (2) noticing (3) that Tolya turned around, (4) hid around the corner of an old two-story house.

"Hiding!" Tolya thought angrily. And he ran even faster, (5) so that his mother would not take it into her head to catch up with him.

Near the school itself, he turned around again, (6) but his mother was no longer there.

Answer: _____________________________________________________

13. Among sentences 1 - 6, find a complex sentence with consistent subordination of subordinate clauses

Answer: ____________________________________________________________

14. Among sentences 33 - 35, find a complex sentence with an allied and allied subordinating connection between the parts

Answer: _______________________________________________

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous philologist N.M. Shansky:“Using the example of a complex sentence, one can trace how a person expresses the relationship between the world and his own point of view”

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start the essay with the words of N.M. Shansky.

“On the contrary, he wanted to lean out into the street, wave to his mother and shout loudly, so as not to drown out the rain, “Don’t worry! Don’t worry, mommy ... Everything is fine!” .

Give in essay 2 (two)

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

MOTHER'S LOVE one example- give an argument from the read text, andsecond - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

Selected document to view 2 all moms are different.doc


FIPI OGE - 2015 Option 2 Part 1

Listen to the text and do task 1 on a separate sheet.

First write the task number, and then the text of the summary.

1. Listen to the text and write a concise summary.

Note that you must convey the main content as each

microthemes, and the entire text as a whole.

The volume of presentation is not less than 70 words.

Write your essay in neat, legible handwriting.

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14

(1)All mothers different: young, beautiful, gray-haired and tired, kind and strict. (2) But until old age they remain for us all the same mothers. (3) After all, an adult, just like a child, needs mother's advice. (4) Only mom, no matter what, will support in any good undertakings, and sometimes help out in difficult times, forgive you for any mistake and failure, a rude word and misunderstanding. (5) Just sigh quietly, steal away a tear from sad eyes and ... forgive you.

(6)After all, the heart of a mother bottomless. (7) After all, the heart of a mother able to forgive you everything in the world. (8) Suddenly I remembered a poem Biryukov about how the son, tearing out his mother's heart, carried it to his cruel lover. (9) It was not easy his path, on a slippery threshold he stumbled and fell. (10) And at that moment I heard my heart ask: “Are you hurt, son?” (11) Mom forgave her son's betrayal and his cruelty, because she could not do otherwise ...

(12)And mother's hands... (13) Have you ever wondered how much they do for you mother's hands how strained they how restless - kind, gentle, strong and caring mother's hands. (14) They are the very first thing we felt in life when we came to this new, unfamiliar and wonderful world. (15) They pressed us to their chest, protecting us from adversity and anxiety. (16) Mom's hand will touch your hair, pat it playfully, and now all the troubles and sorrows are gone, as if mom took them away from you with her mother's hand. (17) The most precious treasure, the greatest value in our life is the hands of our mother! (18) Those who took upon themselves all the pain and cold, all the wounds and blows of life, all the hardships and bad weather - everything that protects us from adversity and allows us to be happy.

(19) Unfortunately, we rarely think about how much time and effort, how much labor and health, how much affection and care mom spends on us. (20) We grow up and, having left our home, we forget to call, write a couple of lines, sign a postcard for the holiday. (21) And mom is waiting! (22) And finds any excuse for our callousness, our busyness, our inattention.

(23) Unfortunately, many realize too late that they forgot to say a lot of good words to their mothers. (24) To prevent this from happening, you need to give warmth to mothers every day and hour, because grateful children are the best gift for them.

(25) No matter how much we talk about mom, this will not be enough. (26) Every mother will selflessly do everything for her child. (27) She is will worry about your fate no matter how old you are. (28) She is scolds her grown-up child, and then rejoices for him and will definitely note all the good changes that have happened to her always little dear little man. (29) Mom will give everything for you to become a real person.

(According to I. Seliverstova) *

* Seliverstova Inna is a modern prose writer and poet.

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to justify the answer to the question : "Why do mothers always forgive their children?"

1) Children, realizing their mistakes, always ask their mothers for forgiveness.

2) Children give their mothers warmth and care every day.

3) Mothers always find any excuse for their children.

4) Mothers, having scolded children for a bad deed, see their repentance.

3. In what version of the answer is the means of expressiveness of speech hyperbola?

    All mothers are different: young, beautiful, gray-haired and tired, kind and strict.

    After all, the heart of a mother is able to forgive you everything in the world.

    Unfortunately, many realize too late that they forgot to say a lot of good words to their mothers.

    She will worry about your fate no matter how old you are.

4. From sentences 14–16 write out the word in which the spelling e prefixes determined by its valueaccession ».

5. From sentences 9-13 write out the word in which the spellingsuffix is determined by the rule: "In the suffixes of short passive participles of the past tense, one letter H is written."

6. Replace the spoken word "stealthily" in sentence 5 as a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase "mom's advice"(sentence 3), built on the basis of agreement, by a synonymous phrase with the connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write out the grammatical basis of the sentence 2.

9. Among sentences 13–18, find special offer.

10. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the number that represents the comma at the introductory word.

Unfortunately, (1) we rarely think about (2) how much time and effort, (3) how much labor and health, (4) how much affection and care mom spends on us. We grow up and, (5) having left our home, (6) forget to call, (7) write a couple of lines, (8) sign a postcard for the holiday.

11. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 28. Write your answer in numbers.

writing connection.

Mom's hand will touch your hair, (1) pat them playfully, (2) and now all the troubles and sorrows are gone, (3) as if mom took them away from you with her mother's hand. The most precious treasure, (4) the greatest value in our life is the hands of our mother!

13. Among sentences 13–18, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

14. Among sentences 6–11, find. Write the number of this offer.

Part 3

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous philologist G. Ya. Solganik: “As a sentence is built according to certain syntactic models, in the same way sentences in the text are connected according to certain rules.” Justify your answer by giving 2 examples from the text you read.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start your essay with the following statement.

The essay must be at least 70 words. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting

15.2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: “Mom will give everything for you to become a real person”.

Bring in an essay 2 (two) arguments from the read text, confirming your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase MOTHER'S LOVE ? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic"What is motherly love" , taking as a thesis the definition given by you. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: one example- give an argument from the read textsecond - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Selected document to view 3 city man.doc


FIPI OGE - 2015 Option 3 Part 1

Listen to the text and do task 1 on a separate sheet.

First write the task number, and then the text of the summary.

1. Listen to the text and write a concise summary.

Note that you must convey the main content as each

microthemes, and the entire text as a whole.

The volume of presentation is not less than 70 words.

Write your essay in neat, legible handwriting.

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14

(1) The city man does not know what the earth smells like, how it breathes, how it suffers from thirst - the earth is hidden from his eyes by the frozen lava of asphalt.

(2) My mother taught me to the earth, as a bird teaches its chick to the sky. (3) But the land really opened up to me in the war. (4) I recognized the saving property of the earth: under heavy fire, I clung to it in the hope that death would pass me by. (5) It was my mother's land, my native land, and she kept me with maternal fidelity.

(6) One, only once the earth did not save me ...

(7) I woke up in a cart, in the hay. (8) I did not feel pain, I was tormented by inhuman thirst. (9) Lips, head, chest wanted to drink. (10) Everything that was alive in me wanted to drink. (11) It was the thirst for a burning house. (12) I was burning with thirst.

(13) And suddenly I thought that the only person who could save me was my mother. (14) A forgotten childish feeling awakened in me: when it’s bad, my mother should be nearby. (15) She will quench thirst, relieve pain, calm, save. (16) And I began to call her.

(17) The cart rumbled, drowning out my voice. (18) Thirst sealed the lips. (19) And with the last of my strength I whispered the unforgettable word "mommy." (20) I called her. (21) I knew that she would respond and come. (22) And she appeared. (23) And immediately the roar ceased, and cold life-giving moisture gushed to extinguish the fire: it flowed over the lips, over the chin, behind the collar. (24) Mom supported my head carefully, afraid to hurt. (25) She watered me from a cold ladle, averted death from me.

(26) I felt a familiar touch of a hand, heard a native voice:

- (27) Son, son, dear ...

(28) I couldn't even open my eyes. (29) But I saw my mother. (30) I recognized her hand, her voice. (31) I came to life from her mercy. (32) Lips parted, and I whispered:

- (33) Mom, mom ...

(34) My mother died in besieged Leningrad. (35) In an unfamiliar village at the well, I took someone else's mother for my own. (36) Apparently, all mothers have a great similarity, and if one mother cannot come to a wounded son, then another becomes at his head.

(37) Mom. (38) Mommy.

(39) I know a lot about the exploits of women who carried wounded soldiers from the battlefield, who worked for men, who gave their blood to children, following their husbands along the Siberian tracts. (40) I never thought that all this, of course, has to do with my mother. (41) Now I look back at her life and see: she went through all this. (42) I see this belatedly. (43) But I see.

(44) At the Piskarevsky cemetery, filled with people's grief, the grass is turning green. (45) My mother is buried here, like many other victims of the blockade. (46) No documents. (47) There are no eyewitnesses. (48) There is nothing. (49) But there is eternal sons' love. (50) And I know that my mother's heart became the heart of the earth.

(According to Yu. Ya. Yakovlev)*

* Yakovlev Yury Yakovlevich(1923 - 1996) - writer and screenwriter, author of books for children and youth.

« Why did the hero-narrator mistake someone else's mother for his own?

    The mother of the hero-narrator died in the besieged Leningrad.

    He knew about the exploits of women who “carried out wounded soldiers from the battlefield, worked for men, donated their blood to children, following their husbands along the Siberian highways.”

    The strange woman looked like mother storyteller hero.

    The alien woman cared for the wounded hero-narrator with maternal love.

3. In what version of the answer is the means of expressiveness of speech personification?

    One, only one time, the earth did not save me...

    My mother accustomed me to the earth, as a bird accustoms its chick to the sky.

    I was burning with thirst.

    And suddenly I thought that the only person who can save me is my mother .

4. From sentences 44–50 write out the word in which the spelling suffix

5. From sentences 27–32 write out the word in which the spellingprefixes determined by its value"incomplete action" .

6. Replace the book word " knows» in sentence 1 stylistically neutral synonymous. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase "people's grief"(sentence 44), built on the basis of agreement, by a synonymous phrase with a connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write out grammatical basis offers 16.

9. Among sentences 13–19, find the sentence with special circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

10. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commas introductory word.

I know a lot about the exploits of women: who carried wounded soldiers from the battlefield, (1) worked for men, (2) gave their blood to children, (3) followed their husbands along the Siberian routes. I never thought (4) that all this, (5) undoubtedly, (6) had to do with my mother.

11. Indicate in the sentence 36. Write down the answer with a number.

12. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between parts of a complex sentence related writing connection.

I recognized the saving property of the earth: under heavy fire, I clung to it in the hope (1) that death would pass me by. This was my mother's land, (2) native land, (3) and she kept me with maternal fidelity.

One, (4) only once the earth did not save me ...

I woke up in a cart, (5) in the hay. I did not feel pain, (6) I was tormented by inhuman thirst.

13. Among sentences 10–15, find a complex sentence With sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this


14. Among sentences 1–10, find non-union compound sentence. Write the number of this offer.

* Yakovlev Yuri Yakovlevich(1923-1996) - writer and screenwriter, author of books for children and youth.

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist L.V. Shcherby:“A paragraph, or a red line, which should also be considered a kind of punctuation mark, deepens the previous point and opens up a completely different train of thought”. Arguing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the read text.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start the essay with the words of L.V. Shcherby.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

15.2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the text fragment:“And suddenly I thought that the only person who can save me is my mother. A forgotten childish feeling awakened in me: when it’s bad, my mother should be nearby. ”.

Bring in an essay 2 (two) arguments from the read text, confirming your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase MOTHER'S LOVE ? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic"What is motherly love" , taking as a thesis the definition given by you. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: one example- give an argument from the read textsecond - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

Selected document to view 4 We lingered.doc


FIPI OGE - 2015 Option 4 Part 1

Listen to the text and do task 1 on a separate sheet.

First write the task number, and then the text of the summary.

1. Listen to the text and write a concise summary.

Note that you must convey the main content as each

microthemes, and the entire text as a whole.

The volume of presentation is not less than 70 words.

Write your essay in neat, legible handwriting.

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14

(1) We stayed at school, and when we went outside, it was already getting dark. (2) Snow piled up to half of the boots. (3) I got worried, knowing how cruel our Siberian steppe blizzards are, what troubles they can bring.

(4) And soon what I feared began. (5) The snowflakes suddenly spun in such a dance that after a few minutes a real blizzard began, which soon turned into a big snowstorm. (6) The narrow path that led to our village was covered with snow every now and then, and then it completely disappeared. (7) As if someone very unkind stole her from under her feet.

(8) I was frightened and did not know what to do next. (9) The wind whistled in every way, wolves seemed to be. (10) And suddenly, in the howling of the wind, I heard the calm voice of my mother: “Do not be afraid, you need to dig into the snow.” (11) I heard my mother's voice so clearly, knowing full well that in my mother's voice I am talking to myself in my imagination ...

(12) We dug a cave and sat all night telling each other different stories. (13) And in the morning, having punched a hole to freedom, we went home.

(14) Opening the door, I rushed to my mother. (15) He rushed and - what happened, it happened - wept.

- (16) What are you talking about? (17) Change your shoes and live at the table, - said the mother, without asking anything about last night.

(18) Father arrived. (19) He praised me, promised me to buy a small but real gun. (20) He was surprised at my resourcefulness. (21) And the mother? .. (22) The mother said: “The guy is thirteen years old, and it would be strange if he was confused in a snowstorm and didn’t save himself and his comrades.”

(23) In the evening, we stayed with my grandmother alone. (24) Mother went to the station, to the paramedic. (25) She said that she was mad - her head hurts. (26) It was always easy and simple for me with my grandmother. (27) I asked her: “Grandma, at least tell me the truth: why didn’t my mother take pity on me? (28) Am I really so unworthy?

- (29) You are a fool, no one else! Grandma replied. - (30) Mother didn’t sleep all night, she roared like crazy, she was looking for you with a dog in the steppe, she frostbitten her knees ... (31) Only you, look, don’t gugu about it!

(32) Soon the mother returned. (33) She told her grandmother: “The paramedic gave powders from the head. (34) He says nonsense, it will pass soon.

(35) I rushed to my mother and hugged her legs. (36) Through the thickness of the skirts, I felt that her knees were bandaged. (37) But I didn’t even show it. (38) I have never been so affectionate with her. (39) I have never loved my mother so much. (40) Shedding tears, I kissed her weather-beaten hands. (41) And she stroked my head and left to lie down. (42) Apparently, it was difficult for her to stand.

(43) This is how our loving and caring mother raised and tempered us. (44) She looked far away. (45) And the worst of it did not work out. (46) My brother is now twice a Hero. (47) And I could say something about myself, but my mother was strictly punished to talk about myself as little as possible.

(According to E.A. Permyak)*

*Permyak Evgeny Andreevich(real name - Wissov) (1902 - 1982) - Russian Soviet writer.

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to justify the answer to the question: “Why didn’t the mother take pity on her son?”

    The mother was heartless and indifferent towards her son.

    The mother believed that the sympathy and praise of the father would be enough for the son.

    The mother was angry with her son for the trouble he caused her.

    The mother considered her son's behavior natural for an adult, responsible person and wanted him to feel like a real man.

3. In what version of the answer is the means of expressiveness of speech phraseologism?

    Snowflakes suddenly swirled in such a dance that in a few minutes a real blizzard began, which soon turned into a big snowstorm.

    And in the morning, having punched a hole for freedom, we went home.

    But I didn't even show it.

    And she stroked my head and left to lie down.

4. From sentences 18–24 write out the word in which the spelling prefixes

5. From sentences 35–40 write out a word in which the spelling suffix is determined by the rule: "In the short passive participles of the past tense, one letter H is written."

6. Replace the spoken word "alive" in sentence 17 stylistically neutral synonymous. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase "steppe blizzards" (Proposition 3) based onharmonization , a synonymous phrase with communication control. Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write out grammatical basis suggestions 2.

9. Among sentences 1 - 7, find the sentence with a separate common agreed-upon definition. Write the number of this offer.

10. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers for the commas introductory word.

You are a fool, (1) no one else! Grandma replied. - Mother didn’t sleep all night, (2) roared, (3) like crazy, (4) she was looking for you with a dog in the steppe, (5) she got frostbite on her knees ... Only you, (6) look, (7) about this no goog!

11. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in the sentence 1. Write down the answer with a number.

12. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between parts of a complex sentence related writing connection.

And soon began what (1) I feared. Snowflakes suddenly swirled in such a dance, (2) that in a few minutes a real blizzard began, (3) soon turned into a big snowstorm. The narrow path, (4) which led to our village, (5) was covered with snow every now and then, (6) and then it completely disappeared.

Write the number of this offer.

    Among sentences 3 - 9, find a non-union complex sentence. Write the number of this offer.

Part 3

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the Russian writer I.E. Babel:"All paragraphs and all punctuation must be done correctly in terms of the greatest impact of the text on the reader". Arguing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the read text.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start the essay with the words of I.E. Babel.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

15.2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: “I have never been so affectionate with her. I have never loved my mother so much.".

Bring in an essay 2 (two) arguments from the read text confirming your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase MOTHER'S LOVE ? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic"What is motherly love" , taking as a thesis the definition given by you. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: one example- give an argument from the read textsecond - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Selected document to view 5 Nobody is like a mother.doc


FIPI OGE - 2015 Option 5 Part 1

Listen to the text and do task 1 on a separate sheet.

First write the task number, and then the text of the summary.

1. Listen to the text and write a concise summary.

Note that you must convey the main content as each

microthemes, and the entire text as a whole.

The volume of presentation is not less than 70 words.

Write your essay in neat, legible handwriting.

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14

(1) No one, like a mother, knows how deeply hide their suffering and torment. (2) And no one, like children, knows how to so calmly ignore what is happening to the mother. (3) She does not complain, which means she is fine.

(4) I have never seen my mother's tears. (5) Not once in my presence did her eyes moisten, not once did she complained about my life, for pain. (6) I didn't know what it was mercy which she rendered to me.

(7) As a child, we are easy accept from mother victims, all time we demand sacrifices. (8) And the fact that this is cruel, we learn later - from our children.

(9) “Golden days” are not eternal, they are replaced by “harsh days”, when we begin to feel independent and gradually move away from our mother. (10) And now there is no longer a beautiful lady and a little knight, and if he is, then he has another beautiful lady - with pigtails, with capriciously pouted lips, with a blot on her dress ...

(11) On one of the "harsh days" I came from school hungry and tired. (12) Threw a briefcase. (13) Undressed. (14) And immediately at the table. (15) There was a pink circle of sausage on the plate. (16) I ate it instantly. (17) He melted in his mouth. (18) It was as if he did not exist. (19) I said:

(20) Few. (21) I want more.

(22) Mom was silent. (23) I repeated my request. (24) She went to the window and, without looking back, said quietly:

(25) No more ... sausages.

(26) I got up from the table, without saying thank you.(27) Not enough! (28) I walked noisily around the room, rattled chairs, and my mother was still standing by the window. (29) I thought that she was probably looking at something, and also went to the window. (30) But I didn’t see anything. (31)I slammed the door- few! - and left.

(32) There is nothing more cruel than asking a mother for bread when she does not have it. (33) And nowhere to take. (34) And she already gave you her piece ... (35) Then you can get angry and slam the door. (36) But years will pass, and shame will overtake you. (37) And you will be painfully hurt by your cruel injustice.

(38) You will think about the day of your shame even after the death of your mother, and this thought, like an unhealed wound, will either subside or wake up. (39) You will be under her heavy power and, looking around, you will say: “Forgive me!” (40) No answer.

(41) There is no one to whisper the merciful word "I forgive."

(42) When mom stood at the window, her shoulders trembled slightly from silent tears. (43) But I did not notice this. (44) I did not notice my dirty April footprints on the floor, did not hear the slamming door.

(45) Now I see and hear everything. (46) Time is pushing everything away, but it has brought this day and many other days closer to me. (47) A lot of words have accumulated in me.(48) They burst my chest, knock on my temple. (49) They rush out, into the light, onto paper.

(50) Forgive me, dear!

(According to Yu.Ya. Yakovlev)*

* Yakovlev Yury Yakovlevich(1923 - 1996) - writer and screenwriter, author of books for children and youth.

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to justify the answer to the question: “Why did mom cry silently, standing at the window?”

    The hero-narrator did not thank his mother after the meal.

    The hero-narrator left dirty shoes on a clean floor.

    The hero-narrator behaved selfishly and cruelly towards her.

    The hero-narrator, growing up, gradually moved away from his mother.

3. In what version of the answer is the means of expressiveness of speech personification?

    Not once in my presence did her eyes moisten, not once did she complain to me about life, about pain.

    And now the beautiful lady and the little knight are gone, and if he is, then he has another beautiful lady - with pigtails, with capriciously pouted lips, with a blot on her dress ...

    I walked noisily around the room, rattling chairs, and my mother was still standing by the window.

    I have accumulated a lot of words. They burst my chest, knock on my temple. They rush out, into the light, onto the paper.

4. From sentences 32–37 write out the word in which the spelling prefixes depends on the deafness - the voicedness of the subsequent consonant.

5. From sentences 6–9 write out the word in which the spelling suffix is determined by the rule: “As many N are written in the adverb as there were in the word from which it was formed.”

6. Replace the spoken word "thrown" in sentence 12 as a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase "mother's tears"(sentence 4), built on the basis of management, by a synonymous phrase with the connection agreement. Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write out grammatical basis offers 18.

9. Among sentences 22 - 28, find sentences with isolated circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

I walked noisily around the room, (1) rattled chairs, (2) and my mother was still standing by the window. I thought (3) that she, (4) probably, (5) was looking at something, (6) and also went to the window.

11. Specify number of grammatical bases in sentence 3. Write down the answer in a number.

12. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between parts of a complex sentence related writing connection.

"Golden days" are not eternal, (1) they are replaced by "harsh days", (2) when we begin to feel independent and gradually move away from mom. And now there is no longer a beautiful lady and a little knight, (3) and if he is, (4) then he has another beautiful lady - with pigtails, (5) with capriciously pouted lips, (6) with a blot on her dress ...

13. Among sentences 1–6, find a complex sentence with consistent submission adnexal. Write the number of this offer.

14. Among sentences 7 - 10 find a complex sentence with allied and allied subordinating

Part 3

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist I.B. Golub: “For the correct use of words in speech, it is not enough to know their exact meaning, it is also necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the lexical compatibility of words, that is, their ability to connect with each other.” Justify your answer by giving 2 examples from the text you read.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start your essay with the following statement.

The essay must be at least 70 words. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: "Forgive me, dear!»

Bring in an essay 2 (two) arguments from the read text, confirming your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase MOTHER'S LOVE ? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic"What is motherly love" , taking as a thesis the definition given by you. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: one example- give an argument from the read textsecond - from your life experience.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

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FIPI OGE - 2015 Option 6 Part 1

Listen to the text and do task 1 on a separate sheet.

First write the task number, and then the text of the summary.

1. Listen to the text and write a concise summary.

Note that you must convey the main content as each

microthemes, and the entire text as a whole.

The volume of presentation is not less than 70 words.

Write your essay in neat, legible handwriting.

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 2-14

(1) One day at the beginning of October, early in the morning, leaving for the gymnasium, I forgot the envelope with money prepared by my mother since the evening. (2) They had to be paid for tuition in the first half of the year.

(3)When started big change when we were all let out into the yard on the occasion of cold, but dry and sunny weather, and on the bottom landing of the stairs I saw my mother, only then I remembered the envelope and realized that she, apparently, could not stand it and brought it herself.

(4) Mother, however, stood aside in her bald fur coat, in a ridiculous bonnet, under which gray hairs hung, and with noticeable excitement, somehow intensifying her miserable appearance even more, she looked helplessly at the horde of schoolboys running past, who, laughing, they looked back at her and said something to each other.

(5) Approaching, I stopped and wanted to slip unnoticed, but my mother, seeing me and immediately lit up with an affectionate smile, waved her hand, and although I was terribly ashamed in front of my comrades, I went up to her.

(6) Vadichka, boy, - she spoke in an old man's muffled voice, handing me an envelope left at home and with a yellow handle timidly, as if she was burning, touching the button of my overcoat, - you forgot the money, but I think - she will be frightened, so - she brought it.

(7) Having said this, she looked at me as if she was asking for alms, but, in a rage for the shame caused to me, I objected in a hating whisper that these veal tendernesses are not for us at court, that if she brought the money, then let her pay herself.

(8) Mother stood quietly, listened in silence, guiltily and sadly lowering her old affectionate eyes. (9) I ran down the already empty stairs and, opening the tight, noisily sucking air door, looked back and looked at my mother. (10) But I did this not at all because I felt sorry for her, but only out of fear that she would burst into tears in such an inappropriate place.

(11) Mother still stood on the site and, sadly bowing her head, looked after me. (12) Noticing that I was looking at her, she waved her hand with an envelope the way they do at the station, and this movement, so young and cheerful, only showed even more how old, tattered and miserable she is.

(13) Several comrades approached me in the yard and one asked what kind of jester in a pea skirt with whom I had just talked.
(14) I, laughing merrily, answered that this was an impoverished governess and that she had come to me with written recommendations.

(15) When, having paid the money, the mother came out and, without looking at anyone, hunched over, as if trying to become even smaller, quickly tapping her worn, completely crooked heels, walked along the asphalt path to the iron gate, I felt that I was in pain heart for her.

(16) This pain, which so hotly burned me in the first moment, did not last long, however.

(According to M. Ageev)*

    Mikhail Ageev (Mark Lazarevich Levy)(1898-1973) - Russian writer.

2.. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: "Why did the narrator look back and look at the mother (sentence 9)?"

    The mother looked at him, "as if asking for alms."

    The narrator wanted to understand who his friends were laughing at.

    The narrator felt that he had offended his mother.

    The narrator was afraid that the mother "would burst into tears in such an inappropriate place."

A3. Indicate the sentence in which the means of expressiveness of speech is phraseological unit.

    Mother, however, stood aside in her bald fur coat, in a funny bonnet, under which gray hairs hung ...

    I objected in a hating whisper that these veal tendernesses are not to our yard, that if she brought the money, then let her pay herself.

    Mother still stood on the landing and, sadly bowing her head, looked after me.

    This pain, which burned me so hotly in the first instant, did not last long, however.

4. From sentences 3–5 write out the word in which the spelling prefixes determined by its value incomplete action».

5. From sentences 13–16 write out a word in which the spellingsuffix determined by the rule: “In adjectives formed from nouns with the help of the suffixes -ONN-, -ENN-, it is written HH.”

6. Replace the vernacular "horde” from sentence 4 as a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

7. Replace the phrase " to the iron gate” (proposal 15), built on the basis of agreement, by a synonymous phrase with a control connection. Write the resulting phrase.

8. Write out grammatical basis suggestions 2.

9. Among sentences 1–4, find the sentence with separate agreed definition. Write the number of this offer.

10. In the sentence below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the commas at the introductory word.

When a big break began, (1) when all of us, on the occasion of cold, (2) but dry and sunny weather, were let out into the yard and on the bottom landing of the stairs I saw my mother, (3) only then I remembered the envelope and understood, (4) that she, (5) can be seen, (6) could not stand it and brought it herself.

11. Specify number of grammatical bases in sentence 5. Write down the answer in numbers.

12. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating link.

Mother, (1) however, (2) stood aside in her bald fur coat, (3)

in a funny bonnet, (4) under which gray hairs hung, (5) and with noticeable excitement, (6) somehow intensifying her miserable appearance even more, (7) looked helplessly at the horde of high school students running past, (8) who, (9) laughing, (10) they looked back at her and said something to each other.

Approaching, (11) I stopped, (12) and then I wanted to slip unnoticed, (13) but my mother, (14) seeing me and immediately lit up with a gentle smile, (15) waved her hand, (16) and I, (17) although I was terribly ashamed in front of my comrades, (18) I approached her.

13. Among sentences 11–15, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

14. Among sentences 8–12, find a complex sentence with allied coordinating and subordinating connection between parts. Write the number of this offer.

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the modern scientist S.I. Lvova:“Punctuation marks have their specific purpose in written speech. Like every note, the punctuation mark has its own specific place in the writing system, has its own uniquecharacter» . Arguing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the read text.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start the essay with the words of S.I. Lvova.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: « When, having paid the money, my mother went out and, without looking at anyone, hunched over, as if trying to become even smaller, quickly tapping her worn, completely crooked heels, walked along the asphalt path to the iron gate, I felt that my heart ached for her. .

This pain, which burned me so hotly in the first instant, did not last long, however.

Bring in an essay 2 (two) arguments from the read text, confirming your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase MOTHER'S LOVE ? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic"What is motherly love" , taking as a thesis the definition given by you. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: one example- argument

A mother's love is an unconditional feeling for her child, asking for nothing in return.

Mother's love is the most constant of all feelings inherent in man.

A mother's love is the strongest and most eternal love in the whole wide world.

Mother's love - these are sweet kisses, gentle touches, sparkle in the eyes.

Mother's loveit is care, strength, light, self-giving.

Mother's love are sleepless nights and cradles.

Mom, like a bird, carefully covers her child with a reliable wing from adversity and danger. Does not sleep at night at the bed of a sick baby. He holds his hand tightly when he is scared or lonely. Helps with school lessons. Advise in the first difficult situations. Teaches human kindness , the ability to be friends and love, help and compassion. Be open, honest and human. Preserve and protect nature and animals, got into trouble.

Mothers lead wisely in life, and always try to find an excuse for our missteps, because during their day we always remain children - the most beloved and the best.

Generous and selfless maternal love fills our lives with the light of kindness and joy, instills a sense of reliable protection, gives strength to new deeds and accomplishments. After all, it is in maternal love, forgiveness, patience and understanding that great power lies. Mothers firmly believe in their children and support in all good undertakings. And in everything that we achieve on our life path, the merit of our mothers.

Maternal love is an endless selfless and disinterested service to your children.
A mother's love for her children is considered by people to be the purest, most beautiful and strongest. A mother is always ready to understand and forgive her children, to give everything she has, without expecting rewards for her selfless love in return. People know that the power of mother's love is very great.

Mother's Heart (Fairy Tale)
Was with mother The only son. He married a girl amazing, unprecedented

beauty. But the girl's heart was black, unkind. The son brought his young wife to his home. The mother-in-law disliked the daughter-in-law and told her husband: “Let the mother not come into the hut, put her in the hallway.” The son settled the mother in the passage, forbade her to enter the hut. The mother was afraid to appear to the evil daughter-in-law in front of her eyes. As soon as the daughter-in-law walked through the passage, the mother hid under the bed. But this was not enough for the daughter-in-law. She says to her husband: “So that the spirit of the mother does not smell in the house. Moved her to the barn.” The son moved his mother to the barn. Only at night did the mother come out of the dark barn.
A young beauty was resting one evening under a blossoming apple tree and saw her mother come out of the barn. The wife became furious and ran to her husband: “If you want me to live with you, kill your mother, take the heart out of her chest and bring it to me.” The filial heart did not tremble, he was bewitched by the unprecedented beauty of his wife. He says to his mother: "Let's go, mother, we swim in the river." They go to the river, rocky shore. Mother tripped on a stone. The son got angry: “Why are you stumbling, mom?” Why don't you look down at your feet? So we will go to the river until evening.”
They came, undressed, bathed. The son killed his mother, took out her heart from her chest, put it on a maple leaf, carries it. A mother's heart flutters. The son stumbled on a stone, fell, hit his knee, a hot mother's heart fell on a sharp cliff, bloodied, startled and whispered: My dear son, didn't you hurt your knee? Sit down, rest, rub the bruised place with your palm.
The son sobbed, grabbed the hot mother's heart with his palms, pressed it to his chest, returned to the river, put his heart into his torn chest, poured hot tears over him. He realized that no one had ever loved him so devotedly and disinterestedly as his own mother.
And so great and inexhaustible was the mother's love, so deep and omnipotent was the desire of the mother's heart to see her son joyful and carefree, that the heart came to life, the torn chest closed, the mother stood up and pressed her son's curly head to her chest. After that, the son could not return to his beautiful wife, she became hateful to him. The mother did not return home either. Together they went to the steppe and became two mounds. And every morning the rising sun illuminates the tops of the mounds with its first rays...

Mom (Story)

The day before his birth, the child asked God:
- They say that tomorrow I will be sent to Earth. How will I live there, because I am so small and defenseless?
God replied:
- I will give you an angel who will wait for you and take care of you.
The child thought for a moment, then said again:
- Here in Heaven I only sing and laugh, that's enough for me to be happy.
God replied:
- Your angel will sing and smile for you, you will feel his love and be happy.

O! But how can I understand him, because I do not know his language? the child asked, gazing intently at God. “What should I do if I want to contact you?”
God gently touched the child's head and said:
- Your angel will put your hands together and teach you how to pray.

Find material for any lesson,

Option 5

  1. Listen to the text and write a concise summary. Please note that you must convey the main content of both each micro-topic and the entire text as a whole.

The volume of presentation is not less than 70 words.

Write your essay in neat, legible handwriting.

Part 2

Read the text and complete tasks 2 - 15.

(1) All mothers are different: young, beautiful, gray-haired and tired, kind and strict. (2) But until old age, they remain the same mothers for us. (3) After all, an adult, just like a child, needs mother's advice. (4) Only mom, no matter what, will support in any good undertakings, and sometimes help out in difficult times, forgive you for any mistake and failure, a rude word and misunderstanding. (5) Just sigh quietly, steal away a tear from sad eyes and ... forgive you.

(6) After all, a mother's heart is bottomless. (7) After all, a mother's heart is able to forgive you everything in the world. (8) Suddenly I remembered Biryukov’s poem about how the son, tearing out his mother’s heart, carried him to his cruel lover. (9) His path was not easy, on the slippery threshold he stumbled and fell. (10) And at that moment I heard my heart ask: “Are you hurt, son?” (11) Mom forgave her son's betrayal and his cruelty, because she could not do otherwise ...

(12) And mother's hands ... (13) Have you ever wondered how much mother's hands do for you, how hard they are, how restless - kind, gentle, strong and caring mother's hands. (14) They are the very first thing we felt in life when we came to this new, unfamiliar and wonderful world. (15) They pressed us to their chest, protecting us from adversity and anxiety. (16) Mom's hand will touch your hair, pat it playfully, and now all the troubles and sorrows are gone, as if mom took them away from you with her mother's hand. (17) The most precious treasure, the greatest value in our life - the hands of our mother! (18) Those who took upon themselves all the pain and cold, all the wounds and blows of life, all the hardships and bad weather - everything that protects us from adversity and allows us to be happy.

(19) Unfortunately, we rarely think about how much time and effort, how much labor and health, how much affection and care mom spends on us. (20) We grow up and, having left our home, we forget to call, write a couple of lines, sign a postcard for the holiday. (21) And mom is waiting! (22) And finds any excuse for our callousness, our busyness, our inattention.

(23) Unfortunately, many realize too late that they forgot to say a lot of good words to their mothers. (24) To prevent this from happening, you need to give warmth to mothers every day and hour, because grateful children are the best gift for them.

(25) No matter how much we talk about mom, this will not be enough. (26) Every mother will selflessly do everything for her child. (27) She will worry about your fate no matter how old you are. (28) She will scold her grown-up child, and then she will be happy for him and will definitely note all the good changes, that happened to her always little dear little man. (29) Mom will give everything for you to become a real person.

(According to I. Seliverstova) *

* Inna Seliverstova is a modern prose writer and poet.

2. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: “Why do mothers always forgive their children?”

1) Children, realizing their mistakes, always ask their mothers for forgiveness.

2) Children give their mothers warmth and care every day.

3) A mother's heart is bottomless and able to forgive everything.

4) Mothers, having scolded children for a bad deed, see their repentance.

3. In which answer option is hyperbole a means of expressiveness of speech?

1)All mothers are different: young, beautiful, gray-haired and tired, kind and strict.

2)After all, the heart of a mother is able to forgive you everything in the world.

3)Unfortunately, many realize too late that they forgot to say a lot of good words to their mothers.

4)She will worry about your fate no matter how old you are.

Answer: ___________________________________

4. From sentences 14-16 write out the word in which the spelling of the prefix is ​​​​determined by its value - “ accession».

Answer: _________________________________

5. From sentences 9-13, write out the word in which the spelling of the suffix is ​​determined by the rule: "In the suffixes of short passive participles of the past tense, one letter H is written."

6. Replace the colloquial word STEAL in sentence 5 with a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

Answer: _____________________________________________

7. Replace the phrase MOM'S ADVICE (sentence 3), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with the connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

Answer: __________________________________________________

8. Write down the grammatical basis of sentence 2.

Answer: ____________________________________________

9. Among sentences 13-18, find a sentence with a separate circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

10. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the number that indicates the comma at the introductory word.

Unfortunately, (1) we rarely think about (2) how much time and effort, (3) how much work and health, (4) how much affection and care mom spends on us. We grow up and, (5) having left our home, (6) forget to call, (7) write a couple of lines, (8) sign a postcard for the holiday.

Answer: ________________________________________

11. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in the sentence 28. Write down the answer with a number.

Answer: __________________________________________

12. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating link.

Mom's hand will touch your hair, (1) pat them playfully, (2) and now all the troubles and sorrows are gone, (3) as if mom took them away from you with her mother's hand. The most precious treasure, (4) the greatest value in our life - our mother's hands!

Answer: __________________________________________

13. Among sentences 13-18, find a complex sentence with consistent subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

14. Among sentences 6-11, find a non-union complex sentence. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: _______________________________________________

15.1. Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous philologist Grigory Yakovlevich Solganik: “As a sentence is built according to certain syntactic models, in the same way sentences in the text are connected according to certain rules.” Arguing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the read text. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations. You can write a work in a scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on linguistic material. You can start the essay with the words of G.Ya. Solganika. The essay must be at least 70 words. A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

15.2. Write an essay-reasoning. Explain how you understand the meaning of the final text: “Mom will give everything for you to become a real person”. In your essay, give 2 (two) arguments from the read text that confirm your reasoning. When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

15.3. How do you understand the meaning of the phrase MOTHER'S LOVE? Formulate and comment on your definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is motherly love", taking as a thesis the definition given by you. Arguing your thesis, give 2 (two) examples-arguments confirming your reasoning: one example- give an argument from the read text, and second - from your life experience. The essay must be at least 70 words. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

What could be stronger and more selfless than mother's love? A mother always takes care of her child. Since his birth, he spends sleepless nights by his bed, singing to his blood lullaby songs. Even when the children grow up and go on an independent path, the mother does not stop thinking about them for a minute and prays every minute for their health and well-being.

Children are often harsh and undeservedly offend their mother, but she always forgives and never remembers insults.

No matter how much effort and money a mother invests in her children, she never

he will not reproach them, but will give the last to the end so that his son or daughter is well and does not need anything.

The great power of maternal love is displayed in the film directed by S. Kolosov “Remember your name”. Mother withstood all the bitterness and trials that fell to her lot during the war years. While in a concentration camp, a woman, risking her life, made her way to her son to feed him with the meager food that she could get and hide for him. She asked for one thing for herself - to remember the name and nothing more. The main thing for her was the life of her child. With all her might, the mother tried to save her boy and save

him from the ordeals of wartime. Having survived the forced separation from her son, she tried to find him after the war. Only a mother could act so selflessly.

Mom's warmth and affection always warm children and help them feel protected in this difficult life. As long as the mother is alive, her adult children remain children to her. She is always busy and frankly rejoices at their infrequent visits. In our modern life sometimes it's hard to find time to just sit and talk to your mother. We are all in a hurry and we never have time. We postpone meetings and conversations with our mother until “later”. But it often happens that “later” does not come, and no one will ever be able to meet us at our native threshold.

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  1. A mother's love for her child is considered limitless. Mother endows him with tenderness, kindness, affection. She is always able to understand him, support him in a difficult moment, and never ...
  2. Mother's love is the strongest feeling. Without it, human life cannot be complete. The boundless love of the dearest person in the world is a support in ...
  3. Mother's love includes a whole set positive qualities, which are inherent in the mothers of the whole world. First of all, it is tender care, warmth and devotion, which...
  4. Mother's love is the strongest feeling on earth. She is boundless, faithful and sacrificial. A mother will always take care of her child, listen and understand him, support him in ...
  5. Mother's love is a sacred feeling that has great power. She is able to work miracles: to protect, save, prompt and revive. The basis of this boundless feeling are care,...
  6. Often, we fail to realize in time the power of the love that the closest person to us, our mother, experiences in our address. There is no such relationship...
  7. Everyone experiences love sooner or later. During this period, at the sight of an object of sighing, the breath is taken away, the legs give way, and the gift of speech disappears. I want to always be...
  8. People have always been interested in the question concerning the definition of the concept of feeling love? This term can be defined in different ways. The feeling of love is the personification of a trusting relationship with each other, and dreams ...
  9. It is impossible to give a short definition of love. Poems, songs and whole novels are dedicated to her, in the name of love they perform feats and discoveries. This amazing feeling makes a lover happy, ...
  10. Love is a feeling of warmth and tenderness in relation to another person, unconditional acceptance of him as a whole, or sympathy for a living being, the occurrence of which does not ...

Discourse on maternal love according to the text of Seliverstova All mothers are different: young, beautiful, gray-haired and tired, kind and strict (USE in Russian)

GIA 2014. Option No. 145 (parts A, B)

(1) All mothers are different: young, beautiful, gray-haired and tired, kind and strict. (2) But until old age, they remain the same mothers for us. (3) After all, an adult, just like a child, needs mother's advice. (4) Only mom, no matter what, will support in any good undertakings, and sometimes help out in difficult times, forgive you for any mistake and failure, a rude word and misunderstanding. (5) Just sigh quietly, steal away a tear from sad eyes and ... forgive you.

(6) After all, a mother's heart is bottomless. (7) After all, a mother's heart is able to forgive you everything in the world. (8) Suddenly I remembered Biryukov’s poem about how the son, tearing out his mother’s heart, carried him to his cruel lover. (9) His path was not easy, on the slippery threshold he stumbled and fell. (10) And at that moment I heard my heart ask: “Are you hurt, son?” (11) Mom forgave her son's betrayal and his cruelty, because she could not do otherwise ...

(12) And mother's hands ... (13) Have you ever wondered how much mother's hands do for you, how hard they are, how restless - kind, gentle, strong and caring mother's hands. (14) They are the very first thing we felt in life when we came to this new, unfamiliar and wonderful world. (15) They pressed us to their chest, protecting us from adversity and anxiety. (16) Mom's hand will touch your hair, pat it playfully, and now all the troubles and sorrows are gone, as if mom took them away from you with her mother's hand. (17) The most precious treasure, the greatest value in our life is the hands of our mother! (18) Those who took upon themselves all the pain and cold, all the wounds and blows of life, all the hardships and bad weather - everything that protects us from adversity and allows us to be happy.

(19) Unfortunately, we rarely think about how much time and effort, how much labor and health, how much affection and care mom spends on us. (20) We grow up and, having left our home, we forget to call, write a couple of lines, sign a postcard for the holiday. (21) And mom is waiting! (22) And finds any excuse for our callousness, our busyness, our inattention.

(23) Unfortunately, many realize too late that they forgot to say a lot of good words to their mothers. (24) To prevent this from happening, you need to give warmth to mothers every day and hour, because grateful children are the best gift for them.

(25) No matter how much we talk about mom, this will not be enough. (26) Every mother will selflessly do everything for her child. (27) She will worry about your fate no matter how old you are. (28) She will scold her grown-up child, and then she will be happy for him and will definitely note all the good changes that have happened to her always little dear little man. (29) Mom will give everything for you to become a real person.

(According to I. Seliverstova) *

* Seliverstova Inna is a modern prose writer and poet.

2. We carry out tasks

1. Replace the colloquial word "stealth" in sentence 5 as a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

2. Indicate the meaning in which the word "fate" is used in the text(proposition 27).

a) the course of events

b) fate

c) history of existence

d) coincidence

a) In the word CRUEL, all consonants are solid.

b) In the word BEYOND all consonants are voiced.

c) There are three syllables in the word DIFFERENT.

d) There are eight sounds in the word SMALL.

4. Among sentences 13 - 18, find

5. Among sentences 6 - 11, find

6. Replace the phrase "mom's advice"(sentence 3), built on the basis of agreement, by a synonymous phrase with the connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

7. Among sentences 13 - 18, find

8. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 28. Write down the answer in numbers.

10. Write down the grammar suggestions 2.

11. In which word is the spelling of the suffix determined by the rule: “In the suffixes of short passive participles of the past tense, one letter H is written”?

a) restless

b) difficult

c) overworked

12. Indicate the word with an alternating vowel in the root.

a) swipe

b) touch

c) donate

d) beautiful

13. In what word is the prefix always spelled the same, regardless of pronunciation?

a) disinterestedly

b) remembered

c) bottomless

d) took

14. Among sentences 13 - 18, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

15. Among sentences 6 - 11, find non-union complex sentence. Write the number of this offer.

16. Among sentences 13 - 18, find special offer. Write the number of this offer.

17. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the number that indicates the comma at the introductory word.

Unfortunately, (1) we rarely think about (2) how much time and effort, (3) how much labor and health, (4) how much affection and care mom spends on us. We grow up and, (5) having left our home, (6) forget to call, (7) write a couple of lines, (8) sign a postcard for the holiday.

18. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating link.

Mom's hand will touch your hair, (1) pat them playfully, (2) and now all the troubles and sorrows are gone, (3) as if mom took them away from you with her mother's hand. The most precious treasure, (4) the greatest value in our life is the hands of our mother!

19. Which answer option contains the information necessary to justify the answer to the question:"Why do mothers always forgive their children?"

a) Children, realizing their mistakes, always ask their mothers for forgiveness.

b) Children give their mothers warmth and care every day.

c) Mothers always find any excuse for their children.

d) Mothers, having scolded children for a bad deed, see their repentance.

20. In which answer option is hyperbole a means of expressiveness of speech?

a) All mothers are different: young, beautiful, gray-haired and tired, kind and strict.

b) After all, a mother's heart is able to forgive you everything in the world.

c) Unfortunately, many people realize too late that they forgot to say a lot of good words to their mothers.

d) She will worry about your fate no matter how old you are.

GIA 2014. Option No. 146 (parts A, B)

1. We read the text very carefully

(1) In the suburbs of one of the most ordinary cities, the most ordinary family lived: father Vitya, mother Vika, son Mitya and daughter Nika. (2) The children were obedient, but they did not like to go to bed very much. (3) Every evening there was a scandal:

- (4) Children, go to bed! (5) It’s already late ... - Father Vitya was angry.

- (6) Well, dad, can we play for another half an hour? (7) Daddy, please, the children asked.

(8) So today the children didn’t want to go to sleep at all.

- (9) I'll give you ten minutes, - dad said angrily and left the room.

- (10) Let's collect the toys and go to bed, - said mom.
(11) In the end, the children lay down in their beds and closed their eyes.

(12) Midnight struck. (13) And suddenly Mitya saw that something unusual began to happen in the room. (14) Children's toys began to come to life: dolls straightened their dresses and hairstyles, soldiers cleaned their guns, cars checked their wheels, soft toys stretched sweetly. (15) Mitya pretended to be asleep, and they did not notice that the boy was watching them. (16) On the next bed, the sister also did not sleep and looked at the toys with all her eyes.

- (17) Vika, - the brother whispered to the girl, - our toys came to life ...

- (18) I see.

- (19) Toys, are you alive? (20) How can this be? the girl couldn't bear.

- (21) Oh-oh-oh, they see us, - the dolls squeaked, - now everyone will know our secret.

- (22) No, no, what are you, we will not reveal your secret to anyone. (23) Really, Mitya?

- (24) True, - the boy agreed, - why do you only come to life at night? (25) It would be great if you were always alive! (26) The children got out of bed and sat on the floor, surrounded by toys.

- (27) This is how we are arranged, - the soldiers said. - (28) If they carefully play with us, if they don’t scatter us, don’t break us, then we come to life and protect the sleep and peace of our owners, and if vice versa, then we leave forever.

(29) Nika picked up her favorite doll.

- (30) Let's play? the girl suggested.

- (31) Hooray! (32) Let's go! - toys started fussing.

- (33) You need to sleep, you will get up badly in the kindergarten tomorrow, - said the bear - it was an old toy that my mother probably played with.

- (34) Well, - Mitya was afraid to offend the old bear, - and tomorrow we will go to bed early to play with you with all the living.

(35) The boy shook the hand of the soldiers, stroked the dog Tishka on the head, put the cars in the garage. - (36) Nika, let's sleep, and tomorrow we'll play with toys again!

- (37) Good, - yawning, the girl said and fell asleep.

(38) In the morning, dad woke up the children:

- (39) Dad, dad, do you know what happened tonight ... - Mitya began, but then he remembered the promise to keep the secret. - (40) I had a dream.

- (41) Well, sleep is great, - dad laughed.

(42) Mitya did not tell anyone about his secret. (43) Now he went to bed early, and every night the toys came to life and played with the children until the old bear told them to go to bed.

(44) Of course, it was a dream. (45) But it's good that children believe in good dreams!

(According to L. Volkova)*

2. We carry out tasks

1. Replace the colloquial word "started" in sentence 32 as a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this synonym.

2. Indicate the meaning in which the word "save" is used in the text(Proposition 39).

a) keep it up

b) save

c) capture

d) keep in mind

3. Specify an erroneous judgment.

a) In the word OLD, all consonants are solid.

b) There are more sounds in the word BREAK than letters.

c) The word NIGHT has two syllables.

d) In the word SLEEP, all consonants are deaf.

4. Among sentences 24 - 28, find a complex sentence with homogeneous subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.

5. Among sentences 34 - 38 find special offer. Write the number of this offer.

6. Write out the grammatical basis offers 19.

7. Replace the phrase "children's toys"(proposal 14), built on the basis of agreement, by a synonymous phrase with the connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

8. Among sentences 11 - 16, find non-union complex sentence. Write the number of this offer.

9. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down a number indicating a comma between parts of a complex sentence connected by a coordinating link.

In the suburbs of one of the most ordinary cities, the most ordinary family lived: father Vitya, (1) mother Vika, (2) son Mitya and daughter Nika. The children were obedient, (3) but they did not like to go to bed very much. Every evening there was a scandal:

- Children, (4) go to bed! It’s already late…” Papa Vitya was angry.

- Well, (5) dad, (6) another half hour, can we play?

10. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 43. Write down the answer in a number.

11. Indicate the word with an alternating vowel in the root.

a) got out

b) collect

c) come alive

d) bed

12. In what word is the spelling of the prefix determined by its meaning - “location near something”?

a) pretended

b) dreamed

c) hairstyles

d) suburb

13. In what word is the spelling of the suffix determined by the rule: “In short passive participles of the past tense, one letter H is written”?

a) carefully

b) unusual

c) arranged

d) excellent

14. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas at the introductory word.

- You need to sleep, (1) you will get up badly in the kindergarten tomorrow, (2) - said the bear - it was an old toy, (3) with which she played, (4) probably, (5) still mom.

- Well, (6) - Mitya was afraid to offend the old bear, (7) - and tomorrow we will go to bed early, (8) to play with you with all the living.

15. Which answer option contains the information necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: "Why didn't Mitya tell anyone about his dream?"

a) Mitya was afraid that dad would laugh at him.

b) Mitya was afraid that the toys that protected his sleep and peace would take revenge on him.

c) Mitya was afraid that if he told about his dream, then the toys would not play with him.

d) Mitya felt responsible for this promise.

16. In which answer option is a phraseological unit a means of expressiveness of speech?

a) Finally, the children lay down in their beds and closed their eyes.

b) The children were obedient, but did not like to go to bed very much.

c) The children pretended to be asleep in order to continue playing when their parents go to bed.

d) It would be great if you were always alive!

Source: FIPI Open bank of tasks GIA - 2014

ExerciseC2.2- this is an essay-reasoning about the meaning of a passage from the source text. This means that the main content of such an essay will be the analysis of the information contained in the text, the awareness of the explicit and hidden meanings that the author has invested
into words, phrases, sentences. To complete the task, do the following:
1) read the text, highlight the fragment indicated in the task;
2) think about the meaning of the fragment, having penetrated into the author's intention, realizing the explicit and hidden meanings of all the words and phrases included in the selected fragment, metaphorical, figurative expressions and the position of the author;
3) formulate your own opinion about the meaning of the fragment;
4) give two arguments confirming the correct understanding of the meaning of the fragment;
5) select two examples from the source text that support your argument;
6) when giving examples, use citations or indicate in brackets the numbers of sentences that are referenced in the course of reasoning;
7) arrange the text compositionally; remember that the essay must meet the requirements for a reasoning text, that is, contain a thesis, arguments and conclusion:

    introduction - a message about reading the text in the selected fragment;

    the main part is the interpretation and commenting of the selected fragment in order to demonstrate the correct understanding of its meaning; proof of the correct understanding of the meaning of the highlighted passage by selecting examples from the source text;

    conclusion - a conclusion about the correct understanding of a text fragment;

8) develop the idea so that the volume of the essay is at least 70 words;
9) write in such a way that the examiner can read what is written without difficulty, that is, follow the requirements of calligraphy.

GIA. C2.2. How to write an essay-reasoning on a topic related to text analysis. Workshop №3

I. Read carefully text.

(1) One autumn I was traveling from Moscow to Leningrad. (2) My companion turned out to be a small man with narrow, but very lively eyes. (3) This man was carrying a large box of oil paints and rolls of canvas. (4) It was not difficult to guess that this was an artist.
(5) We talked. (6) My fellow traveler said that he was going near the city of Tikhvin, where he had a forester friend, would live with him and write autumn.
-(7) And why do you climb so far, under Tikhvin? I asked. - (8) There I have chosen one place, - the artist answered confidentially. - All places have a place! (9) You will not find such a second anywhere. (10) Pure aspen forest. (11) In some places there are rare spruces. (12) Aspen gives such an elegant dress as no other tree. (13) She has a clean coloring sheet. (14) Purple, lemon, lilac and even black with gold. (15) Under the sun, a magnificent fire is obtained. (16) I will work there until winter, and in winter I will go to the shore of the Gulf of Finland, beyond Leningrad. (17) There, you know, the best frost in Russia. (18) Nowhere have I seen such frost.
- (19) And you make a guide for artists, where to write, - I said, of course joking.
- (20) What do you think! - seriously answered the artist. - It's easy to compose, but it just doesn't make sense. (21) Everyone will crowd into one place, and now everyone is looking for beauty for themselves separately. (22) And this is not an example better.
- (23) Why?
- (24) The country is revealed more diversely. (25) There is so much charm on Russian land that all the artists who live on it will have enough of it for thousands of years. (26) But you know, - he added with alarm, - something a person has already begun to trample and ruin the earth. (27) But earthly beauty is a sacred thing, it is a great thing in our social life. (28) This is one of our ultimate goals. (29) I don’t know about you, but I am convinced of this. (30) Without understanding the beauty of the earth, what kind of advanced person can be.

(According to K. Paustovsky)

/ Text taken from the following source: Egoraeva G.T. State final certification 9th grade. Russian language. Training test tasks /G.T.Egoraeva, E.L.Erokhina, T.I.Kozlova. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2010 /

II. Read carefully task C2.2
C2.2. Write essay-discussion. Explain how you understand the meaning of the last phrase of the text: “But earthly beauty is a sacred thing. it is a great thing in our social life. This is one of our ultimate goals."
Lead in essay two arguments from the read text, confirming your reasoning.
When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.
The essay must be at least 70 words.
Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

III.Cooking working materials

thesis - arguments - conclusion. by the address.

2) Clearly imagine what

a) In the first part need to put forward thesis, phrases: "And earthly beauty is a sacred thing, it is a great thing in our social life. This is one of our ultimate goals". Before we select the material for the first part, let's try to look into the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov and give a lexical interpretation of some words from the above phrase. sacred- extremely honorable and exceptional in importance. Social- public, related to the life of people and their relations in society.

b) We give arguments on the thesis put forward by us, based on the text. Do we agree with the author of the above phrase. Yes, of course we agree. Why? First, because "earthly beauty" makes you take a different look at the world around you, see it not with your eyes, but with your heart (13, 14, 15). Secondly, a person is responsible for this beauty to his descendants, he does not have the right to "trample and ruin the earth", otherwise what kind of "advanced person" is he (26, 30) - arguments.

c) Preserving the beauty of the earth, not destroying, but multiplying it - this is our "ultimate goal", an extremely honorable and exceptionally important mission of man. Only then will we build a worthy future for our children and grandchildren. Such conclusion.

IV. Let's start writing reasoning essays.

I bring to your attention an essay-reasoning on this text.

I absolutely agree with the words said by the artist: "And earthly beauty is a sacred thing, it is a great thing in our social life. This is one of our ultimate goals.".

Firstly, because "earthly beauty" makes even the most ordinary person take a different look at the world around him, see it not with his eyes, but with his heart (13,14,15). "There is so much charm on Russian soil that all the artists who live on it will have enough of it for thousands of years" (25).

Secondly, a person is responsible for this "earthly beauty" to his descendants, he has no right "to trample and ruin the earth", otherwise what kind of "advanced person" is he (26, 30).

Therefore, to preserve the beauty of the earth, not to destroy, but to increase it - this is our "ultimate goal", extremely honorable and exceptional in importance human mission. Only then will we build a worthy future for our children and grandchildren.

GIA. C2.2. How to write an essay-reasoning on a topic related to text analysis. Workshop №1

I. Read carefully text.

(1) When Seryozha thinks about who he should be, his thoughts begin to jump in disarray, and he is even surprised at his inconstancy.

"(2) Why, for no reason at all, do I think about Antarctica or about the stamps of Madagascar? - he philosophizes at such moments. - (3) After all, it seems I can think or not think, but somehow I think. ( 4) If I want to, I won’t be either a mathematician or an engineer, but I’ll be a driver, or a geologist, or, like my mother and father, a designer. Scythian burial mounds, unraveling ancient parchments ... (6) Why am I such that I cannot understand myself?
(7) And Seryozha asks his father:
- (8) Dad, how did you know that you want to be a designer?
(9) He asks this already about his own, probably for the hundredth time and knows everything in advance: how his father graduated from school, then worked at a Siberian construction site - he drove hefty dump trucks, then he entered the car building and met his mother there. (10) And while the father recalls his youth with pleasure, Seryozhka thinks about his own: "(11) For some reason, everything was simple before. (12) People knew who they want to be, who they need to study for. (13) And here you are standing like Ilya Muromets, and you don’t know: will you go to the left, will you go to the right, or will you go straight?
(14) And for some reason he remembered the dog that was running after him. (15) She ran for so long, but only he wanted to pick her up, bring her home, as she fled. (16) What was she, stupid, afraid of? ..
- (17) What are you thinking about? - asks the father, interrupting his story.
- (18) Dad, is the dog a smart creature? (19) Does she understand what you are saying to her?
- (20) In my opinion, he understands.
- (21) And how can a person understand what she feels?
- (22) Probably, we need to teach her to speak, - dad jokes.
- (23) Dad, I seem to have decided: I will be a veterinarian.
- (24) Well, as you know, - the father shrugs his shoulders and leaves the room. (25) Offended, or what?
- (26) A veterinarian is a good specialty! - shouts behind the wall father.
(27) No, not offended. (28) But, unfortunately, adults do not understand anything. (29) You say something by accident, and they decide ... (30) And here it is important not to make a mistake.

(According to E. Veltistov)

/ Text taken from the following source: GIA-2011: Exam in a new form: Russian language: 9th grade: Training options for examination papers for the final state certification in a new form / ed. I.P. Tsybulko, L.S. Stepanova. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2011 /

II.Read carefully task C2.2.
C2.2. Write essay-discussion. Explain how you understand the meaning of the last words of the text: “And here it is important not to make a mistake.”

Lead in essay two arguments from the read text, confirming your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations.

The essay must be at least 70 words.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

III.Cooking working materials

1) Pay attention to the fact that we are writing an essay-reasoning. So, it is necessary to remember what its construction is, i.e. composition, the algorithm of its writing. The essay-reasoning consists of three parts: thesis - arguments - conclusion. More details can be seen at by the address.

2) Clearly imagine what it is necessary to write in each part of the essay on this text.

a) In the first part need to put forward thesis, those. explain how we understand the meaning of the following phrase: "And here it is important not to make a mistake" . Looking again at the text, we understand that the hero is faced with a choice, before choosing a future profession. And why can he make a mistake" ? Yes, because he “likes” many specialties, he himself is still “surprised at his inconstancy” (1).

b) We give arguments on the thesis put forward by us, based on the text. The boy really likes many professions. What is Serezha interested in? Here are quotes from the text: "I will be a driver" (4 sentences), "or a geologist" (4), "or, like a father and mother, a designer" (4). Seryozha "is drawn to go to the North" (5), he "wants to dig up Scythian mounds" (5), "to unravel ancient parchments" (5), or maybe he will become a "veterinarian" (23). it The second part our essays, i.e. arguments.

c) Seryozha understands that choosing a future specialty is a very important, responsible step. In the meantime, he stands, "like Ilya Muromets", does not know what profession to choose, but someday he will definitely decide. The most important thing is not to make a mistake. Such conclusion.

IV. Let's start writing reasoning essays.

I bring to your attention the compositions of ninth graders on this text.

I understand the phrase "And here it is important not to make a mistake" as follows: every person at a certain stage of life makes decisions that are significant for himself, and it is important that the decision made is correct, "it is important not to make a mistake", especially if this choice concerns the future profession.

So Seryozhka, the hero of E.S. Veltistov’s stories, is faced with a choice: who to be, what specialty to give preference to?! The final choice has not yet been made. Sometimes he wants to "dig up Scythian mounds, unravel ancient parchments .." When he remembered a dog running after him in the street, he decided to become a "veterinarian".

So, it is still difficult for Seryozhka to make the final choice of a future profession, the boy is still in search. But since he understands that "it is important not to make a mistake", then I think: the hero will make the right decision.

Kochnev Andrey, 9b

"And here it is important not to make a mistake ..." I understand this phrase as follows: "it is important not to make a mistake" when choosing a future specialty.

Seryozhka does not know who to become. He likes many professions: he wants to become a "driver", "geologist", "like a father and mother, a designer" (4). He is "drawn to go to the North", he wants to "dig up Scythian mounds", "unravel ancient parchments" (5). Or maybe become a "veterinarian" (23)?

Therefore, Seryozhka has not yet decided who he will be. However, he is serious about choosing a profession and understands that he has no right to make a mistake.

Budanin Vitaly, 9b

GIA. C2 (5 samples of essays on linguistic topics)

The source text for these works was the story of A. Pristavkin "Stars".

Source text.

Read the text

(1) There were eleven of us in the room. (2) Each of us had a father at the front. (3) And at every funeral that came to the orphanage, eleven little hearts sank. (4) But the black sheets went to other bedrooms. (5) And we rejoiced a little and began to wait for the fathers again. (6) it was the only feeling that did not fade throughout the war.

(7) We learned that the war was over. (8) It happened on a clear May morning, when the first sticky leaves stuck to the spring blue sky. (9) Someone sighed softly and opened the window wide open. (10) There was an unusually loud laugh. (11) And suddenly all of us, eleven people, realized that we had won, that we were waiting for our fathers.

(12) An evening was being prepared in the orphanage, Vitka Kozyrev was learning a song:

(13)The windows light up all evening

Like snowdrops in spring.

(14)We will soon meet

With our own army.

(15) Other guys also wanted to sing this song, but Kozyrev said:

(16) - Guys, I've been waiting for my father longer than you. (17) He left to fight with the White Finns ...

(18) And we decided that Vitka Kozyrev is a bit of an individual peasant, but he has a good father and is very beautifully photographed with military orders. (19) Therefore, let Vitka sing.

(20) A quiet evening has come. (21) The stars shone through the gray pollen, and they seemed to us like stars from soldier caps - just stretch out your hand and touch with your fingers ... (22) And that the light comes from them for a long time, it’s just a lie. (23) The stars were nearby, we knew that very well that evening. (24) The postwoman appeared, but we were no longer alert when she arrived. (25) We went to the window and asked who the letter was to. (26) Kozyrev was handed a piece of paper. (27) And suddenly the bedroom fell silent. (28) But we understood that someone was screaming. (29) It was incomprehensible and scary.

(30) “We inform you that your father, Major Kozyrev, died a heroic death on May 7, 1945.”

(31) There were eleven of us in the bedroom, and ten of them were silent. (32) The cool May night breathed through the window. (33) Distant stars shone. (34) And it was clear that the light from them went for a long time.

Sample 1.

“The word was given to a person not for self-satisfaction, but for the embodiment and transmission of that thought, that feeling, that share of truth or inspiration that he possesses to other people” (V.G. Korolenko).

I understand the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian writer as follows: a word, having a certain lexical meaning, is able to convey both the thought and feelings of a person. Writers are especially attentive to the word; from several close in meaning, they choose one that would most accurately reflect the intention (idea) of their work. Examples of this can be found in the text.

In sentence 4, A. Pristavkin calls the funerals “black sheets”. Using a paraphrase, the author shows what feelings these messages evoked in children: fear of death, fear of losing a loved one, perhaps the only one ...

In sentence 21, the writer uses the word stars in two meanings at once: one - in the meaning of "celestial bodies", the other - in the meaning of "badge of military distinction". It seems to me that, using this technique, the author wanted to show the inaccessibility for the children of his fathers, exactly the same as the inaccessibility of distant stars.

Both of these examples help the reader understand the author's thoughts about the plight of wartime children. Thus, it can be argued that VG Korolenko's statement about the purpose of the word is true.

Sample 2.

"The noun is the bread of the tongue"(L.V. Uspensky)

“The noun is the bread of the language,” wrote L.V. Uspensky. One cannot but agree with this statement. The noun is the first and main part of the speech of any language, because it gives the name to various objects, feelings, phenomena, states. This part of speech, one might say, is the main color in the palette of speech, and therefore its role can hardly be overestimated. Let's try to show this with examples from the text.

In sentences 2, 5, 11 A. Pristavkin uses the word "father". It seems to be a neutral word. However, it is precisely this that gives the context a certain “severe” coloring. Not a soft homely "daddy", namely "father". I think that it was with this noun that the author wanted to show the adulthood of children who had to live in harsh times.

Another example would be the noun “postman” from sentence 24. In a work of fiction, it may seem superfluous, but the use of such words is justified by the author’s specific purpose to present here a specific environment and a specific character. This colloquial word stylistically colors the text and helps to draw the image of a little orphanage hero, on whose behalf the narration is being conducted.

So, nouns are really the basis of speech, or, as L.V. Uspensky said, "the bread of the language."

Sample 3.

“Punctuation marks make it possible to say much more in writing than can be written in letters. They help to express various meanings and feelings coloring them ”(G.G. Granik, S.M. Bondarenko)

The statement of G.G. Granik and S.M. Bondarenko that punctuation marks “help to express various meanings and ... feelings” is true. Let's try to prove this with examples from the text.

In sentence 11, the author uses a separate application. The pronoun "we", from the point of view of the author, required clarification - "eleven people". This is important for revealing the author's idea, because as many as eleven children immediately realized that they had waited for their fathers. Emphasis marks - commas - helped to design the application.

In sentences 33, 34 A. Pristavkin used the method of parceling. This is a special means of expressiveness that allows the writer to enhance the semantic and expressive shades of meaning. Each of the proposals seems to acquire great significance. In addition, parcelling, as it were, slows down the narration, making it possible to reflect on what has been read for a longer time. For registration of the parcel, the separation sign - a dot - is used.

Sample 4.

Can written language be exactly like spoken language? No, just as a spoken language can never be completely similar to the written one ”(A.S. Pushkin).

Of course, A.S. Pushkin is right: the differences between written and oral speech essential.

In written speech, words and expressions of book styles are used, they are not typical for ordinary, relaxed communication. A. Pristavkin's text refers to the artistic style. And the main goal of this style is to create an image with the help of special visual means. Let's try to see these signs. For example, in sentence 3, the metaphor “eleven little hearts stopped” gives seriousness and at the same time touching to the moment. In sentence 20, the author uses the epithet "quiet evening" to create a certain mood in the reader.

In addition, the structure of sentences in written speech is more complicated than in oral speech (for example, sentences 11, 18).

Oral speech is mainly used for informal communication. Words and expressions used in oral speech are usually simpler than those used in writing. In the text of Pristavkin there are signs of a conversational style. Firstly, the text is saturated with words with diminutive and derogatory suffixes: “leaves” (sentence 8), “Vitka” (sentence 12). Secondly, there are colloquial words and expressions here: “lies”, “postman”, “we understood”.

So, we have seen from the examples from the text that the written language cannot be similar to the spoken language.

Sample 5.

“The artist thinks in images, he draws, shows, depicts. This is the specificity of the language of fiction” (G.Ya.Solganik).

The Russian language is called one of the richest languages ​​in the world. This is expressed not only in a large number of words and grammatical patterns in it. To express a thought figuratively, special language means help. Let's dwell on some of them.

For example, in sentence 27 (“And suddenly the bedroom fell silent”) A. Pristavkin uses such a tool as metonymy, that is, the use of one name instead of another. Here, the word "bedroom" refers to all those who are in it. It seems to me that, using this trope, the author wanted to convey the feeling of unity of children in a common misfortune.

In sentence 8, the author chose the epithet “clean” for the noun “morning”. What role does this adjective play in the writer's intention? Let's turn to the text. On this "clear May morning" the war ended. This event is long-awaited and joyful for children. On the one hand, the writer, as it were, contrasts the purity of the world and the dirt of war, on the other hand, he, having created a light, joyful mood in the reader at the beginning, makes him feel more acutely all the pain of the loss of a little man.

The composition of the OGE (GIA): What is motherly love?

What is motherly love? I think this is the selfless, sacrificial feeling of a mother for her child. For the sake of the children, the mother is ready to give all her time, strength, even life, if the child is in trouble.

You can verify this by reading the text of the modern prose writer and poet Seliverstova Inna. So, in sentences 8-11, the author tells that the son tore out the heart of his mother in order to please his cruel lover. Surprisingly, even in such a situation, the mother did not get angry, she forgave "the betrayal of her son and his cruelty, because she cannot do otherwise ..."

What is maternal love, I know firsthand. Remembering my early childhood, I understand that the most difficult moments of it, my mother was always with me. I was often sick, and my mother cared for me carefully, affectionately, without getting tired.

It's good to have mothers in our lives! It is important that we do not forget to take care of them, to help them.

Text I. Seliverstova

(1) All mothers are different: young, beautiful, gray-haired and tired, kind and strict. (2) But until old age, they remain the same mothers for us. (3) After all, an adult, just like a child, needs mother's advice. (4) Only mom, no matter what, will support in any good undertakings, and sometimes help out in difficult times, forgive you for any mistake and failure, a rude word and misunderstanding. (5) Just sigh quietly, steal away a tear from sad eyes and ... forgive you.

(6) After all, a mother's heart is bottomless. (7) After all, a mother's heart is able to forgive you everything in the world. (8) Suddenly I remembered Biryukov’s poem about how the son, tearing out his mother’s heart, carried him to his cruel lover. (9) His path was not easy, on the slippery threshold he stumbled and fell. (10) And at that moment I heard my heart ask: “Are you hurt, son?” (11) Mom forgave her son's betrayal and his cruelty, because she could not do otherwise ...

(12) And mother's hands ... (13) Have you ever wondered how much mother's hands do for you, how hard they are, how restless - kind, gentle, strong, caring mother's hands. (14) They are the very first thing we felt in life when we came to this new, unfamiliar and wonderful world. (15) They pressed us to their chest, protecting us from adversity and anxiety. (16) Mom's hand will touch your hair, pat it playfully, and now all the troubles and sorrows are gone, as if mom took them away from you with her mother's hand. (17) The most precious treasure, the greatest value in our life - the hands of our mother! (18) Those who took upon themselves all the pain and cold, all the wounds and blows of life, all the hardships and bad weather - everything that protects us from adversity and allows us to be happy.

(19) Unfortunately, we rarely think about how much time and effort, how much labor and health, how much affection and care mom spends on us. (20) We grow up and, having left our home, we forget to call, write a couple of lines, sign a postcard for the holiday. (21) And mom is waiting! (22) And finds any excuse for our callousness, our busyness, our inattention.

(23) Unfortunately, many realize too late that they forgot to say a lot of good words to their mothers. (24) To prevent this from happening, you need to give warmth to mothers every day and hour, because grateful children are the best gift for them.

(25) No matter how much we talk about mom, this will not be enough. (26) Every mother will selflessly do everything for her child. (27) She will worry about your fate no matter how old you are. (28) She will scold her grown-up child, and then she will be happy for him and will definitely note all the good changes that have happened to her always little dear little man. (29) Mom will give everything for you to become a real person.

(According to I. Seliverstova)


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