Solemn line on September 1 of the year. Scenarios of the day of knowledge for the holiday line. September ― Script in the Library

Scenario line September 1, 2017-2018 academic year
Good morning, dear guests, teachers, dear parents!
Host 2:
Good - not only because of the clear weather, but above all because of the good that it brings us.
Indeed, today is the day of the beginning of studies, new meetings with a huge world of knowledge that teachers are ready to open to us.
Good mood to you and to those who came here for the first time, and to those who have lived so many interesting and useful years in our school.
Host 2:
Good luck to all guests and participants of our holiday!
Presenter 1
Here comes September! And with him you are in the courtyard of our beloved school.
Lead 2
Look around. Next to you are teachers and friends that you probably missed.
Presenter 1
Take a closer look. Friends have changed. They matured exactly 1 year in three months, because you moved to the next class.
Lead 2
And today for us begins a new year, a new school year. And it is with this that we congratulate all of you, dear children.
We wish you success in your studies! Let your classes remain the same friendly, because together it will be easier to solve problems.
September has come, summer is over,
The holiday of knowledge, study, marks has come.
Children, parents, teachers,
Happy holiday, friends!
Presenter 1:
A solemn and exciting moment is coming at our holiday. After all, now those who came to the first class for the first time will enter here. Let's greet them and invite Oksana Evgenievna Tonkikh with our first teacher.
(Grade 1 enters with music).
The song "School years" sounds
Presenter 1: Tatyana Vasilievna! The teaching and student staff of the "Basic comprehensive school in the village of Amgun" is ready for the start of the new 2017-2018 academic year. Allow the festive line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge to be considered open.
Principal: The line dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year should be considered open!
Host 2:
Russia! Russia!
The state is great!
Native, powerful and many-sided!
You are the source of inspiration and life!
And the native school is your island!
Let the heart beat louder
The anthem of our great Russia sounds!
Presenter 1
School! Attention!
During the performance of the national anthem of Russia, stand still!
The anthem of Russia is being performed
Host 2:
The situation is not new
And quite understandable
If the director took the floor,
All in complete silence.
Looking forward to every time
What will he tell us now?
The floor for greetings is given to the director of the school Gainislamova Tatyana Vasilievna.

Hello, school! You are not just a building, You are like a home for us. Every morning for a date We carefully prepare with you!
Hello school! We write awkward poems about you with excitement. . .Every year replenishment comes, And graduates go into life. . .
There are various holidays throughout the year.
And today is your holiday.
First graders go for the first time
To your friendly school class.
Yesterday only you were told "baby"
Sometimes called "prankster"
Today you are sitting at your desk, And your name is First Grader.
Today is not just Knowledge Day, today is the birthday of the new academic year.
Host 2:
I have a surprise for you
Now 1st class will perform here
What's the surprise?
And the fact that without such guys is impossible,
They, you will see for yourself,
They want to study only "excellent".
Performance of first graders
1. Who said that there are questions (Boldyreva Milena) Unbearable for us? It is no coincidence that this autumn
We are in first grade.
We, going to this holiday, We know: this is our holiday! After all, today the first grader is the most important character.
Everyone around was so happy - Today, you and I are at school!
And they jumped for joy
Even the price of flowers!
2. How many joyful, cheerful (Timofeev Nikolai) Faces are everywhere - look!
Personally, the principal of the school
Smiled three times!
3. Now the first school bell will ring, (Kulikov)
The teacher will start the first lesson with us,
Show us the school, show us the class
He will tell his story about the life of the country.
And you, our mothers, do not dare to roar!
Loom under the windows, make a loud noise.
So that we are not ashamed of you at school,
After all, the school charter is for everyone ...
And for you!
4. Admire us all, (Kristina Odokienko)
And remember us.
We promise the best
Will be at school...
All: First class!
5. I dreamed about books today (Dove Sophia)
They walked in formation, lay down in a briefcase,
Pencils in a notebook
They wrote: “It's okay!
We are clean, tidy, new,
We are ready to study!”

6. We are now very big, (Vlada Proyavchenko)
We came to school.
And now no one will say
That we are babies.
Stay home dolls
I'm going to school
No time to play now
I will read books!
7. A lot of different new knowledge (Grishinkova Vera) Will bring a lesson for us,
And we are ready to learn
Like no one before us could!
It is necessary that the school know, Know our names - Write them from the class magazine They are in history!
We want the Feast of Knowledge to become our day from now on!
"Good luck" wish us, Well, we won't let you down!
Dear kids! Put your ears on top!
Now the luminaries of all school sciences will turn to you.
Masters of control and essays.
Professors for passing tests and exams.
Inventors newest species cribs.
The oldest students in the school are ninth graders.
And I'm happy to give them the floor.
Presentation by ninth graders.
1 Dear first graders! Today is the happiest day of your life!
Today you came to us just as boys and girls.
And in just a few minutes you will become students of our school.
And we, as her oldest students, want to give you some advice!
2 We are a little older than you,
And burning with desire
Give you orders
And our wishes!
3 "Gnawing" science for later
You don't leave.
Then there is soup with a cat!
Read more!
4. So that conversations “on the carpet”
Were very rare
Don't fight in the yard
Do not "pull" the neighbor!
5 Be polite to everyone
Don't be rude to elders
All quickly for a change
Don't rush!
6 Love physical education -
Useful in life
Adjust the figure
Pump up your muscles.
7. And you all need to remember:
The strength of the mind is more important!
Faith, friendship - that's what is sacred!
With them you are stronger.
8. Smile more often
Laugh out loud.
Respond to misfortune
By my kindness.
9. Well, bolder on a long journey
School, interesting!
Don't forget on the road
Home, friends and a song!
10. Dear our first class, We give such an order:
Wake up early in the morning
Wash well
In order not to yawn at school,
Do not peck at the desk with your nose.
Train yourself to be in order.
Don't play hide and seek with things.
Treasure every book
Keep your briefcase clean.
Dress neatly
To be pleasant to watch.
Don't giggle in class.
Don't move the table back and forth.
Don't tease, don't be arrogant.
Try to help everyone at school.
Take care of our school
And love your teachers!
That's all our advice.
They are wiser and easier.
You, my friend, do not forget them.
Start your school journey!
Graduates give gifts and flowers to first-graders
Host 2:
Special congratulations, thanks,
We want to dedicate warm lines
Those who school, study and children
He gave most of his life in the world.
Presenter 1
We know that wisdom, patience, experience
They will help in any circumstances of life.
We have learned from you and will continue to learn
And we promise to work hard!
Presenter 1
We welcome the kindest...
Lead 2
The most responsive...
Presenter 1
The most understanding...
Lead 2
The fairest...
Presenters 1 and 2
our dear teachers.
Presenter 1
Teachers are like us
And they are always waiting for the holidays, too,
But they manage to rest
And again inspired to go.
Lead 2
We wish you happiness our school,
Her native teachers!
Flowers that are more tender and more beautiful than all,
Let me present to you.

Presenter 1
May you have more joy
Tenderness, love, flowers, kindness.
Well, we will try to grow so
To never upset you.

Host 2: It's time for the school meeting.
May our dreams come true.
Presenter 1
Today we ask all students: To be a master at school, not a guest. There are many schools, but this one is like an undiscovered planet for you, which you will have to know! Love, cherish, preserve longer.
So, a solemn moment is coming. A minute of attention! Freeze, student! Now it will ring out, your first call, you will be invited to the first lesson.
Presenter 1: The right to give a call is provided by ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
We wish you only success in the new academic year, guys!
Bon Voyage!
Presenter 1: About our school we can say:
She's in a good mood!
Enviable past!
And a great future!
Host 2:
According to our tradition, the youngest students enter the school first - the 1st grade, and high school students lead them to classes.
(taking by the hand - they leave, music sounds)
On this solemn line, dedicated to the holiday The first call and the Day of Knowledge is declared closed.

The beginning of the school year should be significant for every child, especially for a first grader who crosses the threshold of the school for the first time. That is why the teachers responsible for organizing this event at school must carefully prepare for it, think over an interesting scenario. In this article, we will present you with several options for what you can do on the line dedicated to the First Bell.

To the solemn fanfare, the host appears on the stage (it should be someone from the teaching staff), who should greet all those present at the celebration. Her words should be roughly like this:

“Greetings to all participants of our holiday! Dear children, their parents, our respected teachers, today for the umpteenth time the first bell will sound for the children who will study at our school in the first grade. This first bell will be the last for those who graduate this school year. Let's celebrate this holiday with good mood and greet each other with loud and noisy applause."

After that, the leading children appear on the stage. It is desirable that there be a guy and a girl among the leaders. They say text:

After these words, the presenter or presenter gives the floor to the director, so that he opens the solemn line with a welcoming word. It is obligatory to present the director with full regalia.

This text is a lead to the fact that the administration of the school should congratulate the first-graders. The leader needs to give the floor to the head teacher of the school for congratulations. Here, too, it is very important to voice all the regalia of the head teacher.

It is necessary to include some kind of thematic melody, under which first-graders will come out. Children should have either flowers or balloons in their hands. Everyone must be smartly dressed. Children recite verses:

The host needs to introduce the first teachers of first graders and give them the floor to welcome. All teachers can speak if the school has only 2 first grades. If there are more parallels, then it is desirable that one representative from all first grade teachers speak. After the speech of the first teachers, the host should introduce the class teachers of the fifth graders, for whom this first call is also special, because they have moved to middle school.

It is necessary to turn on thematic music and invite the fifth graders, who should congratulate their teachers with flowers.

The host must give the floor to the class teacher of the graduates to greet them on the holiday. After these words, it would be logical if the graduates presented flowers to their teacher.

Graduates should make a beautiful symbolic key in advance in order to pass it on to the kids. Together with this key, high school students traditionally give gifts to first graders (it is up to the graduates to decide what to give).

The host announces those students in grades 1 and 11 who will give the first bell. While the bell is ringing, the presenters should say the following words:

After these words, the "School Waltz" is turned on and all the children gradually begin to enter the school for the first lesson.

Interesting script lineup September 1

All classes must line up in the square where the event is taking place. Solemn fanfares are turned on, after which an incendiary dance performed by school students immediately begins. It should be prepared in advance.

After these words, the anthem is turned on Russian Federation the banners go up.

After these words, first-graders with flowers and balloons enter the stage to the solemn music. Children will recite poems. They must be distributed in advance by the first teacher at a meeting of parents:

After that, the presenters invite all those present to vote whether to accept such first-graders to school or not. All children should raise their hands up and shout the word “Yes” loudly. Then the music immediately turns on, the number starts amateur performances. It will look good at this stage of the holiday ballroom dance. As soon as the dance is over, the following text should sound from the crowd:

All the action that should take place next should be addressed to the children:

The facilitators will take turns asking questions, and the children should answer in chorus. It is advisable to rehearse this moment in advance.

Brownie holds a game for all children. They must repeat all the movements that he will show to the music.

While the brownie is saying this text, he slowly approaches the first graders, and behind him the graduates are already lining up in a row, who must pronounce the following words:

After these words, the graduates should present gifts to the first-graders, and another number of amateur performances begins on the stage. After the number, the presenters should give the floor to the director, who needs to greet all the children and wish them good luck in the new school year.

The hosts announce a graduate and a first grader who will ring the bell. After that, the floor must be given to the first teachers of first graders. One representative from the teaching staff who will lead the first classes can speak.

Children at this moment must let go Balloons into the sky, and then take turns going to school for the first lesson. In the process of entering classes into lessons, facilitators can announce the names of class teachers.

Joke script September 1st

Fanfares sound, the presenter enters the stage (it is preferable to give this role to the organizing teacher or someone of the teaching staff of the school), who is already starting to greet the guests, as the music from the children's program “Good night, kids” turns on, and Myamlik appears on the stage and Shustrik. They must be children dressed in appropriate costumes. Myamlik is always with an upset face, and Shustrik, on the contrary, is cheerful and cheerful:

Everyone who wishes should say at least one word how they understand the word school. Preference, of course, should be given to first-graders, because their remarks are always funny and interesting.

The floor must be given to the director of the school, who should greet everyone and wish the children a happy summer school year.

Myamlik and Shustrik begin to show different pantomimes, and the children name rubrics by what they do. It should look something like this:

  • first they perform various light physical exercises, the children should name the rubric “Exercising”;
  • the heroes begin to put everything in a backpack, the children should say that this is the heading “Collect a portfolio”;
  • the characters show how they think, read, write, the children should name the rubric "Educational";
  • the characters show how the teacher explains something, the children should name the heading "Teacher's Room".

After that, a graduate with a first grader gives the first bell, and all the children go to school for the first lesson.

Scenario September 1 for first graders

This scenario can be used by teachers who are preparing the first lesson for first graders:

Mrs. Science begins to show different textbooks in turn, and in the process she recites verses:

Mrs. Science begins to read riddles and distributes coloring pages with the same characters to the children, which are the answers to questions. After the riddle, the children must lift up the cartoon character, which, in their opinion, is the answer to the question:

After that, Lady Science invites the children to play another game and again asks them riddles, but on a different topic:

Mrs. Science invites children to be initiated into first graders. Children must repeat the oath after her:

This concludes the lesson, you can continue it with a festive tea party.

Theatrical script September 1

The host welcomes all the children, teachers and guests present on the line. After that, the song "Teach at school" is turned on. The theatrical action begins on the stage.

The princess offers to play her game about sweets. She makes riddles for children, and they successfully cope with them:

The jester conducts the game "Words". Several children can participate. The jester calls the word, and the letter that this word ends with, the child must say another word.

The bell sounds, which is given by one of the graduates and first graders. After that, all children go to school for the first lesson.

Scenario in kindergarten on September 1

This version of the script is perfect for kindergarten. Children's music sounds, to which all students of the school go out and take their places reserved for each class on the line:

After these words, a character appears in the hall, whose name is "Smeshinka":

All children during this game must catch the balls. Accordingly, the leaders must throw the balls with little force so that the children catch them. After the game, the hosts need to make sure that there is a lot of free space on the court, because Carlson should enter the hall:

Carlson conducts a game with children about numbers. He shows them the numbers, and they have to call them out loud. If the children answer correctly, then Carlson hangs the numbers on the Christmas tree. When the Christmas tree is decorated, Carlson invites the children to dance around her to a remade song:

Fairy tale scenario for September 1

This version of the scenario is suitable as a first lesson for first graders. To the song from the m / f "Cat-Leopold" Bunny runs out and sings:

New characters appear - Wolf and Fox:

Baba Yaga appears to a reworked song from the m / f "The Bremen Town Musicians":

With these words, a bunny enters the hall:

Magpie appears on the scene:

After that, you can continue the event for first-graders with tea with sweets.

Poems for first graders on the line September 1

Cool poems for September 1

Poems about September 1

Funny poems of first graders on the line September 1

Congratulations on September 1 to teachers:

in prose

  1. Our dear teachers, on this day I would like to wish you patience and strength, health and prosperity! Let the academic year bring you new merits, pleasure from work. Let the students rejoice in their achievements. All the best!
  2. Dear teachers, we congratulate you on the new academic year. We want you to successfully overcome all the difficulties that will arise. Let the students win, let everyone respect, love and appreciate!
  3. Congratulations on the start of the school year to your beloved teacher. We want your eyes to always shine with happiness! Let work bring only pleasure, let the family live in abundance. We will try not to let you down and meet your expectations.
  4. May this academic year bring you a sea of ​​emotions. Be humanly happy, enjoy your work, let the children inspire you to new achievements. creative success and prosperity!
  5. Please accept our sincere congratulations on the new academic year! We are already grateful to you in advance for everything that will happen in it. We wish you strength, patience, good luck, prosperity and always good health! We love and respect you.

in verse

Congratulations to first graders on September 1:

in prose

  1. Dear children, a very interesting period begins in your life, which will be full of different events and people. We want to wish you that these events are bright, and that people are only good.
  2. Congratulations to dear children on the holiday, with the beginning of not only the school year, but also a new milestone in their lives. Let study be easy for you, let every day be memorable and bright. Be children for as long as possible.
  3. Dear first-graders, congratulations on a wonderful event. Today they are schoolchildren. This means that before them opened wonderful world knowledge and miracles. Children, study well, respect teachers! May your childhood be happy.
  4. Congratulations to the first-graders on a wonderful event - September 1! May this day become one of your favorite holidays. After all, it means that you can start learning, research something new, communicate with friends and achieve new victories! Good luck with your studies, may you succeed!
  5. We welcome all first-graders and wish them to grow up smart and happy. Our school is happy to accept everyone in its team! We wish you only good, good grades, good health and amazing discoveries!

in verse

Congratulations on September 1 to students:

in prose

  1. Today the new school year starts. For some, it is another, for some it is the last, and for some it is the first. We wish you all success in your studies, good mood, happy personal life. Be yourself, express yourself! May all your dreams come true.
  2. Congratulations to the students on the start of the new academic year. We sincerely wish you good luck, inspiration, strength and love. Let your student years be fun and interesting. But do not forget that your main task is to get a specialty. Become worthy citizens of your country!
  3. Happy new academic year students! We wish you good and peace, prosperity and happiness. Learn responsibly, show your abilities, achieve the greatest heights! In our face, you can always look for support! Congratulations!
  4. On September 1, we congratulate student youth, and especially first-year students, who still have no idea what a wonderful period in their lives they will have to go through. May you remember it as a fun and happy stage, and may it inspire you in the future!
  5. Congratulations on the start of the new school year! Dear students, we wish you love, kindness and happiness, good luck in your studies, prosperity and inspiration! Make discoveries, declare yourself, be yourself! Happy holiday!

in verse

The first call may not be a fun holiday for everyone. For children who have been on vacation for 3 months, it is definitely not the most joyful event. But it is in the power of teachers to make sure that after the celebration the children want to learn - you need to arrange a holiday for them. We hope that the options we have presented to you in this article will help you come up with something interesting for your students!

Video: "September 1"

In 2018, the Ministry of Education left the topic to the discretion of teachers class hours that will take place on the first day of school. For you, we have prepared a selection of scenarios for September 1 for kindergarten and schools that will make the beginning of the school year bright and interesting, and most importantly, help you get back to work.

If schools usually received specific topics from the ministry for themed class hours on the first day of the new academic year, in 2018 the tradition was broken. Teachers were given the right to choose how to spend the Day of Knowledge for their students.

The Ministry of Education decided not to limit teachers to a single topic for class hours. According to department officials, this will give teachers more opportunities to differentiate their approach to children. different ages, as each class has its own topics and questions.

It is obvious that for first-graders it is necessary to conduct a lesson that will introduce them to the school, the new regime and rules. For students in grades 2-5, topics related to family and favorite hobbies are suitable. Schoolchildren in grades 6-8 will be happy to participate in simple discussions about social life and building interpersonal relationships. High school students will be interested in the problems of finding their place in the adult world and choosing a future profession.

Knowledge Day Scenarios

  • (a scenario with riddles that Dunno asks the guys)
  • (holiday quest for senior and preparatory groups prepare children for school and develop patriotic feelings)
  • (a script in verse with the participation of the heroes of the fairy tale "The Golden Key" shows the need to acquire knowledge)
  • (a script with games, dances and poems will create a festive mood)

elementary School

  • (knowledge lesson in grade 1, the purpose of which is to get to know the school)
  • (scenario for grade 2 with fairy-tale characters, sets children up for study mode)
  • (the script is suitable for grade 2)

Primary and high school

  • (a script in verse introduces students to the history of the holiday, sets them up for study, suitable for high school students and college students)

The tradition of starting a new school year on the first day of autumn goes back to the 15th century! Then in Russia at this time they celebrated the New Year. Later, in 1699, Great Peter moved New Year for the winter, January. However, this did not affect the change in the date of the first school day- It was decided to "keep up with Europe." Today, every September 1, a script about this story, interesting presentations to the Day of Knowledge, humorous scenes teachers and parents prepare both for first-graders and for those who complete their studies - children of grade 11. Kindergarten teachers do not lag behind in the manifestation of their creativity, arranging fun quizzes and unusual competitions in kindergarten. On this day, which opens the 2017-2018 academic year, libraries host book exhibitions and meetings with writers.

Knowledge Day in the 2017-2018 academic year - Line script on September 1

In the 2017-2018 academic year, there will be lineups in all on September 1. For 1st graders, their first bell will ring, and 11th graders will start making serious plans for further education or starting a job. In all educational institutions, Knowledge Day is built according to unique scenarios. They are written by teachers, school activists and the most caring parents. Traditionally, the line at the school is opened by the director of the school. He congratulates the students on the beginning of a new stage in their lives. For fifth-graders, September 1 becomes the most important of the days - they get acquainted with subjects, inspect classrooms - mathematics, Russian language and literature classrooms, foreign language, geography, etc. First-graders are collected by their first teacher on the line. Ringing after all the solemn congratulations, the first bell invites students to the traditional Peace lesson.

Scenario of Knowledge Day - Ruler September 1, 2017-2018 academic year

If earlier the scripts for the Day of Knowledge were written by the teachers themselves, today everyone has the opportunity to find a plan for holding the line on September 1 on the Internet. As a rule, this is a selection of poems and congratulations, "painted" by role. In the 2017-2018 academic year, an amazing holiday of meeting teachers for first graders will be prepared in advance by high school students and their first teacher. In addition to songs and wishes, children will be invited to take part in a quiz, learn about the traditions of the school, listen to graduates of past years. After the solemn line, all students will go to their classes for a Peace lesson. Usually the first day at school lasts no more than two to three hours. At the end of classes, schoolchildren rush to tell their classmates about their amazing summer adventures.

An interesting line scenario in grade 11 - Knowledge Day on September 1

On September 1, 11th grade students are waiting like no one else for their last first line. From this moment begins the countdown of the days remaining until last call, graduation, exams, admission to universities or the beginning career. On the line, the director of the school always wishes future graduates not to give in when they find themselves in a difficult, unforeseen situation, always look for a way out of an awkward situation, study intensively all year in order to finish school easily and without undue effort. The scenario of Knowledge Day on September 1 includes interesting quests for high school students, a trip to the cinema, a museum or even a theater, concert performances by parents and other unusual events.

Grade 11... Today, like a year ago, you will enter your class.

You have a lot of things to finish and start.

We wish you to go forward, conquer the peaks.

Which means you can't waste your time.

Let every day you live only bring benefits

After all, everything that you do during this difficult year

You will be faithfully served for many years to come!

We wish you to be worthy, because you are graduates

And so that we can be proud of each of you.

And here again, September is calling for school desks -

Do not expect random points and victories,

And remember: school was just the start

Further thorny path.

Student Oath 11 B

I, a student of the legendary 11 B class, join the ranks of graduates

I solemnly promise:

  • Arrive at school before the teacher has taken the survey homework.
  • Do not receive unsatisfactory marks, for this will affect the prestige of 11 B.
  • Protect the passing banner of class 11 B, so that there is something to pass on to our followers.
  • Love, respect and protect your precious class teacher in order to avoid damage to her nervous system and mental health.
  • Maintain and maintain friendly relations in the classroom, because only in this way can you become a real 11 B!
  • It is decent to behave in the school cafeteria, for we are an example for the younger and unreasonable generation.
  • Do not offend subject teachers, because all this will be rewarded to us in the exams.
  • To avoid by any means writing memos to the director on us in order to avoid pleasant meetings in his office.
  • Do not offend and protect good students and those who are at least something in something understands, it is necessary to write off homework from someone.
  • Show parents the location of room 35 in our school so that they can find their way to parent meetings. Otherwise, lead by the handle.
  • During school hours, stay in the school building, and not in other places in the village.
  • To go to school in uniform, so as not to introduce the opposite sex into a trance, and the teaching staff into shock.
  • Forget what it looks like during class mobile phone.
  • Keep your favorite class clean and tidy, to avoid getting insects into it, and in us the reaction of the class teacher.
  • Take care of classy property, so that our followers have something to sit on and behind.
  • Take care of the plants in the classroom so that they do not become stunted and miserable.
  • Pass the final exams in the form of the Unified State Examination without disgracing the high title of a 2011 graduate!
  • Maintain a healthy mind and a healthy body in order to graduation party look at all 100 percent, and not at all 100 years!!!

Knowledge Day in Grade 11 - An interesting line scenario on September 1

The more interesting the Day of Knowledge will be in the 11th grade, the more activity future graduates will show during the school year. A cheerful, positive attitude on September 1 will become the best motivation students who are going to enter higher educational institutions soon. Today, the first lines no longer pass with solemn monotony - official congratulations gone to the past. Cheerful surprises for the children who are preparing to say goodbye to school soon are prepared by first-graders, middle classes, and even subject teachers. Quests, flash mobs, funny scenes- all this will please both eleventh graders and other girls and boys who have gathered for this holiday on the first day of autumn.

The scenario of the holiday on September 1 in kindergarten - Unusual Day of Knowledge in the preschool educational institution

An interesting, unusually written script for September 1 in kindergarten will help preschool children understand the importance of getting an education, deep knowledge, so necessary in life. Kindergarten teachers and parents of kids will show them unusual fairy tales. High school students will visit the children. At the end of the celebration, future first-graders are waiting for a "sweet" table, organized by their parents.

An unusual scenario for the Day of Knowledge in kindergarten - Holiday on September 1 at the preschool educational institution

amazing, unusual scenarios Knowledge Day will help educators spend September 1. The themes of the holiday in the preschool educational institution - "Katya goes to school", "Help Pinocchio answer questions", "Mysteries of Vasilisa the Wise" - will not leave any kid indifferent. Everyone will want to correctly answer quiz questions, solve charades, get a prize from the hands of " fairy tale hero". The hosts of the holiday will be the characters of children's stories and novels - Carlson, Dunno, Alice from Wonderland, etc. They will sing fervent songs, invite the kids to finish the phrases they have begun, and entertain the children with an incendiary dance.

September 1 - Scenario of the Day of Knowledge and presentation for first graders

On Knowledge Day, first-graders get acquainted with the school, classmates, and the first teacher. According to the traditional scenario, September 1 for them, as well as for other schoolchildren, begins with a line. After the solemn part with congratulations and wishes from teachers, parents and guests, the teachers separate the newly-made students into classes. Peace lesson begins. Of course, for forty-five minutes it is difficult for recent preschool children to explain the rules of behavior at school, to introduce them to the schedule, the training plan. Children aged 6 - 7 years better perceive the information seen in the pictures, photographs. That is why the first school lesson can be started with a presentation - a video and photo story about the world, Russia, the importance of gaining knowledge. Later, the child will remember the images seen during the story. He will easily remember the information received in the lesson.

Sample scenario for September 1 for first graders - Presentation for the Day of Knowledge

On Knowledge Day for first graders, the teacher himself can choose the scenario of the holiday. Some of the teachers will not want to deviate from the traditions on September 1 - they will hold a Peace lesson, tell the children about the importance of friendship with classmates. Other teachers will prepare presentations at home - a story about the history of the school, its best graduates, traditions that have developed in educational institution. Children who sit down at a desk for the first time need to “join” the school team as soon as possible, get used to the new schedule, understand the need to follow the rules and fulfill the requirements of teachers. The first lesson for former preschoolers can be started and ended with a song.

September 1 - Scenario of a children's holiday in the library

On September 1, book exhibitions and meetings with authors of stories and poems are held in many Russian libraries. The smallest readers who come to such a children's holiday are always presented with bookmarks, books, and stationery. Sometimes the scenario of the celebration includes meetings with prominent people of the city or village - graduates of the school where today's schoolchildren study. Librarians prepare more difficult “surprises” for high school students - for example, they hold quizzes, asking teenagers questions about the heroes of famous literary works. Prizes are awarded to the winners - from a ticket to a cinema or theater to a collection of classics.

An approximate scenario for a children's holiday on September 1 in the library

The knowledge gained at school is drawn from books written by scientists, art critics, writers and poets. These books are carefully kept in libraries. Today, every Russian schoolchild who has received a library card has the right to take these literary and scientific works home for a few days, to expand their horizons. Even more surprising for them is the opportunity to meet with the authors of the works they read. According to a pre-planned scenario, these meetings are held in school and city libraries. Often the "highlight of the program" at such events is the presentation of books with autographs to the winners of quizzes and excellent students.

A correctly chosen scenario for the Day of Knowledge on September 1 will give schoolchildren a wonderful start in the new 2017-2018 academic year. Interesting holiday and an unusual line will be remembered for a long time by both first-graders and schoolchildren of their 11th grade. On the first day of classes, the most interested children, who are not indifferent to books, will be invited to visit the City Libraries for the Open Doors Day.

With the onset of autumn in schools and preschool educational institutions(DOE) the new school year 2017 - 2018 begins. Thousands of preschoolers and students of different ages will gather at solemn events, dedicated to the Day Knowledge. Of course, this holiday for kindergarten students is more of an introductory nature and is held in the form of a fun matinee. When writing a scenario for September 1 in kindergarten, it is important to remember that kids best perceive learning in the game. Therefore, educators with children can prepare an unusual holiday performance with the participation of their favorite characters from fairy tales and cartoons, learn poems and songs about school, riddles and proverbs. Unlike preschoolers, first-graders already quite “legitimately” celebrate Knowledge Day - the holiday script for the youngest students usually includes original contests and games, presentations with slides and videos, thematic skits, wishes of teachers and parents. In the 11th grade, the guys can independently compose and bring to life an interesting line scenario for September 1, which will be remembered by everyone present for a long time. Today we are happy to share with you creative creative ideas for the Knowledge Day scenario in kindergarten, school and even the library - an extremely symbolic place for holding cultural events. Use our examples, and the "official" September 1 will turn into a bright, fun and festive event.

Scenario for the Day of Knowledge - solemn line September 1, 2017 - 2018

The solemn line dedicated to the beginning of the academic year 2017-2018 is traditionally held with the participation of representatives of the school administration, schoolchildren and their parents. As a rule, the line script for September 1 includes congratulatory speeches by the director and teachers, as well as poems and songs about the school performed by students of different classes. When compiling a script for Knowledge Day 2017 - 2018, you can "dilute" the event program with interesting creative "notes". So, on the eve of September 1, we bring to your attention a few ideas with a video for holiday scenario- we are sure that with the help of our recommendations, the school-wide lineup will be interesting and unusual.

Ideas for the Knowledge Day holiday scenario, video

The all-school line on September 1 is a long-awaited and exciting event for all its participants. So, the students are happy to meet in the new academic year with their favorite teachers and classmates. school teachers with parents are proud of the success of their pupils and children, who have grown stronger over the summer holidays and are ready to conquer new heights. Therefore, when preparing the script for September 1, they try to introduce new interesting ideas and suggestions. So, today flash mobs are extremely popular - mass performances in the form of dance, pre-planned and dedicated to a specific event. Both first-graders and older schoolchildren can become participants in such fashionable performances - the main thing is to carefully rehearse all movements. If among the students there are winners of sports competitions or olympiads in general subjects, the Day of Knowledge script can include the presentation of diplomas on behalf of the school principal. At the end of the line, a cheerful trill of a bell will call the students to their first lesson in the new academic year.

Solemn line for September 1 for grade 11 - an interesting scenario of Knowledge Day

For 11th grade students, Knowledge Day is special and significant event v school life. Indeed, the academic year 2017 - 2018 will pass unnoticed, and very soon smart graduates will stand at the solemn line dedicated to graduation. So the “last” September 1, eleventh graders should be remembered for a long time, and for this it is important to prepare an interesting script for the holiday. As a rule, for conducting a school-wide lineup, leaders are selected from among high school students - for example, a girl and a young man with “oratory” abilities and competent speech. As musical accompaniment, you can choose modern or classical works on school theme, as well as "cutting" from popular melodies.

Variants of an interesting scenario for Knowledge Day on September 1 in the 11th grade of the school, video

When writing a script for Knowledge Day in grade 11, you should pay attention to song numbers, including a joint performance by a grade 11 student and a first grader in the program. For example, it can be a song-"alteration" of a well-known work, beautifully performed by a duet to the "backing track". By tradition, in each scenario of the First Bell holiday for the graduating class, congratulatory and parting speeches from the school principal and class teacher are included. In response, 11th grade students say words of gratitude in verse or prose, and also put on humorous skits - with comic wishes to their younger schoolmates.

An unusual scenario for the holiday of September 1 in kindergarten - ideas for children's Knowledge Day

Knowledge Day in kindergarten is held to expand the knowledge of the kids about the school, develop creative abilities and motivate them for future studies. Of course, for preschoolers on such a significant day, a matinee is held with fun games, solving riddles and puzzles, reading poems about school. The scenario of September 1 can be based on the plot of famous children's fairy tales or cartoons, and the heroes of these works will become the main ones. actors» holiday. When thinking over the program for the Day of Knowledge for pupils of the preschool educational institution, it is important to interest the children in accessible and age-friendly entertainment aimed at testing intelligence, knowledge and skills. In addition, it is better not to “stretch” a matinee in honor of September 1 in kindergarten in order to maintain the attention and interest of the kids in what is happening in the hall.

The best script ideas for Knowledge Day for kindergarten, video

On the children's day Knowledge is important to create an atmosphere of celebration and fun by inviting famous fairy tale characters. For example, according to the scenario of the matinee, Dunno checks the knowledge of the letters of the alphabet, as well as the skills of ordinal counting, using the primer for future schoolchildren, offering to solve fun puzzles. Many children are familiar with the tale of Pinocchio, who did not want to study at all, but only to be naughty and have fun - such a “naughty” tomboy may well be re-educated when he meets kindergarten kids on Knowledge Day. Children will demonstrate to Pinocchio their ability to dance, solve riddles, read poetry and sing songs. In conclusion children's holiday you can give the kids symbolic gifts for school and arrange a sweet table with tea drinking - great idea for the September 1 scenario.

Knowledge Day for first graders - script for September 1, ideas on video

Knowledge Day on September 1 is one of the most significant holidays for a first grader who crossed the school threshold for the first time. The first day at school is remembered for a long time, so the support of teachers and parents is important, as well as the creation of a new student positive attitude. New environment, new daily routine and responsibilities - it's just right to get confused! September 1 holiday for first-graders is a great opportunity to get to know the school and classmates in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. When compiling the script for the Day of Knowledge, it is important to pay attention to the moment of the first meeting of little schoolchildren with the teacher, choosing for this purpose the warmest words of greeting and encouragement. In response, first graders can read the verses learned by September 1. According to the scenario, the teacher asks riddles for quick wits and conducts a relay race game on "high-speed" picking up a portfolio for school. Today, many teachers prepare a presentation with slides or videos for Knowledge Day in order to clearly demonstrate their story about the school to first graders. The end of the lesson will be a comic “oath”, pronounced in unison by the whole class - to learn to read, write and count, try hard in class, do homework and come to school on time. The video shows a recording of the Knowledge Day in grade 1 - perhaps many ideas will inspire you to write your own interesting and unusual script.

Video with ideas for the script on September 1 in 1st grade

Scenario September 1 in the library - for the holiday Knowledge Day

Holding the Day of Knowledge within the walls of the children's library is an extremely common practice today. Indeed, it is difficult to find a more suitable place for such an important holiday as September 1st. For first graders and high school students, you can make original script on Knowledge Day in the library - taking into account the age of schoolchildren. So, it will be interesting for the youngest students to meet the fabulous old woman Shapoklyak, the funny shorties Znayka and Dunno, and also take part in fun competitions and games - with prizes for the "smartest" winners. The rest of the schoolchildren will be delighted with the visit of a famous literary figure, invited on September 1 to present his new work to the younger generation of readers.

Scenario options for an extracurricular event on September 1 in the library, video

The beginning of autumn, out of habit, is associated with smart students, solemn rulers and the walls of their native school. Of course, after a long summer "separation" it is not so easy for the guys to "get back on track" again. educational process. Therefore, various extra-curricular recreational and educational activities are so popular on Knowledge Day - in order to quickly and successfully adapt to school everyday life. Thus, employees of many children's libraries hold interesting meetings, presentations, thematic classes for students of different age groups. Variants and ideas for the scenario of such a children's holiday can be gleaned from a video recording a planned event in the library on September 1.


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