The scenario of March 8 in a team of women. Characters and replicas

1 Leading.

Good afternoon, ladies and people.

Our dear WOMEN!
Today you have the most favorable and happy day according to the "male" horoscope, ie:

March 8 is a solemn day,
Day of joy and beauty,

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers !!!
2 Leading.

What is the holiday of congratulations? And the first congratulations will be presented to you, our dear leaderName ... She has the first word.

The floor is given to the headmaster.

1 Leading.

When the planet suddenly froze,
I would lie dead and cold
From the gaze of a woman
Warmed by the warmth
In moments she would thaw ...
2 Leading.

Feminine in nature itself
Stronger, perhaps, than all other principles.
Nature has generously endowed women,
And people were put on a pedestal.
1 Leading.

To extol everything in them
Men are happy -
From the temper of the meek
Up to eye color ...

2 Leading.

Gives you his complimentName the song "Let".

1 Leading.

Dear ladies!
We could praise you until the morning!

However, it's time to get down to business.

2 Leading.

Dear colleagues- men, we ask you to go up on stage. Dear young ladies, wives, girlfriends, daughters and granddaughters! All words and congratulations today sound only for you! Spring to you and Love!

Men congratulate.

1 Leading. You, dear women, have received congratulatory telegrams, but they are all unsigned. Now we will read them, and you try to guess who the author is. All I know is that all senders are male.









1 Leading.
Woman is spring
The image is blooming and delicate!
2 Leading.
A woman is always
The world is radiant, boundless.
1 Leader.
For so many years
We are fascinated by you.
2 Leading.
You are the hope and the light
We are bewitched by you.
1 Leader.
Let this song now
It will be a gift for you, dear veterans of pedagogical work!

Sings for youName "Give flowers to women"

1 Leader. Pupils flaunt on desks

The kids crowded at the blackboard

Pupils write on the blackboard

We tried! Not a single mistake!

It's not in vain that so many eyes followed

As always, a friendly smile

The teacher entered the classroom!

2 Leading. Great joy to the teacher

Here she stands in front of the board

And the childish looks are being followed

Behind her raised hand

Those were good minutes

Wrote, smiled again

The kids read: "Thank you, children,

for your studies and love "!

The song "I paint on the window" is sung for you by the vocal group "Constellation"

1 Leader. Look, the young people are coming ... but how are they cooing ...

2 Leading. Come on quickly ... quickly into the bushes ...Scene "Love, love ..."

a short and thin man named VASEK enters the stage. He sits down in a chair. He is wearing a cap with a flower, a fashionable country jacket. He has a stalk of grass in his teeth, and in his hands a small flower. The song starts playing: "Oh, you are on the mountain."
film: "He Came Again"His beloved MARUSIA comes out to VASK (it can be a man in women's clothes) and sits down next to him.VASYOK: Hello, Marusya!MARUSYA: Hello, Vasyok!VASEOK (gives a flower): This is for you!MARUSYA: Oh, thank you!They both look up a little in awe. Vasyoka gently puts his hand on her shoulder. She flinches.VASEK: Marusya ... will you marry me?MARUSYA: Oh, I don't know. This is so unexpected! I need to think.VASEK: How long can you think? I made you an offer six years ago.MARUSYA: Well, I don't know. If you think it's time, then I agree.The song is still going on. They sigh together with smiles on their faces.MARUSYA (after a pause): Vasya! Who do you want to get first: a cat or a dog?WASYOK: Yeah ...MARUSYA: (pause) Vasya, will you always love me?VASEK: I will love you to the end.MARUSYA (after a pause): Vasya, it's too late. Take me home.Our heroes are leaving. The music stops.

Vasya comes out and sits on a chair. After five seconds, Marusya comes out with buckets. Places them on the floor.MARUSIA: Why are you sitting? Why are you sitting, I ask you? Have you cleaned the yard? Did you feed the chicken? I have to do everything myself.VASEK: Why are you shouting like that? I'll do everything now.MARUSIA: I am screaming because even on the eighth of March, you are not doing anything for me. And he said that you will love me to the end.VASEOK: Well, let's go, let's go, I'll do ... something ...


1 Leader.

Oh yeah yeah how much romance and .. (sighing)

2 inriding.
I would like to congratulate our female teachers. It is difficult for them with us, especially when we express ourselves in an incomprehensible language.

1 Leader.

But life in general is a complicated thing.

2 inriding.
But in our school life sometimes such moments also happen. "The groom of 3 b" readsName .

"The groom from 3 b" Name .

1 Leader.

May success always and everywhere accompany you in business!

And today, on a bright holiday, be you happier than everyone.

2 inriding.
His "colorful" performance gives youName "Different colors."

Name "Different colors."

1 Leader.

A woman is like a cat - looking for where it is warmer,
Where the soul is dearer, the heart is more cheerful.

2 inriding.
A woman is like a cat - can be anyone:
Affectionate, harsh, biting, mischievous ...

So what kind of woman is she?

Will tell us about itName .

I have a holiday today, it is cooler than the New Year.
You served a wonderful compote this morning.
Didn't find coffee in the kitchen. He is on the shelf - where he always is.
You cannot know about it. However, this is nonsense.
You poured the compote into a glass with a chink on the side.
Didn't find, you said, a cup. I can understand that.
It was not in vain that I tried to hide everything that was a pity to beat yesterday.
To be the kindest and most tolerant today.
You spilled the floor of a glass of compote on the bed.
Don't worry, honey, what are you. Give me a glass quickly.
I will finish it with a smile, I will finish it with gratitude.
And I'll kill you for a new sheet.
Have you fried eggs?!?!?!?!? It's like I'm in paradise!
Let it be with shells, I will chew it.
Ouch! What is this? Mimosa? When did you manage?
Oh, yesterday? And cleverly hid it? Did you want to surprise me?
Where did you hide it? Yeah? In a suit for your day off?
I never guessed it! (I will clean on the weekend)
Will you wash ALL the dishes yourself? Two plates? BAM! One ...
Do not worry it's okay. There is a broom in the corner.
How sweet you are today, you just want to cry.
Going to? Visit your mom ?? I can't recognize you!
Mother-in-law - MOTHER ?? This is great! I did not dare to dream.
It is not necessary to carry it in your hands, it is better to hold it by the hand.
It is good that they did not decide to lengthen the women's holiday.
After all, it is really impossible to endure it for a long time.
It's good that soon evening, the day will end in the course of the years.
And only a dried bouquet will remain in the kitchen.
I'll wash the sheet, cleverly clean my jacket,
And this terrible mess will end in the kitchen.
I’ll bring myself back to normal, and I’ll bring the apartment.
And with a happy face on the bed, I will fall.

1 Leader.

I also know women love to give advice!

2 Leading. Yes, especially moms. They protect us so tenderly, regardless of age. There are also quite a few of them in our hall. Compliment to mothers fromName .

1 Leader.

We so rarely bring bouquets to mom,

But everyone so often upsets her ...

And a kind mother forgives all this,

Beautiful mother it all forgives.

2 Leading.
Under the load of worries, without bending stubbornly,

She does her duty patiently ...

Every mother is beautiful in her own way

She is beautiful with her mother's love.

Congratulations to all mothersName ... Song "Mom".

Name sings the song "Mama".

1 Leader.

March 8 is a wonderful and traditionally favorite holiday in our country.

2 Leading. It is beautiful not only because it is the first spring holiday when nature awakens and the time of love comes. Men bow before the bright image of a woman, because they are so similar to angels. "Music of Angels" performed byName.

"Music of angels" Name .

1 Leader.

Today is a holiday, but you need to write an explanatory note, why were you late for your Chinese lessons yesterday ??

2 Leading.

Damn it (in Chinese, whip it here)

1 Leader.

Why ... poke who ... ??

2 Leading.

Nothing ... in Chinese ... be it wrong

1 Leader.

Lhell,write an explanatory noteI'll come later. In the meantime, you are writing the next musical number for all the incomparable women sitting in this hall! "Children's play" performed byName .

(go backstage to write a letter)

1 Leader.

Well, read what you have there.

2 Leading.

Why am I late (explanatory)

Yesterday when I was walkingfor Chinese lessons , suddenly fell from a tree on mecrazy policeman ... I screamed likeunderground rhinoceros and passed out. I woke upin Karaganda and said: take mefor Chinese lessons , I really need. But somehow they took me awayto the State Duma , and from there I walked until I got a liftreactive jalopy ... That's why I was late yesterday.

1 Leader.

How did you get so lucky - then ... Oh, look, someone is walking there, let's go, let's take a look.

2 Leading.

Yes Yes. It goes, it goes. This is Valeria Molchanova walking. What only her head thinks.

Valeria Molchanova reads "What my head thinks about."

1 Leader.

Lovely women! We know this holiday as one of the kindest and most beautiful. On this day, no woman should be left without a gift.

2 Leading. Please accept our congratulations and let a smile appear on your face that will not leave you for a long time. Accept a gift fromName "Inside out".

Name "Inside out".

1 Leader.

Teacher, teacher

2 Leading.

Why are you shouting?

1 Leader.

I want a song for the teacher.

2 Leading.

Please, at the behest of the pike, At your will, the song "Good mood"Performed by a vocal group"Constellation".

The vocal group of girls "Constellation" performs the song "Good Mood".

1 Leader.

ListenName I'll tell you what.

2 Leading.

Say tellName .

1 Leader.

If the life of the deputies is sad, then the salary is high. And these teachers have a fun life, and the salary is small. Look how funny they are.

2 Leading.

Good moral support,
Decent salaries for all of you.
Effective and without delay,
Solutions to various problems.

2 Leading.

You are appreciated, cherished, loved dearly!
And the joy will be young!
Happy holiday, dear ones!
Together .

With the beginning of spring!

Are you organizing an International Women's Day school party? Remember to prepare entertainment program... A school concert may include poetry, song, dance and funny scenes for the holiday on March 8 at school performed by children of different ages.

These miniatures, which play up various situations at school and at home, are based on famous literary works, humorous TV shows, issues children's magazine"Yeralash", etc.

Funny scenes for March 8 for school

The first school scene by March 8, 2020 can be delivered using only the means of pantomime and dance. Boys will appear on the stage, disguised as old women, in colorful skirts and headscarves. They barely wander across the stage with sticks, groan and gasp.

Suddenly, incendiary music sounds in the hall, and the cheerful "grandmothers" start dancing. Undoubtedly, mothers and real grandmothers will appreciate the acting abilities of their children and grandchildren who will take part in this production.

- When will mom rest? After all, all day long
She washes, cleans, cooks, sews ...
But today is a special day - all household chores
I will do it myself, as my mother leaves for work.

I have been friends with my dad since the morning.
Let's cook dinner for mom, wash the cat.
Mom will come in the evening and gasp with excitement:
The cat is wet, the soup is cold - that's such a surprise!

Mom appears on the stage:
- Something, daughter, today you are especially naughty,
And the weather has been gloomy and rainy since morning.

- Mommy beloved, soup and a cat are gifts,
We congratulate you on the 8th of March!

- There is in our apartment
Girl Natasha.
Mom is in her box
Has brought sweets.
And she said sternly ...

- Eat a little now,
The rest tomorrow!
Put it in the buffet.

- And Natasha sat down,
I ate all the candies
She ate and laughs ...

- Mom, don't scold!
I have not forgotten.
Remember you taught:
"Never for tomorrow
Don't leave your business! "

- In the classroom, we sit
And we look at the girls:
Both beautiful and smart -
Better just not to find.

- There is a magazine on the table,
Well, it has fives,
Because in our class
Smart girls.

- Why are we all dancing here,
Why are we singing here?
Because all the girls
Happy Women's Day!

Musketeers take part in another funny scene by March 8. The song "It's time to go, let's rejoice in our age ..." sounds. D'Artagnan and his friends - Athos, Porthos and Arimis appear on the stage.

- Moms, grandmothers and aunts,
We hold you in high esteem.
You won't find another reason
So that we men come together.
We are all here together now ...

All Musketeers in unison:
- Because we love you!

Then the musketeers begin to speculate about what they would be like if they were born girls.

- If I were a girl,
I would not run, I would not jump,
And the whole evening with my mother,
He danced without hesitation.

- If I were a girl,
I would not waste time
And all day without a break
I drew together with my mother.

“That's what I was thinking.
So what happens?
If all were girls -
In ruffles, bows, with frills,
If there were no boys
What would happen to us then?

- Who would take care of them,
Did the hard work?
Who would build, dig, dig,
Who would protect them with their breasts?
In the sky, on the ground, in the infantry
At the border and in the Morflot!

- No, friends, our way is one -
Glorious valiant men!

- I am for mommy's beloved
I wanted to sew a beautiful apron,

- I am for my mom
He cut out the dress as soon as possible.
I thought, once - and you're done!
What is so difficult here?

- It's not clear what happened ...
Nothing succeeded!

- There is nothing to surprise mummy ...
Will I give this to her?
I thought my mother would be happy
Well, a bunch of rubbish came out.

- Baking a cake is a simple matter,
You just need to take it boldly.
Seven eggs, a little flour,
Three tablespoons of pepper ...
Or not, not at all!
It turns out to be a mess.
I'm completely confused ...
Why put pepper there?
Three hours of torment in the kitchen
Spilled the cream, burned all hands,
The result is a burnt cake,
And it doesn't look like cake.

- Looks like you will have to come up with other gifts for moms. Let's not be discouraged, because real men do not succumb to difficulties!

Then a scene is played out in which the boys perform ditties, and the girls act as mothers and careless daughters.

- Our dear mothers,
Happy Women's Day!
We will dance for you now
And we'll sing ditties.

- The whole day of the eighth of March
Lena half chalked with passion,
And on the ninth
She didn't pick up the broom.

- Says the lazy mother:
"Make your bed!"
A lazy person:
"Mamma, I'm still little."

- Smoked Pot
Julia was cleaning with sand.
Three hours under the shower Julia
Grandma washed afterwards.

- We sang ditties for you,
But we also want to say:
We are always, everywhere and everywhere
Mothers need to help!

On stage - a disheveled and grimy guy in pajamas. He goes to a chair, removes something wrinkled and dirty from it.
- Ma-am! We need to congratulate the girls today. Did you iron my shirt?

Good morning, son. I stroked it.
- Which one?
- White.
- And ... is she really white?
- Of course, I washed it. She was lying under your bed, I found her forcibly!

The boy removes his trousers from the chair, also dirty and full of holes:
- Ma-am! Have you ironed my new pants?

- Stroked.
- That's great. The girls have the eighth of March today, I prepared poems for them, even memorized them.

- Well done, son! I'll bake a pie now. You will not go to congratulate the girls empty-handed.

A son:
- Why do I need a pie? I need flowers!
- I already bought the flowers. they are in the hallway. Your lunch money is in your nightstand.

The doorbell rings.

A son:
- These are probably the guys from the class came ...

Tidy boys enter with flowers in their hands.

- Guys, is that you? Well, you are overdressed! I didn't even know ...

- Look at yourself!

The boy looks in the mirror, sees himself - combed, neatly dressed - and faints.

Mom appears:
- And here's the pie! Oh, Serezhenka, you are so smart - you cannot be recognized! Have you forgotten the flowers?

One of the guys:
- No, I haven't forgotten. Only I am not Seryozhenka, I am Benjamin.

Holds out flowers to mom.

These funny scenes staged at the school on March 8 will please the guests at the holiday and will cause a lot of positive emotions. We wish you inspiration and creative success!

The material was found on the Internet. These scenes are often repeated in different scenarios, so the author is unknown. Thanks to those who came up with these scenes. I think that many will like the material, because it can be so difficult to find scenes for the holidays, especially new and interesting ones.

1. Scene "Do not recognize dad today ..."

2. Congratulations to the Musketeers

3. You can't go anywhere, fall in love and get married!

4. Scene "How to surprise the girls"

5. Fashion show for moms (humorous)

6. Scene "Conversation".

Scene "Do not recognize dad today ..."

On the stage (or "improvised stage", away from those walking in the festive audience) there is a set table. Sitting at the table - mom, grandmother. Dad enters the room with a large bag of gifts ...

Daughter: Do not recognize dad today -

He entered, and suddenly at the door,

Dad wants to throw his hat, as usual, and then, having recollected himself, neatly puts it on a chair (or hangs it on a hanger).

He didn’t throw his hat on the table, but hung it up, as if at a party.

Daughter: He brought a huge bundle,

And he did not grumble under his breath,

That he is tired worse than the devil -

Such a weight carried ...

Dad, smiling, approaches his daughter.

Daughter: He said:

Dad: "Great, daughter!"

Daughter: And laughing this time

He kissed mom on the cheek,

And he shook his hand to granny.

Dad kisses mom, shakes grandma's hands. The daughter sits down at the table. Everyone starts to eat.

Mother-in-law: He didn't hide in the newspaper,

At the table he looked at everyone!

Mum: He did not hit the cutlet with a fork,

As if someone was sitting in it.

Mother-in-law: He was better, he was simpler,

He poured tea into cups,

Daughter: Even grandmother is not a mother-in-law,

And he called him mummy!

I asked my mother quietly:

"Mom, what happened to him?"

Mom: "On this day, -

Daughter: Mom said, -

Mum: Dad should be like that! "

Daughter: I, a child, do not understand

Maybe an adult who will understand

Ain't daddy nice

Be good for a whole year?

Congratulations to the musketeers

Music: "It's time-let's-rejoice ..." Exit of the Musketeers.
Let me introduce myself, I am D-Artagnan, and these are my friends. - Athos - Porthos - Arimis D-Artagnan: Our motto is "One for all"
Everything : And all for one!
D-Artagnan: Moms, grandmothers and aunts
We hold you in high esteem
Find no other reason
To get together, we are men
We are all here together now
All: Because we love you!
Athos: If I’m a ball girl
I would not run, I would not jump
And the whole evening with my mother
Dancing unashamedly
Porthos: If I’m a ball girl
I would not waste time
And all day without a break
I drew with my mother
Aramis: If I were a poet
I would write poetry
And from morning to night
I wish my mom would read them
D-Artagnan: This is what I thought
So what happens?
If I was a girl
Fragile small and thin
Athos: If you were a girl
In a skirt with curly bangs
If they were all girls
In ruffles, in frilly bows
Porthos: If there were no boys
What would happen to us then?
Who would take care of them
Did the hard work?
Aramis: Who would build, dig, dig
Who would protect them with their breasts
In the sky, on the ground, in the infantry
At the border and in the Morflot!
Everything: No friends our way is one
Glorious valiant men!

Scene "You can't go anywhere, fall in love and get married!"

1 account: We celebrate the women's holiday, we congratulate all girls and women. A wonderful day, what a lot to say. We like to give gifts to girls.

2 uch: We wish them to become good housewives. But, to tell the truth, without concealment, We, boys, do not believe in the female mind, After all, there have never been smart women.

1 uch : A woman needs homework. Science, business is not her concern.

2 uch: You must learn to wash, cook, sew, And you have no need to teach mathematics.

Dev: And I will answer you - no! That a woman's mind is not appreciated is not a secret. The men did not allow us to study, They thought it was not good for the ladies.

1 account: But if you start to lead the country, In science, in business, everything will go, Then who will cook the soup, Clean up the apartment, raise children?

2 uch: Imagine - the house is dirty and dinner is not ready, And there is no supervision for the children. One wife is in the government, Another will fly into space tomorrow, And the third writes poetry all day. Better to cook a portion of fish soup!

Dev: A man can also cook cabbage soup. Responsibilities must be shared.

1 account: If I marry you, I'll see how you wash the dishes, And not how much you read And how you solve complex problems.

Dev: You can't go anywhere, Fall in love and get married!

Scene "How to surprise girls"

Boy - What to give the girls, so that they can immediately kill them?

The Boys solved this problem for a long, long time. But time passed, and how they should be, They did not know yet.

1st: Is candy the best gift? 2nd: Chur, I give candy to Ksyusha! 3rd: No, they don't need caries. We will eat the sweets ourselves. 4th : The gift is better than all the candies - This is a good pistol, For example, a "colt" or "revolver". 3rd: Understand, the girl is not a kid! How can she play with a gun, Shoot teddy bears? 5th: Let's get them flowers. 3rd: Where can we find them in March? 1st: And what should we do then? 2nd: The girls are in trouble! (all drooping, suddenly the 3rd brightens up)

3rd: I know what to do! Let's try to surprise them: Let's decide that on this women's holiday, no one teases them all day. Pleasant moments in the morning - From us for each compliments ... 4th (not understanding): Compliments? 3rd: Well, lie to them about beauty. 5th (admiringly): Wow! How cunning you are! And then what? 3rd: Girly games. 1st (dismissively, indignantly): Should we play dolls with them? 3rd: Day will have to suffer. But we're men! Do you agree? Who agrees"? (all raise right hand) Well, well - "unanimously."

Fashion show for moms (with humor)

Lead 1: We are ready to show for the sake of such a holiday of Fashionistas! Look all here "New Fashion", gentlemen!

(Music plays, and "models" appear on the podium)

Lead 2: This season, scarves are in fashion, Tie a bag, tie it around his neck! You can tie it like a hat…. We are ready to show mothers everything!

Lead 1: We invite everyone to wear flip flops,To be fashionable mothers for you!Gloves to the flip flops, take mothers,So go to school meetings!

Lead 2: Skirts to the floor, mothers, wear,Pick up caps and handbags to match.We recommend three colors, mothers, for you.How do you combine them? We will show you this hour!

Lead 1: The scarf and belt are fashion classics!Wear them, mothers, in any weather!Walk to the theater with dad, arm in armAnd you, fidgets, you take with you.

Lead 2: High heels are in fashion for women of fashion. Match a laptop to the design. Everyone will say: "Look, there is a business!"

Lead 2: Take the flowered shoes on the market, you will choose fashionable, bright ones. Shoes should not be taken with a blouse to match, So it was not fashionable last season!

Lead 1: Umbrellas will be fashionable this year,The most fashionable ones will not forget them!Bright, round, flat - differentAll mothers will be wonderful with them!

Lead 2: We present straps in fashion for mothers. We offer different colors for you!

Lead 1: This season, you will need red and black fur, Just like the queen!

Lead 2: The fashion show is over

(all models take the stage)

We did our best, moms, for you! If you have any questions about fashion:

Lead 1: Pick up an outfit, braid your braids ...

Lead 2: We will give you a consultation right away, Mom - we want to see fashionistas!

Scene "Conversation".

Boy Our bell is terribly ringing

I fly out into the corridor ...

I have with one girl

Conversation ensued ...

And my dad is a champion!

He goes to the stadium:

He throws dumbbells up -

Will be the strongest in the world!

Girl Although men are strong -

Pancakes can't bake ...

You men are fools

Educate you, teach you,

And parsley from dill

You cannot tell.

By the way, who washes the house?

God has not given you talent ...

TV "consuming"

You lie down on the sofa!

Boy No use from a man ?!

This talent is not given to us ?!

Who nailed the shelf for the books?

Did you fix the faucet in the kitchen?

Girl You don't want to cook borscht,

Do not fry the cutlets ...

You should run away to work,

Well, there’s no more use!

Boy You prickly splinter

You don't know us men well.

Every now and then you shed tears

And besides, for no reason ...

You speak prickly words, shy ...

Dad is in the house - the head!

Girl And mom is in the house - a neck!

Boy I waved my hand to Light.
Eh! I didn't make it to the buffet!
There are always these girls
They will be taken away from important matters!

Girl Not! It is not necessary to decide in a dispute,
In the hallway conversation
Who is stronger and who is more important ...
It's just ... mom is the most tender!

Grandmother and grandson enter.

Grandma / anxious / sweet, why are you so sad? Something happened?

Grandson- Eh. grandmother, grandmother. if you knew.

Grandma / scared / -What did you know?

Grandson / thoughtfully / -Don't worry, sit down, sit down.

/ puts the grandmother on a chair, she holds on to her heart, the grandson looks into her eyes, strokes her head

/ sighs / I suffer so much.

grandmother - What are you suffering about?

Grandson / rolls his eyes / I suffer. I'm dreaming. I do not know what to do?

/ sublime / -What is my beloved grandmother. what to give for a holiday?

Grandma / smiles happily / - maybe a bouquet of flowers?

Grandson / screams indignantly / -No!

Granny / thinking / then a box of chocolates?

The grandson stomps angrily -No! Not! and No!

Grandson / affectionately / On the day of spring and joy. we don't need sweets! / licks his lips /

grandma / slyly / yes, this task is not easy.

Grandson / remember, you had a dream. you have dreamed since childhood.

Grandma / shrugs / but it was a big secret. mc! a little ashamed even right

Grandson / with annoyance / grandmother. glory will not pass you, you are a little more years old / pause /

We will give you / pause. moped! moped! Moped / chants

Grandma / confusedly asks / -Moped!

Grandson / convinced / yes, a moped / imitates driving a moped around his grandmother, she is closely watching him. rises abruptly.

Grandson - so you agree. grandmother? / caresses her /

Grandma / resolutely / - I agree. honey. / strokes the grandson on the head. grandson claps his hands. hugs her / I agree. grandson

The grandson shows his thumb / - You are a real friend!

Grandma proudly throwing her head up. with pathos -

on a moped I will rush off / make a big circle with my hand

The grandson opened from surprise. grandmother waving her hand carelessly

I'll be back in the evening! / Stomping /

confused grandson- What-oh-oh? Will you go skating yourself?

grandmother nods her head in agreement

Grandson / angry / And who. who will clean up?

the grandmother silently points at her grandson.

Grandson. stepping on grandmother, -and who will cook us dinner?

Grandma is careless. with a smile. shrugs shoulders

Grandson / resolutely / I'll tell you a secret. not enough money for a moped / slaps on the pocket

grandma makes scared eyes

Then will I wait for the candy? I'm a little more years old

I will save up for a moped.

When you grow up later, we will rush along with the breeze

Embracing, the satisfied leave.

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One of the employees acts as a presenter. Everyone is invited to the tables.

Music sounds

Leading: Dear Ladies! On the eve of a wonderful holiday, we gathered with you for a bachelorette party. As, however, and on all other days, after all, our close-knit female team simply cannot be spilled with water! This is not the first time we are going to such gatherings, and I think that we will celebrate the upcoming holiday no more boring than in the company of men! Because a woman is best known and understood only by a woman.

Let's have fun, talk about our little weaknesses, gossip about men and share women's tricks and secrets! As it is sung in the song: "A bachelorette party, a bachelorette party, a man is superfluous here!"

Leading: And right now we will sing with you!

Song "Today is a holiday for girls" (to the tune of the song "Girls" from the repertoire of Larisa Dolina).

The text must be printed and distributed in advance.

Today is the girls' holiday

Today we are on fire!

And let them look enviously

Men or boys

Having collected the strengths,

Standing to the side

They're teasing bouquets in their hands

Because today the girls

They want to "break away" in full!

We will sing and dance

Walk and have fun

Not to notice men at all

And their sad faces!

Let the boys

Standing to the side

We don't need them now

Because we are with you girls

On the threshold of a beautiful spring!


Today the sun is shining happier

Anticipating the breath of spring

And all the beautiful dreams in the world

Today they must come true easily!

Let's raise this glass to a new spring! Spring always breathes more freely, and the heart is more cheerful. In the spring, not only nature wakes up, but also feelings, hopes, good mood... Happy Women's Day and Happy New Spring!

Stas Mikhailov

After the toast: Do you know, girls, that if you look around more attentively, you will notice that the arrival of spring portends many other life changes! There are many funny spring signs, for example ...

Spring signs

A couple of swallows fly - it's to the matchmakers!

Snow melts quickly - go shopping!

Bubbles in puddles - to a rich groom!

Sneezing on the first day of spring - to a fun life!

Wind from the south - to happy changes!

Leading: So pay attention, dear ladies! But there is one more inalienable sign of spring. On the eve of March 8, literally in a day or two, there is simply no overcrowding in stores. This is because men choose gifts for us, as always, at the very last moment! And quite often, if not regularly, they give us something completely wrong! What does a woman want? Anything that will make her even more beautiful and irresistible.

And today just such gifts are in store for you - the most necessary and practical in the world!

Music is playing. Gifts are given out


I see everyone is happy with their gifts! And now I remembered a distant childhood, when for the holiday on March 8, we lovingly prepared surprises and gifts for our mothers ...

The sun is shining clear

On these spring days

Gives warmth and affection,

As from my mother's hand!

Let's fill and raise the next feast for mothers, may they be alive and healthy for a long time!

Song about mom


Leading (after the toast): Girls, speaking of mothers, on this day one cannot but mention our common second mother! I'm talking about our beloved boss! Without exaggeration, one can only say good things about her. She leads and directs all of us, assumes all responsibility and, so to speak, rushes to the embrasure, defending our interests. We spent so much time choosing the words to express our gratitude and admiration to her that it turned out to be a whole song!

The song about the boss (to the tune of a nursery rhyme "Smile").

From the smile of our boss lady

Even the laziest will wake up

And no one will hang their nose

If our Tanya will smile!


And then for sure

The clouds are flying away

Errors are corrected in the reports!

From the blue brook

The river begins

And the bosses start with a smile!

From the smile of our boss lady

The soul always becomes more wonderful!

Despite vitamin deficiency,

We get to work with a song!


Congratulations to the boss on March 8:

You are one of those good people

Who is only by the presence of one

Every day makes good

And the world is cheerful and colorful!

Let your success be the result

All beginnings and undertakings,

In your soul you have dreams about many things,

May they come true soon!

Toast. Musical pause

Leading(after the toast):

May happiness and love smile

In the springtime long-awaited

May the sweetest, dear, desired

Surrounds with care again and again!

So we started talking about the sweetest and dearest, about our beloved and sometimes hated - about men! It often happens in life that we, the weaker sex, take on too much and carry it on fragile shoulders ... There is one popular wisdom: men should be allowed to be men. And to what extent do we allow them to do this?

Let's check!

Test joke "Are you independent?"

Leading: I have a short test for you. Answer "yes" or "no", you want - mentally, you want - out loud! So here we go!

You at least once in your life ...

1) got behind the wheel?

2) hammered in a nail?

3) compliment someone?

4) lifted luggage heavier than a handbag?

5) changed the wheel of the car?

6) fought with the shop assistants?

7) did you buy yourself gold?

8) and finally, do you know what the word "pliers" means?

Now let's decipher the results:

- those who do not have a single answer "yes": a man is absolutely necessary to maintain at least a minimal opportunity to survive in this difficult world;

- those who answered “yes” to half and less than half of the questions: they still have a chance to become independent and independent;

- those who answered “yes” to more than half of the questions: these are real Russian women who will stop the horse and enter the hut!

Leading: Of course, this test is comic, but, as they say, in every joke there is only a fraction of a joke ...

But what men think about us women, now we will try to find out.

Music hat

Leading: Now let's drink to men ... They are what they are - not ideal, like ourselves. And let's mentally send them our hello and a kiss! Or maybe not mentally: did you know that by the shape of the lipstick print when kissing, you can judge the intentions and feelings? Let's check on napkins! If the print is round, it means a serious stable relationship. If the heart is passionate love. "Bow" - frivolity and meaningless flirting. And an imprint of a square shape means disgust and latent dislike!

Leading: Well, we "washed the bones" for men. It's good that they don't hear us now. But in fact, of course, without men there would not be the most important happiness on earth - our children!

A toast is raised to the health and success of the children of all women present. Moose. Pause.


Why do we love spring days so much?

Why are we waiting for them with hope and joy?

Because only they are filled

Unusual, special happiness, warmth ...

Attention lady! On March 8, it is customary to give flowers to women. And women themselves bloom like roses! But few people know that there is a special flower horoscope. Now we will find out which of us is who, and we will get a gorgeous bouquet ...

Those who were born in January stand up! You are orchids! Please, orchids, fill your glasses and hear about yourself (and so on for all the months):


Who dared to dream of an Orchid,

He knows - a difficult undertaking:

She will break your heart

And proudly leave!


Always fresh, vigorous Mimosa,

Don't waste your tears!

Mimosa is a surprise girl

“We only live once” is her motto!


Everyone knows: Lady Lily

Inaccessible, like the Bastille!

But in the circle of her friends

No party girls are more fun!


Purebred nobleman

Our lovely Dahlia!

Nobility is in the blood here ...

But the Dahlias dream

About simple earthly love!

Lily of the valley(May)

The Lily of the Valley woman is modest and courteous,

Very neat and very pretty!

She is not too lazy to work,

And make beauty all day long!


The bell is the funniest

Having fun like a child!

He remembers the most important thing:

You cannot be a pessimist!


From which overseas countries

Did the Tulip come to us?

Exotic, eccentric

But at the same time cute!


Look at the Sunflower:

Lovely, whatever you say!

There are so many ideas and plans in it,

How many seeds are inside!


All Carnations are no coincidence

Stunned how good:

Only Carnations know the secret

Eternal youth of the soul!


Chamomile is a little shy,

But flirting is not averse!

She's a last shirt

Will give to help others!

the Rose(November)

Rose hides many secrets,

But there is one secret in it:

In this look, in this pose

All the greatness of victories!


Lotus knows how to convince


He only dreams of peace

And there is something to be proud of the Lotus!

Leading: Let's raise a toast to our colorful and extremely wonderful team-bouquet! In it, all the flowers are so matched to each other that replace at least one - and it will be completely different! ..

And once again with the women's holiday, all of you, my dear flowers! As nature blooms in spring, may your beauty bloom in the same way! Let's wish each other happiness, spring, love, kindness!

With the most heartfelt words

Full of spring warmth

Congratulations on the first rays

Happy holiday of love and beauty!

Please yourself, dream, believe

Smile wider as you do now

May the heart at any time of the year

Beats like a spring with you!

And now I invite everyone to dance!


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