Interview Eliseeva Kommersant. Ilya Eliseev told "Kommersant" about the "Dar" found by him. "Dar" nevertheless engaged in charity

The Foundation "Dar" Ilya Eliseev has existed for more than 10 years, but attracted the attention of Russians only recently. The authorized capital of the Foundation, whose creation officials did not have a relationship, was formed by the founders back in 2006 and amounted to 34.4 billion rubles. In an interview with the "Kommersant" publishing house, Ilya Eliseev said that the Foundation was conceived as a non-profit organization that will implement projects in the interests of the state and society.

For history

One of the main priorities of the non-profit activities "Dara" is the restoration of historical buildings. It was this foundation that one of the first donated funds for restoration work at the Museum and Park Complex in Strelna. To support this project from 2007 to 2010, Dar listed 1728 million rubles.

Eliseev reminded that in the early 1990s there were ruins on the site of the complex. Now, after restoring, tourists from all over the world are visited.

In my opinion, this is a very successful example of a public partnership, when a historical monument has been restored for the state and society, without attracting budgetary funds.

He believes Eliseev.

Photo: Natalia Seliverstov / RIA Novosti

Restoration of Plesa

After that successful experience, the Foundation decided to restore the historical monument in another region of Russia. Having considered several options, the leaders of the Organization decided to stop at the Plesa (Ivanovo region). According to Eliseev, he was shocked by the beauty of this city, when for the first time he visited him in 2008.

The head of "Dara" said that the Flace did not only restore the estate of Cherry, but also the main city cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ of 1817 buildings.

About 165 million rubles we sent to the restoration of the church of the Resurrection of Christ "Over the Eternal Region". This is a wooden temple of 1699, which was in 1982 postponed to Ples from the village of Bilyukovo Ivanovo region

- Head of the Dar Foundation.

Engaged in a fund and social institutions. 32 million rubles were invested in the city hospital, another 107 million spent on the creation of the Levitan-Hall cultural center. Now there is a International Film Festival "Ples on the Volga. Linen palette and the Film Festival named after Andrei Tarkovsky "Mirror". In just 10 years, according to Eliseev, in the restoration of infrastructure and monuments of the Ploves, 1.184 billion rubles were invested.

Work with real estate

The fund is engaged not only by historical real estate, but also modern buildings. Speaking about the mansion on Rublevka, Eliseev confirmed that the Dar Foundation received it as compensation for the unrealized developer project. What did the businessman Alisher Usmanov talked about?

"We are working with real estate to have funds to fulfill their statutory goals and tasks. Well, it is impossible to exist only at the expense of sponsors, and the experience gained in the field of restoration and renovation was simply stupid not to use, "Eliseev explained.

"We have always actively engaged in charity"

Despite the fact that charity is not the main task of non-profit funds, they can spend money on it. According to Eliseeva, for 10 years "Dar" and organizations associated with him spent about 11.4 billion rubles for charity.

I repeat: 11.4 billion. This is very big money. Well, forgive us that we did not shout about it on every corner.<…> Finally, I repeat once again: we are not a charity organization. Non-commercial? Yes. Charitable? No.

Head "Dara" Ilya Eliseev.

All is

According to Eliseeva, the "gift" under the law and the principle of operation is the owner of the entire property, and transfer it to anyone is prohibited.

In essence, the Foundation is a certain amount of material resources transferred by the founders for the achievement of any goals. This money is spent on the remuneration of people, the development of related projects, and the goals associated with their implementation.

In addition, in the presence of free money, the fund is obliged to reinvest them in their goals and cannot spend them "in their own way."

"Distribute its [commercial benefit of the Fund] in the future between the founders in any form it is categorically prohibited: funds are required to reinvest it in statutory non-commercial purposes. . In the case of the complete liquidation of the Foundation, its assets under no circumsion will not be transmitted to the founders of the Foundation, no more unnecessary individuals. For our funds, the law simply does not provide for such an opportunity, "Eliseev explained.

"I want to disappoint everyone"

Dara has things and not in the "Neorbitsky" zones, among his projects - Kosheleva-Bezborodko's mansion, located in the heart of St. Petersburg on the banks of the Neva. Over the past few years, the project has passed a complex and multi-level restoration and was recognized as the best draft 2016-2017 among European projects for the renovation of residential complexes.

I want to immediately disappoint everyone who will look for there traces of the prime minister. Neither he nor the members of his family there were never and housing in this house do not own

Ilya Eliseev.

Right holder illustration Getty Images Image Caption. "Unfortunately [...] there is not a single word of truth in this interview," writes politician

Alexey Navalny oppositionist commented on the interview with the head of the Funds "Dar" and "social contract" Ilya Eliseev, a classmate of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, whom Navalny called de facto manager of the Prime Minister of Russia.

Eliseev in an interview denies participation in the corruption scheme, Navalny, in turn, claims that the truth in this interview can be called only a few paragraphs who are not directly related to corruption charges.

"It says that the investigation of our bad and everything that belongs to Medvedev (according to our words) actually belongs to him. Unfortunately, in addition to the beautiful paragraphs, the above, there is not a single word of truth in this interview," comments Navalny on its website Interview Eliseeva.

In his interview with the newspaper Kommersant Eliseev, he says that the estate of Cherneva in the city of Ples, which Navalny called a part of the illegal possessions of the premiere, belongs to him and is a "representative residence of the top level" in which "guest, in addition to Dmitry Medvedev, and other famous people: Large businessmen, politicians, prominent public figures. "

"If the cottage in the Plesa belongs to you, not Medvedev, then why is the FSO division officially located there? If the cottage in the Plesa belongs to you, not Medvedev, then why is the official non-flying zone above it? - Navalny asks in response.

Ilya Eliseev in his interview declares that the object that is in question is not, but Medvedev comes there, while paying his living there.

"FBK constantly calls this object of the cottage. Well, if this is someone's cottage, then, then, mine. Especially since, unlike the premier, I come there regularly because of the work and, unlike Dmitry Anatolyevich, I do not pay your stay, "he says.

Eliseev is one of the main heroes of the anti-corruption investigation of Navalny called "He's not Dimon", in which the politician claims that Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is the owner of a network of illegally acquired luxurious real estate.

Navalny claims that these objects are fictitiously decorated for controlled by Eliseev Funds, and the businessman himself is in this way de facto the prime minister's property. In an interview with Eliseev calls these statements "Chushye".

The newspaper "Kommersant", which was interviewed Eliseev, belongs to the Russian billionaire Alisra Usmanov. He was also mentioned in the investigation of Navalny and has already commented on his claims.

Navalny argued that Usmanov in 2010 allegedly handed the mansion on the Rublence of the Social State Foundation, under the leadership of Ilya Eliseev, through which the Medvedev allegedly manages.

Usmanov himself told the newspaper "Vedomosti", which handed the house and land in the framework of the assets exchange transaction. According to the billionaire, he knew Eliseeva when he worked as the head of Gazprom Investholding.

With regard to Navalny, Usmanov filed a lawsuit on the protection of honor and dignity. According to the billionaire, the information set out in the investigation of the FBK does not correspond to reality and will deter on business reputation.

Right holder illustration Vladimir smirnov / tass Image Caption. According to FBK, one of the controlled Eliseev firms belongs to a license for two yachts - Princess 85 My and Princess 32m. Both yachts, according to FBK, were spotted on the shore of the alleged "MEDVEDEV residence"

The head of the Foundations "DAR" and "SOCHOPROT" Ilya Eliseev, whom Alexei Navalny FBK considers Dmitry Medvedev's prime minister of the premiere of Russia, said to the "community", which was received by the "social prosecut" by Rublevka, as part of the transaction.

"On this mansion on Rublevka, his previous owner was already expressed in detail - Alisher Usmanov. I can only confirm: and we, and, as I understand it, our partners from the East Invest group received compensation for the unrealized developer project. This is part of our Activity. We are working with real estate to have funds to fulfill their statutory goals and tasks, "said Medvedev's classmate in Jurfak Luge Eliseev in an interview with the Kommersant newspaper, which was published on Friday.

According to Eliseeva, the Foundation intends to go to court with "Classes to protect business reputation for primary sources and a number of media that distribute false information about the" gift "and its companies."

"Every patience has a limit. I see how in my country a lie, insults, political manipulations are trying to issue for the rule of political struggle," Ilya Eliseev explained.

Earlier, FBK called the transfer of a land plot and a bribe, which the billionaire Alisher Usmanov actually gave Dmitry Medvedev. In response, Usmanov threatened Alexey by the Navalny Court.

Usmanov said in an interview with "Vedomosti", which was delivered to the property of the Socodal Foundation in 2010 in 2010, a total area of \u200b\u200babout 4 hectares in the village of Znamenskoye Moscow region, as well as a house as part of a commercial transaction. In exchange, he received the land owned by the Foundation next to his own site.

According to Eliseeva, now the household "is almost fully conserved", and the Foundation is looking for a buyer on him. "Well, or, maybe find any other options for using it, including, for example, by re-equipments in the Luxe hotel. Needlessly repeat that no one has ever used this house, because it is simply not adapted to accommodate today." - said Eliseev newspaper Kommersant.

FBK investigation

Navalny said that the co-owner of the USM holding, the billionaire Alisher Usmanov presented the Foundation for the support of socially significant state projects ("social progress"), which is headed by the Medvedev classmate, a house with a plot in Znamensky village on Rublevsky highway.

According to Navalny, this is a huge house, and 4.3 hectares of land in the Znamensky village on Rublevka worth about 5 billion rubles were presented by the oligarch Usmanov Fund, "Navalny noted. - Raw Saligarch, one of the richest Russian businessmen presented an unusually expensive estate on Rublevka. We perfectly understand what this gift means: it's a bribe. "

In response, Usmanov threatened with Navalna, which will give him to the court for slander. "Navalny introduces people in confusion, and his statements - slander," said oligarch, noting that the politician "switched the red feature."

Right holder illustration EPA

Then, in an interview with "Vedomosti", Usmanov said that the land and house in the Znamensky "social progress" during the transaction, which allowed the oligarch to expand the estate in Assumption. According to Usmanova, Eliseev, with whom he was familiar, said that the "social progress" wants to build on the border with a plot of a businessman in the Assumption five big mansions. Usmanov argues that he suggested Eliseev to exchange their plot - 12 hectares - to a house with a plot in Znamensky. "The Foundation gave me a huge plot at a nominal price, and I handed over to the" Socialmost section "plot and house," Usmanov said.

Navalny in response said that the oligarch "lies as a blue Merin." The politician claims that the plot of 12 hectares on Rublevka does not belong to the Foundation "Social State", and Usmanov bought this land.

Earth on Rublevka from 2007 to 2010 belonged to the "group East Invest". Her head of Ilya Gavrilov told the BBC that the group planned to build five cottages in this section together with the "social prosecut". Eliseev in an interview with "Vedomosti" said the same thing.

"We had oral agreements with the Foundation" Socoderproekt "that we will develop this land, but then the Foundation refused it. And we sold the Usman Plot for cadastral value. And he gave us working capital for other developers' projects," - Explained Gavrilov, calling the accusations of Navalny Bredom.

"They did not come up with anything better than the oral deal. So no one leads a business," said BBC lawyer of the fight against corruption love Sable. - I doubt that it was not invented now, on the occasion. " She believes that Eliseev and Usmanov must grant their evidence to court. FBK, according to her, relies on the investigation on extracts from Rosreestra.

  • Usmanov explained the transfer of the mansion to the Forest of the Medvedev classmate
  • Navalny answered accusations of slander from Usmanova

"It is strange that not Medvedev himself speaks. Why is his press secretary acting Usmanov? It is obvious that Usmanov is trying to harm Medvedev," he added Sobol.

"Executive Residence"

Ilya Eliseeva, according to FBK, also registered Cypriot company FURCINA LIMITED. This company has a subsidiary of LLC Investment Community. The company belongs to the licenses for two yachts - Princess 85 My and Princess 32M, follows from materials published by the Navalny Foundation. The total cost of these yachts is estimated at 16 million dollars. Both yachts were seen moored in the sea on the shore of the alleged "MEDVEDEV residence", which he owned the Dar Foundation headed by Eliseev.

In an interview with the Kommersant newspaper Ilya Eliseev acknowledged that the Cherry Manor in the Plesa is actually a "representative residence of the top-level level" in which the guest, in addition to Dmitry Medvedev, and other famous people: large businessmen, politicians, prominent public figures. "

"FBK constantly calls this object of the cottage. Well, if this is someone's cottage, then, then, mine. Especially since, unlike the premier, I come there regularly because of the work and, unlike Dmitry Anatolyevich, I do not pay your stay, "said Eliseev, stressing that" neither the chairman of the government nor the members of his family were never and are neither owners nor other title owners of this real estate. "

The opinion of the FBK experts who consider Eliseev by the head of the home office of the Prime Minister, the businessman called "full Chushy".

"I am not a subordinate prime minister, his" banker "," renovation ", etc. I am completely self-sufficient, independent, I don't need high-ranking cartridges. Of course, we are beautifully familiar, as we are able to meet, happy birthday to each other Congratulations. And although we are not friends with families, but also a son, and I know Dmitry Anatolyevich's wife, "I answered Eliseev.

Russia did not agree to the placement of an armed police mission in the Donbas. This was stated in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Earlier, the deputy head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine Konstantin Eliseev was announced about the consent of Moscow. He stated that the country's authorities had records of all telephone conversations that confirm the consent of Vladimir Putin to unfold the mission. The deputy head of the Russian Foreign Ministry of Grigori Karasin stressed that there are currently established formats to discuss such issues, in particular, the contact group. According to Karasin, "Multilitudes of Kiev strategists only interferes with the case." Director of the Kiev Center for Political Studies and Conflictology Mikhail Pogrebinsky discussed the topic with the leading "Kommersant FM" by Natalia Zhdanova.

- Tell us what they are talking about in Kiev? Do there really have any confirmation that Putin agreed to turn this mission?

- I carefully read an exclusive interview with Eliseeva - it refers to him - and he did not say any sensation there at all. He uttered that it has long been known: Russia does not refuse to discuss the armed mission. After all, in fact, a couple more months ago, when there was a big meeting of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin with journalists, the president said he was talking to Poroshenko, and he suggested this armed mission, to which Putin said that if we are talking about the placement line, then we not against. Subsequent quotes and senior managers responsible for this direction in the Russian Federation clearly made it clear that Moscow is not against, but it must be agreed with those who control the situation in the Donbas. That is, join these direct negotiations, if they agree, and you somehow agree, then please - at least a military, although the military-space mission can come true there.

Therefore, in those words that Eliseyev were pronounced, there is no lies in principle. He said that Russia gave consent to discuss. Please be discussed.

- And in what condition this is now the most negotiation process? It seems like during the straight line, Vladimir Putin said just that he is not against, but there are no specific agreements yet.

- There is a big policy, where someone says that it is not against, someone says that it is necessary to negotiate with the DPR, LNR. But it's all as if high politics.

In fact, no military mission there will be no on the border, nor at polling stations. Just because, firstly, a large-scale mission requires a difficult agreement to all OSCE members, more than 50. Secondly, you need to highlight a lot of money. Thirdly, this requires a truly large-scale mission, because there is a large compound to each other - 75 thousand on the one hand, 40 thousand on the other. Even 1 thousand people are impossible to check.

And in the end, there is a clear position of Zakharchenko and the carpenter that they are against in general any armed mission. I do not see the reasons why they change their position. And the fact that Moscow says that in principle can be discussed, - so Moscow for a long time wants to understand Kiev and the West for a long time, which can be agreed only if Kiev will sit at the negotiating table with DPR and LNR. And Kiev refuses. On this optimistic note, it is possible to complete - no mission will be.

- Okay. If this does not happen, what kind of settlement is possible in this case, how important is the presence of a peacekeeping contingent?

- If it depended on me, I would, for example, recommended to agree on some limited peacekeeping mission of armed people at the border of the opposition, so that it was really clear who begins to shoot, so that it was impossible to explain that we were not the first to shoot. It is important. And people would not die. And the second, I would, in principle, would even consider a possible police mission, an armed mission, such as the protection of OSCE representatives together with the representatives of the DPR and LNR at polling stations. The meaning is what? In order for the elections there passed. If the elections are held, it will fully solve the task of overcoming the crisis, because then Kiev will have to abandon the concept of what he fights with Russia. It turns out that there will still be the interference of people who vs. Kiev will still escape Zakharchenko and the carpenter.

In the end, you will have to say that there is actually a civil conflict or civil war, and then the attitude to this will change, and it will be a step to lead direct negotiations, find compromise solutions, but it is not in the interests of Kiev, I would even say , not much in the interests of the DPR and LNR. Therefore, I do not see the prospects of such an important and desired for all peaceful in the south-east of Ukraine.

Following Alisher Usmanov, the chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Dar Foundation, Ilya Eliseev, was gathered with Alexey Navalny and the Foundation for the fight against corruption. He told about this "Kommersant". On March 2, FBK published an investigation in which he argued that Eliseev, a classmate Dmitry Medvedev, and related to him "Dar" and "Socoder" act in the interest of the premiere. Also FBK sent a statement about violations in these funds to the Prosecutor General's Office. According to FBK, in August 2010, the "social contract" received from Usmanov free of charge under the donation agreement land with a house in the village of Znamenskoye on Rublevka, it is considered a bribe in FBK. The Foundation "Dar", according to FBK, in 2014, in violation of the law, the land plot in the village of Milovka Ivanovo region in the village of Milovka Ivanovo region in the village of Milovka, the Gradislav Non-commercial Foundation. Usmanov and Eliseev gave it to understand that they realize that their claims would create a naval "extra PR" and promotion, but they no longer intend to tolerate.

On the question of the area that appeared in the investigation of the FBK at Rublevka Eliseev replied that over 10 years of work, his funds acquired a "strong competence of working with real estate". The foundation works with real estate in order to have funds for the fulfillment of statutory goals and tasks, "it is impossible to exist only at the expense of sponsors, and the experience gained in the field of restoration and renovation was just stupid not to use." "I can only confirm: and we, and, as far as I understand, our partners from the East Invest group received compensation for the unrealized developer project," he said about this site. The home ownership is now "almost fully fed," a buyer is looking for a buyer or other use options, for example, it can be converted to a luxury hotel. "Needless to repeat that no one has ever used this house, as it is simply not adapted to stay today. By the way, the amount in which FBK rated this house, we were very impressed and even inspired. If we can sell it in such an assessment, we will be happy to do it, "said Eliseev.

"Vedomosti" he said that gratuitous transmission of the "Socoderosproit" Fund 4 hectares with a house in the village of Znamenskoye was on Rublevka, in fact, a commercial deal. In exchange for this property, the "social contract" refused to implement the development project on the construction of a cottage village on a plot in 12 hectares in the village of Uspenskoye and handed over this land Usmanov, with the plot of which she bordered, followed from the comment Eliseeva. For the Foundation, this deal was moneyless, he noted.

The Plot conveyed to Usmanov belonged to the company "Society", with the "social prosecraft" there was an agreement on the joint development of the site, explained to the "Vedomosti" Eliseev: "Panel East Invest" was supposed to provide a plot, our fund - financing. " According to him, the partners considered the suggestion of Usmanov about the exchange of profitable, because the developer project it was necessary to invest money, counting on future non-marginal profit. At the same time, the recipient of the site and houses in Znamensky became "social progress". "I understand so much," the East Invest Group "received its compensation from Usmanova," Eliseev said. "We planned with the" East Invest Group "a number of developership projects in the Moscow region, but in connection with the fall in the real estate market, they were not realized," he explained. Usmanov told in an interview with "Vedomosti" on the exchange of plots with the "social prosecut", noting that he considers the deal very profitable, as she allowed him to increase the estate, the first sections of which he bought back in 2001, to more than 20 hectares. According to him, the empty 12 hectares in Assumption, in the floodplain of the Moscow River, cost about as much as 4 hectares with a good mansion in Znamensky.

Eliseev does not deny that he is familiar with Medvedev, but he assures that he is not his "banker", "Zarezhoz" and generally subordinate. "Of course, we are great, as far as possible, we meet, happy to congratulate each other. And although we are not friends with families, but the son, and the wife of Dmitry Anatolyevich, I know well. But merry, I need to be justified for it? " - he said.

In an interview with Kommersant, Eliseev said that the Dar Foundation is over 10 years old, it was created at the end of 2006 as a non-profit organization with a capital of 34.4 billion rubles. And "None of officials had a relationship to the creation of the Fund." He stressed that this is NKO, and not a charity foundation in his classical understanding. At the time of the establishment of the constituent capital of "Dara" posted on accounts and deposits in Gazprombank, where Eliseev since 2005 is a deputy chairman. «11 billion rubles that Gazprombank I gave us as a loan and which caused such horror FBK, is just part of the most funds that the fund has placed in the same bank, "he said.

There is no owner from the Fund, and the Foundation itself is the only exclusive owner of his property, Added Eliseev. "Talking is simplified, the fund is the money transferred to him by the founders for the achievement of any goals, people hired to be achieved, and projects needed to implement these goals," he explained and added what was responsible for the work Foundation. Due to the income from the commercial activities "Dar" finances planned unprofitable projects and is engaged in charity.

In an interview, Eliseev confirmed that the Dar Foundation was restored and the construction of "such objects such as Milovka or Psehako". Among the charity projects of the Foundation, he mentioned "Light of the radiant angel", "Slavm Fatherland!", "Winter Tale", "Give me life", "Little Miracle", "School Gift", as well as the project "White Rose" to create network diagnostic female health centers.

Organize a representative residence in the estate of the Black Foundation decided "not immediately", this decision was made as a path to preserving the monument. "FBK constantly calls this object cottage. Well, if this and someone's cottage, then, probably mine. Especially since, unlike the prime minister, I come there regularly by virtue of the official need and, unlike Dmitry Anatolyevich, I do not pay your stay, "said Eliseev. "All objects located in the estate ownership belong to the right of ownership of the two of our funds -" Dar "and" Gradislav ". The latter structure was specially created as a production, and, as the Dar Foundation completed the restoration or construction of individual buildings forming the estate, they were transferred to the Balance of the Gradislav Foundation. Here is such a "tricky" scheme, "he added.


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