New Year's fairy tale buttermilk. The scenario of the presentation "Winter in Prostokvashino" methodical development on the topic. "New Year in Prostokvashino"

Larisa Ilyina
Leisure scenario "Winter in Prostokvashino"

Thematic lesson in the senior group « Winter in Prostokvashino»

goal: To draw children's attention to the beauty of winter, to show the harmony of the natural world. Develop timbre hearing, a sense of rhythm, artistic imagination, the ability to figurative improvisation.

Materials and equipment:


Percussion folk instruments

Cartoon screensavers « Winter in Prostovashino»

CD disc "Seasons"

Course of the lesson:

Moose. the leader: "Hello guys! Today we have a lesson dedicated to winter-winter.

Here winter has come silver

White snow covered the clean field

In the windows he writes a pattern with an ice needle

And knocks on our yard with a fresh Christmas tree

Children (1) :

Led winter is above us

Snow sleeves

And snowflakes fell

On trees, on houses

Children (2) :

We will ride from the mountain

Children (3) :

We will fight in snowballs

Children (4) :

And therefore we are very

Children (all):

Really like winter

Song "Hello, guest winter»



It's snowing

Snowstorm sweeps, frost in the yard

There is ice on the river, ice on the roads

Snowflake exercise

A letter flies into the hall to the sound of the wind.

Moose. the leader: “Oh, what a strong wind has risen, it snowed, and a large snowflake flew into our hall, oh and this is not a snowflake, but a letter, let's read:

“Hello dear guys. We invite you to visit Prosokvashino... We got a lot of snow. And on sleds and on skis, and on skates, you can skate to your heart's content. Uncle Fyodor could not come, and we are bored without children. We are waiting for a visit.

Dog Sharik, Cat Matroskin "

Moose. the leader: “I'd like to visit Prostokvashino, tumble in the snow, play snowballs, because in Crimea there is almost no snow.

Do you guys accept the invitation? "

Children: "Accept"

Moose. employee: "We'll go on a train trip, take seats!"

Song "It's nice to travel"

Moose. the leader: “Here we are in Prostokvashino... What a beautiful village. Around the forest, field, river. ABOUT! We are already being met. "

Matroskin and Sharik appear.

Matroskin: "Come in, dear guests, come in, come in, but don't fall into a snowdrift".

Ball: "Well, the snow fell this year, and the river and the meadow and the houses, everything was covered with snow."

Matroskin: "Guests must be greeted with respect, and the road must be cleared of snow."

Moose. employee: "Who are you?"

Ball: "I am Sharik is a hunting dog"

Matroskin: "And I am Matroskin - cat "Nobody's", the cat is in itself, its own, but, in general, I am on the economic side. "

Moose. the leader: “So you sent us an invitation!

Ball and matroskin: “We, we, only now the road is covered with snow, do not pass, do not go. And where is our most important buttermilk janitor

A snowman appears sweeps with a broom:

I'm made of snow Snowman, I'm made for glory

I look funny and my outfit is funny

I have a big hat on my head

I feel warm in it in winter, but it doesn't drip in spring

A lot of snow covered, everything became white,

We need to take the shovels, collect the snow in a big snowdrift

A game: "Help the snowman collect snow"

Moose. the leader: "Thank you Snowman, now we will not go astray and will not get stuck in a snowdrift."

Ball: "Eh, let's run, stretch and warm up"

Logorhythmic exercise "We love to play in winter":

We are skiing with you

The cold snow licks the skis,

And then ice skating

But we fell. Oh!

And then they made snowballs,

And then snowballs rolled.

And then they fell exhausted

And we ran home

Song: "Blizzard"

Children sit on chairs.

Matroskin: “Well, they ran. Oh, where is the music heard from? Only the rehearsal has begun in the club. "

Ball: "Everyone is rehearsing, rehearsing".

Matroskin: "And when will there be a concert?".

Ball: "You need to take the best places in the first row, otherwise you won't see anything from afar."

Children come out with musical instruments

Matroskin: "These are not our artists, but some kind of visiting".


We brought the tools:

Spoons, tambourines, bells,

The sounds of our orchestra

Will fly to all ends

Musical number "Orchestra"

Ball: “Oh, well, you brought us some funny artists. Prostokvashinskie artists don't know how. "

Matroskin: "They can, they can, they can do a lot more"

Shrik: "What else can they do that?"

Matroskin: "They know how to meet and treat guests"

Whoever asked

Everyone will say for sure

Cat Matroskin in Russia

The best farmer

Ball: “Why are you the best farmer? I heat the stove, chop wood, cook dinner, guard the house. But I don’t catch mice, and I’m not going to. You are businesslike Matroskin, you constantly argue, but this winter you don't even catch mice. "

Matroskin: "And I graze the cow Govryushu, milk, feed ..."

Moose. the leader: "Do not quarrel, do not quarrel, well, make peace"


Although we quarrel sometimes

We don't need a fight

You, yes I, yes you and me

Cat and dog

Matroskin: "And I made a feeder for our birds"

Ball: “Why is that? For what other birds? "

Matroskin: "For those! Who do not fly away in winter, but stay for the winter."

Moose. the leader: "Guys, what birds do not fly away to warm lands?"

Children's answer.


I made a feeder

And opened the dining room

Sparrow, bullfinch neighbor

You will have lunch in winter


Feed the birds in winter

A handful of grain is needed

One handful and not scary

Will be it winter


Why do I love a sparrow?

For being like me.

When the cold comes

Doesn't fly away anywhere.

Song "Sparrow"


Sparrow here, here

Here's your food friend

A game "Feed the sparrow"

Moose. the leader: “We fed the sparrow, got some felt boots so that they would not freeze in the frost and the sparrow's legs. Here, take your felt boots and bask on the heap. "

Dance "Felt boots"

Moose. the leader: “And for Sharik and Matroskin we prepared winter clothes so that they would not freeze.”

Ball: “Only here everything got messed up. I can't get it, where are the boots, and where are the mittens? "

A game "Find a Pair"

Moose. the leader: “So our journey to Prostokvashino... Thank you Sharik and Matroskin for their hospitality. We liked you very much "

Ball: "Come to visit us again, do not be bored"

Child: "And we will write you letters".


Characters: Sharik, Cat Matroskin, Uncle Fedor, Snowman, Ded Moroz, Snow Maiden, postman Pechkin.

Soundtrack from the cartoon "If there was no winter".

Matroskin sits on a chair, sprawled, cross-legged, looking thoughtfully at Sharik. The ball runs around the room looking for a photographic gun.

Matroskin: Why are you, Sharik, running around the house and barking? Lost anything?

Ball: I lost my photographic gun, wanted to go hunting, take pictures of forest animals.

Matroskin : Yes, I know your photo hunt. You will run after the hare for half a day to take a picture, and then another half day to give it back. You have nothing to do?

Ball : What should I do? I don't have a cow, I don't need to go milk it.

Matroskin: New Year is coming. How will we meet?

Ball: Why meet him? He will come himself! In the morning you wake up, and he has already come.

Matroskin: You are wrong, Sharik, you say. People are always looking forward to New Year's Eve and celebrating the coming of the New Year.

Ball: Come on, Matroskin, you need it, you and celebrate.

Uncle Fyodor enters.

Uncle Fedor: Fighting again, friends? And this is New Year's Eve!

Matroskin: Here I am talking. We need to prepare for the new year.

A knock on the door. Pechkin enters.

Uncle Fyodor: Who is there?

Pechkin: This is me the postman Pechkin. I brought you a telegram. Only I won't give it to you.

Uncle Fedor: We know, we know, because we have no documents! Okay, read it yourself.

Pechkin: "Wait for a visit. We will be soon."

Ball: Hurray-ah-ah-ah! This means we will have a real New Year! That's great! Our house and guests are already full. And you Pechkin go, you have a lot of work, you need to deliver mail.

Pechkin leaves.

Matroskin: And I say, not na-a-a-ado guests! They eat a lot and make a lot of noise from them. They will drink all my milk.

Uncle Fedor: Matroskin, we don't need your milk. And if your cow did not give milk, but carbonated water, then we would have treated ourselves. The guys here will celebrate the New Year! Together it will be more fun!

Matroskin: Well, okay, have fun, just do not indulge, otherwise you will break the furniture, but we have no money to buy a new one, those saw the crisis. And Sharik is a bum, no use whatsoever, he drives everything with a gun!

Uncle Fedor: But these are not ordinary guests, they will sing and dance us songs.

Matroskin (reluctantly): How are they preparing for the new year?

Uncle Fedor: The guys will help us. I also want to know how you guys are preparing for the new year. Now I will talk about how I prepare for the holiday with my mom and dad. If you also prepare like this, say "Me too" and clap your hands, and if not - "Oh, no - no" and stomp your feet.

Uncle Fedor: I decorate the room before the new year ...

Ball: Before the new year, I use a vacuum cleaner to clean my wool ...

Uncle Fedor: Before the new year, I prepare gifts for all my friends ...

Matroskin: Before the new year, I comb my tail ...

Uncle Fedor: Before the new year, I go to the store and buy food ...

Ball: I watch TV all day before the new year ...

Uncle Fedor: I decorate a Christmas tree before the new year ...

Matroskin: Before the new year I eat "Kiteket" ...

Uncle Fedor: Before the new year, I go skiing and skating ...

Ball: Before the new year, I clean my collar to a shine ...

Uncle Fedor: Before the new year, I send my friends holiday cards ...

Matroskin: Before the new year, I sharpen my claws on the wall ...

Uncle Fedor: I put on the most beautiful suit before the new one ...

Ball: Before the new year, I trim my mustache ...

Uncle Fedor: Before the new year I go to the bathhouse ...

Matroskin: Before the new year, I milk the cow Murka ...

Uncle Fedor: Here's how much to do before the new year. And the guys will help us. Where do we start?

Ball: The telegram says that we will have more guests. And there was so much snow on the street. How will the guests come to us? We must clear the paths. Only we don't have so many shovels.

Uncle Fedor: So let's remove the snow and have some fun. We need to make a snowman out of this snow. So there will be less snow.

The game "We make a snowman".

Players are divided into 2 teams. Each team is divided into 2 more parts, and the players stand opposite each other. The second team is the same. At the signal, the first player from the team rolls a snowball towards the player of his team, who is the first on the opposite side, he intercepts the snowball and rolls in the opposite direction, etc. Whose team will snowball the snowman faster?

Uncle Fedor: Oh, and we did a good job. How many snowballs have we rolled! But there was still snow. You need to smooth it down - trample it down. Let me turn on some fun music and we start dancing. Only we will dance so actively and cheerfully so that the paths near the house become smooth and beautiful, the snow under our feet would become dense.

Dance to the music.

The light goes out. Music. Snowman enters.

Snowman. Hello, friends! How glad I am that you have come to Prostokvashino. You have rolled snowballs. But tonight is a magical New Year's Eve. So I turned into a real living Snowman. Let's have some fun with me too. New Year is a bright holiday. Christmas decorations, tinsel and garlands sparkle and shimmer with colorful lights. Whoever will have fun dancing with me now, I will sprinkle New Year's snow on him.

Game "Dance with a Snowman".

And it's frosty outside. Well, everyone rubbed their nose! ... (Three noses.)
We don't need to beat our thumbs. Everyone quickly took up their ears! ... (We take up the ears.)
Twisted, twisted, so the ears flew off! ... (We twist the ears.)
Those who didn’t flew away, flew with us further! ... (We wave our hands.)
They shook their head! ... (We shake our head.)
Knock on your knees! ... (Knock on your knees.)
They patted on the shoulders! ... (We pat on the shoulders.)
And now we have trampled! ... (We stomp.)
We all dance by all means, the best dance ... (Macarena.)

Matroskin: We have a wrong New Year.

Uncle Fyodor: Why is that?

Matroskin: The neighbors have an elegant tree, but we don't have our own tree. If we celebrate without a Christmas tree, then we will not have any New Year.

Ball: We survived, we can say we found him in the garbage, washed, cleaned, and he sings his song again. Ugh, it would be better if we brought the turtle in a box.

Uncle Fedor: Well, do not swear, because the New Year is outside, but there is a sign, as you will meet the New Year, you will spend it. And we may have our own tree. Right now she will appear.

Matroskin: Hurray-a-a-a. And we will have our own tree, only there is nothing to decorate it with.

Uncle Fedor: As there is nothing, we have old things in the attic and we will dress them up.

The ball runs out.

Matroskin: I wonder what he can find there in the attic? Apart from old things, there is nothing there.

The ball brings a bag of things.

Ball: Look, Matroskin, how many things I have found in the attic! Let's decorate the Christmas tree.

Matroskin: Where do we get it?

Uncle Fedor: Look how many guests we have here! Probably, everyone today would want to become a Christmas tree and then dance in one big circle. Really guys? Come on, you will now become Christmas trees.

Ball: And which one of you turns out to be more elegant, I will give you my favorite bone.

Matroskin: What a surprise! Why do children need your bone! Choose a Christmas tree now, and I'll go and bring my favorite treat.

The game "Wonderful bag".

Music plays, children pass the bag. After stopping the music, the player in whose hands was the bag, without looking into it, takes out a thing from there and puts it on. The game continues. The winner is the one who is funnierly dressed and who wears the most things.

Matroskin hands ice cream to the winner.

Uncle Fedor: Yes, we have got beautiful Christmas trees. One is more elegant than the other. Let's choose the funniest Christmas tree and sing a Christmas tree song around it.

The heroes choose a Christmas tree. They get up in a round dance and sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Ball: Now we do not have enough Santa Claus. Matroskin, let's be Santa Claus! You already have a mustache, we will glue you a beard.

Matroskin (indignantly): I don’t need to glue anything! Look what you've come up with!

Ball: Fine, fine. Then let's make Pechkin Santa Claus.

Matroskin: Yeah, and my cow Murka is the Snow Maiden. No, Sharik, you will have to live without Santa Claus, and without the Snow Maiden, and without the New Year.

Uncle Fedor: Again you are arguing. It's too early for us to wait for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden to visit. Not everything is ready to welcome guests. Now we need to put things in order in the house.

Ball: This is true. And you don't want to celebrate the New Year in such a mess.

Matroskin: What kind of mess are you talking about? We don't have any mess.

Ball: Yes, in our kitchen all the pans are full of milk.

Matroskin: How did my milk stop you?

Ball: You drink milk, but you don't catch mice. In all corners of the night, mice scratch.

Uncle Fedor: Do not quarrel you. Let's get busy cleaning and disperse all the mice. And Matroskin will teach you how to catch mice.

Matroskin conductsthe game "Catching mice".

Children stand in a circle, and Matroskin is in the center. He twists the rope with a mouse tied at the end of the rope, and the children jump, trying not to step on the mouse, not to interfere with Matroskin's catching mice.

Uncle Fedor: Well done, Matroskin, he drove all the mice out of the house. And you, Sharik, need to prepare a New Year's salad. Here are some food (balloons). And we will help. Where do we start? Command!

Game "New Year's Menu".

Children are divided into two teams and stand in one line. It is necessary to put "products" in a salad bowl. We will do this as masterly as real chefs. We pass "products" in an unusual way, behind the back. The first player takes the balloon and passes it to the next player, both have their hands behind their backs. When the “product” is in the hands of the last player, he puts it in a salad bowl (box) and shouts: “Happy New Year”. Only then can the second "product" be sent to the salad bowl.

Matroskin: Do you think Santa Claus will come to us?
Ball: What has he forgotten in our boondocks?
Matroskin: And I think he will come.
Ball: I will meet him with flowers.
Matroskin: And where do you get them? Are you going to pick dandelions out from under the snow?
Ball: Why dandelions. At home, a cactus grows on the window.
Matroskin: This is my cactus. You can't give someone else's gifts.
Uncle Fedor: Do not quarrel you. Let's better think about how we will meet the guests.

Ball: We must meet the guests with bread and salt.
Matroskin: Salt is a white poison. Her knees creak.
Ball: Then bread and sugar.
Matroskin: Sugar is also a white poison. Teeth fall out from it.
Ball: Then we will meet him with bread and butter. Or bread with mayonnaise.

Matroskin: You still offer to spread the bread with shoe polish.

Uncle Fyodor: Yes ...
Ball: Hurrah! I figured it out. We will make trouble!
Uncle Fedor: You must have been wrong. Not to scandal, but to chant, i.e. scream loudly.
Matroskin: And what are you suggesting to us to shout?
Ball: Happy New Year,
We wish you happiness, joy!

Children are rehearsing.

Uncle Fedor: And when the guests come, I will say "three - four", and we will shout these words together. Well, you're done! New Years is soon. The clock is already striking.

Matroskin: And it seems to me that it is not the clock that strikes, but someone knocking at the door.

Ball: This, probably, someone came.

Matroskin: In such weather, they sit at their homes, watch TV, only strangers run around. Let's not open the door.

Uncle Fedor: Remember. What was written in the telegram. We will have guests. So, the door must be opened, the guests have come.

Uncle Fyodor opens the door. Father Frost enters with the Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus: Hello, what's going on?
Uncle Fyodor: Three - four.

All: Happy New Year,
We wish you happiness, joy!

Snow Maiden: What are you guys, great! It can be seen that you were waiting for us and preparing for our arrival.

Herringbone beauty
All the guys love it!
Your tree is worth
Only something is off!

Santa Claus. We are glad to light the Christmas tree!
Just don't yawn
And repeat after me!
Santa Claus. Bright lights!
Children. Bright lights!
Santa Claus. Light up the hall for us!
Children. Light up the hall for us!
Santa Claus. Celebrate with us!
Children. Celebrate with us!
Santa Claus. Shine Christmas tree!
Children. Shine Christmas tree!

The herringbone lights up.

Santa Claus. Let's walk around the Christmas tree and sing the song "Little Christmas Tree" for her.

Snow Maiden. And with me, let's play the game "Snowballs and Snowflakes". Who is the fastest and most attentive here?

The game "Snowballs and Snowflakes".

To play, you need a rope, on one side of which girls stand, and on the other - boys. Everyone is holding on to the string. The hands of girls and boys should alternate. The presenter says: "Snow - ki" - the boys try to remove their hands from the rope as quickly as possible, and the girls grease them. The presenter says: "Dreams - zhinki" - girls try to remove their hands from the rope as quickly as possible, and the boys grease them

Santa Claus. We played well with you, you good fellows. I see that you were preparing for my arrival: you have prepared beauty in the hall and carnival costumes, learned poems, songs and dances. Let's take a look at your costumes.

There is a costume parade, children are given souvenirs for prepared costumes.

Santa Claus. And now I would like to hear your poems and songs.

Children read poetry, each reader receives a candy or a small chocolate bar as a gift.

Snow Maiden. Grandpa, and I know that on the eve of the New Year, the guys held a "New Year's Toy" competition. The guys made 19 toys and drew 6 drawings. All works were sent to the competition in the Zevsky district. Father Frost comes there from Veliky Ustyug. Children will receive prizes for the best work. And we also have winners. Let's reward them with sweet prizes for this.

The awards ceremony for the New Year's toys competition is taking place.

Santa Claus. You, I know, will still have a festive lottery, but the Snow Maiden and I already need to hit the road.

Snow Maiden.

The hour comes
Parting hour
Let the tree live in memory:
Let's say to each other "Goodbye!"
See you again, New Year!

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden leave.

Santa Claus. We will be glad to see you exactly in a year. Goodbye.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden leave. A lottery is running.

Snow Maiden: Right. Let's have fun.
We have a game for you.
I'll start it now.
I will start - and you finish,
Answer in chorus.
All the people have fun
This is a holiday ... (New Year)
He has a rosy nose
He himself is bearded,
Who is this ... (Santa Claus)
That's right guys!
The frost grows stronger in the yard -
The nose is red, the cheeks are burning,
And we meet here with you
Cheerful ... (New Year)
Under the azure sky
Beautiful winter day
Happy New Year)
And we wish you happiness!


Two teams are called and lined up in M \u200b\u200b/ F order. One person is left without a pair and he is given a "tool of labor" - a mop. Couples dance to the music (2-3 minutes) and when the leader turns it off, couples must change partners and do it very quickly, because at this time, a person throws a mop and grabs the first dancer he comes across. It can be a guy and a girl. Who is left without a pair - to dance with a mop! It's a lot of fun!

Music hat

The participants of the game stand in a circle and pass the hat to each other to the music: the player takes the hat off his head and puts it on the head of the neighbor on the right. When the host stops the music, the player with the hat exits the game. The last one remaining wins.

Other options for playing: you can use huge shorts, shirt, etc. The item can be transferred without using hands.

Russian broom

Comic championship in throwing a broom at a distance. It is more convenient to take a broom without a pole.


An old French game with a tied ball that is thrown and caught in a spoon. Take a thick thread or string 40 cm long. Glue one end with adhesive tape to a table tennis ball, and the other end to the bottom of a plastic cup or tie it to the handle of a plastic mug. Your bilbock is ready. Several people are playing. It is necessary to throw the ball up and catch it in a glass or mug. One point is awarded for this. Catch the ball in turn until you miss. The one who misses passes the bilboke to the player following him. The winner is the one who first scores the agreed number of points.

Christmas trees are
Host - Santa Claus explains the rules:
We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest there are different Christmas trees growing, wide, low, tall, thin. Now, if I say "high" - raise your hands up, "low" - squat and lower your hands, "wide" - make the circle wider, "thin" - make the circle narrower.
Now let's play! (Santa Claus plays, trying to confuse children)


All children are located in the hall for 4 people in a circle. Fun music sounds, players dance. As soon as the music dies down, the host announces: "Puffs!" (children chug) Then the fun music starts again, the players dance. At the end of the music, the presenter announces: "Tweeters!" (children squeak) Thus, the game continues with various pranks: "Chants!" (children scream); "Squealers!" (children scream); "Little laughs!" (children laugh) and again from the beginning. The order of announcing pranks is periodically changed.


Children form 2 teams. There is a small gate at a certain distance from each team. Next to the teams, the presenter puts on an elegant box with ping-pong balls according to the number of participants. To cheerful music, the first players take a ball from the box and roll it from their place, trying to get into the collar, after which they take a place at the end of the team. The second participants enter the game, etc. The team that has the most balls in the hoop wins.


Children form 2 teams. Near each team there is a large pot of inflatable sausages of medium size in terms of the number of participants. A pair of small hooks are attached to the ends of the sausages. Cheerful music sounds, the first participant takes a sausage from the pan and passes it to the second participant, etc., until the last team member has it. Then the first participant passes the second sausage, which the penultimate participant attaches by hook to the sausage of the last participant. Thus, each participant connects the sausage transferred to him to the sausage next to him. The last participant ends the bunch with a sausage. The most agile team raises their bunch of sausages to mark the victory in the game.

What a New Year without a cake

We have no flour, no sugar, no butter

Don't worry. We don't need your products. We will make a cake without food.

Game "Cake".

All children join hands and line up in one long chain. Ahead of all is the Snow Maiden, at the end is Santa Claus. The rest of the heroes are in between. Children start to bake the cake. The Snow Maiden leads the children, constantly decreasing the circle, winding the whole chain until a big "cake" is made. Condition - do not disengage your hands. As soon as the whole chain wraps around the Snow Maiden, you need to stop. - That's how the cake turned out! What is he with us? (with apples, with pineapples ...). - What is missing on the festive New Year's cake? Candles, of course. Let's put our hands up. That's how many candles! Let's grab a bite as soon as possible. (children go to the sides)

If there was no winter

If there was no winter
In cities and villages
We would never know
These days are merry.

The baby would not be circling
Near the snow woman, yo
The ski track would not loop
If only, if only, if only ...
The ski track would not loop
If only, if only, if only ...

If there was no winter
There is no secret in this -
We'd fade from the heat
Bored with summer.

A blizzard would not come to us
For a day at least.
And the bullfinch did not sit on the spruce,
If only, if only, if only ...
And the bullfinch did not sit on the spruce,
If only, if only, if only ...

If there was no winter
And all the time it's summer
We would not know the mess
New Year's this one.

Santa Claus would not be in a hurry
To us through the bumps
The ice on the river is not frozen
If only, if only, if only ...
The ice on the river is not frozen
If only, if only, if only ...

Milk a cow

Purchase products -

Send greeting cards - hand out letters, children have to type words

The snowman comes to life

The arrival of Santa Claus, games, poems, songs, certificates, lottery, costumes

Pechkin brings a parcel with tangerines

Sing a song if there was no winter with the Snow Maiden

1 Christmas tree. Come on, brave boys,
Let's shout out loud: "Ha ha ha!"
Children. Ha ha ha!
2 Christmas tree. And the girls, one, two, three,
Let's shout out loud: "Hee-hee-hee!"
Children. Hee hee hee.
1 Christmas tree. And the boys are even louder ...
Children. Ha ha ha!
2 Christmas tree. And the girls are even louder ...
Children. Hee hee hee!
3 Christmas tree. You forgot to tell us
What should I call you guys.
1 Christmas tree. Our dear children,
On command, together together,
There are a hundred forces, shout out
Say the name loudly.
Christmas trees. One, two, three, four, five,
What is your name, guys? ...

Children give their names.

Game "Girls and boys".

The game "What does not happen in winter ...".

Frost scientist. This game is for attention.
Show us all the knowledge:
That does not happen in winter -
You stomp in response to us,
And when on the contrary -
Clap loudly.
1 Christmas tree. Do you play snowballs with your friends? ...
Do we go to the forest for mushrooms? ...
2 Christmas tree. Do we sled down the mountains? ...
And we all swim in the river? ...
3 Christmas tree. Will we get the skis? ...
And let the boats go? ...
1 Christmas tree. Shall we wear fur coats? ...
Or will we sunbathe? ...
2 Christmas tree. Let's go to the skating rink together? ...
And pick a flower in the forest? ...
3 Christmas tree. Are we going to decorate the Christmas tree? ...
And collect raspberries? ...
1 Christmas tree. Is winter a great time? ...
Answer loudly ...

Dance - game "Gift Macarena".

The well-known "Macarena" sounds, the presenter names the gifts, and the participants show how they are used to the music of the pantomime:

"Spanish fans" - imitate a fan with the right hand;
"Irons" - imitate ironing with the left hand;
"Chinese dummies" - shake their heads left and right;
"dress shoes" - stamp their feet in time;
"hula-hoop" - imitate the rotation of the hoop at the waist.

To make the holiday start

You guys weren't bored

Let's arrange a competition

Let's play an attention game.

Dance game "Snow snakes"

Two snakes move around the hall to music and dance. As soon as the music stops, each team must show their figure.

1. "Snowdrift" - stand in a circle, stretch their arms up, to the center, say: "Crunch-crunch".

2. "Snowy" - crouch, wave their arms above their head, shout: "Oo-oo-oo".

"Snake ball"

Papers with the names of body parts are written and folded so that they cannot be read, and folded into some kind of bag. Then the first two people take a piece of paper. And they are pressed by those parts of the body that are indicated in the papers. Then the second person pulls out a second piece of paper, which says which place the third person should touch. Further, the third one pulls out his piece of paper (more precisely two, but in turn). And thus, in a chain, until all the participants in the game are finished, then everything starts in the second circle, without disengaging. The first grabs the last, the second grabs the first, and until the paper runs out or until there is enough flexibility

Chinese football

The players stand in a circle facing outward, feet shoulder-width apart, so that each leg is close to the symmetrical leg of the neighbor. There is a ball inside the circle, which the players are trying to score into each other's goal (that is, roll between their legs). The one between the legs of whom the ball rolls takes one hand, after the second goal - the second, and after the third - leaves the game.

Competition Figures and Dances

On large A4 sheets of paper, draw or print numbers from 1 to X (where X \u003d the number of participants in the game). Then arrange the leaves in a circle. Each participant of the game stands on a piece of paper, the presenter starts the music, and the guys begin to dance in a circle. At this time, the presenter takes out a small piece of paper (not seeing which one) from a large opaque bag or any other vessel, turns off the music and calls the number. When the music stops, the children stop, and the one whose number was named, and who is on a piece of paper with this number, is eliminated from the game. The game continues in this way until there is one winner left.

Snowman parts are cut out of whatman paper (two copies): three circles of different sizes. Colored paper: eyes, mouth, nose-carrot, bucket, scarf, whisk. The summoned children, on command on the floor near the Christmas tree, quickly assemble snowmen from the proposed parts. The winner is the one who more accurately, faster and more correctly assembles the snowman, using all the prepared parts.

New Year is a magical holiday. All children and adults are looking forward to it. According to the scenario of the event, the pupils met with the heroes of their favorite cartoon. Everyone plunged into the atmosphere of celebration and fun. Children sang and danced with pleasure, participated in the competitions "Feed the piglets", "Dress the Christmas tree", "Guess how many sweets are in the bag?" The holiday "New Year in Prostokvashino" turned out to be bright, rich, cheerful and magical like New Year's!



"Center for psychological and pedagogical support and correction" Harmony "


"New Year's holiday in Prostokvashino"

Educators: Koltinova L.V.

Mileshkina N.I.

Nepryakhina E.N.

Goal: creating a festive atmosphere for the New Year.


Create conditions for self-realization and self-expression of the personality of pupils;

Develop creative activity;

Develop communication skills;

Foster a sense of mutual help;

To join the traditions of celebrating the New Year;

To form the ability to behave at a holiday, to rejoice in oneself and to bring joy to others;

Create a psychologically favorable atmosphere in the children's team.

Characters:Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, postman Pechkin, Sharik, Matroskin, Uncle Fedor.
Scenery: House, sign "Prostokvashino". By the tree there is a table with a samovar, four chairs, and a homespun runner on the floor.

Music from the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino" sounds, children enter the hall, imitating the train.

Children read poetry.

1. Our train is racing
Through fields and forests,
Sweeping sparkling snow
We are going to visit friends.

2. We're going to the far side,
Where they stand in the sun
Where are the accordions incessantly
On holiday they sing merrily.

The song "If there was no winter" (words by Yu. Entin, music by E. Krylatov from the cartoon "Vacation in Prostokvashino") is played.

Leading: So we arrived at Prostokvashino. And where are Uncle Fyodor and Sharik? They must meet us (Uncle Fyodor and Sharik run out.)
Ball: Hurrah! The guys have arrived! That's great!
Uncle Fedor: Come into the house, guys. We are very glad to see you! (the children walk around the Christmas tree, "enter" the house where Matroskin and Galchonok are sitting at the table.)
Matroskin: Well, well, what is being done ..

Matroskin: It is the twenty-first century, and we have one pair of felt boots for two in our house. Well, like with the king of peas.

We have the funds. We are not smart enough. I said to this hunter: "Buy yourself boots, but what is he?" ...

I went and bought sneakers! They say they are prettier.

He is a goon, a goon (knocks on the head with his fist)

Matroskin (displeased): Well, how many parasites have come in large numbers! They will not drink all my milk, they will eat my Murka with Govryusha!

Ball: Shut up, Matroskin, no one needs your milk. The guys here will celebrate the New Year!

Matroskin: I know them! .. Well, okay, have fun, just do not indulge, otherwise you will break the furniture, but we have no money to buy new ones. The ball is a slacker, there is no use from him, he drives all over with a gun!

Leading: Never mind, Matroskin, when you look at what a merry holiday we will have, you’ll start getting better right away. So guys, let's get started.

Radio voice ... Attention! Attention! Prostokvashinskoe radio speaks: Listen to the announcement: We ask all those who have arrived to celebrate the New Year to gather near the Christmas tree. Postman Comrade Pechkin, you have been instructed to meet the guests. Comrade Pechkin, do you hear? You need to meet your guests!

(Pechkin enters)

Pechkin: I hear, I hear! Are you guests? Well, let's get acquainted. I am the local postman, Pechkin is my last name. What's your name.

Dima, Sveta, Seryozha, Alena Arina, Darina, Christina - wave your right hand.

Clap all Veronica, Alina, Ekaterina, Alexandra, Victoria,

Polina, Olesya, Kirill, Alexey, Eugenia stamp.

Sergei, Artyom, Andrei, Nikita, Vladimir, Arseny jump,

Gleb, Valeria, Lyubov, Elizaveta, Ivans, Maxims kick your feet,

Dmitry, Egor, Xenia, Carolina, Elena, Daria raise your hands up,

Alena, Constantine, Daniil, Anton, Alexandrasit down

Denis, Mikhail, Ihori, Marianne, Rostislavs circled

And the rest as loud as possible

They call their names.

So, one, two, three - give your name.

It seems that nobody was forgotten.

What should I do with you? Should I play?

The game "Yes or no?"

Well, what else can I do with you? Let's play some more?

Game - dance "Balls - lanterns"


1st student:
Came to us again today
Christmas tree and winter holiday.
This holiday is New Year's
We waited impatiently.

2nd student:

With new happiness,
Happy New Year,
Congratulations to everyone, and then
And we go round dance
And we will dance and sing.

3rd student:

Sparkle with lights, tree,
Call us to the holiday.
Fulfill all desires
Make all your dreams come true!

Everyone turns to the tree, the tree is off.

Leading: Guys, the tree is not lit, something is wrong here ... (there is a knock on the door)

Galchonok: Who's there? Who's there?
Pechkin: It was me, postman Pechkin, who brought you an important package! (delivers the package)

Leading: Let's see what kind of package it is, maybe this is a hint on how to light a Christmas tree? (opens a packet, takes out a cipher)
(4 - children Sharik, Matroskin, Uncle Fedor ..)

Pechkin brought us a package,
And in the package there is an envelope,
And the envelope contains a secret
And the secret is the answer
Encrypted, numbered,
Like without matches and without candles
Light our Christmas tree ?! (expands the package)
Oh my friends, there is a secret code,
Secret cipher of different numbers. (shows numbers: 0, 2, 1, 9)
If we decipher the code,
Under which the New Year, -
The tree will light our lights.
How to arrange these numbers?
Well, answer the children!

Setting: 2019. As soon as the last digit is set, the tree is lit.

Leading: That's right guys, this is the coming 2019

The old year is leaving us

And says goodbye to winter.

New Year comes to visit us,

Long-awaited, young.

We were certainly waiting for him,

Christmas trees in the house were decorated.

Congratulations to all of us, brothers,

Year two thousand nineteen.

We will stand near the Christmas tree,
We will start round dances,
Happy New Year to everyone,
Sing the song together!

Leading: I declare the most important New Yearround dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"


Oh so good

Good Santa Claus!

Christmas tree for our holiday

I brought it from the forest.

The lights are sparkling

Red, blue!

It's good for us, Christmas tree,

Have fun with you.

Dance "I am a modern Christmas tree ..."

Matroskin: These dances of yours will not lead to good, soon the floor will fail!

Uncle Fedor: And I liked it, and if anything, we will fix the floor.

Matroskin: We have a wrong New Year.

Host: Why is that?

Matroskin: For the New Year, Santa Claus should be, Snow Maiden, but we don't have them. This is not the right New Year.

Ball: Again you, Matroskin, Santa Claus and Snegurochka are about to come to us. They promised. Maybe the blizzard detained them (Knock at the door).

Galchonok: Who's there? Who's there?

Pechkin: It's me, postman Pechkin! (Pechkin enters) I brought you a letter from Santa Claus.

Uncle Fedor and Sharik: Hurrah! Santa Claus is coming to us! Come in, Pechkin, you will celebrate the New Year with us.

Matroskin: There is nothing to roam about in other people's houses on New Year's. You have to sit at home and watch your TV.

Pechkin: Well, you are harmful, Matroskin, you need to be taken to the clinic for experiments.

Leading (examines the letter): The letter is addressed to the cat Matroskin, Sharik and Uncle Fedor. Come on, come here! Read the letter.

Matroskin (sniffs): It smells like milk chocolate.

Ball (sniffs): No! It smells like tangerine!

Uncle Fyodor (examines): I don’t understand what is written here. You can't figure it out without glasses!

Leading: Well, let me help you (reads):

Hello my guys!

I will describe everything in order:

I lingered on the way

I can't find you!

The blizzard covers my path,

It's already evening.

Help me find a way,

Sing the song together!

Host: Let's help our grandfather. Let's sing a song.

Song (New Year at the Gates)

Leading: Santa Claus doesn't hear us, let's call him together….

Santa Claus:
Oh, how many kids!
Both girls and boys!
Happy New Year, Happy New Year
Congratulations to all the children!
Congratulations to all the guests!
I was with you a year ago,
I'm glad to see everyone again.
And I'm ready to start dancing
Together with you even now.

Snow Maiden:

Last year we were with you,
Have not forgotten anyone
Have grown up, have become big,
Already go to? class.
Did you recognize me?
Or are you seeing for the first time?
I'm still young
Good-natured, cheerful.

Snowflake dance

Santa Claus:

Become guys
Hurry to the round dance,
Song, dance and fun
Let's meet the New Year with you!

Round dance (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ……)

Santa Claus: And tell me, children, what do you like in winter? (Children answer) Do you like the frost? And who of you is not afraid of the frost?

Children: He is not afraid of frost, who knows how to have fun!

Santa Claus: But now we'll see. Let's play with you

Game - "Santa Claus and children".

Santa Claus - 1. .You kids, don't yawn, quickly close your cheeks ...

("Freezes the cheeks")

2.. Now hold on tight

I will freeze your ears ... ("freezes the ears)

3.. Protect your shoulders

I will freeze, you will not notice ("touches the shoulders")

Santa Claus: Oh, and smart people live in the Center "Harmony".

Leading: Grandfather is tired, tired. Let the tree rest. Who will read poetry to him? (Children read poetry).

I'm sitting, waiting for a gift.

Good behavior.

Santa Claus, look, consider:

Almost not naughty.

Who is in an elegant warm fur coat,

With a long white beard

Comes to visit on New Year's Eve

And ruddy and gray?

He plays with dreams, dances

With him, the holiday is more fun!

Santa Claus on our Christmas tree

The most important of the guests!

Round dance with the Snow Maiden

Leading: Guys, now I suggest watching TV, there are so many interesting programs!

Matroskin: There is no need to watch TV, you need to save electricity. And what is the use of it? One harm for children!

Uncle Fedor: And we do not need him. We will arrange the TV ourselves. Guys, let's play a game called Rubrics Game.

Leading: And it consists in this: what are your favorite TV shows?

Children enumerate: "Visiting a fairy tale", "Merry notes", "Blue bird", "Voice. Children. ”,“ Morning Star ”,“ Best of All ”,“ Finest Hour ”.
A "garland" of pictures (headings) with plots corresponding to the names of TV programs and the names of the program is hung on the tree. Then those who wish come out and, with their eyes closed, point to some rubric. Each heading corresponds to the number of amateur performances. Then the children perform an amateur performance number of the selected TV show.

Amateur art numbers:

  1. "Visiting a fairy tale" -Dance
  2. "Merry notes" -The song "Hello Santa Claus"
  3. "Blue bird" - The poem "What is New Year?"
  4. "Vote. Children "- Song "New Year"
  5. Competition "Dress the Christmas tree"(5 people, 2 teams)
  6. "Morning Star"The song "New Year's Holiday"
  7. "You are super. Dancing"Song "White Snow"

Summing up the results of the competition

Uncle Fedor:

Here is the New Year's holiday

It's time for us to finish.

Much happiness to you today

Children will wish.


Be kinder, smarter, more courageous,

Take care of everyone!

And now - goodbye to everyone

And see you soon!


Be mischievous, only in moderation,

I wish you not to know worries,

I wish you more sweets,

And let the year be good!

Snow Maiden:

I wish you laugh out loud

And you can't shed tears of children,

And enjoy the magic

Forget about all the problems!


Don't make me angry

Do not offend

Love me

And adore!

And if you let it go

I wish you not to be sad!

New Year's pageant for elementary school

Scenario of the New Year's holiday for younger students "New Year in the village of Prostokvashino"

Author: Mila Vladimirovna Kuzmina, Deputy Director for Business Development, Medvezhyegorskaya Secondary School No. 1, Republic of Karelia

Dear friends! I present to your attention the scenario of a New Year's theatrical performance for an elementary school based on the beloved cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino".
All the main roles were played by the school teacher and two 7th grade students. The artists tried to make the fairy tale not only interesting and funny, but also instructive. Our children were not just spectators in the hall. They sang merrily about winter, recited poems, danced in circles, played merry games with Santa Claus. At the end of the holiday, everyone received New Year's gifts, and the parents expressed their gratitude to the teachers for the joy presented to children and adults!
Goal: creating a New Year's atmosphere
A task: use the creativity of adults and children
Characters: presenter, cat Matroskin, sheep Murochka, Galchonok, Sharik, Uncle Fedor, postman Pechkin, Baba Yaga, Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, Prostokvashinskoe radio
Scenery: house, fireplace, table, samovar, sign "Prostokvashino village 1 km".
Props: sticks-horses (3pcs); disposable plates (3pcs), balloons (3pcs), round mat (1pc), hoops (2pcs), same parcel boxes (2pcs); toy Santa Claus and bag, package with numbers, letter, steering wheel
Preparatory work:
learning songs, round dances, assignments to classes to prepare art numbers (song, dance, scene)
Background music between activities : backing track of the song "If there was no winter"
1 action
To the backing track of the song "What is New Year"
Hello kids,
girls and boys, as well as their parents!
Frequent forest, blizzard field
Winter holiday is coming to us
So let's put it together
Hello, hello, New Year!
(Children repeat in chorus: "Hello, hello, New Year!")
Round dance "On New Year's Eve"
(heroes appear imperceptibly: the cat Matroskin with the sheep Murochka)
Song of the cat Matroskin (from the cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino")
Step 1
The music “If there was no winter” sounds. The cat Matroskin sits on the stage and sings a song with a guitar "And I increasingly notice ..." Sitting next to the sheep Murochka.

A ball with a photo gun appears
Ball: Wow, and it's cold outside! The paws are frozen, the tail is falling off
Matroskin: (purring) - That is why Murochka and I are sitting at home! Heat! The beauty!
Ball: You also bring your mother-sheep into the house !?
Matroskin: And mom to the house ...
Ball: We just missed our mother! Soon the children will come to us, but we haven’t lit the tree yet and we are not showing TV!
Matroskin: Well, okay you make some noise. As they arrive, they will leave. My Murochka doesn't like noise!
Radio voice sounds: Local Prostokvashinskoe radio speaks! We remind you that the New Year is coming - the Year of the Sheep! Happy New Year, comrades!
Matroskin: Hurrah! My little sheep Murochka was born on New Year's Eve! And she has a double holiday - after all, her year is coming - the year of the Sheep!

Radio voice sounds: Prostokvashinskoe radio is speaking! Residents of house # 1 welcome the long-awaited guests!
Background music from the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino"
(Uncle Fyodor runs out with the wheel and dances to the music)

Uncle Fedor:
Racing, racing my bus
Through the snowy forests!
Spreads sparkling snow
We are going to visit friends.
Guys! Here comes the stop. We arrived at the village of Prostokvashino! And where are our friends: Sharik and Matroskin?
(Sharik runs out)
Ball:Hurrah! Beloved Uncle Fedor has arrived! Guests have come to us! Hurrah! We will have a real holiday !!
Matroskin (displeased):
Well, how many parasites have come in large numbers! They are not that they will drink all my milk, they will scare my Murochka too!
Ball: Don't grumble, Matroskin, no one will frighten your Murochka. The guys here will celebrate the New Year!
Matroskin: I know them! .. Well, okay, have fun, just do not indulge, otherwise you will break the furniture in the house, but we have no money to buy new ones. The ball is a slacker, there is no benefit from him, he runs around with a gun all day, and even invited nature lovers

Leading: Do not be upset, Matroskin, you will see what a merry holiday we will have, you will immediately start to get good. So guys, let's get started!
(New Year's montage of children)

1. Came to us again today
Christmas tree and winter holiday.
This holiday is New Year's
We waited impatiently.
2. Happy New Happiness, Happy New Year,
Congratulations to everyone, and then
And we go round dance
And we will dance and sing.
3.Shine with lights, tree,
Call us to the holiday.
Fulfill all desires
Make all your dreams come true!
Leading: Guys, look, but our Christmas tree is not burning, let's light the Christmas tree with our sonorous voices
Time! Two! Three! Shine Christmas tree!
(the herringbone does not light up)
(knock on the door)
Little daw runs around the house, flaps its wings : Who's there? Who's there? Who's there?

Postman Pechkin appears
Pechkin: It was me, postman Pechkin, who brought you a New Year's package of special importance! (gives the package to the presenter)

Leading: Guys, let's see what this package of special importance is, maybe this is a hint on how to light a Christmas tree?
(the presenter takes out numbers: 0215)
The postman brought a package
And in the package there is an envelope,
And the envelope contains a secret
And the secret is the answer
Encrypted, numbered,
Like without matches and without candles
Light our Christmas tree ?!
I open the package ...
Oh friends, there is an answer here!
Secret cipher of different numbers
(shows children the numbers: 0, 2, 5, 1)
If we decipher the code,
Under which the New Year, -
The tree will light our lights.
How to arrange these numbers?
Well, answer the children!
The heroes of the performance take numbers and make up different combinations,
As soon as the numbers were made up (2015), the Christmas tree lights up to the music.

Hand in hand we will stand
We will start a round dance
Happy New Year to everyone,
Sing the song together!
Song "Ded Moroz"
2 action:
(background music sounds)
Matroskin: We have a wrong New Year.
Host: Why is that?
Matroskin: For the New Year, Santa Claus should be, Snow Maiden, but we don't have them. This is not the right New Year.
Ball: Again you, Matroskin, you are unhappy with everything, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are about to come to us. They promised. Maybe the blizzard delayed them
(Knock on the door)
Galchonok: Who's there? Who's there?
Pechkin: It's me, postman Pechkin! ( Pechkin enters) I brought you a letter from Santa Claus.
Uncle Fedor and Sharik: Hurrah! Santa Claus is coming to us! Come in, Pechkin, you will celebrate the New Year with us.
Matroskin: There is nothing to roam about in other people's homes in the New Year. You have to sit at home and watch your TV.
Pechkin: Well, you are harmful, Matroskin, you need to be taken to the clinic for experiments.
Moderator (examines the letter): The letter is addressed to the cat Matroskin, Sharik and Uncle Fedor. Come on, come here! Read the letter.

Matroskin (sniffs): Smells like milk chocolate.
Ball (sniffs): No! It smells like tangerine!
Uncle Fedor : (is reading)
Hello my guys!
I will describe everything in order:
We delayed on the way
And we can't find you!
A blizzard covers our path,
It's already evening.
Help us find the way,
Amicably you will call us!
Ded Moroz and Snegurochka
(children call Santa Claus and Snegurochka))
(music "flight of Baba Yaga")

Baba Yaga:
And Baba Yaga is against!
What a bunch is
Gathered here as if it were a sin.
I'll arrange a party for you-
I'll disperse everyone right now
I am a malicious Yaga, I am a bone leg!
Jet broom,
I got it quickly!
I'll scare you all.
Wow, how angry I am!
Matroskin: And here is the Snow Maiden came to you for a holiday.
Baba Yaga: Finally, someone appreciated me. Only here, in Prostokvashino, they know a lot about beauty!
Uncle Fedor: Sorry grandma, but we weren't expecting you
Ball: We were waiting for Santa Claus!
Baba Yaga: Santa Claus? Here's Santa Claus !!! (takes out a toy D.M.)
Matroskin : I am sure that she also has gifts ...
Baba Yaga: And here is the bag with gifts ...

Ball: Tasty, but not enough !!!
Baba Yaga:Why did the people feel sad? Grandma will now conjure up a real Santa Claus for you! Prepared:
Abra! Mop! Charlie chu, I'm looking for Frost!
Matroskin: - Remove “Abra! Mop! Charlie chu!
I'll teach you magic!
So let's get started!

Pour water into a pot and add a thousand smiles to it.
- Well, everyone smiled together!
-One grimace for spice! Wonderful!
-Now let's start laughing from "hee-hee" to "ha-ha"!
-And now - magic words!
The music is playing
Miracle, miracle show!
Santa Claus, come quickly! ..

Step 3
Santa Claus:
Hello kids-
Girls and boys.
Happy New Year
And I wish everyone health!
Here I come again
We will sing and dance songs.
Let's stand in a friendly round dance
Let's have a nice New Year!
Snow Maiden:
We're on a silver sled
Instantly one rushed to you.
Past fluffy Christmas trees
across the snowy fields.
We will be together today
Have fun, dance
So fervent that in place
No one can resist

Santa Claus:
Become guys
Hurry to the round dance,
Song, dance and fun
Let's meet the New Year with you!
(The song "There was a merry Santa Claus")
Leading: Grandfather Frost, Snegurochka, we are so glad to meet you! We have prepared for you "Theater - impromptu" Happy New Year "
So, attention:
As soon as I say:
"Santa Claus", shout "He-ge-gay!"
"Snow Maiden" - "Here I am!"
"Snowflakes" - whirl
Herringbone - raise your hands up
"Bunnies" - jump like bunnies
"Blizzard" - howl "Ooh!"
"Holiday" - "Happy New Year!"
"Drifts" - squat
"Gifts" - "Hurray!"
"Lights" - show with your hands how the lights are burning
Begin! Music!
Once, on New Year's Eve, Grandfather Frost (the children shout "He-ge-gay!") And the Snow Maiden (the children say "Here I am!") Went to the children for a holiday (they shout "Happy New Year!") They were in a hurry, so walked through the snowdrifts (squatting), Bunnies were jumping nearby (children are jumping), A blizzard was howling (shouting "Oo-oo-oo!"), Light snowflakes were falling from the sky (everyone was spinning) And a beautiful Christmas tree appeared ahead (hands up), Lights shone brightly on it (lights show), There were many children, and everyone shouted joyfully when they saw the gifts (shout "Hurray!") How good. That on New Year's Eve, Santa Claus (children shout "He-ge-gay!") And Snow Maiden (children say "Here I am!") Come to the children for a holiday (shout "Happy New Year!")

Snow Maiden:
Boys and girls!
Tell your grandfather
How you dance, sing
You live cheerfully, cheerfully.
(Musical game "It's frost outside")
Santa Claus:
Get ready quickly kids
To the New Year's relay!
(Three teams of 6 people)
1 "Horses" (boys) - ride a "horse" to the chip, return and pass the horse to the next participant in the relay

2. "Don't drop the snowflake" (girls) - carry a balloon on a disposable plate, without holding it with your hands, to the counter; run to the team and pass the plate with the ball to the next player.

Freeze game

Leading: Santa Claus, why are you freezing children? By the ears, by the nose, grabbing them? We won't let you out of the circle for that.
Santa Claus: Let it out, please.
Leading: If you dance, we'll release it.

Santa Claus: Yes, I'm old, I can't dance. Snegurochka, tell me what to do!
Snow Maiden: I'll have to, grandfather, dance, I'll help you (dance).
(Dance of D.M. and the Snow Maiden)
Leading: Grandfather is tired, tired. Let him rest by the tree, and I suggest watching TV, there are so many interesting programs!
Matroskin: There is no need to watch TV, you need to save electricity. And what is the use of it? One harm for children!
Uncle Fedor: And we do not need him. We will arrange the TV ourselves.
(performance of children from classes)

Step 4
(background music sounds)
Matroskin: Why are we all having fun and having fun? So you can get tired. And in general for the New Year you need to give gifts.

Murochka: What is New Year?
Matroskin:(dreamily) - This is a tree, this is when sandwiches with sausage hang on the tree ... gifts ...
Santa Claus: Where is my package with gifts?
(knock on the door)
Galchonok: Who's there? Who's there?
Pechkin: It was me, postman Pechkin, who brought you a parcel from Santa Claus (included with the parcel). You have received a package, valuable. There she is. Only I won't give it up, because you have no documents.

Ded Moroz, Snow Maiden and Matroskin: Give, Pechkin, our parcel!
Pechkin: What documents do you have?
Matroskin: Tail! Mustache! Guitars! Here are my documents!
Santa Claus: Beard, staff, bag! Here are my documents. By the way, Pechkin, I'll give you some candy from this bag.
Pechkin: I love sweets (takes, examines). And all the same, I won't give the parcel without documents, I will send it back
(Galchonok runs up, takes the candy and runs behind the Christmas tree, Pechkin runs after him to the music)
At this time, parcels with gifts are replaced. Pechkin comes out from behind the tree, takes an empty box, leaves with the words "This is how greedy for someone else's!")

Step 5
Baba Yaga appears to the music of "Flight of the Yaga"

Tatiana Gerasimova

Christmas tree off

The presenter stands at the tree, congratulates all those present with {!LANG-40b89b63491c9e0e2265ce488fc6ee98!}{!LANG-ff6b9a0f9c6c56ba63378611a2bbfc5d!}.{!LANG-8af446af81b0cdd7f34184589cc680c1!}:

{!LANG-d992304921ea7688c620e390cc8856fc!}{!LANG-536756c9f0b88ac759d6e977f311d3eb!} {!LANG-83be8fe1a87ffaa1f0576eea1ff31328!}!

{!LANG-b5cf0f92133b6f88918352911c8a11b3!} {!LANG-e6adbebaf293d6f20f3f8b5b7c742ec5!}{!LANG-965d78a65329248d4aee422c1433273c!} {!LANG-decbc075361386bf02ecf7da0e3648e0!}{!LANG-27165bdcae78288d5895ad9eaff03d48!} {!LANG-795a75732bc6111091f86d0eb6399978!} Prostokvashino» {!LANG-e65b29d6ded25be878b941475c1374c5!} {!LANG-8efffb2e688d4d93d1cff350a2df0bc7!}:





{!LANG-951a9f9f32f5dbf456a4ec60f25d0d2b!} {!LANG-539340a08fd921792175383f1d431434!}.






{!LANG-b7d6f239b2148cb7cee2fdfd57bef08c!}{!LANG-16499b2311a34f90936f4300ab56011a!} {!LANG-38cd8c2342acd1bd033bb34ce0816648!}{!LANG-bf59562b281419ed5a4ad65e5b26990b!} {!LANG-72cfd257fcd9192938948d32728f4b7c!}{!LANG-377dbfbe03674d0b79961f82f8acfda6!}



{!LANG-b7d6f239b2148cb7cee2fdfd57bef08c!}{!LANG-896a9c9a6d7710c9c9202e370705dfd9!} {!LANG-e69da3e7fc9152f9df416ceb09e38993!}!

{!LANG-a851af4dd47431d4807121a49a206bbb!} {!LANG-795a75732bc6111091f86d0eb6399978!} Prostokvashino» {!LANG-bf4bc30ec87ce900f5b945f075af0e2f!} {!LANG-81c4fd13961837c615c0af5b651724e7!}:





{!LANG-36dbb48522c569f33668d30c574cac15!}{!LANG-ef491a18facb5a193c4d30258dcfdf74!} {!LANG-f2d9d9beb8dcb0b07ade126d97c87272!}{!LANG-903cf862bc603239e29bad21d16f5638!}:


{!LANG-2987210bca4afff23b39d034bac10783!} {!LANG-29f7a3b94cc5184dd46dfef596d281c7!}{!LANG-55ed71c68159b8097883956503884243!}

{!LANG-0046bd5a55c7f5d7f2f7c3e4de2662da!} {!LANG-1090b2254c57f46de81cbab2384f644e!}»



{!LANG-96a84f89c03893413a7da2ca9f0a20ce!} {!LANG-29f7a3b94cc5184dd46dfef596d281c7!}{!LANG-b606545c1982f24703859e8f3866f930!}





{!LANG-f0c2413dc8dce98aa535d76f2d53f92c!} {!LANG-14c4f0b7a24130e431f0600a9e2366ae!}{!LANG-7affef71f0ba708999314275ffdaa9b6!} {!LANG-795a75732bc6111091f86d0eb6399978!} Prostokvashino» {!LANG-1986ace8de44ca9433d1b688cf7ff92d!}

{!LANG-36dbb48522c569f33668d30c574cac15!}{!LANG-5a13c1f45dfd3c5a495d2e931b8ad101!} Prostokvashino.

{!LANG-d992304921ea7688c620e390cc8856fc!}{!LANG-154da80239a1ebae7244158609d81891!} {!LANG-0954f5836f53eb1567a31c43d388e2ec!}{!LANG-e898fcafdb51b8b57b1c7f0798d7e08c!}




{!LANG-613727c6aba5abf39009e8a2523544b0!} Prostokvashino?


{!LANG-8dcbea65e31e55df2d60d70a083b81f2!} {!LANG-b3f74b3beeb8b3446e715b82a5dafbe7!}



{!LANG-88cc0d8974e19ea4328b0f8ff9057338!} {!LANG-a831ce205c860c37de073bd110470f89!} - {!LANG-48e0bc7ee5e15e8da17f5cb8e3e78f6d!}


{!LANG-770b976f45cfbf6f8fea9e32ced3a5d9!}{!LANG-12443a980d84e8d3023b27fbf80918de!} {!LANG-e890da680a2399f2ee120fcff79f7150!}{!LANG-bfc9fda6b0eca6607e3b243ca008e46c!}


{!LANG-d992304921ea7688c620e390cc8856fc!}{!LANG-646a2f36bb43dcd2642ee9a3bd79259c!} {!LANG-c2ccfeed8bf42dd74d09fa264cac86a0!}{!LANG-52844a91c7c91f58a52cb2e5577c8868!}








{!LANG-cc4c640d514ff82ff7359f4fe2ff4d64!} {!LANG-84e17a4202316f16b3e0c448181284bf!}{!LANG-22473cd4aeced89618615805560c5395!}




{!LANG-cc4c640d514ff82ff7359f4fe2ff4d64!} {!LANG-0a76dfbab1c0abf4c04c8709de37c66d!}{!LANG-b1b4a2108360690db846008e459b8e67!}










{!LANG-7a7aa7b6fb936f731a706c518722c99a!} {!LANG-795a75732bc6111091f86d0eb6399978!} Prostokvashino» {!LANG-eea3de8fab84315a7fa2833741fbf7fb!} {!LANG-83b14be2af88489dae5859f63af21216!}).
















{!LANG-aa06de9c66653dae4c5de4f062674e27!} {!LANG-d10446a0500554c481521162dc13a86e!} - {!LANG-873048d2bf9b8ebd47af81a1456809d1!}

{!LANG-f5bb2720558171ef3b7462eb81153db2!} {!LANG-b340d16e5e4f1bb0e3b40ad2b910aa1a!},{!LANG-be3866a3e17fa8d87e5d0e8392c83074!}:


{!LANG-2c1f7532291cf908e95016f2fc0356e2!} {!LANG-b9be7a89f480f9045f2d83d983a85a7d!}

{!LANG-1a511ff8f4122335e38baccdb5a6e328!} {!LANG-7bd11bfbce157dfc9f73e301d6394d42!}.



{!LANG-733dde4b6432ce6297692973cee04f43!}{!LANG-158ef5061d4edea1a68ab89d4ae3a268!} {!LANG-fd1e4967b1b4ce731ac2a02239d720a6!},


{!LANG-c00a77128d00a7e3fa34339eaff849fe!} {!LANG-d8349cb5a01e20191a911716954b8499!}{!LANG-7a0ad0b85808d7e880b270b9f9bed405!}


{!LANG-51c65e0c62ef1488ede55a0b7449b3db!} {!LANG-83b14be2af88489dae5859f63af21216!} {!LANG-223e54b4337ef066ad15dd5ee7aa13b3!}{!LANG-a47f4d8f550d7faff6d76c8ffc42fc33!}



{!LANG-9dc9bda4a29ecb1284b5bbce6ea6c562!} {!LANG-67da6f2132355d9182eefb4a653c8089!}:







{!LANG-d992304921ea7688c620e390cc8856fc!}{!LANG-1413ed0511b4a8a3f9a88e351b38313a!} {!LANG-a25efca2663c2d3c8ac3c0f1069ed85f!}{!LANG-f2c57fae697f1cfda4158be9e05dbdfa!}








{!LANG-0db2cd76b037fb192e6e810e3c3740d3!} {!LANG-a57082e7c95a392e85372c7f05d046a6!}!





{!LANG-4ad1a8dad6f572150cb3133706f4ca93!} {!LANG-af9994aa8e64fff59937683d58547cb6!} - {!LANG-49262a13ab4d3156a5635c26fd393cbf!}

{!LANG-cf77a1c0eaed07a38cb0862d2334500e!} {!LANG-f32b83b80001036c568d1bf34b9966ad!}{!LANG-3017d626fe074421fb437abe549c47d3!}







{!LANG-dadbdd649747d0a583c75998170a0c25!} {!LANG-40b89b63491c9e0e2265ce488fc6ee98!},{!LANG-d6d11736e066098e8e2c94641861688f!}:

{!LANG-49d63db3c010b6a5c981ffd5b1b5932a!}{!LANG-e6e03ac161a0b6b956487bcc10912a1f!} {!LANG-0b92b4841b23647bf634c4dcae2a8c3c!}












{!LANG-d992304921ea7688c620e390cc8856fc!}{!LANG-a8d477dacadb66b6547fd126626769f4!} {!LANG-cf2f6fbb272ccf191b00f1d4eabcde2b!},






{!LANG-cbeeda52930bf47f155ae26ab6121497!} {!LANG-501a3a8eb981b6785c7c2c506a0f1d97!}

{!LANG-eb71d4d3f85564083bfcc222e13451b4!} {!LANG-29f7a3b94cc5184dd46dfef596d281c7!}!

{!LANG-4d45e2254fae2f80fe258c0dae51ea40!} {!LANG-1b66020db16ed66d97720ed48fd7efa3!}{!LANG-3187de0015f5cecb7f9ffc86ed5ca425!}


{!LANG-49d63db3c010b6a5c981ffd5b1b5932a!}{!LANG-3c9aaa40ea494490c098c30eb78f671a!} {!LANG-03e3f5a78ba170fad625dbe380f49bc2!}{!LANG-8e9e8757d59253d491dcc1f5402bd1ce!}





{!LANG-5cd7847db59129f4b3861f0e07b35e4d!} {!LANG-5d7d951fc7e8ff287cfb816feedaaae5!}


















{!LANG-49d63db3c010b6a5c981ffd5b1b5932a!}{!LANG-03bbba6419f0fec20e0b4224ff01faab!} {!LANG-b3099c504a10a9be8c8c4c6dd52d8d96!}?



{!LANG-733dde4b6432ce6297692973cee04f43!}{!LANG-1b1201af6c083942eeeb5e40b61bb51f!} {!LANG-74dab8dc776924967e9349e2a5b39762!}




{!LANG-359fab2b7f18e7f96c12c707ff52c305!} {!LANG-9cfcb5d7d1ab5101baf2383769da59c0!},








{!LANG-f14680c1ab5c07cbbb15824729a5507b!} {!LANG-c7e33deefd4dce1b58324eac7b16bdc0!}
















{!LANG-5cd7847db59129f4b3861f0e07b35e4d!} {!LANG-f81f1b2ad596b9c1593092a673c696cc!} {!LANG-9aa9fced86e1cc9fe3aea773b3390bf5!} {!LANG-91b5a0240a5ee59897c0f5ab34bf9157!}

{!LANG-9e85ca14677d27fdeb1a65668576be34!} {!LANG-d474eefd33e49f2ba0d50763c52d93db!}


{!LANG-adac0f24183d1e56950dbfd27108ee6e!} {!LANG-a9293461ea9f8123d0868c39e4a8899c!}






{!LANG-733dde4b6432ce6297692973cee04f43!}{!LANG-9b39ce9b1f18b77412d8d3db0f85d3a7!} Prostokvashino!


{!LANG-18f102c947cc6d09ed04e660560e4743!} {!LANG-6186d67ae667078b25e69c9bcb7f982f!}













{!LANG-1075624138d41e9653bb095cef0241d5!} {!LANG-118387063a543585f6bb28811e384c88!}:

{!LANG-d248813bc8c4ef05842dbc7c15250925!} {!LANG-fea2a243dee99684098c65ca80fb1b1a!}{!LANG-38cab220eebe5564063d4b57d66f655e!}














{!LANG-19d44429aa8ccc20e645b79711604a87!} {!LANG-e29988b01018b3da1c3c6494d6573d57!}: {!LANG-db060845ad0ec90df96c28143174ef7d!}{!LANG-4cd9c5683df92caae67e3771e85af347!} {!LANG-a3bd0347bf6d7f2f79294872ae152ccb!}{!LANG-47c4caa2b65994eeec94903e35aebae0!}:




