Processing architectural photos. Create an Effect of Architectural Sketch in Photoshop Architectural Layout in Photoshop

Creating an image is a whole process and for me pressing the descent - only a small part on the way to a photo enough to publish quality. In this article, which is part of the second, continuing material, I will show my photo processing process.

All photographers face problem scenes with a wide dynamic range. Landscape and architectural survey is no exception. I remove so many frames as it is required to cover the entire dynamic range of the frame. For architecture and interiors, 3 frames are enough for most situations.

The photo above demanded 9 photos - with exposure bracketing -2, 0 and +2, as well as additionally series for the bottom half of the room and for the ceiling. Additional snapshots also help me get rid of people in the frame.

You must not forget ...

  • Remove in RAW To save the maximum flexibility of the source; We are not sports photographers who make the stream of pictures where JPEG is much more appropriate.
  • Hold low ISO levels.
  • Use one white balance setting for the entire photo series.
  • Use the hardest tripod and remote remote, wired or wireless.

The Canary Wharf Metro Station is shown above, composed of three frames. The task was to get a well-exposed dark interior in this frame, a bright metal escalator and a surprisingly bright dome. Each layer contains a properly exposed part of the composition.

Main camera

With the tasks of architectural and landscape shooting, my Canon 5D Mark II camera with a Tilt-Shift lens 17mm TS-E is performed. I apply exposure bracketing in many ways because the front lens of my lens is convex and does not allow using filters. In its bag, there are also an EF24 F / 1.4 and EF50MM F / 1.2 lenses. My tripod is a bit strange - Gitzo legs with a ball head of Manfrotto.

Computer and monitor

I spend all the work with images on dual-core Mac Pro with 24 gigabytes of RAM. I often work with images of more gigabytes, so a large range of RAM is a need. I have a Dell 27 "UltraSharp monitor, which is calibrated using Spyder 3 ELITE.

Before any important work with images, I calibrate the monitor.

Import images

I understand that many of you use various automatizers, such as Lightroom, iPhoto, Picassa and others. Call me Luddit, but I hate to remain without control over the process, so I use a fully manual import procedure.

On the location, I drag photos on 2 hard drives and on returning a copy of about 100 gigabytes of information at a predetermined place. The folder's structure shown on the left serves me faithfully for 10 years.

You may notice that my finished files have in the prefix size in pixels for different sites; At 500px - 900 pixel width, and for - 950 pixels. I also add "BW" in file names with black and white images. This name system facilitates the search on the hard disk of the desired images.


From the many photos installed in me, I use Adobe CS5 daily. It is reliable working horse To work with images.

Preview and selection faster happened in Bridge. On the right I choose the images of interest to me. Satisfied with the choice, I use a filter on the left pane to show only selected.

Camera Raw.

If you are similar to me, then all installations of your camera are turned off or installed in 0. Here, in Camera Raw, I make several settings for all photos designed to compile one image.

  • Make sure you import your photos in the same color space as in the chamber. In my case, this is Adobe RGB, which is wider than the standard SRGB for the Internet. Work with the highest quality source, and then convert to the target format, for example, for the Internet.
  • Edit photos in 16 bits mode
  • Choose the best and most correctly exposed frame and set the white balance on it.
  • If there are hot pixels, use the Return Slider (Recovery) to compensate. Click simultaneously + while moving it and you will see the position of these points on a black background!
  • If the "Return" slider had to move too much - compensate it with a slider "Exposure" by pressing simultaneously +.
  • This combination can be used when correction of the black level - lift the black level so that there are no departures.
  • Then select all the images and synchronize the white balance for all images in the series through the menu in the upper left corner.
  • Then open all the images in Photoshop

Work in Photoshop

I have a rather strict workspace in Photoshop and the editing process is quite simple.

I have a number of actions (Actions) for different tasks, such as resizing, color space, etc. Separate tasks performed by me can be divided as follows:

  • Combining images with exposure bracketing in one layer
  • Pickling of the panorama of images
  • Saving a compiled image to PhotoShop PSD format file
  • Use masks to highlight parts of images that require a separate color, contrast or exposure correction. An example may be the processing of the sky separately from the building in the foreground
  • Saving this image with all the created layers
  • Combining layers and cropping if necessary
  • Strengthening sharpness
  • Saving a new version of the finished image in Photoshop PSD format
  • Resize for targeted use, for example up to 900 pixels for
  • Convert to Color SRGB Space and Color Depth 8bit
  • Saving in JPEG format. Do not forget to add the "900px" prefix to the file name to facilitate the search later.

Manual mixing layers

First, place your different exposed frames in one project in the form of layers. You can do it automatically through the menu. File - scripts- download files to stack (File\u003e Scripts\u003e Load Files INTO A Stack).

Many Photoshop users are afraid of using masks, selection, etc., but in fact it is quite simple. I will show!

Select a tool to highlight to your taste. I used the Quick Selection Tool marked on the left in the figure. Then, to add isolation, press, and to remove it. As you can see, I allocated the correctly exhibited dome of the Canary Wharf metro station.

This allocation is very uneven and will be better if we make it smoother and elegant. To do this, press the button. "Clarify the Edge" (Refine EDGE), also marked in the top of the picture from above.

A red mask is very convenient for viewing the allocated and unnecessary, but it is required to include this option. Click on the drop-down menu "View"(View) at the top of the dialogue "Edge Clarification" and select "Overlay" (Overlay).

We use the brush (Refine Radius Tool Brush) designated on the left. It will draw the edge of the selection and Photoshop clarify the boundaries of what should and should not be allocated.

Increase the size of the brush in the option "The size" (Size) and generously "crushed" space at the border. Come along all the borders!

The edge of the mask looks much more gradient now! Click "OK" to save this selection.

Now we need to create a layer mask. The mask will make part of the layer visible, and other parts are invisible.

Press the button "Add a vector mask"(Add vector Mask), designated in the figure.

You can see a black and white miniature that appeared next to my miniature layer (below). Black invisible. Everything is simple. All nonsense will miss the image of the corresponding layer. In my picture, the dome mask is white, so only the dome will be visible. It is good because the layers below will remain visible in addition to the dome from this layer.

I continued to work and repeated the operation to create a mask for the escalator and the surroundings of the dome, as can be seen in the figure below. Layers with 100% visibility are too hard, so I reduced the transparency of the layer with a dome to 80%, and the layer with the escalator and the surroundings of the dome - up to 70%. It takes a little longer, but is very flexible method Present a wide dynamic frame range.

An important conclusion that can be made from this section is the strength and flexibility of layers and masks. Similarly, I will handle colors and contrast in the next section.

Combine your different exposed layers through "Layers -\u003e Combine Layers" Layer\u003e Flatten Image) and save as a PHOTOSHOP document. Now you have a correctly exhibited version of your frame. The base to which you can return. This is useful if you then want to convert a photo to black and white.

Editing: Colors and Contrast

I will demonstrate this work with the help of a frame from Kolmanskop, Namibia. I put the processed frame over the source code to show the benefits of the RAW format for processing.

If you try to process this frame entirely, the porridge and the improvement of color and contrast would have worsened them in another area. Working with separate parts of the image is closer to me and is achieved again with layers and masks.

Creating layers of image using masks.

  • Select part of the main layer.
  • Specify the Earth
  • Copy dedicated
  • Insert into a new layer, name it somehow clear
  • Repeat for all areas requiring separate attention

I will show my color and contrast processing process on the sand example.


Select the layer that you will edit. I chose the sand layer. We add a correction layer "Color tone / saturation"like on a picture.

Put the check mark on the contrary (Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask) To limit your edits only with a layer of "sand". You will get a new layer with a small arrow down to display it.

I chose the preset option "More Enlarge Saturation" (Increased SATURATION MORE)

Sand should be warm orange, so I will add another one corrective layer - photo filter(Layer\u003e New Adjustment Layer\u003e Photo Filter) by selecting the "Sand" layer first and not forgetting a tick "Use the previous layer to create a clipping mask" Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask).

I chose a "warm filter" (Warming Filter) (85) by setting its density to 50 for a more complete effect.

Finally, I added a layer of curves for contrast. Select the "sand" layer and from the already familiar menu. Add a layer of curves with the "Strong Contrast (RGB)" parameter (Layer\u003e New Adjustment Layer\u003e Curves ... - SELECT "STRONG CONTRAST (RGB))

In this place, you should save a file with all layers in Photoshop Document format.


I have 2 ways. The use of the line shown on the left is very comfortable and quickly. It is enough to highlight an important horizontal or vertical line in the image. Either this can be done using the rotation mode - "Edit" - "Change" - "Rotate" (Edit\u003e Transform\u003e Rotate)


A simple task, but hardly canceled after saving the image. So I advise you to save the file before cropping.


On the issue of choice best method Enhance sharpness broken many copies and I personally tried probably all the methods, but in my opinion the most elegant method is the method of color shift "High Pass Filter". The result of cutting, but without artifacts and irregularities. Strengthening sharpness after resizing, I do not.

  • Duplicate layer through "Image" - "duplicate" (Image\u003e Duplicate) ...
  • Apply the color shift filter. Radio 1.0 is enough for a well-focused image of about 10-20 megapixels. "Filters" - "Other" - "Color Shift"(Filter\u003e Other\u003e High Pass) ...
  • Install the mixing mode in "Overlay" (Overlay).


"Combine Layers" in the Layer\u003e Flatten Image menu and save as a new Photoshop document with the corresponding name.

Now you have an edited image in full resolution. When you prepare a photo to publish or participate in the competition - it is to this version you will return to resize, save to JPEG and transmission format.

Change of size

I reduce JPEG files to various sizes for blogs, flicker, 500px and 1x sites, as well as for contests.


Final saving in JPEG requires conversion to SRGB color space and a color depth of 8 bits. These attributes are standard for the Internet. If you do not do this - your images simply will not have other people look like you also prepared them on your computer.

  • « Image "-" Mode "-" 8 Bit / Channel "(Image\u003e Mode\u003e 8 Bits / Channel)
  • "Edit" - "Convert to profile"(Edit\u003e Convert to Profile) ...

That's all, in general terms, my photo processing process.

I'm going to prepare part 3, dedicated to professional conversion in black and white, so watch for updates!

In this lesson you will learn how to create a stunning effect. architectural outline. I will explain the process in the smallest details, so anyone can repeat him, and even the one who opened Photoshop for the first time.

1. Let's begin

First, open the photo with which you want to work. To do this, click File\u003e Open. (File\u003e Open), select a photo and click Open. (Open). Well, now, before we proceed, check something:

  1. Your photo should be in color modeRGB, 8 bits per canal. To check it out, click Image. > Mode. (Image\u003e Mode).
  2. To get the best result, select the image of approximately 2000/4000 in width / height. To check it out, clickImage. > Image. Size (Image\u003e Image size).
  3. Your photo should be a background layer. If it is not, clickLayer. > New > Background. from. Layer. (Layer\u003e New\u003e Layers of the back plan).

2. How to create background

Step 1

In this section, we will create a background. Click Layer\u003e New Fill Layer\u003e Solid Color(Layer\u003e new layer-fill\u003e color) to create a layer flooded with color, name it Background Color.(Background color) and select Color # F0F0F0, as shown below.

Step 2.

Right click on this layer, select Blending Options. (Overlay parameters), select Gradient Overlay. (Gradient overlay) and adjust the layer style, as in the image below:

Translator Note: Layer Style Settings in Screenshot: Overlay Mode: Soft Light; Opacity: 50%; Gradient: black, white; Inversion; Align in a layer; Angle: 90 degrees; Scale: 100%

3. How to create a basic sketch

Step 1

In this section, we will create the main sketch. Select the background layer and press Control-J on the keyboard to duplicate it. Then drag this layer upstairs on the layers panel.

Step 2.

Now press the Control-Shift-U on the keyboard to discolor this layer. Next, click Image\u003e Adjustments\u003e Levels(Image\u003e Correction\u003e Levels) and enter the values \u200b\u200bfrom the screenshot:

Step 3.

Name this layer Temp. (Temporary) and press Control-J on the keyboard to duplicate it.

Step 4.

And now press Control-i on the keyboard to invert this layer and change its overlay mode Color Dodge. (Lightening the base). Next, click Filter\u003e Other\u003e Minimum (Filter\u003e Other\u003e Minimum), change Radius. (Radius) for 2 pixels and PRERESERVE (Save) on Squareness (Rectangle), as shown below:

Step 5.

Click Control and click on the layer Temp. (Temporary) to choose both layers at the same time. Then press Control-E on the keyboard to combine two layers into one.

Step 6.

Multiply. (Multiplication) and name it Main Sketch. (Main sketch).

4. How to create sketches in perspective

Step 1

In this section, we will create sketches in the future. Select the background layer and press Control-J on the keyboard to duplicate it. Then drag this layer upstairs on the layers panel.

Step 2.

Now click Filter\u003e Stylize\u003e Find Edges(Filter\u003e Stylization\u003e

Step 3.

Click Filter\u003e Blur\u003e Motion Blur (Filter\u003e Blur\u003e Angle (Angle) 90 degrees, and Distance

Step 4.

And now click Filter\u003e Sharpen\u003e Smart Sharpen (Filter\u003e Sharpness Strengthening\u003e

Translator Note:

Step 5.

Click Filter\u003e Filter Gallery\u003e Sketch\u003e Photocopy (Filter\u003e Filter Gallery\u003e Sketch\u003e Detail(Detail) by 2, and Darkness(Darity) by 5.

Step 6.

Change the overlay mode of this layer on Multiply. (Multiplication), and opacity - by 40%. After rename this layer in Perspective_Sketch_1 (Promising_nabrosk_1).

Step 7.

Step 8.


Step 9.

And now select the background layer and press Control-J on the keyboard to duplicate it. Next, drag this layer under the layer Perspective_Sketch_1 (Perspective_nabrosk_1) on the layers panel.

Step 10.

Click Filter\u003e Stylize\u003e Find Edges(Filter\u003e Stylization\u003e Edge selection), and then Control-SHIFT-U on the keyboard to discolor this layer.

Step 11.

Click Filter\u003e Blur\u003e Motion Blur (Filter\u003e Blur\u003e Blur in motion), change Angle (Angle) on 0 degrees, and Distance (Offset) on 1200 pixels, as shown below:

Step 12.

Now click Filter\u003e Sharpen\u003e Smart Sharpen (Filter\u003e Sharpness Strengthening\u003e "Smart" Sharpness) and enter the synthesis settings below:

Translator Note: Settings in the screenshot: Set: customized; Effect: 500%; Radius: 64 pixels; Reduce noise: 10%; Remove: Blur over Gauss; Shadows: Effect Weakening: 50%; Tone Range Width: 50%; Radius: 50 pixels; Light: Effect Weakening: 50%; Tone Range Width: 50%; Radius: 50 pixels.

Step 13.

Click Filter\u003e Filter Gallery\u003e Sketch\u003e Photocopy (Filter\u003e Filter Gallery\u003e Sketch\u003e Photocopy), change the parameter Detail(Detail) by 2, and Darkness(Darity) by 5.

Step 14.

Change the overlay mode of this layer on Multiply. (Multiplication), and Opacity(opacity) - by 55%. After rename this layer in Perspective_Sketch_2. (Promising_nabrosk_2).

Step 15.

Step 16.

Change the main color to #FFFFF, take the tool Brush. (Brush) (B), select a soft brush and swipe it where you want to show the vertical perspective lines.

5. How to create text

Step 1

In this section we will create text. Select a tool Horizontal Type (Horizontal text) (t), change the font on Hijrnotes, its size on 80 pixels, alignment to the left edge, color - # 000000. Next, click on any place canvas and click Type\u003e Paste Lorem IPSUM (Text\u003e Insert Lorem IPSUM) to insert a random text excerpt. You can also use your text and font settings.

Step 2.

Click twice in the thumbnail of this layer to make the text editable and remove it part. Then select a tool Move.

Step 3.

And now rename this layer in Text_1. (Text_1). After press CONTROL-J on the keyboard to duplicate this layer.

Step 4.

Click twice in the thumbnail of this layer to make the text editable, click Control-A to select the entire text, and then click Type\u003e Paste Lorem IPSUM (Text\u003e Insert Lorem IPSUM) to insert a random text excerpt. After that delete the text of the text, select Tool Move. (Move) (V), click and pull anywhere in the canvas to arrange the text as shown below:

Step 5.

Name this layer TEXT_2. (Text_2) and drag it under the layer Text_1. (Text_1) on the layers panel. After press CONTROL-J on the keyboard to duplicate this layer.


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