Father and son Gabroleanov are involved in the raider seizure of the company. - What are your further actions

Laid out "anonymous intermenimal." The former owner of this business - Alexander Kazachenko - studied the correspondence materials, and found a confirmation of what he managed to prove in court with such difficulty.

Published new materials (in the part that is known to me and which concerns Zeolite business Gabrelianov) shed a new light on a number of episodes about the unlawful activity of this group of persons. We also have the data that this Cypriot Offshore Tiaji represents the interests of Gabrelianov and we have access to the financial documentation of this offshore confirming that it is the owner of a zeolite business captured from us. At the same time, Mushkina in the courts in every way refused involvement in this offshore, refused to call the real beneficiaries. Bagdasarov also argues in the courts that this offshore is not the owner of the zeolite business. However, in these letters, Mushkin confirms that Aram Gabrelyanov and his son Ashot are the owners of a trust that stands behind these Cypriot offshores.

The following numbers look particularly indicative: Bagdasarov, using fake documents, captured these assets from Alciko at a price of 1.8 million rubles and immediately resell them to Gabroleanovsky Offshore, but already at a price of $ 2 million. Further, in a letter, Mushkin is advised to Gabroleanov - Do not sell these assets by Deco Minerals at a price of 35 million dollars. This is if they sell immediately, and then, later, the price will be more expensive.

Here is such a profitable business: "Buy" an asset at a price of 1.8 million rubles, and sell it at 35 million dollars!

From this correspondence between Gabrelian and Mushkin, it clearly obviously follows that they finance Baghdasarov (they are called at the patronymic - Rachikovich). Mushkin directly writes that they need "resources to war" and that "the case is open and the rink went." It is clear what kind of war is needed and it is clear about which open business is about - it was before the date of this letter, according to Bagdasarov, a criminal case was initiated against "Alca". Bagdasarov with witnesses boasted, as he manages the consequence. Also, in my opinion, the phrase of Mushkina says a lot about that "while the passenger has not landed" - the money of the Rachikachi will not pay, and that Bagdasarov, "according to the concepts, should swallow." The fact is that after some time after the date of this letter, I was committed a robbery attack of the Caucasian appearance, in order to abduct the compromising the entire group of documents. Proving direct involvement in this Gabrelianov and Bagdasarova has not yet succeeded, but in coincidence of this kind I do not believe. In my opinion, in this letter Mushkin reports to Gabroleanov on the work done and asks to allocate money for further unlawful activities, apparently, also carried out by "concepts".

In general, our affairs have advanced, but not as far as I would like. We win a lot of vessels on the explicit and obvious violations of the law by our opponents, but they are submitted to the highest courts and there many of our winning cases are canceled and the courts return to the first instance and everything goes again in a circle.

At the same time, a number of court decisions taken against us are clearly and obviously unlawful. And it is impossible to do anything about it. The judges, without raising the eyes, make decisions in which the obvious arguments reject or do not notice, and they answer our disturbances in the same way: "I don't like it - complain!" Complaining how we have already understood, it is useless, we have already reached the Supreme Court several times and before the Chairman of the Supreme Court - no one, in fact, does not want to understand, the materials are not studied, there are some unsubsions, without explaining and analyzing the reasons taken against us solutions.

In essence, the court lured the original documents under the pretext of the examination

For example, Bagdasarov, in one of the processes, falsely accused us in the fact that we allegedly kidnapped with His shares of Alciko. He needed this lie to initiate a criminal case against us and cover his unlawful acts to seize our property. We, in proof of our position, provided a large number of documents, but the court demanded all these documents from us to present in the original, promising their expertise. After we did all the originals to the court, our court seized them, but the examination did not appoint them, and the decision took against us. In essence, we lured the original documents under the pretext of the examination, and the decision made contrary to these documents. And that is especially significant - the court does not return these documents back (he says "complain!"), And without these originals, we cannot prove your right thing.

Also with criminal cases: on the false statement of Baghdasarov, who is an accomplice of Gabrolyanov, a criminal case opened in the Internal Affairs Directorate. At the same time, he did not hide the customer in nature (they were talking about this with witnesses), and when it became clear that we were not involved in this case, but it was involved in him by Bagdasarov, this business was immediately suspended, but another matter was immediately suspended. The only thing that was done fairly: when the facts of the personal relationship between Baghdasarov, with a consequence of the Internal Affairs Directorate of Baghdasarov, with a consequence of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Central Internal Affairs of Moscow who opened this criminal case, removed and translated from the Department of Internal Affairs of the Central Bank - to the Department of Lefortovskoye Yuvao MVD in Moscow.

Investigation on the unlawful actions of the people of Gabroleanov, perfect against us, is not at all, the materials are constantly transmitted from one unit to another and back. After numerous complaints in all instances (in particular, after two complaints of the General Prosecutor's Office and one complaint about the presidential administration) - we finally answered the Moscow Prosecutor's Office that the head of the Investigation Department of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. For delay in answers to our address. That is, in essence - nothing!

Probably, a normal person is difficult to believe in it, but the main reason for numerous failures in the initiation of criminal cases against these raiders is the impossibility for operational workers of the Department of Internal Affairs on the Central Assembly of Moscow to find and interrogate Baghdasarov and his accomplices who participated in the seizure of our assets! Here is such a difficult task of the investigation! Although, Baghdasarov does not hide from anyone, moreover, together with the operational work of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Central Asian of Moscow himself participates in the search in the office of Alciko and directly indicates - where and what to look!

Gabrolyanov's communals behave extremely brazenly - obviously falsify the documents, forge the signatures of the company's shareholders, make appointments of their register of shareholders ...

At the same time, accomplices Gabrolyanov behave extremely brazenly. Open and clearly falsify the documents, fake signatures of shareholders of the company, make appointments to the register of shareholders, fake postal notifications in the appointment of shareholders' meetings, use fake printing and binding of society. I am no longer talking about the massives of the giving false testimony in the courts and as a result, and this is not looking at their subscription on criminal liability for this kind of act. Almost all these facts are proved by the courts, the cancellation of many of which our opponents did not work out. We assume that, after all, it is expensive for them to cancel all court decisions, they cancel only part of the ships, selectively. According to some high-ranking lawyers, this kind of obvious unlawful court decisions, and even at a high level, which are taken against us - hundreds of thousands of dollars are worth each decision. Indeed, because these decisions openly put the signatures of the judges, which the "name of the Russian Federation" publicly perverts the law. This is obvious and understandable to everyone who reads these decisions, so the country knows these "heroes".

Also, law enforcement agencies are not seen in the explicit raider seizures of the enterprises "Alciko" of the crime. In the Central Internal Affairs of Central Internal Affairs of Moscow can simply find, the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow unsubscribed that there was no objective confirmation to criminal actions, and the Investigation Committee simply does not want to do anything - the investigator directly says that he is very busy with other affairs and It will only work if it is released from these cases.

The facts of direct pressure of the people of Gabrelianov (in particular, Baghdasarov and his representatives) were revealed on witnesses, attempts to bribe and threats to obtain the testimony

Additionally, the facts of direct pressure of the people of Gabroleanov (in particular, Bagdasarov and his representatives) on witnesses, attempts to bribe and threats in order to obtain the testimony they needed are revealed. Recently, with the participation of Bagdasarov and some law enforcement officers, the next fake corporate documents were fabricated and led to the trial. We hope that according to these documents, the court, nevertheless, will appoint an examination, and we also hope that it will be objective and deceit them in the next falsifications.

The idle propagandist LifeNews Aram Gabrelianov was in the epicenter of a rather funny scandal. In fact, it is not even a scandal, but a children's team. Flowers ... Unfortunately for Mr. "Propagandist" - the berries will be later. Will the correspondence of Aram Gabrelyanov affair the correspondence by Hackers, it is unlikely to lose LifeNews - definitely.

The other day "Anonymous International" laid out a new portion of letters from the array of Aram Gabrelyanov, from which we learn some new details about his raider seizure of business, foreign real estate, hacked correspondence of the Navalny and some other plots.

Aram Gabrelianov was in the center of the scandal due to attempts to illegally take possession of a large mining enterprise in the Oryol region. Opened slave correspondence LifeNews sheds light on some details of this case.

Recall that in January 2013, the owners of Alciko's management found that the shares of their subsidiary of Zeomaks using fake documents and bypassing the procedures established by the law were sold for a statement by the structure of Gabrelianov. The company with two valuable assets (OJSC Melor and OJSC "Promzeolit") related to the extraction and processing of zeolite ore was sold 250 times lower than the book value and 600 times lower than the market - in just 1.8 million rubles, There is at a price for which one cannot buy one excavator. As it turned out, Gabrelyanov managed to replace two members of the Board of Directors of Zeomaks LLC - (Valery Bagdasarov and the former general director "Tseomaks" Alexei Tarasova).

Documents on approval of the alienation of shares signed (except Bagdasarov and Tarasov) Son Gabrolyanov Aram - Ashot Gabroleanov (for a long time it was believed that he would pass the Kremlin project LifeNews.ru) and the financial director of the structures of Aram Gabrelyanov - Andrei Mushkin.

The director of Alciko Alexander Kazachenko began to sue the stakes of the shares and the on the eve of an important court session attacked him two unknowns, beat him and kidnapped a portfolio with a laptop and documents related to this business. And yet, Kazachenko's court won - July 21, 2014, all agreements on the alienation of shares of Melor OJSC and OJSC "Promzeolit" from the Balance of Tseomaks LLC "to Bagdasarov and his relatives are invalid. The decision of the court entered into force.

In the correspondence laid out by anonymous intermenimal, you can find several details of this case. For example, in August, the Finnire-director Mushkin offers Gabrelyanov to sell their zeolite business for 35 million dollars. It is 777 times more expensive than the price for which Gabrelian himself seized shares a few months before.

But another letter from which it follows that Gabroleans "threw" and helped him in a scam with the alienation of Shares Valery Bagdasarova (Rachichich is his patronymic):

Another plot is connected with the penthouse, which Gabroleanov sought himself to the Cap Antibes ... We will tell about it soon.

The other day, the Anonymous International has posted a new portion of letters from the Massif Aram Gabrolyanov (details about the first portion), from which we learn some of the new details about its raider seizure of business, foreign real estate, hacked correspondence of the Navalny and some other plots.

Interview with a businessman who victims of this raider capture.

Another plot is connected with Penthouse, which Gabreleanov sought himself to the Cap Antibes (as it followed from the correspondence). Then Gabrelov reacted to the publication, stating What will give a penthouse to the one who will find it. He also wrote that it is about "The correspondence of his wife with a travel agent who picked up a villa on antibes for the summer holiday of grandchildren". But, based on other letters, it follows that it was about selling, and the cost varied from 2 to 6 million euros.

And he looked at him with his wife and another apartment in another NATO country in the United States. And more specifically - in California, for 3.9 million euros:

In Twitter, Gabrelianov answers someone "on Gernaku, I have no real estate abroad! What are I afraid, what did you steal what? " And in Facebook, it is already more compatible: "I earned a lot, paying all taxes. So the subtext, luxury real estate abroad shove yourself ... "

Even if we assume that neither the azure shore, nor in California Gabrelians, the apartment did not bought an apartment, he still has foreign real estate. As follows from one letter, he has an apartment in Paris, recorded at the offshore:

Despite all this, Gabrelians exposes themselves with a great patriot: "If you find a comprue, where I betrayed my family, children, my homeland, my president, those who I consider my real friends, write." The Russian president, as is known, is also a big lover of elite real estate, so in this sense, there is really no discrepancies in Aram Gabrolyanov with Vladimir Putin. But still, the luxurious official and unofficial residences of the president are located in Russia, and not in those countries that introduced sanctions against Russia and which regularly turn out to be the object of tough criticism of Gabrolean publications.

But another interesting letter in which Aram Gabrelyanov discusses the hacking of Yulia Navalny mailbox with the general director of Mit Alexander Shelukhin (who also served as adviser to the public principles of Vice Mayor Alexander Gorbenko). It was MIT on the order of the mayor's office was the organizer in support of the mayor's office in dozens of different media (including Gabroleanovsky), which is true, did not prevent Gabrelyanov, then place the "Ordership" in his publications from the presidential administration already against Gorbenko himself (including the story of As the mayor's office allegedly sponsored Navalny). But in 2013, there was still good between Gabroleanov and Gorbenko, Navalny was their main common enemy. "Anonymous International" suggests that it was MIT who could stand for a hacking of Navalny mail (implemented, as it is believed to be in Germany by Hacker Sergey Maksimov, poetically called himself "Hacker Heller"). True, there are no confirmations of the involvement of the mayor's office for this hacking, and the hacks himself occurred in 2011, long before the elections, when the Navalny post is hardly interesting.

There are in the new portion of correspondence and other interesting details. It turns out that during the Ministry of Faithful Election Campaign in Moscow in 2013, notes on behalf of the candidate Nikolai Levichova (who for some time, Sergey Mironov, as a chairman of the Fair Russia), wrote an ex-employee of Gabrelianov Samvel Nalbandian, and Gabrelians gave that wise advice: smaller Criticizing Sobyanin and more - Navalny. It is difficult to say how these wise advice influenced the result, but in the end, Levichv then took the last place and lost the chair of the chairman in the party.

So far, only one bet in 10 bitcoins (about $ 6.5 thousand) was made to the lot with the correspondence of Gabrolyanov (about $ 6.5 thousand), and Gabrelianov himself promised 1000 Bitcoins for reliable information about those who are behind the "anonymous intermenimal". This amount is equivalent to $ 645 thousand, and readiness so easily part with it only gives persistence of information published in this array.

Original of this material
© The Insider, 10/17/2014, a billion scam: For which Gabroleanov can receive a criminalade, photos, illustrations: Via The Insider

As it became known The Insider, the general director of the publishing house "News Media" Aram GabrelyanovHis son Ashot, as well as a number of his partners, turned out to be involved in the case of illegal alienation of shares of the mining company by a market value of more than a billion rubles. The arbitral tribunal has already recognized the fact of "illegal alienation of shares" and now the investigators are working on a criminal case, according to which participants may threaten a criminal term.

The plot of this story is very simple. In 2009, Gabrolyanov's Tig Mineral Resources Company Ltd registered in Cyprus bought a 49% stake in Zeomaks LLC is an enterprise that is engaged in the mining of zeolites in the Oryol region. The second (and the main) owner of Zomeaks was the Russian company - the Industrial Group "Alcio".

"Tseomaks" had 2 main asset:

  • OJSC Melor is a company that mining minerals. The main asset is a license for the Khaynetsky deposit of zeolites, as well as a large number of different techniques (tractors, bulldozers, excavators, dump trucks, etc.). Market assessment of 100% of the company's shares for August 2012 (Appraiser LLC) - 889.5 million rubles.
  • OJSC "PROMTEROLIT" is a plant that makes the processing of zeolite ore produced by Melhor OJSC and producing ready-made products (pets for pets, fertilizers, building materials). The company includes several industrial and warehouse buildings, many industrial equipment, technology. Market assessment of 100% of the company's shares for August 2012 (Appraiser LLC) - 121, 7 million rubles.
  • After a while, representing the Cypriot company Tig Mineral Resources Company Ltd Aram Gabrelians began to be resentment by the fact that the company does not make a profit. He wrote several letters to representatives of the Industrial group "Alciko" with a proposal or to buy his share, or, on the contrary, to transfer him to the management of the company, and promotions to ownership, for which he promised to pay in 5 years (a letter to buy a share: ,; letter about Transfer shares: ,,). He argued that he could manage industrial assets much more successful. Both of these variants of the Alciko industrial group did not suit - on the purchase of the share of Gabrolyanov did not have funds (and no obligations for themselves did not take such "Alcios"), but to transfer him to the property and management, without any specific obligations and guarantees, "Alcio "Also found unacceptable. Representatives of Alcio tried to find a compromise - offered to directly head Zeomaks LLC and even give the majority in the Board of Directors of Zeomaks LLC, but still, not to give their property. These compromises Gabrelyanov did not suit, he wanted to be the owner.

    In January 2013, the leadership of Alciko suddenly found that the shares of two industrial enterprises - Melor OJSC and OJSC Promzeololit - no longer belong to their subsidiary of LLC "Tseomak". As it turned out, Gabroleanov managed to replace two members of the Board of Directors of Zeomaks LLC - (Valery Bagdasarov and the former CEOMAKS general director Alexei Tarasova), and then turn the scheme when (according to Alciko) using fake documents and Bypassing the procedures established by law, the company's shares were sold 250 times lower than the book value and 600 times lower than the market. Two industrial enterprises with appliances and real estate were sold for 1.8 million rubles - for such money it is impossible to buy one excavator. At first, the shares were sold to Baghdasarov and his closest relatives (daughters and the mother-in-law), and then reselling Gabrelyanov - Tig Mineral Resources Company Ltd. Documents on approval of the alienation of the shares signed (except Bagdasarov and Tarasov) Son Gabroleanov Aram - Ashot Gabroleanov and Financial Director of the structures of Aram Gabrolyanov - Andrei Mushkin.

    According to Alisco, at the same time, the same group of persons (Tarasov, Baghdasarov and Andrei Mushkin) carried out a number of attempts to alienate another property "Alciko" (patents, trademarks, cash, cars) - total, in the amount of about 120 million rubles . Assistance in an attempt to alienate trademarks from Rospatent, provided a high-ranking officer of the Presidential Administration - Anatoly Emelianenko, which in an amazing coincidence also turned out to be the grandson of Baghdasarov.

    A number of assets of attackers were transferred to the Russian structure - Zeotreidresurs LLC, which belongs to Mirzoyan Sofia Ashots, presumably sister Gabrelyanova (the very on which, according to an extract, registered media business Gabroleanova - JSC News Media). Many Assico employees were translated into the same structure, including the former General Director of Tarasov, and headed her financial director of Gabrolyanov's structures, the same Andrei Mushkin, who took an active part in the alienation of property from Alciko to the Cyprus company Tig Mineral Resources Company Ltd. Thus, the entire zeolite business "Alciko" was under the control of the structures associated with Gabroleanov.

    The leadership "Alca" cites confirming the preliminary collusion of all these feasures. On the evening of February 5, 2013, at the meeting of another structure of the Industrial Group "Alciko", LLC Alciko-Resource, instead of Tarasova, a new CEO was appointed and the next morning, Alciko got access to all documentation and managed to partially transport it to Another office. At the same time, according to Alciko, the documents clearly revealed, unambiguously confirming the preliminary collusion of the above-mentioned group of persons to the assets of Assico assets (preparation for which began almost for half a year according to the events described). Two days later, on February 7, the company's office was captured by the Alpha Sigma Chop. Video from the chambers of observation of this capture preserved and the leadership of Alciko claims that it clearly seen that they led the capture of personally Baghdasarov and Tarasov. In Alciko, it is assumed that these are these compromising documents and a fair goal of capture. It is also curious that Samvel Mirzoyan was present in the captured office "Alciko" (as the nephew of Gabroleanov, his sister Mirzoyan Sofia Ashots, who had once worked in the newspaper "Life". In Alciko, with reference to Gabrolyanov's friends, they say that he is a former boxer But this is doubtful because in the show "King Ring" Samvel Mirzoyan failed defeat From Nikita Dzhigurda). Samvel Mirzoyan, in a private conversation, offered the programmer "Alciko" Volnov V.I. Connect the company's electronic payment systems (during the seizure of the company managed to block them to avoid the embezzlement of funds from settlement accounts). The programmer refused, after which the invaders began to hold payments, referring directly to banks. In this way, during a seizure in a few days, Tarasov was derived from the Company's accounts of about 6.73 million rubles, including 5.47 million rubles. At the accounts of OJSC Melor and OJSC Promzeolitol, whose shares by that time were already transferred to the structures of Gabrelyanov.

    And that's not all. The company "Alciko", of course, began to seek the return of assets through the court. As of November 1, 2013, Alciko had an important court session with the Gabrolean offshore Tig Mineral Resources Company Ltd. Preparing for the court hearing, October 31, the director of Alciko took home some documents on this case, including originals, to submit them to court for review. When he drove up to the house and left the car, two unknown people attacked him, beat him and kidnapped a portfolio with a laptop and documents related to this business. At the fact of the attack, a criminal case was initiated under the article "Robbery", but the guilty were still not found, and some of the original documents were lost. The attackers of the attackers with Gabrelian has not yet been established, but in Alciko in the "random" nature of this event do not believe.

    Separately, I want to emphasize that our situation is not perceived politically as attacks on the progressive and patriotic leaders of JSC News Media - there is no policy in this situation, we have always been far from this and the patriots themselves, not less than some.

    - What are your further actions?

    According to the law, members of the Board of Directors of the Company, as individuals, if their decisions caused damage to society, are obliged to compensate losses caused to society. Among the assets of LLC "Zomeaks" voted for the alienation of the assets at a price almost 600 times lower than the Market Ashot of Gabrelians, Andrei Mushkin, Valery Bagdasarov and Alexey Tarasov. Now they should be ready for billions of claims, and we are really preparing these claims.

    Aram Gabrelinov refused to comment on The Insider the situation with the illegal alienation of the shares, referring to the fact that it was not at all in the case for a long time and offering to call Andrei Mushkina. Andrei Mushkin first announced his readiness to comment on the situation, but from Monday (October 13) it could not send any explanations, and on Friday (October 17), he said that he would not give any comments, besides what he thinks "all the accusations of false "And that he has no evidence, but he does not want to provide them and is ready to only go to law enforcement agencies if there is unreliable information in the material. The Insider is ready to supplement the material to the comment of the accused party as soon as she collapses it to provide it.

    The general director of the publishing house News Media Aram Gabrelyanov, his son Ashot, as well as a number of his partners turned out to be involved in the case of illegal alienation of shares of the mining company by a market value of more than a billion rubles. The arbitral tribunal has already recognized the fact of "illegal alienation of shares" and now the investigators work on the criminal case, according to which participants may threaten a criminal period.

    In 2009, the Gabrelian Tig Mineral Resources Company Ltd registered in Cyprus bought 49% of the shares of Zeomaks LLC is an enterprise that is engaged in the production of zeolites in the Oryol region. The second (and the main) owner of "Tseomak" was the Russian company - the Industrial group "Alciko", reports The Insider.

    After a while, representing the Cypriot company Tig Mineral Resources Company Ltd Aram Gabrelians began to be resentment by the fact that the company does not make a profit. He wrote several letters to representatives of the Industrial Group "Alciko" with a proposal or to buy his share, or, on the contrary, transfer him to the Office of the company, and promotions to the property, for which he promised to pay in 5 years. He argued that he could manage industrial assets much more successful. Both of these variants of the An Alco industrial group did not suit.

    In January 2013, the leadership of Alciko suddenly found that the shares of two industrial enterprises - Melor OJSC and OJSC Promzeolitol - no longer belong to their subsidiary of LLC "Tseomaks". As it turned out, Gabroleanov managed to replace two members of the Board of Directors of Zeomaks LLC - (Valery Bagdasarov and the former general director "Tseomaks" Alexei Tarasova), and then turn the scheme when (according to Alciko) using fake documents and Bypassing the procedures established by law, the company's shares were sold 250 times lower than the book value and 600 times lower than the market.

    The company "Alciko" began to seek the return of assets through the court. Resolved Weara The Court of Appeal of Moscow dated July 21, 2014, all agreements on the alienation of shares of Melor OJSC and OJSC "Promzeolit" from the balance sheet "Tseomak" to Bagdasarov and his relatives are invalid. The decision of the court entered into force.

    In addition, "Alciko" more than a year achieved the initiation of a criminal case. However, the Internal Affairs Directorate of Moscow repeatedly refused, citing that it could not find and polling the above-mentioned persons involved in alienation (although they did not hide, it was well known where they live and work).

    In the end, "Alciko" managed to achieve a criminal case on the embezzlement of shares after all the same was initiated. But he leads it all the same in the Central Assembly on the Central Bank, without giving him any movement.

    If, after all, the criminal case will be brought to the court, then it will be not easy to go about the illegal alienation of the shares (which has already been proven), but the raudes and participants may be in real terms.


    Perhaps it will be useful to read: