Ready business cards in Word. How in Microsoft Word make a business card in various ways? Independent Manufacturing Business Creating

MS Word makes it possible not only to perform and execute office documents.

Using embedded in Word templates And their ordinary items on a special panel you will get the opportunity to create a different kind of documents, including cards for yourself or any company.

Microsoft Word. Contains all the necessary parameters for this, with which you can approach the creation of business cards.
After listed methods and receptions, you will not need even special programs and agencies to create business cards.

1. Choose background and texture for business cards in Word

Most of the time when creating postcards, cards or business cards takes the design.

Usually, textures and other background images, including fonts and other, are chosen for a very long time. All these elements must be combined and complement each other as much as possible.

Choosing a color on the background - this is not a simple addition on a background of a purely of your beloved shade.

How to choose a business card color general rules and orientation:
- Consider the audience for which business cards are manufactured;
- Consider the fact that the color must comply with the activity or product;
- Consider the value of the selected shade and its perception by a person.

As a rule, a business card, a small size, which means the use of a set of colors and textures with the text is better to avoid.
All information is posted in a clear form. Reflect the name of the organization, the name of the representative of the organization, his posts, make the address, contact information and the company's logo.

Font selection and text location

It should be relying on the following recommendations when choosing text and fonts:
- Do not use more than two diverse fonts. The inscriptions should be performed in one style so that the person is not distracted;
- You can use "font families" to match each other various forms symbols;
- the color of the text (font) should "look" or contrast with a shade or image on the background of the business card;
- the size of the letters must be acceptable, from 10 to 14 TP.

2. Using Word Templates "A

Each version of Word includes a certain amount of ready-made templates for creating certain elements: business cards, title sheets, postcards, advertising brochures, etc.

To go to the built-in business card creation templates, go to "Create" item.

Find the Recommended tab and select the desired type of document and design among the proposed recommendations. Click on it and open the Word in the new window.

Most often, the design of the business card is completely on the sheet, about 8 - 10 copies per sheet of A4 format.

3. Using ready-made templates and their logo

If there are no templates in Word, or there are no, go to the Official Microsoft website and run them.

Required business cards can be found in a special section on the official website "Cards"

Microsoft Word user can access these databases online. To do this, enter the program and try creating a document by selecting the "Card" tab

Of course, to fulfill this action will be needed to connect to the Internet. Wait for a while until you work out the existing designs to a specific category.

Select the desired design from the proposed list and create a document corresponding to the button.

Now the file is open in the desired mode. In this mode you can fix and change the business card to your liking

To use it is already pre-thought-out, that is, completely ready-made design from the Internet, you should download a template that is usually in extension.doc or.docx. You can open this type of file in any versions of Word.

Download and then open the desired template, make all the necessary amendments to the information that is already in the business card.

After changing all the necessary items, you can proceed to the printing of the document.

Council: To ensure that the basic page parameters are not violated during printing, keep the best business card in PDF format.

The greatest advantage of working with standard templates is their diverseness and versatility. They can be used on any version of MS Word.

If not all fonts are installed on the PC, then only certain inscriptions may look different.

4. Tables for creating business cards to Word

In order to create a new business card, without a template, you can use conventional tables, or by creating a special element in the "Poly" mode.
We will consider this method.

Word 10, 13, 16 instructions

Before creating, specify the required layout of the document. Especially for this click on the "Layout" tab. Next, select all the necessary field parameters. In the next drop-down list, select "narrow".
The provided type is best suited for postcards and cards.

Now draw, or create a table consisting of two columns and five lines.

The table you created will become a circuit for your cards. Stretch the table created on the entire sheet.

Go to the "Properties" of the table and set the height of 5 cm, and the width of 9 cm.

We remove indents that automatically set out after the table is created. You need to remove them so that the inscriptions are displayed evenly in each of the cells.

Enter the properties, and after the table parameters. For fields you need to set the value "0 cm". Save the changes.

Now create text of business cards. But first, align all the characters using a ruler in the Word

The text can be installed in the business card field at your discretion.
To create the background, press PCM to a free cell. And then open the Special Fill Window and select the best background.

To add a logo or picture to the business card in the field, you need to use the "Insert" tab, and after selecting a drawing or shapes.

To repeat (copy) already created design, select the table and use the CTRL + C copy keys to insert it into the remaining strings using the Ctrl + P. key combination.

The logo will have to be transferred to a separate cell.

Creating Word 2007 business cards

To create business cards in Word 2007, you need to go to the tab "Page Markup". Select "Fields", and after selecting a "narrow field".

Hi friends! Short preamble. The business card is useful, because convenient. All the information we want to leave about themselves, on a small piece of paper or other alternative material, up to wood and metal. The business card is the branding component, and since everyone wants to have an original face, the development process (identification of ideas) can delay. Even if we order the development of a business card to professionals thousands for a half rubles, they are not psychics - they need to clearly put the task. An ordinary Word can become an excellent tool for creating a business card template if we do not use photoshop. Some simple steps I want to show.

First you need to prepare a picture that will be used as a logo. Images can be searched on the Internet or in the Word. I'm already talking about it. For example, my fictional company is engaged in the construction of country houses, and there was a fun picture on this topic.

Create a new document or open the prepared, click on the word "insert" → Figure (my actions in Office 2010).

Choose an image intended for our business card, and insert into the document.

Here we can change the size of the picture by pulling it in front of the corner. This can be done later. It is better to immediately choose the flow around the picture "for the text", then it will be possible to do everything that we need.

Further went interesting and fascinating - the color tab. You can play both shades and contrast, and brightness, and make a transparent background. If you want to remove the background, you need to choose "install transparent" and click the pencil on the background field. The Word opportunities offer a lot, and here depends on taste and human preferences. I did not care, because my task is to show how it is done in principle.

It remains to enter information, and then bring a business card to the finished type - for printing. Font type, size, location - choose all that your heart. A selected link may occur if you specify the address of the site. It is necessary to simply delete, highlighting and pressing the right mouse button. It is advisable to do it closer to the final. Also a Word may emphasize the unfamiliar word. You can remove this line using spelling check (skip or add underlined word).

Now the business card is practically ready. It remains a screenshot and trim it in a graphic editor. I like . In it, you can add the color of the common background, if you did not do this in the Word. Functions in the editor a lot.

This is such a poisonous visit to me. Standards exist different (and European, and American), but we have received business cards of 9 * 5 cm. The main thing is that the business goes can be in the business card holder. If the pruning is produced in the Faststone, when the size changes (there is also such a function) you can see centimeters, and not just pixels.

In what order actions will be made (the picture is text or vice versa), it does not matter.

In addition to editing the Microsoft text, the Word allows you to create various printed products, such as booklets, brochures, leaflets and business cards. Any businessman in his pocket should always be a business card on which all contact information will be indicated. The card can be made in itself and in this article will deal with how to make a business card in the Word.

Word 2007.

For the manufacture of a business card, follow the step-by-step instructions:

Step 1. In the Page Markup tab, click on the fields and choose narrow.

Step 2. Insert a table of two columns and five lines.

Step 3. Go to the properties of the table, after clicking on the location of the right mouse button.

Step 4. By selecting the Row and Column tabs, set the value of 5 and 9 centimeters, respectively. Why are these numbers? Because it is the size of a standard European business card, which is perfectly placed in a wallet or business card holder.

Step 5. In the resulting cells, create a card using standard Word tools. You can make color background, add text, insert a logo or link to email.

Step 6. Print the resulting table, previously removing the visibility of the boundaries through the border menu and the fill.

Tip 1! Use tight paper or cardboard to print business cards, so it will serve longer and looks more presentable.

It is better to save a document in PDF format. This will avoid text distortion or table offset when printing.

Thanks to this instruction, creating business cards in Word will be understandable and accessible even for novice users of a text editor.

Note!The above-described card creation process is similar to and for Word 2003.

WORD 2010, 2013, 2016

In later versions of Microsoft Office Word, the process is similar, but it is possible to use the ready-made business card template. For this you need to do the following:

  1. In the File section, you are looking for a string to create and press business cards in the right window on the right window.

  1. You choose from the list of templates and insert into the document.
  2. Next, edit the card to your data using the already known Word editor tools.

There is such a situation that there is no desired sample to the Word. Then the Internet and the official website of Microsoft Office comes to the rescue. There you can download and add new templates to a text editor. You can also find ready-made business cards on the unstashes of the worldwide network in format.doc i.docx, which can be edited.

As you can see, create individual business cards using Office Word is not difficult. This requires basic knowledge of Word tools. You can also take advantage of ready-made business cards in later versions of a text editor, which undoubtedly facilitates their creation.

It is difficult to imagine a person who, by the nature of its activities in modern world I could do without a business card, or business cards. This is understandable. It contains all the necessary information about its owner, including contacts. But to create a high-quality business card you need a professional software and equipment. What to do if you need to transfer information very urgently? Let's try to consider how to make business cards in the "Word" (Microsoft Office Word).

MS Word features

Word program many users are clearly underestimated because this package is not only text editorAlthough it is originally designed to work with the text. The application is equally well coping with graphics, tables, mathematical formulas, diagrams, sound, etc. So make a business card in the "Word" on the ambulance hand easier.

Possible options

If you consider the capabilities of the MS Word office application in terms of rapid creation of business cards, among the easiest - use of ready-made patterns.

Drawing is enough labor-intensive process. It will be necessary to insert or draw rectangles, but only then enter the text in them and place the graphics. It takes a lot of time, so on this option we will not stop.

For some reason, many believe that the simplest solution to the issue of how to make business cards in the "Word" is the insertion of the tables. You can disagree with this, because there are nuances related to the indication of indents, formatting the table itself and text, copying and inserting the final material, etc. Where much easier the business card in the "Word" is created with the help of existing templates.

Using templates

Practically in any version of the MS Word program you can find special ready solutions To create a text document, even containing graphics. Business cards are not except. With this approach, the user does not have to spend time on creating and adjusting text and graphics. In addition, the standard business card size is 5 x 9 cm. The pattern itself is such a size and provides for initially.

You must go to the "File" menu, then "Create", and select the "Business cards" in the list of available templates. If the program version is installed above Word 2010, this tab can be listed and not present. Then you need to enter the word "business card" or "business cards" in the search field on Next, you must select the desired template and simply click the "Download" button. Everything. Creating a business card completed. Now you can edit the data in the cells.

By the way, a similar solution to the question of how to make business cards in the "Word", not only not only simplicity. And all because when editing text in one cell, it automatically changes in all others. And this, in turn, eliminates the user from the tedious process of copying the contents and its subsequent insertion into all other fields.

Business cards from the table

Many prefer the use of tables, believing that in this case you can make a business card to your liking. But the process will be more complicated. A few words about how to make business cards in "Word" using a table.

To begin with the "Page Markup" menu, you must install fields. The value for each field must correspond to 0.5 inches, or 1.27 cm. After that, the "Table" command is selected from the "Insert" menu and the size (2 x 5 cells) is specified.

Then select the table completely (for example, Ctrl + A for the entire document) and right-click call the "Table Properties" menu.

On the "Line" tab, we put the ticks opposite the "height" and "width" parameters and set the corresponding values \u200b\u200bof 5 and 9 cm. On the right there is a mode window. It indicates the value "accurately". Now in the "Cell" tab after pressing the "Parameters" button, set all values \u200b\u200bequal to zero.

Now you can start filling the cells with text, add graphic objects, change the color of the font, fill and much more. Here, as they say, what fantasy is enough. When the work is completed, you must copy the contents of the main cell (finished business card), and then just insert into all the others. If you wish, you can remove the table grid using the "Border and Fill" menu for this.


As you can see, solving the problem with how to create a business card in the "Word" is quite simple. Naturally, the professional level is very far away, and there is no sense to exchange such printouts at the highest level. Professional business cards are created using completely other programs, equipment, design and paper. Often there is a crown that you will not do in the "Word".

In principle, the business cards described in the article are suitable for quick information transfer, say, from customer computers customer, and can also be used as a template for granting a company or printing house, which is engaged in creating and seal business cards at a professional level.

Using the Microsoft Word program, you can not only view and edit text documents, but also create colorful business cards for yourself and your company. To do this, the program has everything: a set of templates, tools for processing text and graphics. Therefore, if you are interested in how to make a business card and do not want to overpay for the designer services, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the ways of independent creation of cards in microsoft program WORD 2010 The method will be relevant and for versions of 2007, 2013 and 2016.

The main task of the business card is to convey information to the client, which should be easily readable and laconic. It is at this point that all people make a mistake, filling a tiny leaflets by clouded information, which is not necessarily needed at all.

At the business card of one tone (preferably), which must correspond to the color of the products offered, it is necessary to indicate F.I.O. Person or company name, company logo and person position, address, telephone number and e-mail. Write advertising cost only on back side Business cards and only if necessary.

During the design of the business card, it is worth using the following recommendations:

  • Do not use more than 2 fonts on one business card;
  • The font must match the color with a background tinge or logo. A deviation is allowed to one tone;
  • Font size - 10-14 (TP). Smaller letters will not see customers, large - merge with the picture.

Only competently pick up the color and font of the business cards, a person can count on the fact that it, at least read.

Work with standard business card templates

In any version of Microsoft Word there is ready templates Business cards. Consider how to create business cards with their help.

  • Open a text document. Click "File", "Create", choose "Business Cards".
  • Next, you need to select the category "Sample Template", in which you can see an example of business cards.

  • After reading, you can edit the template or start creating your own business card.

Creating a business card using ready-made patterns

To create a business card, you should perform the first action specified above. Next you need to choose a category. We will consider an example using templates from the Card heading.

Here we are looking for a suitable layout. If the finished patterns are not suitable for you, go to the Microsoft website and load new ones.

Click "Download" and open the document.

The document will have a set of identical templates available for editing. If you press each of the items, the boundaries of the blocks will be displayed. We introduce your data.

Since each of the blocks will have to duplicate, we recommend using copy and insert functions.

The finished sheet with business cards can be printed and cut.

How to create business cards using tables?

To create a business card of your own design in Microsoft Word, you can use the tables. Instructions for the implementation of the following.

  • Go to the "Page Markup" tab and choose the "fields". Test "narrow", which are most suitable for creating tables.

  • Next you need to create cells that will serve as business cards. Optimal will be 10 pcs. Business cards on one sheet. Therefore, we create a table of 2 columns and 5 cells. To do this, click "Insert", "Table". Next, either click "insert" or draw a table.

  • Press the left mouse button at the bottom of the page at the bottom of the page and stretch the table onto the entire sheet so that it is 10 identical cells.

  • Press the right mouse button on the corner of the document and select the "Table Properties".

  • In the "String" tab, exhibit a height of 5 cm.

  • In the tab "Column" set a width of 9 cm.

  • Now, to remove indents that are created automatically when creating a table, it is in the "Table Properties" in the "Table" tab, click on the "Parameters" button.

  • In a new window, you need to set the value "0" for all fields. Only after performing these actions, the text will be uniform in each cell.

  • We now turn to the creation of the business cards themselves. If you plan to add a logo of a firm or some kind of picture, then it is worth inserting it first. It is desirable that the picture does not have a background.

  • With the help of markers, we have a picture in the Cell of the business card. Next, press the right mouse button on the image and choose the "flowing text" and click "for the text". We enter the text.

  • Also, the color of the font and the background can be changed. To change the color of the font, we highlight the text and click on the "Change Text Color" button.

  • Fill color can be changed using a special button.

  • After filling out the business card, you can click the "Save" or "Print" button.

The business card is ready. In this way, you can make cards for any purpose, not only business cards, but also invitations, discount coupons.

On how to create business cards in Word, see the video:


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