As in the presentation to make a round diagram. Create animated diagrams in PowerPoint. Import Charts from Excel

In PowerPoint you can create various charts. To begin with, creating an empty slide. Next, in the "Insert" tab, click the "Diagram" button. Examples of possible objects will appear before us.

Create some diagram. If you have an Excel installed, this window will appear. We introduce the necessary values.

As a result, I got such a diagram (it can be stretched in different directions, as a picture - pulling the side faces):

Now the window excel programs You can close. If you need further changes, simply click the "Edit Data" button, and the program window will appear again.

All options for editing diagrams are in the tab "Designer", "layout", "format".

Tab "Designer".

We can change the type of diagram, change the source data and design style. For example, change the style.

To change the diagram type, use the button of the same name in the left corner.

In volume diagrams, it is possible to change the elements - rotate, change the angle of inclination, height and depth of the image. To do this, right-click the chart in the context menu, select the "Turning Figure Turn".

Turn the diagram, let us ask her shadow, glow and frames.

As a result, the following chart turned out:

Tab "Layout".

Allows you to edit the selected chart element (header, legend, type of coordinate axes and background).

Format tab.

Here you can give the style of our chart, create different effects, work with a font, change dimensions.

Adding a table to the slide

In Microsoft Office 2010 program package, after creating a table in Office Word 2010 or Office Excel 2010, it can be inserted into the Office PowerPoint 2010 presentation, and then, through the PowerPoint features, change the style of the table or add any visual effect. However, you can directly (immediately) create tables directly to PowerPoint. Specify the slide to which you want to add a table. Then on the tab Insert in a group Tables Click on the button Table. Next, the table can be created in two ways.

In the first way, select several rows and columns, and then click the left mouse button ().

Fig. 6.1.

In the second way, execute the command Insert tableand then enter numbers in lists Number of columns and Number of string() and click on the button OK.

Fig. 6.2.


To add text to table cells, click the cell, and then enter the text. After that, click on the area outside the table.

Copying table from other Office 2010 applications

In order to copy the table from the Excel or Word application into the PowerPoint application, highlight the source table. Perform the command in the source application Copy, then B. power application Point team Insert. TableBet transferred.

For example, in Word 2010, click on the table that you want to copy and then in the group Working with tables On the tab Layout in a group Table Click the arrow next to the button Highlightand then select item Select table ().

Fig. 6.3.

Next on the tab the main in a group Clipboard Click on the button Copy, and B. power PresentationsPoint 2010 Select the slide to which you want to copy the table and on the tab. the main Click on the button Insert. Most often at the same time Insert parameters You should choose the option Save initial formatting ().

Fig. 6.4.

Drawing table

The table can be drawn. To do this tab Insert in a group Tables Click on the button Tableand then select item Draw a table - The cursor will turn into a pencil. To refer to the external borders of the table, drag the cursor diagonally to the desired table size, and then (with an active tool Draw a table) Drag the cursor to create columns and lines -.

Fig. 6.5.

Drawn table can be edited. In order to erase the line on the tab Constructor in a group Draw borders Select a tool Eraser - The cursor will turn into an eraser. Click the line that you want to erase - it will be destroyed.

Changing the style of the table

To change the style of the table, click on the table, then in the group Working with tables On the tab Constructor In the Select Desired Style field. Sketches of styles of tables are displayed in the collection of express styles in the group -. When you hover the mouse pointer on express style, you can see the change of style of the table editable. In other words, in POWER POINT. There is a preview (preview) of the style of the table.

Fig. 6.6.

During the editing of the table, you can change its outline, color background and / or apply effects to table cells. Any existing table style can be assigned to the style for all newly created tables. To do this, right-click on the table style, and then in the context menu, run the command Default.


The author has no opportunity to highlight such sections as: adding a string (column), merge (separation) of table cells, Deleting a column and string, deleting the contents of the table cell, add (change, remove) Pouring table cells, adding and changing the color background table, change table size, resizing column or string and a number of other topics. We offer the reader to use the help and explore these topics yourself.

Creating diagrams in PowerPoint and Excel applications

Using Microsoft Office Excel 2010, you can easily create professionally decorated diagrams, and then transfer them to PowerPoint. Unlike MS PowerPoint, the MS Excel application is specifically "sharpened" to work with diagrams and allows you to submit data using Diagrams. different types. When creating a new or change of an existing diagram, you can select one of the numerous types of diagrams (for example, a histogram or a circular diagram) and their types (for example, a histogram with accumulation or a bulk circular chart). Combining on one diagram of the diagram of different types, you can create a combined chart.

To create a basic diagram in Excel, which can be subsequently changed and format, first enter on the check-in for this diagram. Then simply select this data and select the desired type of chart on the ribbon (tab Insert, Group Chart) - .

Fig. 6.7.

A diagram from the Excel application can be copied to PowerPoint 2010. When copying a diagram can be built into as static data, and may be associated with a book. If the diagram is associated with a book to which access is available, you can set it automatically update according to the related book with each discovery of the diagram. Thus, the charts created in Excel are fully compatible with other Office 2010 applications, such as Office PowerPoint 2010 and Office Word 2010 and both of these applications contain the same tools to create diagrams as Excel.

New term

The diagrams of all types, except for circular, may contain several data series. A number of data - A set of interconnected data elements displayed on the diagram. Each row of data on the diagram corresponds to a separate color or method of the designation indicated on the legend of the chart.

Types of diagrams

The Office PowerPoint 2010 application provides many different types of charts and graphs that can be used to provide audience information about warehouse reserves, changes organizational structure, sales data and a lot of other. When creating or modifying an existing diagram, you can select one of the many available subtypes of the diagrams of each type.


Data that are located in columns or lines can be depicted as a histogram. Histograms are used to demonstrate data changes for a certain period of time or to illustrate object comparisons. In histograms, the category are usually formed along the horizontal axis, and the values \u200b\u200bare vertical. To represent data in a surround using three axes (horizontal, vertical and depth axis), which can be changed, a bulk histogram should be used.


Data that are located in columns or lines can be depicted as a graph. Graphs allow you to depict a continuous change in data over time on a single scale; Thus, they are ideal for the image of data change trends with equal intervals. On the data category graphs are evenly distributed along the horizontal axis, and the values \u200b\u200bare evenly distributed along the vertical axis. It may be necessary to use graphs if there are text label categories to display evenly distributed values, for example, months, quarters or financial years. This is especially important if there are several rows - for one row you can use the category axis. Also, graphics can be used if there are several uniformly distributed numeric labels, especially years. If numerical labels more than ten, instead of the graph, it is better to use a point diagram.

Circular diagrams

Data that are located in one column or string can be depicted in the form of a circular diagram. The circular diagram demonstrates the size of the elements of one row of data. Circular diagrams are recommended to use if:

  • You only need to display only one data series.
  • All values \u200b\u200bthat need to be displayed are non-negative.
  • Almost all values \u200b\u200bthat you want to display, more zero.
  • Values \u200b\u200bbelong not more than seven categories.
  • Categories correspond to parts of the general circle.

Line diagrams

Data that are located in columns or lines can be depicted as a line diagram. Line diagrams illustrate a comparison of individual elements. The line diagram is, in essence, a histogram, which is 90 degrees clockwise. The advantage of using bar diagrams is that category labels are easier for them.

  • Tags of axes have a big length.
  • The output values \u200b\u200bare duration.

Charts with regions

Data that are located in columns or lines can be depicted in the form of a chart with regions. Charts with regions illustrate the amount of changes depending on time and can be used to draw attention to the total value in accordance with the trend. For example, data reflecting profits depending on time, you can display in a chart with areas to pay attention to the total profit.

Point diagrams

Data that are located in columns and lines can be depicted as a point diagram. The point diagram has two axes of values, while one set of values \u200b\u200bis output along the horizontal axis (x axis), and the other is along the vertical axis (Y axis). Spot diagrams are commonly used to represent and compare numerical values, such as scientific, statistical or engineering data. Point diagrams are recommended to use if:

  • It is required to change the scale of the horizontal axis.
  • It is required to use a logarithmic scale for the horizontal axis.
  • Values \u200b\u200bare located on the horizontal axis unevenly.
  • On the horizontal axis there are many data points.
  • It is required to effectively display data spreadsheetthat contain pairs of grouped fields with values \u200b\u200band enter independent scales of the point chart to show additional information about grouped values.
  • It is required to demonstrate not the differences between data points, but analogies in large data sets.
  • It is required to compare the set of data points without taking the time - the more data will be used to build a point diagram, the more accurate will be a comparison.

To display the table data, in the form of a point diagram, it is necessary to place data on x axis to one line or column, and the corresponding data on the Y axis is in adjacent rows or columns. That is, for example, to build a point diagram of weather forecasting, it is followed to column 1 (x axis) to collect data on the time of year, to column 2 (axis y) - by temperature. Then in column 3 will be built a temperature forecast depending on the time of year.

Exchange diagrams

Exchange diagrams are very useful for displaying stock price information. They require from three to five data sets, depending on the subtype. As the name implies, the stock chart is most often used to illustrate changes in stock prices. To create an exchange diagram, you must properly streamline the output data. So, to create a simple exchange diagram, the maximum-minimum closing (ceiling-floor closing) should be placed in the columns with headlines. Maximum, Minimum and Closing in the appropriate order. Suppose you have some shares and fixed their quotes for ten days and these data are built on line in four variables. tag. (day), hoch. (maximum), tief. (minimum) and ende. (final quotation). Based on such data, you can also build a stock chart.

Surface diagrams

Data that are located in columns or lines can be depicted as a surface diagram. The surface diagram is used when you want to find optimal combinations in two data sets. Surface charts can be used to illustrate categories and data sets representing numeric values).

Ring diagrams

Ring charts resemble circular charts with a cut-off middle. However, the difference is that ring diagrams can represent several data series.

Bubble diagrams

Bubble diagrams resemble point diagrams in which additional data series can be represented. Such an additional series of data is displayed as the size of bubbles. In other words, in the bubble diagram, these columns of the spreadsheet can be displayed, while the values \u200b\u200balong the x axis are selected from the first column, and the corresponding values \u200b\u200balong the Y axis and the values \u200b\u200bthat determine the size of the bubbles are selected from the adjacent columns.

Petal diagrams

The petal diagram has a separate axis for each category, and all axles come from the center. The value of the data points is noted on the appropriate axis. If all points have the same values \u200b\u200bin a number of data, the petal diagram acquires the type of circle. The petal charts allow you to compare the total values \u200b\u200bof several data series and build a data distribution diagram for their value.

Example 6.1. Creating diagrams in PowerPoint

In PowerPoint applications, you can create a diagram by clicking on the button. Diagram on the ribbon (tab Insert, Group Illustrations). You can then change the diagram or formatting it using the appropriate tools. If you select the type of diagram in this window and click on the button OKThe created diagram will be built into Office PowerPoint 2010. At the same time, by default, it will start PowerPoint, and Excell ().

By creating a diagram, you can make changes to it. For example, you can change the type of axes, add the name of the diagram, move or hide the legend, and add additional elements of the chart.

The PowerPoint has the following chart changes:

  • Changing the type of axes of the diagram. You can specify the scale of the axes and change the gaps between the values \u200b\u200bor categories. For the convenience of reading the diagram, you can add on the axes of the division and indicate the amount of the gaps between them.

    New term

    Fission Called labels of units of measurement crossing the axis and similar to the division of the line. Signatures of divisions identify categories, values \u200b\u200band rows in the diagram.

  • Adding to the name and signature diagram. To explain the data diagram displayed on the data diagram, you can add the name of the chart, the names of the axes and the signature data.

    New term

    Signature data - information in the diagram with additional information About a data marker representing one data point or sheet cell value.

  • Adding legends and data table. You can display or hide the legend, or change its location. In some diagrams, you can also display the data table.

    New term

    Legend - Frame in which patterns or colors of rows or categories of data on the diagram are determined.

    New term

    Data Table - Range of cells containing the results of the substitution of various values \u200b\u200binto one or more formulas.

  • Application of special features for diagrams of different types. With different types of diagrams, various special lines can be applied, for example, a vibration corridor and a trend line, bands (for example, stripping and lowering strips and barriers), data markers, and so on.

    New term

    Trend line - Graphic representation of the direction of changes in a number of data. For example, the increasing line indicates an increase in sales for a certain number of months. Trend lines are used to analyze the prediction errors, which is also called regression analysis. As an example, a diagram with data on sales volumes is shown. The diagram has a trend line with a sales forecast that can be expected from one of the sellers in the next period. For these other seller, the limits of a possible error are shown.

    Fig. 6.9.

    Implementation and insertion charts in the presentation

    In the Office PowerPoint 2010 application, add a chart or graph to a presentation in two ways.

    • Can implement Diagram in the presentation. When you implement data from the diagram in PowerPoint, this information can be edited in the Office Excel 2010 application, and the sheet will be saved in the PowerPoint file.

      New term

      Implanted object - The data contained in the source file and inserted into the destination file as an object. After deployment, the object becomes part of the destination file. The changes made to the embedded object are reflected in the destination file.

    • Can insert In the presentation of the Excel chart and link it with the data in Office Excel 2010. When copying a diagram from the Office Excel 2010 application and insertion into a presentation, the data in the diagram is associated with the Excel sheet. If you want to change the data in the diagram, you need to make changes to the associated list in the Office Excel 2010 application. Excel sheet is a separate file, and it is not saved with the PowerPoint file. A diagram with associated data is displayed in a table called data table. You can enter data manually in this table, import data from a text file or insert data copied from another program.
    • Formatting diagram elements

      You can separately (regardless of the rest) format the following elements of the chart:

      • diagram area (area of \u200b\u200bplacement chart and all its elements),
      • construction area (area containing all data series, category names, signatures of division and axles),
      • a number of data (a set of interconnected data elements displayed in the diagram),
      • axis (x, y, z),
      • names in diagrams,
      • data signatures with additional data marker (marker - one data point or check cell value),
      • legend.

      Click the chart item to format - a group will appear Working with diagrams with tabs Constructor, Layout and Format ().

      Fig. 6.10.

      On the tab Format in a group Current fragment Select the diagram item to format ().

      Fig. 6.11.

      On the tab Format Perform one of the following actions:

      Changing the type of existing diagram

      For most flat charts, you can change the type of the entire chart, giving it a completely different view, or select another type of diagram for any single series of data, turning a diagram into a mixed diagram.

      To change the type of the entire chart, click the diagram area (or the diagram construct area) in order to display the tools to work with the diagram. Display tools to work with a diagram containing tabs Constructor, Layout and Format. In particular, to change the type of diagram for a single row of data, select a number of data. On the tab Constructor in a group A type Select Team Change the type of chart ().

      Fig. 6.13.


      If a certain type of diagrams is often used when creating diagrams, you can set this type as the type of default charts. After selecting the type and subtype of the diagram in the dialog box Changing the type of diagramclick on the button Make standard.

      Tools for formatting chart items when the tab is activated Layout Led on. As you can see from this illustration, the user has the opportunity to change the signature, axis and background diagram.

      Application of embedded styles and diagrams layouts (Designer tab)

      Instead of adding chart items and format them manually, you can quickly apply the built-in layout or diagram style to your data. IN powerPoint application There are many convenient built-in layouts and styles from which you can choose the desired one. After that, if necessary, you can clarify and configure the layout or style manually, changing the layout or formatting of the individual elements of the chart, such as the chart area (the area of \u200b\u200bplacement of the chart and all its elements, data rows and the legend.

      To select a diagram layout, click the chart you want to format - funds will be displayed. Working with diagrams. On the tab Constructor in a group Layouts diagrams Click the chart item to be used. To view all available layouts, click on the button. Additionally. An example of selecting a diagram layout is available on.

      Fig. 6.15.

      When using the built-in diagram layout on it, a set of elements, such as names, legend, is displayed in a specific order.

Those who work in Microsoft Office PowerPoint know that since 2007 version, charts inserted into the presentation, are essentially diagrams created using spreadsheets 2007. This gives stunning management opportunities external species Charts, in particular, it concerns a huge number of visual effects. Appeared in 2007 /

However, few people know that the display of the Excel diagram in the PowerPoint presentation can be diversified by adding animation effects. The chart animation management is quite flexible, which allows you to allocate and emphasize the individual elements of the diagram, which will undoubtedly improve the perception of the data that you need to convey to the presentation listeners.

Let's look at the steps how to insert the chart and give her life by adding animation effects. As an example, I used the distribution table of the share of Internet users in countries, in% of the population from.

1. Insert the diagram into the slide.

For the diagram, I chose a horizontal cylindrical chart with a grouping. The choice is primarily due to the fact that the source of information is a study of the "Public Opinion" research to display this data also uses this type of diagram.

After inserting the diagram into the PowerPoint 2007 presentation slide, another window is open - the E-table Excel 2007, which takes the data to display in the slide diagram. By default, it is filled with some nonsense that we need only to see how the diagram will look like a slide. Replace this data on your own. Please note that the signatures are in the signature column, and in the data column - data. Of course, N. a big problem then specify the Excel 2007 table, where to take data and signatures for the chart - but why do we need an extra work?! Do not delete the data entirely - together with the data, the range of constructing the chart will be removed, and it will have to be placed again.

By inserting data, correct the range of data for building a chart. To do this, drag the square in the lower right corner of the blue frame, putting it into the lower right corner of your range. The framework of categories (countries) and a column of numbers, denoting the share of users, should fall into the frame. Do not forget to change the signatures of categories (the first line of the table - it can help when making a beautiful legend for the chart.

As soon as you add data, they are immediately displayed on the diagram.

The diagram is formatted as ordinary chart Excel 2007.

You will get something like this picture:

Not bad, but for some reason Brazil standing in the latter table turned out to be at the top. Leader, Australia, on the contrary, moved down. This happened because in the horizontal diagram we used, the categories go along the vertical axis from the bottom up as accepted in mathematics. Change this order.

The right mouse button click on the Y axis signatures (list of countries) and choose the "axis format", and then put the checkbox "reverse order of categories".

The diagram clearly became better. Now I want to highlight the row of Russia by color. To do this, select a cylinder with data in Russia and from the context menu select "data point format" by specifying a different fill option for this data point:

2. Add animation to the chart

On the Animation tab, select "Animation Setup"

The "Animation Setup" panel opens on the right side of the screen. If the "Add Effect" button is not active, it means that no object was selected on the slide. Anamation can be configured for any object located on the slide, or for a group of objects. For example, you can animate the entire diagram, and you can only separate the specific points to which you want to attract attention. Click on the column showing the data in Russia so that only it remains highlighted.

Select "Add Effect" - "Login" - "Rectangle"

By default, the animation is used for the entire chart. Let us configure the effects of animation for the diagram. To do this, we reveal the list of settings for the selected animation effect and select "Effect Parameters".

On the "Chart Animation" tab, select one of the grouping modes:

The following effects are possible for grouping objects when chart animation:

  • As one object - the animation applies to the entire chart;
  • according to rows - adds each number of data to the diagram one by one. For example, if you have a histogrm, showing quarterly sales figures by region, you can display columns around the quarter for a certain period of time;
  • by category - adds to the diagram every category of data on one. For example, if you have a histogram showing quarterly sales figures by region, you could reflect the columns in the region for a certain period of time;
  • according to the elements of the series - adds to a diagram by one marker in each series. For example, if you have a histogram showing quarterly sales figures by region, you could display columns for each region at a time for a certain period of time;
  • by category items - adds a marker for each category to schedule one by one. For example, if you have a histogram showing quarterly sales figures by region, you could display columns for each quarter in one region for a certain period of time.

Note that if you have chosen a grouping by items, then the ones of the chart are displayed by the animations of each element.

By selecting the appropriate number, you can simply delete in the list to the right animation you not need items to leave only the necessary one. You can also adjust the speed and other animation effects for each of the items.

3. Remark Finally.

Be careful when you choose an animation effect for your chart: not all effects support individual animations for series, categories and chart elements. For example, you can use the effects of "departure" and "crawling" for animation of the entire diagram as a whole. If you want to use a specific effect that does not support the animation of the components of the diagrams, you need to unknow the diagram and work with its components directly.

In order to tell about any phenomenon or sentence in most cases use electronic presentations. The purpose of the presentation is to attract the attention of listeners to the report with the help of colorful pictures, schemes, tables, graphs.

Support oral speech The speaker colorful drawings and tables included in the presentation slides greatly simplifies the understanding of the outlined material. This also applies to diagrams and graphs with which you can, for example, to show a change in any phenomenon or comparison of data.

Despite the fact that the creation of tables and charts is the specialization of the Excel application, the MS Power Point program also implements the possibility of inserting a variety of diagrams. Moreover, insert charts in the presentation can not only be through the clipboard.

You can insert the diagram in the presentation simply, in the Insert tab, you need to find the illustration block and click on the "diagram" button. In the "Insert Chart" window that opens, select the type of diagram you need for this case. After pressing the OK button, the diagram type we selected will be inserted into the slide and the Excel window will open for data entry.

In the working field of slides, as a rule, there are links to insert various objects, including diagrams. The presence of these links slightly simplifies and speeds up access to the insertion window of diagrams.

The insertion window of the diagram can be called by pressing the corresponding button in the slide field

In order for the diagram in the presentation is beautiful and understandable, you need to correctly fill out the data table for it correctly sign categories and rows. It may have to change the type of diagram that can be done directly to Power Point.

Change the type of chart right in the slide constructor

In the case when the presentation is drawn up on the basis of a ready-made report performed in the Word editor, or data for diagrams are available in Excel files, then our task is greatly simplified. This is due to the fact that in the source documents there are already ready diagrams, and we can only transfer them to the presentation through.

It is done very simple: allocate the desired diagram in the source document and copy it to the clipboard. Then open the presentation slide and click "insert". If subsequently, you need to make changes to the chart you need to connect it to the Excel source file.

Pre-copied to the buffer chart insert by pressing this button

Data for diagram

Anyone who has ever tried to create diagrams in office applications, knows that the diagram is only a visual display of digital data, which are recorded in the table. And, in order to change the diagram, you need to make changes to this source table.

Changing these tables immediately appears on the diagram

You can select a table with source digital data by selecting the mouse click chart and in the "Designer" tab appeared "Change data". Or call the drop-down menu by clicking on the right mouse button in the diagram area. In the window that appears, you also need to select "Change Data". Which of these two ways to apply depends on the tastes and habits of each user when working on a computer.

Change data

If the presentation chart is inserted by means of a clipboard and it may be necessary to change the data for the chart, then, as mentioned above, it is necessary to establish a link between the inserted diagram and the source file.

This connection is set as the usual diagram located in the presentation to the Excel file with the data table. After that, the opening of the source table is carried out in the same way as described above - by the "Edit Data" button.

We associate a chart with an Excel file containing source data

Thus, creating a visual chart in the POWER POINT presentation is very simple, but this process does not do without an Excel application. Therefore, for the convenience of inserting diagrams in Power Point, it is necessary that this tabular processor is installed on the computer.

Surprisingly, the Ganta Chart, which is one of the most famous and used species of diagrams for reprehensive planning, is not presented in the PowerPoint program. Recall that the Gantt diagram refers to tape types of charts that help graphically display an action plan for tasks and their execution. That is why Ganta charts are often used when creating work projects.

Nevertheless, Microsoft Office did not pay attention to this tool, including it in the program. Microsoft Project.. You can make a screenshot (snapshot) diagrams and insert in PowerPoint. In some cases, this is a completely permissible option, however, it will be impossible to edit such information in PowerPoint.

In addition, for presentations, a very small amount of data is usually required, otherwise there is a risk of overloading slide information and it will hardly be perceived by the presentation participants. Correspondingly, it is quite possible to do without Project and make a Ganta chart in PowerPoint. In fairness, you need to recognize that the information is edited by Excel tools in which it will also be necessary to perform some subsequent actions.

How to build a Ganta chart - stages.

In Microsoft PowerPoint.

  1. Insert a chart. To do this, use the command to the control ribbon, or the "diagram" icon on the new slide.
  2. Select the type of chart "line with accumulation". A diagram will be added to the slide and simultaneously with PowerPoint on the screen will reflect Excel.

Gantt Chart in Excel

  1. Reduce the number of columns in the table, remove the range 3 as unnecessary.
  2. Instead of the names "Category", make the names of the project tasks (plan).
  3. Column "Series 1" is the date of commencement of tasks. It needs to set the corresponding digital indicators. For example, the ordinal month began the task if months are a temporary criterion.
  4. The column "Series 2" indicates the duration of the task. You need to specify the indicators. Units of measure for all tasks should be the same.
  5. Close Microsoft Excel.

In Microsoft PowerPoint (continued)

  1. Select the first series of data and through the context menu change the extraordinary view by making it imperceptible. Those. You need to execute: "The format of a number of data", "fill" - "no fill", "border color" - "no lines".
  2. Activate the diagram and go to the tab "Layout". Here you can adjust the display of signatures.
  3. Through the "Diagram" button to select "No", since the name will be displayed in the slide header.
  4. Through the "names of the axes" add the names of the horizontal and vertical axes if necessary.
  5. Other settings that can be applied: "Legend" - "No", "Data Table" - "No".


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