Presentation Interactive forms of training in school. Presentation: Active and interactive learning methods. An option to include interactive learning methods in the lesson structure

Laboratory work (educational project). 1. 2. 3. 4. No. p / p. Section number and discipline topics. Theme of laboratory work. 1. 2. 3. Topic 15. Construction solutions. 26. Production of building solutions of specified mobility. Determination of the density and strength of the solution. Calculation of consumption of materials on the knead and 1m3 solution. Topic15. Studying the influence of the ratio of cement and sand (C: P) on the water consumption, density and strength of the cement mortar. Determination of the density and strength of the solution. Calculation of consumption of materials on the knead and 1m3 solution. Topic 15. Studying the effect of plasticizing additives or additives of hardening regulators for water consumption, density and strength of cement mortar. Determination of the density and strength of the solution. Calculation of consumption of materials on the knead and 1m3 solution. Topic 15. 29. The selection of a complex mortar. Calculation of the composition, preparation and determination of the strength of the solution.

The assimilation of information in the lesson depends on: Stages of the lesson: from the 1st to 4 minute 60% of the material is absorbed; from the 4th in%; from the 23rd in%; From the 34th to the end of the lesson, the assimilation of the material falls. learning methods; Methodology (from Dr. Grech.) - "Method of Cognition", "Path Research"

The student acts as a "object" of learning, must learn and reproduce the material that is transmitted to him by the teacher - the source of the right knowledge. This is usually occurs when using such methods as a monologue lecture (unidirectional transmission of information from the teacher to the student), reading, demonstration and survey of students (also unidirectional reproduction of information by a teacher's student) passive methods

Active learning methods are a "subject" of training, performs creative tasks, enters into a dialogue with the teacher. Main methods: Creative tasks (often home), questions from the student to the teacher, developing creative thinking.

Interactive methods The terms "Interactive Methods", "Interactive Training" came to us from of English language ("Interactive": "Inter" means "between", "between"; "Active" - \u200b\u200bfrom "ACT" - act, action). Thus, the term "interactive learning" - training built on interaction. This is the essence of interactive methods: learning occurs in the interaction of all students, including a teacher.

The essence of interactive methods based on interactive methods is joint training or training in the interaction, the essence of which is expressed by the Chinese proverb: "Tell me, I forget to show me, I can remember, let me do it, and it will be my forever"

Interactive learning methods allow you to solve the following tasks: the active inclusion of each student in the process of learning material to increase the cognitive motivation training for the skills of successful communication (the ability to listen and hear each other, build a dialogue, ask questions for understanding)

Interactive learning methods allow you to solve the following tasks: Development of self-skills learning activities: Definition of leading and intermediate tasks, the ability to provide for the consequences of its choice, its objective assessment of the upbringing of leadership qualities

How to overcome the complexity of using interactive methods. Start gradually using first simple interactive methods - brainstorming, work in pairs, small groups, etc. The use of interactive methods is not an end in itself, but planning the atmosphere of goodwill and cooperate carefully and develop the content and course of classes. Use various techniques to attract and enhance students' attention, competently distributing roles in groups, developing criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the occupation.

Conclusions: Interactive forms and methods are among the innovative and contribute to the intensification of the cognitive activity of students, independent understanding of the educational material. Are a condition for self-realization of students in educational activities.

List of references Godnikova A.B., Provekin V.N., Eliasberg N.I. Live right. Initial encyclopedia of practical law: Book for the teacher: Educational and method. benefit. - SPb.: Ed. - in S.- Petersburg. Instant rights to them. Prince P.G. Oldenburg, Civil Education: Content and Active Training Methods. Edited by S. Shechter and N. Voskresensky. With the participation of A. Ioffe and Ch. White. M.: CJSC "Teacher's Gazeta". - - p. - 190. The second edition. Korotaeva E.V. Director - Teacher - Pupil: Ways of Interaction. M.: September, Guzeev V.V. Pedagogical technique in the context of educational technologies. M.: Popular Education (Series "System bases educational technology) Magazines teaching history and social studies at school for 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. Seminar Interactive Training Methods (Presentation) Zheltuhin T.A Nosova I.N. Seminar Interactive Training Methods (Presentation) Kamemchuk I.L. Presentation Active and interactive learning methods.

Interactive learning The concept of "interactive" comes from English "Interact" ("Inter" "mutual", "ACT" "act"). Interactive learning is a special form of organization of cognitive activity. It implies quite concrete and predicted goals. The main goal is to create comfortable learning conditions, in which a student or a listener feels its success, its intellectual consistency, which makes the learning process itself.

Awakening among students; Effective absorption of educational material; Independent search for students' tracks and options for solving the classroom task (choosing one of the proposed options or finding your own option and the rationale for the decision); Establishing the impact between students, training work in a team, tolerance to any point of view, respect the right of everyone to freedom of speech, respect its dignity;

Formation of students and relationships; formation of vital and professional skills; Exit to the level of conscious competence of the student. The main distinguishing sign of interactive classes is their connection "with the activities that in psychology is called productive", creative.

After you read something, you remember 10%; after you heard something, you remember 20%; after you saw something, you remember 30%; after you Something saw and heard, you will remember 50%; after you did something yourself, you will remember 90%;

The educational process based on the use of interactive learning methods is organized, taking into account the inclusion in the process of the cognition of all students of the group without exception. Joint activity means that everyone contributes its special individual contribution, in the course of work there is a knowledge exchange, ideas, ways of activity. Individual, steaming and group work are organized, used project work, role-playing, work with documents and various sources information. Interactive methods are based on the principles of interaction, the activity of trainees, support for group experience, mandatory feedback. A medium of educational communication is created, which is characterized by openness, interaction of participants, equality of their arguments, accumulating joint knowledge, the possibility of mutual assessment and control.

The emergence and development of active methods is due to the fact that new tasks have come before training: not only to give students knowledge, but also to ensure the formation and development of cognitive interests and abilities, creative thinking, skills and skills of independent mental labor. Cognitive activity means an intellectual-emotional response to the process of cognition, the desire of a student to the teaching, to fulfill individual and general tasks, interest in the activities of the teacher and other students.

Cognitive independence - the desire and ability to think independently, the ability to navigate in a new situation, finding your approach to solving the problem, the desire not only to understand the digestible curriculum, but also methods of gaining knowledge; Critical approach to the judgments of others, independence of own judgments. Cognitive activity and cognitive independence - qualities characterizing the intellectual abilities of students to the teaching. Like other abilities, they manifest themselves and develop in activities.

The rule is first. All participants must be involved in the work. To this end, it is useful to use technologies that allow you to include all seminar participants in the discussion process. Rule second. We must take care of the psychological training of participants. It is that not everyone who came to occupation is psychologically ready for direct inclusion in certain forms of work. In this regard, warm-ups are useful, constant encouraging for active participation in the work, providing opportunities for student self-realization. Rule third. Learning in the technology of an interactive should not be much. The number of participants and learning quality may be directly dependent. The optimal number of participants is 25 people. Only under this condition is possible productive work in small groups.

Rule fourth. Treat with attention to the preparation of the premises for work. The room must be prepared with such a calculation so that participants are easy to transplant to work in large and small groups. Physical comfort must be created. Rule fifth. Require with attention to the issues of procedure and regulations. This should be agreed at the very beginning and try not to violate it. For example: all participants will be tolerable to any point of view, respect the right of everyone to freedom of speech, respect its dignity. Rule sixth. Recover with attention to the division of the participants of the seminar into groups. It is originally better to build on the basis of voluntary. Then it is appropriate to use the principle of accidental choice.

Trusting, at least positive relationships between training and studying; democratic style; cooperation in the process of communicating learning and studying among themselves; Support on personal ("pedagogical") learning experience, inclusion in the educational process of bright examples, facts, images; diversity of forms and methods for presenting information, forms of activity of students, their mobility; The inclusion of external and internal motivation of activity, as well as the mutualization of students.

1.The and role-playing games; 2. Psychological and other trainings; 3. Group, scientific discussion, dispute; 4. Read; 5.Ceys-method; 6.Method of projects; 7. Brainstorm; 8. Portfolio; 9. Seminar in the dialogue mode (seminar - dialogue); 10. analysis of specific situations; 11.Method of work in small groups (the result of the work of student research groups);

12. Round tables; 13. University, interuniversity video - teleconferences; 14. Conduct forums; 15. Computer simulations; 16. Computer simulation and practical analysis of results; 17. Presentations based on modern multimedias; 18. Interactive lectures; 19. Lecture press conference; 20. Binary lecture (lecture together); 21. Lecture with pre-planned errors; 22. Problem lecture.

Game Interactive Training Methods: Business Teaching Game, Roleplay, Psychological Training. Non-Game Interactive Training Methods: Analysis of specific situations (Case-Study), group discussions, brainstorming, cooperative learning methods. An interactive lecture is among active and interactive learning methods.

Interactive lecture combines aspects of traditional lecture and training game. This lecture format makes sense to use in cases where the carrier of unique information is (or another subject expert) and when the time resource and other information sources is limited (problem lecture, lecture - consultation, lecture - press conference, lecture together, lecture- Conversation, lecture - Discussion, lecture - provocation, lecture - research, lecture - visualization, etc.)

The problem lecture begins with questions, from the formulation of the problem that the material during the presentation needs to be solved. Problem issues differ from not distinguished by the fact that the problem hidden in them requires no one-dimerous solution, that is, there is no finished solution scheme in the past experience. To answer it requires reflection, when there is a rule that you need to know.

This form of lecture was designed for the development of students in the ability to promptly analyze professional situations, act as experts, opponents, reviewers, to identify incorrect or inaccurate information. The training of the teacher to the lecture is to lay a certain number of meaningful, methodological or behavioral errors in its content. The list of such mistakes teacher brings to a lecture and introduces students only at the end of the lecture.

In this lecture, the educational material of problem content is given to students in the lively dialogic communication of two teachers among themselves. Here are the real professional situations of discussion of theoretical issues from different positions by two specialists, such as a theorist and practitioner, a supporter or an opponent of a particular point of view, etc. Lecture together forces students to actively turn on in the thought process. With the presentation of two sources of information, the task of students compare different points of view and make a choice, to join this or that of them or develop their own.

This species The lecture is the result of the new use of the principle of clarity, the content of this principle changes under the influence of these psychological and pedagogical science, forms and methods of active learning. Lecture - Visualization teaches students to convert verbal and written information to the visual form, which forms their professional thinking due to the systematization and allocation of the most significant, essential elements of the content of training.

The form of a lecture is close to the form of holding press conferences, only with the following changes. The teacher calls the topic of lectures and asks students in writing to ask him questions on this topic. Each student must formulate the most interested in his questions within 2-3 minutes, write on a piece of paper and transfer to the teacher. Then the teacher sorts questions for 3-5 minutes by their semantic content and begins to lecture. The statement of the material is based not as an answer to each given question, but in the form of a coherent disclosure of the topic, in the process of which the corresponding answers are formulated. At the end of the lecture, the teacher conducts a final assessment of issues as reflecting the knowledge and interests of the listeners.

This is the main means of transferring the conceptual new idea of \u200b\u200bits (author) pedagogical system. The teacher as a professional for a number of years produces an individual (author) methodological system, including goal-setting, design, the use of a sequence of a number of well-known didactic and educational techniques, occupations, events, knowing "know-how", takes into account the real working conditions with various categories of students and T .P.

Method of independent work in small groups, allowing to conduct an exchange of views; creating conditions for the inclusion of all in active activities; setting the problem task and solving it through the playback of various situations; techniques that reveal the creative potential of both the master and the Master class participants; forms, methods, technology work should be offered, and not to be imposed on participants; Representing the possibility of each participant to treat the proposed methodological material; The process of knowledge is much more important, more valuable than knowledge itself; The form of interaction is cooperation, creation, joint search.

The purpose of the master class is: -professional, intellectual and aesthetic education of the student. Tasks are: teaching a student of the basics of professional attitude to a chosen specialty. Teaching the professional language of one or another science (economic, legal, art historical, etc.). Transfer of productive work methods - reception, method, technique or technology. Adequate forms and ways of presenting your experience.

Presentation. The severity of the innovative idea, the level of its representation, culture of the presentation of the idea, the popularity of ideas in pedagogy, methodology and practice of education. Exclusivity. Pronounced individuality (scale and level of implementation of ideas). The choice, completeness and originality of the solution of innovative ideas.

Progressiveness. The relevance and development of the content and methods of training, the presence of new ideas that go beyond the standard and appropriate trends in modern education and the method of learning the subject, the ability not only to the methodological, but also to scientific generalization of experience. Motivation. The presence of techniques and conditions of motivation, the inclusion of each in active creative activities to create a new product optimality. The adequacy of the funds used in the classroom, their combination, connection with the goal and the result (intermediate and finite).

Efficiency. Performance obtained for each participant of the master class. What is the effect of development? What does it give specifically to the participants? The ability to adequately analyze the results of its activities. manufacturability. A clear algorithm of classes (phases, stages, procedures), the presence of original actualization techniques, the problematization ("break"), receptions of the search and opening, surprise, insight, reflection (self-analysis, self-correction). artistry. The sublime style, pedagogical charisma, the ability to improvisation, the degree of impact on the audience, the degree of readiness to disseminate and promoting its experience in general culture. Erudia, not standardness of thinking, communication style, culture of interpretation of their experience.

The roundtable method was borrowed from the area of \u200b\u200bpolitics and science. In training, the Round Table method is used to increase the effectiveness of assimilation of theoretical problems by considering them in different scientific aspects, with the participation of specialists of various profiles.

The purpose of the discussion to summarize the ideas and opinions on the problem under discussion; All participants in the round table act as proponents (should express an opinion on the issue being discussed, and not about the opinions of other participants); The absence of a set of several roles is not characteristic of all round tables; All participants in the discussion are equal; No one has the right to dictate their will and solutions.

- ensuring a free, non-elected discussion of the issues issues (topics) based on all students in an equal position in relation to each other; -System, problem discussion of issues with the aim of visiting various aspects of the problem. The necessary attributes of the "Round Table" are: - the corresponding preparation of the premises for its holding: a symmetric location of jobs so that students can see each other - the introduction into the practice of the "free microphone" principle; - the creation and replenishment of the fund of issues to which the participants of the "Round Table" must be answered; - Availability technical means obtaining and processing incoming information (if necessary).

Availability of a game situation; set of individual roles; the incomprehension of the role-playing goals of the participants of the game that accept different roles performing various roles; game interaction of participants of the game; playing the same role to different participants, multivariate solutions; Group reflection of the process and result.

1. The planning stage requires the teacher to determine the role of the role-playing game, choosing the form of its holding that is, the method of playing the content of the situation and actions of the participants of the game, preparation of it methodical equipment (Instructions, cards with descriptions of role characteristics, equipment necessary for its implementation. 2. The pre-game stage suggests the direct interaction of the teacher with the participants of the game with the aim of instructing them, distribute roles, the preparation of space for playing.

3. The actual gaming stage is a dive into a situation and playing by its participants in accordance with their interpretation roles and experiences of gaming interaction. This stage involves rotation in the form of alternately playing by the participants of the same role, the replacement of the situation with different membership of the participants, changing roles, etc. 4. The fourth stage includes the reflection of the players of the role of role interaction on exit from the proposed situation, conflict settlement Relationships, implementation of intended goals, and summarizing the leading results, allocation of the most significant results, generalization, the establishment of the relationship between the gaming situation with real life situations and personal positions of the participants. The advantage of this method is that each of the participants can present itself in the proposed situation, feel certain states more realistically, feel the consequences of certain actions and make a decision.

The learning process is as close as possible to the real practical activities of managers and specialists. This is achieved by using real socio-economic relations in business games. The method of business games is nothing but specially organized activities to enhance the theoretical knowledge gained, the translation into an activity context. The fact that in traditional learning methods is "Suggested on the Spump" to each student without taking into account his readiness and ability to carry out the required transformation, in the business game acquires the status of the method. There is no mechanical accumulation of information, and the activity distribution of some kind of sphere of human reality.

According to the type of human practice, recreated in the game and what are the purposes: educational, research, managerial, certification; By time: without time limit; with restriction of time; games passing in real time; games where time is compressed;

According to the assessment of activity: Palkal or other assessment of the player's activities or team; Evaluation of the one who worked is missing; Under the end result: Hard games - a pre-known response (for example, a network schedule), there are tough rules; free open games - There is no pre-known answer, the rules are inventing their own for each game, the participants work on the solution of an unstructured task;

Using the ultimate goal: Educationals - aimed at the emergence of new knowledge and consolidation of participants' skills; Standing - contests professional skill; Search - aimed at identifying problems and search for ways to solve them; According to the methodology of the holding: Well games - the game passes on a specially organized field, with stiff rules, the results are entered on the forms; role-playing games - each participant has a certain task, or a certain role that it must fulfill in accordance with the task;

Group discussions are associated with the development of meetings or the acquisition of group work skills. Participants have individual tasks, there are rules for conducting discussion (for example, the game " Coordination Council"," Shipwreck ") imitation - have a goal of creating a view from the participants, as it should be valid under certain conditions (" Sales "- for training managers in the specialty" Economics and Management at the enterprise (by industry) ", etc.);

Organizational and activity games - do not have hard rules, participants have no roles, games are aimed at solving interdisciplinary problems. The intensification of the participants occurs due to the hard pressure on the identity; Innovative games - form innovative thinking of participants, put forward innovative ideas in the traditional system of action, work out models of real, desired, ideal situations, include trainings for self-organization; Ensemble Games - form management thinking from participants, aimed at solving specific problems of the enterprise by organizing business partnership cooperation teams consisting of services managers.

Brainstorming (eng. Brainstorming) is one of the most popular methods for stimulating creative activity. Allows you to find a solution to complex problems by applying special rules Discussions. It is widely used in many organizations to search for unconventional solutions of a wide variety of tasks.

Innovative problem solving method; Maximum ideas for a short time cut; Relaxation, flight of fantasy, self-satisfaction (than an unexpected idea, the better, we need unusual, the most "wild" ideas); the absence of any criticism (any evaluation of ideas is postponed at a later period); This development, combination and modification of both their own and other people's ideas. To activate the process of generating ideas during the "assault", it is recommended to use some techniques: inversion (do on the contrary) an analogy (do the way it is done in another decision) of the empathy (consider itself a part of the task, find out your feelings, sensations) fantasy ( do something fantastic)

The goal of the brainstorming is to create new ideas, get best idea or the best solution, as well as the search for a wide range of directions for solving the problem. The main task of the brainstorming method is the development (generation) of possibly more and the most diverse ideas suitable for solving the problem. In order to get a large number of ideas in a short period of time, a whole group of people are involved in the solution, which, as a single brain, storms the delivered problem. They are usually collecting in one room for one or two hours. The optimal groups are 711 people.

1) the object is selected (theme); 2) a list of the main characteristics or parts of the object is drawn up; 3) For each characteristic or part, its possible execution is listed; 4) The most interesting combinations of possible performances of all parts of the object are selected.

At trainings, they understand such training, which focuses on practical development of the material being studied when, in the process of modeling specially given situations, students have the opportunity to develop and consolidate necessary knowledge and skills, change your attitude towards your own experience and applied in the work approaches.

This method involves the transition from the method of accumulation of knowledge to an activity, practical oriented relative to the actual work of the management approach. This is one of the most tested in German practice of improving managing personnel training method of learning decision making and solving problems.

Special, methodological and communicative competence at the listeners in: establishing interdisciplinary connections; analytical and systemic thinking; Alternative estimates; presentation of the results of the analysis; assessment of the consequences related to decision-making; Mastering communication skills and teamwork skills.

Analysis of specific learning situations (case of cases, eng. SASE STADU) - a learning method designed to improve skills and gain experience in the following areas: identification, selection and solving problems; Working with information-understanding the values \u200b\u200bof the details described in the situation; analysis and synthesis of information and arguments; work with assumptions and conclusions; Evaluation of alternatives; making decisions; Hearing and understanding of other people-skills of group work.

1. An individual approach to each student, accounting for its needs and learning style, which involves the collection of the maximum of information about students before classes; 2. Maximum provision of freedom in training (the possibility of choosing a teacher, disciplines, form of training, type of tasks and methods of their implementation); 3. Providing students with sufficient number visual Materialsrelated to tasks (articles in press, video, audio cassettes and CD discs, products of which are analyzed);

4. Do not upload a student with a large volume of theoretical material, concentrate only on the main positions; 5. Ensuring the availability of the teacher for a student who should be able to contact him at any time; 6. Formation of students of self-based signs, skills to work with information; 7. Focusing on development strong Parties Student.

1. The case must be close to life and reality, designed in such a way that it allows you to establish direct connection with accumulated life experiences, as well as with possible future life situations. 2. The case must provide the possibility of interpreting this situation from the point of view of the participants. 3. Case must contain problems and conflicts. 4. The case must be foreseeable and solved in the conditions of existing temporary frameworks and individual knowledge, skills and skills of schoolchildren. 5. The case must allow different solution options.

1. Actual, causing material interest. 2. In the material there must be a context (not direct information that gives the topic for reflection). 3. In the description of the material should be history or interview. A number of steps to create a case. 1. Definition of the topic and research issues. 2. Selecting a research object " specific situationยป3. Definition of context 4. Planning case-research, carrying out the collection of material and analyzing the material. 5. Search for solutions, discussing possible scenarios for further development of the situation. 6. Description and editing of Case. 7. Formation of a question for further discussion of the situation.

Cooperative training is a learning technology in small groups. Cooperate within educational process - it means working together, combining your efforts to solve general taskAt the same time, each "co-separating" perform its specific part of the work. Subsequently, students should exchange the knowledge gained. The essence of this method: "Everyone achieves its study objectives only if the other members of the group achieve their own."

1. The teacher gives an overview lecture on a new material with an emphasis on those moments on which the commands will perform individual tasks. The lecture should be sufficiently tank in content and at the same time practically directed. 2. Further, students work in teams over the abstract lectures, helping each other to understand its content. Students can ask each other questions, clarifying incomprehensible moments for themselves. Questions to the teacher are allowed to ask only when none of the team members can answer them.

3. After studying the abstract lecture, students perform individual works. On the this stage Help each other is excluded, each team member works independently. main feature this method lies in the evaluation system individual work. The assessment is carried out by progressive and comparative sign: the student can replenish the team's piggy bank only if its assessment is for this work above its average evaluation for previous work. The team that collapsed according to the results of the study of the theme the largest number of points is considered to be winning.

- Create conditions under which students: independently and willingly acquire missing knowledge from different sources; learn to use acquired knowledge to solve cognitive and practical tasks; acquire communication skills working in various groups; develop research skills (the ability to identify problems, collecting information, observation, experiment, analysis, constructing hypotheses, generalizations); Develop systemic thinking.

1) the center of attention is a student, promoting the development of his creative abilities; 2) the educational process is not built in the logic of educational discipline, but in the logic of activity that has a personal meaning for a student, which increases its motivation in teaching; 3) the individual pace of work on the project ensures the exit of each student to its level of development; 4) an integrated approach to the development of educational projects contributes to the balanced development of the basic physiological and mental functions of students; 5) Deep conscious assimction of basic knowledge is ensured by the universal use of their use in different situations.

1. A student determines the topic of interest to it, with which he is taken into a small group, where this topic is elected. 2. Students plan joint work To fulfill the study assignment, and also carry out the division of labor. 3. Students conduct research. They collect information, analyze the data, receive conclusions, exchange the data obtained. Inside the group, each participant explores its part, collecting required Material And providing it with a group, a general report of the group is formed on the basis of the collected parts. 4. Group members are preparing a final report. 5. Conducting a presentation. 6. Students participate in the evaluation of the work done.

1. EVERY small group Students receive the subject. Small group students must analyze it and smash on mini-topics. 2. Each student of a small group individually studies a mini-topic and prepares a mini-report about it, which represents its small group. 3. Each small group then synthesizes these mini-topics into a general group presentation in front of the entire training group.

1. Each small group of students holds a mini-study. 2. Collects empirical material. 3. Conducts statistical processing of research results. 4. Forms the novelty of the results obtained. 5. Develop a study in the form of a report. 6. Conducts the "Protection Procedure" of the basic provisions and research results to the Special Expert Council.

Yerekina Olga Vasilyevna Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Management in the formation of the RGU named after S.A. Yesenin

Slide 2: Questions:

What is explained by interest in interactive forms and methods of training? What is the difference in interactive from active learning methods? What methods can be attributed to active and interactive learning methods? What is the algorithm for conducting interactive learning methods?

Slide 3: Passive Method

student student student teacher

Slide 4: Traditional training

the passivity of the studying during the class; one-sided communication; The teacher uses a material that is not original; It is original only ways to design, logic and manner of the presentation.

Slide 5: Active method

student student student teacher

Slide 6: Training pattern according to R. Karnika and F. McAillou

a person remembers 10% read; 20% - heard; 30% - seen; 50% - seen and heard; 80% is what he says himself; 90% is what it reached in activities.


student student student teacher

Slide 8: Multilateral Communication

Students are better mastering certain skills if they allow them to come closer to the subject through their own experience. Students are better learn if the teacher actively supports their way of learning knowledge. Students are better perceived by the material if it is structured, the student is included in the discussion, can express its point of view, even if it does not coincide the point of view of the teacher.

Slide 9: Active and Interactive Technologies

Round table (discussion, debate). Brainstorm. Business and role-playing games. C Ase-Study. Case-method project method. Lesson in dialogue (lesson - dialogue). Group work or work in small groups


Slide 10: Case Method

an interactive simulation creative method of study involving the use of real life situations in which, based on the construction of a role-playing system, the development of theoretical knowledge and mastering practical skills is carried out.


Slide 11: Case Method. Stages

1) the admission word of the teacher (introduction to the problem, the message of the rules of behavior, the distribution of roles); 2) familiarization with the text; 3) group discussion; 4) discussion, collective analysis (wording of hypothesis, pedagogical impacts); 5) Summing up.


Slide 12: Case-method. Main characteristics:

the combination of modeling methods, system analysis, problemability, mental experiment, game methods; collective educational training; contributes to the restraint of its participants, democratization of relations, forming the progressive style of thinking and ethics of group communication; It has a temporary and plot structure, has a clear sequence of events in time, the storyline (drama), the collision of opinions.


Slide 13: Interactive Training

this is a special form of organization of cognitive activity. It implies quite concrete and predicted goals. Objective: Creation of comfortable training conditions, in which the student feels its success, its intellectual consistency, which makes the learning process itself; In the formation of skills of educational activities.


Slide 14: Features of interaction in interactive learning:

stay of subjects of education in one sense space; joint inclusion in a single creative space; consistency in the choice of funds and methods for solving the educational problem; Joint emotional state, experience of feelings related to making and implementing tasks.


Slide 15: Basic Rules for the Organization of Interactive Training

The rule is first. All participants must be involved in the work. Rule second. Psychological training is needed. For this, workouts are used, encouraging. Rule third. The optimal number of participants is 15-25 people. Rule fourth. Participants should be able to easily reset to work in large and small groups. Rule fifth. Clear consolidation of procedures and regulations. Rule sixth. First division into groups based on voluntary. Then it is appropriate to use the principle of accidental choice.


Slide 16: Mandatory conditions for the organization of interactive learning:

confidence, positive relationships between training and students; democratic style; cooperation in the process of communication; Support on personal learning experience; variety of forms and methods of presenting information; External I. internal motivation Activities, mutual motivation of students.


Slide 17: An interactive class algorithm:

I. Preparation of the teacher's selection produces the selection of the topic, the situation determines the definitions (all terms, concepts, etc. should be equally understood by all students), selects the specific form of interactive classes, determines the time frame for the task in groups, on the opening word, Instructing, reflexive analysis?


Slide 18: Teacher must be before:

clarify the problems to be solved; clearly structuring material classes; identify the prospects for the use of knowledge gained in practical activity; It is clear to imagine what students will be engaged in class (in the process of group work).


Slide 19: II. Introduction:

Message themes and goals of classes. acquaintance with the situation offered with the problem; informing participants on framework conditions, rules of work in a group, clear instructions; creating a situation of a unambiguous semantic understanding of terms, concepts; Clarification of the conceptual apparatus, determining the topic being studied.


Slide 20: Approximate rules for work in the group for students:

activity; respect for the opinions of participants; goodwill; punctuality, responsibility; Openness for interaction; interest; The desire to find the truth; compliance with the regulations; creativity; Respect for the rules of work in the group.


Slide 21: III Main:

For all forms of interactive learning, the main key components are characterized: 1. Finding out the position of the participants, involving the manifestation of the relationship of participants to the problem under discussion


Perhaps it will be useful to read: