VKontakte advertising campaign. What is Vkontakte targeting and how to set it up: a beginner's guide. Moderation of ads and the main parameters of an advertising campaign

Two facts. First: VKontakte is the most popular social network on the Russian Internet. Second: there are a lot of anti-cases on the network about VKontakte advertising - about how ineffective it is.

A simple conclusion suggests itself: not everyone can competently set up a targeted campaign from scratch. In this post, I tried to reveal all the nuances and tricks of the VKontakte advertising account so that even a beginner can set up effective targeting.

Where to begin?

Decide on your target audience

Take the relevant data from Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics (“Audience” tab in the left menu). If there is no information about the target audience, you need to build a hypothesis about who your potential buyer might be.

When you have decided on the target audience, choose the options for placing your advertisements. Will you advertise your VK community, or attract users to the site for conversion.

Next, create a general budget for the advertising campaign. Also, be sure to set a test budget, as you cannot launch a campaign without a test. First you need to check audiences, banners and all settings. Remember that testing takes at least 2-3 days.

How to calculate the budget?

To calculate, you need to know the formulas and indicators that are used in targeted advertising:

  • CPC - pay per click;
  • CTR - click-through rate, defined as the ratio of the number of clicks to the number of impressions, measured as a percentage;
  • CPM - payment for impressions (VKontakte you pay for 1000 impressions);
  • CR is the conversion rate.

You can use two formulas to calculate the budget, depending on which type of payment you will be using:

  1. Budget \u003d Cost per 1000 impressions (CPM) / 1000 x Number of impressions.
  2. Budget \u003d cost per click (CPC) x number of clicks.

Where can I get the CTR required for calculating? If this is your first campaign, use the average value for VKontakte (for teasers - 0.03%, for the feed - a little higher). In the future, take the arithmetic mean of the campaigns conducted.

Also, these formulas will be useful to you for calculations:

  1. Impressions \u003d clicks / CTR.
  2. CTR \u003d Clicks / Impressions.
  3. Clicks \u003d Impressions x CTR.
  4. Cost per 1000 impressions (CPM) \u003d budget / impressions x 1000.
  5. Cost Per Click (CPC) \u003d Budget / Clicks.
  6. CR (conversion rate) \u003d number of conversions / number of clicks.

Let's consider an example:

Send message

Our subscribers always get more.

When you have calculated everything, you can go to the VKontakte advertising account and create banners and targetings.

However, you can do it differently. First, go to the advertising account, set up approximate targeting in order to understand what the estimated cost you will have for clicks or impressions, and then do all the calculations and start creating banners and fine-tuning targeting.

How do I set the ad cost?

In fact, all audience settings affect the cost of advertising. Changing at least one leads to a change in the total amount. VKontakte always shows the reach of the target audience that matches your parameters, and the recommended price in the right corner of the advertising office.

  1. Bottom line. At that price, you can reach roughly 70% of your audience.
  2. Upper bound. At this price, you can reach over 90% of your audience.

It is impossible to reach 100% of the entire audience. Not all VKontakte users log into the network regularly, which means they will be able to see your ads.

What to choose: pay per click or per impression?

It all depends on the specific advertising campaign: many factors influence the payment method. But if you're just getting started with targeting, I recommend choosing pay per click. This will only pay you for specific clicks on your ad. If you choose to pay per 1,000 impressions, you run the risk of wasting your budget with poor targeting settings.

Be sure to set limits on all ads. This will insure you against unnecessary write-offs and help you control your budget.

How to work with a VKontakte advertising account?

Click on "Targeted Ads" and select "Create Ads".

Let's consider three main options for placing ads (VKontakte also offers ads in the VKontakte Application, but this is a topic for a separate post):

  1. Communities.
  2. Community entry.
  3. External site.

1. Community Advertising

Click on the "Community" item and in the window that opens, select the group or page that you want to advertise. Click "Continue".

There are four ad formats that can be used to promote communities:

  1. Image and text.
  2. Great image.
  3. Community promotion.
  4. Special format.

All formats, except for the special one, will be shown to the user on the left - under the control panel. Therefore, this type of advertising, also called TGB - text-graphic block, is available only for the desktop. These ad formats have a shared auction.

Image and text

Ad format:

  • title - up to 33 characters;
  • description - up to 70 characters;
  • image - size 145x80 pixels.

This ad format is often used when one image is not enough, you need to add a description of the advertised object. It is recommended to use a call to action here, in order not only to inform the user, but also to induce to click on the advertisement to perform the desired action: join the community, buy a product, and so on.

Large image

Ad format:

  • title - up to 33 characters;
  • image - size 145x165 pixels.

If you are using this type of ad, it is important to find suitable images, because the person primarily pays attention to the image. In this format, the picture is the basis of the ad. These banners get more attention.

Community promotion

Ad format:

  • The image is 145 × 145 pixels in size.
  • The title is immutable. Your community name is automatically pulled here. But if the name is more than 33 characters long, the text is cut off. Sometimes, for community ads in this format, it is recommended to temporarily change the name to a shorter one so that the ad looks good.
  • The number of subscribers.
  • Subscribe button.

The banner also indicates how many subscribers in your community, but the data is rounded. Additionally, there is a "Subscribe" button so that the user can become a member of the community in one click, eliminating the extra step - going to the community. But if you are just starting to promote your community and there are not many members in it, this indication of the number of subscribers can turn off users.

Special format

A dedicated community ad format has been set up as a separate auction. These ads only compete with ads from other communities of the same format. Ads of a special format are shown in the user's VKontakte news feed.

In the case of using a special format for community advertising, the image must have a contrasting background, that is, the use of light background shades and white is unacceptable.

Ad format:

  • image - size 256 × 256 pixels;
  • title - unchanged, the name of your community is automatically pulled; by default, the title can only hold 33 characters, but in reality the title is truncated to 15 characters;
  • indication of the number of subscribers.

2. Advertising the post in the community

Recently, VKontakte added a new toolkit - now you can advertise not only specific posts from your community, but also make hidden posts. The latter will be advertised in the user's news feed, but will not be published in the community.

Which one to choose depends on your goals. For example, if you have only one post in the near future with important information, you can post it in the community, and then launch an advertising campaign.

If you need to advertise on many products, but you don't want to clog the community feed, then use hidden posts. In addition, you can create not one, but several banners for one target audience in order to conduct testing. In this case, hidden posts are also fine.

If you are creating an ad for an existing post in the community, simply copy and paste the link to that post into the blank window and click Continue. All targeting settings for the ad will open.

If you need a hidden post, click "Create post", select the community for which you will create an ad, and start designing the post.

To create such ads, you need to provide a link to the site page where you want to bring users. The domain will be pulled up automatically. Click "Continue" and proceed to creating your ad.

  • large image;
  • image and text.

Once you've got a creative idea and a great ad, you're ready to start setting up your targeting.

Setting targeting options

First of all, choose the subject of your ad and the subsection to which your ad belongs. There can be several subsections. These parameters are filled in for moderators. What you select here does not affect your audience settings. For some types of advertising, you must also include an age limit.

All further settings already apply to the audience that you choose to serve ads.

1. Geography of users

The column "Except" is needed to remove some localities from advertising. For example, you choose broad targeting for all of Russia, but exclude Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In the columns "Districts", "Metro stations", "Streets", you can specify certain locations where users will see the ad. For example, you advertise a store located in the Academic District of Moscow. You can consider residents of this area as potential buyers.

2. Audience demographics

We choose the gender and age of the target audience. The relevant data is taken from the user pages. But not everyone fills out full information about themselves, so when choosing, for example, targeting women aged 25-35, you do not take into account women who did not indicate their gender or age. For more precise tuning to the target audience, it is recommended to use other parameters.

The parameter "Birthday" can be useful for some goods and services. So, you can invite people who have a birthday soon to buy gifts with a special discount. There are cases where such a setting really worked.

Nescafe's campaign targeting female usernames and cities received over 1 million views in a month.

The user chooses his marital status independently. This parameter can also be used successfully. For example, if a girl is proposed to, she changes her marital status to “Engaged” and immediately starts seeing ads for wedding dresses, stylists, and photographers.

3. User interests

In this block, various interests are configured. You can choose one of the interests for each ad and track the reaction, or combine parameters to narrow the target audience. But don't narrow the audience too narrow! If you choose from two or more parameters, then only those users will be included in your targeting that match all the selected parameters at once, and not one of them.

The "Interests" parameter is a hobby specified by the user on his page. There are many interests, start typing the one you want in the field and it will automatically be pulled up if it is in the list.

Advice... Remember that users don't always fill their interests. And if they do, then in the future they either do not change them, or they do it very rarely. Therefore, interest targeting may not always produce the expected results.

Better to use Categories of Interests. They are calculated based on the user's interaction with the VKontakte communities and external sites of various topics. Now there are not so many categories of interests, and they are quite general. Soon the VK team promises to expand this list by adding narrower categories.

4. User communities

Another interesting option for customizing ads is “communities”. Here you can select any communities that you think potential customers might be. For example, if your audience is accountants, they are most likely subscribed to accounting publics, since it is important for them to keep abreast of news about changes in legislation.

Pay attention to the number of subscribers, their activity within the public, and the frequency of publications of the material. If the last post in the community was six months ago, it is unlikely to be interesting.

Advice... Use scraping services - there are paid and free ones that will help you segment your audience more accurately. Including parsing services, you can collect subscribers of communities of the desired topic, identify among them active ones who are in several communities.

The Except option allows you to remove from targeting communities that you do not want to advertise to. They often indicate their community here, whose subscribers are already aware of news and promotions.

5. Apps and sites

Here you can specify the sites on which the user is authorized through his VKontakte account, or using various applications that the visitor uses. They can be excluded from targeting.

Also, VKontakte allows you to choose the religious affiliation of the user.

If you mark travelers, the service will collect all users who have visited the VKontakte website from at least two different countries in the last year.

6. Education and work

When choosing a secondary or higher education, the service allows you to select certain educational institutions and training times.

You can also select user positions. Data for this parameter is collected from users' personal pages.

7. Additional parameters

Devices, operating systems and browsers used by users can be selected from the proposed list. It is enough to start entering the required parameter.

But let's take a closer look at audiences for retargeting.

This is a very important parameter that you should definitely use if you have your own website.

How does retargeting work?

Retargeting - a tool that allows you to show advertising materials to users who are already familiar with the product or service or have visited the site before.

Retargeting allows you not to miss out on warm leads. So, if a person came to the site from contextual advertising, looked at the product or even put it in the basket, but did not buy in the end, VKontakte retargeting will help "catch up" the user on the social network. Thus, you increase conversions on the site.

For VKontakte, it is better to collect an audience of at least 1000 people, but it is better to start with 3000 or more users.

To set up retargeting, you need to generate a retargeting code (or pixel) and insert it into your site. Then VKontakte will be able to collect site visitors so that in the future you can catch up with them with advertising.

To create a pixel, you need to follow three simple steps:

  1. Specify the name of the pixel.
  2. Register the domain of the site where you want to insert the code.
  3. Choose a site theme.

Now you need to copy the resulting code and paste it on the site between the tags and... If you don't have access to the site code, just contact your system administrators (or developers).

Until you set a pixel, it will have a "not working" status. After installation, the status will change to "running". From now on, you can start creating and customizing retargeting audiences.

Retargeting audiences

Audience - a custom VKontakte user base that you can target your advertisements to. The audience can be filled in two ways:

  • load from file;
  • get from the site using the pixel VKontakte.

To create a retargeting audience, you need to go to the “Audiences” tab and select “Create Audience”.

In the window that opens, the service offers two options for collecting an audience: using a pixel, or by downloading a file.

How to build audiences with pixel retargeting?

With a pixel, you can create two types of audiences:

  • all site visitors;
  • users who have visited individual pages.

To create an audience of all site visitors, you must:

  1. Write the name of the audience.
  2. Select a previously created pixel from the drop-down list.
  3. Specify the rule "All site visitors".
  4. Select the time period for which you need data: for all time, for a month or a day. The time interval can be corrected in the future at any time.
  5. Save audience.

To create an audience of users who visited individual pages, you must:

  1. Specify audience name.
  2. Select a pixel.
  3. Select the rule "Users who visited specific pages".
  4. Specify the time interval.

    Then you can select the required parameters. Here you can specify users who have visited a specific page of the site, for example, a product card. To do this, insert a link to a specific page into an empty window and select a suitable rule from the drop-down list - it depends on the link whether it will change or not.

  5. Save audience.

How do I create an audience using a list?

It is enough to select the source "Load from file" in the window that opens. Next, you need to select a file on your computer and upload it to the ad account. VKontakte will automatically find users for you based on the data provided.

What data does the system “recognize”?

  • email addresses;
  • telephones;
  • User ID.

Please note that downloadable lists must match

You say that VKontakte advertising does not work well: some schoolchildren follow the ads, the entire budget is spent overnight, but there is no result? This happens if you choose the wrong target audience. In this article, you will learn how to properly set up VKontakte targeting in order to show ads to the right people.

Performance marketing from TexTerra - we are responsible for our work and bring new customers. You only pay for the result.

How VK targeting works

Imagine advertising auto repair services in Smolensk. You can show ads in the most popular VKontakte communities and wait for a response. If the ad says “Car repair in Smolensk”, clients will probably contact you. The problem is that you will pay for ad impressions to residents of Penza, Irkutsk and Vladivostok. In addition, you will spend money on showing ads to users from Smolensk and other cities that do not have a car. Moreover, you add funds to advertising services to people who drive expensive unbreakable foreign cars. And you specialize in the repair of domestic cars, and you have direct deliveries of spare parts from AvtoVAZ.

To spend money efficiently and close deals, you should only show ads to residents of Smolensk with a car. It is desirable that the ads be seen by people with not very new cars, to which spare parts from AvtoVAZ are suitable. This can be accomplished by targeting your target audience.

By using targeting, you virtually eliminate inappropriate ad impressions. For example, do not spend money on advertising holidays in Pattaya to schoolchildren who are still interested in football and dolls, and not walking along Walking Street. Ad targeting brings these benefits:

  • Increased response: referrals and deals.
  • Reduced costs.
  • Reducing the cost of customer acquisition.
  • Prevention of negative user reaction to inappropriate advertising.
  • Showing ads to competitor audiences.

With this guide, you will learn how to target an audience on VKontakte.

How to set up Vkontakte targeting correctly

Select the ad format: "Image and Text", "Large Image", "Community Promotion".

Enter a title and text, upload an image, choose a topic. If necessary, you can set an age limit for impressions. At this stage, do not spend a lot of time on these actions. The challenge is to move on to audience targeting.

To use targeting effectively, you need to know your audience. To collect user data, research the market, survey real customers, use the buying persona method. You can read about him and.

For the experiment, imagine that the company operates in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. You serve clients in all cities of the region, except for Zheleznogorsk. It is known that you are most often approached by female office managers between the ages of 20 and 50. Another group of clients are IT specialists of large companies, 70% of whom are men. They are also between 20 and 50 years old.

How to set up geo targeting

Target the audience groups suggested above. First, select the geography of your ad impressions. Target Krasnoyarsk Krai and exclude Zheleznogorsk.

How to set up demographic targeting

As stated above, your potential clients include women who work as office managers and men and women who work in IT departments. Therefore, in the Gender section, leave the default. Choose male or female only if you are selling an explicitly male or female product, such as spinning rods or makeup. Keep in mind that in this case, too, you cut off potential customers, for example, women who are fond of fishing.

Enter the age of your audience. Under the terms of the experiment, we agreed to target customers between the ages of 20 and 50. This is a wide age range, so set it unchanged in the settings. If most of your customers are in a narrow age range, such as 25-30, try expanding your target group. Enter ages from 22 to 33 and rate the campaign's results.

If necessary, limit the audience of shows to birthday people.

Skip the Marital Status menu. Use it only in exceptional cases, for example, if you are selling Valentine's Day gifts.

When and how to use interest and category targeting

Interest targeting allows you to select audience segments. These are users who are currently interested in this or that product and are ready to buy it. For example, an advertiser can show ads to people who often buy from online stores, look after a car, and are interested in financial services. VKontakte classifies users as audience segments by their activity on the social network and on external sites.

How to target community members

The idea is very simple: if you show ads to members of thematic communities, the response will be higher. For example, you can show cartridge refueling advertisements to members of all relevant communities in a selected region.

To find suitable communities, use the VKontakte search. Using the filter, you can change the search criteria.

Also use the service allsocial.ru, with which you can search and rate communities. Be sure to exclude members of your community from your audience. Most likely, they will see the publication anyway.

Show ads to users of specific apps and sites

This task is accomplished using the Applications & Sites filter. Enter the name of the site of interest and save the options suggested by the system. At this stage, you can assess the potential reach and the feasibility of targeting the audience for the selected attribute.

If necessary, disable certain sites or applications from displaying users by using the "Except" filter. Check the "Travelers" box if you want to show ads to users who visit VKontakte while traveling abroad.

What to do with targeting by education and position

Look for your target audience by education only if you are interested in graduates from specific educational institutions. You can also target users who have recently graduated from school.

Use position targeting as a last resort and very carefully. This method of targeting can greatly narrow your audience or add non-targeted people to your audience. First, not all users indicate their title. Secondly, people who indicate all places of work on the page can get to the target audience.

For example, filter your audience by job title if you want to show ads to specific professionals. For example, use this type of targeting if you sell dental equipment. Keep in mind that the ads will not be seen by dentists who have not indicated their profession in their profile.

How to use retargeting

Users familiar with your business, product, website or VKontakte public respond to ads many times more often than a cold audience. This is a great reason to use retargeting.

To use retargeting, go to the corresponding menu in the VKontakte advertising account. Click the Create Audience button.

You can create an audience using the retargeting pixel or data from a file.

Upload a file with a database of email addresses, phone numbers or user profile ids. Check out requirements for downloadable information or use the recommendations:

  • Use a CSV or TXT file.
  • Write one address, id or phone number per line. Also, you can write data to a string separated by commas or semicolons. You can find out the user id using applications.
  • Indicate your phone number in the following formats: +71111111111, 71111111111, 8-111-111-11-11.

You can also install a retargeting code on your site. In the Pixels menu, generate a pixel.

Copy the code and paste it on the site.

If the site is powered by WordPress, the code is conveniently inserted using the Head, Footer and Post Injections plugin.

Use the "Edit" menu to add / remove an audience or get your retargeting code again.

After filling your retargeting audience, create ads and launch an ad campaign.

What services increase the effectiveness of Vkontakte targeting

With the help of external services, you can improve the accuracy of targeting your target audience and make your advertising more effective. Pay attention to the following sites:

  • Cerebro ... This is one of the most popular and effective external services for managing advertising on VKontakte. Targeting with the help of Cerebro provides such opportunities: search for an audience and a similar audience, highlighting active users of groups and publics, targeting potential customers who interacted with individual posts on VKontakte, searching for thematic communities, targeting user's friends and others.
  • Pepper. Read about the capabilities of the service in our review.
  • Allsocial. Using the service, you can search for thematic communities. Allsocial also quickly searches for group administrators and monitors group changes, such as name changes.
  • Spotlight (free). Collects data from group members, targets users for different types of activity, for example, "I like" marks for certain posts or in certain groups. Also finds contacts of group admins. To use the service, you need to log in through your VKontakte account.
  • Segmento target (paid). Using this service, you can target the audience of the VKontakte communities. The system also works with Facebook, Odnoklassniki and Instagram.
  • Only Talk (free). Using this site, you can manage Vkontakte advertising campaigns, including target audiences.

To improve the effectiveness of advertising, you need to collect data on different segments of the target audience using one or more services. Save the received data in CSV or TXT format, and then create the corresponding retargeting groups.

Audience targeting is available in ad automation services such as Aori, Plarin, Sociate.Targeting. Targeting options are standard here, but automation systems provide advertisers with the ability to simultaneously manage advertising campaigns on multiple sites.

How targeting increases the effectiveness of Vkontakte advertising

In this section, you will find successful and unsuccessful examples of targeting the target audience of VKontakte. Cases are presented in the form of a list with a short announcement and a link to the source, where you can study the details. Take a look at the following targeting lessons:

  • The author of an extravagant blog about SMM writes that thanks to the Cerebro Target service, he managed to significantly increase the CTR of ads, as well as achieve a higher conversion rate of conversions to applications compared to advertising in Vkontakte communities.
  • The author of the group "Effective targeting" Anel Radiant talks about the experience of attracting 10 thousand subscribers to the group for 10 thousand rubles. The secret to the success of the gardening community ad campaign lies in the fine tuning of the targeting. The audience for ad impressions was determined by gender, age, and region of residence.
  • The author of the blog "Sofa Theorist" Mikhail Bursin has gained very valuable experience in using targeting "Vkontakte". The system served the ad to the same people, which resulted in poor ad performance. This mini-case reminds you to use the option to limit ad impressions to one user.
  • Colleagues from Magwai say that targeted advertising on Vkontakte showed higher efficiency in finding employees compared to paid publication on HeadHunter. Does anyone else think that VKontakte is a network for schoolchildren?
  • Another case from Magwai shows the comparative effectiveness of targeted advertising on VKontakte, Yandex.Direct advertising in search and YAN. According to the author, ads in YAN bring more clicks and are cheaper for the advertiser.
  • Colleagues from Icontext write that retargeting makes VKontakte advertising comparable in effectiveness to Google AdWords and Yandex.Direct.
  • Maxim Lukyanov tells how, with the help of Cerebro, he managed to target an interested audience and get commercial traffic at a ridiculous price.

You can also see the large

Almost every person reads the news, and reading the news of friends on Vkontakte is a matter of principle. Here's how to use this moment to promote your community - in the advertising office you have the opportunity to launch a special campaign to advertise in the news of other people. What is news and how do I set it up? You will find the answer to this question in this detailed instruction..

  1. When promoting goods and services worth 4000 rubles or more.
  2. During the promotion of complex niches: real estate, legal services, construction.
  3. Working with a cold audience who needs more details about the project.

Pros and cons

  1. The ability to create records with large text accompaniment.
  2. The tape looks more natural. This increases the reach of your ads.
  3. The most effective method of promoting Vkontakte.
  4. The recording is available for distribution on all devices.
  1. Lack of payment for clicks.

How to start: 7 steps

Without further ado, let's list 7 basic steps.

Step # 1.

Step # 2

Click on the button "Create ad".

Step # 3

Step # 4

The feed is published on behalf of your community.

Step # 5

Choosing the subject of your ad.

When advertising products for a specific age category, you need to put a special label.

Step 6

We set up the target audience. We select the desired country or countries, city.

Birthday item is useful when advertising goods as a gift.

In the next section, specify the category of interests of the target audience. For example, when advertising women's clothing, you might include “Beauty and Fashion,” “Buy Online,” “Home and Family,” and so on.

In the communities, indicate publics and groups related to your topic.

Apps and sites. We indicate Vkontakte applications or third-party sites related to the subject of the advertisement.

The item "Travelers" shows entries to users who frequently visit Vkontakte from different IPs.

Education and work. If your target audience is students or representatives of a certain profession, then this tab will be very useful.

Extra options. Here you can add your base retargeting, collected from your site or using parsers.

Save settings. Here you can add the audience that has shown some action with your ads to the retargeting database.

Step 7

We adjust the price and location. In the "Advertising sites" section, select where the entries will be shown: on mobile devices, in the full version, or on all sites.

The cost is indicated for 1000 impressions. The system automatically sets the amount. It can and even should be reduced to save budget. If coverage falls, then the cost should be increased.

We limit impressions to 5 per person.

At the end, click on "Create ad".

How to get the most out of your ads in the news: 3 tips

  1. Customize your ads for each audience segment.
  2. Choose bright and catchy images.
  3. Show ads on web and mobile devices separately.

Segment your audience. You don't need to run one ad campaign for all segments at the same time. This will save your budget and increase conversions.

Hello! If you decide to set up targeted advertising on Vkontakte, then a lot of questions immediately arise. How much money do you need to start an advertising campaign? Which settings should I choose and which ones to ignore, given my individual project? How do I find images? What is the best image format? What is CTR and what is CPM, what is the difference and what to choose? What is retargeting and how to use it? In order to save you from unnecessary fuss, we will consider all these issues and not only in this article.

Skeptics will say, “I've tried! Targeted ads don't work! I spent a lot of money. " Dear comrades, the violin will not play in the hands of a hippo! Tried it - it didn't work, it doesn't mean that it doesn't work. Means somewhere wrong. Thousands of companies on Vkontakte use this tool and get clients every day. It just takes a little patience and skill.

In the meantime, I will give this infographic:

I also want to warn people who are just trying online advertising. First of all, I recommend you such an advertising channel as, you should first work in that direction. Targeted advertising is more "long traffic" and in some niches it can still compete with contextual advertising in the rate of conversion of a visitor to a buyer. But in most cases it is better to start with contextual advertising, and only then connect targeted advertising. And using a combination of contextual advertising + targeting Vkontakte will help to significantly increase efficiency. I will talk about this in the next article, because now it will be difficult to talk about all the subtleties, but I will give you some guidelines. So, let's begin.

To make it easier to navigate, let's conditionally divide the whole process into 2 stages. Namely:

  1. Training: basic terms, preparation for testing ads, creating an advertising office.
  2. Setting: Let's go through the main targeting settings, ad formats, test images and headlines, and choose a strategy for impressions or clicks.

Preparation and terms

A bit of theory and numbers:

CTR is the ratio of clicks to impressions, measured as a percentage. For example, from 1000 impressions, you received 20 clicks. 20/1000 * 100 \u003d 2%. This indicator is important to consider when choosing an ad format for impressions. In per-click advertising, it is not that important because it does not affect the cost per click.

СPC - cost per transition. It is important to always take into account, otherwise you can go into the negative.

We create an advertising account

Open the "Settings" in the left menu and look for the "Advertising" link below.

Click on the "Targeted ad" button. Create ad. The first step is to create an ad, not an office. I propose to simply create an ad now, without setting any settings, just so that you have an ad account.

Cooking pictures

There are two options to choose from. The first is to look for pictures yourself on all the resources available to you (from photo banks to a banal search in pictures in a search engine), and then prepare pictures in Photoshop. Or you can use this mega-convenient service, for a start the free version will be enough. I will not dwell on the service now, if you want to figure it out, it is intuitive.

Testing images and titles

To customize your campaign more effectively, it is important to test images and headlines. For the test, we need to prepare. The test runs as follows.

  • We select at least 5 images. We test five pictures with the same title.
  • And we come up with at least 5 headings. We test five titles with the same picture.
  • After you test which images and headings were the most clickable, combine the most clickable title and the most clickable image. This way we get the most effective ad.

Ideally, you need to test at least 15 pictures and 15 headlines. But for understanding the first time, five is enough.

Setting up

To date, there are 5 options for the ad format for the site and group.

  • image and text. They are used mainly when you need to clearly explain what it is about in the announcement;
  • great image. This format is good in that it attracts attention much better than the previous one. But there is a significant disadvantage - the limitation on symbols, only 25. You can also write text on the image, which significantly expands the capabilities of this option;
  • Exclusive format. In this case, your ad will be broadcast to the user in a single copy, without competitors. The downside is that it is twice as expensive;
  • Community promotion. This format is only suitable for communities; you cannot advertise the site using it. The key difference is that a user can join your community without following a link. There will be a button "Join" right in the ad;
  • Finally, a special format! If your target audience is over 100 thousand, I recommend trying it! It is broadcast not in the left column, like other formats, but in the user's news feed, which significantly increases the CTR. This option also only works for communities.

Choosing the subject of your ad

You can skip this step in principle, but it is useful to choose a topic and subsection. When the topic and subsection are set, moderation is faster.

Choosing the geography of our target audience

In this block, you can select the cities you want to advertise to, districts, metro stations and even the streets of your city. This is necessary if you have a local business, such as a cafe. In this case, you need to tune in to a narrow circle of people who do not need to travel across half the city to you. Here you can also cut out irrelevant ads. For example, you are selling some rare commodity after purchasing it in China. In this case, it will be very useful to cut off large cities, since they already have a very good choice, and they may well buy the same product with delivery in their city, and even often cheaper. To do this, you need to select in the column “excluding” the cities that you want to exclude from your advertising campaign.

Setting up demographics

With gender and age, everything is clear. But there are very interesting settings in this block, such as birthday. We can tick the birthday box. And write in the ad, for example: "In honor of the birthday, a 10% discount." These ads increase click-through rates because we personalize them. By choosing marital status, you can also improve the relevance of your RK. For example, it makes no sense to advertise a dating site to family people. Well, at least often)


Well, finally we got there :) In my opinion, this is the most important and useful block in traditional targeting. Therefore, let's talk about it in as much detail as possible. So let's go.

Categories of interests

The Vkontatke algorithm constantly counts the engagement of each specific user in certain categories of posts. For example, if a person constantly likes, comments, views a specific topic, for example, goods and services. With the help of this setting, we will just be able to age our advertising to this segment of users! Great really ?! :)


We can tune in to a segment of the audience that is in the groups of our competitors! That is, in fact, take customers away from competitors. Well, that's not all! A person who is a member of communities of interest can also be our potential client (for example, people who are in business communities are potential clients for the b2b services industry). But here you need to carefully select the communities that you are tuning into.

App and website targeting

By targeting certain applications, you can also achieve good results in certain cases. For example, advertising a toy, you can target people who are already playing similar games.

An exception

You can, for example, exclude people who are already your subscribers.


I do not use this block because there was no need. Perhaps it will be useful for you.


If you check this box, the ads will be broadcast to people who tag their photos in different places. This increases the chances of finding a more solvent audience.

The next block "Education and work"

By tuning in to the profession, you can also additionally tune in to the audience who will be interested in your product or service. For example, people who studied for a high-paying specialty in one of the elite universities are much more likely to have a higher income than teachers in elementary grades. The same applies to people holding a certain position or working in a certain company.

Extra options

  • Retargeting groups. This setting is worthy of a separate article. In short, you can collect a separate user base to which your ad will be broadcast. This can be done either with the help of certain software, or by pre-installing the retargeting code on your website.
  • With the exception of. We can also exclude people on whom we do not want to show our ads. For example, people who are already subscribed to our community.
  • Devices. If we choose here the owners of Apple technology or owners of smartphones, then we can even more accurately tune in to the solvent audience.

I usually ignore the rest of the settings in this block, simply because I haven’t come across such advertising campaigns yet.

Setting price and location

For impressions or for clicks?

We need to choose the price per impressions and per clicks. When properly configured, ads for impressions are often more effective than ads for clicks. But there are exceptions, for example, if your audience is over 500 thousand, it makes sense to test ads for clicks. I recommend choosing advertising platforms only on Vkontakte.

Transition cost.

The main mistake of beginners is that they leave the price that Vkontakte offers. That is why many consider Vkontakte advertising to be unreasonably expensive. In fact, you need to follow a simple formula: divide the proposed amount (clickthrough or per 1000 impressions) by about 10 or so. That is, if the price for 1000 impressions Vkontakte recommends 12 rubles, you can set 1.2 rubles. and if the impressions are unscrewed normally (at least 1 impression per second), then we leave it as it is. If not, we set the price a little higher, and so on until the impressions are unscrewed normally.

Click "Create ad", and then launch the ad for moderation.

Best regards, Vladimir Kondratenko


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