Funny jokes for children about Cinderella. Anecdotes about Cinderella Exactly at midnight Cinderella turned into a pumpkin

An accountant reads a Cinderella story to his four-year-old daughter for the first time. The girl is fascinated by the story, especially the part of it where the pumpkin turns into a golden carriage. Suddenly she asks:
- Dad, but when a pumpkin turns into a golden carriage, is it classified as income, or as an increase in the value of property? ..

Daughter, when I told you to come home like Cinderella, I meant no later than midnight, and not in one shoe and without a dress!

After the ball, Cinderella remembered only how she ate a pumpkin with rats and how the drunk prince put crystal bowls on her feet.

Cinderella asks:
- Dear godmother, can I go to the ball again?
- So be it, my dear, - the fairy answers her.
“But no alcohol like last time. The prince should catch up with you, and not hide in the bushes from your annoying drunken harassment.

And remember, police lieutenant Cinderella, exactly at midnight you will become a police lieutenant.
- And the head?
- Here, alas, I am powerless, the head will remain a pumpkin.

- I'm like Cinderella - I wash, clean, cook ... The husband replied:

If you watch the film "Cinderella" backwards, then this film is about how a woman knows her place in life.

On the morning after the ball, Cinderella remembered only how she ate a pumpkin with rats and how the Prince put crystal salad bowls on her feet.

Cinderella why are you crying? What happened?
- I can't go to the ball today !!!
- But why?
- Because the ball is tomorrow-ah !!!

Cinderella why are you crying?
- I can't go to the ball today!
- Why?
- Because the ball is tomorrow!

What is the truest fairy tale in the world?
- The Tale of Cinderella.
- Why is this?
- Because for a pair of good shoes, girls even agree to ride a pumpkin.

There is a dictation in the class. At the phrase "The Prince made Cinderella happy with a gift" Little Johnny raises his hand.
- What's the matter, Little Johnny?
- Is the word "arch" masculine?

Cinderella found a jug of gold, sat on a stone and cried.
- Why are you crying?
- The rich also cry.

Now listen here, I warn you for the last time, - the Fairy instructed Cinderella.
- Do not whip alcohol at the ball! It is HE who must call you to marry, and YOU must run away! And not the other way around, as it was last time.

The daughter returns home late at night. Her mother meets her and strictly says:
- Daughter! When I told you to come home like Cinderella, I meant at midnight, and not in one shoe and a torn dress.

What do you want, Cinderella?
- To the ball, dear fairy! A pumpkin carriage, a rat coachman and crystal shoes from old galoshes ?!
- Good! Here are 10 Tazepam tablets for you! Drink them with beer and everything will come true!

Two men meet, and one says to the other:
- Imagine, I recently had a dream that I was Cinderella, and I was standing in the ring, and Arnold Schwarzenegger came up to me and said:
- But remember that after the 12th blow your head will turn into a pumpkin ...

Keep track of things, Cinderella ...
- Why?!
- Your coachman is a rat!

And remember, Cinderella: at exactly 12 o'clock in the morning, the magic will end and you will be hit by the snack.

Somehow the evil stepmother put Windows 98 and Windows XP in one folder, called Cinderella and said:

Most men want a Queen, but can only provide Cinderella with dishwashing liquid.

Godmother, what am I wearing to the ball?
- Here, Cinderella, the magical Lada Priora! But remember, exactly at midnight ... and maybe earlier ... in principle, at any time ... in short, it will be more reliable on a pumpkin!

The girl runs around the apartment and says:
- If I lose one shoe, then I will be Cinderella, and if two at once, then Ellie!

From school essays: Before Cinderella, the prince tried on many of the girls in the kingdom.

Cinderella, ride your carriage and meet the prince.
- I don't want to, all the men are goats! Better conjure me a million!
- I'm not a witch, I'm a fairy.
- Well then, nafeyach.
- And you have so much for a fairy?

Cinderella hurried to the ball. It was five minutes to eleven. Frisky horses rushed at full speed.
- But suddenly ... the horses turned into rats, the coachman into a mouse, the golden carriage into a pumpkin. Some villain has set the clock to "summer time" ...

Mike Tyson says to Cinderella:
- And after the 12th blow, your head will turn into a pumpkin.

- Well, the shoe came up. When is the wedding? Prince:
- It was a semi-final, now we will try on a bra of the fifth size.

So the guy is driving along the pumpkin field. The stars are twinkling ... The night is wonderful. Suddenly he wanted a woman. He stops and let's scour in search of some watchman, but all in vain. Then he found a pumpkin for himself, cut a proper hole in it, and let's do our dirty work ... And from behind, unnoticed, a cop's outfit drove up. And at the most crucial moment of the man's back, slap ... The man turns, and in front of him the cop stands and with respect asks:
- What are you, citizen, fucking state pumpkins?
- Chief, what time is it now?
- Yes, it's midnight, exactly 00: 00 - Chief, I'll fucking be, just now Cinderella was ...

Cinderella is going to the ball. Puts on a dress, shoes. Suddenly she remembers that she has female problems ...
- Here's a crystal tampax, - says the fairy, - it will help you, but remember that at midnight it will turn into a pumpkin.

The old fairy messed things up again. At the twelfth stroke of the clock, the prince turned into a lame, shabby rat. And only Cinderella did not change at all, she stood aside and nervously adjusted the crown on her pumpkin every minute ...

Cinderella's conversation with the godmother:
- Dear godmother, I so want to go to the ball, but I have nothing to wear!
- No problem, here's your dress!
- Thanks! But I have no shoes ...
- No problems! Here's a pair of crystal shoes!
- Oh, thanks, but I have so much housework ...
- It's nothing - I'll do everything for you!
- Oh, dear godmother! How kind you are! But ... I have nothing to ride!
- Hmm ... and you have no pumpkin here by any chance? ..
- There is!
- Listen, throw it out, otherwise I think: what stinks ?!

But remember, dear Cinderella: exactly at midnight Sunday will turn into Monday.

Fairy says to Cinderella:
- Here's a crystal tampax, but remember exactly at midnight it will turn into a pumpkin.

Cinderella could not understand how the prince guessed that she was drunk:
- How did I give myself away?
- She reflected, taking off her feet crystal salad bowls.

Mother godmother sends Cinderella to the ball and says:
- Maybe I can give you a dress, you will be the most beautiful.
- Figs me your dress, I'll go in jeans.
- Well, come on, I'll give you shoes?
- I'll wear sneakers. You'd better give me a spiral. The godmother gave her a spiral. Cinderella returns home with her legs spread out and shouts at her mother godmother:
- Why didn't you tell me, you bitch, that the spiral at 24.00 turns into a pumpkin?

Your dream will come true, Cinderella, and you will dance at the royal ball like a real princess.
- But remember, if you do not leave the ball on time, then at midnight you will turn into an ordinary night butterfly.

Cinderella disappears at midnight and princes disappear in the early morning.

Children lose interest in old tales. They have to be rewritten. "Cinderella." Dad: The heroine did not lose her shoe, but her bra. Then the prince tried it on to all the girls in the area. Son: Why does a prince want a girl whose bra won't fit on any of the kingdom's breasts? Dad: There is no dispute about tastes.

Remember, Cinderella, closer to twelve at night all the spell will dissipate ...
- And the carriage will become a pumpkin?
- No, you will turn into an ordinary drunk fucking ...

At two in the morning, the good fairy receives a message on her mobile:
- Pass midnight ... drinking with rats. Cinderella.

The girls read the Cinderella fairy tale very inattentively. They only read up to the phrase:
- Cinderella married a prince. And they throw it. And then it says "The End of the Tale."

The wife reproaches her husband:
- I'm like Cinderella - I wash, clean, cook.
- I told you, if you marry me - you will live like in a fairy tale!

Somehow the evil stepmother put Windows 98 and Windows XP into one folder, called Cinderella and said:
- So that by morning, both systems were in different folders ...

Cinderella is my favorite story about the fact that if a guy is a prince, it doesn't matter if he remembers what you look like.

In the footsteps of a fairy tale:
- Poor Cinderella washed dishes, tidied up rooms, washed linen for her father, stepmother, and her two daughters. She married a prince.
“Now she washes the dishes, tidies up the chambers, and does the laundry for the entire royal palace.

The Cinderella Syndrome turned out to be cruel and merciless:
- I got up at night to drink some water, wanted to wipe the stain on the table and washed the whole kitchen ...

I'm like Cinderella - I wash, clean, cook.
- I warned you - you will marry me, you will live like in a fairy tale.

Calling technical support:
- Hello! Why the hell does the Internet disappear after midnight?
- So you have a new tariff - "Cinderella"

Why did the fairy godmother arrange everything in such a way that Cinderella had to leave the palace at midnight?
- The fairy was an experienced woman and perfectly understood:
- If Cinderella doesn't disappear late at night, the prince will run away early in the morning!

Hello Cinderella. Oh, what a chic open neckline you have.
- What are you, what are you .. Just a fairy hurried, there must be my back.

Cinderella, who forgot to set the clock to summer time, was plucked out of a pumpkin for three days.

Fairy says to Cinderella:
- Get ready, dear, you will go to the ball to meet the prince!
- Listen, well, nafig, the men are tired of, conjure a better 000 for me!
- Honey, I'm not a witch, I'm a FAIRY!
- Well, fuck me 000!
- Is there so much for you?

The moral of the tale about Cinderella is as follows: as if by accident, leave one of your things with him so that he would have to meet you again later.

Cinderella is going to the ball and suddenly remembers that she has critical days.
- Nothing, - says the Fairy, - I'll help you. Here you have your magic tampax. Just remember:
- Exactly at 12 o'clock it will turn into a pumpkin ...

At the music lesson, children listened to a waltz from Prokofiev's ballet Cinderella. Seryozha was not interested in this, he turned and interfered with others. The teacher called him and asked:
- What are we listening to?
- Dance of Cinderella, - answered Seryozha after reflection.
- And what did she dance?
- Break!

I wash, clean, cook, iron ... I feel like Cinderella!
- Darling, I warned you that life with me will be like a fairy tale!

Cinderella, now I will make a carriage out of pumpkin, and out of rats - coachmen, you will go to the ball in the palace, meet the prince!
- I don't want to go to the ball! To hell with these guys! Conjure me a million dollars better ...

- Well then, FUCK me a million dollars! ..
- And NAFEYA you so much ?? ..

The prince saw Cinderella at the ball and all evening could not take his eyes off her ...
- Dad, why did Prince Cinderella need an eye?

Here's a to-do list, Cinderella. If you open it, come.

The wife says to her husband:
- I’m like Cinderella: I wash, clean, cook ...
- I told you that you will live like in a fairy tale

Cinderella found out that the Prince was cheating on her. Asks the Good Fairy to help her.
- Okay, Cinderella, but you have one and only wish that will come true exactly at midnight. Speak.
“I want to have many, many things that my Prince adores so much. No sooner said than done. At midnight, Cinderella enters the Prince's bedchamber and asks:
- Well, how?
“Fine,” the Prince replies.
- Only I don't understand, Cinderella, why do you have boobs like a pig?

At midnight, Cinderella turned into a pumpkin. But the prince was already unstoppable.

SBU and customs officers are playing a play called "Cinderella".
- And what role do Kaletnik and Khoroshkovsky play in this performance?
- The role of the good fairy was taken over by Khoroshkovsky, and therefore the Kaletnik at midnight will turn into a pumpkin. And as usual, the Ukrainian treasury will play the role of Cinderella.

In the police room there is a huge pumpkin with arms and legs sticking out of it. Major enters.
- What is this kind of helwin here?
- Why, comrade major, the thief was detained, today around midnight they wanted to steal the carriage from Cinderella!

Why did the fairy godmother from the fairy tale arrange everything in such a way that Cinderella had to leave the palace at midnight?
- The fairy was an experienced woman and understood that if Cinderella did not disappear late at night, the prince would run away early in the morning!

- Cinderella! I mixed beer with vodka! Until you separate beer from vodka, you won't go to the ball! Cinderella:
- Fairy Godmother! Freebie! Go help!

The fairy collects Cinderella to the ball, and she says to her:
- I can't, my critical days have begun. The kind sorceress hands Cinderella "Tampax" and warns:
- But remember, at 12 o'clock it will turn into a pumpkin!

Cinderella get ready, otherwise you will be late for the ball ...
- Oh, about the ball! Can I make a carriage not from pumpkin, but from eggplant this time?
- Why?
- Well, can you imagine, I drive up like this in a purple Lamborghini, otherwise this Yellow Jeep got me!

Cinderella, now I will make a carriage out of pumpkins, and out of rats - coachmen, you will go to the ball in the palace, meet the prince! Cinderella:
- I don't want to go to the ball! To hell with these guys! Conjure me a million dollars better ...
- Cinderella, I'm not a witch ... I'm a Fairy !!!
- Well then, give me a million dollars! ..
- And you so much nafey ???

Once the prince comes to Cinderella:
- Hi, infusoria, did you lose your shoe?

- Cinderella! I heard that your stepmother and sisters left for the ball? So I prepared a present for you: a dress, shoes, a carriage. You can go to the ball too!
- Godmother, what are you doing? Why do I need it? Well I have a free hut!

It is a pity that Cinderella has lost just a shoe ... that would have lost her panties ... and the fairy tale would have been more fun!

Fairy: - Now I will make a carriage out of pumpkin, and out of rats - coachmen, you will go to the ball in the palace, meet the prince!
Cinderella: - I don't want to go to the ball! To hell with these guys! Conjure me a million dollars better ...
Fairy: - Cinderella, I'm not a witch ... but a Fairy !!!
Cinderella: - Well then, FUCK me a million dollars! ...
Fairy: - And NAFEYA you so much ?? ..

Cinderella is going to the ball, but here ... critical days ... What to do? A fairy comes to the rescue as always:
-Cinderella what's the matter? Why are you crying?
- I was preparing for the ball so much, but here ...
- Don't worry, bring me a pumpkin.
Cinderella brought the biggest pumpkin, hoping to get the coolest car…. and the fairy turns the pumpkin into a tampon, gives it to Cinderella and says:
-Go have fun, but remember - exactly at midnight the tampon will turn into a pumpkin !!!

After the ball, Cinderella remembered only how she ate a pumpkin with rats, and how a drunken prince put crystal salad bowls on her feet.

- The shoe came up to me when the wedding?
- It was the semi-final. Now we will try on the bra ...

Cinderella didn't have a ball gown, but the fairy godmother gave her crystal shoes and helped her get to the ball. There Cinderella charmed the prince, danced with him, but at midnight, running away, she lost her shoe ...
And she had to take off the second shoe and return home completely naked!

A message arrives on the fairy's pager:
- “Well, I got drunk, screwed up a little. I'm sitting in a pumpkin. Cinderella".

The wicked stepmother put Windows 98 and Windows 2000 in one folder, called Cinderella and said:
- So that by morning, both systems were in different folders ...

Once Thumbelina, Snow White and Shrek met, went to a fortune-teller. Thumbelina comes out and cries - it turned out that there is less of her Boy-with-finger. Snow White: "Cinderella is more beautiful than me!" Shrek comes out and asks "" Who is Yushchenko ??? "

Cinderella found out that the Prince was cheating on her. Asks the Good Fairy to help.
- Okay, Cinderella - but you have only one and only desire, which will come true exactly at midnight! Speak ...
- I want to have a lot, a lot of things that my Prince adores so much ...
No sooner said than done. Exactly at midnight, Cinderella enters the Prince's bedchamber and asks:
- Well, how?
“Fine,” the Prince replies, “but I don’t understand - why do you have boobs like a pig?

Fairy to Cinderella: - Here, Cinderella, crystal shoes, here's a beautiful ball gown. And here's a Lada-Kalina for you. Oh, no, don't ... Take better pumpkin!

Cinderella and Prince Charming met, told each other about their misfortunes. Cinderella had a wicked stepmother, the Prince had a wicked mother-in-law.

When you get a job, you feel like Little Red Riding Hood, when you work, you are Cinderella waiting for the ball, and when you ask for a raise, then hunters with guns come to you right away and your stepmother comes with a broomstick.

Ah, Cinderella! This is the girl who new Year's ball Have you pulled crystal glasses on your feet?

A father reads a bedtime story to his son:
- “Prince saw Cinderella at the ball and all evening could not take his eyes off her” ...
- Dad, why did the prince want to take Cinderella's eyes?

Cinderella is going to the ball. The fairy tells her:
- Let me make you a beautiful fluffy dress?
- No. You are lagging behind fashion. You better give me a leather outfit.
Fairy waved her magic wand and the wish came true.
- Cinderella, let me make you crystal shoes?
- Who is wearing them now your crystal shoes. Give me leather shoes.
- Cinderella, well, let me make you a carriage?
- You are crazy. I'll go like a fool in a carriage. I'd better call a taxi. And you make me a spiral. I'm going to spend the night with the prince.
Cinderella left for the ball. Early in the morning he returns home in a raskoryachka, swears at the Fairy:
-You, old fool, why didn't you warn that the spiral at 12 at night will turn into a pumpkin?

- Keep track of things, Cinderella.
- Why?
- Your coachman is a rat!

- Cinderella! I mixed beer with vodka! Until you separate beer from vodka, you won't go to the ball!
Cinderella: - Fairy Godmother! Freebie! Go help!

The series "The Hunt for Cinderella". Summary previous series: Nonna Mordyukova undergoes plastic surgery - now she is Amalia Mordvinova.

Two girls talking
- Well, after the fortune-telling, did you dream about your idol Klitschko?
- Yes, but after that I didn't like him.
- Why?
- You see, I dream that I am Cinderella, I go up to him, smile, and he looks at me with his magical gaze and says: “Cinderella, mind you, after the third blow your head will turn into a pumpkin .... "

“We're not drinking soup here either,” said Cinderella, pouring brandy into a crystal shoe.

Question to Armenian radio:
- Why did the good fairy from the fairy tale arrange everything in such a way that Cinderella had to leave the palace at midnight?
- The fairy was an experienced woman and perfectly understood: if Cinderella does not run away late in the evening, the prince will disappear early in the morning!

The chief of militia enters the duty unit and sees a huge pumpkin with arms and legs on the floor. The chief angrily asks the duty officer:
- What kind of Halloween you have?
And the attendant answers:
- Duc asshole caught, wanted to steal a carriage from Cinderella at midnight!

- Fairy Godmother, I really want to go to the ball.
- Well, Cinderella, here are 10 tablets of "Fenazipam" for you.
- And where is the carriage, coachman, crystal slippers?
- You drink, drink. Everything will be.

- Cinderella get ready, otherwise you will be late for the ball ...
- Oh, about the ball! Can I make a carriage not from pumpkin, but from eggplant this time?
- Why?
- Well, can you imagine, I drive up like this in a purple Lamborghini, otherwise this yellow jeep got me!

The fairy collects Cinderella to the ball. Dress, there, shoes, well, etc.
- And you will go, Cinderella, in a Lada-Kalina car! But remember: exactly at midnight ... Although ... maybe earlier ... Yes, in principle at any time.
.. You know, Cinderella! You'd better ride a pumpkin! ...

Intoxication types:
Cinderella - come home in one shoe.
Snow White - wake up with seven men in bed.
Red Hat - wake up in grandma's bed.
Sleeping Beauty - you don't remember anything for a hundred years
Mermaids - you smell like fish in the morning.
Angry Wolf - from fumes, the houses of the pigs are falling apart.
Mickey Mouse - ears are swollen, white gloves are on, but no tailcoat.
Columbus - you don't know where you are going, you arrived - you don't know where you are, and the state paid for the trip.

Japanese folk tale "Cinderella-chan".
A long time ago, there was a girl named Cinderella-chan on the Kuril Islands. Once the Segan of the Kuril Islands announced a kumite contest, but the evil stepmother did not let Cinderella-chan go. Then the Fairy flew in and said: Cinderella-chan, here's a silk kimono for you, here's a cart with rickshaws and here's nunchucks, ride a kumite, but remember - at midnight the cart will turn into a grain of rice, a rickshaw into a bamboo pole, a kimono into a mat, and nunchucks in a katana sword and make you hara-kiri. Cinderella-chan went to the kumite competition, defeated everyone with the skill of karate, but at midnight the prophecy came true and the nunchuks made her hara-kiri. Unable to endure the shame, the fairy made herself a hara-kiri, the stepmother made a hara-kiri and the shogan made a hara-kiri. And behind them all the inhabitants of the Kuriles made themselves hara-kiri ... Then the islands were gradually settled by Russian fishermen.

The wicked stepmother put Windows 98 and Windows 2000 in one folder, called Cinderella and said:
- So that by morning, both systems were in different folders ...

Ah, Cinderella! Is this the girl who pulled the crystal glasses on her feet at the New Year's ball?

A father reads a bedtime story to his son:
- "Prince saw Cinderella at the ball and all evening could not take his eyes off her" ...
- Dad, why does the prince need Cinderella's eye?

A message arrives on the fairy's pager.
- Well, she got drunk, screwed up a little. I'm sitting in a pumpkin. Cinderella.

Cinderella didn't have a ball gown, but the fairy godmother gave her crystal shoes and helped her get to the ball. There Cinderella charmed the prince, danced with him, but at midnight, running away, she lost her shoe ...
And she had to take off the second shoe and return home completely naked!

- The shoe came up to me when the wedding?
- It was the semi-final. Now we will try on the bra ...

After the ball, Cinderella remembered only how she ate a pumpkin with rats, and how a drunk prince put crystal salad bowls on her feet

Cinderella is going to the ball. The fairy tells her:
- Let me make you a beautiful fluffy dress?
- No. You are lagging behind fashion. You better give me a leather outfit.
Fairy waved her magic wand and the wish came true.
- Cinderella, let me make you crystal shoes?
- Who is wearing them now your crystal shoes. Give me leather shoes.
- Cinderella, well, let me make you a carriage?
- You are crazy. I'll go like a fool in a carriage. I'd better call a taxi. And you make me a spiral. I'm going to spend the night with the prince.
Cinderella left for the ball. Early in the morning he returns home in a raskoryachka, swears at the Fairy:
-You, old fool, why didn't you warn that the spiral at 12 at night will turn into a pumpkin?

Japanese folk tale "Cinderella-chan".
A long time ago, there was a girl named Cinderella-chan on the Kuril Islands. Once the Segan of the Kuril Islands announced a kumite contest, but the evil stepmother did not let Cinderella-chan go. Then the Fairy flew in and said: Cinderella-chan, here's a silk kimono for you, here's a cart with rickshaws and here's nunchucks for you, ride a kumite, but remember - at midnight the cart will turn into a grain of rice, the rickshaw into a babmuk pole, a kimono into a mat, and nunchucks in a katana sword and make you hara-kiri. Cinderella-chan went to the kumite competition, defeated everyone with the skill of karate, but at midnight the prophecy came true and the nunchucks made her hara-kiri. Unable to endure the shame, the fairy made herself a hara-kiri, the stepmother made a hara-kiri and the shogan made a hara-kiri. And behind them all the inhabitants of the Kuriles made themselves hara-kiri ... Then the islands were gradually settled by Russian fishermen.

Cinderella and Prince Charming met and told each other about their misfortunes. Cinderella had a wicked stepmother, the Prince had a wicked mother-in-law.

Cinderella is going to the ball, and then ... critical days ... What to do? A fairy comes to the rescue as always:
-Cinderella what's the matter? Why are you crying?
- I was preparing for the ball so much, but here ...
- Don't worry, bring me a pumpkin.
Cinderella brought the biggest pumpkin, hoping to get the coolest car ... and the fairy turns the pumpkin into a tampon, gives it to Cinderella and says:
-Go have fun, but remember - exactly at midnight the tampon will turn into a pumpkin !!!

The fairy collects Cinderella to the ball, and she says to her: - I can't, my critical days have begun. The kind sorceress hands Cinderella "Tampax" and warns: - But remember, at 12 o'clock he will turn into a pumpkin!

Watch things, Cinderella.
- Why?
- Your coachman is a rat!

Fairy to Cinderella: - Here, Cinderella, crystal shoes, here's a beautiful ball gown. And here's a Lada-Kalina. Oh, no, don't ... Take better pumpkin!

When you get a job, you feel like Little Red Riding Hood, when you work, you feel like Cinderella waiting for the ball, and when you ask for a raise, then hunters come to you with guns and your stepmother comes with a broom.

Intoxication types:
Cinderella - come home in one shoe.
Snow White - wake up with seven men in bed.
Red Hat - wake up in grandma's bed.
Sleeping Beauty - you don't remember anything for a hundred years
Mermaids - you smell like fish in the morning.
Angry Wolf - from fumes, the houses of the pigs are falling apart.
Mickey Mouse - ears are swollen, white gloves are on, but no tailcoat.
Columbus - you don't know where you are going, you arrived - you don't know where you are, and the state paid for the trip.

Cinderella found out that the Prince was cheating on her. Asks the Good Fairy to help.
- Okay, Cinderella - but you have only one and only wish, which will come true exactly at midnight! Speak ...
- I want me to have a lot, a lot of things that my Prince adores so much ...
No sooner said than done. Exactly at midnight, Cinderella enters the Prince's bedchamber and asks:
- Well, how?
- It's okay, - the Prince answers, - but I don't understand - why do you have s * eats like a pig?

Cinderella why are you crying? What happened?
- I can't go to the ball today !!!
- But why?
- Yes, because the ball is tomorrow!

sms for the good fairy: I missed midnight ... I'm drinking with rats in a pumpkin. Cinderella.

And the Fairy said to Cinderella: "At twelve o'clock, the magic will release and dry land will begin!"

Funny jokes for children about Cinderella
Two girls talking
- Well, after the fortune-telling, did you dream about your idol Klitschko?
- Yes, but after that I didn't like him.
- Why?
- You see, I dream that I am Cinderella, I go up to him, smile, and he looks at me with his magical gaze and says: “Cinderella, mind you, after the third blow your head will turn into a pumpkin ...”

Men are strange and illogical creatures. Take a princess - and do
from her Cinderella.

The series "The Hunt for Cinderella". A summary of the previous series: Nonna Mordyukova undergoes plastic surgery - now she is Amalia Mordvinova.

But remember, Cinderella! If you don't have time to return before midnight, you will get
into the pumpkin !!!

The chief of militia enters the duty unit and sees on the floor a huge pumpkin with arms and legs. The chief angrily asks the duty officer:
- What is your Halloween?
And the attendant answers:
- Duc criminal was caught, wanted to steal a carriage from Cinderella at midnight!

Cinderella why are you crying? What happened?
- I can't go to the ball today !!!
- But why?
- Yes, because the ball is tomorrow!

Mike Tyson says to Cinderella:
- And after the 12th blow, your head will turn into a pumpkin.

Cinderella get ready, otherwise you will be late for the ball ...
- Oh, about the ball! Can I make a carriage not from pumpkin, but from eggplant this time?
- Why?
- Well, can you imagine, I drive up like this in a purple Lamborghini, otherwise this yellow jeep got me!

Question to Armenian radio:
-Why did the good fairy from the fairy tale arrange everything in such a way that Cinderella had to leave the palace at midnight?
-The fairy was an experienced woman and understood perfectly well: if Cinderella does not run away late at night, the prince will disappear early in the morning!

Once upon a time there was a stepmother with her daughters and she had a worker called Cinderella. The stepmother left with her daughters to the ball, but she did not take Cinderella. Then the Fairy flew in and said to Cinderella: here's a golden carriage, here are black horses for you, here's a white dress. Go to the ball, but don't be late - exactly at midnight the dress will turn into a straitjacket, the carriage into the ward, and the horses into psychiatrists. Cinderella went to the ball, but she was late. I just jumped into the carriage - then the clock struck. She opens her eyes - and all around the psychiatric ward and the orderlies in dressing gowns, she looked at herself in the mirror - instead of a dress, a strait-jacket, and she herself is no longer Cinderella, but some kind of mustachioed peasant - Pyotr Petrovich Ivanko. This true story was recorded from his words.

But remember, Cinderella, that exactly at midnight your head will turn into a pumpkin! - shouted the fairy godmother in pursuit of the leaving carriage, but Cinderella did not hear her. This is how Halloween was born!

The old fairy messed things up again. At the twelfth stroke of the clock, the prince turned into a lame, shabby rat. And only Cinderella did not change at all, she stood aside and nervously adjusted the crown on her pumpkin every minute ...

All the same Utkin (during the break of the Dynamo Kiev-Juventus match (March 1998).
Dynamo loses something 1: 2 or something 1: 3)
-It's not yet evening, that is, already evening, but not yet midnight, and Cinderella's shoe
has not yet turned into a PUMPKIN.


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