Business plan for an advertising agency with calculations - how to open an advertising agency. How to open your own advertising agency: nuances and business analysis Ready-made business plan for advertising

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Where should you start with an advertising agency business plan? It depends on how exactly you plan to start in this business. Some people count on a good initial investment and expect it to be repaid very quickly, while others have to hope to start the project from scratch. Both have a good chance of succeeding in business.

Main mission of the project

This is the mission that an advertising agency fulfills because it helps hundreds and thousands of people succeed. There are many people who have good organizational skills, feel the needs of potential customers and the mood of the market, are able to produce good goods and services themselves, but cannot sell it all. For this reason, their projects fail, they are forced to close their enterprises, although all they lacked was competent promotion.

In this case, traditional advertising agencies, which act in a formulaic manner, quickly sink these projects, draining thousands of advertising budgets. They do not recommend bringing clients, but suggest using the advertising budget by completing a chain of simple actions, including developing a beautiful flyer or banner design, hanging or distributing printed materials. Their advertising is ineffective.

Customers are already tired of all this, although there is no particular alternative. The need for advertising is only increasing, but there is also considerable competition in this market. At the start, you need to try to distance yourself from competitors, to offer potential clients something that would distinguish them favorably from all other agencies. But the main thing is to bring real consumers to the customer. Set this mission for your advertising venture. If you manage to perform this task regularly, then there will be no end to customers.

What does it take to start traditionally?

What does a traditional advertising business look like and what does it take? Most advertising agencies offer the following range of development and creation services:

  • layouts;
  • banners;
  • business cards;
  • flyers;
  • logos.

Profitability in this area reaches 40-50%. For some reason, this is called a business based on creativity, but there is no smell of special creativity here, because basically some kind of hackneyed template or its processing is offered. Example of the cost of some services:

  • they offer to develop the script for 12-15 thousand rubles or more;
  • a logo costs from 20 thousand rubles;
  • development of a panel layout of 18 m2 - from 7-8 thousand rubles;
  • original layout of a corporate publication - from 20 thousand rubles;
  • advertising layout for a magazine - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • corporate identity - from 70 thousand rubles.

No one can guarantee that the money spent on the developed layout will somehow pay off. It is very good if a new enterprise:

  • may purchase or rent space on which advertising is carried out and lease or sublease it;
  • it produces advertising in the form of signs, stands, etc.;
  • has the potential to sell advertising via the Internet (creation of sales pages, business card sites, their promotion, etc.).

To do this, at the initial stage, the following investments in equipment will be required:

  • several computers with high performance for design work and software for them from 2 thousand dollars;
  • printing equipment used to produce signs, business cards, banners - from 15 thousand dollars;
  • good Internet channel and dedicated telephone line - depending on tariffs;
  • office furniture - from $500;
  • stationery, materials for making products - from $500.

In general, at the start you will have to count on an amount of 20 thousand dollars, because you will also need to create a company website, invest in promoting advertising services, pay for the rent of the premises while everything is being set up and repaired. Finally, finding staff and customers will take some time.

Personnel you will need:

  • designer;
  • creative;
  • agency services promotion manager.

As soon as everything is ready, the staff has been hired, the equipment has been purchased, you need to start looking for clients, although this should be done earlier.

Why start from scratch?

But you don’t have to buy expensive equipment. It is enough to have a computer and a telephone, good Internet - the minimum that is needed for your own advertising agency. As for the necessary printing equipment, printing can be ordered from agencies that have it. There is no need to worry that once you produce printed materials for your client, they will intercept him.

First, they don't know that you are not a representative of the client themselves. And secondly, unlike this print shop, you don’t just provide a banner or some kind of layout. Your agency is not selling advertising. It solves the client’s problem of promoting his goods and services. And printed materials in this solution are only one of the tools, and not the main one, while traditional advertising ends there.

Therefore, in the business plan of an advertising agency (Appendix No. 1), there is no need to enter any value at all in the column that lists the costs of purchasing equipment and hiring personnel. Everyone has a computer and a telephone, and stable Internet does not require a lot of money.

Some people think that it takes a lot of money to start an advertising business. But that's not true. You need money to create your own image and brand. How to do it? 100% markup on services, even on business cards. Having received the order, taking a 50% advance payment, we have already paid for the order and broke even. The remaining 50% is your profit. Having received several thousand rubles in profit from your first order, invest in the provision of advertising services in your business. You can and should start working in the advertising business from scratch.

How to be different from others?

Regardless of whether you start with all the necessary equipment or from complete scratch, for the successful development of the project you will have to follow the basic principle - to combine technologies, people and their capabilities. It's easy to say, but not difficult to do if you approach the process creatively.

For example, many types of businesses prefer online advertising. This is especially true for small businesses, for which this type of promotion is very accessible and effective. At the same time, every day hundreds of thousands of people travel by subway or other public transport. Almost everyone is on their own gadget, be it a smartphone or tablet. If at this time he sees an advertisement with an attractive title and a site address, he will be able to enter it through his own device.

But on the page of the Internet resource itself (selling page, business card website, one-page website), it is taken into circulation by the main appeal, pictures, special offers and the offer itself. That is, the task of printed products should not include selling the product or service itself, it should be an impetus for a potential client to move further along the sales funnel, which is built by the advertising agency. The advertising market has changed, now offline complements online advertising.

That is why blind copying of one element by a competitor will not bring clients to the customer. This means that even if the customer is offered to order printed products directly, this will not suit him. By placing an order directly from those who print the banner or flyer, he will save 1-2 thousand rubles, but overall he will lose: this tool will not fit into the overall sales system. This approach to working with customers can be built into offers not of any individual services, but of a whole complex, when cases are offered to potential clients of an advertising agency.

Expect to open your own website right away. A website is absolutely necessary, it’s not even discussed. Nobody canceled orders online. An agency is exactly the same small business that needs cheap and fast promotion. Try to focus on interpersonal relationships with clients, which play a big role. Observe the deadlines and accuracy of order fulfillment.

Use the power of social networks. A lot of people live on social networks, so make it work for you, rather than you being on it. But the group should be conducted in an interesting and non-persistent manner. You don't need to sell it right away. Sales should be unobtrusive.

Create a short, convenient, memorable number. Parallel it with an email inbox so that people send an email and match the address with the phone number. There is no need to worry about a landline phone, since there is no urgent need for it. At a basic level, learn the graphic editor Photoshop or CorelDraw.

Place such a unique selling proposition (hereinafter referred to as USP) with a good offer on the agency’s website in order to differ from competitors. Example: free delivery of printed materials or a manager or designer coming to the customer’s office. Please note that the more time you spend on a client, the more responsiveness you can expect from him.

The USP is better to offer a range of services. Having made a banner, the customer will find that there is no one and nowhere to place it. Advertising is not running. One banner requires a range of services - design development, preparation of an offer, printing, finding a location and hanging. Offer all this to your clients in one package. You can enter into partnerships with other entrepreneurs to perform other services.

You need to post enthusiastic real reviews on the site, even if they are about the production of a slogan or business cards.

Some important points at work

First, be prepared for refusals; don’t let them be a disappointment to you. Know that everyone needs advertising and no one will refuse new clients. So this time you were unconvincing. Second, don’t offer a process, offer an end result. If you provide them with new clients, they will stay with you forever.

Where can you get ideas about recruiting customers for the agency and clients for them? They are everywhere. Pay attention to the example with low-quality advertising that is hanging, come up with your own version, test it using the network’s capabilities and offer it to a potential customer who is already wasting their budget on low-quality advertising.

Keep in mind that your first clients must be completely confident that you are being honest with them. Otherwise, they will run away, sensing any falsehood. Show yourself as a specialist, speak in a clear language, partner with large advertising agencies that may have customers that are not suitable for them in price and size.

Don't just show up and say you're a newbie. A website, business cards, your own style - all this shows the customer that you are a professional. Be sure to include all your first works in your portfolio so that it grows very quickly. Publish on the site materials about the emergence of innovations in the field of advertising, about new equipment, new technologies. This shows the professionalism of the agency itself. And this needs to be done as quickly as possible.

If it so happens that the customer needs a nosebleed to know how long you have been working in the market, do not lie. Showy efficiency is one thing, and outright lies are another. Admit that you haven’t been in this business for long, but you’re ready to be creative and show what the customer won’t find in other agencies with their formulaic thinking.

Many people are attracted to this business by the high margins and the ability to recoup investments in a few months. If you go the other way, offering clients not a process, but the end result, as few do, the agency can grow into a large enterprise with millions in turnover. Today there are no problems with the production of goods and services, but there is a high demand for their sale. The main thing is to learn how to satisfy this demand. And this is an art that needs to be comprehended.

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Ever since trade and market relations and goods arose in the world, there has been an urgent need for advertising. This is not only the engine of progress, but also an integral companion of the market. Today it is difficult to imagine even a small private company entering the market without accompanying advertising services. The need for advertising is proven by the huge number of agencies that appear on the market every year. But, despite fierce competition, these companies are not able to satisfy the growing consumer demand for advertising services, which indicates the relevance of this business idea.

General description of the service

Pros and cons of a business idea


  1. High demand. Any company, no matter what type of service or product it offers, needs advertising.
  2. Regular customers. Despite high competition, creativity and quality will help create a loyal customer base.
  3. High profitability. With a well-integrated marketing strategy and professional staff, you can quickly achieve payback and good profitability.
  4. Minimum investment.


High competition. This disadvantage flows smoothly from the advantage of high demand. The higher the demand, the more supply - this is the law of the market. Therefore, in order to adequately enter the market with this idea and successfully implement it, you will need to put in enough effort, conduct a good marketing campaign and study the competitive environment, identifying weaknesses.

Despite the huge competition in the advertising services market, it should be noted that there is a great demand. As demand grows, so does the volume of services companies need. Assessing the entire scope of this market, seasonality should be noted, but it does not fully affect the business.

Creativity is an important criterion

Among other services and goods, this industry is one of the most promising today. With proper planning and development of the company, you can achieve a profitability of 15-20% in a short time and make a good profit.

The advantage of this type of business is the constantly growing demand for services. As long as new companies exist and appear on the market, the demand for advertising services will only grow. Companies are interested in establishing their market positions, outperforming competitors and promoting their products. That is why they turn to advertising agencies for professional help.

In order to occupy your niche and successfully implement your business idea of ​​opening an advertising agency, you need to develop a unique marketing strategy and find strong competitive advantages.

Important qualities for agency leaders in this business are an analytical mind, flexibility and ingenuity. The best option would be to search for personnel in accordance with these requirements. If the owner of the companies has not previously worked in this field, then it makes sense to hire a professional who already has experience in advertising. Only if these conditions are met can you count on the successful development and income of the company.

SWOT analysis of an advertising agency

At the stage of market research, it is important to perform a SWOT analysis of an advertising agency, which takes into account external and internal factors influencing the success of the company's development.


  • possibility of an individual approach;
  • strong professional team;
  • high level of service;
  • wide range of services;
  • minimal investment.

Weak sides

  • lack of reputation;
  • strong competition;
  • lack of regular customers.


  • changes in advertising technologies;
  • searching for profitable suppliers;
  • high level of differentiation in this business segment.
  • price fluctuations or dumping by competitors;
  • emergence of new technologies from competitors;
  • decrease in business activity and decrease in demand for services.

Search for target audience

Potential clients will be existing companies in the market. Analyze the market in the area where you plan to operate and see whose services these companies mainly use. Identify weaknesses and opportunities that you can offer to companies.

When opening a company, it is important to understand who your services will be intended for: large, medium or small businesses. The number of personnel, equipment, choice of premises and service depend on the correct definition of the target audience.

It will be quite difficult to enter the market and immediately try to hunt for the “big fish”. As a rule, large companies with huge advertising budgets already work under long-term contracts with advertising agencies. It will be very difficult to lure such a client without an established reputation and work experience.

Identification of main competitors

You also need to identify your main competitors. These can be large advertising publications, TV channels, radio stations, etc.

These can be broad-profile companies that work with consumers in all areas of advertising services, or they can be narrowly focused companies that provide services only in a certain way (development of slogans, creation of websites, business cards, advertising brochures, etc.).

Determination of pricing policy

In order to enter the market and occupy your niche, it is necessary to correctly determine the pricing policy and offer the consumer the optimal price-quality ratio. It is this criterion that the buyer takes into account when choosing a Seller.

This criterion is unlikely to interest serious buyers who constantly turn to specialized companies for advertising services.

Here you need to rely on creativity and quality. As a rule, large companies have a large advertising budget. Considering the high market positions of these companies, it is important for them to maintain their competitive advantages, which means they will give preference to the advertising agency that offers higher quality, original and effective advertising.

If you plan to occupy an average niche in the market, and the main competitors will be small companies providing services to small businesses, then you should focus on price. But it is not recommended to lower the price. Otherwise, it will negatively affect profitability and your reputation. By offering the lowest price on the market, you simply cannot maintain a staff of professionals. And staff plays a key role in this business.

The best option would be to maintain the average market price, so before entering the market, carefully analyze your competitors' offers.

Advertising agency services

Having analyzed the market for these services in your region and familiarized yourself with the offers of competitors, it is important to highlight popular and related services that you can offer to clients.

The main services may be:

  • advertising brochures;
  • creation and support of websites;
  • creating business cards;
  • outdoor advertising;
  • banner printing;
  • creation of souvenir products;
  • advertising in transport;
  • conducting advertising campaigns (presentations, promotion of meetings, etc.)

An additional range of services that will help not only generate income, but also attract clients through partners can be:

  • promotion of companies through social networks;
  • naming;
  • development of advertising strategy;
  • consultations.

Making a business plan

Having determined the feasibility of a business idea to open an advertising agency, it is very important to draw up a plan for its implementation. Beginners often make the mistake of starting a business without clearly planned actions, without calculating payback and financial risks.

This leads to the fact that already at the first stage of work, novice businessmen are faced with problems of finding clients and selling products.

A well-drafted plan is the key to successful activities. The document demonstrates an analysis of the market environment, identifies the main competitors, indicates the payback period and profitability of the business. Therefore, do not think that drafting a document is a waste of time.

In addition, if the initial capital is not enough to implement the project and you need help in the form of investors, you definitely cannot do without such a document. No financial institution or private investor will agree to provide money for a project that has not been thoroughly studied and analyzed.

When writing a plan for investors, you can write two documents. The internal plan will reflect the real state of affairs and indicate all the weaknesses of the project, risks, number of competitors, etc. An external document will demonstrate the project from its advantageous side.

Please note that we are not talking about hiding facts and distorting figures. Each business project, as shown by SWOT analysis, has strengths and weaknesses. So think about how to demonstrate your business idea to investors and business partners.

Where to start?

To make it easier for you to implement the project, let’s immediately define the main stages of preparation.

  1. Preparation of documents and company registration.
  2. Organizational plan:
  • search for premises;
  • equipment purchase;
  • personnel search.
  1. Marketing plan
  2. Financial plan

Planning is an important stage of business

As for the document itself, it must be drawn up in strict accordance with this structure:

  1. Summary – This section describes the relevance of the idea. Also here you need to indicate general provisions, state the mission and objectives of the company, and the range of services provided.
  2. General provisions – this section contains general information about the company and its founders.
  3. Sources of financing - indicates whether there is an investor. The amount of initial investment.
  4. Market analysis indicates capacity, filling with these services. Indicates the strengths and weaknesses of the project. Here it is advisable to conduct a SWOT analysis of the company.
  5. An organizational plan is a clear guide to action that shows the direction of activity step by step (registering a business, purchasing equipment, searching for personnel, etc.)
  6. Marketing and strategic plan - this section is devoted to the development of marketing enterprises for market promotion and customer search.
  7. The production plan includes a detailed list of issues related to the purchase of equipment and machinery.
  8. The financial plan reflects the necessary expenses, projected profits, profitability and payback forecast.

In addition to this plan, it will be possible to draw up a table that will allow for analysis and identification of risks and opportunities for the project.

Study competitiveness factors using the following criteria:

  • individual approach to clients;
  • service list;
  • price policy;
  • reputation;
  • company location;
  • professionalism of the team;
  • efficiency in fulfilling requests.

When analyzing financial risks, it is advisable to include in the calculation scheme data on loan repayment and attracted investor funds, if the company was not opened at the expense of its own initial capital.


Compared to other types of activities, to launch a project to open an advertising agency, you do not need a large package of documents.

To register a company, you need to decide on the form of legal activity (individual entrepreneur, OJSC, LLC, etc.), submit an application and pay the registration fee.

If you decide to register an individual entrepreneur, this will require a minimum of time and documents. An application, a passport and payment of a fee of 800 rubles are required.

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • individual entrepreneur registration certificate;
  • a document confirming tax registration;
  • premises rental agreement;
  • medical records of employees (if you hire staff);
  • permission from the fire service and sanitary and epidemiological station.

Opening an LLC will require a more labor-intensive procedure:

  • Payment of 50% of the authorized capital upon registration (at least 10 thousand rubles). In this case, the second part of the capital must be paid during the first year of the project launch.
  • Payment of state duty in the amount of 6,500 rubles.
  • statement;
  • charter;
  • a copy of the minutes of the founders' meeting.

Organizational plan

This section of the business plan serves as a guide to finding personnel, premises, renting and purchasing equipment.

Pay attention not only to the points in this section, but also to the deadlines for completing each one.

Search for premises

It is unlikely that you will be able to conclude a contract with a serious client if you save on renovations and receive visitors in the old premises.

The best option would be to choose an office in the city center. Also consider the number of floors of the office. You should not rent a room on the upper floors; visitors simply may not come to you. Also pay attention to a beautiful sign that will not only attract the attention of clients, but also demonstrate the level of creativity and quality of the advertising agency.

When searching for premises, consider the following parameters:

  • renovation must be fresh and of high quality;
  • work space for 4-5 employees of at least 40 square meters;
  • convenient parking for clients;
  • transport accessibility.

Be sure to check your connection to the Internet, because the work of an advertising agency is directly related to this factor.

Equipment purchase

The costs of this stage are clearly related to the specifics of the services that you plan to implement.

  • set for printing and presentations;
  • photo and video equipment;
  • 3 computers (laptops);
  • means of communication;
  • chairs;
  • tables;
  • cabinets;
  • chairs for clients;
  • stationery.

With a minimum start-up capital, you can purchase working used equipment. Subsequently, with the development of the company, you can always increase its level and purchase new equipment.

You should not save on equipment that will directly “work” for the company’s image. This is an inkjet color printer with CISS, MFP, heat press, etc.

Personnel search

As in any other type of business, personnel are a key factor in the success of a company. Profit will directly depend on the professionalism and creativity of employees.

Therefore, when starting the personnel search stage for an advertising agency, it is important to determine the quality criteria by which the selection will be made.

  • creativity of thinking;
  • communication skills;
  • ability to understand people;
  • stress resistance.

In addition to these personal qualities, of course, experience in this field and professionalism are required. In accordance with the selected range of services that you plan to implement in your project, you will determine a list of professional skills that the employee must have. These include the ability to work in graphic editors, the ability to compose advertising texts and slogans, work with promotion on social networks, etc.

You can start a project with a minimum number of people. To provide a full range of services, the following specialists will be needed:

  • manager;
  • marketer;
  • artist (aka designer);
  • computer technology specialist;
  • operator;
  • Poster of advertisements.

At the first stage, you may have to turn to third-party companies for some types of services (printing posters, banners, advertising in the media).

If you have a large amount of initial capital and can afford to hire the necessary specialists and purchase the appropriate equipment, then this will not be necessary.

Marketing plan

When developing a marketing plan, it is worth focusing on its main components:

  • An integrated approach to providing services. This service involves the provision of full cycle services. This will allow you to develop a base of regular customers who will not feel comfortable turning to other companies for specific types of services.
  • Focus on small and medium-sized businesses. Considering the high competition in the market and the lack of an established reputation, you should immediately focus your attention on small and medium-sized companies.
  • Average pricing policy.

Now it is important to think about the directions in which your own promotion of services will be implemented.

  1. Creating your own website. This part of the work can be entrusted to one of the employees. It is important to rely on a beautiful, clear interface, which will contain up-to-date information about the full list of services, prices, and promotions.
  2. Promoting the company through social networks. This stage of the marketing plan can also be assigned to the employee.
  3. Sending commercial offers to companies.
  4. Advertising on radio and TV.

A powerful marketing strategy will quickly gain trust and increase company recognition. But under no circumstances engage in cheap advertising. Advertisements at bus stops, near the metro and entrances are a strategic mistake that should never be made.

It is better to personally send the sales market expansion manager for personal negotiations with clients, where he will leave beautiful printed products. The success of your business will depend on the quality of your personal advertising.

It’s not particularly worth relying on the “word of mouth” effect in the first year of work. The advertising business is such an area that it will take you at least 2-3 years to create a base of regular customers.

In order to immediately enter the market, you must create your own website. Today, about 50% of all orders can be received via the Internet. Follow the deadlines and accuracy of order fulfillment and you will very quickly create a base of regular customers.

Video. What do you need to open an advertising agency?

Costs and payback

Initial expenses are associated with renting premises, repairs, purchasing equipment and registering a company.

  • office space rental;
  • purchase of furniture and equipment;
  • Payment of utility services;
  • staff salaries.

For Moscow, start-up capital will be required in the amount of 500-700 thousand rubles.

For regions, this amount can be reduced to 250 thousand rubles.

Below we will give an example of the costs and income of an advertising agency that opens in a small city of 300 thousand people.

Costs required to open an agency:

  • registration and paperwork – 30 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of furniture – 80 thousand rubles;
  • renovation of the premises – 60 thousand rubles
  • purchase of equipment – ​​300 thousand rubles;
  • advertising launch – 30 thousand rubles.

Total 500 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses

  • rental of premises (up to 40 square meters) – 50 thousand rubles;
  • communication services, Internet – 5 thousand rubles;
  • carrying out promotional events – 10 thousand rubles;
  • taxes – 5 thousand rubles;
  • employees' wages are 80 thousand rubles.

Total: 150 thousand rubles.

Of course, these are very approximate figures and largely depend on the nature of the activity, the scale of production and the list of services provided.

Experts say that about 40% of the agency’s total income comes from:

  • development and creation of a logo;
  • development of corporate identity;
  • creation of business cards and advertising brochures.
  • Monthly income – 250,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 80,000 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 500,000 rubles.
  • Payback period – from 7 months.

Video. Opening an advertising agency. Promotion

Our target audience is medium and small-level companies, since most large enterprises already have long-term contracts with large PR companies. First, it is planned to open a small advertising agency, where several specialists of different professional orientations will work. We will offer clients consulting, choosing a strategy for promoting the company in accordance with the wishes and budget of the customer, and creating a script for an advertising campaign. A guarantee of the quality of our agency’s services will be the knowledge about marketing of the owner of the enterprise and his experience in a managerial position in an advertising company. He himself will serve as the director of the company.

We will set average tariffs for this type of business. Too high cost of services can scare off potential clients. And prices that are too low compared to competitors will arouse suspicion.

To make our business competitive, we will place emphasis on an individual approach to each client and creative solutions to the tasks assigned to them. To do this, you need to hire qualified specialists who work responsibly and with soul. The best proof of their professionalism will be a well-thought-out marketing campaign of our agency. Also, new clients should be attracted by positive recommendations from customers who are satisfied with the services provided to them.

To produce printed products (business cards, leaflets, booklets, banners and posters) and souvenirs with company logos, we will cooperate with the printing industry. Subsequently, as the business expands, it is planned to establish its own production.

Starting a business

To register an agency, we choose the LLC form, so that in the future we can expand the circle of our clients by participating in tenders and fulfilling government orders. When registering with the tax service, select the simplified tax system and OKVED codes:

  • 0 “Advertising activities.”
  • 13 “Research of market conditions and identification of public opinion.”
  • 81 “Activities in the field of photography.”
  • 22 “Printing execution of advertising materials.”
  • 25 “Other printing activities.”
  • 40 “Activities of news agencies.”
  • 20 “Activities in the field of radio broadcasting and television.”

We open a bank account to receive payment for services by bank transfer. We order a seal with the company logo for concluding contracts.

Costs for registration of starting a business:

Office location

We rent a room of 50 sq. m with a partition in an office center for 15,000 rubles. The smaller part of the room that is fenced off will be the director's office. The advantages of such placement:

  • Availability of convenient access roads and parking spaces.
  • Good condition of the premises (no need to spend money on repairs).
  • High-quality office lighting and ventilation.
  • Cleaning of the premises by the center's technical staff.
  • Availability of cables for connecting the Internet and telephone.
  • The location of the center is in one of the busiest areas of the city.

Room equipment

To prepare the office for work we will need:

Tables, 7 pcs. (we’ll put two in the director’s office in the shape of the letter T, so that there is space for negotiations and meetings, one for the kitchen corner, 4 for employees) 14 000
Chairs for employees, 10 pcs. 10 000
Chairs for clients, 4 pcs. 8 000
Good quality computers with software, 5 pcs. 250 000
Copier, printer, scanner, 1 pc. 15 000
Cash register, 1 pc. 15 000
Router for WI-FI operation 1 000
Electric kettle 1 000
Microwave 5 000
Dishes 500
Document storage racks 6 000
Total 325 500


The agency will work on weekdays from 10:00 to 18:00. Employees will have a five-day working week in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

At first, the role of the head of the agency should be performed by the owner himself; knowledge and experience will help him to be a competent leader. He negotiates with clients, distributes responsibilities, organizes and controls the work of employees. Also, the owner-director will have to take on all the calculations, at least at first. Subsequently, you can resort to outsourcing services.

The manager determines the circle of potential clients, sends them commercial proposals, conducts telephone and personal negotiations with clients and partners, organizes work on projects at all stages, and monitors compliance with deadlines.

A web designer (artist) develops sketches of printed products, monitors the accuracy of their production, and creates image layouts for advertising in the media and the Internet.

An IT specialist ensures high-quality operation of the Internet, computer equipment, and equips it with new software. Helps in the development of online advertising.

Staff wage costs are presented in the table:

In the future, when our agency develops, income will become larger and easier to predict; to motivate employees, percentages of total profits will be added to their salaries.


To promote an advertising agency, there is no need to contact other organizations. All stages of a marketing campaign can be carried out by their own specialists. Advertising will not be intrusive, so as not to undermine the authority of our company in the eyes of potential customers.

The marketer and manager will prepare a commercial proposal and send it to enterprises that may be interested in it.

An IT specialist and a web designer will develop the company’s website. It is important that there is fresh, useful information for customers. A well-designed website is not only the best advertising, but also an example of the services that we can offer to customers.

Also, an IT specialist, as an experienced Internet user, determines where and under what conditions it is most profitable to place information about the agency on the Internet. A web designer and marketer will develop a layout for advertising in the media and select a publication. Starting investment in marketing is 50,000.

It is optimal to work according to the base of the business creator at the start. To do this, he himself needs to be a qualified advertising specialist. By the way, in this case it will be possible to put his own advertising cases in the portfolio. A portfolio is the best advertising tool in this field of activity.

Financial plan

Monthly costs are presented in the table:

At first, it is planned to carry out five projects every month, the expected profitability of which will be 200,000 rubles. The monthly profit is 60,000 rubles. Excluding taxes – 51,000 (60,000 x 15%).

Start-up costs are presented in the table:

Starting a business 29 000
Office equipment 325 500
Marketing 50 000
Total 406 500

To determine the payback period, we divide the initial investment by the net profit. It turns out 3-4 months. Profitability – 36%.

To successfully run this type of business as an advertising agency, first of all, you need professional and active employees. The manager himself must have a good understanding of the business, be able to motivate employees and constantly monitor their work. Advertising company specialists must be creative, professionally savvy people who know how to negotiate.

The advertising field is developing every year: any start-up company is interested in rapid development and attracting customers. Specialized advertising agencies offer professional assistance in this matter. Due to the high demand for advertising services, it makes sense to start your own business in this direction. Below is a detailed business plan for an advertising agency from scratch with approximate calculations and development forecast for 2019.

Advertising agency: project goals

The company's type of activity will be formulated as an advertising production enterprise, placing a finished advertising product on the agency's advertising platforms.

Main goals of the project:

  • — opening and development of a highly profitable advertising agency;
  • — obtaining profits at a high level;
  • — filling a vacant niche in the advertising services market.

The summary of the future project based on preliminary calculations will look like this:

  • — starting investments – about 2 million rubles;
  • — investment return period – 10-24 months;
  • - net profit of the project - from 330 thousand rubles per month.

To prepare for opening an advertising agency, you will need to contact a banking institution to obtain a commercial loan for business development. The approximate loan size is 1 million 900 thousand rubles. It is the loan funds that will become the main part of the start-up investment in opening an enterprise, so the total cost of the project will be equal to the amount of lending. The total amount of interest paid, or investor income, will be 129.5 thousand rubles. It is planned to repay the borrowed funds from the first month of operation of the enterprise. Provided the interest rate on the loan is 17.5%, the payback period should reach 18 months, and the total economic effect for the conditional life cycle of the project under consideration is 1 million 135 thousand rubles.

Such calculations are very approximate and require confirmation. Therefore, the financial part of the plan contains detailed calculations of costs and future profits for all main points.

Advertising agency: features and characteristics of the object

Most modern companies do not do their own advertising. In most cases, they entrust this task to professionals - advertising agencies, which saves time and achieves greater efficiency. Agency specialists analyze each specific situation, draw up a specific task relevant to a specific client, create and approve a plan. Based on the results of the work performed, agency managers prepare a presentation and media plan, coordinating it with the customer.

When planning to open a business, you need to consider all the tasks that are set for advertising, and therefore for its creators:

  • — informing about the range of goods or services, features and advantages of their use;
  • — informing potential consumers about the availability of new products;
  • — shaping the tastes of the target audience;
  • — offers to make seasonal purchases, which may be associated with any events, such as discounts or sales;
  • - an appeal to purchase goods or services from a specific company, which promotes trade interests;
  • — informing about new or more convenient places to purchase goods;
  • — message to representatives of the target audience about expanding the range of goods or improving their quality;
  • — stimulating demand among buyers.

Thus, the main task of the agency will be to create advertising to attract the attention of potential consumers to the object of advertising - a product or service. Most advertising products are based on a creative component - a creative approach allows you to fix the image of a certain brand in the thinking of a potential consumer and create a strong association between the product and the company.

Advertising agencies can be divided into two groups – creative and media. The first type of enterprise specializes in creating advertising, the second - in its placement and delivery to the addressee. These two main areas can be combined in one company, but there are also agencies with a more narrow specialization. For example, companies engaged in interactive marketing, event marketing, branding, communication design and other areas. Their target audience may be somewhat narrower, but such enterprises have a sufficient audience due to the high level of services provided in their field.

Most advertising agencies have this structure:

  1. — customer service department - managers who act as a link between clients and the advertising agency itself;
  2. — strategic planning department. His department includes communication planning, work with consumer research and development of advertising campaign strategy;
  3. — creative department – ​​a department that creates the creative part of the product. The basis is a strategy previously developed by specialists. This department employs copywriters who create the text element of advertising, and specialists responsible for the visuals. This department is usually headed by a creative director;
  4. - Production Department. Its representatives - designers and pre-press specialists - directly work on the implementation of an already created idea;
  5. — media planning department – ​​responsible for placing advertising in media of sufficient relevance;
  6. - the department responsible for advertising on television and other media, on the Internet and outdoor advertising.

Thus, the full range of services performed and offered by the agency includes the following aspects:

  1. — development and construction of a strategy for a specific advertising campaign;
  2. — generating ideas for advertising;
  3. — media planning, which involves creating a campaign plan structured by media;
  4. — purchase of advertising in the media according to the placement plan agreed with the customer;
  5. — production of finished advertising products;
  6. — analysis of campaign effectiveness.

The plan is to create a medium-sized agency, so it may not be strictly structured due to the limited number of employees and the lack of many departments. Therefore, when planning to open a company, you should give preference to multidisciplinary specialists. Some functions can be entrusted to partner companies, and freelance specialists can also be involved.

Stages of opening an advertising agency

  1. — development of the strategy and format of the future organization;
  2. — preparation of documentation, opening a business entity and obtaining a license;
  3. — rent or purchase of office space;
  4. — purchase and installation of equipment, computers and office equipment;
  5. - recruitment of staff;
  6. - advertising campaign, customer search.
Stages Execution conditions Deadlines
Start of the project 1 – 2 year
1 month project First 30 banking days
Getting a loan Availability of a mandatory package of documents 1 month
Entry into the state register, registration with administrative and tax authorities Concluded investment agreement From 1 to 30 calendar days
Selecting a location, completing documentation Preliminary work 1 month
Purchase of equipment Conclusion of an investment agreement Up to 30 calendar days
Equipment installation Receiving investment funds Up to 30 calendar days
Hiring Production activities Up to 30 calendar days
Training The end of the stage of organizing the production process Up to 30 days
Marketing campaign 30 calendar days Up to 360 calendar days
End of the project 12 – 24 months

Advertising agency office

Most of the work in advertising agencies is done remotely, so it is not necessary to open an office in the city center. But regardless of the geographical location, a well-furnished reception area is required where meetings with clients will take place.

The average advertising agency can be located in a standard office space of 60 square meters. meters. If the company is a full-cycle enterprise, its area should be larger: then it can be 100 or even more sq.m. If at first the company’s activities will mainly include the creative part, a minimal office will be suitable, because some employees will be able to do their work remotely at home. All these features will allow you to significantly save on rent and utilities.

Regardless of whether the agency will be located in the central part of the city or in a residential area, it must be equipped with a noticeable sign. Such outdoor advertising will become one of the important methods of attracting customers. The entrance to the office will need to be properly equipped with parking. The premises themselves are planned to be well zoned: since all employees will perform different work, it is important that their workplaces are located in different offices. Therefore, for a company of this kind, a standard office building is most suitable. Such premises, as a rule, do not require major repairs; they often have a telephone and Internet connection, and also have an advantageous territorial location.


The main office equipment are:

  • — computers with high-quality software;
  • - peripherals;
  • — furniture: tables and chairs for employees, cabinets, chairs and armchairs for clients and partners, full equipment of the reception area: reception desk, sofa for waiting visitors;
  • - if necessary - televisions;
  • - bandpass repeater.

If you plan to open a full-service agency, the set of tools and materials will be more extensive:

  • — hot melt adhesive machines;
  • — laminators;
  • — cutters;
  • — embossing press;
  • — office board and projection equipment;
  • — document shredder;
  • — mini-printing house;
  • - currency detector;
  • - Banknote Counter;
  • - various office supplies.

All technical equipment is selected in such a way that it meets existing quality standards and contributes to the growth of the company’s productivity. All equipment must meet safety standards for humans and the environment. And the estimated costs of its acquisition are necessarily included in the project’s marketing plan. In most cases, the technical part of the costs turns out to be the most expensive item in the business plan.


If the advertising agency is a full-cycle enterprise, the team will be larger. In this case, sheet collectors, folders, bookbinders and other workers responsible for performing the technical part of the work will be needed.

The peculiarity of this industry is that there are quite a lot of specialists on the market, but there is still a shortage of professional personnel. This is due to the fact that the country does not yet have a high-quality training system in the field of advertising. It takes about a month to find suitable specialists, so you should start recruiting in advance.

Official registration

Opening a business from scratch requires mandatory registration with the tax service. For a company providing advertising services, both common forms are suitable - LLC and individual entrepreneur. If you are planning a mini-format of the company without further expansion, you can definitely choose an individual entrepreneur. For a larger-scale project, which in the future should become a full-fledged complex for the development of advertising and the production of promotional products, it is better to immediately register a legal entity - LLC. An LLC will also be more suitable if there are several founders.

If during planning a decision was made to open a legal entity, it is necessary to study the provisions of the Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies” (). The document details the requirements that an enterprise must meet to obtain LLC status, as well as the contribution of authorized capital and other features.

Regardless of the format - LLC or individual entrepreneur, you need to submit an application to the Federal Tax Service, indicating the basic personal data of the founder and the OKVED code according to a special classifier. All types of advertising activities in this document can be found under code 73 (). To be sure that none of the services offered will go beyond the code selected by the classifier, the agency founder can select several thematic codes at once. To start a business in the advertising industry, you need to study the following regulatory documents:

Marketing campaign. Target audience and competitiveness b

The vast majority of modern enterprises, not only medium and large, but also small businesses, resort to advertising services. But, according to statistics, advertising specialists are most in demand among medium and large companies. These are:

  • chain stores,
  • manufacturing enterprises,
  • companies in the FMCG sector (offering everyday goods for sale),
  • large law firms.

As a rule, they place high demands on advertising agencies in terms of deadlines, reliability and adequacy of salaries.

Since the advertising market can already be considered mature, this business plan must contain an accurate plan for the company to reach the TOP. It is easier to organize the work of such an agency in the provinces than in big cities, but of course there will be an order of magnitude fewer orders there. Therefore, according to preliminary estimates, opening an advertising business in a big city, especially in Moscow or St. Petersburg, will be more promising.

There are several marketing features specific to this business. One of the most important is the impact of the economic crisis. In previous years, there was a serious crisis, as a result of which many market participants ceased to exist. As a result, only the strongest agencies remained on the market. This factor, as well as increasing competition, today is most relevant not so much to full-cycle advertising enterprises as to agencies offering a limited range of services.

The main positive feature influencing the development of the market can be considered the increasing demand for the services of advertising agencies. Even companies that have their own advertising department turn to specialized specialists to strengthen their position in the market.

There are currently more than 2.5 thousand advertising agencies operating in the capital alone. At the same time, from 2015 to 2018, the industry growth rate was about 13%. In the future, this figure should increase. At the same time, according to marketing research, over the past few years there has been a significant reformatting of the industry: advertising in the press has greatly lost ground, giving way to the Internet, especially social networks. In turn, outdoor advertising experiences significant restrictions from regulations. According to preliminary analysis, contextual online advertising is leading in terms of growing relevance today. Its growth rate is 45% with an upward trend. The growth rate of media advertising is 15%. In general, in the online advertising segment, the growth rate remains consistently the highest - it amounts to 43 percent.

If we summarize the information about the marketing plan of a business, we can conclude that the number of market participants is gradually growing, while the demand for advertising agency services remains at approximately the same level. This means that it is necessary to enter the market with a specific strategy, different from existing ones.

Even before the opening, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures to form consumer opinion and attract customers. The following methods will be effective for this:

  • — design and development of your own website;
  • — placement of advertising on your advertising platforms;
  • — creation of thematic videos;
  • — advertising in thematic media.

Effective methods of promoting a campaign include placing advertisements on television, where they will be seen by a large number of potential customers.

According to the established rule, any service will be promising if its target audience includes at least 1% of the economically active population. In the case of Russia, the number of potential clients should be from 780 thousand, which is very likely in the current conditions.

Risks and prospects

The positive thing is that the owner has a large amount of information that helps create new areas of profit, and useful connections. From such an agency itself, over time, a number of other companies can be developed:

  • Design Studio,
  • PR agency,
  • consulting company and others.
  1. — periodically intensifying economic crisis, reducing demand in most segments of the country’s services market;
  2. — high level of competition;
  3. — significant financial investments, especially when creating a full-cycle agency;
  4. — shortage of highly qualified specialists in the industry.

The prospects of a future company also depend on the success of choosing a market segment. Thus, an advertising agency can serve the following business segments:

— home offices: the actors here are individual entrepreneurs running their own business and seeking to develop and increase their client audience;

— small enterprises with less than 100 employees. They have a small budget, but are among the most important and numerous clients of advertising agencies;

— medium-sized companies, the number of which does not reach 500 people;

- large companies. Such enterprises, which have more than 500 employees, are considered the most solvent clients. But this category is small, and you will have to fight with competing companies for its position.

To fully enter the market, you should focus on all existing categories of potential customers. In this case, neither a possible crisis nor the activation of competitors pose a threat.

Financial plan

The financial component of the business plan includes the following main features:

1) First, the project load plan is calculated. It will take into account that during the first 3-6 months the advertising agency will work mainly “for itself” than for clients. This means that the focus will be primarily on advertising your own services. After the above period, the break-even point must be reached.

2) When making an initial analysis of the potential profit of a future enterprise, average figures relevant for this area of ​​the market are used:

The presented plan is standard, drawn up without taking into account the individual nuances of a particular plan. In relation to a specific plan and taking into account strictly planned cost items, the expenditure part should be calculated in several sections - starting, monthly and annual expenses. In this vein, the project's cost plan would be as follows:

Expense item For 1 month, rub. For the year, rub. One-time costs For the year, rub.
Purchase (or rent) of premises (from 60 sq.m.) 45000 540000 90000 630000
Purchase of equipment, 10 units. 34000 815000 815000
Purchasing computer equipment 69000 69000
Website creation and promotion, purchase of script, hosting, software 120000 120000
Advertising costs 45000 540000 540000
Salary (for 12 months) From 630000 From 7.5 million From 7.5 million
Tax payments (for 12 months) 190000 2 million 275 thousand 2 million 275 thousand
Unexpected expenses 110000 110000
Total from 700000 8 million 700 thousand 1 million 204 thousand 9.9 million

When planning an enterprise's income, you should consider the average prices for advertising services on the market. The minimum indicators will be as follows:

— logo development – ​​from 30 thousand;

— creation of a corporate identity for the brand – over 70 thousand;

— development of the original layout of a corporate publication – 25 thousand or more.

The peculiarity of the advertising business is that the product created in it does not have a specific cost. The cost of advertisers’ services depends almost entirely on their reputation in the market and their ability to recommend and sell their product to a client. However, although there cannot be an upper price limit in this industry, you initially need to start from the average market prices in your city and region.

The 2-year period considered in the plan is an approximate period for opening and bringing an advertising agency to self-sufficiency. The plan for production volumes and sales of agency services for this period can be divided into two main stages:

Period Type of service Volume of production and sales for 1 month. (PC.) price, rub. Sales revenue, rub.
1 – 12 months of investment Production of texts From 60 texts From 340 21700 or more
1 – 12 months of investment Creation of audio clips from 15 videos From 6800 107.5 thousand
1 – 12 months of investment Advertising From 30 ethers From 23000 716.8 thousand
1 – 12 months of investment From 1000 per month From 120 120 thousand
Production of texts From 64 texts From 380 24.5 thousand
13 – 24 months of operation Creation of audio clips from 16 videos From 7530 From 120.5 thousand
13 – 24 months of operation Advertising From 32 esters From 25000 800 thousand
13 – 24 months of operation Production of printed products From 1100 per month From 135 148.5 thousand

If the current market growth, currently 13% per year, remains at the same level, the enterprise’s annual sales volume will exceed 10 million rubles.

The sales forecast is made based on the following factors:

— conclusions on the analysis of the general state of the market for the provision of services in the advertising sector;

— general conclusions regarding the state of the corresponding market segment. The profitability threshold for calculations will be the lowest, which will make the analysis as objective and accurate as possible.

The taxes required to be paid by any private enterprise, regardless of the type of activity and the chosen taxation system, are as follows:

So, the business plan of an advertising agency is one of the modern and popular areas of the service industry. This industry is specific, since its target audience is business entities of various sizes. Since advertising services do not belong to the sphere of essential needs, this type of activity is significantly influenced by crisis phenomena in the economy. At the same time, with a competent marketing campaign and high quality of services provided, popular agencies have a chance to maintain their positions even in economically unfavorable periods. With a successful start and active development, the enterprise pays off within 2 years.

Advertising is an integral part of any business, product or service that appears on the market for the first time and needs to attract attention. Therefore, you can safely bet on the business plan of an advertising agency with calculations and its success. Since the demand for effective and high-quality advertising products is constantly growing. Therefore, this direction can be considered a very promising type of activity. In our case, this organization will distribute advertising information, as well as print it on tickets in public transport. We plan to open our organization in .

  1. Every year the growth in advertising services only increases.
  2. The advertising that will be printed on the tickets will definitely reach the end consumer.
  3. Placing this type of advertising is an extremely effective way.
  4. The company on behalf of which we will work has been operating since 2007.
  5. She is reliable.

Products and services provided by the organization

Any outdoor or full-cycle advertising agency is a type of activity that will remain afloat in any economic situation in the country, since the growth of new organizations is only increasing every year. The area we have chosen is one of the most effective ways to promote goods and services.

This type of activity is suitable only if the city has more than 300 thousand inhabitants.

We choose a ticket as an advertising medium. Its format is 9 by 5 centimeters, the advertising will be in color, and printing will be applied on both sides. The printing will be applied in-house by the agency using the best equipment and materials.

  1. The size is 9 by 5 centimeters.
  2. Advertising will be placed on each side of the ticket.
  3. Continuous numbering of tickets.
  4. Tickets will be glued together from the end part.
  5. The paper used is offset, weighing 80 grams.
  6. Each pack of tickets will consist of 200 or 250 pieces.
  • Accurate delivery to the end consumer. When starting a trip, a ticket is given to everyone, since it must be kept throughout the entire journey, so the passenger will have enough time to familiarize himself with the information.
  • The ticket has a small and convenient shape; it can be easily stored in a wallet if necessary.
  • The effectiveness of advertising is very easy to track. If you print on it information about providing a discount upon presentation of a ticket.
  • Ability to select target audience. You can cover both the entire city and specific areas.
  • The advertising medium is very interesting in design.
  • Thanks to our own equipment for creating advertising, reaching one person will not cost so much.
  1. Can be done quickly.
  2. Conducting business will be as simple as possible, since the entire work algorithm will be presented by the franchisor.
  3. Thanks to fast ticket sales, performance can be assessed immediately.
  4. One advertising medium has a low cost.
  5. Partners will always keep in touch with you and provide the necessary information required for work.

Sales market and its description

The business plan of an outdoor advertising agency includes information on market stability. Regardless of the economic situation in the country, services related to attracting potential customers to a specific product or service will always be in demand. popular even during a crisis. The main thing is to stick to your goals.

A number of studies have revealed that the main audience, which is almost 70%, consists of women, the remaining percentage belongs to men. Also, the majority of passengers consist of students and working people.

Over many years of experience, it has become possible to identify categories of products that bring results during an advertising campaign:

  • Medicines.
  • Household appliances.
  • Furniture and interior items.
  • Various promotions and discounts.
  • Food.
  • Insurance products.

Sales and Marketing

We can include these:

  • Informational channel. The source of information in our case is the tickets themselves. They are able not only to inform the client about something new, but also to attract people’s attention with their unusual and colorful design. Thanks to this, fame comes to the advertised product or service. Subsequently, word of mouth works and even those who did not have direct contact with the source of advertising begin to learn about this information.
  • The effectiveness of sales managers and project managers. Thanks only to their work, the end consumer will learn the information that they wanted to convey to them. Thanks to the fact that they organize meetings with clients, make a large number of cold calls, thanks to all this, a large mass of people are informed.
  • Advertising on third-party sources thanks to the affiliate program.


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