Affiliate cpa. What are sra affiliate networks? Advantages of the Logaster affiliate program

3.1585365853659 Rating 3.16 (82 Votes)

Description: One of the best affiliate programs with payment for a specific user action. The affiliate program was founded in 2010. At the moment, there are more than 1,700 advertisers in ADMITAD, and almost 600,000 webmasters are registered.

There are many offers (proposals) in different areas: issuing loans, ordering goods in a store, percentage of sales, registration in the game. For webmasters and advertisers, a lot of functionality has been developed for more efficient implementation of affiliate programs: banner rotator, deeplink generator, optimization code, discounts, promotional codes and much more.

New tools for webmasters:
- Browser extension Admitad Extension. The tool is convenient for beginners and webmasters with new traffic channels - their own blogs, YouTube channels, Telegram channels, groups and public pages on social networks, forums.
. It will help partners quickly create or check an affiliate link on any device with the Telegram messenger

Rules of participation: All sites (except for sites on free hosting) that comply with the laws of the Russian Federation are accepted. The offer of cooperation also applies to sites that work in the adult field, and sites for search engines (doorways) and traffic from social networks are also accepted.

Payouts: The minimum payment amount is: in rubles - 300 rubles, in dollars - 10 $, in euros - 10 €. Payments occur weekly on Thursdays. Money is paid using Webmoney, PayPal, and also through the Bank.

Registration: Register with


3.1666666666667 Rating 3.17 (6 Votes)

Description: MOBYTIZE is a new generation CPA network that offers partners direct and exclusive offers for any type of traffic, including adult, gambling, merchandise, finance, cryptocurrencies, etc.

They work with both mobile offers and regular ones. They accept traffic from all countries specified in the offer. They mainly work with traffic from Russia. They have their own referral program offering 5% of the earnings of the attracted webmaster.

MOBYTIZE is the organizer of the annual three-day event IT Nature Party, a co-organizer of the international conference Kiev Affiliate Conference 2018, and Mobytize also has its own offline business club, Affiliate Embassy, ​​which regularly hosts interesting events in business and entertainment formats.

Registration: Register with

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4.125 Rating 4.13 (152 Votes)

Description: Although 7OFFERS opened relatively recently (a little over a year at the moment), we can already say that this CPA affiliate program has a great future and over time they will take a leading position. A very convenient and pleasant design of the site, which will not be difficult for even a beginner to understand.

At the moment they have more than 170 offers, 35 of which are exclusive, the conditions are more than favorable. All offers are divided into categories, both by topic and type of allowed traffic, target audience, etc. There are mobile offers. Traffic reports contain 14 types of statistics for 75 indicators.

Registration: Register at


Description: OFFERRUM is an affiliate program with payment for a specific user action. More than 100 offers of different topics: goods by mail, gambling, games, dating, finance, wap-click, etc. There are also exclusive ones, you can choose any that suits your traffic.

Rules of participation: Any website with a Russian-speaking audience located on paid hosting can join the OFFERRUM advertising network; adult themes are not allowed. An account can be blocked without payment of funds for the following violations: using task placement services (active advertising systems), asking site users to register on advertisers’ sites, misleading users, etc.

Payouts: The minimum amount to be paid is 800 rubles. Automatic payments to Webmoney wallets every Monday.

Registration: Register at


3.0222222222222 Rating 3.02 (45 Votes)

Description: A new affiliate program has been opened, working on the principle of “payment for action”. The site is multilingual, there are Russian and English versions. DOUBLETRADE brings together several exclusive advertisers, including, Skype, EA Games, Turkish Airlines, etc. The offers mainly include shopping, travel, and fashion. As advertising materials, there are not only ordinary banners, but also tools for creating your own store or teaser ad. The affiliate program is still very young, but is actively developing and provides timely support to novice webmasters.

Registration: Register with


3.4666666666667 Rating 3.47 (30 Votes)

Description: EDU-PROFIT - The affiliate program has been working in the essay niche with affiliates since 2010. Service: selling homework, writing essays, dissertations, coursework for students from the USA, Britain, Australia, Canada. The affiliate program has 6 public paysites to which you can send traffic, including mobile traffic and one paysite based on the market place business model. There are also non-public dissertation fees. It is possible to get the client account API and create your own store, which includes: an individual phone number for the partner’s website, email marketing from the partner’s domain name, chat forms, full client interaction on the partner’s side.

Registration: Register at


2.4545454545455 Rating 2.45 (11 Votes)

Description: CPAMATICA is a pay-per-action affiliate program that offers a large number of adult offers for foreign traffic. In addition, there are also offers on other topics: binary options, payment for installing applications, some wow products. Landing pages with good conversion rates are used as advertising materials. There are both public and private offers, which can be accessed after contacting support. Detailed traffic statistics, weekly payments in dollars, 100% approval, work without hold. All accounts are approved manually after communicating on Skype with the manager - a nice girl.

Registration: Register with


3.3684210526316 Rating 3.37 (38 Votes)

Description: A good affiliate program with pay-per-action. No better or worse than others, many offers from advertisers. In addition, there is a blog and support for partners and stores.

Rules of participation: Sites that violate current legislation, online casinos, sites with viruses, and porn sites are not allowed to participate. There are no restrictions for all other ones - get the code and start earning.

Payouts: The minimum wage is 100 rubles. Payments are made to a Webmoney wallet on Thursdays for the previous week.

Registration: Register at

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3.3478260869565 Rating 3.35 (23 Votes)

Description: HOMEWORK is a large portal on which students and schoolchildren can order the writing of any educational work (diplomas, coursework, essays, etc.) of high quality.

HOMEWORK Affiliate Program offers to earn 30% of the order value using your individual link. The average order bill is from 1,500 rubles (abstract) to 11,000 rubles (thesis). Post-click - 6 months. They conduct site audits for webmasters and recommend more converting onesmaterials based on their sites. They promise good conversion.

Screenshots of the income of several webmasters are located below.

Registration: Register on


2.5714285714286 Rating 2.57 (7 Votes)

Description: LEADTRADE is a large aggregator of CPA and CPL affiliate programs, where a webmaster can receive a reward for targeted actions performed by a visitor who follows an advertising link to the advertiser’s website. This could be payment for a purchase, registration, placing an order, etc. There are a lot of interesting and profitable offers. Traffic is generated from numerous sources, the system ensures a high conversion rate. Sources can be websites, advertising and social networks, as well as doorways created for low-frequency queries, and others. For each offer on the site, acceptable sources are listed.

Registration: Register with


2.84 Rating 2.84 (25 Votes)

Description: LEADS is the leading CPA network in Russia, which provides access to hundreds of financial market offers. They work with well-known banks and microfinance organizations that offer high payments for applications from borrowers, issuing loans, loans, popular debit and credit cards.

Immediately after registration, users receive: their own manager, who will tell you about converting links and select a convenient offer; dozens of tools, detailed analytics in real time and training materials on working with the network; privileged conditions for individual entrepreneurs and self-employed people, welcome 1000 rubles; support for any questions by phone, e-mail or social networks; increased payments and personal conditions depending on the volume of traffic.

LEADS often win cars, real estate, TOP digital equipment, or millions in promotions from advertisers and affiliate networks.

Rules of participation: Any Russian media resources on banking and financial topics are accepted. The site added to the system must have at least 100 unique views per week. They strictly monitor system cheats. There are a lot of possibilities for tracking the quality of traffic, which allows you to improve conversion many times over. 2.3191489361702 Rating 2.32 (47 Votes)

Description: The affiliate program of the most famous dating site in Russian-speaking countries has been operating since 2005. They pay for confirmed registrations on a dating site. The initial cost of payment is 5 rubles for registering a man, 10 rubles for registering a woman. In addition, they pay 50% of their income for paid services ordered by the user you attracted.

Behind confirmed application LEADSGATE pays up to $170.

CPA networks(Cost Per Action) are affiliate programs that specialize only in payment for a targeted action on the part of the user. This has been one of the largest areas of advertising on the Internet for a long time. CPA combines favorable terms of cooperation for both the advertiser and the webmaster. Advertisers receive targeted traffic that is ready to buy, and the webmaster receives a significant percentage of the reward (see what CPA is).

Earnings in CPA affiliate programs

Let us describe the mechanism for making money on CPA networks. So there are three sides:

  • A webmaster who wants to earn as much as possible from his traffic
  • An advertiser who is willing to pay only for targeted actions
  • CPA network that unites the webmaster and the advertiser, and also moderates the entire process

Webmasters receive advertising materials for the offer through the CPA network and then post them on their websites. An advertiser places an advertising proposal (offer) stating that he needs to attract targeted traffic that will take a specific action. For example, the most popular actions are

  • Purchase of goods
  • Registration
  • Filling out the form
  • Placing an order
  • and so on.

The advertiser is ready to pay money to the webmaster who attracted a user who took the desired action (lead). In the language of CPA affiliate programs, such an offer is called an offer (in other words, this is an advertising offer for a webmaster with a full list of payment terms). For example, this list will say what exactly the webmaster will receive a reward for, what type of traffic is accepted (geographical restrictions, restrictions on the traffic source may be indicated).

Let's look at the complete list of reliable and verified CPA networks.

The best affiliate programs of CPA networks for earning money

Description: OFFERGATE is a relatively small CPA network, but it has unique offers. For example, there are options for push subscriptions (Web Push Notification), which is a common trend now. Subscribers will generate income in the future

Payments: Upon request daily (WebMoney, Yandex, Qiwi, Bank).

Additional Information:
. a small number of offers, but each is suitable for a wide audience

Description: ACTIONPAY is one of the giants of CPA networks (there are more than 930 offers available). Focused mainly on Russian offers. All popular topics are available: cars, clothing, services, beauty, dating, finance, games, etc.

Payouts: Upon request (Webmoney WMR, minimum amount 500)

Additional Information:
. There are 5 wallets in your personal account: rubles, dollars, hryvnia, Brazilian real, tenge
. The tools include: banner and link rotator, bank feed
. The more traffic you have, the more favorable the conditions (there are different types of tariffs: “basic”, “advanced”, “super”)

Description: CPASETI is a commodity affiliate program (a new project from affiliates, created in 2016). There are high deductions for offers. It is possible to park a domain.

Payments: Upon request (WebMoney), minimum amount 1000 rubles

Additional Information:
. Domain parking
. For every 500 confirmed leads, get $100 as a gift
. From promotional materials: landing pages and links
. Split testing of creatives
. Traffback and Postback URL

Description: ADVERTISE is an affiliate program for working under the CPA model (operating since 2015). Minimum commissions, more than 190 offers of various topics (online stores, online games, services, finance, etc.), including exclusive ones. Wide selection of promotional materials

Payments: to any system without commission and without a minimum payment threshold (once a month)

Additional Information:
. There is a technical support phone number +7(800)...
. postback and trafficback links
. Domain parking
. no restrictions on the number of visitors on the site (suitable for all sites)

Description: 7OFFERS is an excellent CPA affiliate program. There are more than 350 offers of different topics. Most of all online stores, game and product offers. Operating since 2014.

Payments: Upon request (more than 30 payment options), the application is processed within a day, the minimum amount is 5 rubles

Description: LEAD-R - Own platform, which distinguishes Lead-R from many similar services. Availability of exclusive offers

Payments: On request (WebMoney). Minimum amount 2000 rubles

Additional Information:
. Have a legal address

Pros and cons of CPA networks

Let's list all the pros and cons of CPA networks. Let's consider advertisers and webmasters separately

Pros for advertisers:
  • Guaranteed buyers and clients for a fixed price. This simplifies work and makes income much more predictable
  • Simplifying the work of promoting on the Internet. By placing an offer on the CPA network, you can get links to your product from hundreds of webmaster sites. There is no need to negotiate and communicate with each of them separately.
  • It is possible to customize traffic targeting
  • There is an official agreement with the CPA network
Disadvantages for advertisers:
  • CPA is suitable for large companies. Small companies do not have such budgets, and in general they will not want to work with them.
  • It is necessary to monitor traffic increases. Any action is much more expensive than a click in contextual advertising.
Pros for a webmaster:
  • Opportunity to earn good money through white-label monetization. You attract users who actually buy something.
  • You can optimize individual website pages for individual offers.
  • Wide selection of topics and directions.
Disadvantages for a webmaster:
  • Difficulty attracting targeted traffic. Not every user who switches to an offer will actually buy something and order it.
  • Long wait for reward. Each offer usually has a “hold” (a period of checking all the rules).

CPA networks are the future of monetization

It is beneficial for a webmaster to attract only thematic traffic for which he receives good money. The turnover of money in CPA affiliate programs is comparable in scale to contextual advertising and has even begun to bypass it. There are huge budgets here and this is currently the most promising direction.

In addition, CPA networks allow you to engage in traffic arbitrage, i.e. buy traffic in one place and resell it in another place (convert traffic). Most often, they buy visitors through advertising on social networks. Arbitration has become a very common topic on the Internet. Many webmasters and bloggers are engaged and make decent money (tens of thousands of rubles per day).

There are a very large number of CPA affiliate programs on the market. Choosing the best of them is problematic - there are some advantages everywhere. For example, one may have excellent conditions for one offer, and another may have different conditions. In one there is a large hold on withdrawal of funds, in the other there is a small lifetime of cookies, etc. Here you just need to choose the best working conditions for specific offers (proposals).

Hello, dear readers!

Every day hundreds of thousands of people around the world are looking for new ways to make money. Some to improve their financial situation, others for the purpose of self-realization.

Today I will tell you about making money on CPA affiliate programs.

CPA affiliate programs are huge web directories containing a lot of all kinds of affiliate programs.

Nowadays, many people easily earn quite a lot of money on these services. Not hundreds of thousands a day, of course, but you can really earn 500-1000 rubles a day. But before we talk about making a profit, let's take a closer look at what it is?

What are CPA affiliates?

In essence, CPA affiliate programs are standard ones, but with payment for a specific action of the attracted user, and not just for the sale of some product or service.

Can be paid:

  • Downloading a trial version of an application;
  • Loan applications;
  • Orders of trial samples of products of any brand;
  • Filling out a questionnaire on the advertiser’s Internet resource
  • registration and so on.

Pros of CPA affiliate program

The main advantages of this type of affiliate program:

  1. You don't have to sell anything. Choose an affiliate program where you will be paid for performing actions.
  2. All affiliate programs in one directory. To work with several advertisers at once, you register in one account on the CPA resource. This saves you time and eliminates the need to search for each site individually.
  3. Everything you earn from several affiliate programs is credited to one wallet, which is very convenient.

How to make money on CPA affiliate programs?

So, we’ve sorted out the concepts and advantages, now let’s talk about how to make money using CPA affiliate programs. Earning money consists of attracting clients to offer sites. So:

  1. Select a suitable CPA affiliate program and register in it. There are very, very many similar resources; below I will tell you only about those with which I myself have successfully worked. I included the best domestic and foreign projects in my list.
  2. Add your own platform from where you will attract visitors. If you don't have a personal website, you can attract clientele from social networks.
  3. Pass moderation - approved by admins.
  4. Select the offer that suits you from the CPA affiliate catalog.
  5. Attract customers' attention. You can attract by any available methods, which are indicated in the description of each offer.
  6. All that remains is to receive money for the actions of attracted visitors.

First, you need to register in any CPA network, select an affiliate product (offer) and send traffic - paid and free (not very effective!) to the advertiser’s website using your affiliate link.

As you know, on the Internet you can attract a fairly large audience for a relatively small investment in advertising. Of course, to begin with, a beginner needs to thoroughly study the types of online advertising, the principles of high-quality setup, secrets and acquire the necessary skills.

Who can become a partner of CPA networks:

1. New to affiliate marketing.
2. A webmaster-arbitrageur who buys cheap traffic in one place, for example, in teaser networks and resells it to an advertiser of CPA networks.
3. Website/blog owner.
4. Doorway optimizer, who creates and optimizes a website for a specific type of product. Further, it attracts targeted traffic to it.

What is CPA marketing, principles of work, how to make money on CPA
CPA (Cost per Action) is an online advertising model, or better yet, an affiliate program with payment per action: lead (CPL), purchase of a product, click, view. CPA networks serve as a connection between the advertiser and the webmaster, receiving a percentage for this.

1. Traffic is visitors attracted to the advertiser’s (offer) website.
2. An offer is an advertiser who works with CPA networks.
3. A lead is an action on the advertiser’s website.
4. An advocate is a partner.

5. Hold is a delay in the payment of monetary rewards to the webmaster. The goal is to protect advertisers from dishonest webmasters. Typically, traffic quality is checked from 7 to 14 days, but it can be longer.
6. Conversion CR - the average number of conversions (actions) on the offer site. Example: 100 people were brought to the advertiser’s website. 10 - made an order in the online store or registered in the game. The conversion is 10%.
EPC is the average income of webmasters per 1000 visits to a partner site (offer). The higher this indicator, the better the offer.

CR and EPC offers

7. Landing is a landing page with an advertising offer.
8. CPS - payment per sale (product, loan processing), CPL - reward for lead (registration, subscription...), CPV - payment per view, CPC - payment per click.
9. A/B split test or testing - finding out the conditions for the best conversion.
10. ROI - efficiency or return of your money spent, for example, on an online campaign (advertising).

For what actions of attracted visitors does the advertiser pay the webmaster?

1. Purchase and registration in the online store. Large online stores can also pay for repeat orders.

2. For registration, for example, in an online game, as well as rewards are paid for the active player, for purchases and achievements of players.

3. For registering on a dating site + a percentage of additional payments (dating). For registration on hosting, etc.

5. For filling out a questionnaire or application for a bank card or loan.

6. For the purchase of information courses, CDs, goods, air tickets, hotel reservations, watching videos and other types of actions.

I think this question is clear. It turns out that the person who came through your affiliate link to the advertiser’s (offer) website must perform some specified action by the advertiser. Actions (lead) can be simple or complex.

Simple actions are associated with registration, subscription, purchase of goods, and complex ones with obtaining a loan, etc. Accordingly, the price per lead (action), depending on the complexity, will be different, this is logical. A beginner might want to choose offers with simple tasks, since expensive ones require high-quality paid traffic.

1. Webmaster’s own website or blog.

3. Purchased traffic: teaser, contextual and targeted, banner advertising.
How it works: The webmaster (partner) buys cheap traffic and sends it to the offer of the advertiser of CPA networks, in other words, this is traffic arbitrage (resale).

4. E-mail newsletter.
To take advantage of this traffic source you need a subscriber base. If it is, great! We compose an advertising letter, where we indicate the topic and benefits of your advertising offer. We send out using automated services. This scheme is known to every website owner. If you don’t have your own mailing list, it may take months to collect it.

Let's imagine that you are a partner in a CPA network. It's easy, register in Ad1 or another network. For a beginner, I will recommend

So, you have come to choosing an offer. Let's look at this process using the example of the Ad1 CPA network, which, in my opinion, is the best in RuNet. But this does not mean that other CPAs are worse!) Each network is unique, with responsive support service, constant updates of offers, statistics and its own advertising tools. A brief overview of CPA networks will be below.

How to choose a profitable offer
After registering in the Ad1 CPA affiliate program, you will need to select an offer. There are a huge number of them, each good in its own way. To do this, click on the top “Programs” tab.

Then, select a category and study in detail the terms of working with the offer. Where can it be advertised? In which country...? In the CIS, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan (geotargeting) and what source of traffic is allowed to attract, and also look at CR - this is the conversion of a given offer and EPC - average. revenue per click (action).

What types of traffic can you attract? We talked about this a little higher. The only thing you should consider is the compatibility of the selected offer - in which country you can advertise and what source of traffic you can attract.

Pay attention to the rating of the offer, goals (actions) and the rate for completing the task, look at the quality of the landing page, by clicking on the link and the lead form, as well as the topic, choose one that is familiar to you. You can read about the ideal landing page for sales here.

Next, choose tools for advertising, this can be a direct link for communities on the Internet (suitable for a beginner) or a paid source of traffic. Static banner for placement on your blog, feeds, dynamic pages. What should be taken into account is that each CPA network has its own advertising tools.

Leading CPA networks

CPA network

Today it is the most popular network in RuNet. A huge number of offers mainly include goods from online stores, insurance, banks, finance, travel services, online services and games. Quite high prices for the action performed.
Minimum weekly payments 300 rubles, to WebMoney wallet, PayPal, bank transfer.

CPA network Ad1 - the main topics of offers are online games, goods from online stores, banking services, training courses, goods by mail.
The minimum payment to the webmaster is 800 rubles, to a WebMoney wallet. is a very interesting CPA network. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is a CPA network and an offer at the same time. You can become an Aviasales partner if you have a website or blog about tourism, a travel agency, you are a specialist in attracting traffic and make money by selling budget air tickets and booking hotels. Aviasales is looking for plane tickets at Russian and foreign ticket offices. The webmaster receives 50-70% of Aviasales' income. The average bill is $15-20.

See even more CPA platforms here. Representative - allpp_ru
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CPA: the best affiliate programs
ProfitSocial CPA 5 Registration
Aliexpress CPA 4.48 4 Registration
MarketCall CPA 4.09 5 Registration
7offers CPA 3.96 3 Registration
Actionpay CPA 3.72 11 Registration
CityAds CPA 3.70 1 Registration
Admitad CPA 3.69 6 Registration
Advertise CPA 3.69 11 Registration

The following indicators serve as criteria:

The level of deductions, that is, the percentage due to the partner in case of successful completion of the sale or for any activity that promotes sales and is specified in the agreement;
Convenience of the payment system;
Efficiency of technical support service;
Number of offers and available landing pages.
You can make conclusions about whether an affiliate network is good or not based on a number of other indicators, including the concept of honesty (some participants seriously claim that they are sometimes deceived and underestimated their earnings), but in this case it is better to operate not with subjective, but with objective data .

Rating of CPA networks
The current year has not yet come to an end, and information from the past could be considered outdated, but judging by the preliminary results of surveys, the market situation has not undergone significant changes. The position in the list of some CPA networks may change slightly, but the overall composition of the best of them remains the same.

Logo Name Website Number of offers Traffic (per month) Rating
Admitad logo Admitad 1051 21 million 9.8
epn logo ePN 45 5 million 9.5
Doctor Cash logo Dr.Cash 2000+ 1.85 million 9
m1-shop logo M1-Shop 803 1 million 8.4
ad1 logo AD1 1318 880 thousand 8.4
Where is the Elephant logo Where is the Elephant? 281 390 thousand 8.3
Mixmarket logo Mixmarket 267,385 thousand 8.3
kma business logo KMA 574 365 thousand 8
actionpay logo Actionpay 1053 260 thousand 8
Lydia logo Leadia 10 220 thousand 8

everad logo Everad 95 170 thousand 7.5
sellaction logo SellAction 175 150 thousand 7.5
Traffic Light logo Traffic Light 351 145 thousand 7.5
MonsterLeads logo MonsterLeads 757 135 thousand 7.4
Leadtrade logo LeadTrade 357 135 thousand 7.3
CityAds logo CityAds 840 120 thousand 7.3
Saleads logo Saleads 84 100 thousand 7.1

Our TOP CPA networks for earning money are opened by the undisputed leader in the CIS countries. Cooperation with this network is to attract potential clients of online stores, banks and game users. Work on several advertising platforms at the same time (the more, the better) of different directions is allowed and encouraged, for which all conditions have been created and tools provided. This, according to many users, is the main advantage of Admitad.

In addition, the network’s assets include hundreds of advertiser sites with accessible landing pages and high traffic (400 thousand visitors per day). All these factors attract webmasters, of whom more than two hundred thousand are already participating in the program.

A CPA network that specializes in cooperation with the largest online stores in the CIS and China, including Aliexpress, Ozon, MVideo, Svyaznoy, Rozetka and many others. For webmasters, one of the advantages of working with the site is the ability to attract customers using cashback and coupons. The statistics are displayed correctly, there are no problems with payments. Among the disadvantages, we can note the long hold time for goods from the Aliexpress online store. But given the delivery time from China to Russia, this measure is justified.

The best affiliate program for working from the inside. The beauty and health niche is always in demand, which is what webmasters working with take advantage of. The site contains cases that will help even beginners make a profit. All offers are original and have no analogues in other CPA networks. Earned money is withdrawn without problems, payments are made 2 times a day (another unique feature of the affiliate program).

Exclusively product specialization with the provision of the most effective offers. On average, each confirmed order brings an M1-Shop partner 620 rubles in income.

The main advantage of the network, according to many participants, is that the platform provides partners with a large variety of tools, and also takes on a significant part of the risks, thereby insuring against possible losses. The most important advantage of AD1 is the presence of a rotator that automatically sets the sequence of publishing promotional materials and tracks traffic.

Where is the Elephant?
The network offers more than a hundred landing pages, which are pages of large online stores, both Russian and foreign. The number of product offers exceeded three million.

The advantages of the affiliate network “Where is the Elephant?” This includes a large selection of products, ease of setting up your own affiliate online store and accessible withdrawal systems.

The network cooperates with leading Runet advertisers. Indeed, among the many offers you can find quite well-known and popular platforms: World of Tanks,, Svyaznoy, Ozon and others. In general, Mixmarket is focused on e-commerce, tourism, and gaming topics. The site presents a selection of the TOP 10 most popular offers, which will help beginners decide on the choice of program.

A network popular among webmasters working with health-related offers. The assortment includes weight loss products that have been bringing profit to affiliate marketers for many years. There are other offers, such as a fuel saver, a breathalyzer, and car care products. In general, the choice is quite wide; the offer can be selected to suit any target audience.

The partner network has offices in the USA, Hungary, Ireland, India and Brazil. More than a thousand affiliates from all over the world work with her. Huge selection of mobile offers. The platform is characterized by high technology and customer focus. Actionpay is rightfully considered one of the leading companies on the Russian market.

A small number of offers should not mislead potential partners. CPA network Lydia is a leader in its niche. Each of you has seen a pop-up window on different websites offering a free consultation with a lawyer. This is exactly the main tool of the Leadia affiliate program. In addition to legal advice, offers are available on the topic of loans, real estate, medicine, etc.

One of the ten best CPA networks on the market, which is confirmed by almost all compiled ratings, although the line number may “float”. The highest (up to 90%) “approval” (a level of 45 – 50% is considered normal).

Help: approval is the percentage of paid orders out of the total. In other words, out of one hundred potential buyers, for example, thirty refused to purchase the product. The remaining 70 are “approved” (from the English approve - “approval”).

The site interface has been updated and now allows you to operate several affiliate programs at the same time, which is also a big plus of the Everad network.

The geography of received traffic is very wide - the CIS, USA, Europe, Latin America, Asia.

Traffic Light
This CPA aggregator has many unique original offers for any audience. High sales to webmasters are ensured by a 24-hour call center. Withdrawal of funds is almost instant, the support service is responsive and prompt. The selection of offers is varied: inflatable sofas, anti-smoking products, home equipment, car care products and much more.

This year the network celebrates its fifth anniversary, which indicates the reliability of the company. Among the product offers there are also unique ones, which have no analogues in RuNet. A 24-hour call center, the possibility of early payments and a wide geography for traffic allow MonsterLeads to occupy high places in various ratings.


An advertising network with a universal set of offers. Here you can find health and beauty products, children's toys, games for mobile phones and PCs, and men's products. We are also pleased with instant payments, prompt technical support and detailed statistics.

The affiliate program offers a huge number of offers, among which there are quite serious and monetary ones - loans, bank accounts, investments. The geography of traffic is wide. There are many interesting tools available for webmasters, the statistics are detailed and customizable using any filters. There are no problems with payments.

Almost every user comes across the treasured words CPA on the Internet, but not everyone knows what it is. In this article I will tell you what CPA is and what it is used for, and also here you will find out the TOP 13 best CPA networks in RuNet.

What's happenedCPA andCPA network?

CPA(translated from English as “payment for action”) is a method of earning money in which an advertiser pays you for a specific targeted user action.

CPA network– this is an intermediary platform on which there are many advertisers who pay for a specific user action - purchase, registration, filling out questionnaires, and others.

Offer is the only advertiser affiliate program in the CPA network.

Let me give you an example. Let's say you have a gaming website and you are thinking about monetizing your traffic through CPA networks. In this case, all gaming-themed offers will be ideal for you (by the way, gaming-themed offers are well represented in and). It is these offers that will allow you to earn the most money in your case, since visitors to your site are most likely the target audience for gaming advertisers. The main thing is not to forget about the genre of the game, i.e. If you have a site related to strategies, it is better to look at all offers with similar topics.

TOP 13 bestCPA networks in RuNet

We have already become acquainted with the basic concepts, now it’s time to move on to the CPA networks themselves. I have compiled the TOP 13 networks, which, in my opinion, are the best in Runet. As usual, I’ll give a short list first, and then I’ll talk about each of them in more detail.




5. LeadTrade

6. CityAds

7. Leadbit

Leadbit is one of the most famous CPA networks in RuNet. The official launch of the system took place on October 28, 2013.

  • Offers are presented on various topics.
  • They accept traffic from: Russia, the CIS, Europe, America and the whole world.
  • Minimum amount for withdrawal: 600 rub.
  • Withdrawal of funds is carried out to: Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi, PayPal and to a card.
  • Payments are made upon request.

8. 7offers

9. Paysale


12.Kma biz

13. M1-Shop

M1-Shop is one of the most famous CPA networks in RuNet. The official launch of the system took place on September 25, 2013.

Use non-standard traffic sources. You can learn more about non-standard traffic sources in the video below.

  1. Use TDS tapers in your work (for example: ). They will allow you to share traffic and save money.
  2. If necessary, do not forget to use (I use the service).

All these tips can significantly increase your income in CPA networks.


CPA networks give webmasters a huge number of opportunities that were not available before. Now you can easily earn good money without leaving your home. The article you read should have helped you understand the basics, now all that’s left is to register in all the listed CPA networks and start earning money.


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