Decisions of the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board). TNK-BP: Our task is to make the process of choosing counterparties more transparent Gurdjiev andrey guramovich rosneft

Corporate magazine TNK-BP "Your company", 2010.

Andrey Gurdjiev, Contracting Project Director, TNK-BP Business Legal Support Department.

Our Company can be compared to a living organism that grows and develops. The development of TNK-BP dictates the need for certain adjustments in its internal activities. We evaluate how much we have grown, how we have changed, and we understand what needs to be improved in existing processes.

The contracting process also experienced a certain evolution. In 2006, to replace the Uniform Regulations for the Implementation contract work came the Regulatory Framework for Contracting (NBK). Two years later, there was a need to change the NBK in the part related to the administration of contracts (their approval from the relevant divisions). As a result, a working group was created, which significantly adjusted the Contract Administration Procedure. At the same time, the change in procedures and instructions took place without the creation of special working bodies and was dictated by the current need. Thus, changes were repeatedly made to the Regulations on Contractual Commissions and Procurement Procedures.

Now there is a need to analyze the experience gained in the field of pre-qualification and selection of counterparties. A working group chaired by Olga Malyshkina has been set up. The changes affect the fundamental approach to the contracting process. They also relate to the approach to working with contractors. Platforms are being created for communication with our contractors and suppliers, consideration of conflict situations: advice on interaction with suppliers and contractors and conflict commissions. It should be noted that the conflict commissions do not have the task of turning into a kind of arbitration courts and considering controversial situations for the execution of concluded contracts. To resolve such conflict issues, the subsidiaries have the necessary subdivisions and a Claims Procedure has been established. The role of conflict commissions is to consider applications/claims from counterparties on issues of prequalification or selection. In fact, this is another way to identify shortcomings in the existing regulatory framework for contracting or in its application.

Our task is to make the process of selecting counterparties more transparent and understandable not only for the Company's employees, but also for counterparties.

Based on the results of the 2011 procurement campaign, a list of comments, wishes and proposals will be identified, which will need to be worked on. It is planned that at the beginning of next year the working group will actively engage in rule-making (introducing changes to the Company's internal documents). Already at present, for each document included in the NBK, there is a register of comments and suggestions, which is maintained by the owner this document. If any employee of the Company has any comments or suggestions on the documents that are part of the NBK, he can leave them in the relevant register, after which we, within the framework of working group we can discuss the issue and draw certain conclusions.

Statement of material fact
"On holding a general meeting of shareholders of the issuer and on the decisions taken by it"
1. General information.
1.1. Full corporate name of the issuer: Public Joint Stock Company Chernogorneft
1.2. Abbreviated corporate name of the issuer: PJSC Chernogorneft
1.3. Issuer's location: Russian Federation, Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region- Yugra, the city of Nizhnevartovsk.
1.4. OGRN of the issuer: 1028601869757
1.5. Issuer's TIN: 8620003528
1.6. Unique issuer code assigned by the registration authority: 00185-A
1.7. Address of the Internet page used by the issuer to disclose information:
2. The content of the message.

2.1. Type of the general meeting of shareholders of the issuer (annual (regular), extraordinary): Annual.
2.2. Form of holding the general meeting of shareholders of the issuer (meeting (joint presence) or absentee voting):
Meeting (joint presence of shareholders to discuss agenda items and make decisions on issues put to vote).
2.3. Date, place, time of the general meeting of shareholders of the issuer:
June 23, 2016, 119134 Moscow, st. Bolshaya Yakimanka, 24 Federal State Unitary Enterprise "President-Hotel", from 10:00 a.m. until 11:00 am Moscow time.
2.4. Quorum of the general meeting of participants (shareholders) of the issuer:

In total, PJSC Chernogorneft placed 26,771,420 ordinary shares.
The number of votes held by persons included in the list of persons eligible to participate in general meeting on 1–6 items on the agenda of the general meeting: 26 771 420.

The number of votes per voting shares of the company on 1–6 items on the agenda of the general meeting, determined taking into account the provisions of clause 4.20 of the Regulations on additional requirements for the procedure for preparing, convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders (approved by order Federal Service on financial markets dated February 2, 2012 No. 12-6 / pz-n) (hereinafter - the Regulation): 26 771 420.

As of 10:00 am on June 23, 2016, the number of votes held by the persons who took part in the general meeting:
- on issues No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5 of the agenda of the general meeting: 19,932,248;
- on item No. 6 of the agenda of the general meeting: 19,932,248 (or 139,525,736 cumulative votes).
The number of votes belonging to the persons who took part in the meeting, which was taken into account when determining the quorum on the agenda items, amounted to more than half of the votes of the company's outstanding voting shares on each issue on the agenda of the general meeting.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 58 federal law"About joint-stock companies» the general meeting is eligible (has a quorum) if it is attended by shareholders holding in aggregate more than half of the votes of the company's outstanding voting shares.

There is a quorum for holding the annual general meeting of shareholders of PJSC Chernogorneft.

The number of votes held by the persons who participated in the general meeting on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 agenda items: 19,939,623 votes, which is more than half of the votes of the company's outstanding voting shares on 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 items on the agenda of the general meeting.
There is a quorum for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 agenda items.

The number of votes held by the persons who participated in the general meeting on item 6 of the agenda of the general meeting: 19,939,623 votes or 139,577,361 cumulative votes, which is more than half of the votes of the placed voting shares of the company on item 6 of the agenda of the general meeting.
There is a quorum for item 6 on the agenda.

2.5. Agenda of the general meeting of shareholders of the issuer:
1. Approval annual report Society for 2015.
2. Approval of the annual accounting (financial) statements of the Company for 2015.
3. Distribution of profit, including payment (declaration) of dividends, and losses of the Company based on the results of 2015.
4. Election of the Audit Commission of the Company.
5. Approval of the Company's Auditor for 2016.
6. Election of the Board of Directors of the Company.

2.6. Voting results on the agenda items of the Issuer's General Shareholders' Meeting, on which there was a quorum, and the wording of the decisions adopted by the Issuer's General Shareholders' Meeting on these issues:
On 1 item of the meeting agenda: Approval of the Company's annual report for 2015.

Decision taken: 1. Approve the Company's Annual Report for 2015.

On the 2nd issue of the meeting agenda: Approval of the annual accounting (financial) statements of the Company for 2015.
"for" - 19,620,044 votes, "against" - 308,000 votes, "abstained" - 0 votes.
Decision taken: 2. Approve the annual accounting (financial) statements of the Company for 2015.

On the 3rd issue of the meeting agenda: Distribution of profit, including payment (declaration) of dividends, and losses of the Company based on the results of 2015.
"for" - 19,620,044 votes, "against" - 308,000 votes, "abstained" - 0 votes.
Decision taken: 3.1. The net profit of the Company formed at the end of 2015 in the amount of 91,613,331 (ninety one million six hundred thirteen thousand three hundred thirty one) rubles 98 kopecks shall be left undistributed.
3.2. Not declare or pay dividends on the Company's ordinary shares for 2015.

On the 4th issue of the agenda of the meeting: Election of the Audit Commission of the Company.
1. Avramenko Vitaly Igorevich:

2. Vershinin Alexey Anatolyevich:
"For" 19,619,744 votes; "Against" 308,000 votes; “Abstained” 4,280 votes.
3. Kukarsky Alexander Sergeevich:
"For" 19,619,744 votes; "Against" 308,000 votes; “Abstained” 4,280 votes.

Decision taken: 4. Elect the Audit Commission of the Company in the amount of 3 people in the following composition: Avramenko Vitaly Igorevich; Vershinin Alexey Anatolievich; Kukarsky Alexander Sergeevich.

On the 5th issue of the meeting agenda: Approval of the Company's Auditor for 2016.
"for" - 19,624,024 votes, "against" - 308,000 votes, "abstained" - 0 votes.

Decision taken: 5. Approve as the Company's Auditor for 2016 the Joint Stock Company Audit and Consulting Group Business Systems Development (JSC AKG RBS) (OGRN 1027739153430).

On item 6 of the agenda of the meeting: Election of the Board of Directors of the Company.
The number of cumulative votes cast for each candidate by persons who chose the “FOR” voting option:
1. Apolosova Natalya Stanislavovna 19 619 022
2. Bui Natalya Ivanovna 19 619 074
3. Grishko Lilia Mikhailovna 19 619 074
4. Gurdjieff Andrey Guramovich 19 619 074
5. Makarov Alexander Vladimirovich 19 619 074
6. Nevretdinova Indira Ethemovna 19 619 074
7. Shakhnazarova Tatyana Nikolaevna 19 619 074

“Against all candidates” – 2,156,000 cumulative votes, “Abstained on all candidates” – 29,960 cumulative votes.

Decision taken: 6. To elect 7 people to the Board of Directors of the Company: Natalya Stanislavovna Apolosova; Bui Natalya Ivanovna; Grishko Lilia Mikhailovna; Gurdjieff Andrey Guramovich; Makarov Alexander Vladimirovich; Nevretdinova Indira Ethemovna; Shakhnazarova Tatyana Nikolaevna

2.7. Date of compilation and number of the minutes of the issuer's general meeting: July 28, 2016 No. w/n.
2.8. Identification signs of shares, the owners of which have the right to participate in the general meeting of shareholders of the issuer:
Ordinary registered non-documentary shares, state registration number of the issue 1-01-00185-A, date state registration issue of shares on May 22, 2007, international identification code (number) valuable papers(ISIN) RU0009082291.

3. Signature:
3.1. CEO
PJSC "Chernogorneft" N.I. Buoy
3.2. Date: June 28, 2016

This notice was provided directly by the subject of information disclosure and published in accordance with the Regulations on the disclosure of information by issuers of emissive securities or the Regulations on the requirements for the procedure and timing of disclosure of information related to the activities of joint-stock investment funds and management companies of unit investment funds, as well as the content of the information disclosed . The Interfax Agency bears no responsibility for the content of the message and the consequences of its use.

Public Joint Stock Company "Chernogorneft"
07.04.2016 14:31

Statement of material fact

“On Certain Decisions Adopted by the Board of Directors of the Issuer”

1. General information.

1.1. Full corporate name of the issuer: Public Joint Stock Company Chernogorneft

1.2. Abbreviated corporate name of the issuer: PJSC Chernogorneft

1.3. Location of the issuer: Russian Federation, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, city of Nizhnevartovsk.

1.4. OGRN of the issuer: 1028601869757

1.5. Issuer's TIN: 8620003528

1.6. Unique issuer code assigned by the registration authority: 00185-A

1.7. Address of the Internet page used by the issuer to disclose information:;

2.1. Quorum of the meeting of the Issuer's Board of Directors and voting results:

2.1.1. On item No. 1 of the agenda of the meeting: On the election of the chairman of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company. Of the 7 members of the Board of Directors of PJSC Chernogorneft, 4 members of the Board of Directors took part in the absentee voting.

2.1.2. On item No. 2 of the meeting agenda: Consideration of proposals from shareholders of PJSC Chernogorneft on nominating candidates to the Board of Directors and the Audit Commission of PJSC Chernogorneft for election at the annual (based on the results of 2015) general meeting of shareholders of PJSC Chernogorneft. Of the 7 members of the Board of Directors of PJSC Chernogorneft, 4 members of the Board of Directors took part in the absentee voting. There is a quorum. Voting results: decisions were taken unanimously.

2.2.1. On item 1 of the meeting agenda:

Elect Indira Ekhtemovna Nevretdinova as the chair of the meeting of the Board of Directors of PJSC Chernogorneft.

2.2.2. On item 2 of the agenda of the meeting:

In accordance with the requirements of paragraph 5 of Article 53 of the Federal Law “On Joint Stock Companies”, at the proposal of OJSC RN Holding, a shareholder owning at least 2% of the voting shares of the Company:

1) Apolosova Natalya Stanislavovna - Deputy Director of the Department judicial practice OAO NK Rosneft;

2) Bui Natalya Ivanovna - General Director of PJSC "Chernogorneft";

3) Liliya Mikhailovna Grishko - Deputy Director of the Department for Legal Support of Business of Rosneft Oil Company;

4) Gurdjiev Andrey Guramovich - Head of the Department of Legal Support for Exploration, Production and Production Services of the Department for Legal Support of Business of Rosneft Oil Company;

5) Makarov Alexander Vladimirovich - Head of the Defense Department corporate finance Office for the Protection of Property and Corporate Finance of the Security Service of OAO OC Rosneft;

6) Indira Etkhemovna Nevretdinova - Deputy Head of Department - Head of the Methodology and Expertise Department of the Corporate Policies and Procedures Department of the Department corporate governance OAO NK Rosneft;

7) Shakhnazarova Tatyana Nikolaevna - Deputy Head of the Department of Budgets of Payment Means of Subsidiaries of Rosneft Oil Company.

Proposals to nominate candidates to the Audit Commission of the Company for election at the annual (based on the results of 2015) general meeting were not received from the shareholders of the Company.

2.3. Date of the meeting of the Issuer's Board of Directors where the relevant decision was made: April 04, 2016.

2.4. Date of compilation and number of the minutes of the meeting of the issuer's Board of Directors, at which the relevant decision was made: April 07, 2016, minutes No. 2.

3. Signature:

3.1. CEO

PJSC "Chernogorneft" N.I. Buoy

This notice was provided directly by the Subject of Information Disclosure and published in accordance with the “Regulations on Information Disclosure by Issuers of Equity Securities” (approved by the Bank of Russia on December 30, 2014 N 454-P). The information agency "PRIME" is not responsible for the content of the message and the consequences of its use.


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