Sanitary requirements for public catering establishments. Rules for trading related goods and cafe products at Requirements for the location of the gas station

What is an enterprise like a coffee shop? A coffee shop is a catering establishment that has some special features. The main type of products sold in the coffee shop is freshly prepared coffee drink and dessert dishes for it: fresh baked goods and confectionery, ice cream, black and green tea, juices, soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, etc. can be sold.

When selling alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to obtain a license, upon receipt of which the distances to children's, educational and sports facilities will be taken into account.

There are coffee shops in all major cities. It is, of course, advisable to place them in well-traveled places. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and rich pastries coming from the coffee shop is a very important factor that attracts visitors. In addition, a positive feature is that the attendance of coffee shops is not seasonal. In a cozy, comfortable environment, you can chat with friends and warm up with a cup of hot coffee or tea in winter, and refresh yourself with ice cream, soft drinks or cocktails in summer. With the sale of delicious aromatic coffee and other quality products, a cozy atmosphere and high quality service, regular visitors to such an establishment, coffee lovers, may appear.

A business based on opening an ordinary coffee shop has great potential for development and profitability. For reference, it is only worth noting the fact that in Moscow, with a total population exceeding twelve million residents and a large number of visitors, the number of coffee shops remains insufficient.

Opening a coffee shop requires renting a very small space. The threshold for entry into this type of business still remains quite low, and the opportunities that open up are large. After all, from one successful coffee shop a whole network can be born, and the amount of profits will depend only on your desire and hard work.

What sanitary requirements must coffee shops meet?

Since coffee shops are classified as public catering establishments, they must comply with sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations. The main stages of opening coffee shops are the same as for other types of enterprises (drawing up a business plan, registering a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, registering with the tax authority, choosing premises for a coffee shop, concluding a lease agreement and equipping the premises, resolving all organizational issues for the operation of the enterprise, execution of all necessary contracts and internal documentation, provision of notification of the start of certain types of business activities.

What should you especially pay attention to?

When choosing a room, despite the fact that in the technological process of a coffee shop such unpleasant odors as burnt oil, burning, smoke cannot appear, but there is mainly a pleasant smell of coffee, it is necessary to pay attention to the design features of the ventilation system equipment in the room and its effectiveness work. This is of particular importance if the coffee shop is located in a residential building or in a separate building within a residential development. No matter how pleasant the smell of freshly brewed coffee and rich pastries may be, if they constantly penetrate into the premises of residents’ apartments, it will have a completely different effect on a person and worsen his living conditions, which contradicts the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the operation of equipment that is a source of noise and vibration, and to take measures in advance to prevent their penetration into the living quarters of the residents of the house.

When choosing food suppliers, and especially roasted coffee, you need to pay special attention to their quality. The coffee shop should smell like freshly brewed coffee, not the smell of over-roasted coffee. Real coffee lovers feel this difference very well. And this will scare away visitors. All products must have documents confirming their origin, quality and safety.

Regarding other issues of work organization, the requirements are the same as for other types of public catering establishments.

Particular attention should be paid to the production, transportation, storage and sale of confectionery products with cream. Cream confectionery products must be stored in refrigeration equipment at a temperature not exceeding +6 degrees C. The shelf life of such confectionery products (cakes, pastries, rolls, etc.) stored at a temperature not exceeding +6 degrees C is from the moment the technological process is completed must not exceed the time limits established by the hygienic requirements for particularly perishable products. This applies to products that do not contain preservatives. If there are preservatives in cream confectionery products, new deadlines are established in accordance with the established procedure. These terms must be indicated on the label of the packaged finished product.

All products that will come from suppliers must comply with the current Technical Regulations of the Customs Union. In this case, you especially need to pay attention to the Technical Regulations on Food Labeling and the Technical Regulations on Food Safety.

The enterprise must develop and implement a production control program, which must include: laboratory tests in an accredited laboratory at certain intervals. The company will have an agreement with this laboratory, which can be used at any time. For example, to check the quality of products from suppliers, in case of doubts, complaints from visitors or when changing suppliers for any reason.

The management of the coffee shop must be confident in the quality of the products received, but still periodically conduct laboratory tests, and of course, at their own enterprise, comply with sanitary requirements, the requirements of technical regulations and consumer protection legislation.

If violations are detected during scheduled and unscheduled inspections, regulatory organizations take administrative measures in the form of fines or suspension of activities for up to 90 days. To avoid this, it is better to carry out preventive measures and find out all the questions you have from specialists.

Obviously, the sanitary requirements for catering establishments are very high, but this is a justified measure and should not become an obstacle to opening your coffee shop. In the end, the profit received and the satisfaction from the work done will compensate for the effort you expended.

We wish your business success.

The catering sector is the most interesting and attractive for entrepreneurs. But at the same time one of the most difficult. There are many mandatory conditions, including sanitary and epidemiological ones. We will analyze the main ones in this article.

Permitting documentation from Rospotrebnadzor authorities

One of the pressing issues is the need to obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor authorities.

In accordance with Federal Law No. 294-FZ dated December 26, 2008 “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control” (as amended on July 18, 2011, as amended on November 21, 2011) , legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are required to notify the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation in the relevant area about the start of certain types of business activities.

Public catering organizations, with the exception of those selling products and goods whose turnover is limited in accordance with federal laws, are required to notify Rospotrebnadzor authorities about the start of business activities. Taking into account the above, it is not necessary to coordinate project documentation and conduct a sanitary and epidemiological examination of the type of activity. However, the assessment of competent persons will allow you to correctly organize the process at the enterprise.

To conduct a sanitary and epidemiological examination of project documentation, an application and project documentation with its justification are submitted.

The requirements for public catering establishments are regulated by SP “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering establishments, the production and circulation of food raw materials and food products in them” (approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on 06.11.2001, as amended . and additional No. 1–4).

Selecting a room

The choice of premises is an important condition and directly determines the possibility of carrying out a particular type of activity.

In accordance with Chapter II “Occupancy Requirements” of the above rules, the following must be taken into account.

Organizations can be located both in a separate building, and in an attached one, built-in and attached to residential and public buildings, in non-residential floors of residential buildings, in public buildings, as well as on the territory of industrial and other facilities to serve working personnel. At the same time, the living, recreation, treatment, and working conditions of people should not worsen.

Organizations located in residential buildings should have entrances and exits isolated from the residential part of the building. Reception of food products from the courtyard of a residential building, where windows and entrances to apartments are located, is not allowed. Hygienic standards for levels of noise, infrasound, vibration, electromagnetic fields in residential, public buildings and residential areas must be observed, as well as maximum permissible concentrations and estimated safe levels of exposure to pollutants in the atmospheric air of populated areas.

Since May 2011, restrictions on area (no more than 700 m²) and number of seats (up to 50) for organizations located in residential buildings have been lifted.

The territory of the organization must be landscaped and kept clean.

Note!A significant part of all complaints received by Rospotrebnadzor and other authorities are complaints from the population related to violations of requirements for the placement of restaurants, cafes, bars and other public catering establishments.

How to equip a room

Organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, capacity, or location, are equipped with internal water supply and sewerage systems.

Production workshops must be equipped with sinks with hot and cold water supply. All stationary catering establishments are equipped with toilets and sinks for washing the hands of visitors. It is mandatory to create the necessary conditions for compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of personnel.

The microclimate and lighting in production premises and areas for visitors must meet hygienic requirements.

Premises (production, auxiliary and sanitary) are equipped with supply and exhaust mechanical ventilation. Above heating equipment, washing baths and other sources of moisture, heat, gases, they are equipped with local exhaust systems with preferential exhaust in the zone of maximum pollution.

The ventilation system of public catering establishments located in residential buildings is equipped separately from the ventilation system of these buildings. After installation and commissioning work, it is necessary to conduct instrumental studies.

In accordance with the requirements of SP “Changes and additions No. 4 to SP “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, the production and circulation of food products and food raw materials in them”” (approved by the resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2011 No. 29) it is allowed to prepare dishes on a grill in public catering establishments located in separate buildings, provided that modern equipment is used.

And accordingly, the design and equipment of local exhaust ventilation systems should not affect the deterioration of living conditions for people in residential buildings.

Cleanliness must be impeccable

Attention should be paid to the internal structure of the catering establishment.

Space-planning and design solutions for premises must provide for the sequence (flow) of technological processes, the absence of counter flows and intersections of raw and finished food products, personnel and visitors.

The set and area of ​​premises must correspond to the capacity of the organizations and ensure compliance with sanitary rules and regulations.

Assistance in organizing the technological process can be provided by sanitary doctors (food hygiene specialists) of the branches of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Healthcare "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology" of your district.

In accordance with amendment No. 4 to SP “in workshops for preparing cold dishes, soft ice cream, in confectionery shops for preparing cream and finishing cakes and pastries, in workshops and areas for portioning ready-made dishes, packaging and forming sets "Gericidal lamps are installed for ready meals and used in accordance with the operating instructions."

The premises of the enterprise must be kept clean. General cleaning is carried out weekly.

The enterprise must be provided with a sufficient amount of necessary equipment and items of material and technical equipment.

How to cook food and wash dishes

When organizing meals for participants in mass public events, a sufficient amount of utensils must be provided. When a catering organization provides catering services (preparing dishes and delivering them to the place of order, heating dishes, setting the table, cleaning dishes, premises and territory, carried out by field service personnel), the number of tableware and cutlery is completed in accordance with the number of servings for single use . The supply of clean wine glasses and cups is calculated for 2-3 times the number of drinks consumed by visitors.

During operation of technological equipment, the possibility of contact between raw and ready-to-eat products is excluded.

Important.Personnel preparing food, culinary and confectionery products must undergo hygienic training.

For grinding raw and cooked food products, as well as for raw semi-finished products and highly prepared culinary semi-finished products, separate technological equipment must be provided and used, and in universal machines - replaceable mechanisms.

Cutting equipment is marked and assigned to each workshop. In accordance with current sanitary rules, it is allowed to apply color markings to cutting equipment along with letter markings in accordance with the product being processed on them. Cutting equipment for finished and raw products must be stored separately. After each technological operation, cutting equipment (knives, boards, etc.) is sanitized.

To process equipment (production), it is necessary to provide a two-section washing bath.

In the event that you plan to serve visitors using reusable dishes, the requirements of sanitary rules require the processing of tableware in a three-section washing bath, and glassware and cutlery in a two-section (in the absence of dishwashers).

Detergents and disinfectants used in public catering establishments must correspond to the profile of the enterprise and meet safety requirements.

Transportation, reception and storage of raw materials

It is mandatory to comply with the requirements for transportation, reception and storage of raw materials, food products and their sale.

In order to prevent the occurrence and spread of mass infectious diseases, transportation of raw materials and food products is carried out by special, clean transport, for which a sanitary passport is issued in the prescribed manner.

Food raw materials and food products supplied to organizations must comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation and be accompanied by documents confirming their quality and safety, and be in serviceable, clean containers.

Clause 7.8 of SP sets out a list of products prohibited for consumption in public catering, which include:

Food raw materials and food products without documents confirming their quality and safety;

Meat and offal of all types of farm animals without branding and veterinary certificate;

Fish, crayfish, poultry without a veterinary certificate;

Ungutted poultry (except game);

Eggs with contaminated shells, notched, “tek”, “broken”, as well as eggs from farms unaffected by salmonella, duck and goose eggs;

Canned food with broken cans, bombed cans, “crackers”, cans with rust, deformed, without labels;

Cereals, flour, dried fruits and other products infected with barn pests;

Vegetables and fruits with mold and signs of rot;

Inedible, uncultivated edible, wormy, crushed mushrooms;

Food products with expired expiration dates and signs of poor quality;

Homemade products.

Raw materials and finished products should be stored in separate refrigerators. In small organizations with one refrigeration chamber - on separate shelves and racks.

When storing food products, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of commodity proximity, storage standards, expiration dates and storage conditions.

Important.Production of products must be carried out according to technical documentation developed in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Non-traditional cuisine

Restaurants and cafes that sell non-traditional cuisine (Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc.) have become very popular lately. At such enterprises, dishes containing fish, seafood or other raw animal products must be produced in stationary catering organizations. Dishes cannot be stored and must be prepared immediately before serving according to the order of visitors.

Changes have been made to the section of requirements for the distribution of dishes and the release of semi-finished products and culinary products, in accordance with which:

It is not allowed to add sauces to salad products, first and second courses intended for sale outside catering establishments. Sauces for dishes are delivered in individual consumer packaging;

Public catering products in the form of semi-finished products, chilled, frozen and hot dishes, culinary products, sold outside the catering organization according to consumer orders and in trade organizations and culinary departments, are packaged in disposable consumer packaging made from materials approved for contact with food;

Serving and portioning of dishes must be carried out by staff using disposable gloves for each type of dish;

When carrying out catering services (or organizing catering according to consumer orders outside of a catering organization), the opening of consumer packages with food products, drinks, dishes, as well as portioning of dishes, preparation of culinary products for distribution is carried out in a dedicated separate room located directly at the venue of the event;

The sale of semi-finished products, ready-made meals and other products outside the catering organization must be carried out with accompanying documents.

The presence of insects and rodents at the enterprise is unacceptable, which is an indicator of sanitary problems at the facility.

Persons entering work in public catering organizations undergo preliminary upon admission and periodic medical examinations, professional hygienic training and certification, in the prescribed manner. A medical record book is created for each employee, where the results of the above measures are entered.

All organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, organize production control. Production control is carried out in accordance with the requirements of current sanitary legislation.

Temporary catering facilities

The requirements for temporary public catering facilities and fast service facilities are regulated by Chapter XVI SP No.

Temporary fast-food catering organizations (which may include tents, trailers, vans and others) and which are organized on the territory agreed upon in accordance with the established procedure are subject to the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological rules for public catering organizations.

Temporary fast-food catering organizations are provided with food products (semi-finished products, dishes, culinary and other products) prepared in stationary public catering organizations.

All operating fast-food catering organizations and the types of products they sell are issued sanitary and epidemiological certificates in the prescribed manner.

In the absence of a centralized water supply and the absence of a centralized sewerage system, uninterrupted delivery and use of water that meets the water quality requirements of centralized water supply is ensured, and wastewater removal is ensured, followed by disinfection of drinking water containers and wastewater containers in the prescribed manner.

The range of products sold may include industrially produced finished food products, semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness in consumer packaging that ensures heat treatment of the food product.

“Temporary fast-food catering establishments, remote from permanent catering establishments, must be equipped with refrigeration equipment for storing perishable food products, drinks, and ice cream.

To serve consumers, disposable tableware and utensils permitted in accordance with the established procedure are used.

The preparation of hot drinks and ready-made instant meals is carried out using industrially produced bottled drinking water that meets the hygienic requirements of sanitary rules.

Organizations regularly carry out sanitary treatment and provide conditions for staff to observe personal hygiene rules in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules.

Personnel of a quick service organization are provided with a toilet located within a radius of no more than 100 m from the workplace.

Containers (collectors with disposable bags) are installed to collect waste, followed by timely removal.

Production control is carried out over the quality and safety of products in accordance with current sanitary rules.

In today’s article we will take a detailed look at the organizational aspects of such a service as coffee to go. A business plan will allow you to understand the main stages of enterprise development. In addition, you will be able to evaluate the profitability of production and calculate the initial investment.

general information

Coffee is considered one of the most popular drinks in the modern world. Russia is no exception. Compared to tea, coffee is more common and in high demand. There are many varieties of the drink, but mainly preference is given to Arabica. Black coffee is obtained by roasting green beans. Due to this, it becomes unique in taste and color. The great popularity of the drink has led to various ideas for the development of the coffee industry in the small business segment.

Today, you can list the cities on your fingertips that do not have coffee shops. They, along with restaurants, snack bars and cafes, are considered one of the most common establishments. Coffee shops belong to the service sector.

In Moscow alone, according to experts, there is a noticeable increase in coffee consumption every year. Every day Muscovites spend about 30 thousand dollars on the purchase of this tonic drink. Experts say that this amount will only increase every year. Coffee displaces other drinks such as tea or juice.

Territory for the “Coffee to Go” project

A coffee point, unlike a regular coffee shop, where visitors can drink drinks only on the premises, has an additional advantage - the ability to take a finished order with them. The fact is that there are a lot of coffee connoisseurs and admirers, but not everyone wants to spend their time in a coffee shop.

Some people want to enjoy their drink in other settings: at home, in the park or on the way to work. Therefore, many people choose to take coffee with them. The business plan of the project should include several fundamental points. These include:

  • choosing a location for an establishment;
  • registration with the tax authority (as an individual entrepreneur or LLC);
  • collection of necessary permits (conclusion of SES, fire protection, etc.);
  • search for suppliers of raw materials and equipment;
  • calculation of basic costs, etc.

Start organizing your business by choosing a territory. Give preference to busy areas of the city. If possible, try to locate the “Coffee to Go” in a large store or shopping center. An example of a good choice would be the Coffee House cafe chain.

Their establishments are located in crowded areas. Coffee shops at airports, bus stations, and near educational institutions are also relevant. Choosing a location is of great importance for your business; it will ensure its stability, growth in the number of customers, and therefore greater profits.

Children's cafe as a business

Similar conditions are required in order to draw up a business plan for a children's cafe. The main focus in this type of activity should be on the entertainment program and a special menu. The more interesting and exciting the children’s time is organized, the more likely it is that their parents will bring them here again and recommend the establishment to their friends and family.

When creating a business plan for a cafe for children, it is important not to make a mistake with its capacity. It is necessary to take into account the slightest nuances. The layout of the cafe should be designed in such a way that there is about 5 square meters per person. m.

Furniture needs to be purchased specifically for children - comfortable, practical, light and attractive. If you can’t think of the furnishings for a coffee shop yourself, then in this case it makes sense to invite a competent designer who will turn the room into a fabulous corner.

The approximate financial costs for setting up a children's cafe range from 600 thousand to 1 million rubles. The average bill is 500 rubles. The establishment's payback period occurs within 6-12 months. If you have taken into account all the location rules and done competent advertising, you can count on receiving good income.

Collection of documents and registration

The “Coffee to Go” establishment, the business plan of which we are considering today, must be registered. To do this, a businessman registers as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or forms an LLC (limited liability company). This can be done at your local tax office. The option of registering an individual entrepreneur is the most preferable, as it saves time and money.

One of the important conditions that must be met before opening a coffee shop is obtaining an opinion from the sanitary and epidemiological service. There is a list of standards that apply to catering establishments. These are the requirements:

  • for placement;
  • to the organization of sewerage and water supply;
  • to working conditions in production premises;
  • to the maintenance and arrangement of premises;
  • to equipment, utensils and containers, inventory;
  • to transportation, reception and storage of food products and raw materials;
  • to the production of products and processing of raw materials;
  • for the distribution of dishes and the dispensing of culinary products and semi-finished products;
  • sanitary requirements for the production of confectionery products with cream;
  • sanitary requirements for the production of soft ice cream;
  • to carry out measures to combat insects and rodents;
  • sanitary requirements for personal hygiene of personnel;
  • to the organization of production control;
  • to comply with sanitary rules.

All standards that must be observed in a catering establishment are described in detail in Sanpin

You may need a fire inspection permit if the premises are being built from scratch. If you plan to work under a lease agreement, you will not need it. Expect that the coffee shop will be inspected by the SES and fire departments once a year.


Before drawing up a business plan for a cafe, you should analyze the market for suppliers of equipment and other technical materials for the establishment. Choose professional equipment. This is especially true for coffee makers. Italian models have proven themselves well. Compared to conventional household machines, they are much more expensive, but this is not an expense item on which you need to save. Professional foreign equipment will serve you for many years. It's easy to purchase.

The gasoline business is one of the most promising, and one of the most dangerous. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the requirements of regulatory authorities, not only for the sake of getting rid of the “headache” when communicating with inspectors, but also for the sake of your own safety.

Supervisory authorities

When opening this type of organization during its operation, the owner will need to coordinate its activities:

  1. Department of Architecture and Urban Planning.
  2. Committee for Protection of the OS (Environment).
  3. Energy Supervision Office.
  4. Traffic police
  5. Fire Service Department (FSA).
  6. Rospotrebnadzor (SES).

Keep in mind that at the regional level, the local administration may issue a Resolution or instruct the relevant structures to develop other documents regulating the activities of gas stations that will help increase:

  • quality of services;
  • scrupulous compliance with environmental and sanitary standards;
  • fire safety (FS).

And even creating and maintaining stylistic harmony of urban buildings. At one time, such a resolution was adopted in the Vologda region. Therefore, when preparing to open a gas station, check with local regulatory structures to see if there are any special regional acts describing the requirements:

  • gas station architecture;
  • selection of territory;
  • buildings and structures;
  • equipment;
  • security system.

When opening a gas station, be prepared for frequent visits from inspectors from the oil inspectorate, State Border Service, tax authorities and others.

Keep in mind that gas stations can be stationary and mobile, container, modular, block, fuel, etc. Depending on the size and mobility, the scope of requirements of regulatory authorities will also change.

Regulatory documents: most frequently used

  • Law on ZPP No. 2300-1.
  • SanPiN, which describes the rules for the disposal of industrial waste.
  • SanPiN on atmospheric air quality.
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 52 on epidemiological well-being...
  • SP on sanitary rules for determining the toxicity class of waste.
  • SP 1.1.2193-07 on production control.
  • SanPiN requirements for aeroionic composition of the air environment.
  • SP 3.5.1378-03 requirements for disinfection.
  • SP requirements for the organization of technological processes.
  • SP 156.13130.2014 PB requirements.
  • NPB 02-93 rules defining the degree of participation of the State Fire Service in the selection of territory for a gas station.
  • NPB 03-93 is an act that defines the moments of coordination of the project and estimate documentation with the State Budgetary Inspectorate.
  • NPB 111-98 basic fire safety standards.
  • RD 153-39.2-080-01 operating rules for gas stations.
  • SNiP 2.07.01-89* / SP 42.13330 (Urban planning, determines the minimum distance to roads and residential streets from gas stations).

Sanitary services requirements

The most common violations in the operation of gas stations, according to Rospotrebnadzor, are violations:

  • consumer rights;
  • waste management requirements;
  • air maximum permissible concentration standards;
  • sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the operation of buildings on the gas station territory.

In order to avoid the SES’s refusal to issue a permit at the stage of paperwork and fines during the work process, it is worth getting acquainted with the basic requirements of this structure. If the leadership of your region has not prepared a special SNiP, which would contain all the basic recommendations for planning, design, construction and arrangement of gas stations, you will have to get acquainted with several rather voluminous works in order to select the requirements relevant specifically to your future activities.

Requirements for the location of the gas station

The size of the plot of land for a gas station is consistent with existing urban planning standards. Its position should be downwind of the residential area. The entire territory of the gas station is planned, the area under it is leveled and covered with an even surface.

You can apply:

  • concreting;
  • paving.

Driveways and highway exits must be free of defects. The territory not occupied by buildings is landscaped and maintained in a well-groomed and clean condition.

It is prohibited to accumulate waste petroleum products on the territory of a filling station. If a leak occurs during operation, the spill is covered with sand, which is then removed.

Solid waste that accumulates during the operation of an organization should be stored in special containers with tight-fitting lids. Containers are installed on a waterproof base/foundation. Concrete slabs are most often used for these purposes.

Industrial premises and areas for domestic needs: requirements

The refueling is designed in accordance with the set of rules 56.13330.2011 / SNiP 31-03-2001. Work areas are painted in tones/colors that reduce eye fatigue for employees and improve illumination of the workplace.

The staff room and work area are lined with hard flooring permitted by sanitary regulations.

The gas station operator's place for carrying out work manipulations in a sitting position is equipped in accordance with GN2.2.5.1314-03.

The part for employees should provide:

  • toilet room;
  • wardrobe;
  • shower room

In these rooms, the floors are made resistant to water and detergents and disinfectants. All walls and partitions are lined with ceramic tiles or other light-colored moisture-resistant material to a height of no less than 1.8 m.

The dressing room for working personnel is equipped with two-section cabinets:

  • for storing outerwear and shoes;
  • for workwear.

These wardrobe items should not be stored together! Large gas stations equipped with a sales area with a bistro should have a restroom for customers. It is advisable to equip one place for sending natural needs for persons with disabilities.

All toilet rooms are supplied with hand drying products or disposable towels, soap and toilet paper.

Microclimate of gas station structures: requirements

The internal environment of the gas station working and living areas is maintained in accordance with the requirements of SP 60.13330.2012/SNiPa 41-01-2003

A mandatory requirement for gas stations is the provision of artificial ventilation for the premises where workers' clothing is stored. Work and administrative premises must have heating:

  • central;
  • local.

When organizing local heating, steam, heated air or water are allowed as a heat carrier.

The microclimate conditions at the workplace of gas station employees are standardized in accordance with SanPiNu2.2.4.548-96. Permissible fluctuations in humidity and temperature depend on the period of year and region. On average for cold weather it is:

  • 20-22оС (maximum 24оС);
  • 15-75% humidity.

For hot weather:

  • 21-23оС (maximum 28оС);
  • humidity remains the same

The maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air that gas station employees breathe are described in GN2.2.5.686-98. The main indicators are as follows, mg/m3:

  • min. oil - 5;
  • hydrocarbons in total - 300;
  • carbon monoxide - 20;
  • gasoline - 100.

All these indicators will be monitored by the SES during the inspection.

Requirements for utility networks: water, sewerage

SP 30.13330/SNiPom2.04.01-85*regulates the requirements for internal water supply and sewerage networks. If you are planning to build a new gas station, it is unacceptable to build structures without these elements.

Drinking water is supplied to the gas station. Its parameters must comply with SanPiNu2.1.4.559-96. Water supply is organized by:

  • tie-ins in the central water supply network;
  • arrangement of water supply from the well;
  • drilling of an artesian well (artesian well).

The source of water intake must be agreed with the sanitary services. If it is taken from its own water sources, then the manager of the gas station is obliged to ensure control of laboratory indicators of the state of the water according to the above SinPiN.

The requirements for the sewer network provide for the arrangement of separate sewer networks:

  • domestic water;
  • rain and industrial.

It is prohibited to combine them into one system. Before starting operation of a gas station, a wastewater treatment system must be installed on its territory. Domestic wastewater is treated in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.03-85/SP 32.13330.2012.

Rainwater drainage/storm drainage allows for the installation of a system of trays with removable gratings. The industrial wastewater drain will be connected to the same system. Water is directed through trays to treatment structures.

At a minimum, treatment structures should consist of:

  • settling tank (well);
  • filtration part;
  • collection (well).

Industrial wastewater, filtered oil products and sedimentary waste are transported to places agreed upon with the sanitary services of your region/district.

Requirements for utility networks: lighting

Requirements for lighting equipment are dictated by SP 52.13330.2011/SNiP 23-05-95*. This means that all industrial premises must have natural lighting in addition to artificial lighting. Moreover, it is recommended to use the latter to the maximum. KEO level:

  • If a combined lighting option is used - 0.48%.
  • When illuminated exclusively by the light of the sun - 0.8%.

The work surface should be illuminated with an intensity of 200 lux/150 lux (for incandescent lamps). All lighting fixtures must have light-diffusing shades and be cleaned regularly.

Petroleum products and rules for their storage

All oil derivatives at the gas station are stored in metal tanks built underground. The protective layer of soil must be at least 100 cm. All additionally sold products in individual packaging/containers:

  • oils;
  • lubricants;
  • coolers, purifiers, etc. facilities.

Store in specially designated places. Moreover, the operator, when accepting a shift, must verify the integrity of the container. Small-packaged goods with a high degree of flammability can be stored in the sales area, taking into account the 5-day turnover of products. The only exception is brake fluid. You can display it in quantities of up to 20 bottles.

Waste petroleum products can be stored in any containers, provided that they:

  • whole;
  • are able to ensure the safety of the contents during transportation and loading/unloading;
  • labeled;
  • calibrated.

Before pouring waste materials into storage containers, the latter are checked for integrity.


Representatives of environmental structures, along with employees of the SES, strictly monitor the activities of gas stations. Since this type of enterprise has several sources of environmental pollution:

  • exhaust automobile gases;
  • evaporation of oil derivatives;
  • oil spills.

Therefore, gas station management, in order to avoid fines, must take measures to reduce environmental pollution:

  • fuel dispensers must be protected from precipitation;
  • regularly carry out PC (industrial control) over the content of harmful substances in the soil and air (at the border of the sanitary protection zone, the indicators should not exceed the maximum permissible concentration for populated areas);
  • take measures to reduce gasoline evaporation (avoid overfilling fuel, monitor the tightness of drain and metering devices, etc.).

In addition, the owner or first manager of a gas station must ensure certification activities on working conditions in the workplace.

Product requirements

All gas station products must have a certificate from the manufacturer confirming the quality characteristics of the product:

  • brand;
  • Specifications and compliance with them.

The passport for sold petroleum products (OP) must have the signature of the manager and the seal of the manufacturer. Incoming products of this type must be entered in batches in a journal specially designed for these purposes.

In addition, gas stations must keep logs of the movement of petroleum products and spare parts for cars (if this product is sold).

equipment requirements

All gas station equipment must be purchased officially and have a passport. Calibration tables are required for tanks. At gas stations, they keep a special journal where information about the repair of gas station equipment is entered.

State Fire Supervision Requirements

All new gas stations must be designed and built in accordance with SP 156.13130.2014. According to this standard, there are about 13 types of gas stations. The requirements for each of them have their own characteristics. We will focus only on the main ones. The requirements for specific types of gas stations need to be clarified in appendices (P) to NPB 111-98:

  • P№2 - for fuel filling points;
  • P#3 - for mobile gas stations selling liquid fuel (liquid fuel);
  • P№6 - for various types of multi-fuel gas stations: gas stations, gas filling stations, as well as CNG filling stations.

In addition, gas stations can be located outside populated areas and on their territory. Location is also important for some GPS requirements. Technological systems that can be equipped at gas stations must comply with NPB 03-93.

Accommodation requirements

Refueling stations are located downwind of other structures. On this issue, the State Inspectorate (GPS) agrees with the sanitation station. The choice of site must be consistent with the State Border Service and comply with NPB 02-93.

When located, distances to roads/highways and streets are standardized by urban planning standards SP 42.13330/SNiP 2.07.01-89* and depend on the category of the road and the type of gas station. Requirements for minimum distances from objects not related to and related to gas stations can be viewed.

Requirements for structures in the refueling area

Unlike many enterprises, a gas station is an enterprise on the territory of which not all types of structures are allowed to be located. Construction allowed:

  • control room;
  • administrative buildings;
  • premises for storing workers' uniforms, parts and tools necessary for work, equipment;
  • boiler room with coolants heating up to 80°C and not higher;
  • toilet rooms;
  • security premises;
  • Meal room for working shifts.

A number of gas stations (excluding gas-type gas stations with single-wall tanks) can locate car service centers and driver service areas on their own lands.

It is not permitted to place on the gas station territory:

  • buildings of classes A and B (except for those related to the technological refueling system) and G-premises, excluding boiler rooms;
  • premises for service of cars with technical processes leading to the circulation of vapors/gases with a high degree of flammability (painting).

Buildings erected on the territory of a gas station must be:

  • single-storey or built on 2 floors (the latter should be no more than 150 sq.m);
  • I-III degrees of fire resistance.

Gas station canopies are made of non-combustible materials. All fuel containers are protected from possible damage by machines and mechanisms. Each structural element, up to the fence, is subject to strict requirements described by NPB 111-98.

All gas stations provide lightning protection of at least category II according to RD 34.21.122-87. The electrical system is installed before the filling station is put into operation, grounding before commissioning. The requirements for it are described by the PUE and rules developed for petrochemical enterprises. Overhead power lines at gas stations of all modifications are prohibited.

Some requirements for gas station equipment

Gas stations must have:

  • phone line;
  • radio communication;
  • loudspeaker means.

High requirements for equipment tightness:

  • the columns must be equipped with devices capable of stopping the outflow of contents if damaged;
  • tanks must maintain their own tightness for 10 years, subject to compliance with technical requirements;
  • tanks for storing fuel materials are equipped with systems that allow checking the degree of tightness (PNo. 5 to NPB 111-98);
  • support reinforcement is carried out according to class I. tightness according to GOST 9544.

All electrical equipment on the territory of the gas station must be grounded; when installing it, you must proceed from the standards of PUE and PEEP (operating rules). Installation of such equipment is carried out taking into account areas of increased explosion hazard.

For each type of gas station/point, their technological equipment has specific requirements described by PB 111-98 standards.

Personnel requirements

Personnel must strictly adhere to health and safety rules when working at a gas station. When hiring, an introductory briefing on industrial safety must be carried out, then initial and systematic briefings with entry into the log.

Gas station workers must clearly know their actions at the time of fire. Become familiar with the fire extinguishing system at gas stations and be able to use primary fire extinguishing means.

Fire extinguishing agents: basic requirements

Means for extinguishing a fire at a gas station are not limited to the primary options (fire extinguishers), as in many enterprises. It must be additionally possible to use an external reservoir or water supply. It is also necessary to provide stationary fire extinguishing systems (including automatic ones).

Fire extinguishers are placed in the places and quantities specified in fire safety rules 01-93 (Chapter 17, clauses 17.5.5. and 17.5.6). The type of fire extinguishers is described by the same standard.

In PPB01-03 gas stations, an entire chapter No. 17 is devoted. This document describes the requirements not only for fire extinguishers, but also for:

  • documentation that you need to have at the gas station (magazines, plans for evacuation, localization and extinguishing of fire, a diagram describing the nearest sources of water and their flow, etc.);
  • equipment for receiving and supplying fuel;
  • use of electrical equipment;
  • maintenance of structures;
  • fire protection of the station;
  • fire containment plan;
  • means of quickly removing burning vehicles from gas stations;
  • storage conditions for hazardous substances and much more.

Gas station personnel involved in the sale of related products and the operation of cafes must be guided by the following regulatory legal acts: Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 9, 2002 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” List of domestic food products for inclusion in the assortment lists of retail trade facilities, approved by a resolution of the Ministry Trade of the Republic of Belarus dated January 15, 2009 No. 4 List of non-food products of proper quality that are not subject to exchange or return, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated June 14, 2002 No. 778 Recommendations for the preparation of information for consumers in retail facilities, approved by order of the Ministry trade of the Republic of Belarus dated December 1, 2008 No. 179 Sanitary norms and rules “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for commercial catering establishments”, approved by the resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated August 15, 2012 No. 128 Rules for retail trade of certain types of goods and public food, approved by resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated April 7, 2004 No. 384 Rules of conduct for the seller, approved by order of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus dated January 4, 1995 No. 2 Letter of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus dated November 3, 2011 No. 07 -09/ 676 to “On registration of price tags” DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF FILLING STATIONS

The Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 9, 2002 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” regulates the relations arising between consumers and sellers of goods (performance of work, provision of services), establishes the rights of consumers to purchase goods (work, services) of proper quality and safety, and also obtaining appropriate information about goods (works, services), their manufacturers and sellers. INFORMATION - necessary - reliable - timely ABOUT THE SELLER - in Belarusian or Russian - in a clear and accessible form ABOUT THE PRODUCT (SERVICE) RULES -TRADE RULES -SANITARY STANDARDS AND RULES ABOUT OPERATING MODE The main ways of conveying information to the client: - Information stand “Information” for consumers" ; - Product price list; - Packaging, container, product label; - External information (price sign, information about operating hours and the name of the legal entity). DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF FILLING STATIONS

Information stand "Information for consumers" Name of the owner of the gas station (IOO "Gazpromneft-Belnefteprodukt") and its location, telephone number, surname, first name, patronymic of the director Telephone, surname, proper name, patronymic of the head of the gas station Information about licenses, indicating the license number , validity period, authority that issued the license (or copies of licenses) A ​​book of comments and suggestions or information about its location and the person responsible for its maintenance A list of benign non-food products of good quality that are not subject to exchange, approved by the Government of the Republic of Belarus. Information on the prohibition of the sale to minors under the age of 18 of alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, beer, tobacco products, and to minors under the age of 15 - also matches, lighters Information on the prohibition of the sale of playing cards to minors under the age of 18, and to minors under the age of 15 years - also lighters, toxic chemicals and flammable liquids, pyrotechnic products Information that entry to the cafe may be closed 30 minutes before closing Address and telephone number of the “hotline” of the district executive committee operating in the territory where the gas station is located Rules for participation in loyalty program “Razam with us” Information about ongoing promotions Telephone number of the representative for the protection of consumer rights of the district executive committee operating in the territory where the gas station is located Rules for refueling a vehicle (extract from the Rules for the technical operation of a gas station) Address and telephone number of the state sanitary inspection body List of categories of consumers, entitled to service out of turn DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATIVE DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF FILLING STATIONS Quality passport for each batch of petroleum products, which must contain: - name and designation of the fuel grade; -name of the manufacturer and/or seller, their location (indicating the country); - designation of the document establishing the requirements for fuel of this brand (TR TS 013/2011); - standard values ​​and actual test results confirming the compliance of this brand of fuel with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union (TR TS 013/2011); -date of issue and passport number; -signature of the person who issued the passport; - information about the declaration of conformity; - information about the presence of additives in the fuel.

Gas station personnel involved in the sale of related products and the operation of the cafe must be guided by the following local regulatory legal acts: Gas station operator’s work instructions Director’s order No. 211 dated April 19, 2011 “On approval of uniform sets for gas station personnel” Calculation card Price list for products Brakerage SK-OD magazine. 07. 04 “Implementation of NP, LPG, STi. At the gas station" Technological map of the DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF PETROL STATIONS

General trading rules Gas station personnel must comply with the requirements of the law and local regulations. The customer must be provided with maximum information about the seller, the product, the gas station’s operating hours and methods of providing feedback (the opportunity to leave a comment or suggestion verbally or in writing, contact the hotline ") When working with cash, gas station personnel are guided by: SK-OD. 07. 04 “Implementation of NP, LPG, STi. At the gas station" Instructions on the procedure for conducting cash transactions and the procedure for cash settlements in Belarusian rubles on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, approved by Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated March 29, 2011 No. 107 Regulations on the procedure for using cash register equipment, payment terminals, automatic electronic devices, vending machines and accepting cash, bank payment cards as a means of making payments on the territory of the Republic of Belarus when selling goods, performing work, providing services, carrying out activities in the field of gambling, lottery activities, conducting electronic interactive games, approved by the resolution Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, National Bank of the Republic of Belarus dated July 6, 2011 No. 924/16 requirements of work instructions and other internal documents regulating work with cash. DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF FILLING STATIONS

General sanitary standards and rules for conducting related business at gas stations. Gas station personnel working with food products must have a valid sanitary book, be certified for knowledge of sanitary rules and regulations, the basics of hygienic and anti-epidemiological requirements, periodic medical examinations. Proper hygiene must be maintained in the sales area and in warehouses. cleanliness and order When storing and displaying goods, the principles of commodity neighborhood must be observed. The gas station must be provided with appropriate services for the removal of solid waste, deratization and disinsection. The legitimacy of the process of selling goods and services must be ensured at the gas station (expiration dates, price tags, availability of documents, etc. ) Gas station personnel must strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene: come to work in clean clothes and shoes; - store outerwear, shoes, hats, personal belongings in the office premises; -work in uniform, wash it when dirty; -do not fasten uniforms with pins or needles; - before starting work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap; -hair must be tucked under a headdress; - all operations in the cafe area, except for preparing drinks, must be performed with disposable gloves; -it is prohibited to work in street clothes; - It is prohibited to work without a headdress. -do not eat food in production premises; - eating food is allowed only in specially designated places; -after visiting the toilet, wash your hands with soap and water. DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF FILLING STATIONS

Sanitary norms and rules when organizing the work of a cafe When organizing the work of a cafe at a gas station, the following requirements must be ensured: compliance with sanitary rules by all gas station employees; full production and laboratory control; daily maintenance of the necessary documentation (brake log, personnel hand inspection log); maintaining gas station technological, refrigeration and other commercial equipment in good condition; ensuring the availability of a sufficient amount of production equipment, utensils, detergents, disinfectants and other items of material and technical equipment. ensuring that each gas station has sanitary rules (San. Pi. Nov) for use by gas station management (this is a recommendation); DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF FILLING STATIONS

The procedure for conducting an inspection of gas station workers before being allowed to work in a cafe 1. 2. 3. 4. The inspection and entry in the logbook is carried out independently by each gas station employee, before starting work on each shift. The head of the gas station or his deputy confirms this information and grants permission to work (signature in the log). All gas station operators of 3rd and 4th categories are subject to inspection. Employees with cuts, abrasions, burns, pustular diseases of the skin of the hands, open parts of the body (superficial pustules, boils, suppurations caused by cuts, splinters, burns and other skin damage), as well as respiratory diseases are not allowed to work in the cafe. The results of the inspection are recorded in the personnel hand inspection log, which must be laced, numbered and sealed. 01. 2013 Ivanova A. V. Operator 3 grades. Absent normally Ivanova A.V. Head of gas station Petrov A.S. Designations: zh – healthy; from – suspended from work; otp – vacation; c – day off b/l – sick leave DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF GAS STATIONS

Rejection of food in a cafe 1. All products and semi-finished products used in a cafe are subject to mandatory labeling after opening the package or defrosting. 2. Data on the date and time are indicated on the packaging or in the rejection register. 3. The selection of dishes and finished culinary products is carried out by a commission consisting of at least 3 people (gas station manager, gas station deputy head, operators). The assessment of product quality is entered into the rejection log (according to the attached form) before the start of its sale. The magazine must be numbered, laced and sealed. 4. The culling is carried out in the presence of the manufacturer (cook) of the product before the start of its sale and release to the consumer. 5. Organoleptic quality indicators that manufactured products must comply with are established in technical regulatory legal acts and technological documents for specific types of products. 6. The rejection commission evaluates the compliance of the primary processing of raw materials, taking into account its type and physical condition, with the requirements of technological documents (technological maps, collections of recipes, technological instructions), the correctness of the technological process, checks the storage conditions of dishes and products during distribution, the temperature of their serving (dispensing) , determines the actual weight of piece goods, semi-finished products and individual components, makes proposals for improving the taste of dishes. 7. Product quality is assessed using a five-point system for each indicator - appearance, color, smell, taste, consistency. Five points are given to products that are prepared in full accordance with the recipe and preparation technology and have no comments or deviations in organoleptic quality indicators. To evaluate products according to organoleptic indicators with four points, minor deviations from the established requirements are allowed, depending on the type of product. A product rating of three points indicates individual violations of the preparation technology, but allowing for its implementation. Products manufactured with gross violations of the preparation technology and that do not meet the established requirements for organoleptic quality indicators that cannot be eliminated are not subject to sale. 8. The results of rejection (organoleptic quality assessment) of products are reflected in the rejection log, which is kept in the form according to the appendix. 9. Products that have deviations and comments on organoleptic indicators are entered in the rejection log. Products that do not have deviations or comments are not reflected in the rejection log and at the end of the day (shift) an entry is made in the log: “The remaining batches of products have been checked and comply with the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts and technological documents. ". Date of DRP GAZPROM NEFT Name of dishes, products with deviations, comments on quality Time of preparation of products, carrying out rejection Comments on organoleptic quality indicators Score in points TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF FILLING STATIONS Last name, first name, patronymic of the product manufacturer Signatures of commission members

Information about the product must contain information on safety Information on food products Name of technical regulations or mark of confirmation of conformity; About certification (if necessary); Terms of use; Life time; Information about the necessary actions of the consumer after the expiration of these periods, as well as information about the main consumer properties; Price; Information on the rules for the sale of goods (provision of services); DRP GAZPROM NEFT About the composition; About nutritional value; About the appointment; On the conditions of use and storage; About methods of preparing ready-made dishes; About weight (volume); About the date of manufacture, packaging and place of manufacture; Contraindications; Name of food additives, dietary supplements, GMOs used in the manufacturing process of food products. Imported non-food products must contain the following information in RUSSIAN OR BELARUSIAN LANGUAGES: name of the product; name of the country, manufacturer, importer; purpose (area of ​​use), main properties and characteristics; rules and conditions for effective and safe use; other information about goods in accordance with the legislation TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF FILLING STATIONS

Design of price tags Letter of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus dated November 3, 2011 No. 07 -09/676 to “On the design of price tags” The seller is obliged to ensure the availability of uniform and clearly designed price tags (one size, one color scheme, aesthetic appearance) for the goods sold, indicating the following information: - name of the product (indicate the full name of the product assigned by the manufacturer, using the information on the basis of which the product was accepted for accounting (recorded)), its grade, - price per unit of weight or unit of product, - information about the content genetically modified components (components), -country of origin of the product, -signature of a person authorized by the seller, date of registration of the price tag. The seller may indicate other information on the price tags. The information must be written in Belarusian or Russian in a clear, legible font of the same size and type, convenient for consumers to read. Information about the content of genetically modified components (components) is highlighted, indicating: “Contains GMOs”, in red and in a larger font than the name of the product. When indicating the country of origin, it is allowed to write its short name. For example: “Republic of Belarus” - “Belarus”. The name of the country of origin of goods is indicated in accordance with the Classifier of countries of the world, approved by the decision of the Customs Union Commission dated September 20, 2010 No. 378, the National Classifier of the Republic of Belarus (OKRB-01799), approved by the State Standard Resolution of June 16, 1999 No. 8. DRP GAZPROM OIL TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF PETROL STATIONS

Documents confirming the quality of the product Original certificate of conformity Copy of the certificate of conformity, made on a special secure form of strict reporting, certified by the product certification body Presence of marking on the product and (or) on its consumer packaging with the mark of conformity of the National Conformity Confirmation System of the Republic of Belarus, indicated in the shipping documents registration number of the certificate, its validity period, name and address of the body that issued the certificate, if this information is not indicated on the product or on its consumer packaging Certificate of quality and safety of food raw materials and food products DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF FILLING STATIONS

If a defect is detected in the product, the client has the right to demand in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated January 9, 2002 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” Requirement Deadline Replacement of a defective product with a product of adequate quality Replacement with the same product of a different model (brand, type, article and etc.) (with additional payment or refund of the difference in price) Proportional reduction in the purchase price of the goods Immediate free elimination of defects in the goods Reimbursement of expenses for eliminating defects in the goods Refund of the amount paid for the goods Compensation for losses caused due to defects in the goods or the return of goods of inadequate quality to the seller Immediately , and if additional verification of the quality of the goods is necessary - within fourteen days from the date of presentation of the demand Immediately. If it is not immediately possible - within no more than 7 days from the date of presentation of the demand, and if an examination is necessary - 14 days Immediately. If it is not possible to immediately eliminate the deficiency - no more than 14 days from the date of presentation of the demand Immediately. If it is not immediately possible - no more than 7 days from the date of presentation of the claim, and if an examination is necessary - 14 days Immediately or, if it is not immediately possible - within seven days from the date the consumer confirms the amount of losses The consumer does not have a document confirming the fact purchase of goods (cash receipt, etc.) is not a basis for refusal to satisfy its requirements DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF FILLING STATIONS

List of non-food products of good quality that are not subject to exchange or return (approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated June 14, 2002 No. 778) Personal hygiene items, goods for the prevention and treatment of diseases at home (toothbrushes, combs, hair curlers, sponges, shaving blades and other similar products, sanitary and hygiene items made of metal, rubber, textiles and other materials, oral hygiene products) Products made of polymeric materials in contact with food, including for single use (dishes and tableware and kitchen, containers and packaging materials for storing and transporting food products) Fresh flowers, Christmas trees, ornamental plants, seedlings, seedlings, seeds, bulbs, mycelium Tobacco products Batteries Hosiery Costume jewelry Perfume and cosmetics Tools for manicure and pedicure Toys , carnival accessories (costumes, masks, half masks) Household chemicals, including paints and varnishes Automatic fountain and ballpoint pens, automatic pencils, rods, markers, felt-tip pens and other similar products Audio and video cassettes, floppy disks and CDs, other technical information media Printed publications With the exception of goods in sealed packaging DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF FILLING STATIONS

Administrative offenses in trade Violation of the legislation on the book of comments and suggestions entails a fine of four to ten basic units. Violation of the rules of trade and provision of services to the population entails a fine of up to fifty basic units with confiscation of goods, regardless of whose ownership they are. , and the proceeds received from their sale Violation of the procedure for accepting funds when selling goods (services) in cash entails a fine in the amount of twenty to fifty basic units. Fraud of consumers entails a fine in the amount of up to twenty-five basic units with deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities. activities of DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF FILLING STATIONS

DOCUMENTS FOR DISPLAYING GOODS AT PETROL STATIONS The merchandising album must contain the following information: 1. Gas station merchandising plan (Top view) The merchandising plan for a gas station is a schematic representation of the arrangement of retail equipment with the designation of product categories. 2. Explanation of abbreviations 3. Product display planograms. The display planogram contains information on the placement of goods on the rack, indicating the number of “faces” of the display and visualization. DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF FILLING STATIONS

Acceptance of goods at gas stations 2. Deciphering the abbreviations of commodity or commodity-transport invoices confirming the quality of the goods (certificate or copy of the certificate of conformity, hygienic certificate, certificate of quality, etc.) DRP Gazprom oil rules, requirements of external regulatory documents for gas stations for the work of gas

QUANTITY AND QUALITY OF DELIVERED GOODS When delivering goods, it is necessary to count 100% of the delivered goods. The actual quantity of goods must match that indicated on the supplier's invoice and on the order. The gas station manager must check the quality of the goods received: the absence of wrinkled packaging, hidden defects, etc. 2. Explanation of abbreviations It is necessary to check the expiration dates of the goods. The remaining shelf life cannot be less than 2/3 of the total shelf life. All facts of short deliveries of goods are indicated in the corresponding file on the network portal. It is PROHIBITED to accept goods that are not specified in the order forms and are not included in the current planogram! DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF FILLING STATIONS

STORAGE OF GOODS IN A GAS STATION WAREHOUSE Warehouse facilities for storing food and non-food products are determined within the framework of the gas station project 1. 2. Explanation of abbreviations F o o d v e n DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, EXTERNAL REGULATION REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENTS FOR GAS STATION OPERATION

STORAGE OF GOODS IN A GAS STATION WAREHOUSE It is necessary to comply with the hygienic requirements for the operation of warehouses: 1. 2. 3. Wash warehouse premises and equipment in accordance with the cleaning schedule Place garbage and packaging only in specially designated places Store expired goods in in a strictly designated place, in a closed container, the container is signed “Not for sale” DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF FILLING STATIONS

WAREHOUSE OF RELATED GOODS Distance from the ceiling is more than 50 cm. All goods are arranged neatly on the shelves Shelves are marked There is no goods on the floor On the door there is information about the class of explosion and fire hazard and the name of the person responsible for the PPB DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF GAS STATIONS

WAREHOUSE OF OILS AND NON-FOOD PRODUCTS All goods are arranged neatly on the shelves The room is clean and tidy There is no goods on the floor The oil warehouse is equipped with stationary fire extinguishers On the door there is information about the class of explosion and fire hazard and the name of the person responsible for the PPB DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS WORK OF GAS STATIONS

REFRIGERATORS AND FREEZERS Before ordering chilled and frozen goods, you must make sure that the temperature in the chambers corresponds to the specified one: Temperature in the low-temperature chamber - 20. . -18 Temperature in the medium temperature chamber +2. . +4 The operator controls the temperature conditions of refrigeration and freezing equipment. The goods are neatly placed on the shelves, there is no goods on the floor. Goods for the cafe are stored in a specially designated place. Substandard goods are stored in a specially designated marked place. DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF FILLING STATIONS

DISPLAYING STATIONS AT A PETROL STATION AND DESIGNING PROMOTIONS Upon delivery of goods to a gas station, the Gas Station Manager organizes the process of laying out goods on the rack, based on the following documents: 1. Gas station merchandising album 2. Planograms for displaying goods 3. Presentations on organizing promotions 4. Instructions for registration of Drive Cafe DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF FILLING STATIONS

DISPLAYING STATIONS AT A PETROL STATION AND DESIGNING PROMOTIONS The gas station manager organizes the process of displaying goods at a gas station and exercises control at all areas, adjusting the actions of operators if necessary. Before you begin displaying goods, you must ensure that the retail equipment is clean and free of dust and dirt. Provide staff with product display planograms and printed price tags Provide staff with all auxiliary materials and POS promotional materials for the design of promotional goods DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF FILLING STATIONS

REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DISPLAY OF RELATED PRODUCTS 1. Product groups must be arranged in strict accordance with the merchandising plan of the gas station 2. The display on the racks must comply with the current planogram ü The display of goods is neat, the product is labeled with the customer ü The shelves are filled to the full depth of capacity ü The shelves are adjusted according to the dimensions of the product ü Each product has a price tag ü There are no products with damaged packaging/label or expired ü The product and equipment are clean DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF FILLING STATIONS

Requirements for working in a cafe G Maintaining constant cleanliness and proper order in the cafe area and gas station in general! G Carry out wet cleaning of all gas station premises on a daily basis G Sanitization must be carried out in accordance with the equipment operating instructions and internal requirements of the Organization G Sanitization of equipment must be carried out every shift at night (from 02.00 to 05.00). The time for sanitization should be selected based on the priority being the smallest flow of customers. G Sanitary treatment of equipment should be carried out: using detergents and disinfectants using appropriate labeled equipment G Before performing sanitary treatment, the gas station manager must familiarize the staff with the instructions of the Organization (NMD, presentations on cascade training 2013 and equipment manufacturer's operating manual)! DRP GAZPROM NEFT TRADE RULES, REQUIREMENTS OF EXTERNAL REGULATORY DOCUMENTS FOR THE OPERATION OF FILLING STATIONS


It might be useful to read: