Trade Organization of Food Trade. I.2. Trade rules. Actual questions of retail

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are federal sanitary rules and regulations that are mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities:

SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and turnover of food raw materials and food products";

SanPyn "Hygienic requirements for the expirational timing and storage conditions of food products";

Managers of trade enterprises are required to provide:

· The presence of personal medical records from each employee with a mark on the passage of periodic medical examinations;

· Conducting classes on the study of these sanitary rules by persons entering work, as well as an annual test of sanitary and hygienic knowledge of staff with a mark on the delivery of hygiene preparation certificate in the personal medical record;

· Selective inspection of sanitary and hygienic knowledge in the workplace and re-studying with the adoption of tests in identified violations of sanitary requirements or in the absence of necessary knowledge;

· The presence of sanitary and uniform clothing in accordance with current standards, regular centralized washing and fixing sanitary clothing;

· The presence of a sufficient number of manufacturing equipment, dishes and other logistics items;

· Conducting measures for disinsection and deratization according to a contract with disorders;

· Conduct additional preventive measures for epidemiological indications;

· The presence of daily inspections of mineralized diseases at enterprises;

· Availability of first aid kit to provide first aid and their timely replenishment;

· Organization of sanitary and educational work through seminars, conversations, lectures.

Food trade organizations - These are organizations intended for the sale of food and food raw materials. The activities of trade organizations regardless of the forms of ownership are allowed on the basis of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion issued by the authorities of Rospotrebnadzor on the compliance by their sanitary regulations.

Assortment of goods (trade assortment; commodity nomenclature) - This is a set of goods combined by any one or a set of signs.

Assortment list of goods - This is part of the trade assortment of goods that should be permanently on sale. The range and volume of goods being implemented are coordinated with the authorities of Rospotrebnadzor. The range of food raw materials and food products implemented in the organization of trade should correspond to the type of trade organization. Subsequently, when changing the range of products being implemented (expansion or abbreviation), it is subject to relegation.

Criteria for commercial premises, equipment, inventory, the list of services are established by sanitary standards, safety regulations, fire-fighting and other requirements.

When organizing food trade, according to Article 15 of the Federal Law "On Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population" to prevent the occurrence and distribution of infectious diseases and mass noncommunicable diseases (poisoning), sanitary rules must be performed. Each enterprise requires sanitary rules.

Sanitary rules and hygienic standards are regulatory acts that establish the safety criteria for the human environmental factors and requirements for ensuring the favorable conditions for its livelihoods.

In food trade, regardless of the forms of ownership, the safety of life and health of consumers must be ensured, subject to the sanitary rules and norms (Sanpin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and turnover of food raw materials and food products") .

There are the following main types of food trade enterprises:

A) retail enterprises:

A food shop is a trade enterprise that implements individual groups of food products, and if necessary and non-food products of private demand.

Dellery is a trade enterprise, having the area of \u200b\u200bthe trading hall from 100 square meters. m. Carrying out the implementation of a wide range of food products by the traditional method of service and providing additional services to the population.

Supermarket is a comfortable trade enterprise that has an area of \u200b\u200bthe trading hall from 600 square meters. m., with a modern organization of a trading process and realizing at least 2000 food products and a wide range of accompanying non-food products, as well as the population has a wide list of additional services.

B) Melorownight trade enterprises:

The pavilion is a facilitator facilities, usually on 2-4 jobs, with utility rooms and a trading room.

Kiosks - facilities for 1 - 2 jobs without a trading room.

Trade organizations can be placed, both in a separate building, and in attached, built-in, and also built-in - attached to residential buildings, in other destinations, can be placed on the territory of industrial and other facilities for servicing employees of these organizations.

The territory of the market is distinguished by the functional zones: trade, administrative and warehouse, economic, parking for transport.

The shopping zone is arranged canopies for storage of containers and platforms for garbage collection and food waste. To collect garbage and food waste, separate containers with covers (or specially closed structures), installed on the platforms with a solid coating, the dimensions of which exceed the area of \u200b\u200bthe base of containers to 1m in all directions. The platforms for collecting garbage and food waste are located at a distance of at least 25m from trade organizations. It is allowed to reduce the specified distance, based on the local conditions for the placement of trade organizations.

Complex rationalization of trade in all its links in modern conditions is an urgent problem. The rational organization of trade, which includes the study and forecasting of buying demand for sold goods, the formation of an optimal range, advertising and information activities, the choice of effective methods of retail sales of goods contributes to the enterprise of optimal results of its activities. Based on this, the study of this aspect is especially important at the present stage of the development of the trading sector.

Commercial services of the population assumes the presence of specially arranged and equipped commercial premises, adapted for the best service of buyers, selection and formation of a trade assortment and the possibility of its operational change in accordance with the changed in demand of the population, continuously studying and accounting for consumer customer requests, the ability to offer and sell goods to each specific man. Trade enterprises should strive to confront competitors and ensure normal profits.

In market conditions, retail trade needs to be focused on the development of trade in countries with a developed market economy, where large human resources are concentrated, significant financial resources are involved, science and technology are widely implemented. For Western countries, a constant flow of workforce in the sphere of trade is characterized by a significant scale of its use. This provision is explained by the fact that within the sphere of trade there was a need for new types of commercial activities that ensure the greatest effectiveness of the sale of goods. Special services for the study and prediction of consumer demand, control over the activities of stores, analysis and determination of the effectiveness of certain forms and methods of trade, the introduction of standardization and labeling, information of buyers about the consumer quality of new products, organization of exhibitions. Expanding and improving after-sales service . This type of service accounts for up to 5% of the turnover of the trading company. In the trade of these countries, there is a process to consolidate stores both through construction in new places and by closing small inefficient stores. The advantages of shops with a large trading area are obvious: high speed turnover, lower costs of circulation. Trade is produced by Methodoxing. With the transition to self-service, the composition of employed in retail, trade: the number of traditional vendors is reduced, on the one hand, and the demand for
Qualified sellers of consultants - on the other. The introduction of electronic devices in trade increases demand for qualified programmer specialists, cashier-controllers. Trade is increasingly used by the work of architects, designers, artists.

Among the commercial conditions for the successful sale of goods in the retail trade network, it is most important to consider the study and prediction of the population's purchasing demand, which is aimed at determining the range of demand. The assortment and intragroup structure of demand reflect data on the sale and stocks of goods, as well as information about unsatisfied demand. In order to obtain the main primary data on the intragroup demand structure, accounting for the sale of goods and reserves on the wide range of product range, registration of unsatisfied demand and customer requirements for the quality of individual species and varieties of goods should be organized. The organization of collecting, processing and analyzing information on the intragroup structure of the sale and stocks of goods on the intragroup structure of the commodity range is a complex and time-consuming task. This is primarily due to the fact that in the intragroup assortment of goods of each store there are thousands and tens of thousands of varieties. Accounting for the movement of such a huge range is possible only using modern computer equipment. In developed countries, a single universal commodity bar code is applied to a significant part of food products on each commodity unit.

In small retailers, non-automatic methods of accounting for the intragroup structure of realized demand can be used. For such accounting, operational data on stocks and receipt of goods, materials of inventories, on the basis of which are determined by the actual sale of individual goods over long periods and the average daily sales. As such methods, sales of sales for commercial checks or commodity labels and some other methods are also used.

Along with the registration of realized demand in stores to study the demand, the collection of information on the analysis of inventories is organized, accounting for unsatisfied demand and customer requirements for the quality of goods.

An important element of commercial work is the formation of an optimal range of goods in the store . The establishment of an optimal assortment of the store is directly depending on the type and specialization of the trading enterprise. In the domestic retail, as well as abroad, there are processes of concentration of trade enterprises that occur simultaneously with the processes of universalization and specialization of trade enterprises, the creation of small mixed stores for food trade.

In market conditions, no commercial enterprise can successfully implement goods without the use of advertising in one or another of its form. The essence of advertising is to stimulate the sale of goods.

In retail to stimulate the sales of goods, various types of advertising should be used: the design of window and intra-magazine showcases, the organization of advertising exhibitions of goods, printed, radio television and other modern views.

The choice of effective methods of retail sale of goods is the most important stage of commercial operation of retail trade enterprises. Effectively organized sale of goods contributes to the growth of the store turnover, the best satisfaction of the population's demand and ensures the cost-effective work of the enterprise.

The following methods for selling goods are used: the traditional method (sale through the counter); self-service; with open display and free access of buyers to the goods; According to preliminary orders.

With a traditional method, the maintenance process takes a long time, the bandwidth of the store is small, the costs of personnel are significant, the probability of the queue is high. In addition, it is important to note that the seller carries out the entire process of service, and it must have a high professional level. It requires a good knowledge of the range, competent and rapid performance of the entire cycle of technological operations and compliance with the ethics of relationships with customers. Not every employee meets the requirements of professional skills, which causes additional difficulties in organizing service. In this regard, if conditions are allowed to use the self-service method.

Self-service goods selling are one of the most convenient for buyers for the sale of goods. Self-service allows you to speed up the operations for the sale of goods, increase the capacity of the stores, expand the sales volume of goods.

The method of selling goods with an open display compared to the traditional method is more convenient to the fact that at the same time many buyers can familiarize themselves with open goods with laid out, without distracting sellers on display and informing operations. With a rational organization of sale in this method, operations selling goods are accelerated, the labor productivity increases.

Trading by preliminary order buyers, as it allows them to save time for the purchase of goods. Orders can be accepted in the store, auto shop, at the place of work or at home buyers.

The quality of commercial services is largely determined by the number and quality of additional trade services provided by shops to buyers of goods. Suite services include the organization of a cafeteria or a buffet with a large store; buyers' storage chambers; Equipment near standing stores for cars, indoor sites for children's wheelchairs, etc. Consider services directly related to the sale of goods (consultations of sellers and specialists, advertising information, etc.). As well as the recruitment of festive sets, the reception of fading houses at the population, consulting buyers on home canning products, organization of disabled service departments, elderly and large families (with the delivery of goods to the house).

Thus, after analyzing the material studied, it can be concluded that the achievement of optimal results for all components of the trade organization will significantly increase the efficiency of the enterprise's trading process, will achieve significant results in terms of economic activities.

Organizations specializing in the sale of food products are the most complex in the field of trade. Conducted by various difficulties in organizing a business from the law, which makes high demands on retail stores. This area is actively developing and, according to experts, in the near future the most stable will be those stores that are focused on the middle and lower price segment.

Any trading activity is subordinated to the rules of trade, which are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Qualified lawyers of our portal have the opportunity, free of charge, to provide advice and explain what trade rules exist and changes made in 2019.

The sale of goods is the most popular view of the business that entrepreneurs choose. Each category of goods (food, non-food) has its own rules and features. At the legislative level, the Government is accepted and the requirements that each seller must know and use in their work activity.

The rules for the implementation of food products for retail stores 2019 imply the procedure for the preparatory process before implementation. The following requirements of 2019 are listed, which are obliged to be carried out throughout the entire process of selling goods for retail stores:

  1. Retail pavilions are required to have a legal framework, have an address, name, signboard with a mode of operation and a profile of activity.
  2. Training. All products before selling must be laid on the counter. The goods are obliged to be sorted by type, view and department, observing the storage mode. The presence of price tags and a brief description of goods - be sure.
  3. Sellers. Requirements for the presence of honey jn, uniform clothing, neat appearance and the presence of a headdress are presented to employees of the food products. Each employee is obliged to wear a newspaper, indicating the organization, held by the post and name of the employee.
  4. Goods. The basic requirements include - shelf life, storage conditions, implementation procedure, price, etc.
  5. Other requirements. These are mainly the conditions that are aimed at complying with consumer rights - scales, cash register, availability books of complaints and a consumer corner.

These are only the basic rules and requirements that are put forward to the sale of food products with retail stores. Next, sanitary rules, norms, standards and changes that have entered into force in 2019 will be considered.

Separately, it is necessary to note those rules and norms that apply to the organization of the work of the trading pavilion. Based on the foregoing, the store must have an external sign in which information about the organization should be specified. Regarding the rules of the domestic organization, the head of the store is obliged to place landmarks for the consumer, namely:

  • pointers about the location of sections or groups of goods;
  • FIO FIO Trading Department;
  • Price for services rendered in the store (if any).

Also in the corner of the consumer, it is necessary to provide customers with information on the rules of retail sales and contact details about organizations that regulate the activity of the store.

It is necessary to pay attention to that if the pavilion sells raw meat, then on a visible place for the buyer, you need to place an information poster about the destruction of meat in its varieties.

It is worth considering the design of price tags for products. So, in 2019, the following requirements apply to the design of the price tags:

  1. Products, packaged in the store should have a liner indicating the name, weight and prices. The same standards should contain packaging.
  2. Details of the Organizations specified on the price tag should be easily readable and to be certified by the seal of the company and the signed of the employee who is material responsibility.
  3. The presence of weights in the store is necessarily. Any measuring equipment must be regularly and have marks about checking the appropriate organ.
  4. This product, which has a defect or disadvantage, should be equipped with an information plate. The client when buying this product must also be informed about its defect in oral form.

Thus, observing all the standards for the sale of food products in 2019, you can protect yourself from unscheduled checks of Rospotrebnadzor, and always keep at a high level of organization reputation.

Sanitary standards and requirements

The main act, which regulates the rules for facilities where goods are being implemented is Sanpin No. 2.3.5. 021-94 "Sanitary Rules for Food Trade Enterprises." It contains generalized rules of other legislative documents: SNIP-S, GUT, decrees, etc. These standards are valid in 2019. Rospotrebnadzor monitors the fulfillment of all the requirements of SanPiN-A.

There are norms extending to all firms employed in food trade: warehouses, sales bases, storage facilities, retail and wholesale stores, etc. In the case of designing a new object or reconstruction of old commercial premises, you need to stick to Sanpin-a. Only in agreement with the Rosprotonnadzor you can enter new objects into operation.

All standards, the above-mentioned document are divided into the "cut-off" and "compliance" standards. From the position of the law, the "cut-off norms" make it difficult to open retail stores. And the "standards of conformity" allow you to carry out proper refinement over the room to fulfill all the requirements and open a trading pavilion.


  1. Placing fish stores, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is higher than one thousand sq.m., in residential buildings of the basement or second floors.
  2. It is prohibited to upload and unload the goods near the windows or entrances to the house. It is necessary to carry out these actions only from the end of a residential building that do not have window openings, on the part of the road, if the store has special rooms equipped for this room.
  3. It is strictly prohibited to carry out the night-loading, loading-loading of goods in stores located in a residential building. If there are claims from tenants, it will be a reason for the visit of the verifier organ.

When identifying violations, the organization may impose penalties that range from five minimum wage and higher. In the event that serious violations were found or repeated, Rospotrebnadzor has the right to suspend the work of the retail point for three months or to close the store.

Most of the requirements and rules of SanPiN-A and SNIP-OS refer to "conformity standards". The fulfillment of them all depends on the knowledge, experience and conscientiousness of the organization.

You can get full information about all the rules for the implementation of food products operating in 2019, you can have qualified lawyers of our portal. Employees will answer all your questions around the clock online free of charge.

Norms and standards in the choice of land

When erecting a new retail pavilion, it is necessary to referred to SanPiN-Ohm for 2019 at the stage of the recruitment stage. The main requirements include:

  • the locality under the site is not chosen wetlable;
  • the absence of a number of garbage dumps;
  • the absence of a number of animal breeding organizations and processing enterprises, etc.

SNiP 2.04.01-85 regulates the premises of the pavilion of food products in the field of water supply system. Based on this act, the construction of a new building without an internal sewage system is prohibited. In the event that the store is located, for example, in a residential object, its sewerage should not be combined with the house sewage system. Thus, it is necessary to equip a separate branch. It is caused by the fact that food pavilions bear a major burden on the central system of drainage.

In addition, in the rules of this SNIP-A, other additional requirements are prescribed, which must be taken into account when selecting the room for a food store.

Additional requirements

Regarding the ventilation system when choosing an object under the product pavilion, Rospotrbadzor places not so much requirements. The autonomy of the system is mainly checked.

The norms of lighting devices at the moment are not a problem, because All modern lighting devices are manufactured on the basis of SNIP-A "Natural and artificial lighting. Design standards. "

It should also be familiar with the standards and standards that relate to the equipment and finishing of product pavilions. Sufficient attention is paid to the characteristics of the room. Thus, refrigeration equipment or showcases should fit into general layout and correspond to fire standards. Also, on the basis of SNIP-A №, standards and requirements for the arrangement of "Motovok" should be observed for employees. Often they are easily observed when the object is erected. In 2019, these standards and standards continue to act unchanged.

In the event that the store refers to a specific category, for example, trade in fresh food products, then the retail point provides for the availability of a warehouse equipped with ventilation, a temperature-wet mode and a lack of natural lighting.

Those leaders of organizations that do not find time for studying the requirements, norms and standards for the arrangement of trade pavilions, you can contact qualified lawyers on our website that can advise free and around the clock.

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