Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces. The Ministry of Finance refused the Ministry of Defense to raise salaries to the military Additional awards to the military at the end of the year

The state is in dire need of a strong army. For this reason, the recruitment of contractors is actively underway. They are capable of successfully replacing conscripts. In order to attract as many new contract employees as possible, it is planned to increase the salaries of military personnel this and next year.

Russia has a huge number of weapons of mass and local destruction. Against this background, there is a need for specialists who can provide proper maintenance.

About 1/3 of the state budget is spent on servicing the military forces. Part is spent on the development of the latest weapons. The second part goes to payments to the military.

The total salary of military personnel consists of:

  1. Oklad.
  2. Additional payments.
  3. Premium.

What influences

The salaries of Russian military personnel are affected by the following:

  • length of service;
  • personal merits;
  • service time;
  • rank.

The military receives a salary depending on the length of service. Persons serving over the polar pole receive a bonus.

12 months of service goes into service as 24 months.

Personal merit refers to accomplished deeds. It also matters where the soldier served. Employees in hot spots are paid more.

The pros and cons of contract ministry. Watch the video.

Other allowances

There are other allowances as well. They contact:

  • knowledge of several languages;
  • the presence of VO;
  • excellent physical training.

It also takes into account how a person is able to make a decision in a critical situation.


The amount of monthly salary allowances in the Russian Federation looks like this:

  • length of service - 11-39%;
  • high qualifications - 6-29%;
  • secrecy - 66%;
  • specific conditions - 100%;
  • completion of special tasks - 100%;
  • special achievements - 100%.

Shooter salary

A shooter is understood as a private with two years of service. You can find out how much he earns from the table.

Squad Leader Salary

A squad leader is a junior sergeant 3rd class, whose length of service varies from 2 to 5 years.

The salary of a squad leader, who is a sergeant of the 2nd class and has a length of service from 5 to 10 years, looks like this:

Salary for deputy platoon commander

The deputy platoon commander is a senior sergeant of the 1st class with a length of service of 10 to 15 years. How much he gets is shown on the plate:

Platoon Commander's Salary

A platoon commander means a foreman, a foreman, whose length of service is 15-20 years. The sign shows how much he earns.

How much a foreman earns, a foreman with a seniority of 20-25 years, is shown in the plate:

Salaries of officers

This position requires higher education. With allowances for salary officers, they look quite impressive... Without them, the salary of military officers with an officer rank looks like this:

  1. Platoon commander - 20 thousand rubles.
  2. Deputy company commander - 21.0 thousand rubles.
  3. Company commander - 22 thousand rubles.
  4. Deputy battalion commander - 23.0 thousand rubles.
  5. Combat - 24.0 thousand rubles.
  6. Deputy com. shelf - 25.0 thousand rubles.
  7. Command regiment - 26.5 thousand rubles.
  8. Deputy com. brigades - 27.5 thousand rubles.
  9. The brigade commander - 29.0 thousand rubles.
  10. Deputy com. divisions - 29.5 thousand rubles.
  11. Com. Division - 30.5 thousand rubles.
  12. Deputy com. buildings - 31.0 thousand rubles.

The Russian government plans to pay additional salaries to the military this year. They called it "thirteenth salary." These payments are bonuses for the work of civil servants during the year. For employees of the Ministry of Defense of Russia and the National Guard, the payment of wages 13 presupposes the fulfillment of a number of conditions.

The special unit is planning to raise wages in 2018, and this year, to make a payment in the form of an additional salary, as a bonus. True, the premium will be different for everyone, depending on many factors and conditions.

Award in the National Guard at the end of 2017: current salaries of the military

Rosgvardia was formed in 2016, in the form of a new power structure. This is an emergency, but permanent service that will confront the crime of the country. Employees were recruited at their own request, they were employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and other military structures. The selection took place at a professional level. The ban on indexation in 2016 led to the fact that the salaries of this power structure are not high.

Now the average salary for privates is from 20 to 25 thousand rubles, and for officers - 45 thousand rubles. The salary of employees depends on the region, since the budget is formed on the basis of the municipal budget. In addition, the military receives bonuses in the amount of 25% of the salary, increases in connection with difficult service, and premiums for awards.

In 2018, indexation should be carried out, which will lead to an increase in the salaries of Rosgvardia employees, as economists noted, by about 1-2 times.

Award in Rosgvardia at the end of 2017: the impact of conditions on the amount of payment of 13 salaries

The thirteenth salary has additional points that affect its receipt. For example, the premium should not be more than five times the calculated amount in the whole indicator. The salary is not allowed for civil servants and contract employees. It will not be received by servicemen who have judgments or reprimands in their personal files. The military who have weak physical or professional indicators will not be able to get it. Defense Department employees cannot receive additional wages if they have additional work.

The number of payments depends on the position of the military personnel. Therefore, the highest award at the end of 2017 will be given to the chiefs, and the lowest - to the deputy heads of structural departments. But one should not expect that the bonus will be tangible, rather small, approximately 3-4% of the real salary of military personnel.

Award in Rosgvardia at the end of 2017: funds for awards may not be enough

At the moment, it is impossible to say for sure whether the allowance will be paid to employees of the Russian Guard. Rosgvardia is a new structure, and in addition to it, the Government is allocating funds for other units. For example, this year all military personnel have been raised their salaries by 15%. Therefore, the state may not have enough funds to pay the Rosgvardia and the Ministry of Defense premiums.

In Russia, every law enforcement officer receives a salary bonus annually, in accordance with the law. Consequently, the government is not obliged to pay the additional, thirteenth salary again.

In 2017, the government promises to raise the salaries of all public sector employees, including military personnel. Politicians believe that an increase in monetary allowances (abbreviated as DD) is simply necessary in the context of a rapid rise in prices. But should the military and their families wait for an increase in salaries and pensions? Perhaps the only way to raise the incomes of military personnel in the near future is to index DD. It is with her that we will begin the analysis of such an important but delicate topic.

Indexation of military salaries in 2017

DD indexation will smooth out the impact and ensure an acceptable standard of living for the military and their families. But military salaries have not been indexed for four years. Each time, the government calls them a "freeze" as a temporary measure to deal with financial difficulties. The 2016 bill to abolish indexing was criticized by some MPs, but was approved by a majority. Supporters of the resolution remind that the salary of military personnel already exceeds the income of the average Russian.

In addition, the military receive special types of material support, such as housing and food. Refusal to index their salaries will allow the state treasury to save up to 90 billion rubles. Therefore, one can only guess if the salaries of military personnel will increase in 2017. The size of the proposed indexing is also unknown. It is unlikely that DD will be raised by 12% - the inflation rate in 2016. But an increase in payments by 5-6% looks more plausible.

It is not yet known whether the salary of the military will be indexed in 2017

In 2016, the salary was approximately 30 thousand rubles. An employee's salary depends on his class and category, working conditions, the riskiness of the tasks he performs, and a dozen other factors. The military receive a salary from the federal budget and cannot hope for the support of the regional authorities, like civil servants.

The situation with the pensions of retired military personnel is more optimistic. In 2016, payments undergo two indexations. The first took place in February, but payments increased by only 4% instead of the promised 7.5%, i.e. for 1.5-5 thousand rubles. In mid-October, retirees are expecting a new increase. The payment and amount of pensions directly depend on the economic situation in the state.

Low military income is a problem not only for their recipients, but for the entire country. Material rewards make one serve conscientiously, and generous pensions attract talented youth into the army. Experts are sure that the average size of DD must be raised by at least 20 thousand, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous for the safety of Russians.

At the end of November 2017 with the aim of regularly monitoring salaries in the IT industry. Salaries are left by the specialists themselves, we collect them and provide them in an aggregated and anonymous form to everyone in the public domain.

During December, we collected about 7,500 salaries, and today we can show what the salaries looked like at the end of 2017. Let's go through all the main IT specialties and take a deeper look at the salaries of software developers. Let's see how salaries in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity differ by city, qualification and programming language. Finally, let's show the salaries of ten companies for which users have left enough data.

There will be many diagrams, all prepared using the service. In the publication, the diagrams will be pictures, if you wish, you can on them in interactive mode. Anyone can get more detailed information on salaries directly on the salary service "My Circle", having played with its filter.

A few more words on how to read diagrams correctly. All salaries are indicated in rubles. Dots represent specific salaries. That is, the more points, the more such salaries were indicated. A group of points for each sample is visualized using a box-and-whiskers, or box plot. The box shows the median salary (median; half of salaries is higher, and half is below this point, we can consider this as the average salary in the sample), the lower and upper quartiles (q1 and q3; dividing the upper half and the lower half of salaries in half, as a result, half of all salaries lie between them).

Summary of the report:

Part 1. Salaries for main IT specialties

Software developer salaries

Operations salaries

Quality Assurance Salaries

Designers salaries

Analyst salaries

Content, Marketing and HR Specialists Salaries

Executive salaries

Part 2. Developer salaries by city

In general, if we compare the medians, the salaries of Moscow developers are 10-50% higher than those of St. Petersburg developers and 50-200% higher than those of developers in other cities.

Mobile developer salaries

Backend developer salaries

Full stack developer salaries

Front-end developer salaries

Desktop developer salaries

Part 3. Salaries of developers by programming languages \u200b\u200band qualifications

In general, when comparing medians, the maximum gap between the highest and the lowest salaries in programming languages \u200b\u200bfor each qualification is 35-40%. With the exception of the Junior qualification - here the gap reaches 60%. On average, the highest paid language is Go, the lowest paid is PHP.

Regardless of the programming language, the salary for the middle qualification is higher than the salary for the junior qualification by about 200%. According to qualifications, senior compared to middle - by 60-70%. In terms of qualifications, lead versus senior - by 10-30%.

All programming languages

Go developer salaries

Objective-C and Swift developer salaries

Kotlin developer salaries

Ruby developer salaries

C ++ developer salaries

Java developer salaries

Python developer salaries

JavaScript developer salaries

C #, .NET developer salaries

PHP developer salaries

Part 4. Salaries by company

At the moment, enough salaries have been collected for the following companies. If you want to know what are the salaries in the company where you work, leave your salary on the service and call your colleagues.

Thank you for your attention, we plan to release the next report in six months, at the end of June. Then we can look at salaries in dynamics. If you think that the report lacks any data that you think are interesting, write in the comments, we will be very grateful to you.

Monetary allowance of the military in 2018, salaries by position and rank, bonus by order 1010 in December 2017, allowances for an increased level of physical, the abolition of income tax for military personnel, 25 years for minimum length of service and an increase in military pensions in 2018

In general, I must say that the end of 2017 became very eventful and rich in events directly related to their material well-being for active servicemen and military pensioners.

In this article, we have tried to bring together all the changes, both already documented and changes that are still only "heard". Of course, it is not solid for a publication that only cites the facts of what our site is, BETWEEN US SPEAKING, to publish information about those events that are only spoken about. But, after thinking, weighing all the pros and cons, we nevertheless decided to talk about what is still at the level of “conversations”.

In our country, as they say, there is no smoke without fire, and all employees need to be informed about possible changes in legislation and in departmental regulatory documents. This, in particular, will allow making decisions about, for example, the further signing of a new contract. Yes, and in general, forewarned is forearmed.

Money allowance for military personnel in 2018 and the size of new salaries

The pay of servicemen in 2018 will increase by 4%. Salaries for military positions and military ranks will grow by 4%

Military pensions from January 1, 2018

Military pensions from January 1, 2018 will increase by 4% due to an increase in the pay of servicemen - their salaries for military positions and military ranks.

The size of the reduction coefficient for calculating military pensions in 2018

The size of the reduction coefficient for calculating military pensions in 2018 will not change compared to 2017. The law on freezing the reduction factor at the level of 72.23% was adopted in the third and final reading by the State Duma. That is, there are no options.

The indexation of payments to veterans of military operations and labor, invalids and Chernobyl victims is provided from February 1, 2018, based on the inflation of the previous year, at the level of 3.2%.

The Government of the Russian Federation maintains:

1. To establish from February 1, 2018 the indexation amount 1.032 for payments, benefits and compensations provided for by the legislative acts of the Russian Federation specified in Articles 1 - 11 of the Federal Law of December 19, 2016 No. 444-FZ "On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in terms of changing the procedure for indexing payments, benefits and compensations established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and the suspension of part 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law.

FIZO allowance

In accordance with Order No. 500, servicemen for the qualification level of physical fitness, fulfillment (confirmation of sports categories in the military-applied kind of sport and the presence of sports titles in any sport are paid a monthly allowance in the following amounts:

Those who have completed (confirmed) the second qualification level of physical fitness -15% of the salary for a military position;
those who have fulfilled (confirmed) the first qualification level of physical fitness - 30% of the salary for a military position;
those who have fulfilled (confirmed) the highest qualification level of physical fitness - 70% of the salary for a military position;
those who have completed (confirmed) the first sports category in one of the military-applied sports - 80% of the salary for a military position;
those who have fulfilled (confirmed) the sports category of a candidate for master of sports in one of the military-applied sports - 90% of the salary for a military position.

What do we bring the size of these allowances to? The fact is that there is talk about the abolition of allowances for physical education in 2018. Allegedly, instead of paying allowances for passing physical training to higher levels, they can cancel the mandatory withholding of income tax from the monetary allowances of military personnel as compensation.


Cash bonus for military and civilian personnel by order 1010 in 2017

The monetary bonus for military personnel and civilian personnel by order 1010 in 2017 is a replacement for the so-called thirteenth salary, and is paid to civilian personnel on a quarterly basis. It is credited to servicemen in December, and the data are prepared in advance, so that by December of the closing financial year and by the time of payment, all controversial issues have been clarified and closed. Moreover, the amount of these payments is very significant.

Payments are made in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2010 N 1010 "On additional measures to increase the efficiency of the use of funds for the monetary allowance of military personnel and remuneration of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

The amount that a soldier will receive depends on the determination of the estimated amount for each year, the military rank and military position of the soldier.

The amount of additional material incentives for servicemen and civilian personnel (with the exception of commanders (chiefs, managers) and their deputies with a regular military rank in the military position held from lieutenant general, vice admiral and above) cannot exceed five times the estimated amount based on volumes released funds for the quarter and the number of personnel.

For additional material incentives for commanders (chiefs, managers) and their deputies, the monetary funds of the monetary allowance fund (wage fund) allocated for additional material incentives for servicemen are used, depending on the regular military rank in the military position, using the following coefficients to the estimated amount:

Junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, lieutenant commander - up to 3;
Major, Captain 3rd Rank, Lieutenant Colonel, Captain 2nd Rank - up to 4;
Colonel, Captain 1st Rank, Major General, Rear Admiral - up to 5;
from lieutenant general, vice admiral and above - up to 10.
The estimated amount for December 2017 is planned at 40,000 rubles

For civilian personnel in the amount of 4,000 rubles

The issue of increasing the minimum length of service for acquiring the right to a military pension from 20 to 25 years

The communities of active servicemen and military pensioners continue to discuss information about which many sources speak and which consist in raising the minimum length of service for acquiring the right to a military pension from 20 to 25 years.

Sources claim that a fundamental decision on raising the minimum bar for eligibility for a seniority pension has already been made. This is very similar to the truth, because a document was being developed in the Ministry of Defense and the heads of the State Duma and Federation Council committees know about them and even spoke about it.


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