Beautiful phrases about a smile. Quotes about a smile. Laughing is not only useful but also pleasant.

Smile, for all people lack confidence in themselves, and smiling more than anything else gives that confidence.
André Maurois

“I have always tried my best to be a philosopher; but I don’t know how, an exuberant gaiety constantly burst into my life.” Oliver Edwards Smiling Child

Smiling people are said to have mouth to ear, but a smile is never wider than the distance between the eyes.
Malcolm de Chazal

In one smile is what is called the beauty of the face: if a smile adds charm to the face, then the face is beautiful; if she does not change it, then it is ordinary; if it spoils it, then it is bad. Lev Tolstoy

It's nice to smile, it's physically nice. It's even nicer to laugh. And laughing is just a pleasure! Evgeny Grishkovets

Along with completely real teeth, you can make fake smiles. Gabriel Laub

A smile that appears on the face for no reason, or excessively honeyed speech is the surest proof of hypocrisy. James Cooper

I understand what your trouble is. You are too serious. A clever face is not yet a sign of intelligence, gentlemen. All the nonsense on earth is done with this expression. You smile, gentlemen, smile ... "" The same Munchausen "

Laughter is the gaiety of the mind, a smile is the gaiety of the heart. Edmond Goncourt

A smile is the kiss of the soul. M. Antrim

The smile of a beautiful girl is the tears of a wallet. Italian proverb

Smiles create channels for future tears. D. Byron

You cannot delight the bitterness of the heart with a smile. Russian proverb

Sometimes there is poison in a smile. Russian proverb

Smile The more serious the face, the more beautiful the smile. F. Chateaubriand

You are not yet fully dressed until you have a smile on your face. Martin Charnin

When you wake up in the morning, the main thing is to smile. Always start your day with a smile. W.C. Fields

If fortune empties its chamber pot on your head, smile and say, "Okay, let's take a shower." Sir John A. McDonald

"Smile - and you will have friends; frown - there will be wrinkles. Aren't we living to make each other's life easier?" George Eliot

A cheerful expression is gradually reflected in the inner world. I. Kant

If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first. Benedict Spinoza

It takes a little to bring a smile, and it takes a smile to make everything possible. Gilbert Sesbron

An angry fist doesn't strike a smiling face. Chinese dictum.

A person cannot be incorrigibly bad if he laughed heartily at least once.
T. Carlyle

Laughter is the sun: it drives winter away from a human face.
V. Hugo

They correct morals with laughter. O. Balzac

Laughter is often a great mediator in discerning truth from falsehood. V. Belinsky

What has become funny cannot be dangerous. Voltaire

A smile is worthless, but it gives a lot

The best smile of a woman is meant for a mirror. Frank Hubbard

Aphorisms about a smile If you have not seen how your wife smiles at the road police officer, then you have not seen her sweetest smile. Marshall Pugh

They exchanged quick, dazzling smiles of women who disliked each other at first sight. Raymond Chandler

Every time a woman does not understand something, a pleasant, gentle smile appears on her face, and then it seems that she understands everything. George Carlin

The person who keeps smiling probably wants to shove you a substandard product. Muriel Spark

It is impossible to convince a person who does not mind, but only smiles. Moses Safir

The one who always smiles is as unbearable as the one who never smiles. Francois René de Chateaubriand

The more serious the face, the more beautiful the smile. Charles Gordy

One smile is half a kiss. Martin Charnin

When a person smiles, and even more when he laughs, he seems to have time to extend his life, this short moment. L. Stern

Laughter and a smile are the gates through which a lot of good things can enter a person. S. Morgenstern

The angles of the lips in a smile are proportional to the degree of freedom. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

The smile of a woman is to a man like bait on a fish hook. B. Trushkin

A smile is the sun. She drives winter away from a human face. V. Hugo.

Life is a smile, even if tears run down your face. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

According to our philosophers, a person differs from other living beings in the ability to laugh. Addison Joseph

Kote smiles

To complain about an unpleasant thing is to double the evil; laughing at her is to destroy him. Confucius

We are not always free from mistakes that we laugh at others about. Freud Sigmund

The serious is destroyed by laughter, laughter by seriousness. Aristotle

Laughter is contagious, as is yawning. Heine Heinrich

Horror is incompatible with laughter. Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyevich

What has become funny can no longer be dangerous. Voltaire


Quotes and Aphorisms 10.05.2018

Dear readers, did you know that there is a unique cure for bad mood and blues, and absolutely free and available to everyone? It can improve not only our mood, but also the state of health, increase immunity. Of course, we are talking about a smile.

Smiling gives self-confidence and is the easiest and fastest way to look more attractive. A sincere smile will set us up in a positive mood, helping to overcome life's difficulties. This is very accurately stated in quotes and aphorisms about a smile.

A smile will brighten everyone

When a person smiles, he is relaxed and open to good emotions, which are known to have a beneficial effect on our entire body. For different peoples, hugs, handshakes and gestures can mean exactly the opposite, and only a smile always and everywhere has the same meaning. In quotes and aphorisms about a smile, the words are very correctly chosen about how much our life will become easier and more pleasant if we do not hide our smiles.

“There is something that reveals our soul more than our face is his expression; and something that reveals her more than the expression on our face is our smile. "

Victor Hugo

"Beauty is power, and smile is her sword."

Charles Reid

“The most important thing is often weightless. Here, as if the most important thing was a smile. Often a smile is the main thing. Thank you with a smile. A smile is rewarded. They give you life with a smile. And there is a smile for which you will go to your death. "

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

“A sincere smile is the most confident and attractive quality anyone can try on. There is nothing more beautiful than a smile coming from the heart. A happy, confident person is charismatic, and it is definitely more fun to be around with him and in most cases it is just pleasant. A smile radiates inner warmth. "

Miranda Kerr

“A smile, baby, a smile is the best thing in a person. You are not quite human until you know how to smile. "

Mariam Petrosyan

“A smile is the best answer to rudeness. Either they are very smart or crazy. "

Alexey Vorobyov

"The angles of the lips in a smile are proportional to the degree of freedom."

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

"Smile, because life is a beautiful thing and there are many reasons to smile."

Marilyn Monroe

"A smile is the kiss of the soul."

Mina Antrim

"If you want life to smile at you, give it your good mood first."

Benedict Spinoza

"A lost day is one during which you never smiled."

Jean Marie Guyot

"Smiling is an inexpensive way to look your best."

Charles Gordia

Smile is a small ray of happiness

When a person is happy, the smile does not leave his face, even against his will. Such people are immediately visible - they just glow from the inside. Remember this wonderful feeling? As if happiness curled up inside a ball ... This is what is said in quotes and aphorisms about a smile, good mood and happiness.

“God taught me to smile. To some, this may seem insignificant, but in fact it is amazing! No matter how great my task is, it is meaningless if I do not know how to smile and do so that others feel good with me. "

Dadi Janki

“It's nice to smile, it's physically nice. It's even more pleasant to laugh. And laughing is generally a pleasure! "

Evgeny Grishkovets

"Laughter is the gaiety of the mind, a smile is the gaiety of the heart."

Edmond Goncourt

“Don't look for looks, they can be deceiving. Do not seek wealth - even it disappears. Look for someone who can make you smile, because only a smile can brighten even the darkest day. "

“Appreciate those people who make you smile even in the worst times. They have access to the most important strings of your soul. "

"It takes a little to bring a smile, and enough smile to make everything possible."

Gilbert Sesbron

“Happiness is a state of mind, but it needs training. Dedicate at least 5 minutes a day to smile. Just smile. And after a while the smile will become real. "

Burke Ryan

Gabrielle Garcia Marquez

“When I smile, it always means life goes on. The most useful of my conditioned reflexes, what would I do without it ?! "

Max Fry

“And why did we smile less often? We laugh more often. We laugh at the jokes of our friends, at anecdotes, at people, laughing, watching TV, listening to the radio, sometimes we even laugh at ourselves. Commendable. But we hardly ever smile ... Just like that, from what is good, what is just good, from what is warm, pleasant and beautiful, from happiness, from emotion. "

Maria Vesnovskaya

Psychologists about the smile

There are even a lot of different trainings and courses in which specialists teach to smile correctly in order to give themselves confidence and win over a person to themselves. Maybe these quotes about a smile from the books of famous psychologists will be useful to you in your life?

“Don't you feel like smiling? What, then, can I offer you? Two things. First, force yourself to smile. If you are alone, whistle or purr a melody or song. Act as if you were already happy and that will lead you to happiness. "

“A smile is worthless, but it gives a lot. It enriches those who receive it without impoverishing those who donate it. It lasts for a moment, and sometimes remains in memory forever. No one is rich enough to do without her, and there is no such poor man who would not become richer from her. It creates happiness in the home, creates an atmosphere of goodwill and serves as a password for friends. "

Dale Carnegie "Six Ways to Win People to You"

“If you smiled at a stranger, he usually feels an overwhelming urge to respond in kind. A smile speaks of sympathy, that the one to whom we smile, we like. And people love to be liked. The principle of reciprocity begins to operate at the moment when a person realizes that someone liked him, and at that very moment this someone becomes more attractive in his eyes. People tend to reciprocate the attitude shown to them. "

Jack Schafer "We turn on the charm according to the method of special services"

The benefits of a smile

Psychologists say that if a person looks upset, then his mood really worsens. But this also works in the opposite direction: if you smile more often, then your health improves. Listen to these quotes and aphorisms about smiling with meaning, because sometimes it is useful to literally force yourself to smile.

“Smile, even if you feel very bad, it hurts and you want to cry, really smile, with sincere joy, straighten your shoulders and stand up, as if you are happy and proud and want to sing with happiness. The body will believe and rejoice, maybe not immediately, but very quickly, it just does not know how to really suffer when you sincerely smile. And after the body the soul will rejoice again ... "

Maria Semenova

“Smile, because all people lack self-confidence, and smiling more than anything else gives that confidence.”

André Maurois

“When a person smiles. And even more, when he laughs, he somehow manages to extend his life, this short moment. "

Lawrence Stern

"If the loser smiles, the winner loses the taste of victory."

Usain Bolt

"A cheerful expression is gradually reflected in the inner world."

Immanuel Kant

“I understood what your trouble is. You are too serious. All the nonsense on earth is done with this expression on the face ... Smile, gentlemen ... Smile ... "

"Baron Munchausen"

"Life is a smile, even if tears run down your face."

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

"My life is crumbling, but no one sees it, because I am a well-mannered person: I smile all the time."

Frederic Beigbeder

“Just smile - and tiny rays of warmth will timidly creep into your saddened soul, warm your heart and, spreading with sweet calmness, will light up your eyes”.

"When life gives you hundreds of reasons to cry, show her that you have a thousand reasons to smile."

“Step over, people, through sadness! You smiled, then everything is in order. Laugh often, rejoice and let the smile become your morning exercise! "

“Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it was. "

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Smile is the best makeup for a girl

Did you know that according to statistics, between a woman's face with careful makeup and a sincerely and perky smiling face, men will choose the second option? In the old days, gentlemen were ready for a lot for the sake of the smile of their beloved. A woman's smile can be so different: sweet, charming, flirtatious, mysterious, alluring - and that's great! Just listen to what beautiful words are said in quotes and aphorisms about a girl's smile.

"The smile of a beautiful girl is the tears of a wallet."

Italian proverb

"Tears are not a woman's weapon, her weapon is a sincere smile."

Gackt Kamui

"There is nothing colder in the world than the icy smile of a beauty."

Jeffrey Deaver

"She smiled, and it seemed to me that the whole world became brighter."

Erich Maria Remarque

"The best arch on a woman's body is her smile."

Bob Marley

“Your smile needs to be bottled and sold. You will make a fortune. "

Maureen Lee

"And her smile can lead ships to the shore even in the most impenetrable darkness."

Cecilia Ahern

"She always smiled so affably that I wanted to take her smile away."

“A long time ago, as a schoolboy, I saw the following phrase in an English textbook:“ arrested in a springtime ”- this is just about her smile. Could anyone scold a warm spring day? "

Haruki Murakami

"Every time a woman does not understand something, a pleasant, gentle smile appears on her face, and then it seems that she understands everything."

George Carlin

"The best smile of a woman is for the mirror."

Frank Hubbard

"They exchanged quick, dazzling smiles from women who disliked each other at first sight."

Raymond Chandler

“If a girl gave you a photo in which she smiles, do not flatter yourself. She gave her smile to the photographer. "

“A smile is an expression of inner beauty and femininity. It should come from the heart, radiate warmth and warm the heart of the one to whom you are smiling, and not resemble the grin of a skeleton. "

Katie McAlister

The smile of a child is a priceless diamond

There is nothing more pure and sincere in this world than the smile of a child and a child's laughter. Children simply do not know how to smile falsely, all their emotions are genuine and the more valuable are their manifestations of joy and happiness. This is accurately and vividly reflected in aphorisms and quotes about a child's smile.

"All the joy of life fits in the smile of a child."

"Watch the laughter of a small child, it is so natural, it comes from its depths, it seems as if joyful bells sound from the heart."

"The smile of a child can disperse the most gloomy clouds, stop torrential rains, drive away melancholy."

"The best thing that can be in the morning is the invigorating smile of the world's most beloved little man!"

"You will give everything in the world for the smile of a child, may all children in the world be happy!"

“A child cannot live without laughter. If you have not taught him to laugh, wondering joyfully, sympathizing, wishing well, if you failed to make him smile a wise and kind smile, he will laugh viciously, his laugh will be a mockery. "

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

"A child laughs with the happiest laugh."

Georges Bataille

“There is someone who holds my heart in his hands, whose smile brightens my whole day, whose laugh shines for me brighter than the sun, whose happiness makes me happy. This is my child. "

“One smile of a child, and you forget about everything. And you are immensely glad that you care about him. "

Nver Simonyan

Beautiful words about a smile

A sincere smile is born in the very heart. She is capable of working miracles, she helps to establish contacts and friendships between people. And in general, people who are cheerful and generous with a smile, life is much easier and more fun. This is exactly what is said in beautiful quotes and aphorisms about a smile.

“A smile is the sun. It drives winter away from a human face. "

Victor Hugo

“Smile. A smile should be not only on the lips, but also in the eyes and in the voice. "

Alan Percy

"A smile is an opportunity to change your appearance without any plastic surgery, the easiest way to become beautiful."

Darya Dontsova

"A smile is the normal state of a normal person."

Evgeny Zamyatin

"You are not yet fully dressed until you have a smile on your face."

Martin Charnin

“When you wake up in the morning, the main thing is to smile. Always start your day with a smile. "

William Claude Fields

"What a person's smile is, so is the soul."

George Martin

"Smile, do not give trouble to pleasure."

"Never stop smiling, even when you are sad: someone might fall in love with your smile."

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

"If you see a face without a smile, smile yourself."

Bias Priensky

“A charming smile is part of the truth about a person; usually the important part. "

Max Fry

"Just smile. Smile at the problems, and they will dissipate, like clouds after a storm, to the enemy, and he will retreat, time, and it will slow down its pace, people, and they will reach. "

Nver Simonyan

"Let's meet each other with a smile, because a smile is the beginning of love."

Mother Teresa

"A smile is a rainbow flare of the human soul."

Roman Podzorov

"A smile costs less electricity, but gives the same amount of light."

Henri Antoine Gruet

"Strong is not the one who can put on the shoulder blades with one glance, but the one who is able to lift from his knees with one smile!"

Juliette Binoche

"A man without a smile is strings without a violin, this is a sea without a seagull, this is a house without a mistress, this is a cat without a tail, this is a tail without a cat."

It's impossible to talk seriously about a smile for a long time. And we won't. Read these positive sayings and quotes on how to go through life with a smile, and they will cheer you up for a long time.

"A smile is a loose concept."

"Life, as you want, and I smile at you!"

"A smile is a small coin for a piggy bank of happiness."

“- Smile!
- What for?
- You're unique. And the sad ones all look the same. "

"Life is like a photograph, it turns out better when you smile."

"Don't look for a reason to smile - smile and pass it on."

“Always smile! You will prolong your life, you will please your friends, you will infuriate your enemies.

"If you attach a smile to your soul, it would shine with happiness."

"Smile at the stranger - let him dream."

“Yesterday, falling down the stairs, the first word was 'oh!' Today, falling off the chair, I smiled - it's much better than a ladder. "

“Even if you have one tooth left in your mouth, smile! After all, a smile is not the number of toads, but the cost of the soul ”.

“You always need to smile, someone sincerely, and someone out of spite.”

"Everyone smiles to the best of their ability."

“Smile! It irritates the weak, and attracts the strong. "

"If you don't have a reason to smile - smile in reserve."

"Even after a small smile, one small microbe is bound to die in the body."

Yury Nikulin

Smiling is an important part of a fulfilling human life. It is called a pill of good mood and a mirror of the soul, it is an indicator of happiness and fullness of life. A sincere and open smile suits everyone without exception.

As a child, we all knew how to smile carefree and heartily. What a pity that with age this ability is often lost ... Sometimes we have to smile through strength, sometimes even through tears. But in any case, I try to adhere to the advice that the genius comedian Charlie Chaplin gave the world: “Smile! A day without a smile is a lost day. " May you have more reasons to smile, dear readers! Peace and positiveness in your soul!

Smile. It costs nothing, but it gives a lot.

A smile is a talisman of love.

Don't trust the on-line smile.

If I am asked what it means to be happy, I will hug you tightly, put my head on my beloved shoulder and, smiling, say: “Happiness is to be together!”

Every time a woman does not understand something, a pleasant, gentle smile appears on her face, and then it seems that she understands everything.

"Etienne Rey"

Smiling is an inexpensive way to look your best.

Charles Gordy

If you haven't seen how your wife smiles at the road police officer, then you haven't seen her sweetest smile.

Frank Hubbard

Always smile !! You will prolong your life, you will please your friends, you will infuriate your enemies.

A smile is worthless, but valuable.

"Dale Carnegie"

Let's drink to die with a smile. And let our enemies cry!

"Mark Weingartner"

A smile like the sun peeking out after the rain. Its rays timidly touch the grieved soul, and, spreading, warm the heart. And after that joyful calmness is reflected in the eyes.

The person who keeps smiling probably wants to shove you a substandard product.

George Carlin

It is impossible to convince a person who does not mind, but only smiles.

Muriel Spark

Smile, illuminating everyone with smiles! Make a mistake - it's more fun to live with mistakes. Do not be afraid - anything happens in life. Do not give up! Everything does not work out right away.

Wrinkles are evidence of endless irritation or a smile that never leaves your face.

It takes a little to bring a smile, and it takes a smile to make everything possible.

"Gilbert Sesbron"

A child cannot live without laughter. If you have not taught him to laugh, joyfully surprised, sympathetic, wishing well, if you failed to make him smile wisely and kindly, he will laugh viciously, his laugh will be a mockery.

"Vasily Sukhomlinsky"

And we exchanged understanding smiles, he is like a man who is not indifferent to women, I am like a woman accustomed to men who are not indifferent to women.

"Françoise Sagan"

Never give up what makes you smile.

"Heath Ledger"

No matter what you are told, accept it with a smile and do your job.

"Mother Teresa"

A smile enriches those who are gifted with it, while not impoverishing those who are gifted

Smile quotes

Any depression should be greeted with a smile. Depression will think you are an idiot and run away.

"Robert DeNiro"

It is much easier to solve dreams than a woman's smiles.

We live in cities where every second day begins with the thought of suicide, and the other with the thought of murder ... But even if your morning begins with a cup of coffee and a smile of a loved one, this does not mean that there is no place for pain in your heart.

"Evgeniy Nichipuruk"

You smiled and spoke to me - so, about nothing; and I realized that I had been waiting for this minute for so long.

"Rabindranath Tagore"

Look in the mirror, you are a beauty. Smile more often, and others will learn: everything is top type.

Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile.

Yes, a lot of people ask the question: how are you? And I look at them without saying anything and just smile. A smile is the most beautiful answer to a question. Smile.

If you smile, all dreams will come true.

The smile of a beautiful girl is the tears of a wallet.

A good mood is the beginning of success, like a smile on your face starts a laugh.

The pain was gone, the soul was filled with other music. Not the one that makes you cry, but the one that makes smiles bloom, who does not empathize with crying hearts, but gives them comfort and hope.

"Natalia Kalinina"

Yes, you won't envy you, girl. Or maybe you still fell in love? The terms have nothing to do with it, the most important thing is that you are comfortable next to your beloved, his company is pleasant. You remember him, and the blood pounds in your temples, and your heart starts pounding wildly. You smile, glow from the inside. What could be stronger than memories?

Your smile is a reason to be the happiest on earth, every minute I fall in love with her more and more.

Smile and the whole world will laugh with you. Cry and you will cry alone ...

Don't say no to what makes you smile.

She always smiled so affably that I wanted to take her smile with me.

"Haruki Murakami"

If the loser smiles, the winner loses the taste of victory.

The best people are the ones who make you smile the most.

These are just hands touching the keys, which left a joyful mark on the face drawing. Perhaps this is better. It's easy for me to smile even if tears are flowing.

We welcome our friends and guests! Here you will find a new positive section - quotes about a smile. This is our gift. So that every visitor of the site could smile for himself, recharged with a mood that can be safely described as the Holiday of the Soul. And he gave all his friends gaiety through his statuses.

But what are the Smile Quotes talking about? What is a sincere smile compared to, and what is its price? It is worth plunging deeper into the topic to see what strength and abilities it has in order to learn how to use it skillfully. One thing is clear about a person who will smile at difficulties, give joy to the people around him, or who is looking for positive in everything, knows exactly the most important secrets of life:

  • Laughing is not only useful, but also pleasant;
  • The golden key exists;
  • The best conversationalist who understands everything;
  • Mood pill;
  • You are rich if you have this gift.
Many sayings of great people reveal the essence of this radiant phenomenon, which illuminates the face with carelessness and colors everything around with the color of happiness. And aphorisms about a smile can beautify: a meeting or conversation, a personal profile page, like statuses, and even life.

Laughing is not only useful, but also pleasant.

Beautiful aphorisms about laughter can cheer you up. But more often than not, they also make sense. Thanks to them, you can look at your circumstances in a new way, from a positive side. They help to smile when tired, they send greetings to their friend that he is sick.

And how nice it is to remember these sparkling expressions. Therefore, please yourself: smile as if you are happy. Take an example from a small child who is always happy with everything.

You are not fully clothed until you have a smile on your face.
(Martin Charnin) Never stop smiling, even when you are sad: someone may fall in love with your smile.
(Gabriel García Márquez)

There is nothing more beautiful than a smile coming from the heart. A smile is worthless but gives a lot.
It enriches those who receive it without impoverishing those who donate it.
It lasts for a moment, and sometimes remains in memory forever.
No one is rich enough to do without her, and there is no such poor man who would not become richer from her.
She creates happiness in the home, creates an atmosphere of goodwill and serves as a password for friends.
(Dale Carnegie)

Smile - kiss of the soul.
(Minna Antrim)

If the loser smiles, the winner loses the taste of victory.
(Usain Bolt)

Smiledo not give trouble to pleasure.
(Gabriel García Márquez) Strong is not the one who canput on the shoulder blades at a glance, and the one who with one smile is able to lift from his knees!
(Juliette Binoche)

If you see a face without a smile, smile yourself.
(Bias Priensky) If you can alwayssmile at life, life will always smile at you.
(Brian Tracy)

Smileis an inexpensive way to look your best.
(Charles Gordy)

A smile costs nothing, and how much does it give? She attracts happiness to the house and increases the number of friends.
(Mark Tullius Cicero)

A smile is the curve that straightens everything.
(Phyllis Diller) Just one smile is capable change the world around you, but never let the whole world change your smile!

Laughter is the sun:it drives winter away from a human face.

Funny aphorisms

We all prefer to go through life with a smile. And it is right! After all, she is the key that opens any doors. Don't believe me? Remember the child illuminated by it! Joy shines and shimmers on his face. If he just wants something, are we able to resist the pressure of his cutie? And the happiness of the girl, which is reflected in the sparkle of her eyes and a bright smile! Everything fades before her beauty! Considering the power of such gentle friendliness, we filled our site with rays of joy and childish pure delight. Laughter and mischief are heard in every phrase. They can be used as statuses.

Smile, joy, positive, as I was told -
Contraceptive for all adversity ... Didn't you know?
Do not catch the evil virus, protect yourself.
Let everyone twist at the temple - you smile!

The last day before HOLIDAY to work at the door had to go sideways - NO SMILE Crawled!

Smile more often to the new dayand do not forget to tell your loved ones: "I love ..."

You have to smile like that to keep the lipstick on your ears!

A shining smile is smile not only with lips, but with eyes, heart and soul. Are we shining ?! ;)) A smile is a little coin in the piggy bank of happiness.

Come on, hide your sadness and show me a smile! A smile is like a filter:the good will let in, the bad will delay!

Stop steaminglive as you like!

Phrases about a smile

The phrase about a smile shows how versatile it is. With her, we can express sympathy, with her we can show that we are happy or satisfied. As if she says to the interlocutor: "I understand you well and mine depends on your mood." We smile, and by this we express our feelings for the person and circumstances. That is why we expose statuses, they are meaningful, and are intended so that these short and funny quotes about laughter tell about ourselves.

A man without a smile- these are strings without a violin, this is a sea without a seagull, this is a house without a mistress, this is a cat without a tail, this is a tail without a cat. Always smile! And have a good day! Smile to spite yourselfto be lucky today.

If you smile- all dreams will come true! Smile- and you will have friends, frown - and you will have wrinkles.

A beautiful smile is intriguing, modest touches, kind pleases, happy charms, sincere inspires. The smile leaves no one indifferent. Smile! \u003d)

In thunderstorms, in storms, in everyday coldness, with losses and when you are sad, to seem smiling and simple is the highest art in the world.

Mood pill

Is there a way to get rid of a bad mood? Yes! These are phrases about a smile. Even one quote can work in such a way that it is easy and good for the soul again. Not only can you forget about all your problems yourself, but you can also help your loved ones. A man, woman and even a child will appreciate how quickly and reliably this simple tool works, let's call it: Smile. You can take at least every day, the consequences for a woman, child and man are inevitable - joy!

Do you want life itself to smile at you? And children's delight lived in the heart? Then start thinking positively about everything. Change statuses and reflect changes for the better in them. Our collection of positive moods will help you with this. Everything here has a purpose and everything with a purpose to amuse you. You have the gift of being content, so help your friends with your smile so that they feel happy too.

I give a smile to everyone, glance - to many, heart - to one!

Smile at the stranger LET IT NOTE!

Smiling.. I walk the ground without touching ...

Smile - the safest weapon of mass destruction! "Shoot" with smiles - spread joy, get positive and hurt with good! Don't look for a reason for a smile - smile and pass on. ツ

Often a smile is the main thing. Thank you with a smile. A smile is rewarded. They give you life with a smile. And there is a smile for which you will do anything ... 16

We live actively ... we think positively !!! 35

Enough steaming, live as you like! 20

Smile at the world - and it will smile at you. 18

Your eyes and smile are my real wealth. 12

Always smile. You will prolong your life, you will please your friends, you will infuriate your enemies. 17

If you smile, all dreams will begin to come true) 24

Smile at life - and it will surely smile back at you. 14

Always smile ... Let people puzzle over what makes you happy! 15

A smile is powerful and worth the reward. Just a smile - and you will be glad! 10

We become infected with human emotions like a virus. If you want to be sick with happiness, surround yourself with happy and positive people. 17

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A smile is a shield from any adversity. 13

Smile in spite of yourself to be lucky today. 11

The most beautiful thing in the world is a child's smile. 13

She has six different smiles. The first is when she is really funny. The second is when she makes plans for the future. The third is when she smiles out of politeness. The fourth is when she is embarrassed. The fifth is when she laughs at herself. And sixth, when she talks about her friends. 7

Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it was. 7

Smiling is another thing that I love your lips for. 12

One smile is half a kiss. 9

You smiled and the world became brighter. 10

A smile is the best thing in a person. 17

Just one smile can destroy the stone wall of misunderstanding. 10

I would only have a piece of heaven and your smile. 13

A smile is the best makeup. 8

No one needs a smile as much as one who cannot give it to others. 11

Any sin is forgiven for a beautiful smile. 11

Smile and you will have friends. Frown and you will have wrinkles. 8

You are not fully clothed if you are not smiling. 10

Joy, smile, positive and optimism will save the world! 10

Smiling is one of the easiest ways to change your appearance! 12

Smiles, joy, laughter - this is good. 11

There are people whose smile makes them obscenely amazing. 10

Happiness can be very close, maybe it flies very low - Catch it and don't complain! 10

A smile is the best makeup. 13


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