Metaphors about optimism. Life-affirming positive statements for every day: phrases with meaning. Calm is stronger than emotions. Silence - louder scream. Indifference - worse war

Optimist lives with meaning, pessimist bursts him.

People who know life are not prone to optimism.

Pessimism is the mood, optimism - will.

Not everything is so bad, as it seems, a lot is much worse.

Optimists can also be wrong, but always successfully.

Optimist is a pessimist accepting antidepressants.

Optimism and pessimism diverge only in the exact date of the end of the world.

Pessimist life threatens death, optimist - eternal memory.

Women are big optimists than men, because they live longer.

Playing with himself in chess, the optimist rejoices that he won, and the pessimist is upset that he lost.

New Aphorisms about Optimism

Laugh before tears - optimists and pessimists.

Popular new Aphorisms about optimism

From a bad optimist chooses good.

Only two-limit optimists say that living is easy!

When humanity no longer produces happy people, it begins to produce optimists.

A stupid optimism can only be pessimism.

If everything went as shine, try using it as a building material.

To be an optimist, you need to be a terrible cynic.

A pessimist sees dirt in a puddle, realist - sees water, optimist - reflection of the sky.

Optimism does not order a long time to live, but promises.

Pessimist drowned the disbelief that the straw can save, and the optimist of faith in its saving.

Genuine optimism rests not on the conviction that everything will be fine, but on the conviction that not everything will be bad.

Optimist good news will not be surprised.

Pesssimist is the one who will not get out of the bath, having heard the phone call.

It was better.

What is usually considered optimistic is no more like a natural or acquired ability to see things in pink light.

Just if pessimists are unhappy now, then I don't know what they still need!

Instructive new Aphorisms about optimism

Pessimist, being in front of the choice between two types of evil, chooses both.

Belief in the fact that fools do not think - the most dangerous form of optimism.

In any person, there is a germ pessimism. To know and judge life, there is no need to live a lot, it is quite enough to reasse.

On a silver tray, pessimist does not expect to find anything but an account.

The loop was cut off again, but the young man did not despair - he was a big optimist.

None of the pessimist penetrates the mystery of the stars, did not open the unknown land and did not open the new heavens before the human spirit.

Optimist: a young man who hurries on a date, fearing to be late.

Pessimist thinks that the whole world is against him, and come true.

The optimist is looking for advantages in disadvantages, but a pessimist, shortcomings in virtues.

I am a pessimist for my observations, but an optimist in my actions.

Of the poor pessimist, the worst is extracting, and the optimist is the best.

Reasonable pessimism instills optimism.

What is optimism? "-" Alas, "said Candad," this passion say that everything is fine when everything is not bad. "

We still stand on your feet! As a last resort - four legs.

Pessimist is the one who speaks the truth is premature.

Pesssimism is the name that people with weak nerves give wisdom.

Depression is when the air castle fell and pressed his creator.

Optimism is an antidepressant.

We are all ready to believe in others for the simple reason that they are afraid for themselves. Optimism is based on the purest fear.

You need to take money from pessimists. They know in advance that they will not give.

From each position there is a way up and down the path. The optimist sees only the first path, the pessimist is only the second.

Very good - also not good.

Optimism is the religion of revolutions.

Funny new aphorisms about optimism

Optimists think that their wives are true, pessimists - know it.

Incorrigible optimism promises unexpected sympathy.

Original optimism ... consists in a pursuit of an informed ideal ...

Being positive means positively to look at the negative!

We prefer to think about others because you are terribly afraid for yourself. At the heart of our optimism - insane fear.

Youth pessimism is a real disease of youth.

I came to the conclusion that the optimist considers everything to be good, except for the pessimist, and the pessimist considers it bad everything besides himself.

Pessimist is a man who thinks that all such bad, as he himself hates them for it.

The first to see the shifts of psychiatrists.

Pessimist believes that it cannot be worse; Optimist - what could be worse.

The optimist is a person who is so confident in the success that he becomes just not needed.

Everything can be better, but everything can be worse, so everything is fine.

Want to be an optimist - do not look into the future.

The future is when the most optimistic pessimist predictions begin to come true.

From optimism, everything around falls asleep with a wonderful, sweet sleep, sleep quietly and firmly, sleep, as your ancestors sleep in graves.

Different new Aphorisms about optimism

Sixty years ago (in 1905) "Optimist" and "Fool" were not synonymous.

Traditionalists are pessimists in relation to the future and optimists in relation to the past.

There is no such misfortune that would not have a true pessimist on his head.

So it was not yet, so that there was no way.

Pessimism ... It always seemed to me not only by Sophism, but stupid, and in addition to the stupidity of the bad tone. I always want to tell a pessimist: "If the world is not for you, do not scoring your displeasure, leave it and do not bother others."

Optimist: A person who believes in all of what he reads on the super binding of a new book.

Pesssimism is when knowledge is outweighbing faith, and optimism is when faith outweighs knowledge.

He was an optimistic pessimist.

In whatever position, people are neither, they can always find convenience and inconvenience.

Strong have the right to be optimists.

The optimist is the one who is friendly with.

To become a good predictor, it is enough to be just a pessimist.

Fell on his knees - somehow they stand up or a friend will raise, fell in spirit - no one will help.

There are people who are more pleasant to think that bees are stupid than what they give honey. Emil Krotky

Pessimist, being in front of the choice between two types of evil, chooses both. Oscar Wilde
The optimist is the one that, being between two troubles, always makes a desire! :-)

The optimist is the one who always sees good, even in bad. Pessimist is one who has not yet felt all the completeness of life.

The optimist is a person who knows exactly what the world may be bad; And the pessimist opens it again every morning.

Optimist declares that we live in the best of the possible worlds; Pessimist fears that it is true. B.Kabyl

Optimists differ from pessimists by the fact that the first are convinced that there is no death, and the second - that there was no life. Boris Krutier

Optimism is willing fortunately. Ilya Shevelev

They can because they think they can. Marron Publij Vergili

Optimism does not order a long time to live, but promises. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

I believe in good luck.
I believe in my mind and that
What even if I pay,
I will not give up for anything.

Fell on his knees - somehow they stand up or a friend will raise, fell in spirit - no one will help. Veselin Georgiev

The optimist is a person who is so confident in the success that he becomes just not needed. Emmanuel Adolf Essara

The optimist is looking for advantages in disadvantages, but a pessimist, shortcomings in virtues. Valery Afonchenko

Optimism is the luxury of great people. Louis Aragon

The optimist is the person who buys a wallet for the last money ...

Optimist is the one who sees in the cemetery is not crosses, but pluses.

Optimists drop from the stairs are considered flight. Konstantin Kushner

Optimist - with hope looking at everything bad, and pessimist - doubts everything is good. Valery Afonchenko

Of the poor pessimist, the worst is extracting, and the optimist is the best. Vadim Mozgovoy

Pessimist punishes himself, the optimist awards himself. Ilya Shevelev

Optimist in dreams defeats the enemy and sat down tightly. Pessimist, fighting in dreams with an opponent, tolerate defeat and suffer then from insomnia. Valery Afonchenko

For an optimist, hope is dying the latter to access the first. Leonid S. Sukhorukov

Pesssimism does not give anything to people, but takes a lot. Erian Schulz

Often in difficult life situations, pessimism takes away the remains of courage. Alfred Adler

Optimists can also be wrong, but always successfully. Unknown author

Never lower hands. Holding his hands, rather stretch his legs. Konstantin Kushner

When the roof is collected above the head, the optimists are grabbed behind the roof, pessimists - for head. Mikhail Mamchich

The optimist sees the opportunity in every danger, the pessimist sees the danger in every opportunity. Chinese wisdom

A pessimist is a man who thinks about others as gloomy as well as himself, and hates them for it. George Bernard Show

If you want to become an optimist and understand life, then stop believing what they say and write, and watch yourself and deliberate. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

The optimist is a former pessimist who has pockets full of money, the stomach works perfectly, and the wife left for the city. Helen Rowland

I am a pessimist for my observations, but an optimist in my actions. Antonio Gramshi.

Realism is careful optimism: I do not believe, but I hope. Leonid Kraven-Ryt

Indoor regrets and concerns, we lose the only eternity in which a person can be absolutely sure - the eternal present. Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Take everything when it comes to you, enjoy everything while it lasts, let go all when it should leave.

Optimist statuses. How to become an optimist and why: quotes, poems, aphorisms, statements.

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The future is a mirror without glass.
Xavier Funner.

Optimism is when you do not wash the dishes in the evening, hoping that in the morning it will be more hunting.

The optimist is a man sitting in the tram and trying to get acquainted with nearby blonde.
Salami leather.

Optimist declares that we live in the best of the possible worlds; Pessimist fears that it is true.
B. Cable.

The future is that one of us is approaching at a speed of 60 minutes per hour.
Clive Lewis.

The future will be black.
James Baldwin, American Writer of Negritanian Origin.

The future cannot be foreseen, but you can invent.
Denis Gabor.

The future needs to be constantly called from non-existence, the past comes itself.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

The future has come.
Robert Jung.

The future is no longer what was before.
Paul Valerie.

The future is covered even from those who do it.
Anatole France.

Future events cast back their shadow.
Thomas Campbell.

Nowadays, to be an optimist, you need to be a terrible cynic.
Milan Kunder.

It is clear - most often it means to see in black.

Everything plays a pessimist's hand, nevertheless the pessimist always loses.
Jacques Chardon.

We all live at the expense of the future. It is not surprising that bankruptcy awaits him.
Christian Friedrich Goebbel.

Everything is not as bad as it seems. Everything is much worse.
Bill Press.

All my life we \u200b\u200bare just doing that we take into debt among the future to pay the real.
Moses Safir.

Two two are already four, and it will be even better.
Henrik Yagodzynsky.

If it is true that humanity is learning on his mistakes, we are awaiting a brilliant future.
Laurence Peter.

If everything is so good, then why is everything so bad.
Vatslav Vlitsky.

If you see the light at the end of the tunnel, then you are not looking at the other side.
Barry Commoner.

If you are still able to be disappointed, it means that you are still young.
Sarah Churchill.

If you do not think about the future, you will not have it.
John Golsuorussi.

Know the past is quite unpleasant; To know also the future would be simply unbearable.
Somerset Maugham.

Of all the hopes, one remains one - for the vacation of sins.
Alexander Yasitsky.

Others from those who are afraid to look into the future of the future, do not suspect that the future can show them back.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

Who lives hope, risks die with hunger.
Benjamin Franklin.

It was better.

The world belongs to optimists, pessimists - just the audience.
Francois Gizo.

We still stand on your feet! As a last resort - four legs.
Henrik Yagodzynsky.

We hope approximately, but we are afraid for sure.
Paul Valerie.

On a silver tray, pessimist does not expect to find anything but an account.

Hope is the only benefit that can not be happy.
Luke de Okungg.

Hope is the mother of fools, which does not prevent her from being beautiful mistress of bold.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

Hope is a good breakfast, but bad dinner.
Francis Bacon.

Hope is the calculation of probabilities, which is written by feathers from the wings of angels.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

Hope is most often delayed disappointment.
Walter Barton Baldri.

Hope sees invisible, feels intangible and impossible.

Hope is powered by people.
Slavian Trotsky.

Hope, do not lose people!
Ursula Zybur.

Nadeya for the best and get ready for the worst.
English proverb.

Hope it is necessary until the last minute. But at the last minute you can stop.
Don amine Addoin.

We need drainage memory and young hopes.
Arsen Yussse.

There is no gloomy times, there are only dark people.
Romain Rollan.

Not everyone knows how to dance to the music of the future.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

Not that the world becomes much worse, but the lighting of events has become much better.
Gilbert Chesterton.

The uncertainty is asylum hope.
Henri Amiel.

It is impossible to live hope, and you can not live without hope.

There is nothing more pleasant than the disappointment of pessimists.
Jerzy Gasinsky.

Never trust the future - it does not deserve confidence.
Andre Chanson.

Optimism - caricature at hope.
Zhilbert Sizbron.

Optimism and pessimism diverge only in the date of the end of the world.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

The optimist is the one who believes that the future is vague.

The optimist is a person who knows exactly what the world may be bad; And the pessimist opens it again every morning.
Peter Ustinov.

The optimist is always able to see the good side in the misfortunes of the near.

The optimist declares that we live in the best of the worlds, and the pessimist fears that it is pure truth.
James Cable.

The first to see the shifts of psychiatrists.
C. Indoor.

Before the past - shone head, in front of the future - dried sleeves.
Henry Luis Menken.

Pessimism is the mood, optimism - will.

Pessimist is one who finances optimist.

Pessimist is a well-informed optimist.

Pessimist thinks that the whole world is against him, - and his expectations come true.

Pessimist believes that it cannot be worse; Optimist - what can be even worse.

The pessimist claims that all women whores, and the optimist hopes it.

Pessimist: a man who burns bridges in front of him.

Genuine optimism rests not on the conviction that everything will be fine, but on the conviction that not everything will be bad.
Jean Dutur.

The position is good, but not hopeless.

Remember: in five cases of six light at the end of the tunnel - this is the light of an impending train.
Paul Dickson.

After us at least a flood.
Marquis de Pompadour.

Source pessimism on a black day!
Vellas Brudzignan.

Considation optimism is moderately enough to have enough before the end of the year.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

We are not talking about foreseen the future, but about how to create it.
Denis de Grewmam.

The most disappointed people in the world are people who have received what they achieved.

Too bright future is impractical.
Gennady Malkin.

It is difficult to avoid the future.
Oscar Wilde.

It is difficult to foresee anything, and especially the future.

Hope the eyes are as great as the fear.
Zinaida Hippius.

We have all the best views of all the worst prospects.
Yanush Vasilkovsky.

Alas, the future never comes - there is always a present around us.
Vladislav Guezhegorchik.

Just if pessimists are unhappy now, then I don't know what they still need!
Maxim Railrev.

X - Eternal optimist. This is pleased with all the modes.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

The walking truth and its own experience tell a person that he does not change; But the heart stubbornly fits him every day that everything else can change.
Karol Izhikovsky.

It would be nice to arrange the points of collective nutrition of hope.
Lech Konopinsky.

Worst of all that we are ready for the worst.
Yanush Vasilkovsky.

The hope of hope, the more durable.
Maria Ebner-Eschenbach.

What is pessimism? The result of the collision of two different optimisms.
Stanislav Hezhi Lts.

To see the light at the end of the tunnel, you need to dig all the time.
Boris Krutier.

Sixty years ago "Optimis? and "fool? have not been synonymous.
Mark Twain in 1905

I am interested in the future because I'm going to spend your rest there.
Charles Kettering.

I never think about the future. It comes fast enough.
Albert Einstein.

If everything went as shine, try using it as a building material. (Vladimir Kotikov) ()

The lack of mood is compensated by the presence of the Spirit. ()

Pesssimist is an optimist who visited the bureaucrat. ()

Nadezhda at an optimist, dying, appear again .. ()

The sinking optimist is happy that the sea was her knee. ()

Pessimist? This is a person who thinks that all the same bad, as he himself, hates them for it. (George Bernard Show)

The future is when the most optimistic pessimist predictions begin to come true. (Boris Krutier)

If you want to become an optimist and understand life, then stop believing what they say and write, and watch yourself and deliberate. (Anton Pavlovich Chekhov)

The optimist is always able to see the good side in the misfortunes of the near. ()

Optimist in dreams defeats the enemy and sat down tightly. Pessimist, fighting in dreams with an opponent, tolerate defeat and suffer then from insomnia. (Valery Afonchenko)

The optimist is a former pessimist who has pockets full of money, the stomach works perfectly, and the wife left for the city. (Helen Rowland)

Pesssimism is a form of spiritual alcoholism, it rejects healthy drinks and is fond of crushing wine; It turns him into a painful despondency from which he is looking for salvation in an even stronger dope. (Rabindranat Tagore)

Pesssimist is a man who solves the crossword with a pencil, an optimist with a handle. ()

Genuine Christianity is disgusted with pessimism, to inertness. (Jacques Marita)

Optimist declares that we live in the best of the possible worlds; Pessimist fears that it is true. (B.Kabyl)

The sobriety of optimism does not add ... but - legs, and the head is also in place. (Evgeny Skoblov)

Careful optimism: I do not believe, but I hope. (Leonid Crane-Ryt)

Pessimist says: A glass is half empty, but an optimist ... drinks it. (Dmitry Arkadin)

Pessimist says: the glass is empty, and the optimist ... adds to full. (Dmitry Arkadin)

Reasonable pessimism instills optimism. (Gennady Malkin)

The optimist is looking for advantages in disadvantages, but a pessimist, shortcomings in virtues. (Valery Afonchenko)

Optimists can also be wrong, but always successfully. ()

Laugh to tears - advice to optimists and pessimists. (Stanislav Hezhi Lts)

Many have become pessimists by financing optimists. (Ch.T.jons)

Pessimist, being in front of the choice between two types of evil, chooses both. (Oscar Wilde)

Not everything is so bad, as it seems, a lot is much worse. (Mikhail Genin)

So it was not yet, so that there was no way. (Yaroslav Hashek)

Funny optimist statuses

TO When life gives a crack, - the optimist stepped over it, and the pessimist falls into it!

TO Herpich, who fell on his head once, you need to use as a step to rise above ...

D. La optimist life is not a problem, but a solution.

M. IR belongs to optimists! Pessimists are only audience!


E. If someone offended you - you do not dumb, do not be angry.
Come on, he is crazy, get away and smile!

E. Schu one bad news for pessimists. According to the last Dutch studies, optimists live longer.

E. If you spit in your back, then you are ahead!

P Osive thinking is when it fell down the stairs and think: "We must ... how quickly went down!"

FROM The optimistic person is the one who for the last money buys the most chic and big wallet

E. Slim Life You E * ...
So, she gets up ...
So you like you ...
So what are you soaring !!!

ABOUT Poultryist is the one whom will be ..., And he damn, returned to the rested and with a fridge magnet ... bastard

ABOUT Poultry is different from pessimists by the fact that the first are convinced that there is no death, and the second - that there was no life.

P Oka did not know what they were talking about me, I would never have thought that I live so interesting!

E. If you want to get what has never had, become those who have never been.

FROM Pasibo for the lesson! Rake passed ...

IN Chera in the doorway hooligans beat the optimist to half-life.

T. Say yourself to dream.
And the dream is drawn beautiful.
And tell me again:
"It will be. I decided so."

E. If the strip of your life suddenly became black, see the closer, most likely it is white, just in chocolate.

FROM Oven in different ways are different people perceive running rain. Optimists, for example, believe that this nature is crying, but pessimists - that she just brazenly pushing them on the head.

P Ust tell me
All trains went away
And late from life to wait for something ...
And I will answer - this is nonsense !!!
There are still ships and aircraft!

ABOUT The poultry is a person who even falling face in the dirt is sure that she is therapeutic!

- M. S surrounded!
- Zashibay! Now we can attack in any direction!

ABOUT Poultry workers can also be wrong, but always successfully.

ABOUT Poultryist is a pessimist after a glass.

N. And the replica: "I will kill a bastard!", I answer calmly: "In the queue!"

J. I wonder! .. and do not care that it is not true!

ABOUT The poultry is a man sitting in the tram and trying to get acquainted with the next blonde!

N. e can not be suitable
For life such a challenging.
It's better to walk nutty,
Than with sour, muddy him ...

P Rosto Optimists come true dreams! And in pessimist, nightmares. !!

P Rivest rakes, have not seen it for a long time.


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