Phrases in prose. Prose statements. Words you need to know to look smart: examples

“What are we fighting over? And what are you bothering about? We do not know how to value the main thing!
And we recall in passing and "by the way," What happiness it is - just LIVE! "
Alena Tokareva "Live!"

“I built a house. I planted a tree from which I built a house. My wife gave birth to a son, who helped plant the tree from which I built the house. In my friends I have one dog and a family of cats (a cat, a cat's wife and their daughter). By communicating with me, they teach me to tolerate people. I am either a cynical clever or a clever cynic. I work as a janitor for pleasure (I don't like garbage) and as a freelance journalist (I'm looking for freedom, that's why I work as a janitor). What do I do for a living? This life is earning on me. "
Andrey Selyukhov

“- How is the road measured: hours or kilometers?
- Impressions.

“Particularly surprising is the speed with which everything passes.
including life itself ... "
Gerchikov Ilya 08.11.2011 11:42

“If it’s impossible to do what is needed,
You have to do what is impossible. "
Meir Kaminsky "Thought N11"

“And a philosophical thought was born to me. Philosophical thoughts now often appear in my empty head on the basis of accumulated knowledge. These thoughts are the result of observation and reflection on the fate of humanity. Although my eyesight is no longer the same, and without glasses I see people as if in a fog. "
Igor Telok "Oldism 3. Life choice"

“Your desires have long met your possibilities. We talked, agreed and moved on. Each in their own direction. That is, the possibilities went where the desires came from. And desires are where opportunities come from.
What didn’t understand? You will have less and less desires, and more and more opportunities. Live for your pleasure, chew bananas and hazel grouses. Wait for your last day. "
Andrey Gavrikov "Anti-crisis of middle age"

“It's just that even in his years he retained curiosity and genuine interest in the renewed life. But for some reason, some of her sides - and they became more and more every year - remained inaccessible to him, and this annoyed him. As if someone invisible had pushed a dense screen in front of him, behind which, by the way, a lot of interesting things were happening.
Pashnev "A case in a smoking room overlooking a bar"

"In old age, the brain is so full of memories that there is nothing to remember where you put your glasses."
Gerchikov Ilya "Moralisms-15"

“Therefore, there is no need to rush to conclusions, because our life is nonsense, the absurdity of accidents from the moment of birth to the end. The most incredible nonsense can sometimes say more and better than a logical scientific anecdote. After all, the strict construction of life is an invention inherent in human idealism or idiocy. "
Alik Zaitsev “Kozma Prutkov? Not like Kosma Rodkov "

"104. You say, they don't listen, and if they do, they don't understand. And if they do, it’s wrong.
And if they understand correctly, then they do the opposite. And if they do it right, then it is already so late that it would be better if they did not. "
Nikolay Kladov "Aphorisms"

"Justice will certainly prevail - in the unattainable" bright future "."
Gerchikov Ilya "Moralisms-7"

“It’s probably boring to live without knowledge.
Often, it is simply impossible.
Best of all, time teaches us
but it also kills ... "

“22. An intelligent person learns from his mistakes. A fool does not even learn from his own people. And the mistakes of genius move humanity.
Nikolay Kladov "Aphorisms"

“Human life is based on feelings. Man seeks to avoid unpleasant feelings and achieve pleasant ones. "
Alik Zaitsev “Kozma Prutkov? Not like Kosma Rodkov "

"We are initially interested in each thing only in its relation to us in the sense of pleasure or pain."
Nietzsche's "Human, Too Human"

“There are so few people around whom the thread connects with.
A friend died - and suddenly realized: I have no one to talk to ... "
Vladimir Tsiglitsky "Swindle"


Love is ... when, after reading this phrase, you have already thought about some person!

It is so important that you have a person in your life, in front of whom you do not need to pretend to be "someone" ... It is enough for him that you are just yourself ...
Author Romantic

You cannot lose what is not!

He who does not ask about anything will learn nothing.
Written by Thomas Fuller

Love gives us strength where the mind is not ready to help, and often opposes, the simple laws of two hearts!
Written by Carey

Where to get white paint to recolor life ?!
Author mimozka

We, in life, are still schoolchildren: we look with hope at the clock and wait for changes! But, the strict head teacher does not give a call in any way!
Author Deja-vu

I have not met people who do not die. But I saw those that do not live.
Written by Xenia Colt

You need to live so that you would not be ashamed to name the weight! \u003d)

"He who saves one life, saves the whole world" Beautiful sayings and phrases about life

If you do not have the strength to endure, let the pride not be enough not to submit!

If people were allocated 10 lives, they would have ended even earlier than now one.
Written by Nissa

Pull yourself together, think carefully about what you need from life, do not look around and with open eyes forward! You look and you are at the goal!
Author babochka 38

All our life we \u200b\u200bhave been preparing the dish "happiness", but we never dare to eat it.
Author x-Gerda-x

To live like a human, you need to be paid like a god.

Walking through life, we suddenly discover that the ice under our feet is getting thinner, and we see how our peers are falling under it around us and behind us.
Written by Robert Louis Stevenson

You need to live in such a way ... so that, turning around to see your loved ones and relatives around you ... And for this you need to do good, forgive-quickly, value-friends, forget-enemies.
Author Abikh Irinka

To achieve something in life, you need to do a little more than you need to, and a little less than you want.

To live happily is to be that, to do this, and to have that which makes your soul dance, your heart sing, and your mind jubilates.
Written by Neil Donald Walsh

If we are destined to manage in this life, then let not from herring with milk, but from trout with cream.

If you are not needed at a distance, you are unlikely to be liked up close.
Written by Jaroslav Rossa

When you cannot change something around you, you need to change something inside yourself ... Beautiful statements and phrases about life.

One of the most difficult things in life is to keep in your heart the words that cannot be uttered ...

Great calamities have always produced great abundance. They make people want to live.
By Gabriel García Márquez

People are not born evil. In the life of every person there is such a moment because of which he can turn into an evil creature.

The contact of bodies, the contact of souls is a dance of life.
Author Gerda

Why does life bring two people together for the second time. After all, it's not destiny anyway.

The only way to make the morning good is to oversleep it))

You are not responsible for what other people expect from you. If too much is expected of you, it is their fault, not your fault.

From the beginning, people try to make each other as happy as possible, then they try to make each other as painful as possible.
Author Asechka

Love is the life of the soul. But not every soul can love. Because to love is always extremely painful.
Author Simeon Afonsky


Everything has been given to me to live an exalted life. And I am dying in laziness, debauchery and dreaming.

We must live every day as at the last moment. We don't have a rehearsal - we have life! We do not start it on Monday - we live today!
Author Evelina Khromchenko

Do not quarrel over trifles, do not be offended by stupidity, we all have the right to make mistakes, just appreciate the one who gives a reason to smile and live.

Life experience is when you ALREADY see the handle of a rake, but do not have time to estimate its length.

Everyone is free to do whatever he wants with his life. Everyone decides for himself. And he pays too.
Because this is his life ...
Author AG

People always think that they will always have a lot of time for everything ... They are wrong.
Author inomarka

I try to live by the rules that are inside me. Maybe this is all wrong. but this life is ONLY mine ...

Sometimes people burst into our life like a hurricane ... And they leave it like something petty ... Then you look at all this and don't understand what happened in general ...

Life flows unhurriedly ... and the mirrors change my image ... And maybe I was happy a hundred times already ... Or maybe I wasn't happy yet?
Author Anastasia Laretskaya

If you have nothing to lose, try to find something.

The best teacher in life is experience. Takes really expensive, but explains clearly ... Beautiful sayings and phrases about life

Fate once told us: I found you, I tied you! Do not expect any other gifts from me! What sacred you keep!

We all live under the same sky, but everyone has a different horizon ...

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations of emergency care for fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What are the safest medicines?

The new collection of human thought includes beautiful quotes about life with meaning, read with pleasure:

I'm afraid to become like adults who are not interested in anything except numbers. Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"

There are things in the world for which you can give your life, but there is nothing for which you can take it. Gregory

It's good that as a child we did not have the Internet and we could enjoy such moments ...

The black stripe sometimes becomes the take-off line.

The great road requires great sacrifices. Kogan

Success should be measured not so much by the position that a person has achieved in his life, but by the obstacles that he had to overcome on the way to success.

The appearance often closes the soul of a person for those around him. Our road is so short. She has only 4 stops: a child, a loser, a gray head and a dead man. Moran Take your time, because in the finale everyone will be grave. Martin

Destroy love in your world, and everything will go to dust. Browning

All problems are from a lack of love. Carey

Only love can destroy death. Tolstoy

Do good deeds, then the Devil will not be able to approach you, because you will always be busy. Blessed. Jerome

What you believe in and what you expect with all your soul and with all your heart will surely happen. Frank Lloyd Wright

Success is easy, meaning is the problem. Einstein

Fear is in everyone, it makes us human. So the meaning is fear. Roy

If there is a worthy goal, then it simplifies our existence. Murakami

Meaning is the path to happiness. Dovgan

If you just sit and think about the meaning, doing nothing, you won't find the meaning. Murakami

Sooner or later, your fantasies will turn into schizophrenia.

If at least once you really helped someone, then you did not live in vain. Shcherblyuk

The need to love is the main need. France

Life is not a zebra of black and white stripes, but a chessboard. It all depends on your move.

Sometimes I really want to turn off my phone just to be lost, but I’m afraid that when I turn it back on, I’ll realize that no one was looking for me.

Life is like riding a high-speed, sports bike, with broken brakes, at high speed, in the oncoming lane, on a high-speed highway. Where it remains only to maneuver between cars moving directly at you. Realizing that over time, sooner or later, you will feel the kiss of death, gentle at night

A person's character can be judged by how he treats people with whom he is not obliged to treat well ...

The life you are living now is preparation for your next birth. Rev. Ambrose

Failure is the basis of success, and in success lies the germ of failure; but who can tell when one will be replaced by another? William Somerset Maugham

The earthly way has been granted to us, so that through useful deeds and redemption we are closer to Him. St. Ignatius

The meaning is not in use, but in being yourself. Coelho

Every child is a genius, every genius is a child. They both know no boundaries and make discoveries. Schopenhauer

We are so afraid of being intrusive that we seem indifferent.

When it seems to a person that everything is going awry, something wonderful is trying to enter his life ...

We are all just people. But for parents we are the meaning of life, for friends - kindred spirits, for loved ones - the whole world. Roy

You need to love a person the way God created him. Tsvetaeva

I wanted to tell her something, but I couldn't. Words are hard to find when you really have something to say. And even if the right words come, you are ashamed to say them. All these words belong to the past centuries. Our time has not yet found words to express our feelings. It only knows how to be cheeky, everything else is artificial. Erich Maria Remarque

People ask for advice only to support a decision they have already made.

Think less, do more. Hunt

Love is lasting only in humility. Rev. Macarius

You can die without even having time to blink, so flap your eyelashes, wink and air kisses came, because life is a flirtation with death.

Only faith in the happiness of your neighbor will make you happy. Prot. Sergei

We strive to look good, buy good food, and prefer a good holiday. But all this becomes bad and unnecessary without a good mood.

When you truly love, you are reconciled with the whole world. Lazhechnikov

Our path is only one moment. Live now, then there will simply be no time. Chekhov

It is the family that teaches the child to do good for life. Sukhomlinsky

It's not a pity that my path may end, it's a pity if it never started. Newman

Here, however, we look back, but we do not stand still. We strive forward, open new paths, take on new things, because we are curious ... and curiosity drives us along new roads. Only forward.

You need to grow your garden, and not steal from someone else's. Voltaire

Life is like riding a bike, if it's hard for you, then you are on the rise!

A child's one hour may be longer than an old man's whole day. Schopenhauer

Life gives joy only when we give life to others. Maurois

After us, only our deeds will remain, so do them so that these deeds are great. France

If I compete with someone, then only with myself - for the best myself ...

The earthly path leads to the Eternal. Rev. Barsanuphius

If you do not see something, it does not mean that it is not.

The birth of a person only makes sense when he helps others. De Beauvoir

If you cannot forgive, remember how much you have been forgiven.

Meaning can be found, but not created. Frankl

A road without love is an angel with one wing. He will not rise high. Dumas

A happy existence is harmony and unity. Seneca

Children tend to be happy and joyful. Hugo

The one who really decided to change cannot be stopped. Hippocrates

All my life I have been scattering feelings, and now I am exhausted, I have nothing left. But I smile knowing that I have always strived for more!

Each of us, there are people with whom a new life began, however, each of us, there are people after whom everything ended. note that most of these are the same people.

Everyone shouts - we want to live, but why, no one says. Miller

Success is not a goal, but a sign. Each person was born in order to do something better than anyone else. Success is important because it is a sign that what you do is good work.

A great cause is not created without mistakes. Rozanov

In the morning, the meaning of my life is to sleep. For the sake of a fun life, you shouldn't lose its meaning. Juvenal

In this life, it doesn't matter how you fall. It is important how you get up. Sharon Stone

A person notices the loss of money, but does not notice the loss of his days. Only a mediocre person is able to submit to fate. To live correctly is available to everyone, and to live forever - to anyone. Seneca

The future is something that you create yourself. If you give up, you give in to fate. Believe in yourself and you can build the future you want.

Whatever happens, I will not let my joy run out. Misfortune leads nowhere and destroys everything that is. Why suffer when you can change everything? And if nothing can be changed, how will suffering help? Shantideva

Poor is he who desires a lot. St. John

This is a job that needs to be finished with dignity. Tocqueville

Sheeps huddle together, lions keep apart

This is not the time that you lived, but what you did. Marquez

I thank the thorns for having roses. Carr

Do today what you are going to do tomorrow; say tomorrow what you want to say today. Kazimierz Tetmayer

If you want to show excellent knowledge of oriental wisdom - set interesting wise statuses on the page, choosing the most amazing sayings. By posting wise statuses about life with meaning now, you will help your friends think about the meaning of life and the structure of the universe. The best wise statuses about life are an opportunity to take a philosophical attitude towards painful everyday problems, pushing them into the background. Having established wise statuses with meaning, you will improve your page, make it more complete, life-affirming.

Too often, people lose each other for fear of losing each other.

No one deserves your tears, and whoever deserves will not make you cry.

Parting doesn't always mean the end. Sometimes it's just the opening of a new page in life.

Many people run very fast, but in life they do not catch up with many things.

We have to love people and use things. Lately, we increasingly love things and use people.

Chaos always triumphs over order because it is better organized.

The meaning in life is sought by those who have not found happiness in it ...

You can never explain or understand the emotions of inspiration.

Life is like riding a bicycle - in order to keep your balance you must keep moving

Strength without wisdom falls under its own weight.

Only those who always strive to help others achieve success. Those who seek only their own benefit are doomed to failure.

Men think they belong to a sex that has a lot of common sense. Women, however, know that they are the most sane.

We are never farther from our desires than when we imagine that we have what we want.

There are people, when meeting with whom the heart starts to beat. And after all, everyone now thought of one special person.

There is nothing worse than knowing that you had an opportunity and you did not take advantage of it.

You should not strive to ensure that people say only good things about you. It's enough that they talk about you.

Respect or not respect a person is your business. It is your upbringing to be respectful.

If God wants to make you happy, then He leads you the most difficult path, because there are no easy ways to happiness.

You cannot escape fate ... and if you do, it means - not fate!

For a horseshoe to bring good luck, you need to work hard like a horse.

The assessments of others must be respected and taken into account, like the weather. But nothing more.

There was no great mind without an admixture of madness.

The thinner the ice, the more people want to see if it will hold up. - Wise statuses

The lazier a person is, the more his work looks like a feat.

Copy the status into a comment, and it will immediately appear on your page

The wisest statuses are smart statements with meaning!

How often do we try to hide our feelings behind a funny joke. Today we are taught to hide our true feelings behind a carefree smile. Why strain your loved ones with your problems. But is it right? After all, who else can help us in difficult times if not the most dear people. They will support in word and deed, loved ones will be next to you, and everything that weighed you so much will be resolved. The wisdom of humanity is collected in great books such as the Bible, the Koran, the Bhagavad-gita and many others. His thoughts and feelings, his understanding of the universe and us in it, his attitude to every living creature - all this worried man both in antiquity and in our age of technical development. Wise statuses with meaning are a kind of summary of those great sayings that today make us think about the eternal.

The wisest sayings of famous people!

How often do you look at the stars? In modern metropolitan areas, it is difficult to catch when day changes to night, the light of thousands of lanterns and neon signs interferes. And sometimes you really want to watch the starry sky and think about the universe. Remember the happiest moments of your life, dream about the future or just count the stars. But we are in a hurry all the time, forgetting about simple joys. After all, thirty years ago, one could watch the moon from the roof of the tallest building in the city. And in summer, falling into the tall grass, look at the clouds, listening to the trills of birds and the chirping of grasshoppers. Everything changes in this world, wise sayings allow us to see ourselves from the outside, stop and look at the starry sky.

Wise quotes for those who are not indifferent!

Most of the statuses on social networks are either funny and comic, or devoted to the topic of love and the experiences associated with it. Sometimes you want to find a worthy status without jokes. Interesting statements and quotes about the meaning of life, wise phrases about human nature, philosophical considerations about the future of modern civilization. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that a person can not be fed with bread alone. If you want to stand out from the huge number of "funny lovers", to find a worthy "food for the mind", then the wise statuses collected here will help you with this. Truly significant and wise phrases remain in our memory, while others fade away, leaving no trace. The wise sayings of great people make us think, cut into our consciousness and can help solve this or that problem.

Wise thoughts about life

At different stages of life, each person has a need to comprehend the events happening to him. It is here that statements about the meaning of life, belonging to thinkers of the past and present, come to his aid.

People understand different things by the meaning of life. Each person can have his own meaning of life, because it is assumed that the meaning of a person's life is his dreams, his goals and aspirations.

The meaning of life is to determine the balance between who you are and who you strive to be, as well as how you go to this.

In order to elevate us, fate sometimes takes advantage of our shortcomings; so, for example, other restless people were rewarded according to their merits only because everyone tried to get rid of them at any cost.

Apparently, nature hides in the depths of our soul abilities and gifts, which we ourselves do not even suspect; only passions awaken them to life and sometimes give us such insight and firmness, which under normal conditions we could never achieve.

We enter different ages of our life like newborns, with no experience behind us, no matter how old we are.

Coquettes pretend to be jealous of their lovers, wanting to hide that they are simply jealous of other women.

When we manage to cheat others, they rarely seem to us as fools as we seem to ourselves when others manage to cheat us.

Those old women who remember that they were once attractive, but have forgotten that they have long lost their former charm, put themselves in a particularly ridiculous position.

Often we would have to feel ashamed of our noblest deeds if others knew our motives.

The greatest feat of friendship is not to show a friend our shortcomings, but to open his eyes to his own.


The coolest, ridiculous, interesting, inadequate, wise, senseless, funny, cheerful, cheerful, optimistic, pessimistic sayings about life seen with friends, relatives, enemies, homies, sisters, brothers, acquaintances ... or accidentally seen are here! One or more from a huge collection statements about life you can use for your own in runet! Find your life statement for and surprise your friends with a funny status in contact, classmates, ICQ or Facebook. Install the coolest sayings about life for status in ICQ, on a site in contact, or smart sayings for classmates!

The best age for children is when you no longer lead them by the hand, and they still do not lead you by the nose.

People are not risking their lives, but their duration.

I don't know how it should be, but you are doing it wrong!

Seminar on the theory of probability - a trip to the casino.

Friendship differs from love in that it cannot be done.

He was a mysterious man, from the word dirtiest.

Sarcasm is the ability to praise a person in such a way that he is offended for a long time.

Either you do the job yourself, or you can get others to do it.

There are no deadlock situations - there is deadlock thinking.

Apocalypse for worms looks like a light at the end of the tunnel.

If you know exactly who is to blame - do not give yourself away.

Do believers not offend the religious feelings of atheists?

I know a lot, but I hardly remember anything.

Our enemies are stupid. They think that we are the enemies, although, in fact, they are the enemies.

The strength of the fool is that the clever is powerless in front of him.

Plans for the future that do not match your financial, mental and physical capabilities are called dreams.

Life is a pretty stupid business, but nothing smarter has been invented yet.

How often there is not enough intelligence to pretend to be a fool!

Everyone has the right to be stupid .: It's just that some are very abused.

It is not always possible to judge a person by his environment. Otherwise, Judas would have been the ideal.

When the ranks of the dissatisfied are thinning, this does not mean that the ranks of the satisfied are growing. There are just more indifferent people.

Funny sayings about life

Professionalism - a minimum of movements with full dedication.

A hard person is capable of a soft decision, but a soft one - never!

Ideas can only be ideal and then before they are tested in practice.

A good slap in the face, weighed out at the right time, replaces at least three good and wise advice.

Unwillingness to yield in small things can result in a loss in many ways.

Intellectual ideas, like the flu virus, somewhere in the wilderness, there will be no harm from it, but if it gets into the crowd ...

A long journey often begins with the words, "I know a short way."

No amount of healthy living or conditioning will help you if you are used to pruning and driving at red lights.

Previously, graduates were graduated, and now, mostly holders of diplomas leave universities.

Everyone is never equally good. There is always a bastard who will feel better than others.

The ability to think logically allows a person to make a chain of natural mistakes.

People of small stature learn later than others that it has started to rain.

Now losing weight is more expensive than gaining weight.

We would have conquered our own shortcomings long ago if we had fought with them as energetically as with other people's merits.

Growing up is when you walk in the cold without a hat and you feel not cool, but stupid!

The last of the remaining teeth is especially thoroughly cleaned.

It can always be explained to a clever person that he is a fool. It is impossible to explain to a fool that he is a fool.

Who asks a lot, they lie a lot.

Wise sayings about life

Is it possible to estimate the probability of the correctness of the theory of probability?

So you want to be kind and decent, especially when you understand that there will never be enough cartridges for everyone.

Justice prevails only there and when it is beneficial to someone.

A man is like a bicycle: he needs movement, if he stops, he will immediately fall to one side.

Wisdom is not wrinkles, but convolutions.

It is better to agree with meaningless words.

Since the animals built communism, they have stopped talking and do not use money.

It is very easy to find out the problems of any state. They are all listed in his hymn.

If you want someone to listen to you, don't shout.

If you find your soul mate, then you will be 1.5.

Whoever gets up early wants to sleep all day.

Good is when you do bad things to a bad person.

I tell you my final "can beat" ...

In some cases, "starving" means switching from black caviar to red ...

One person's heroism is always the result of another's negligence.

It's not easy to find a friend. It is even more difficult to lose the enemy.

For some reason, the old director is always better than the new one and is to blame for everything ...

Cool and wise aphorisms about life with meaning. Short statements of great people who have found their place in society.

Meaning of life

Aphorisms about life with meaning, short sayings of famous people who have left their mark on history:

  • This is a job to be finished with dignity (Tocqueville).
  • Success is easy, meaning is the problem (Einstein).
  • Our path is only one moment. Live now, then there simply won't be time (Chekhov).
  • Meaning can be found, but not created (Frankl).
  • A happy existence is harmony and unity (Seneca).
  • If at least once you really helped someone, then you did not live in vain (Shcherblyuk).
  • Meaning is the path to happiness (Dovgan).
  • We are all just people. But for parents we are the meaning of life, for friends - for loved ones - the whole world (Roy).


Aphorisms about life about love and fidelity.

  • The need to love is the main need (France).
  • Only love can destroy death (Tolstoy).
  • Thank the thorns for having roses (Carr)
  • The birth of a person only makes sense when he helps others (De Beauvoir).
  • You need to love a person the way God created him (Tsvetaeva).
  • A road without love is an angel with one wing. He will not rise high (Dumas).
  • All problems are from a lack of love (Carey).
  • Destroy love in your world, and everything will go to dust (Browning).
  • When you truly love, you are reconciled with the whole world (Lazhechnikov).


Aphorisms about the meaning of life, expressed by the Holy Fathers.

  • The life you are living now is a preparation for the next birth (St. Ambrose).
  • The earthly path leads to the Eternal (St. Barsanuphius).
  • The earthly way has been granted to us, so that through useful deeds and redemption we are closer to Him (St. Ignatius).
  • Love is strong only in humility (St. Macarius).
  • Poor is the one who desires a lot (St. John).
  • Only faith in the happiness of your neighbor will make you happy (Archpriest Sergei).
  • Do good deeds, then the Devil will not be able to approach you, because you will always be busy (Blessed Jerome).

Cool aphorisms about life and the search for its meaning

  • If you just sit and think about the meaning, doing nothing, you won't find the meaning (Murakami).
  • In the morning, the meaning of my life is to sleep.
  • For the sake of a fun life, you should not lose its meaning (Juvenal).
  • Live so that not only a monument will be erected to you, but also pigeons will fly around it.
  • Life has only one drawback - it ends.
  • This is a terrible disease. It is transmitted through love and always ends in death.
  • You should not look at the world more pessimistic than he looks at you.
  • You cannot live one life twice; unfortunately, many cannot live even one.
  • Our existence is like a queue for death, and some people always try to get through the queue.
  • Anything that is best leads to obesity.
  • I planted everything, built and gave birth. Now I water, repair and feed.
  • The real meaning of life is hidden in a pregnant woman (Nemov).

Great deeds

Aphorisms about a life with meaning, short, clear thoughts about your favorite pastime, which determines the eternal search for many.

  • One who really decided to change cannot be stopped (Hippocrates).
  • This is not the time that you lived, but what you did (Marquez).
  • The great road requires great sacrifices (Kogan).
  • If there is a worthy goal, then it simplifies our existence (Murakami).
  • There are things in the world for which you can give your life, but there is nothing for which you can take it (Gregory).
  • The meaning is not in use, but in being yourself (Coelho).
  • After us, only our affairs will remain, so do them so that these matters are great (France).
  • You need to grow your garden, and not steal from someone else's (Voltaire).
  • A great work is not created without mistakes (Rozanov).
  • Think less, do more (Hunt).

Process or result?

Aphorisms about a life with meaning are reflections on the topic: how to live in general?

  • The appearance often closes the soul of a person for those around him.
  • Our road is so short. She has only 4 stops: a child, a loser, a gray head and a dead man (Moran).
  • Take your time, because in the finale everyone will have a grave (Martin).
  • Fear is in everyone, it makes us human. So the meaning is fear (Roy).
  • It's not a pity that my path may end, it's a pity if it never started (Newman).
  • A person notices the loss of money, but does not notice the loss of his days.
  • Only a mediocre person is able to submit to fate.
  • To live correctly is available to everyone, and to live forever - to no one (Seneca).
  • Everyone shouts - we want to live, but why, no one says (Miller).


Aphorisms about life with meaning and family.

  • The mother is not looking for meaning, she has already given birth to him.
  • All joy lives in the child's laughter.
  • The family is a ship. Survive a small storm before going out to sea.
  • Life gives joy only when we give life to others (Maurois).
  • Children tend to be happy and joyful (Hugo).
  • It is the family that teaches the child to do good for life (Sukhomlinsky).
  • A child's one hour may be longer than an old man's whole day (Schopenhauer).
  • Every child is a genius, every genius is a child. They both know no boundaries and make discoveries (Schopenhauer).
  • Without children, we have no reason to love this world (Dostoevsky).

Short aphorisms about life and its meaning reveal the philosophical laws of being. Spiritual problems exist in every person, we all solve them in our own way. For some, the meaning is to have fun and enjoy every moment, for others - to leave their mark on history. What are we living for? For children, for the accumulation of wealth or for bringing a bit of goodness and light into the existence of the world? Everyone decides for himself.

People have been thinking about the meaning of existence since the creation of the world. The best philosophers, great authors, fathers of all religions are trying to find the answer to the eternal question. and paradise? You can definitely answer, only at the end of your journey. But then it will be too late to live life anew.

There are many hypotheses. Let everyone choose the one that is closer to his soul and lifestyle.

Wise sayings about life and love have always attracted the attention of extraordinary, seeking natures. Artists, poets, writers, scientists focused on immersion in deep thoughts and spent many years in search of their own truth. At all times, people have been looking for the meaning of being. Their own existence often seemed to them too limiting, sometimes even meaningless, far from the truth. Many people today realize the need for positive changes, want to qualitatively improve their lives, bring new positive impressions into it.

Trying to determine the nature of your destiny is an active step of self-discovery, which usually leads to the formation of an intention to live the best years more productively. Such individuals strive for constant self-improvement, are actively engaged in self-education. The habit of living without thinking about anything destroys the personality, eventually leading it to spiritual degradation. A meaningful existence is as if we continued to move not in complete darkness, but along a road lit by lanterns. Wise sayings about life awaken in the soul the necessary energy to implement bold ideas and conquer high peaks. The great philosophers of the past turned to the search for truth in order to make this world spiritually richer, kinder and more beautiful. Wise sayings about life and love will be presented in this article.

"A constant need to love is concentrated in a person" (A. France)

There is not a single man, woman, or child who does not respond properly to expressions of sincerity and warmth. We all respond to converted care, even if it comes from a stranger. Love elevates the soul, fills life with a special meaning. When the desire to give selflessly, to take care of our neighbor enters our life, the inner world is transformed. A person begins to discover completely different dimensions, the existence of which he never knew before. At this moment, the realization of the fullness of existence and happiness comes to him.

The need to love brings a person closer to understanding the truth. Wise sayings about life affect all areas of existence. A person who has discovered love for himself feels truly happy. It forms a holistic perception of life. Roads open in front of him, and it becomes possible to choose the most suitable direction of movement. Such a journey necessarily leads to the release of the necessary energy for creation and creativity. Only he can truly be aware of himself as happy, who strives for an integral picture of the world. The wise sayings of great people about life confirm this idea.

"Friendship is expressed in sincerity and devotion" (A. V. Suvorov)

From an early age, a person lives in society, learns to interact with others, to express himself in a team. Friendship occurs in the fate of each of us much more often than a meeting with a friend. Many, even as adults, continue to confuse these concepts. Wishful thinking occurs due to an unmet need for intimate relationships.

True friendship is even less common than true love. Such a relationship implies complete dedication, an unselfish desire to give part of your own soul to other people. Unfortunately, not everyone is capable of this. Most people want to live only for themselves, strive to satisfy their immediate needs. They are more and more immersed in lazy contemplation of the events taking place around them and miss the main thing.

Wise sayings about life and love and friendship will help you prioritize correctly. A person will begin to realize that he existed, guided by lower needs, and did not at all strive for self-development. Fortunately, there is always an opportunity to correct such a defect.

"The meaning of life is to do good deeds" (Aristotle)

There is no need to constantly torture yourself with countless searches for the truth. If you begin to live openly, completely trusting the Universe, you will succeed in any endeavors. By doing good deeds, we are actually helping ourselves. As we approach the understanding of the truth, we become trusting, receptive and truly happy. Wise sayings about life and destiny allow us to understand the mechanism of the formation of the subtle laws of the universe. There is no need to strive to possess all material goods. Work on yourself, do more for others, open your heart towards true service to eternal values.

Kindness can soften even a stone heart. Wise sayings about the meaning of life will tell you a way out of a difficult situation, help you decide on further steps, forget past undeserved grievances and overcome mental confusion. If everyone treated others with love and due attention, the world would have fewer crippled destinies. To take responsibility for what is happening means to free yourself from confusion and all kinds of negativity.

"One must fear not death, but empty life" (B. Brecht)

Do we pay much attention to self-development? Unfortunately not. Few can boast that they read books for hours or indulge in philosophical reflections. Wise sayings about life can bring more variety into everyday reality, make every moment meaningful and fulfilling. Death is not the worst thing that can happen to a person if he has lived a happy life.

Wise sayings about life, to one degree or another, touch on the topic of fulfilling one's mission, realizing important goals.

"Victory over oneself is worth a thousand wars" (Buddha)

You can overcome the enemy with any weapon you like, but you still cannot eradicate future evil. It has been noticed: the more aggression is broadcast to the outside world, the more vividly it manifests itself in reality. He who does not know how to cope with his own weaknesses, plunges into laziness and can no longer free himself from its binding threads. The wise sayings of Buddhist philosophers about life call for constant work on character, effective overcoming of vices.

What is true self-victory? First of all, this is the release of many new opportunities and perspectives. If every person lived in harmony with his nature, fully developed himself, he could fully use his own resources.

"He who understands life is no longer in a hurry" (O. Khayyam)

Sometimes we are in a hurry, not noticing that days and years pass by in the bustle. This condition is characterized as a struggle for a better life. There is a subordination of oneself to circumstances, embedding in the model of social consciousness. Being in such a mood, it is impossible to grasp the essence of what is happening. A person lives as if in a dream, barely having time to understand what is happening to him in general. Awakening is short-lived and painful, revealing an unsightly truth. When time is irretrievably lost, one can only deeply regret it.

Sages push us to the greatest discovery: there is no need to rush, because all the miracles that occur must be able to notice and apply in your life. Otherwise, nothing of value will remain in the existence of a given individual.

It is best to put some effort into trying to understand the wise sayings about life. Omar Khayyam emphasizes the idea that every moment is precious and unique. If a person does not learn to appreciate the shortest moment, he will waste all the rest of the time. Therefore, one who has realized the enduring beauty of life, there is no need to rush. He lives according to his inner nature and is in no hurry.

"Whoever is beaten with life will achieve more" (O. Khayyam)

We sometimes so often complain about the unfairness of fate. Many people think they are less fortunate than others. At the same time, for some reason, it is believed that it is not necessary to apply special zeal for changes. In fact, any experience teaches a person something: caution, prudence, patience. A valuable lesson can be learned from any event (including an unpleasant one). Another thing is that few people do it on purpose.

Life must be loved in all its manifestations. Then you yourself will notice that miracles begin to happen. Pleasant events will happen as if by themselves, without any active participation on your part. Luck will become a constant companion and patroness of any undertakings. Wise sayings about life and love can be extremely useful for the reader. Omar Khayyam masterfully singles out the main things and casts aside the secondary things without regret.

"Friendship multiplies joy and divides sorrow in half" (GD Bon)

A person who has a true friend feels more confident in any situation than someone who tries to go through life alone, not trusting anyone. Various circumstances cease to dominate those who can share their own feelings with a loved one.

Friendship is the greatest blessing, but not everyone knows how to truly appreciate it. Many close themselves off from true spiritual communication, because they have not learned to trust, do not know how to behave correctly. It is the greatest delusion to believe that you need to protect yourself in every possible way from close interaction. People sometimes, fearing new disappointments, deliberately limit themselves in contacts. This position is flawed in itself.

Grief shared with a comrade does not look so frightening anymore, it loses its destructive power. Surviving any shock is easy with a strong shoulder nearby. Joy, on the other hand, is doubled when you share it with others. At such moments, it seems that the entire Universe is filled with endless light and boundless grace. A vivid impression is created of the security of the world and the holistic satisfaction of being in it.

"Love is stronger than death, it gives meaning to life" (L. N. Tolstoy)

The wise sayings of great people about life would be incomplete without this wonderful saying. It is amazing in its essence and contains a deep thought: you need to strive with all the forces of your soul to cultivate love in yourself. This is a state of respect for all living things, it cannot be confused with anything else. Love is like a flower: it is revealed in a person gradually, over time, starting to control all other feelings. He who knows such happiness will never be alone again. Why? Because a person who has revealed his inner resources will always be able to realize them, with any personality. Love is always free. Anyone who is open to goodness and happiness strives to be useful to others, to give a piece of his soul.

Death has no power over the state of integrity. Those whom we love will remain in our memory forever. Having cognized joy and happiness, a person discovers a special meaning of life for himself. A deep vision of how this world works opens up before his inner gaze. All fears, anxieties and doubts gradually disappear. A loving person becomes protected by the Almighty from all sorts of troubles and defeats. Love never dies. She continues to live in subsequent generations.

"Love should be invested in all your affairs" (L. Hay)

If a person learned to touch everything that surrounds him with a special sense of creativity, life would change qualitatively. Significant obstacles that poison existence would disappear, there would be more reasons for joy. Creativity is an integral part of life, but we happily forget about it. There is nothing worse than living mechanically, not enjoying the process of interacting with the world. In case of failure, the question should be asked: What lesson is the Universe teaching me now? In other words, think about what you can change in yourself in order to accept what is not yet possible. Remember that the Universe often takes away something unnecessary only in order to be able to put more and better in our hands.

The sayings of wise people can be extremely useful for spiritual development. Real life is often hindered by limiting beliefs. I must say that we invent them for ourselves in order to justify our categorical inaction.

“Life is like a moment. It cannot be lived twice "(A. Chekhov)

All the events that happen to us carry a certain meaning. If there was no meaning in life, we would not come here. Many people disclaim responsibility for what happens to them in everyday reality. It seems that it is always possible to correct a committed mistake, so to speak, to rewrite the "draft" completely. In fact, missed opportunities never come back. Having rejected someone's love or care, a person closes himself off from the world, from a thousand new similar possibilities.

Life goes by pretty quickly. If, looking back, a person does not find anything valuable and significant behind him, then thoughts about the insignificance of his personality and the uselessness of existence begin to creep in. At some point, the realization comes that you are at a crossroads and must make a truly fateful decision. The more you cling to material goods, the more obstacles circumstances will pose.

"Any attachment to earthly pleasures brings suffering" (Buddha)

Life proves that you should not aim only at material goods, because they are not eternal. The essence of the earthly incarnation of a person is to develop spiritually as much as possible. Fulfilling your individual mission in the form of revealing creativity, some kind of talent or abilities, one should not forget about the main thing. A person has a need to help other people, to make them happier. Thus, he fills existence with a special meaning, fully realizes his nature. Wise sayings about life often suggest the right way out of difficult situations, you just need to be able to listen to them.

Thus, the experience of studying deep can be very useful. They will be useful for anyone who is busy searching for his own truth on earth. Wise sayings - catchphrases about the meaning of life - occupy an important place in the formation of an individual worldview. A thinking person will always strive to comprehend the truth, to overcome the qualities of the lower nature and cultivate positive traits in himself. It is in his power to turn every day he lived into a discovery, to make it filled and blissful.


The article offers you a lot of clever expressions and quotes from wise people for the development of speech and worldview.

Beautiful and fashionable buzzwords for conversation and communication about love: in poetry and prose

Each person should replenish his "piggy bank of knowledge" and develop speech, adding beautiful and clever words to it. This will help you in any situation to have a pleasant conversation with a person, dilute the dialogue and create only a favorable impression of yourself, as of a well-read and wise person.


  • Love also has its own psychology and it is very simple: if you are chasing love, she will run away from you forever. However, as soon as you turn your back on love, it immediately hugs you by the shoulders.
  • Love has power and it is not measured by the number of kisses, gifts and bouquets of flowers, and so how many times have you been able to save it and keep it above the abyss.
  • Romance is far from a myth. Romance is a desire to decorate any place and thing. with your loved one.
  • How is love different from falling in love? It's very simple: falling in love disappears just as it appeared. Love cannot disappear, and every day it becomes stronger.
  • It is not accepted to shout about love, it is not worth proving. Your eyes and smile will tell about love, and deeds will confirm.


Love like a bud blooms
Under the sunny clear sky.
Love accompanies you
Wherever you are!

Keep love in your soul and heart
Don't you dare share it with your friends.
She will give you a chance to keep warm
When it's frosty at night.

Love helps you breathe
Love helps to believe.
Be ready to give love
Everything in the world, open all doors!

Love is your inspiration
She gives life a fairy tale
Creates your mood
And brings with it a caress!

Love is great wealth
And you don't need to hide from her!
Love will save you from evil
Will give light and shine of good!

Beautiful and clever words about love

Beautiful and fashionable buzzwords about the meaning of life and life with meaning: in poetry and prose

Reasoning about the meaning of life helps each person to form in their souls concepts of good and bad, to establish spiritual searches, improve the quality of life and completely change their worldview. Such words and lines can be copied into notebooks and personal diaries, taken into quotes and epigraphs, used as a life credo or motto.


  • In life, you should never miss an opportunity to learn something. while we are learning, we are young at heart.
  • If you are constantly thoughts and soul in the past you can never build your happy future.
  • Continuously moving towards success , success has no end point!
  • If you can't get what you want - this does not mean that you want too much. This means that you put in too little effort.
  • You can survive any falls , but only when your spirit has not yet had time to fall!
  • Be sure that the meaning of life always exists. If you haven't found it yet, you've just looked badly for it.
  • If you want to acquire something and bring new changes into life , get rid of something old first.
  • Chasing a dream should only be then when it is great - you will not lose sight of such a dream and will be able to catch it.


Understand the secret of a carefree life
And find peace and peace
A lot of good thoughts will help
You will be happy in an instant!

Silence and goodness of the whole world
Will give you harmony
Happiness and strength will come to you
And you will find peace.

Love people, love yourself
Try to be happy
And your life will pass loving
Everything is kind and beautiful!

The meaning of life is different for everyone,
Someone is kind, beautiful,
Someone has it small and insignificant,
But always like a dream.

Your happiness hides in dreams
In beautiful and vivid dreams,
Striving to be beautiful
Imperious and very strong.

Clever sayings about life and the meaning of life

Clever words about girls, women, loved ones: in poetry and prose

A woman is the magic of the world, about which many poems and prose have been composed. Women are praised and admired for their beauty, compared to the Divine and songs are composed about them. Every woman is unique, but any statement about them is true.


  • Tell a woman that you love her beauty - wrong. You need to love a woman completely and completely: her tears, her sadness and sadness.
  • A woman is comparable to a shadow on a sunny day : if you try to catch up with her, she will confidently run away from you. As soon as you leave, she will follow you.
  • A real woman can not only seem , but also to be wise so that a small oversight of stupidity seems like a "gift" for a man.
  • It's very easy to understand a woman - just look at her, but don't listen at all.
  • Woman is such an unearthly creature that it is worth walking down the street for her to remain in a man's heart for life.
  • You can only understand a woman by becoming a woman. but if it is impossible to become a woman, her being can only be accepted.


A woman is submissive only to God,
All roads are open for a woman
Only a man can love her,
That has power, confidence, strength.

Woman is the beauty of the universe
She is wise, unforgettable
There is meaning in her eyes
Every life needs it!

There's a secret in the eyes of a woman
Which is no more beautiful.
But, I can't figure it out,
Men cannot know him!

A woman needs to be loved
Keep a woman in your heart
To carry with you through life,
She will help along the way.

Women will warm their hands
Relieve pain and boredom
They will give warmth and care
They will bring freedom to the soul.

Smart and beautiful words about women

Clever words to a loved one, a son: in poetry and prose

For many centuries mankind has praised masculine strength and spirit, composing songs and lines about them. Clever expressions, as well as quotes, can be found now. There is confidence, faith and power in the male being.


  • A man will give preference to only that woman who is able to believe in him more than he does himself.
  • The best a man can do - to make happy the woman who is next to him.
  • A man should be more than just that whom I would like to listen to, but also the one whom I would like to listen to.
  • In front of a man, a woman can break not then when she has a great passion for him, and then when she has a great weakness for him.
  • The calmness of a woman is very often found in strong and courageous hands.
  • The secret of a woman's love is very simple. : she loves a man only because he loves her.
  • The strength of a man is how much he is able to take the first step. Unfortunately, not every man is given to understand that the first step is his responsibility.


A man is a strong figure.
Strong, strong is his nature.
A man needs to submit
Share love and goodness.

The strength of a man is strong and strong
Its power is felt from afar.
So that a man can please a lady
She should be his wife or mother.

A man is a symbol of celebration
His soul is as strong as steel!
He is moving towards success,
He is not worthy of lies and laughter!

Being a man is a great burden:
Strong muscles, thick skin,
It's not easy being a man
But being a man is good!

Protects from any rain
And will save you from any threat
He is worthy of loving life
Walk through storms and thunderstorms.

Smart and beautiful words, as well as statements about men

Clever words about good, happiness: prose and poetry

Every person strives to live in peace and prosperity. Only then will he be able to achieve the desired goals when he comprehends the real significance of such values \u200b\u200bas goodness and happiness. Clever sayings that wise people have created for centuries will help him understand the essence.


  • Happiness without good - a myth.
  • Do not be afraid to give good - it will return to you twice!
  • Good is like a log that you put in the hotbed of the relationship. The more firewood, the happier your life will be.
  • Good habit : at the first glance at a person, think only good about him.
  • The greatest wisdom which a person can comprehend in his life is good.
  • Only that person can be happy who will ask forgiveness for all his evil.
  • Any ailment is capable of to cure not evil, but good.
  • He who sees no good in others, he is evil!
  • Abiding in goodness , forget evil and become happy!


Good and evil are always in battle
And they conquer a person.
Good - the soul is a reflection
And if evil is there, you are a cripple!

Be happy every day
Bring only joy every day
And good is behind you like a shadow
Will go, taking away fatigue!

Happiness is not difficult to find
Be kind and anything is possible.
Do not harm other people
And they will forget your evil!

Drive evil away from you
Fill yourself with good
So that life is good
The soul was happy!

The secret to a happy life
Kind, faithful thoughts,
Great work and love
To everything that surrounds you!

Statements and clever words about goodness and happiness

Clever words about relationships, friendship and friends: prose and poetry

Friendship is an important part of human existence. Each person should have a friend to share with him his problems, joys and worries. Friendship, compare science and feeling, does not need to be understood, it should be accepted.


  • A good friend only goes to the one , who himself knows how to be a good and faithful friend.
  • A person chooses his own friends, but life selects the best.
  • If a friend shares with you his experiences and difficulties, you should not assume that he is asking you for help, he just trusts you.
  • If the friendship ended , then it is unlikely that it ever began.
  • Friendship is food , and a person needs food every day.
  • Friendship should be understood as value or treasure ... You can never get more of it than you give.
  • A friend can be called that person , who appreciates not only the good in you, but also knows about the bad and, nevertheless, does not stop loving you!


Friendship is like sweet fruit
Not everyone will rip it off
Not everyone will touch it,
Not everyone will try it.

There is no good more valuable than friendship,
Try to go around the whole world
She is in any reflection of the sun
It beats like a clear stream in the ground!

Friendship is not easy and not easy
But a person of any age is capable of this.
The main thing is to believe in others and love,
Be conscientious, be faithful to them.

Give your friendship to others
And others will give you.
If your friend is not only you,
This feeling adorns you!

Hearts are connected by friendship
Friendship is like steel, strong.
A friend will save you from evil
Will bring you good!

Clever words about friendship

Clever words about children and love for children: prose and poetry

Children are “flowers of life”. Everyone knows this phrase because it gained its popularity for its truthfulness and sensuality. Only a child is not a spoiled creature capable of carrying goodness and faith, love and inspiration.


  • You should always pamper your child, because no person knows in advance how difficult and cruel his life can be in the future.
  • An adult should often take an example from a child, because only children can enjoy life so sincerely and carefree.
  • Child - the reflection of the father and mother, like a drop of water reflects the Sun.
  • The child needs to be loved not for his dignity, but for the fact that he simply is.
  • The child does not need to be raised, you just need to treat him like a human being.
  • No need to try to grow one of your child, just help him become himself.
  • Wealth - this is not gold and precious stones, this is a happy and healthy child!


Children are of great value
They give you loyalty
They give you joy
And life is a great sweetness.

Love the child and appreciate
Give him your love,
After all, many, many years later
He will return that love in return.

Happy is only the one who once became
A parent to a child is important.
Appreciate and take care of the child
Put all your strength into it!

More expensive than riches and treasures of all
Only light, happy children's laughter.
You cherish and appreciate him,
He is the sweet music of your love!

A child is a gift from God
Your day is happy and bright with him,
Be a kind parent to him
And life will be delightful!

Clever words about children

Funny, clever words, statements with humor

Statements, quotes and aphorisms from simple and famous people with a share of humor will always help you understand the truth of life, help you draw conclusions in many things and gain wisdom. Jokes or ridicule that may be present in phrases are needed only to indicate the mistakes and stupidity that a person can commit.

Clever and funny sayings

Sayings with humor Funny sayings

Proverbs and sayings with smart words: examples

Proverbs and sayings have been created for centuries. Each of them will hold back not only clever words, but also a way to influence a person, changing his understanding of the world and his actions. Reading and memorizing such proverbs is very useful for a person. So he develops his thinking, worldview and becomes wiser.

Japanese smart proverb Smart proverbs and expressions

Jewish proverb

Words you need to know to look smart: examples

If you know that you are not strong verbally and are not articulate, you should put a lot of effort and time to fix it. Memorize a few "smart phrases or words" in order to skillfully let them into spoken language and then the interlocutors will be able to add only favorable impressions about you.

Smart words Smart expressions

Smart quotes

Compliments for men and women in smart words: examples

World cinema stars, entertainers, philosophers and writers have for centuries come up with wise compliments to members of the opposite sex. Some of them were dismantled for quotes and gained eternity. Reading and memorizing such phrases is useful not only for your development, but also in order to change your attitude towards people for the better. Phrases from songs in clever words A statement about people A statement about peace and war A statement about women

Polite, kind, good, helpful, long clever words with the meaning of communication

Smart words can help you improve the quality of your communication.

Clever words for communication

Polite, kind, good, helpful, short smart words with meaning for conversation

Fill your speech with nice and polite words to make people enjoy talking to you.

Polite and kind words for communication

Video: "Clever thoughts of great people. Quotes about life"

The fresh collection includes Prosecutions with beautiful drawings and video clips.
  • The secret to being boring is being able to tell everything about yourself.
  • The only thing that helps me now is books. I read constantly. He dropped out of school as a child. There was no time for literature. And now we have to fill in the gaps. And I love it, damn it !!!
  • He kept trying to find the country of Happiness. A country full of good, simple people. A country where they could brew normal coffee.
  • Without fear, people turn into reckless fools who often give up their lives. Isaac Asimov Fantastic Journey II
  • The disease of love is incurable. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
  • Parting is to love what the wind is to fire: it extinguishes a small love, and inflates a big one even more. A.I. Kuprin
  • Based on the opinion that children are joy, and men are weakness, it turns out that weakness is good, because without weakness there would be no joy.
  • No person is happy until they feel happy. M. Avrely
  • Everyone has egoism, it is impossible to get rid of it completely. But in other people it evokes condemnation ... G. Beecher
  • And do not think that they will love you if you do not love yourself!
  • The most important things in the world were accomplished by people who kept trying even when there was no hope left. Dale Cornegie
  • Love preserves beauty, and a woman's body lives with caresses, like a bee with flowers. Anatol France
  • Love is a joyful acceptance and blessing of all living and being, that openness of souls that opens its arms to every manifestation of being as such, feels its divine meaning. Semyon Frank
  • At the heart of optimism is pure fear. Oscar Wilde
  • My mom used to tell me as a child that money doesn't matter. Truth and honesty will lead to success in any area. However, she was mistaken in many other things Barzan
  • If a person can say what love is, then he did not love anyone.
  • You are always responsible for those who are near, especially the one you have tamed to eat with your palms.
  • A person loves and respects another, as long as he cannot judge him, and love melancholy is a consequence of insufficient knowledge. T. Mann.
  • For some reason, many women think that having a child and becoming a mother are the same thing. You might as well say that it is the same to have a piano and to be a pianist. S. Harris
  • Female attractiveness is only strong when it is natural and spontaneous.
  • The meaning of an egoistic life is to exist only for oneself. And if this “I” somehow suffers, collapses, there is no more need to live. N. Ostrovsky
  • Every third inhabitant of the planet suffers from some form of mental illness. Think about your two best friends. If they're okay, then it must be you. George Carlin
  • Prettyness is necessary for women to be desired by men; foolishness is for beautiful ladies to be attracted to men.
  • The power of a magnet is transmitted from iron to iron, just as the inspiration of a muse is transmitted through a poet to a reader and listener.
  • Reason is capable of correcting any stupidity, but there is no such intelligence that, in spite of everything, could not be disfigured by stupidity.
  • We really love to love our favorite memories, but in fact, all the best is just ahead!
  • Happiness is a ball that we chase while it rolls, and that we push with our foot when it stops. P. Buast
  • Love is eternity given in time. G. Malkin
  • I am not offended when they say that I am a fool - I know that I am not.
  • If they were building a house of happiness, the largest room would have to be reserved for the waiting room.
  • A chance meeting is the most non-random thing in the world.
  • If you are working towards your goals, then those goals will work for you. Jim Rohn
  • If you are intentionally going to be less than you can be, I warn you that you will be miserable for the rest of your life. Maslow
  • If you want to know how to help your children, leave them alone! George Carlin
  • Men remember many women only when they want to forget about others.
  • There are two ways to get rich. One to earn more. Others want less. The problem is that most people can't do either.
  • I have always felt that I did not exist; the only opportunity for me to be is probably to be someone else. That's why I wanted to become an actress.
  • Falling out of love, you don't cry. You cry when you stop loving you.


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